Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 23, 1865, Image 3

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SAV ANN A. 11. Drpoiturv at Memraeklp* anil k,an«n. rua m tobs. Steam-fop NisLliugsle, B.luiUay. Deermber 111, at o'clock Steamship San ialrador, -Jalurday, Uai ember 2.1, at 1 o’clock p. m fitsamahip CouaUtsiioa, batn.cLj, December' 2*d, at o’clock. fiuanubip Leo, Saturday, Decuuhw aid, at o’dlock. roa aaLtiuou. Steamship North Point, Satuiday, December Md. at 12 o’clock. for aroma. Steamer Harry Carrou, Saturday, add December, at 8 o’clock a. m. Steamer VVm. 0. Gibbons, every Saturday morning at 9 a. m. „ FOR CELISLEaTON. Steamer Cbariea Houghton, every Tueaday morn lag St 8 o'clock. Steamer City Point, every Saturday morning, at 9 o’clock. FOR UOCTOBTOWN. Steamer Two Boys, every Tuesday morning, at 8 o'clock. Steamer Orleut, every Tuesday working, at • o'clock. Steamer Gen. Shepley. every Sunday morning, at 7 o’clock. Steamer Clarion, every Thursday morning, at 7 o'clock. FOB TUOKAbVn.LI Steamer O. F. Potter, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning, at ■ o’clock. FOR FLORID*. Steamer Fannie, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer City Point, every Wednesday alternoon. at 4 o’clock. Steamer Lizzie Baker, every Thursday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday luornlug, at lo o'clock. Steamer Helen Qetty, every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock. Personal.—Mr. Joseph Fitzgerald, who has for some months had charge ot the Herald counting room, leaves for the Northjloday by the steamship Constitution. Amiable, Industrious aud faithful, he has been of great assistance to us In conducting the bushiest department of the Herald, during a period when the labois were aevere and almost incessant' We wish him every success In the new enterprise which calls hint North. of Moles.—on Friday last the stablea of Mr. G. W. Greiner lu Augusta. Ga., were entered by Adam Bryan aud Joseph Jenkins, negroes, who stole three very valuable mules with which they were making their way to Savannah. Mr. Patrick Cody, .special Halted States Deteetive, having been lit termed by Mr. Lueua, residing at No. Central Ktulroad, that the thievea with the atoleu property were near his residence, proceeded Immediately lo that place, arrested them and secured the animals. Thu scoundrels and the property stolen were brought to the city. The thieves were lodged in Jail aud the animals placed In corral until their owner can re claim them. Willful and Malicious Mischief.—Theodore Ho lier and Anna Kober were arrested yesterday charg ed with willful and malicious mischief, lit destroying certain property situated ru Oglethorpe Town, Sa vannah, committed on the 21st lust. The accused were arrested and gave good and sufficient recog nizance tu lire sum ot one thousand dollars for their appeuruuce at the neat Jouuary Term of the Super ior Court of Chatham county. Counsel for prosecu tion, Rufus E. Lester, Esq., tor defendant, H. Wil liams. I>q. Bruch Focchrb a Co.'s Ouakpaionf.—This su perior wine, but recently known In thiacouutiy, has been Introduced In this city by Dr. W. M. Walsh, druggist, who la the sole agent for the State. The Bruch jfouchet wines, comprising the ’’Luc D’Or,” •Carte D’Or," and “SlUery,” are claimed lo be the tlnest In this market, and arc so pronounced by all who have tried them. Dr. Walsh has also a well as sorted stock of fine liquors for medicinal purposes. New Groceries.—Attention Is directed to the ad vertisement of A. C. Lometino, Esq., corner of Bull street and Congress street lane, who has on hand a general assortment ot groceries and liquors, which lie offers lor sale on the most reasonable terms. THE COURTS. BEFORE HIS HONOR E. C. ANDERSON. Savannah, Dec. 22. 1865. Wm. B. Gass. Improper conduct—ln stealing Eram the person of T. Murray, 3P. M., Dec. 81,1865. His Houor after a careful Investigation turned the neonsed over to a Magistrate for prosecution. Tlirmas Cook. Improper conduct—lying in the streets 3% A. M, Dec. 22d, 1865. The defendant was found guilty and fined In the sum ol two dollars. BEFORE CAPT. BARD WELL. The United States vs. T. S. Solomon. Disrespect of orders from this Court. Found guilty, and fined Ut the sum of $lO, or five days imprisonment. City of Savannah vs. R. Haymoud and Mary H. Russell (both colored.) improper conduct—fighting in a house on Bryan Row, Dec 2-M, 1865. Prosecutor A. A. Stokes. Acquitted with a severe reprimand. Jame 9 Patterson vs. James Gatea and K. Potter, '(colored.) Stealing wood from Potter's Plantation, Dec. 15th, 1836. Found guilty The defendants were -ordered to work on the streets of the city for the derm of tan days. Wood ordered to be turned over >to the plaintiff. In the oase of the United States vs. Charles Ford, iFrancls KoueUe and Robert Simmons. Charged with ’having four cow hides In their possession, stmposed -to .have been stolen, and property of complainant, titufi- from the. Government corral at HUton*Head, S. C. Ttieyiroparty was ordered to be turned over to defendants, at' .evidence,being adduced hy'Ake Gov ernment teshosr rtwtdtte property was stolen. De fendants were acquitted. in the case of the United States vs. Walter Raleigh and John Monroe, (colored) -4’onvuued Iront the llth instant, charged with larceny of cotton, aud referred by Capt. Stone, Commanding Post of Darien, Ga., In which said Monroe was released on parole, to report each day until Ills case is heard and disposed of. Raleigh being ordered at the same time in confine nient. Tills case was brought up yesterday aud dis missed, no evidence being adduced to convict de fendants, Raleigh was released from confinement and Monroe from parole. BEFORE JUSTICE JOHN A. STALEY. Savannah, Dec. 22, list. •joefr.Turner ve. Capt bliss Weeks—Bail process. •Oudgwat* for plaintiff for the amount of SSO; Conn ■set forplAistlff, M. J. Ford, Esq.; for defendant, B. wtmaina,iS*q. .The State, ve John Turner—charged with desertion ! trow ship Virginia. The defendant was found not guilty ; Counsel for plaintiff and prosecatlou, Henry Williams,. Esq.; M. J. Ford, for defendant. .-i’ONTUKB’ Burl’Ll w.—A want lung felt among the oullilara and contractors of tills section Is about to be prodded for by the opening In connection with me Drug afore of Ur. W. M. Walsh, corner of Bar uard and Broughton streets, of a depot for the sup ply of oerlaln commodities In great reguest in the present era of rebuilding aud renovation, namely : paints, oils, varnishes, window glass of all varieties and kinds, and painters' supplies in general. Dr. Walsh has, thtougb his connection with the trade In < liemlcals, etc., established connections In New York in such a manner as to enable him to furnish tie above mentioned materials, at the same prices as sold in that city, at wholesale or retail. i.AKCBMY OF Hnos. —Two awtnleh Individuals, lovers of "hog aud bnniluy,” were arretted a few days since upon amdavlt made before Justice Juo. i. Staley, charged wltn larceuy of hogs. They were recognized as James Hheiiuan and Bradford Nlier roan and were required to glv. bonds in the sunt of It asm), each, for thetr appearance at the ne *t mriu 01 the Superior Court of Chatham count* The de 'endow* gave the tcentred h*U Connael set pioee sutlou, Uon. D A. O'Bytue, Ibr defrudeuw. t t ester Ives 1 emporium ol fasutou Is uow full of apjgndhl foods of all binds wanted la complete a geuliebeti't wsrimue, hate, .ape, oolUte, ctavale. warts ties undetehlrug «B*»#l*. h«M*ry, houto, ehoee, pualuees •oats, vuete, penis, SM» he has aloe aesoMiuanlof vkiths, ■ astiiueres and res Mugs, whleh Is wade up la «<yle, to order try trM cites tom autre aU in »•*• •*' *•« slaw goods ehuuld Mil upstO Mr leee orasr •hi siteei snd Bay l*ne B A (srd. The ladles id tbs law tor the bearßt of Ike pour. daaUe toarkaowledgelhelr indebtedueee te Mr. C. <1 Uasey. for ibe use of the nremen'e Hall; Maeau ■Mb Gas Company fur the liberal A melton of gas du ring the week ; tUvauuab National Republican, city Advert Met, aud likHaLD, for advertlelug la then col nmna free of charge, ami for their kind nolleea of the fklr; Mr, Smyth for the loan of crockery, aud lo all the gentlemen who eu nobly and generously con tributed to their aid. They regret exceedingly the rude tieharlour of the boye uu Thursday eteuing, which waa owing to a nils undelete tiding with the police who were lo have been present lo preserve order. Savannah, Dec. 21, 186}. Villainous Co.Noutrr.— On Thnreday night last, about twelve o’clock, someone of the numerous gangs of river thieves who luiest the ehlpplng in this port, cut the bow hawser of the British ship County of Pictou, lying moored at the wharf of the Upper Rice Mills. The watchman of the ship heard the the splash of tlie severed hawser lu the river and Immediately gave the alarm. The thieves beat a hasty retreat and were foiled In their attempt to thieve the portion ofaeveral hawsers attached to the wharf. The timely discovery of this reckless rob bery was a matter or much consequence to the ship ping In our harbor. Upon the ebbing of the tide, with the hawser and the spring fastenings gone, the ship would have swuug round and damaged the steam vessels lying below her, as well as herself. An efficent river police Is a great desideratum in the present state of affairs In the city. More KNViRPRiaE.