Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 25, 1865, Image 1
THE SAVANNAH DAILY HER A T.D VOL. 1-NO. 291. The Savannah Daily Herald mofUnWtt AND EVENING) IS muon »T W. MAHON At j^O.. * x ill B»* S>T»irf. S»fA«i«iu. Gnuauu. • HUN ittntmac Two Dollar* per Square of Ten Line, for Ant to ■uru.u One Dollar for each eubeeqaeut one. Ad wins, un ute inserted in the morning, will, if desired, «L»ar in the evening without extra charge JOB PRINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. THE SPECIAL MESSAGE or . PKEBIDENT JOHNSON. FAY* iHABLE KEPORT OF GENERAL GRANT. The President <m Tuesday, transmitted the (following message to the Senate : ’ Ui> the Senate of the United States ; In reply to the resolution adopted by the Senate on the 12th. I have tlte houor to stale that the rebellion waged by a portion of the people agaiust the properly constituted au thorities of the Uuitcd States has been sup pressed ; that the United States are iu pos session of every Slate iu which thu insurrec tion existed, and that, as far as could be done, the courts of the United Slates have .been restored, post offices re-established, and steps taken to put iuto effective operation the revenue laws of the country. As the re sult of the measures instituted by the Exe-’ cutivc with the view of indusing a resump tion of the functions of the States compre hended in the inquiry of the Senate, the peo ple in North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor gia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkau : sas aud Tennessee have recognised their re-, •pective State Governments, and are yielding [obedience to the laws and .Qoverum cut of the United States with more Willingness and ' greater promptitude than uuder the circum stances, could reasonably have been antici pated. The proposed amendment to the Constitution, providing for the abolition of slavery forever within the limits of the coun try. has been ratified by each one of these Slates, willi the exception of Mississippi, from which no official information has been received; and iu nearly all of them mea sures have been adopted, or are now pend ing, to confer upou the lreedmen the privi leges which are essential to their, comiort, protection and security. Iu Florida and Texas the people are making considerable progress in restoring their State Governments, aud no doubt is entertained that they will, at a very early period, be in a condition to re sume all their practical relations with the Federal Government. Iu that portion of Uie Union lately iu re bellion the aspect of affairs is more promising tliun, in view of ail the circumstances, could well have been expected. The people throughout the entire Suuth eviuce a lauda ble desire to rcuew their allegiance to the Government and to repair the devastations of war by a prompt and cheerful return to peace ful pursuits. An abiding faith is cutertaioed that their actions will conform to their pro fessions, nnd that in acknowledging the su premacy of the Constitution and tire laws of the U. S. their loyalty will be unreservedly given to the Government whose leniency ihyy caunot fail to appreciate, and whose fuateriug care will soon restore them to a condition of prosperity. It is true that in some of the States the demoralizing effects of the war are to be seen iu occasional dis orders ; but these are local in character, uot trequeut in occurrence, aud are rapidly dis appearing as the authority of the civil power Is extended and sustained. Perplexing ques tions were naturally to be expected from the great and sudden change in the relations be tween the two races ; but systems are grad ually developing themselves under which the freedmeu will receive the protection to which he is justly entitled, and by means of his la bor make himself a uselui and independent member of the community in which he has his home. From all tbe iuformatiim in my possession, and iron) filial which I recently derived from the most reliable authority, I am induced to cherish the belief that sectional animosity is surely And rapidly merging itsefl into a spirit of nationality, and that representation con nected with a properly adjusted system of taxation will result in a harmonious restora tion of the relations of the Stales to- the Na tional Union. The report of Carl Scburz la herewith transmitted, as requested by the .Senate. No report from the Hon. John Covode. has been received by the President. The attention of the Senate is invited to tbe accompanying rejiottof Lieutenant Genera 1 . Grant, who re-’ ceutly made a lour of inspection through sev eral of the States whose inhabitants partici pated iu the rebellion. . Andrew Jghmson. Washington, D. C., Dec- 18, 1860. Mr. Cowan then railed tor the reading of a report made to the President by General Grant concerning his late visit iu the