Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Daily Herald.
BY 8. W. MASON * CO.
kamiklw. maws. *f‘** r '
U . T THOMnOK, Aeeoelate
mVAXXAH, MOXDAV, Ufcc’tMßKß It*. *W.
Today bring Cbriatmas, In order that all
connected with the Herald establishment
may bare an opportunity to join in the time
bonored observance of the day, and enjoy its
festivities, no paper will be issued from this
office on Tuesday.
To our readers, cne and all, we wish a mer
rv Christmas.
Since the dissolution of the Southern Con
federacy there have been many contradicto
ry newspaper statements of the numerical
strength of the brave armies confronting
encb other during the two last eventful cam
paigns in Northern Virginia. Nothing but
speculative opinion founded upon conjecture,
had met the attention of the public upon this
interesting subject anterior to tbe recent ap
pearance of tbe report of Mr. Stanton, which
gives a clear and concise statement of tbe
aggregate forces under the immediate com
mand of Gen. Meade, but directed by Gen.
Grant, at the two memorable periods of the
spring of 1864, and the spriDg of 1865. Ac
cording to the Secretary’s report, Gen. Meade
crossed tbe Rapid Ann on the 4th May, 1864,
with 120,380 men. This army was re-en
forced, says Gen. Grant, in his report, on the
morning of the 6th, by tbe corps under
Gen. Burnside, numberiug 20,000 men. It
appears trout this tbst Gen. Meade had un
der his immediate command in tbe second
battle; (Wilderness,) after crossing the Rapid
Ann, one hnndred and fifty thousand troops.
From the best information we can obtain,
says the Richmond Whig, Gen. Lee’s army
commenced this series of battles about se
venty thousand strong, and received
no re-enforcements, accept the small
force of three or four thousand that came
from the Valley, under Breckenridgc, shortly
before the battle of Cold Harbor. After the
battle ot Spottsylvania Court House, re-in
foicements, in considerable numbers, were
sent to Gen. Grant from Washington; and
upon his forrning a junction with Gen. But
ler, he was re-inforced by the whole strength
of the army of the James. In the mean
while Gen. Lee had been compelled to
weaken himself by sending Breckenridge
back to tbe Valley, and dispatching Early,
■with some fifteen or twenty thousand men, to
meet Gen. Hunter, then moving on Lynch
burg. Thi9 reduction of forces was not com
pensated by the accession gained from the
garrison of Richmond and the lorce between
Richmond and Petersburg under Beaure
In the last campaign which resulted so dis
astrously to the Conlederates, a month before
the final and successful assault, that is to say f
on the Ist ot March, 1866, the Army of the
Potomac numbered according to said report,
103,273. Mr. Stanton says this was the avail
able force’,for present duty. The exact strength
of the Army of the James,at that date, is not
stated, but the number ot troops present for
duty in the Department of Virginia, was 45,-
986, which added to the Army of the Poto
mac, made an aggregate strength ol 149,269
men. It was understood in Richmond, ssyß
the Whig, that, in addition to these numbers’
Gen. Grant was receiving heavy reinforce
ments all through March, and it is known
close of that month, he was
joined by Gen. Sherman with his splendid
cavalry. Thus, it appears, the force opera
ting under the skillful direction of General
Grant, around Richmond and Petersburg,
nearly approximated, if it did not reach,
To oppose this tremendous army, compos
ed mainly of veterau troopi, General Lee,
upop the authority of the Richmond Whig,
which doubtless derived its information from
an unquestionable source, could muster no
ra re than fifty thousand men. The number
surrendered by him is stated in the report as
27,805 ; but it is believed that the number
ou duty, with arms in their hands, the morn
ing of the day on which the surrender was
made, did sot reach 8,000. R may be the
opinion of some that lofty thousaud men be
hind such defences as had been constructed
around Richmond, ought to have been able
to resist 200,000. The reply is that the skillful
manceuvering of Gen. Grant compelled Gen.
Lee to so extend his lines that his works
were at no point sufficiently manned. Where
his line was first broken the men stood ten
or fifteen pacea apart.
We refer to these statements not to make
comparisons disparaging to either side, but
as matters of general and intrinsic interest.
Tlie prowess of both armies has been illus
trated on too many battlefields to admit
criticism unfavorable to the reputation o{
Peon’s Citt or Acocsta Dibbctobt.—
We have received from the publisher a copy
of the above Directory, containing the name,
business, and residence of every citizen, and
advertisements of the principal business
houses, ot out sister city, with a beautiful
colored map of the State of Georgia, a com
plete synopsis ot the Internal Revenue Law,
the new Constitution ot Georgia, Railroad
time table, with much other valuable matter.
Tfle volume is very comprehensive, anti
will be found useful iu the counting rooms of
business men here and elsewhere, having
relations with Augusta It is gotten up in
superior style, and is alike creditable to the
compiler and printer.
Tbe Secretary of State on the 18th iust.
notified Prov. Governor Parsons, of Ala
abnma, Jhat he was relieved, stating that
"the time lias arrived, in the. judgment 0 |
the PresUleut ot the United States, when the
care and conduct of the proper stfair* ot the
Slate of Alabama may be remitted 10. the
constitutional authorities chosen by the peo
pie thereof without danger to tbe peace and
safety of the Uulted States.’’