—We have just learned that Mr. Paterson of our city lias purchased “Union Island,” near Darien, aud proposes erecting at once a first class "Saw Mill,'' on the site occupied by the celebrated "Allaiulu Mills." formerly owued by Mrs. Todd. The location of this island, for health, is un aui passed ou our coast, aud the fact that vessels of heavy draft can load at the Mill at all seasons of the year, has made the Atlantic Mills familiar to ship pets everywhere iu the good old times. Abusive Uansuaue in tue Pbrsencbofa Feuale. -On the 20'h last., Justice John A. Staley issued a warrant agalust Hugh Kellly and Mary Reilly, charg ed with using abusive language In the presence of a temule. The defendants were arrested and gave bonds In the sum of SSOO for their appearance at the February Term of ttie City Court of Savannah. Coun sel for prosecution. M. J. Ford, Esq., for defendant, J. R. Saussy, Esq. Thb Theatre.—The great Forrest character, “Jack Cade,” Is personated by Mr. Theo. Hamilton, our popular tragedian, this evening. Jack Cade la a role well adapted to the peculiar talent of Mr. Hamilton, and we anticipate a powerful rendering of It at his hands. The bill cl ses with the roaring farce of "The Wandering Minstrel,” In which Mr. Raymond Introduces his specialty “Jem Bagge,” with his In imitable songs "Rat Catcher's Daughter” aud “Villl klns and Bis Dinah.” Mr. Geo. Gray also sings two fine songs In a thoroughly artistic manner, which never fall to win an encore. Steam Pile Driver.—To repair the wharves of savannah a pile driving machine 1* quite necessary. Mr. F. Krenson, a well known mechanic and wharf buildef, has about completed a pile driver of th e most approved construction, the hammer being of immense weight and raised by steam. Mr. Krenson wHI have bis apparatus ready in a few days. Steamers savannah.—The accounts recently received from this steamer indicate that Capt. Silas Spicer has not been neglectful of the in terests of the underwriters and the |Governmani* The progress made thus far hi very considerable, aud should no rise occur lu the river, we may expect her In Savannah within a few days. Wharf Imfrovements-CoaL Yards.—Messrs. Clughorn <t Cunningham, Merchants, Ship Chandlers and Grocers, have under process of improvement the decayed wharf east of the Upper Rice Mills. This long established house Intends to spare no effort lo make their river frontage substantial aud permanent. Steamer Chatham.—We are pleased to notice that this steamer will ut a few days be ready to com mence her regular trips to Dublin; Ga. The Chatham being of exceedingly light dratt of water, she can ascend the Oconee river at its lowest stage. Captain McAdams, a careful seaman and navigator, la the master of the Chatham. Christmas Dinner for the Soldiers.—We lemrn that a number of public-spirited Northern ladles In onr midst are making arrangements to provide a bountiful Christmas dinner to the Invalid and conva lescent soldiers In the hospital at Oglethorpe Bar racks. Preparations are being made iu a most lib eral manner. Two Boys—Yesterday morniug about half-past se ven o’clock, the steamer Two Boys, Capt. Daniels, arrived from Doctortown, having u fair freight and a numUn of passengers. I’urser Rnumllatt has our thanks lor favors. Foundling —Yesterday morning due of onr City Police found under the Dluff of Ahercorn street, an Infant, alive,and about two weeks old- Mhijrpiiiff Intelliffcnce. Hlutature Almanac—'Mils Day. Sun rises 6 ssiMoou rises 10 41 Sun sets 4 591 High water U 29 FORT OF SAVANNAH. Friday, Dec. 99. 1865. * Arrived. Steamer Two Boys, Daniels, Doctortown—Erwin <X Hardee. Cleared. Steamer gtandish, Fabian, Augusta—FM Myrell. Steamer Island City, Lawrence, Hilton Head. Imports. Per steamer Two Boys, from Doctortown—2oo bis cotton and mdse. passengers. Per steamer Two Boys, from Doctortown—Miss V icing, Miss F htug, 1., E W Gefford and lamTly, P Laughlln, Mrs E W Solomons, W Clark, W A Beard and wife, C J Cunningham, S L Hays. A 0 Brown, M B (Irani. E F Mete .tile, G Beard, aud 6 on dank. Consignees. Per steamer Two Boys, irom Doctortown—Tison A U, F A Kenney, B. Baldwin A Cos, J M Latlrrop A Cos, O Fallon A Cos, li Brigham, E C Wade A Cos, G W Bethume, M Bealle. I.IST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Dec. 25, 1866. $ STEAMSHIPS. Nightingale, Breaker, loading, New York—John R Wilder. „ „ North Point, Smith, loading, Baltimore—Laßocbe Leo, Merrill, loading, New York—O Cohen. . San Salvador, Adkins, loading, New Yorr—B H Constitution, Merrill, loading, New York—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. SHIPS. Mont BlaDc, Donnell, 760, loading, Liverpool—La Roche, Gaden A Buckles. Virginia, Weeks, 1,044, loading at Lamar’s Press, for Liverpool—C L Colby A Cos. TUorwalsou, (Br) Bromage, discharging—Reid A Stewart. Favorite, (Bi) Spain, discharging—E A Soullard. Herald, Calvert, loading, Liverpool—c Green A Son. Mozart. (Bn Smith, tous, discharging—T R A J G Mills. County of Pic ton, (Br) McKenzie, discharging—C Green A Cos. Bark Creaduanght, (Br) Smith, loading, Liverpool —C L Colby A Cos. BARES. Craeao, (Br) Carrey, tous, loading. Liverpool— R ICaughey. Tcpbyrlue, Penistou, loading, Liverpool—Reid A •V A Plsttnlus, Plnkhaiu. discharging—C L Colby A Cos. Colonist, (Br) Taylor, discharging -Chaa Urceu A Son. Evening Star, Fry, discharging—Youge A