South. I 11 1 1 bNANT OkN. OHANV’B KEPORT. Gene ral Grant’s igport was read, as fol lows : Headqrs., Army of the UNiTBnSrATF.s,'! December 18, 18<>5. ) To his Excellency Andrew Jobuson, Presi dent of the United States : Sir— l reply to your note of the 16th inst., requesting a report from me giving such in formation as I may be possessed of coming within the scope of the inquiries made by the Senate ot the United States IU their resolu tion of the 12th inst. I have the honor to submit the following, with your approval and also that of the honorable Hecretary’of War; 1 left Washington City on the 27tli of last month for the purpose of making a tour ol inspection throughout some of the Southern Elates lately in rebellion, and to see what changes were necessary in tb* disposition of the military force of the country, how these forces could he reduced and expenses cur tailed, &c. ; and to learn, as far as possible, the feelings and intentions of the citizens ot Jhese States toward the General Government, the State of Virginia being bo accessible to H ashington City, and information from this garter therefore being readily obtained, I hastened through the State without convers mg or meeting with any of its citizens. In ffaleigb N. C., I spent one day ; in Charles ton. S. C., two days, and in Savannah and Au «usla, Ga., each, one day. Both in travel ID g uud while stopping I saw much and con versed freely with the citizens of those States well as with officers of the army who have been stationed among them, ft i'ue following are the conclusions come’to hf me: f 1 uni satisfied that the mass ‘of minting men of the South accept the pres ent situation of atfaiis in good faith- The *iue*lioDs which have hitherto divided the “•ntinionta of the people of the two sections ~dsvery and State right*, or the right of a ntate to accede from the Union—they regard M having been settled forever by the highest tribunal— arm*—that man can re*ort to. 1 was phased to learn from the leading men whom 1 met that they not only accepted the ‘“‘'“•on arrived at aa final, hut now tire ■thoke of hatUe ha* cleired away and time hM been given lor irfUcliou, that this deci •mo ha* been a fortunate ou« lot lire wlml* ■'Uuujr, they rueeiving the Ilk* beuafUa from ‘ with those who opposed ihem In the Held In Ur# i ouuctl Km years ot war, du ;, *Hf *hicb, law was * Mooted only at the | point of the bayooet throughout the Btales in rebellion, have left the people possibly iu a condition not to yield that ready obedience to dvit authority the American people have generally been in the habit of yielding. This would reuder the presence of small garrisons throughout those Slates neoesaary until such time as labor returns to its proper channel aud civil authority is fully establish ed. I did not meet any one, either those lioldiug places under the Government or citi zens of the Southern States, who thought it practicable to withdraw the military foree from the South at present The presence of black troops, lately slaves, demoralizes labor both by tboir advice, and furnisbiug in their camps s resort for the lreedmen for long dis tancesaronnd. White troops generally excite no opposition, sad therefore a small nu mber of them can maintain order in a given district. Colored troops must be kept in bodies sufficient to defend themselves. It is not the thiuking men who would do violence toward sny class of troops sent among them by the General Government; but the ignorant in some places might; and the late slaves, too, who might bo imbued with the idea that the property of his late master should by right belong to him, at least should have uo pro tectiouWfrom the colored soldier. There i9 danger of collision being brought on by such causes. My observations lead me to the conclusion that the citizens of the Southern States are anxious to return to self-govern ment within the l T uiou as soon ss possible; that while reconstructing they want and re quire protectiou Irons the Government; that they think, is required by the Government, ami is not Imutilialiug to them as citizens i aud that it such a course were pointed out, they would pursue it in good faith. It is to be regretted that there cannot be a greater commingling at this time between the citi zens of the two sections, and particularly of those intrusted with the law-making power. I did not give the operations of the Freed men’s Bureau that attention I would have dime if more time had beeu at my disposal. Conversations, however, on the subject with officers connected with the Bureau, led me to think Uiat in some of thfe States its affairs have not been conducted with good judg ment and economy, and that the belief wide ly spread amoug the freedmen of the Sou thern States that the lands of their former owners will, at least in part, be divided among them, has come from