W likes’ Spirit ol the Tirnss, tbs Ist ding
sporting pnpm of the oouulrv, hopes “lo set
a 'Bill for lbs Ifnpiovsmeut ot lbs llorse,'
brought tailori' the present I'migress, witch
shell provide for, say staleeu, five thousand
•iulisr prizes, to tie tun for to the vertous
sections of lbs country tint s *i*nd Iweuly
tlo>ii>mid dollar pier*, to Its given nl Wash-
Inglon under tbe |«lranegs end surveillance
ts ibe DoverMuool ’US’U *’
FawnMs JiiHiltsa* From ttsikl»|-
Iu tbe Senate tbe other day, when Mr.
Sumner called up bis bill tonfitmiug tbe
j titles of Ireqrfmeu, settled ou tbe Sea Glands
by General Sherman s order, to tbe laud, he
moved its reference to tbe Military Com
mittee, whi'ii was known to be friendly
He was headed off, however, by six cons> r
vative Union members, who voted with the
Democrats to refer it to the Judiciary Com
mittee, w hich committee is said to be very
hostile to Mr. Sumner's plans.
This fact is indicative of a more hopeful
state of affairs In Washington than was pro
mised at the opening of the session, and ex
plains the remark of Senator Saulsbury that
there were strong indications of a split in
the Republican party. Another encourag
ing sign of the times, indicating the existence
of more patriotic and moderate opinions
among leading Republicans on t.,e subject
of reconstruction than have heretofore been
avowed by them, is the following announce
ment by Mr. Horace Greeley, a prominent
and influenced leader of the party, of his
present views on that subject. Iu a letter to
the National Intelligencer he says:
I desire and labor for peace. Peace be
tween our coimtry and all others. Peace be
tween the North and South. Peace betweeu
white aDd black. We have had enough of
war and waste, of havoc and carnage, lor at
least ft century. HeDce I have long labored
for true and lasting peace. I can conceive
no possible good to our country, to any coun
try, to any section, race or class, that is like
ly to be secured or promoted by alienation
between the President and tbe Congress of
the United States On the contrary, it seems
to me that every peril that now threatens U 9,
every evil that now weighs upon us would
be aggravated : every good put at hazard,
every liopu clouded, if not blasted, by such a
malign, untoward collision. I hove come
here to do whatever I can, however little that
may be, toward avoiding such a catastrophe,
but I am not, aa your paragraph would seem
to imply thut lam the advocate of any es
pecial plan of reconstruction. I urge only
that the President and Congress, each res
pecting the others constitutional prerogatives
and personal convictions shall freely anil
trustfully cooler, discuss and consider with a
profound deference for each others patriot
ism, and an earnest desire to agree on a
course of action which they shall mutually
deem just and beneficent. Let the great
problem of reconstruction be approach*!
from all sides in this spirit, and 1 teel sin's
that a benign solution will be speedily at
tained. Our difficulties are aggravated by
the fact that our p&sition is essentially novel.
I can recall no parallel in human history. It
is complicated by questions affecting tbe na
tural rights of treedmen, and our moral ob
ligations to them aa our human allies in the
late momentous struggle. That we may
promptly re establish the Southern States iu
all their original rights and liberties without
sacrificing those of any poition of the Ameri
can people, is the earnest desire of
Yours, Horace Grekly.
This' is a most auspicious period for holi>
ing a congress of the maritime nations of the
world. The passions engendered by war
have been quieted ; but it has given rise to
many questions which have been unsettled
aud require a more settled rule than has ob
tained in the code of nations. The rightß and
duties of neutrality have been unadjusted by
that code, which has given rise to differen
ces nearly leading to war between neutrals
and'belligerents in the late conflict between
the Federal government and the Confederate
States. Tire 111 defined limits which have so
long prevailed between neutral and belliger.
ent rights, should no longer disgrace a code
that has been designed as a rule of action
between civilized powers.
Such a congress should embrace represen
tatives from all countries both of the old aud
new woild, whose rights and interests are
open to injury from hostilities at sea. Tie
United States, Great Britain, France and
Prussia constitute the maritime powers the
most interested in the adjustment of such
questions as are likely to be brought before
such a convention. There is much cogency
of reasoning in the London Saturday Review
on this subject iu tbe following extract :
“No amount ot vigilance, for example,
could have prevented the issue from our ports
of the Sbenabdoah , and, therefore, we could
not be t ailed to account for her escape. But
it is an injury to the neutral that its munici
pal laws should have been infringed with the
connivance of a foreign government, and this
injury is sufficient to warrant a strong re
monstrance on the part of the neutral. The
safety of tbe maritime world is also imperilled
by the underhand proceeding of tlie belliger
ent, and tbe neutral is entitled to protest, not
only in its own name, but in that of all neu
tral nations. If such a course of unfriendly
proceedings were persisted in after remon
strance had been made against it, the neu
tral would be justified in going to war witb
tbe offending belligerent. In many cases, it
is true, tbe iujnred neutral would not dare to
go to war. But a nation which is too weak
to protect itself may neverlbeleas appeal to a
general feeling of what is right among civiliz
ed nations; aud a nation that has a high sense
of houor and dignity does not like to find the
verdict of general opinion against it, even
though it may be free from the appreheßsion
that the number of its open and active ene
mies is likely to be increased. It would be
the business of a maritime congress to create
this body of general opinion by laying down
F in explicit terms that a neutral is injured
I from whose port a cruiser has been launched
by the secret contrivance of a foreign gov
ernment. The experiment whether such a
body of opinion could not be created, and
whether it might not prove more efficacious
if it were created, is at least worth trying ;
and England will have great cause to rejoice
if the meeting ot a congress to give this
lupount of sanction and force to tlie decisions
1 oi neutrals were the result of our preseut un
■ toriunale difference with the United States. ”
After the reading of President Johnson' 8
Message in the Senate on Tuesday, uu ani
mated and rather excit’mg debate sprung up.