Nikon * BRltls. Atlantic, Wark, loi tune, dlaoltarglug-B, Wylly A Clirhitlttu. H C Wright, lliigg, discharging—R Habersham A Bon. Ella, Brown, walling—E A Soullard. John W Lorltt, tlimot, loading, St Johns, N B Yotigs A Ntxou. Daniel Boone, repairing w . _ I'otomsc. Perkius, loading. New Yorh-W H Stark Resolute, Laue. laiuud to Ualleu. icpsttiug. ■OBOONIM. John M Broouiall. Douglass, loading. New York— Chae L Colby A Cos. marl, iMii Khtrduu. dlscliarglug—Sell, Wylly A Christian Wallet Raleigh, load lug. llosloii llnliler A Gain mai l ' Clara Ella, Heater, ■liacharglag- K A Hradley. lUrhei Vanaemian. High, disi%*rglug—HuuUr A U spawn Young Ttaser. Motion div.i.sigiug Van ll'tu ■ofyak* A Mun*y ■■■■■MiHaiHMwSkaaaMmniiiiMiiUwwßa PINK FAMILY PLUI'H, AT HTUARTA C»,i* AUCTION SALES. AUCTION! Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenins, AT THE STORE ON HROI'UIIToN NTRRET, Third door from Bull, Where will bo offered a general assortment of Dry Quods, Boots and snoea. Hosiery, Underclothing, Books, Yankee Notions, Jewelry. Ac , Ac., st the pur chseer's own prices. Terms cash; sales positive. , dl-SO AT AUCTION BY BELL, WYLLY SB CHRISTIAN. In front of the Court House on the first TUESDAY lu January next, between the legal lionra of sale, will be sold; Roce Hope Plantation, Situated on the Savannah river, 14 miles from the city, containing (1,060) Ten Hnndred anil Sixty acres, (Sub) Three hundred of which Is firs! quality tide Swamp, Ku o land; |IS0) one hundred and fifty acres* reclaimed, and (150) one hundred and filly acres re quires ditches to be cleansed; (3001 three hundred acres cotton aud provision land. Balance well tim bered. Houses sufficient to accommodate ;75) seven ty five hands. Barns, stables. Smokehouse, Ac. Terms made knowD on day ol' sale <l2O-td SEA ISLAND HOTEL AND COMPLETE OUTFIT AT AUCTION. Ball, Wylly & Christian, «► On WEDNESDAY, Janaary 3d, 1866, at 10 o'clock, will sell on tne premises, at Hilton Head; The new Sea Island Hotel, completely furnished with new lurultare of the latest style. also, 4 new Billiard Tables. Crockery, Glass Ware, Kitchen Furniture, Ac., Ac. Together with all the outbuildings, which, with the Hotel, may be readily taken down and removed. If desired. Sold In lob) to salt purchasers. dio -td GROCERIES AT AUCTION. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock, in front of store will be sold, 4 bbls Crushed Sugar 2 bbls Clarified Sugar T bbls Brown Sugar 60 boxes Starch , ID boxes Soap 40 boxes Hoarbon Whiskey 15 boxes Claret 3o bbls Syrup 10 boxes Matzena 30 hhda and casks Bacon Hams and Shonlders* Ac., Ac. ALB”, 1 fine Milch Cow d2B BY BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. Will sell st suction THIS DAY, In front of Store, st 10 o’clock; 10 esses Boots. Congress Gaiters Balmorals, Water proof Boots, Ac. d23 CHRISTMAS GIFTB■ By Bell, Wylly ft Christian. Will be sold at auction THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock, In front of store. Photograph Albums Breast Pius, fine and pretty Finger Rings Chatelaine chain. Neck and Fob Chain, Jewelry Setts, Lockets, Ac.. Ac. .. d23 ESTATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly k Chrlttlaa. On the first TUESDAY’ iu January next, within the legal hours of sale, will be sold in front of the Court House, in Savaunub: The Lot on the corner of West Broad and New streets, South Oglethorpe YVard, 100 feet front on West Broad street, by 260 ou New street. The im provements consist of threo bouses, which rent at S6OO per annum. Sold jor a division between the heirs, dltl-tawtf UNDERWRITERS’ SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. TO-MORROW. 23d lnat., at 10 o'clock, In front of store, will be sold ; 2 nest Cedar Tuba 12 boxeu Btarcti 1 nest Buckotd 1 box Pickled 1 lot Twine Sold by order of the Agent of Board Underwriters for account of all concerned. Terms cash. d22 AT PRIVATE BALE By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There bnviug been so many applications for Small Tracts of Land for locatlou, the owner of the above Land, feeling a disposition to meet this demand, has placed in the market, for a tew days, Lota of Five Am es, or more, part cleared, on the Augusta Road, op. K" • to the three mile stone, also on the White Bluff , opposite to the two mile stone. tf-nl6 AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly k Christian. 