the agents of Ibis Bureau. This belie! is seriously inter fering with the willingness of the treedmen to make contracts for the coming year. In some form the Fruedmcn's Bureau is an ab solute necessity until civil law is established ani( enforced, securing to' the freedmen tbelr rights and full protection. At present, however, it is independent of the military establishment of the country, and seems to be operated by the different agents of the Bureau according to their in dividual notions. Everywhere General Howard, the Able head ol the Bureau, made frieuds by the just and fair instructions apd advice he gave. But the complaint in South Carolina was that when be left,- things went on ss before. Many, perhaps the majority, of the agents of the Freedmen’s Bureau ad vise the freedmen that by their own indus try they must expect to live. To this end they endeavor to secure employment for them, and to see that both contracting parties comply with their engagements. In some cases, I am sorry to say, the freedman’s mind does not seem to be disabused of the idea that the freedman has the. right to live with out care or provision for the future. The ef fect of the belief in the division of lands is idleness and accumulation in camps, towns aud cities. In such cases I think it' will be fouud that vice aud disease will tend to the extermination or great destruction of the colored race, it cannot be expee'ed that the opinions held by men at the South for years can be changed in a day. And, therefore, the freedmen require for a few years,not only laws to protect them, but the fostering care of those who will give them good counsel and on whom they can rely. The Freed .men's Bureau being separated from the mili tary establishment of the country requires all Uie expense of a separate organization. Oue does not necessarily know wnat the other is doing, hr what orders they are acting under. It seems to me tfiis could be corrected by regarding every officer on duty with troops in the Southern States as agents of the Freedmen’s Bureaus aud then have all orders from the head of the Bureau sent through the department commanders. This would create a responsibility that would cause uni formity of action throughout the South, would cause the orders and instructions from the head of die Bureau to be carried out, and would relieve from duty and pay a large number of employes of the Government. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, U- 8. Grant, Lieutenant General. FOOD DAYSLATER MML FROM NEW lOM: We publish elsewhere in full, tbe special message of the President to Congress, men tioned in onr telegraphic despatches, ip which the President, backed np by Lt. Gen. Grant, places himself resolutely between the South and the onslaughts of the radicals. Hon. Thos. Corwin of Ohio, who was at tacked with paralysis on the 15th, expired on the 18th, at Washington. Mr. Corwin was seventy years of age at the time of Ids death. A terrible catastrophe occurred on the 18th in a building uear tbe Arsenal, in Washing ton. While s number of w orkmen were en gaged iu sorting and arranging ammunition an explosion occurred, instantly demolishing tlie building, killing eight men, and so seriously injuring several others that they are not expected to survive. The Legislature of North Carolina ad journed on the 18tb, till the Ist of February. No law was pagsed or bill presented for tbe government and protection of the freedmen. Benjamin Robinson, editor of the Fayette ville (N. C.) News, was arrested upon the order ot General Huger for articles which appeared iu his paper unfriendly to the gov ernment. The Cabinet was hr season on the 19th— The session was prolonged, and it is under stood that Mexican affairs wore fully discuss ed. The question of the legality of the pro longation of power by President Jaurez was raised, in view of the right el General Ortega, the Chief Justice of Mexico, to succeed to the Presidency in case of *ny lapse of au thority by the head of the Government.— Pending the settlement of this question, it is believed that no Uuilod Slates Minister to Mexico will be appointed for the present, at least. A collision look place in Norfolk, V'a., on the 17th, between the Twentieth New York Regiment and the Thirtieth lulled States Colored. A volley of from ten to twelve muskets was flrsd hy%e Twentieth upon the colored troops, which was about to lie re turned, when their officer* arrived and put an and to lira disurrhaw e. It, however, at one Urns threatened to he very serious Only one mm (cofared) was Injured Vert cold weather has Imwu experienced •t Ht lewis whsre Ure Mississippi was frozen over to that foot passenger* ereaaed on ih* SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, MONDAY. DECEMBER 25, 1865. ice. Between St. lnuii and Cairo, a dozen boats were caught fast in the