Mr. Sumner characterised the message as
being “like the whitewashing message of
Franklin Pierce, with regard to the uttio
cities in Kansus, aud was designed to cover
up or cooceal certain transactions—a state of
things infiuitely worse tbnn the transactions
in Kansas.)’ On being taken to task by )(r.
Doolittle, for tbe use of such luuguage iu re
lereuce to tbe message of tbe Cnief Magi
irate ol tbe Union, Air. riumnur replied, —"J
have nothing to qualify, nothing to modify,
notbiug in retract. In former days there was
but oue Kansas to suffer under llieg^jo <vt-r
Now iberis ara eleven Kausaases suffering
only as una suffered, Therefore, Hit, us
eluven are mure than <m«, so la lbs enornilly
of the preseut Gum more than tbe enormity
ol ibe days ul A’rankUn Pierce ’
I In- Massachusetts twuuior was sharply rs
plied to by Mr> Iliiisi ut i i-oueciicut, and
Mr Doolittle and oiber leading iteimblfi aus
Tbs itobats was t selling, and disclosed Ure
fa<>t that lbs vttreiiilsu art not ,^t
svsa by tlit model sir members nl iu, ii own
puily in I bill opposition In lire Piestlsui
j Corn V»u< let Inti is aerioudy ill He has
uever lully recovered from tlie injuries re
’ reived some weeks since by his full from his
, carriage.
Ex-President Frank Pierce was baptized
sn<t confirmed in the Episcopal church at
Concord. IS. H., a few days since.
—S \V. Fletiu, the well known theatrical
1 manager of the Rich mood and Norlollc thea
tres, lias mysteriously disappeared wilh
i about -86,1)00 that didn’t belong to him.
i —Mrs. Jane Hwishclm, the strong minded
woman, is advocating the employment of
females in the government offices. Like
.Mrs. Bloomer, she “pants for fame," and is
inclined to be mad that the sex are depriyed
of the inalienable right to sing bass.
—Gen. Grant's pay as Lieutenant General,
amounts to $9,2+0 per annum. With a house
at Galena, one in, Philadelphia, and another
in Washington, we don’t see how he man
ages to make both ends meet, especially
when we remember that eggs arc forty-five
cents a dozen, and butter about sixty cents
a pound There is only one way to account
lor it, and that is, Mrs. Grant must be an
economical housekeeper.
—Gen. Lee may be seen every day
walking to his duties at the college, At Lex
ington, Va., or taking an evening ride on
his fttmous iron gray. He has been board
ing at tire hotel, but his house is now being
fitted up in suitable style for the reception of
his family. Ex-Governor Letcher may be
daily seen in the streets, quietly 9moking his
pipe and thiking wilh his old triemls and
neighbors. The burning of his house and
furniture by Gen. Hunter was a serious loss
to him, hut he is making a comfortable sup
port by the practice of his profession.
Some ot the Virginia admirera of Lee have
recently presented him with a magnificent
—Tbe Dutch Ambassador at Washington
has made a piteous api>eal to an increase of,
pay on the ground of the increase of the cost
of liviug in this country, stating that he is so
hard up that he is obliged to give up his es
tablishment aud take lodgings over a barber’s
shop. But the government of the Nether
lands baa refused his reasonable request.
-—The interminable divorce case of Edwin
Forrest, the actor, has taken a novel shape.
He uppeals to the Supreme Gourt of the
United Slates to set aside the action of the
Supreme Gourt of New York, which granted
his wife a divorce—his ground being that the
marriage occurred in England, and the
Courts of this country have no business to
meddle with it.
—lt is estimated that during the rebellion
upwards of 2,000,000 bales of cotton and
30,000 boxes of tobacco were smuggled out
of tue Confederacy, and aa immense amount
of munitions of war smuggled in, through
the direct agency of Mr. Crawford, the Bri
tish Consul at Havana.
The Naval Department has received ad
vices from Commander Brasher, of the Paci
fic Squadron, dated at Callao, November 21,
stating that the Government of Peru had de
termined to make eominon cause with Chili
against the aggressions of Spain.
The Government detained oue vessel at
Boston destined for Europe, and another at
Delaware Breakwater, hound for India, via
Bnizil, for fire purpose of taking out the
Government annual reports to our foreign
representatives and naval officers.
It is stated that Lieut. Gou. Grant will im
mediately make ‘a touer of inspection
through the Southwestern States, extending
to the Rio Grande. _ t - J
The lLnisd ot Representatives, on Tues
day Ldst, passed the bill introduced by Mr.
Washburn, of Illinois, “to facilitate postal,
commercial and military communication be
tween tho ytatesi’.’ which provides that every
railroad, company shall henceforth be au
thorized to transport mails, passengers and
freight between any two States of the Union,
auy attempt of a Slate to create or perpetu
ate a monopoly of qucii transportation to the
contrary notwithstanding.
The New York Tribane, noticing the ac
lion of the House on this measure, says i
“We have but a faint hope that this hill
will pass the Senate. The Camden and Am
boy Company alone can afford to pay a quar
ter of a million dollars to defeat it; and we
consider that sum amply sufficient.’’