160 acres of Land, situated on the Vernon river, about nine miles from this city* The improvements consist of dwelling, barn, stablea, und other neces sary outbuildings. An abundance of fish, oysters, shrimp, Ac., con veniently obtained. Price of property, $2,000. n2B-tf By Bell. Wylly A Christian. AT PRIVATE SALE. 46 acres of fine Garden Land, within the limits of the city. The Improvements consists of ■ first rltss cottage dwelling, gothic style, contalningslx large rooms, with marble mantel piece, dining room, kllcbeu, library room furnished with shelves and glass doors. Outbuildings consists of farm house, containing seven rooms, barn, carriage house aud - tallies. Purcba-er can hare tha re fusal of com, fodder, buy, horses, mules, buggies and wagons. Also. 2480 acres ot heavily timbered land, situated twenty (20) miles from the dty, between the Ogeechee and C'anoochee Roads. An excellent location for a mill, or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation, 100 acres of the above cleared. Improvements consists of two small dwelling homes, with stables, cribs, Ac. tl-ulB BY BELL, WYLLY and( CHItSTIAN. AT PRIVATE SALE. The West Half of Lot No. 2, Calhoun Ward, fronting on Jonea street. The lmprovpments consist of a finely finished Brick Resldeuce containing Ten Rooms with gas throughout, and a well of excellent water and a fine Force Pump. dl3-tf LARGE SALE OF JEWELRY. - BV THOMAS J. WALSH. THIS DAT, at 10 o'clock. In front of store, will be . sold; A spbndld aaaortmeu of fine Jewelry, consisting of Watches, Ladles' Gold Chains, different styles, ana some very rich. Ladles' Pina and Blnga, Gent’a Fob Chains, all styles, Pina, Finger Rings, ac„ Ac. ALSO, A few dozen Non explosive Lamps, the best and most economical in use. Alio. Oils aud Cans. The attention of dealers is called to this sale, at it la positive, and bargains can be had. d24 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE: By T. S. Walsh, On TUESDAY, January, 2d, 1866, will be sold at the Court House, In the city of Savannah. at U o'clock: The Eastern Half of Lot No. 11 Jackson Ward, (lee simple, with Improvement*), corner of Whitaker and Hull streets The improvements ars a twostory brick dwelling, nine room*, with water In the yard and gas through the house; brick stable. Both build lugs have slate roots. Sold by penntsslou of the Ordinary of Chatham county, fbr a division among the heirs. Terms cash, purchaser paying for tides. n24 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. IN pursuance of an order of tha Court of Ordinary ol i 'hatham county, will lie sold on the first Tues day In February next, at the Court House door. In the rlly »! Bavannah,, daring the usual hours ol sale, all the undivided half lutercet of Jamee Bilbo, late deceased, lu the Shandy Hsll farm, situated uear the elty of Savannah on the Thunderbolt road ; said farm containing In all fifty acres, more er less. The eald half Interest told Ibr the nuipoee of di vision. JOHN O. TERRILL, d7td Administrator. At Auction. BY BLUN A MEYER. ON SATURDAY, Don. at, at 10k O'clock, at the stors of Kenned,, McL"* A Cos., MM Bay afreet, to rloa* consignments, luu lull* cfmlre Leaf Law 10 ffrklna do do ilo M do vary superior Canada Mutter U do New Volk dairy Butter la boxes Malaga Hateliu • barrets Vinegar 4 lihds ewokeiT MMoulder* 2 do tickled do 20 bUa aad Mhoutdar* sad “'t«l is do tWWM dfl* AUCTION*. I AintINLHTRAIDUH HALE. liv llliiuu Ac Mejor, By tu the Hoi. t'-urt "t Ordinary .-fChal bam couui/, will be *-id »n KA ITHUAV. Deoutu her M>, la Roheri-. etse os <h* t-reiuiare . I tel Meant hug. 1 lot W0.,1, 2 Corn Bine. 1 Wheal borrow, 2 Mare*. * C.Jis. 2Wn I <'»>i and I bWver Watch, buhl* the pr. u>tu,ble property ot Richard Burke, deceased, late i. Chatham county JOHN OMAHoNY, dto-td Administrator ad col. PRESERVED ORANGES AND FIGS. AT MTU ART & (0.-P CHRISTMAS AVU New Year’s Presents. A magnificent assortment, personally se lected in New York, juat received. SPLENDID BOUND BOOKS. Children’s Books, Games, Magic Wheels, Toy Books, in fact everything to please the little folk 9. Papier Mache. Rosewood, Black Walnut Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Chess Boards, Jewel and Glove Boxes, Folios, Ciibbage Boards, Ebony Checkers, Dominoes, and numerous other articles. FINE ASSORTMENT OF POCKET KNIVES, SCISSORS, kto. WIRE PURSES, VELVET PORTMON NAIES, POCKET BOOKS, SHELL AND PEARL CARD CASES, OPERA GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPHIC AIoBUMS IN VELVET AND MOROCCO; HART'S PLAYING CARDS, HAIR, TOOTH NAIL BRUSHES, COMBS, and everything else in that line. LUBIN'S GENUINE EXTRACTS AND SOAPS, PHALON'S NIGHT BLOOMING CEREUS. A tremendous stock of Writing Paper aud Envelopes, PAPIER FASHIONABLE etENVELOPES Presses to Stamp Initials on Paper and En * velopes. LARGE STOCK OF BLANK BOOKS, BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS. THE LATEST AND BEST MUSIC. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FAIRCHILDS CELEBRATED GOLD * PENS. We particularly call the attention of those desirous ot purchasing first class Goods to our splendid selection, one which has never been excelled, and seldom equalled. JNO. C. SCHREINER & SONS, Opposite Pulaski House. A C. LOMELINO, DEALER IN Groceries, Proyisions, Wines, Liprs, &e. an-n tvtax other aktht i in the obcuebx mne UNDER MASONIC HALL, (Comer of Bull Street and Congrcsa Street Lane,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. _ dl3 -3m JOHN MEBRTMAN. R. U. MARINO. JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Farmers’ and Planters’ Agencv FOR the sale of Guano, Fertilizer*, Live Stock, Im plements and Machinery, Seeds, Ac. ©7 W. Fayette Street, BALTIMORE. Refer to John S. Gtttinga, President Chesapeake Bank ; Cha*. Goodwin, Cashier Franklin Bank, Balti more; E. C. Wade A Cos. and P. H. Behn, Savannah. nl4-3m Holiday Presents. A LARGE and elegant assortment of French, Eng lish and Bohemian Ware, consisting of DINNER. TEA, TOILET, COLOGNE AND LIQUOR SETS, Ac., ftc., suitable tor Holiday Presents. QUEENSWARE HOUSE, 109 Broughton street, second door from the corner of Bn.l street. d7-tf B. D. SMYTH ft CO. GUANO. PERUVIAN snd Swan Island Guanos, Superphos phates, and tbe Bruce Concentrated Fertilizer, are offered to the Trade at the lowest wholesale prices, by GKO.E. WHITE A CO , 55 Cliff street. New York. nl6-3ra T.J7DUNBAR&XO7, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS, SEGARS. &C. 1 4-7 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) WF. invite the attention ot the Trade and the Pub lic generally to our large and elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquors, Cordlmls, Conserves, Se gmrs, etc., etc., which Is not excelled by any similar establishment in the State#. We are sole proprietors af DUNBAR'S CEDE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of which la fully established In this and foreign conn tries; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BITTERS, gnaranted superior to any article of the kind, de signed expressly for hotel and family use; DUN BAR’S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the utmost purity, and put up expressly for our house, of which we are sole proprietors and Importers. Sole Agents for Rubert Smith’s cele brated PHILADELPHIA AI.IC, in cases and barrels; English. Scotch and American ALE nnd PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon W HISKEY and AR RACK BUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United States, put np by us In cases for export and home consumption. T. J. D. A Cos. are sole Agents fbr A. ft H- W. Catherwood’e Pure RYE WHISKIES, XT and XXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed In quality and ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a large and well ee lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. Au assortment of SUGARS of fluent grades, manufactured and imported expressly for this bonne, whir h we offer at the very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES. GINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, and every description aud grade of Foreign Liquors imported directly by this house, and for sale In bond or duty paid, at loweat market rales. dWt-tf Figs. A CHOICE lot, both small and large drome. dl*tf CRAB. L- OOUrt A CO. H. O. RUHR, JOHN U. KCWE H. G. RUWE & CO., WUULMALt UKAUM 111 Groceries, Ales, Wines AND LIQUOR*, Os all daantptioaa, AT FALUGANINI OLD FAINT at AMD, Oorntr St. Julian 4 Bryan Bta., Near the Fetaskl ■"*** AM> 4X9 U4|R * MIM * o*a»K KHlk.a, UqlUlli, ke^ PIERCE UEUUT H iMtlf-alc »aad MrUlit !f»sler la Fine ih outran. B"Oi» aad Hhoex Chut.lnff, to, elgii and Domestic "W tort. Liquor• and Shoo. A'ao. St.than'. Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AMD CHAMPAGNE CIDER. in bottle and in wood. Loudon and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Rug. lieh Ale#, Ac. Liberal deductions made to tbe trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH, dll -ts and 62 Liberty atreet. X. Y KIRLIN, SRO. & ilUiifkE, Wholesale dealers in ALES, VIES AND LIfOES, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AINU BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED k DELIVERED. au2l ts WHISKEY! WHISKEY! -FINE OLD BRANDY, VINES, it. Peacb Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Ptke'a Magnolia, Spencer'e Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, 111 BA.Y STRSKT, (Herald Buildings.) • ALSO, aleop'e Ale, Mara' Ale, Apple*. Potato**, Onions, Pickle#, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. _oet6 tf_ ( FOREIGN i| IDOMESTIC|§3jj|i Vales wines Buii)uors4sec»rs MgHß SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS or Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. mo Provisions, <&c. THE undersigned are constantly receiving con nlgnmenta of Bacon, llama. Shoulders, Lard, Batter, Flour, Ac., on Commlaalon, which they will sell at the lowest market rates. KENNETH, McLEA, ACO., dls-lm 202 Bay street. J _ U ■■ "L'W-g" ■IBJgJiB I .! . . ron HAWKINSVILLES MACON VIA DARIEN, DOCTORTOWN. And Landings on the Altamaha and Ocmnlgae rivers. THE Steamer Oa-k, Capt. McCauley, Freight will be received for this boat daily at the Old Florida Steamboat WharL Lot of Weal Broad stmt, and .tored in fire-proof warehouse, free of charge. By this arrangement, parties having freight to ship can eave the expense of doable dray age and etorage. For freight, Ac., apply to J. B. PREBDEE, Agt. 109 Brnug)itou atreet. F. M. MY’RELL, <l2O Harris buildings. • FOR CHARLESTON, TOUCHING AT HILTON HEAD, - The superior steamer Charles Houghton, Capt. E. B. SPRAGUE, J having bee n fitted up specially for this route, and pnt permanently on the line, will leave for tbs above place Every Tuesday Morning at 8 o’clock. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply ou board et th« Florida Steam Packet Wharf, or to CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, Agents. t#" The Charles Honghton will leave Charleston for Savannah every Monday morning. d2B-tf FOR AUGUSTA, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS, THE Steamer TJ nion, H. D. Frasier, Master. will have quick daapatch as above. Freight received and stored in fire proof warehouse on Old Florida Steamboat Wharf foot of West Broad street. For freight, apply to W. M. MYRELL. Harris’ Building, Bay elreat. d-23 Or to W. Joaneow, on wharf. For LIVERPOOL. ' The fine new clipper ship DitEADNAUCHT, SMITH, Commander, having three-fourths of her cargo engaged, will have qnlck despatch. For balance of freight, apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., Comer of Abercnrn and Bay streets. Liberal allowances made on consignments to oar friends In Liverpool. d2O ts NEWROUTE TO South-Western Georgia, VIA BUNBURY AND STATION No. 4 AT LANTIC & GULP R. R The new and swift Steamer O. F. Potter Will leave her wharL lon* of Xbereom street, oa every MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 7 o’clock a m., connecting at Hunbury with a Una at stage* for Htatmn No. 4 A. A G. K. R. Passengers by this route will arrive at MUllou No. 4 lu time to take the train for Thomaavllle the follow ing days, cotmacilni at TboßMavtile with stage# lor Moullcello. Fla., and Albany. (J*. Metamlm, passengers Will reach Bavannah on Tuesdays, Tbursdajs and Maturdsys In UaM lor cIIDDEf l ima between Baveaeah aad ThomaevfiW, thirty *x passage only apply u> CHAM, L COLBY A ttJ, 401 I ■ Cos mar of ffUreuni and Bay Mrert*. FOR LIVERPOOL. wKm. j t ALuiUfi •*4 mbfSim, _ MHfTIWI. Empire laitne. FOR NEW YORK. Allanilc Mail NfemmMliip Uompuny. PASSAGE REDUCED TO - R3R. The new and last aide wheel steam WWt.h'P SAN SALVADOR. Atkins, mas Saturday, Dec. M, at 1* o’clock ns. For freight orpsaage, having unsurpassed accom modation#, apply to k B HARDEE. No. 18 Stoddard's Range. GARRISON A ALLEN. Agents, die No. a. Bowling Green, N.Y. FOR NEW YORK, ATLANTIC COAST MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PASSAGE AT REDUCED RATES. l**iro tao I , The very fast sailing Steamship !NT ightingale. BREAKER. Commander, Will positively mil on her regular day, Saturday, EM lust., at o’clock. For freight or parage, which will be u low aa any other Una apply to d«B JOHN R. WILDER, Agent. STAR LINE: FOR NEW YORK. The fine Steamship CONSTITUTION, Greenmsn. Commander will leave for the above pert on Satarday, Dec. <43d, at 111-8 o’clock p. ut. For freight or peseege, having superior state room accommodations, apply to dl# BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A 00. Murray’s Line FOR NEW AS®. YORK. odreWU CABIN PASSAGE, *25. DECK, *lO. Tbe new and splendid steamship LEO. F. A. Merrill, master, will leave (br the above port on Saturday. Dec. 23d, at IS o’clock. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo tlons, apply to dBO OCTAVUB COHEN. For Doctortown AND Thomasville. Tbs Steamer# Gen. Shepley, Orient, and s Plwion, Will mak# Tri-weekly Tripe to Doctortown, in con nection with tbe Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, leaving Savannah on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Bundsja. Through freight payable by shippers at our office. Freight received during the week, and stored free of expense. For freight or ptrage apply to CHAS L. COLBY k CO., n2O Corner Ahercorn and Bay streets. Freights FOR AUOUSTA, mHS undersigned are prepared to receive goods at A their Warehouses—free of expense and rov ered by Insurance—for shipment to A agnate and point* beyond by their regular line of light draught boats. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, sept 29 ts cor. Bay and Abercorn eta, ECLIPSE FAST FREIGHT LINE TO AUGUSTA. THE undersigned having been appointed Agents for this line of new, itauneb, and reliable steam boats, desire to Inform tbe public that THE KCLIH9K has her boilers In and her machinery all on tbe spot and will be ready to take in freight next week. THE RXPREBB, A mats boat to the Eclipse, la now on the line and furnishes a aeml-weekly communication with Augus ta by boats aa safe and reliable as any on the river. These two boats are entirely new and built espe cially Tor the Savannah river trade. They rate ASo. 1 at the In aura noe Office, and are put on the moat favorable footing. The attention or Shipper* la particularly Invited