ice, and much damage to river shipping was apprehended. Great loss of property has already beeu sue tained through the breaking up of the ice gorge, previous to the last cold snap. The European steamer which arrived at New York on the 18th, brought the follow ing interesting intelligence: * some idea ot the excited state of the pub lic mind iu France on the Mexican quesliou may be gathered from the fact that the acci dental presence of one Sherman’s aids-de camp General Schofield.iu Paris, whither he went for the benefit of hit health, has served to alarm Paris by rumors of impending war. The Spanish government showed no inten tion of abandoning Us headstrong aggression Id South America. , Two more Fenians bad been convicted and sentenced, the one to twenty years' and the other to ten years’ penal servitude. Twenty thousand British troops were stationed in Ireland, and. as an additional precaution, the Channel fleet had been ordered to winter off the coast. A special fommisston has been ordered to inquire into the Jamaica atrocities. Restoration of Georgia—The Provisional * Governor Relieved. Tlie tallowing has been addressed by Mr Seward UffiHovernor Johnson : Dkfartment State, „ . ) Washington, Dec. It, 186. T. ) To his Excellency James Johnson, Provisional Governor of the State of Gtoryiu, MilfJjdg eill, Ga. • Sib—The time has arrived when, in Jhe judgement of the President of the United Slates, the care and conduct of the proper affairs of the State of Georgia may be com mitted to tlie Constitutional authorities chosen by the people, without danger to the deace and safety ot the United States. By. direction rif the President, therefore, you are relieved from the trust which was heretofore reposed in you as Provisional Governor of the State of Georgia, whenever the Govern or elect shall have accepted and become qualified to discharge the duties of the Exec utive office You will transter the pa pers and property of the State now in your custody to his Excellency, the Governor elect. It gives me especial pleasure to con vey to you the President’s acknowledgement of the fidelity, the loyalty, and the discretion which have marked your administration. You will please give me a reply specifying the day ou which this communication is re ceived. I have the honor so Ire, your Excel lency’s obedient Servant. Ws. ft. SkWARI*. .MR. SEWARD TO THE GOVERNOR OF GERGIA. Department, of State, ' \ Washington, Dec. 19, 1865.) To His Excellency the Governor of Georgia, Millegevitle, Ga.: Sir— By direction of the President I have the honor herewith to transmit to yon a copy of a communication which has been address ed to his Excellency James Johnson, late Provisional Governor of Georgia, whereby he has been relieved of the trust heretofore reposed in him, and directed to deliver into your Excellency's possession the papers and property relating to that trust. I have the bornn* to tender you the co-operation of'the Government of the United States whenever it may be found necessary in effecting the early restoration, and the permanent pros perity and welfare of the State over which you have been called to preside.% I have the honor to be, with great respect, your most obedient servant, lVx. H. Seward. Eongrciijonal Item*. • In the House Mr Wilson, from the Com mittee on the judiciary, reported a joint res olution for an amendment to the Constitu tion, prohibiting tlie payment of .the Qebel Debt, which was adopted by 149 to H. * The House Committee on Appropriations have made a reduction of several millions from the Naval appropriations. The House Committee on a Bankrupt Law have unanimously agreed to report Jenck’s Bankrupt Bill. The Judiciary Cointaittee of the Honse of Representatives have agreed to report, at an early day, an amendment to the Constitu tion providing that the number of voters in the States shall form the basis of represeu-. tation in Congress. The judiciary Committee of the House has agreed to report a bill striking out the word “white” from the charier of Washington City. . - ' ’• ' Mr. Alley, Chairman of the Post Office Committee, will offer a resolution to the ef fect that the Government shall take posses sion of t&e telegraph lines of the ceuntry, and conduct them does the postal service. In the Senhte, Mr. Doolittle presented a bill to authorize the President to sjispend the Freedmen’s Bureau and Withdraw the troops from any State no iouger in rebellion, which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. A resolution, by Mr. Alley, of Mass., cor dially approving the recommendation of the Secretary of the Treasury for a contraction of the cnrrenqy, was adopted by 144 to 6. In the House, Mr. Hill, of Indiana, intro duceda resolution that the act of July 2, 18112, prescribing the Test Oath, is ot binding force, and should in no instance be dispensed with. A