DnsraucTivn Fines.—A fire at Owensboro,
Ky., ou Friday, 15th, consumed the block of
buildings on the corner of Second and St.
Ann streets, occupied as business houses by
Messrs. Morris, Blair, Rosenfield, Rothschild,
and others. Loss, $230,000.
A destructive fire occurred on tlie the same
day in Chicago. A number of fine build
ings were completely gutted. The Joss of
property involved is said to be $350,000, of
which the insurance covers about one-half.
A London publisher announces “The
World before the Deluge, ’’ by Louis Fignier,
with twenty five ideal landscapes of the An
cient World, and two hundred and eight
figures of animals, plants, and other fossil
remains, etc.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, aud
Abandoned Lands, / j
Washington, Nov. 27, 1865. J
Circui AB,\
Not 19. j <
Paragraph 11, Circular No. 8, Current Se
ries, from this Bureau, is so far modified as
to allow the Assistant Commissioner of a
State to draw upon proper ration returns,
supplies tor a month, according to his esti
mate, aud have tiie stores sent to such Sub-
Depo's as lie may designate, for issue iu ac
cordance with existing instrnctions.
O. O Howard,
Alajor General, Commissioner.
Oflico Commissary General Subsistence,
Nov. 17, 1865
A. B. Eaton,
C ommissary General Subsistence
Assistant Adjutant General. .
I ttiMtmtue myself «» a candidate for the
office us TAX i ttLLKCTOR ol Cliutfiam
county, und respectfully solicit tbe votes of
my friends.
noviM Id A1.1.x 9 111 ANI I I
TO THE M.kl mils til l lOTIMHI U
t hum Man I Having bren icqiiesu-d by
uuuii'rous itiimis iii allow my uuiin- to lw
used ba tin liltin’ ot hlu ml ol Cliallium
mimy, I tiuvu lim honor to announce my**U
as ai unjirisu.' lot that position, and iffspv’i.-
lully soib ft your suffrage.
•It it ilMUCkor Him*
Mol In* lo LioHon.
M'MM DgUohiA'l ■ rHM..A ut mann*. Hill
I'stlailii utsti’il illn ill ill M. lit Ml* VI t,
111 In,re. ..iiro M* ii*
Hi IthAC lit ftr.ti'oAA.-. fllikiaiMl iMo-
! Nov. ;M, 1(945.
' CIK. I HU.)
j No. f
lwis reported that in some case* upon the
' restoration oi lands ami tenements, under
1 orders from this Bureau, Refugees aud Fn-od-
I men lmve becu aumiutuily excluded from
tlu-ir homes, by the owners ol the lands,
t Hereafter, officer* and agents of the Bureau
wilt prevents very thing ol this kind, and Sec
| lions 7 and « of Circular No. 15, Current
| Berii-s, will not is- consum'd as authorizing
the restoration of iftatla and buildings, la-fore
| complete uiul careful provision shall be made
lor tbe resident Refugees and Freedtwn.
In ail cases of doubt on this point, careful
reports will be forwarded to this office, wilh
the opiuious ol the Assistant Commta9ioueis,
based on the fact sos the case, before auy
order of restoration is made.
O. O. Howard,
Major General, Commissioner.
Approved :
E M. Htanton,
Secretary of War.
Assistant Adjutant General.
T RESPECTFULLY announce itivself as a Candidate
i tor the Office of Tax Collector at the election in
January next, ami humbly solicit your support.
Fellow Citzbns—l announce myself as a
candidate for the office of Tax Collector ot
Chatham County, and respectfully solicit
your support at the election in January next.
d? 0 tj3 James J. McGowan.
To the Voters of Chatham County.
I respectfully announce myself a candi
date for re-c-lection to the office of Sheriff of
Chatham County, and ask your support at
the January election.
ts Benjamin L. CoLk.
unit County Tu‘x Col
, lector.
THE Subscriber * e a Candidate for re-election, and
respectfully asks the suffrage of the citizens o|
Chatham Comity.
SffßUUiahj Dee. 4,-l, 1865. j
An Election for nine Directors to manage the af
fairs of the Company for Ihe ensuing year will be held
at the Banking House, in Savannah (second story), on
Tuesday. Ihe sd of January, 1866, betweea tfie hours
oflO a tn andlp’. m v
Stockholders only wno have held stdek fpr ninety
days immediately preceding the day of election are
entitled to vote.
Stockholders, upon presentation of their stock cer
tificates to tho conductors of trains, Will be passed
to and from tiie election o*er the Company’s road,
d6 tin Cashier.
" jtf&TIVJS.
Savannah, Ga., 26th Nov., 1866. f
An election for Directot s to manage the affairs o
t his Bank for oue year, will be held at the Bank
ing House in this city, pn. Monday, the Ist day o
January, IS6C.
n2'.-Vawtd AcOug Cashier.
THE undersigned offers for sale hi* well known
valuable Plantation. C'tfudtWis Bluff, *>> the
river, withlu three lijiles of thin city, and extending
to Au>r..s*iine c*rt ck, < outaimng about 8 or 9W» acre*,
the greater portion rife land. The property has
many handsome Hite lor residences, and from its
proximity to the tit?, is lively to improve raplsly in
value. For farther particulars apply to
dC-eodlm ROft T- HABERSHAM.
WHOLESALE Druggists, corner Barnard and
Broughton streets, Savannah, Ua.. General
Agent for the South.