the advantageous arrangement this line has effected at Augusta, aa goods pass Immediately through to destluaUon without any further Instruction If shipped by these boats. No Consignee is aeceaaury nt Augusta and this ex pense 1, saved. Freight will be received at all times and stored free of expeuae, though it la the intention or the owners to take everything away twice a week. Itoata* r>M * WUI *** UM “ me OH by the other regular Goods should be sent to Demunda’ Lower Pram, where an Agent will he ready to receive and sign receipts for all shipments. «* T. W. AIMS A Cos. FOR AUGUSTA. The new llght-dranght nteamer Harry Carroll, Capt. KIRWAN, will leave aa above tor Augusta on ■etaiday, 3H Iwtaat, at 8 a. at. For freight or passage, having good accommoda tions, apply to LaBOCHI * WEST. dM-a Jonas’ Block. 0T CHANGE OF DAY AMD HOUR. •» FREIGHT AND PASSAGE REDUCED FOR JACKSONVILLE, INLAND, VIA BRUNSWICK, »T. MARTS AND PERNANDINA. THE STEAM EM F A. H H I K , t’AFTAIN M- NffLl Y. #>«iy I naaday Mlowtog at aaane hear until torthw fSjf iwat l* la vary eaaeUaat oadar, to aamamadad •*»«s waredrettak fare «/•# wm MgM a* laaMaga dMrtJ a* F kRYBBU- BA HMR h>W WfliMMB IhM to tv W JudHaa, oa ntn IDIFFB#' For Charleston, CITY POINT, Cape louts M. Coxetter, Will leave ea above Kvery Saturday, at 0 a. us. *or height or passage apply to R. W. ADAMS, or J. 8. CARHUTHEB3. For Augusta, THE STBAMRR „Hr H. MAY, 8 Will for the above place. Goods recelv- SmZ proof wareh0 "“’ too * Offire In Clsgborn A A * e ° t fromsavamrabcnlmt FOR BALTIMORE. The splendid rad feat Steamship NOKTH POINT Will anil for Baltimore on Saturday, Dec. S3, at 1* o'clock. mS2.? el * htor , p ** a< * e h4riß « onsurpeaaed accom modations, apply to LoBOCHK k WEST, Agents, dil Jones’ Block. For PaJatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S. FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. . JA ir f ~\ 1 1 The new and faat saiMng Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. King, Having been placed permanently upon this rout* will leave for the above places on K very Thursday Morning, at 10 o’clock. For freight m passage, having splendid eebln are nuKTaw’iSffi 0n bo * r<l - l “ e Florida Steam as .* CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, _^ f Agent,. FREIGHT. _ The fsst-saflllng schr. COQUETTE, Capt. Fergusou, b now ready to take < AJ11“ ffelght for the Batilla riv-r. and will JW A positively sail on Tuesday morning. ramEEHLra For Freight, apply to .... „ J-W ANDERSON ft SONS, °^ 3 ~ B i oiner of brsyan and Or) ton streets. FREIGHT AND *PABSAGE REDUCE® LOWER THAN ANY OTHER 1 ’ STEAMER: For Palatka, Fla., Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary’s, Far ms ndine, Jacksonville mud Plcolmtu. Oonnecting with steamer flora nmole for King's , tern/, hntfflNim awet aV landinus ou the at. Marys Biver. T H ® »nd fast steamer FOUNTAIN. Capt G. CYsmtiser. w!Ill leave as alcove on TUESUA). me 2®th lout., at io o’clock a. m. ford 1 * wharf, near While T s Uenlral Cotton Free#, or to A. COHEN, Agent. Daring the absence of the boat all goods wm he re- II Bruen lh * w '“ e,lou, * on t,l< wharf, by Mr. W. R. Freight payable on wharf. will furnish weights and araaorement of REGULAR WEEKLY STEAMER* between ■ j Savannah & Doctortown, Connacting regularly and punctually with the At lantic and Gulf H. R. The new, Ught-dnnpht, Iron aide-wheel "vemcr TWO BOYS, (Mate boat to tbe William G. Gibbons.) Capt. THOMAS DANIELS, Having enpcrlor accommodation tor frrtght aud paasengere equal to any of the ocean steamer*, will ply regidarly iMtween the above points, leaving SAVANNAH every TUESDAY MORNING UOCTOkTOWN every THURB - Is the desire of the owners of the Two Boys to make her an eccommodation boat for the merchants of Savannah and the merchant, and p lam ere along the line of the A. AG. R. R., until the completion of that road uud with tbia object lu view, no effort will he spared on the part of her owners, agent-* and of ffeem, to meet the wants of the freighting and travel ling poblU. Freight »lored in oar warehouse on Dillon >a wharf free of charge. EKWIN A HARDEB. D. Jamu Dillon, A*»t at Doctortown. dIV-iw t'OR J Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT St. Thamas, Pam, Pemmbncoaud Bahia xfvtSj J, The United State* and Brasil Hail Company will dispatch Ih* *9th off every month, A NEW AND), FIRBT CLABB STEAMSHIP, To Leave at 3 o’clock, p. at.. From Pier 43, North River. . All letters have to pare through the Poet Office An experienced Surgeon will b« In attendance n board. For freight an passage, having splendid accommo (lations, apply o FOR . HAWKINSVILLE AND MACON. THE BTOATMrmb OOROIT,’ CAPTAIN BURNT. Will leave as above with despatch. For freight, whleh will be received at the Upper Hydraulic Frees Yard, aad covered by insanhc* until placed oa board the steamer, apply to aw BRIGHAM. BALDWIN * CO. For Liverpool. mk J 3zx'~*‘ ■mu For Liverpool.