motion to table this was voted down by 32 to 126, and the resolution was then passed- There Is a strong pressure being made to indace Congress to indicate, by resolution or otherwise, that it is the duty of the Adminis tration to have Jefferson, Davis tried by a military court. General Butler is working the matter up, and-is backed by the Secre tary of War. They hope to force the Presi dent to adopt these views. They will find their mistake before they get thfoturh. / In a few days Representative Fiaok, of Ohio, will introduce a bill to prescribe the oath of offiee and to repeal the act approved July 2, 1662, on the same subject- An effort is to be made in Congress to re sume jurisdiction over that portion of the District of Columbia ceded to .Virginia. The following is the House committee to inquire into the condition of the. late Confed erate Slates': Stevens, of Pennsylvania; Washburn, of Illinois ; Morrill, of Yermofit; Grider, of Kentucky; Bingham, of Ohio ; Conkling, of New York; Boutwell, of Mass., Brow, of Missouri ; and Rogers of New Jer sey. Fifty thousand copies of Grant's repqrl are to be printed for gratuitous distribution. Mr. Egleston, of Ohio, has introduced into the Unhed States House of Representatives a bill to repeal the charter of the City of Washington, and place tbe municipal gov ernment in tbe hands of the Commissioners, as was the case many years afco. This wifi deprive tbe people ol all election tor local officers, and settle tbe unceasing ugiUtion ot tbe suffrage question. Geu. Butler has received formal acceptance of his resignation. Gen. Giant aUende tlie cabinet meeting*. Retrenchments have cummenoed in the Treasury Department. The clerical lon e is, being cut down. , Col. Brown of Freedmen * Bureau In Yir- Binis8 inis proposes to remhve all negroes in that tale to Government lauds iu Florida. iJsATU or nit Host. Tiiulias Coswim.—■ lion. Thus Corwin ol Ohio, expired in Washington at MS minuter past :i ou Monday allffuoon There were present at his Iwd tide, suiting others, Senators Davis sol Guthrie us Kentucky, and I .sue <>( ludh lia Mr. Wilson, hi* lots Dw partnar, Mr. Amu U, hi* private Meur. tar y white in Muslim, and a lady rslaltv# trow Baltimore He died will*, out * strugida. tte was ft laal July, and leave* a wile four daughter* and out son, now Charge and AJGters Inaiailno. Mis rttnala* wkU b* tenet to Ohio lor lournreut Secretary Stsntou lias asked for aCongres sional appropriation of $ 100,OCXi for the pur chase of Ford’s Theatre, to be fitted up as a de[<onltory for pn|ieis relative to sick and wounded, soldiers, and sanitary statistics. Tbe project ol making it a deposit of Con federate documents has been abandoned. NEWhxttHT FOR’es \ i ■> UUI-ieV e ,l. fVIU The Great Invention of the IN Hoop' Skirts,) J. W. Bradley’s Slew Patent Dupex Ellip tic (or Double) Spring Skirt, THIS I nveminu consists of Dnplex.(or two) Ellptlc Pure Reined Steel Springs, Ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, clastic and durable Spring ever used- They seldom bend or break, like tbe sin gle Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice as ldng'as any Single Spring Skirt that ever has or can be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing tbe Duplex Elliptic Skirt wilt be experienced particularly in all crowded Assem blies, Operas, Carriages. Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House Dress, as the Skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small gaee as easily and conveniently as a Slik or Muslin ress. i . * » A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will nevfr after wards willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses -and young ladies they are superior to all oth ers. ~ The Hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the single yarn covering which Is used on all Singfe4Reel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom rods ou every Skirt are also Double Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the cov ering from wearing off the rodß when dragging down stairs, stone steps, Ac., which they are constantly subject to when in use. All are made of tbe new and dTegantCo.ded Tapes, and are the best quality in every part, giving to tbe wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable Sod economical Skirt ever made. WESTS’, BRADLEY A CARY, slate J. 1. A J. G. West.j Proprietors of the Invention, and Sole Manu facturers, 87 Chambers and 79 and Si Reads streets. New York. For sals in all first class stores in this city, and throughout the United States and Canadaa, Havana deCaba, Mexico, South America, and the West In dies. i3T Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. . . JyS Stf NOTICE. BANK OF COMMERCE, 1 Savannah, November 25th, 1805. ( A N election fur Seven Directors, to manage the In. adairs of this Bank for one