Hall- Restorer Restores Gray Hair.*
Hair Restorer makes Hair grow on Bald Heads.
Hair Restorer Stops Hair Irani Falling Out.
Half Restorer Prevents Headache. *
Half:Restorer ts elegantly Perfumed.
Hair Restorer is all that can be claimed as a dressing.
Hair Restorer possesses ail tlie merit claimed for It.
A single u-ial convinces tlie most sceptical of its
Viililo. If, alter a thorough trial of ttvo bottles it
titles not give perfect satisfaction, the money will be
refunded. Sold everywhere at $1 per bottle. Six
Lotties for *6. dIH-eod ts 4
Savannah, Dec. 8, 1885.
ONE month after date, I will make application to
the o(hocus of the Albany & Gnll H. K Com
pany for renewal of strip of tJn shares 7 per cent,
guaranteed stock of said company—scrip being lost'
on ihe night of the 27th January, 1886. . Scrip No. 8,
for five shares, August 7th. 18G1; Scrip No. 9, for five
shares, Wept. 7th, 18«jL
dl-l-wAslm* A. E. MORRELL.
And Soap Manufacturers.
ESSENTIAL OILS* lor flavoring and improving
Jhaiidy, Rum, Fort Wine, Bourbon, Rye, Scotch
an>l Iliah Whiskies, age and body preparations for
neutralising and mollifying Whiekey and Spirit, Col
oring*, Syrups and Fruit Juices for Brandy, Whiskey
anti Wines, tiils aud Extract of Cognac and other
Brandies, Holland and London Gin, Ac. Dr. F.'
Treatise on Fermented Liquors, with 1,000 Recipes, s
Persian Insect Powder, Fly Paper, Loadstone,*
Fluorspar and Fluoric Acid, Manganeso, ana all rare
Chemicals and- Drugs.
S’tlicnte of Soda in Crystals, Liquid and Jelly China
-Clay tnut Terra Alba, Soap Stone, Rosin. Soda, Ash,
novl-eodSm No, 66 Cedar st,, N. V.
SAWS, BELTING, <Ste., &c.
Portable Steam Engines
rmmmwTutwim o>augm*m
Ds lists Ure afe. * , mm mu st . ~aigign>
wurks in Hre *‘«i.iii» , > assvtai im n»*a,dm no »>*
I'„ii»i4* Baatuiw Ou, ,i,. ,i,*Os
i,<,w , "it l «4>,l In Ire lint ajtuaisias ul limit
•irlgG’ i,' ”1 UtmeliluilUi tin guafii - " finUml lii
1 i’.it im.naar s Uti. uuasr Is*l Beiitaa.
1 iini re.,J»„ii» ua hM, m laiatsa tm .* 5.....|
Ipu ~,,i0» vinare.r anß grnv list w.,1 ua aggff
( o-MABta h * »<naa,
He Kalb lo4gr, No. », I. M. O. F.
A Regular M> eting of Ihl. Lodge will
. Im held t lit* Kveoing *ll . 'do> h
Miu.lm.i- uic neatly reg Seat 1 1 to be
punctual iu their attendance.
Payment of Due-, election of -Sierra aud other hua
inew’< Important r Hr order
de. -5-l- C. C MI LLOTt. B,>crh«iry.
Autient Land Mark Lodge, fto> 261
A A Regular ruminnnicatinu of this Lodge will
m/Mfrhe held at their. Hall, To-Morrow Evening.
at I k . o’clock.
Punctual ottendaure U requested aa the Auuaal
Election ol Officers will then be b -Id.
By order JAS. M. PRENTISS,
d26-1 Secretary.
Hilton & Randell
lOH Buy street.
T"AVE just tecvivel and offer for sals at lowest
. T market rate*
250-bfria and hal' bbis Extra F.imily Flour,
lu6 bbla aud half bids#7. D. Corn Meal,
ion bWs Premium No. 4 flomiin,
200 half bbi* Nos. 2 ami 3 Mackerel,
lo*i bbla Soda, Butter, Boatou aud LcmonCrackers
75 oases Jellies and Pickk‘9. decvft-tf
Wines, Liquor .
--n BASKETS Heidslt k Champagne, qta. and pts
16 cases St. Jaiien Claret, « ,
T.O cases Champagne Cider, <. ■
40 Mat Bourbon Whiskey,
40 eases Imperial Sherry Wine,
20 bills Whiskey, various brands.
For sale by
dec26-C 19S Bay stveet“
Tate of Georgia, Chatham county.
To all whom it may concern
Whereas, Mary A. CurvoLwe will apply at the Court
of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the es
tate of James A. Curvoiaie, late of said County de
These therefore, to cite and admonish all
whom it may concern, to be and appear before said
Court to make objection (if auy they have* on or be
fore the first Monday in February next, otherwise
said letters will be granted.
Witness my official signature this 23d day of De
cember, 1806.
dec2s Ls 1). A. O'BYRNfi, o»-o.c*
VJ it may concern. r .
) Whereas. Bridget C. Preudergast will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on
theeatate of Tllomas PrendergasLlate of said county,
These aj;e. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom
it may concern to be and appear before said Court, to
make objection (if any they have) on or before the
first Monday in February next, otherwise said le.-
ters will be granted. . '
Witness my official signature this 16th day of Decem
ber, 1806.
dec2s D. A. O’BYRNK, Ordiukry.