year, will be held, at the Banking House, on the Second Monday in Janu ary next, being the Sth of that month. Polls open from 10 o'clock a. m. to 2 o'clock p. m. '7 JOHN C FERKILL, n27-lawtd* . Cashier. BALLOONS, AT STUART<& CO.’S HOLIDAY GOODS. Direct Importation from London * j and Paris. JUST RECEIVED, a large and varied assortment of Imported Wares aud Fancy Articles, Suitable for the coming season, embracing In part: Statuettes—Bronxe, Besque and Parian Toilet Setts Clocks * Perfumery Ladit s’ Traveling Bags French Parasols Portemonuaies Milliners’ Fancy Wares Ogicr BxakotS e And an endless variety of Fancy Good®,"' ordered for this market and jnst received by ship Connty of Picton, and other vessels flow arriving. ' Fancy Goods by .the original package, to which the attention of Milliners and others is invited. W. W. LINCOLN, Corner Congress and Ball streets, . d2l-tf _ Monument Square. NEW BOOKS Ladies' Book for January U DeVane; a Story of Patricians and Plebeians. By Billiard. Book of Rabies, com lining the most notable Lore Poems in tbe English language. Songs of Seven Ingelow. Festival of Song. .. Home of Woshington. * Robert lialdy Macian Jtooke. .« Winifred Bertram. Early Dawn. Our Mutual Friend, bound and m paper. Bell Boyd, The Playmate. < Chronicles of the Schomberg Cotta Family. Just received by d*S • JOHN C. SCHREINER and SONS. * LANDING, Per Steamers Leo, Tybee and Constitution: BARRELS FLOUR kill 40 tubs Extra Batter JO tabs Extra Laril ' *. 60 bbla APPLE, POTATOES and ONIONS 40 bbls Pilot bread • , • so boxe. Assorted Crackers - ' 4o bbls Pitch , 40 bbls Rigging Tar 10 Sugar-cured Hams * 10 do do Shoulders Which will be sold low at 72 Bay street, between Abercorn and Lincoln streets. d9l-lw O. H. ARLSDGE. TWENTY-TWO YA.RIETIESOFCRACK 1 - ERS, AT STUART A 00. 8 FRUIT. WINES, X: CA BOXES layer and M. R. Raisins uU 50 drums Figs 10 boxes Prunes 6 bbls Almonds 5 bbls Dried Peaches and Apples Citron and Currants Mnco, Nutmeg* anil Cloves ■ 30 baskets pore Piper Ileidsleek Champagne, quarts and pints 2° doaen wry choke Sherry in doaeu very old Madeira .< •“•king wine. Brandy, Ae. Bye, Bourbon and footch Whiskey For sole by dU eoiltw CLAIiIIORS A CUNNINGHAM. PAVILION HOTEL For Rent. 'I’HAT well known. drebsMv kx-slsU, and Inafblv * p'Uakw rawbiwbawut, •Hasted on Hull •trust, l-sleAuT Ninilk llroad ftn*l llatt .Um-ts. t«*'Mpylng luut • nllift let* us su In se feet each, sn>l lln how he (••esthete, saa amitenlag ntoat fcrtr —m*. i* nijw ufsndM rsM. Ttarntf rsnliUft this sinpsrtr will Iw i«Mlre4 le mekeflor fwssHhrr renaife seu gw sstisfs*lei as teStyfo ikspseTtefti psfiuftni us issl w ft) MN M i laii lM lievt-lf I'issi (Tnlui, Gift Books, FANCY GOODS, TOTS, AC. For Christinas. JWT received, a flue assortment of Work Boise, i idiet Cases, Fancy Desk*. Glove Boxes. Ac. Also, a good supply ol Gift Books. Standard Poets, bound in Turkey Morocco. Juvenile Toy Books.Uamrs Rubber Bails, and everything required tor the holi days. * OCR STOCK OF ELEGANT PHOTOGRAPHIC albums is the most complete in the city. COOPER, OLCOTTS A FAHRELLY/ did ts J. R. WILSON, Photographer, 8. E. corner Broughton and Whitaker Strs.. SAVANNAH, GA. Copying done with the greatest care, ■ ' dl4 BROWN’S C ASTILLI AN BITTERS Tills unrivalled Tonic prepared from the Pure Juice of the Crape aud extracts, distilled from the Choicest Vegetable products of the South of Prauce, Italy and the Province of Castile (Old Spaln.l from which latter section they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, Indtspensahle to Hotels and Restaurants, aud valuable to Families, delicate females and children, for all disarrangement es the stomach, it la unrivalled. A never failing preventive aud Cure for Sea Sickness. None Wlio travel by land or water should be without the castilUan. -- " For Sitfe by YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE A CO. , Sole Agents, state Georgia. oct24-3m . Egg Nogc. JUdT received, a lot of Booream’s celebrated Port able Egg Nogg, ready for 'mmediate use, and more economical than when made by the old style. For sale by the Agents, M. J SOLOMONS A CO., ‘‘lfi ts Jones’ Block. Bay street. J EWE L R Y ! F. D. JORDAN, Di» CONGRKSS STREET, HAS just received a fine assortment of Jewelry, of tlie latest styles. Also Silver Fruit Knives, Nap kin Rings. Butter Knives, Card Cases, and Silver sets (Knife. Korkaud Spoon), In eases for children, Ac. U2l-1 w - - , : OFFICIAL. CITY OF SAVANNAH, 1 , Matob’s o Frick, y _’ December 19, ISBS. j The following sections of Ordinances are published for information of the public and will bo rigidly en forced: - ri An Okoinani'k for the protection of public wul private property in tlie llmlts of the city of Savan nah and for other purposes. • , Section 1. Be it ordaihoi by the Mayor and Aider men of the Cttv of Savannah and the hamlets there of, iu council assembled; and it is hereby ordained by the authority ol the same, That, from and after the parage of this Ordinance, no person or persons shall, within the limits of the etty of Savannah, write, carve, indito, paste, paint, or lu any manner deface or cause to be written, carv ed, indited, pasted, painted, or iu any manner defac ed, or write or cause lo be written anj marks or let ters with any material whatsoever, upon any pub lic building tlie property of rite city of Savannah, or of tlie United States, or upon the property es any person or persons, corporation or corporations. Section 5. 'And be it further ordained, That if any person shall violate any of tlie provisions ol tilts or dinance, he shall, or they shall, on conviction before the Police Court, if an adult person, be fiped In a sum not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. •> RIVER. - • >•’ Ordinance passed 2Uef August, 1839. Section 19. It shall not l>e lawful for any person or persons to throw, cast dr deposit, or cause to be cast, thrown or deposited in the Savannah Hlver, or on lu banks below high water mark, within the extended jurisdictional limits of the oltv of Savannah; rice chaff or any substance of whatever nature or kind which might in any degree lessen the depth of the water in said river, or any part thereor, within the limits aforesaid, and each and every personso offend ing shall, for each and every sncli offence, be fined in a sum net exceeding one hundred dollars. The Police will reimrt all violations or the'above. U2O-lw EDWARD C. ANDERSON, Mayor BOOKS, GAMES, TOYS, PICTURES, ALBUMB. ' PORTFOLIOS, DESKS, WORK BOXES, ETC., ETC.,'' . ' ' , SCITABM ftOg .. , CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Perine’s Splendid Lithographs nrj <• . > ' GENERALS LEE AND JACKSON, . THE MAGIC WHEEL I A Scientific Toy, producing a remarkable optical .* , - J - Illusion. -- J -o- ■ *■ •• . • , .• .ts • - Anew and very attractive Game, called The Coquette t * > A great varisty ol GAXKS, TOY BOOKS, PAPER DOLLS, JUVENILE BOOKS, ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, BRAYIR . BOOKS, BIBLE, HYMN BOOKS, te, ’'as,' r»e- For sale by 7 v ... IS. MAIaIaC*N, dgo-d 14T Congress street. 2# boxes Fresh Buckwheat Landing and lor sale by > <122-8 Cf.AGBORN A CUNNINGHAM. For Bale ~ ON CONSIGNMENT 25 BBLS Mesa Ben 8 Mills Bacon Bides , , 7 do Shoulders 10 bills Bam* •• All trie above Meats are ol the flrst quality and wel) put up. dike BRIO HAM, BALDWIN A CO. JUST RJCCiIVED BY A. N. SCARBROIfGD & (0„ 140 Congress Street: Ul| I A< KAO Eh New B* on Strips "" 20 packages NewlHaion Hhouhlaiy 1« pa. kagm New I-ard, put up in 2« pound 1>*I1» ’ t su kegs New Lard to Arklns and tube beet Orange rounlv Bilttei to boxas Clieaaft I'D bogea t'aa-llea tun bhla Kioar. bast brauda ~ Together with a ablvudr,| aaanrlnienl >4 kalaiua. Muta. *r„ he. dsuir Kerosene Oil, lu harlots and vases, , AT IIDMA I'ld HITiJMk.HU rucNlJWftU at, UMw the WuA ■Nm HA SICK. INSURANCE. Authorized fapitul, $10,400,000 - L. COLBY A CO. are prepared to Ukc . Marine Risks to any domestic or foreign port, and Fire Kicks iu this city iu the following named flnt class New York Companies, AT THE LOWlriT RATES. COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY' *0,000.000 MORRIS FIRE AND INLAND INSUR ANCE COMPANY 6,000,000 COM MERC FIRE INSURANCE COMP’Y,. 200,000 STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMP*Y 200,000 OHce in Jones’ Block, corner Bsy and Aberoorn streets; Branch OKce, corner ot Drayton and Bryan streets. . . . dl6-tf DRY GOODE AND CLOTHING. EINSTEIN 4 ECKMAN, Mo. 151 Comm St. saninai Ga. THE OLD BSTABXJSHED AND WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY conos HOUSE, • AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND ' DOMESTIC GOODS. HAVING just received and opened a very- large and select stock of Fancy Dress Goods, House- Keeping and Domestic Goods, Blankets, Cloaks and Shawls, Alio Hats, Boot* and Shoes. And articles usually (band 'it first earn Dry Goodnkmse. we STOGd moat raapectfolly Invite our former friends and customers; also Merchants and Planters visiting the city, tocall and examine oar stock before purchasing elsewhere. EINSTEIN A ECKMAN. nOvLtf 111 Congress Strset, Savannah, Ga. i)K¥ GOODS. HIGHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Conn try ,\ . . Merchants. •-V . ‘ ' ■ . 'A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, &C-, &c., &c., Remarkably Champ for Cash, CAN BE FOUND AT - A- no»chor th Go’s., 13 BARNARD STREET, COB. CONGRESS LANE, Comprising a general Assortment of Foreign and Domestic Gaods, Cloaks, Shawls, Ac. N. B—By strict attention to bmrineas, courteous and honorable dealing with our customers, we trust ’ to merit and rscsfvs s liberal share of patronage. A large tins of White Goods and Linens now open. octl» Blankets i Flannels CLOTHS AND CAB6IMEKEB BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MERINOBS AND ALAPACAB. .