,*• * *
Christmas Lunch
A FREE LUNCH will be served on Christmas
A T 1 1 O » C LO Cl(,
At my Saloon, consisting of Wild Turkey, Goose,
Wild Ducks, Cheese, Crackers, &c.
deckel A. STAMM
ABOUT 90,000 English Brick, ready to be discharg
ed from British Bark Myrtle, - .
For sale by
dec2s-3 88 Bay street.
CONSIGNEE for 20 keg* Butter,muiked Diamond U
received Isom New York per steamabip Suntial
dec2s-l B. 11. HARDEE, Agent.
WILL come off at Geii’s Farm on TFESDAY. 2Gth
December* Weapons, Rifles. Distance ICO
yards. - <lec2s 1
Tor JANUARY, 1866.
Madame demohest-b,
Harper’s Monthly, s
Godey’s Ladies’ Bc» k,
London Quarterly Review,
Poetical Works la Morocco, Blue and Gold.
Watches, Jewelry, Silver and
Plated Ware, Fancy Goods.
fTMHS undersigned respectfully calls the attention of
JL the citizens and visitors from thh country to his
well selected stock of Watcbea. Jewelry, Silver and
Plated Ware, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Spectacles, Re
volvers and Pistols of the most celebrated Manufac
Parricular attention is paid to the Repairing of
Watches, Jewelry aud Clocks. Having none but
competent workmen engaged sathfaction is guaran
teed. A. BARIG;
dec26 Cm Cor. Broughton and Whitaker sts.
A FEW GENTLEMEN can be accommodated with
good Board in a private fitmily by addressing
dec2s-tf “A. F.,” Herald office. ■
Xiicat of ,
Adams’ Express Comp’y
DECEMBER 22d, 1865.
' ' B- ’
Bagley, Capt. J Barnwell, Thadusna
Barmvetl, John Q.
Clark, Capt J. Ch * Ciianier, Mrs. J. A.
C-alicot, T. C.
Fudge, 8. S.
Hat ward. Mis’* R ‘Handley, Michael
Harris. Newton
K. "
Kock, K. ’ .
Libbey. Capt.’U. C 8 , A. 8. A
m. ’’
Mangffi Margaret McDonald. Margaret
v . N.
Naan. Dr. R J
. P
Porter, Tap;., Mica F.
- • * k.
Ruueil John
Smith. Wm Hhtrilles. Fat lick
Stildei, V. ».
• w.
West. William, 147th IU.
Y«nng, UouisU.
_d9B ■ E. r. TU NIHON, AffWlt.
AN Kit-.-tlon v.til b>- IwUI ut llui I’mirt Ibaiau uu
Mednraday, ih# Id ul January nvU. lor a
Nil.l Iff ul dll/li’innr 111 (liulluiki, ha a Gl.rk of the
Mupertor and lui.’tur t nurta, lur a Uoruioii, M a
M«i‘-In i ut ’i’aa lU-lurna, lur a Taa I'lillettuc, and M
at ’Ubly Hiifti-kur
Thu lailla Will In' al anvuß u'ltia k a. 11l ■
arid iin ■ at aia u'l IN' k |i mi,
Ilia aiiylff, hi hit ji.pul. alid ill* HdlMlabll'. us tlie
i niiMy afe lupnodjjff n< all• iid iffijt I'Umn ii. mi|mi
ijfaii'l' 'lUNlfin'iih, 1 / I,'. 114 ,
fflA »». h
“Caution r
aid* only iu ug! au-ouiWM •#* id
MM HIM It 1441-MI * l<M
An Katay us Warftinz and In-ttrurtiuD fur Y°nU|’
ua-u, }u,l publithi-d by tin- lb-ward AuMM-tation, m.d
rent in .caiad k-lUr i-urdupc tr*a ul i-baraa.
Ail’lraa Or. J. BKILI.IN HOUGHTON, flowird
AteunatillU. Uhlfadelphia, l’a. IK-tl'J Jru
A I-11 V \I, Vic, us MAHIUAUK
Cunlatiurig nearly .iuo page- and ton fine Plates
aa.t Eugravuiga ol tbe Anotumy ol the ituman Or
gan.a iu a state of Uealili und Dieense, with a trea
tise on tarty Errors, its Deplorable GoUHequeuix-s
iqion tlie mind aud Body, with tlie Author’s Plan ol
Treatment—the only rational und successful mode of
cure, as shown by the report us cases treated. A
truthful adviser to the married, tmd those- contem
plating marriage, who entertain doubts ot their phys
ical condition. Sent free of im-tage to any address,
on receipt of 26 cents, to stamps or postage currency,
by addressing Or. LA CROIX, No. Malden Lane,
Albany, N. Y.
Ibe author may be consulted upon any el the dis
eases upon which his book treats either personally’or
by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world.
octlO 6m
Wheaton’s Ointment.
Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all
Eruptions of the Skin. Price 6lt cents For sale by
all Druggists By sending CO cents to Weeks Jt Potter,
Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Mass., it
will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any
partof tbe United States. sent2l-3m ,
■’ ■ ■>' ‘ -r... t ’
N ’ *
We have learned not lo be astonished at anything.
Years of experience and a correspondence extending
throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe
have turned theories into facts and established a basis
from which we need not err,- We are not surprised
at snch facts as the following—although the persons
who write them are. We know thd persons and cir
cumstances, hence f£el at liberty to indorse their
* 4 Nkw BkdFobd, Mass., Nov. 24, 1803.