-I Received end for sate cheap by B. HATH, 0C123 IT4 Broughton street. Cloaks, Cloaks. 1 A DIRS’ Cloth Cloaks, a One assortment, just te- AJ reived by steamer. n2B-tf KINSTFIN * ECKMAN. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. JUST opened s large assortment of Zephyr Wonted Shawls, Son tags. Cloaks and Hood* Childr en’ Capa, Boot* and Others. Also, Irish Linens. Table Damask. Linen Towels Table Nsifotos and Doyles, md a variety of Fancy Ar ticles too nnmsreus to toesition. All of which we offer st very low pries*. „ _ „ * EINSTEIN A ECKMAN, novß-tf 4*l Congress Street. wnmiH fin v °» Anrnsement «mi Instruction, foe > • THE YOUNG. MAYNE REID LIBRARY, in twelve volumes, A with over one hundred Illustrations. BOUQUETS FOR CHILDREN; by L Maris Child, Mary Hawitt and others; to six volomee, hand somely Illustrated. ABBOTT’S AMERICAN HISTORY, to seven vol ume*, wlvll elegant designs by Parley, Chapin, Her rick, Ac. THE OAKLAND STORIES; by Qeorps B- Taylor, of Richmond, Va., to tear volnmet—Kenny, Claiborne, Gustave, Guy THE BRIGHTHOPK SERIES, in five volumes Ths Old Battle Ground, Hearts and Faces, Burr Cliff, Iron Thorpe, Father Hrighthopes- For sal* by & MAI.LON. fix* 14t Congress street. For Sale and to Lease, VALUABLE Cotton Plantations on the coast and In the Interior. „„ _ BRYAN. HARTRIDOE A 00, dfl-Kv 108 Bay afreet Holiday Presents * JUST RECEIVED: Toys of alt kinds a 'Crying Babies China Limb Holla Was and Ohlua Uebwe Fancy Haakatu - % OoatecUonary Cbriatam* Trass, ae,at OAngy Toys, »<v . « M MUNTa Ja4,| *“ •** U all. •( lam ABTKN & THROCKMORTON, Ni» Mil MoWKKY, NMW YORK, SB** M hadUar*' »M SslbSSMssjs® A '•'(J* • MktOL futibftk.d uuiuptiy al To leas maa rnwhar ■« wpii PRICE. 5 CENTS INSUKAMCD. PROTECTIVE INSURANCE the original TRAVELLERS' INSURANCE CO. OF HARTFORD, CONN, Insures sgalnst c 0 I L> E 2ST T S OF ALL KINDI. ♦ ““ '*• Policies written far snv term > so-e years, for any suui film one "“"th ot foul accidents; or $3 lossrfJLfif 10,00# ' ta ““ in case of disabling b.xilty “ oon >penaatlon whatever, whether travelline o ?7£ ,m carnally ranging from $S to SGO per | e »r JPeomioma made on three and five year^pouries lber " andI «oaut MONTHLY AND MARINE POLICIES sm “nt m Sp "ritten to an, accidents, UuVellC »>' k“d*7f ssnd. Any personhoying six*ona mnll.fT per ° ,O »- C^Ubreto. insuring against loss of OLDEST ***>«« COMPANY » itemTSS « Howom, vS* ? 4^«re%rt, .&?•" ~ *•», tor No Mmioat Examtu,, oN Htubikxd. ths United Stats* wST”* aud citießi “ written without delay wher ° policies are A PEW OF LOSSES PAID. BT TH* Tmelers' luoruct & *f a art f erd UP TO NOVEMBER l.r, JS&-, ’ Afo.W/cp.- Bescrtptum. Am Am - re f® mi,n ’ Sockford, ni M ♦*»<*> fiffor lammed finger ’ . B *'* „„ *hlnsfl Ctl, i ,er ' Osjesliurg, In 18 00 *O.OO hand In planing machine ’ C • jßSfesrt . “ BU9 Innkeeper. Dunkirkl ™iw York 80 00 100 - 00 Thrown from slciuh 3681 * a *° ; Manic‘ “ ,0 ° 75 0 Wls. Hand jammed tucoupitoi iWB WSnViM o **"’ N - 80 00 60 00 26 ° 4t K r whEell" S#UO 8277 800 10 ’* 8514 *“• 60 00 4879 Jerv& ° 1600 * oo ° 3783 k f“U St:Paa, ’' M, °' Timber' ‘°° U6O 46,9 400 10 80 tongs “ pslr of luge 566 T P , < ,’^ enwn J Dayton! Ohio w„u' lio ° *° °° sn adze, cutting knee 7 M m rC n* D i’ Hartford, Conn* Onr‘ 800 87i0 4370 ’sSSSSi « BMO ,M °° - 30.00 T*oo " 2 uo ° 10043 Merchm"'providS^ r 1 t a / en S e ' M l«.0O 4033 Moulder, Fort Warne. Ink" w- . 20M Ko ° 7«o «t urned *>F hoUrou 6 ’ Ind ’ *°®t S * Thrown' U °° #t4S “utiert 1 ’ Z “ esTlli »’ O. F«U Into Ro ° ,00 0 ° 8036 Hotel keeper, Lynn," Mass ’ w„„" * , 0 ° “ 00 as fjftsnsar- Mime Insnrance. FIRE AND MARINE Agency. SECURITY INBURACE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus ?. $1,600,000 PIKE NIX INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus $1,600,000 international insurance CO. Capital and Surplus...,. ~...51,200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO- Capital and Surplus ; .....$900,000 sa *ipSy e ,r e,t n9 ~ ,m No. 12 Stoddard's Range, Bkyatwet. RoUnbfQ BoixtlxaftTMftir • Xumurruxoe. 'TB* National Marine and Fire • INSDBAHCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEANS. CAPITAL, 7. •*OO,OOO • The undersigned beg* leave tu lateral the Insuring public that he has been legally appointed Agent for the above named ixuasany. and Is ready to l&. ha rlua. River and Fire Uuk* at customary rales. ' a 0. wYKKe, Agsul. Ufltce over Huuler A Uaiumsll, S4 lay street. Heter«ftcea u-tevite Cohagk Neuter A Utmmsil, Mrwlu A llardee >ai oetw Condensed Milk. I’RESH ARRIVAL. ritiiu AmH haw Ml respite* ky al yam* kin Don I ftiiiuii « airtvftd ysateiaar, s freak M■i if tin, si tee euf breed* sms hr them N f MiUiHofM A UA, ittt-if doten 1 utesfi, l*r ehesi.