Dear Sir,—J have been afflicted many years with
severe prostrating cramps in iqy limbs, cold feet and
hands, and a general disordered system. Physicians
and medicines failed to relieve me. While visiting
some friends in New York who were using Plantation
Bitters, they prevailed upon me to try them. I com
menced with a small wiuc-glassful after dinner. Feel
ing better by degrees, in a few duys I was astonished
to find th«» coldness and crampff hud entirely left me,
und I could sleep the through, which I have not
ddne for years. I feel like another being. My appe
tite and strength have also greatly improved by me
uso of the Plantation Bitters,
Respectfully, Judith Rds6kl.'*
Reedshury, Wis., Sept IG,
• * * I have been In the army hospitals for four
teen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton,
111.* they gave me a bottle of Piaxitatkm Bitters. * *
Three bottles restored my speech and cared me. * *
C. A. Fuvtx"
Tlie following is from the Manager of tile Union
Home School for the Children of Volunteers:
’ llAvnirYEß Mansion, 67th St, I
Yprk, August 2,1803. /
Du. DbajeE :—Your wouderlul PianUtiou Bitters
have been given to some of our little children suffering
from weakness and weak tungs with most happy
effect. One little girl in particular, with pains in her
head, loss of appetite, ana daily wasting consumption,
on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has
been entirely restored. We commenced with but a
teHspoonlul ol Bitters a day. Her appetite and
strength rapidly increased, and she is now well.
Respectfully, Mrs O. M. Davos.”
* I Owe much to you, for I verily believe
tbe Plantation Bitters have saved my life.
K«v. W. ii. Waggoner,
Madrid, N. V
“* * • Thou wiit eeud me two bottles more ot
thy rlaotifioo Bitten. My wile has been greatly
benefited by their use.
Thy friend, Asa YTushin,
Philadelphia, Pa.’ 1 •
“• • • I have been a great sufteier iron* Dyspep
sia. and had’to abandon preaching. * * The Plan
tation Bittera have Cured ine.
Rev. J. S. Oathobn,
Rochester, N. If."
“• * « I have given the Plantation Bitters to
hundreds ofour disabled soldiers with the most as
tonishing effect.
. G. IV. D. Antokws,
Superintendent Soldiers’ Home, Cincinnati, O.”
>“ i • The Plantation Bitters have cured me of
Liver Complaint, of which 1 was laid up proeiratc,
and had to abannou my business.
'H. B. KiNGSLKr, Cleveland, 0i.i0.” -
“* * • The Plantation Bitters hpve cured me of
a derangement of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs
that Ims distressed me for yems it actsfike a charm.
C. C. Moors, No. 264 Bread way.”
Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., <ftc.
The ITauUrtiunßitters make the weak strong, tho
languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great re
storer. They arc composed of tlie celebrated Calisaya
Bark, Wintcrgreeu, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, &c., all
preserved iff perfectly pure St. OroiX lium.
8. T. —1800—X.
Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weak
ness, lassitude, palpitation of the heait, lack of appe
tite, distress after eating, torpid liver, constipation,
&c., deserve Jo suffer If they will not try them.
They are recommended by the highest medical au
thorities, and are warranted to produce an immediate
beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable.
, perfectly pure, and harmless.
NoTtnE.—Any person pretending to sell Plantation
Bitters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and im
postor. It is pot up only in onr log cabin bottle. Be
ware of bottles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff,
lor which several person s are already in prison. See
that every bottle has onr United States stamp over the
cork unrantilatcd, and our signature on steel-plate
£!de label. ~
Sold by- respectable dealers throughout the habitable
wptid, - ' •, - - >
P. H. DRAKE * CO.,
oct27-3m . I 202 Broadway.N. T.
Kathalron Is from the Greek word “Kathro," or
“Kathairo,” signifying to cleanse, refnvennte and re
store. This article Is what Its name signifies. For
preserving, restoring and beantifylag the human hair,
ft Is the most remarkable preparation m tlie world.
It is again owned and put up by Ihe original proprie
tor, and is now made with the same rare, skill and at
tention which gave it a safe of over ons million bot
tles per annum.
It It a most delightful lialr Dressing. ,
It eradicates seffi-f and'dandruff.
It keeps the head cool ands loat)
It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy.
It prevents tbe hair from falling oil and turning
It restores Itaic upon bald heads.
Any lady or gcntlemun who values a hcantful heart
of hair should use Lyon's Kathuiron. It is known
aud used throughout tlie civilise.l world. Bold by ul
respectable dealers.
O’UT-eortly New York
llhknii’h Mhkiiollm Kaliu.
Till. Is Ihe most detlghlAil and extraordinary article
evei diMsiverod It ctisayc. U* .nn l'»nit he end
halide la a ally eettu ravtalilng tresiilr,
Impelling Ike uiaiUe peiiW "I ymlh. and Ibe Mmlni
u<* appearance •“ mvittnr in Mw ally ladle id leeidou
|l leinorae ten lierhle*, piiapie. and MIItfUMDM floui
Ike «in, leering ike remiph «l„a Ireeh Ireuepnreni
•lid rkneita it i oalelne nn iMleilal Ininrlooe In
Ihe efclh I'eiioiiUi# by A,,|ieee.e and I'peia
MNigeig I* le Wkal i*»i > led f etemM have Bold
pemyakri*. it*lell (.in*, treneiile
Prepaied V» W H It AM AM, troy, M V
Akiraa. eil mdne |e
MkMAk kkkNkk k net,
luM -411 He» fork
s u \ a ii ua Ii Theatre.
Umgm .1.(1 Maiuqrerft Mrura. umiN, A Hauiliuh
B jurclt ault’a Beautilul of
A. nd y Blake:
OH, -
Andy Blake MiwM. K Gordon
To cotAJodi’ wilh the Comedy ot
All That Glitters is not Gold.
Stephen Plum Mr. Theo. Hamilton
Toby Twinkle Mr. J. T Raymond
Martha Gibbe....- , Miss M. E. Gordon
First Appearance of th» Olubiated Dan^ueae
Who will appear in her Fascinating Perfornunce.
MR. w. H. CRISP,
The Distinguish.jd Actor, will appear on this occasion
~..t* in the Popular Comedy of '*
Or, TUe Laities Take the Prl-vile|(el
Mr. Dimple Mr. W. H. Crisp
Miss O’Leary.. Miss M. K. Gordon
To conclude with the new London Farce of
Twenty minutes with the tiger
In which all the Farorites will appear.
Christmas Celebration!!
Monday Evening, Dec. MS, ISOS.
'T’HB above establishment, thoroughly renovated,
A decorated, and brilliantly Ulpminnted, Is rorsuch
purposes ttie liest adapted one in the city.
Tickets, *l—admitting imo Gentleman and Lady,
can be obtained from the lot towing Committee :
Van. fus.ut, (iso. Gkxeudks,
H. G. Rt'WE, E. Ricbtkr,
t 122 3
Re-Establisnnrent o. Mail Facilities In
The Post Office Department desires to
furnish the State of Georgia with Postal
service, at the earliest practicable day, until
July Ist, 1866, when the regular contracts’
proposals tor which are now advertised for,
will go into effect.
The Department invites proposals for con
veying the mails until June 30, 1866, to alt
country seats and other important points not
reached by Railroad communication, at rates
not to exceed $8 per mile |er annum for
weekly service ; sls for semi-weekly, and
s22*for tri-vreekly; and where the importance
of the case requires, S4O for daily service ;
counting the distance one way only in all
Service will be furnished on routes, where,
before the war, it was daily, tiiree times a
week ; where it was tri-weekly twice a week;
and where it was semi-weekly, weekly
service will be allowed.
Proposals should be addressed to “Hon.
Geo. W. McLellan, 2d As9t. P. M- Washing
ton, D. C.. aud should state they are for
service to end June 30th. 1866.
nov 4 ts _
Office of U. S. Direct Tax Com
. - * Savanhau, Dt'C. 13, 1565.1
Owners nf Luts, Lands and Improvements in tbe
city of SaVamyib, Ga„aro notified that the Tax Roll tor
said city is n imp it-ted. and the taxes doe thereon may
be paid to the undersigned wllbin sixty (GO) days Item
this date, ut cur office, north west corner of South
Bread and Lincoln streots, in said city of Savannah.
For non payment of the tax, the Act of Congress
prescribes u lorfcitnro of the property taxed to the
United States.
Office hoars from 9 to 12 a. m„ and 2 to 6 p. m.
U. S. Direct Tax Commissioners, Diet.
dl3-tf of Georgia.
The Original and Best In the World I The only true
and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless. Reliable and instan
taneous. Product s immediate.)' a splendid black or
natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin.
Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug
gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor
For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair.
aul4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR. New York.
Hall 9 s Vegetable Sicilian Hair lienever
Has proved itacif to be the most perfect preparation
for the hair ever oflered to the public.
It is a vegetable compound, and contains no injuri
ous properties whatever.
It will keep the hair from falling out.
It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft, ius
trous and silken. *
It is a splendid harir dressing.
No person, old or young: should fail to use it*.
W Ask for Fail’s Vegetable Sicilian Ha 1 Renewcr,
and take no other.' .
Nashua, ff. U., Proprietors.
For sale by aii druggists.
New Orleans, La.,
n23-6m Southern Wholesale Agents.
Savannah, Georgia, December 6, 1865. )
SEALED Proposals to nnnlsli the troops at this
Post with fresh Beef for three months, commenc
ing January 1. lseu. and ending March SI, 1866, will
be received at this office until 12 M., Dec. 20, 1865.
The Beef to lie of good marketable quality, exclu
sive of necks and shanks, anil delivered tri-weekly.
The Proposals to be made in duplicate.
* - H. A. DARLING,
dec* * Capt. and 0. B. Vols.
Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Harp Hangers, Side
Backs. Side Lamps, with and without Reflectors; Fan
cy Hall Lamps, Lanterns, Bases, Pegs and Founts-
Patont Glass Canes, Burners, Globes, Chimniea and
ery Dealers’ and Confectioners’ GLABBWARE. Goeda
of all kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL
226 Greenwich Street. Two do„n below Barclay, N. I
mivl-Sm | _——p—
rCST received from Glatgow, and in sters fai
81 asks Beoleh Whiskey
* It MielW India Pal* Ale
t rank a Uoaead OU
I ptaea Wlt> t’iotli
Hi krflit iU-t’aihNods
It) ■«•>>« Baell hklu*
I bale I'auvaa. Kali*, No* >• V, 8. *
The** aiilelea from Alai baud*, amt wtU ha •«»*• *“*
in i loae i '
.I*l 4 r, w. MM* * ‘J»i.
(<Ho|rK TKAit, ATHTtUNT *
For Sale,
iae >i ßnc<9tKSvan«
as H A NAHUM *