Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 27, 1865, Image 2

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TV Savannah Daily Herald. BY 8. W. .MASON A CO. tiAMI’KL. W. MASON. *MU»r. W. T THOMPSON,.... »««•»'• Editor. SAVANNAH. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER *7. ls« j Christmas —This time-honored ry whs celebrated with the usual observances day before yesterday, all classes appearing to enter into the festivities of the season with spirit and zest. The boys were on hand at earH dawn with guns, pistols, poppers, horns and all the various implements by which a noise adequate to the festive occasion could be awakened, and did not cease from their’ public-spirited efforts until a late hour at night. The streets were filled roost of the day with happy throngs, old and young, and nil, white and black, seemed to be bent on •■joying themselves. In the evening there were many family parties, and the sound ot music and glad voices in many brilliantly lighted halls gave assurance of the festivity and mirth within. There were grand Christmas entertain ments at the Yolk's Garden, and at the Hall of the Savannah Turnvereln, which were well attended and most admirably conducted. Among the many displays of Fire Works during the evening we noticed that of Mr. L. Y. Stuart at his house in Jones street. The display was very grand, consisting of sky rockets, Roman candles, serpents, wheels, Bengola lights, balloons, <fcc., during the height of which the 12th Maine Baud, under the guidance of its able leader, Mr. Melville Andrews, favored the party with a delight ful serenade in their usual excellent style, much to the gratification of the guests. They were thanked and invited to partake of the hospitality of the house in a neat and appro priate speech, and the whole affair passed off in a manner highly gratifying to those pre sent, all of whom seemed to enjoy them selves to the top of their bent. Hilarity and social enjoyment ruled the hour as though there was no longer a North or a South, but all were brethren and friends. May such feelings continue to be cherished by the citi zens of Savannah. , . We take pleasure in recording the fact that notwithstanding the indulgence and li cense of the day, which was shared more or less by all classes, there was even less disor derly conduct than is usual on such occa sions. Our colored population conducted themselves throughout the day and night, as far as we could learn, with a propriety and decorum highly creditable to them as a class. ludeed, we heard of no disturbances, except in a single instance in which some white men raised a rumpus with a party of negroes in the vicinity of the Atlantic and Gulf Rail road. They were promptly arrested. The Lamar Cotton Case. TRIAL OF MR. G. B. LAMAR, SR., FOR • AN ATTEMPT TO BRIBE U. S. OFFICERS. <% FIRST DAY’S PROCEEDINGS. (Reported for the Heru.d.] The Military Commission engaged upon the trial of Mr. G. B. Lamar, was organized yesterday under the orders of Maj. Gen. Brannan, being the same ns that employed in the late trials of Bradley and Gen. Mer cer. Capt. Watrous, 108d Regt. U. 8. C. T. is the Judge Advocate, and is assisted by Capt. Thompson, 12th Maine liegt. as legal adviser. Mr. Lamar appeared with Messrs. Lloyd and Hnrtridge of this city as counsel. Upon the opening of the Court the prison er wns formally arraigned and the charges and.specifications were read to him. CHARGES. The charges are in substance as follows : Ist. Charging Q. B. Lamar with conspi racy with James L. Seward, Arthur P. Wright and G- B. Lamar, Jr.,' to embezzle Government cotton. 2ud. Charging him with unlawfully ap propriating to himself Government cotton, with intent to defraud the United States. 3d. Charging him with attempting to bribe various military and civil U. S. officials, among whom are named Col. W. K. Kim ball, 12th Maine Yois., Major G. A. Hast ings, 12th Maine Yols., A. G. Browne, Jr., Treasury Agent, and W. A. Beard, Govern ment contractor. The specifications which enumerate in stances sustaining the above general charges, chief among which is the unlawful appro priation of a lot of cotton—67 bales marked B—we fined it impossible to make room for in full. After the reading of the charges aud speci fleati. >’lß, the accused, through his counsel catered a plea to the jurisdiction of the Court, denying that it had authority to try the cate. The room was cleared and the Court de liberated with closed doors upon the plea. After deliberation, t he Court announced that , the plea was overruled and that the trial would proceed. The defendant then pleaded “Not guilty.” The case was at once opened by the Goy- eminent. Capt L. Bunnell, U. S. Detective, was call ed as the first witness. He testified that he was at Tbomasville, Ga., during the latter part of November, under military orders , that there on Nov. 29th, be was present, at the office of A. G. Browne, Jr. IJ. 8. Treasury Agent, when a conversation occurred between Mr. Browne and Mr. G. B. Lamar, Jr. In conse quence of certain statements made by Mr. Lamar, in # which conversation, he (Captain Bunnell,) later in the forenoon arrested Mr- Lamar, Jr., and seized his pa pers. Certain papers seized at this time were here id.-utified by Capt. Buuuell, and nut into the case for the Government. Capt. Bunnell lurlber testified that he then came to Buvannah, and on December td, under orders from Ms] Oeu. Brennan, » r rested Mr. G. B Lamar, Hr., and seized cer tain of his papers. These papers also were theu put into the csk try the Government, and the resdipe of pari of them consumed the remainder of the atstUiu. The (ollnwtng are me papers read, m full, Being part ol a M ints of louurs iron u |t Lamer, Jr, Irugt TUouraavtlle, in hts urn la Hi 6 If Lsoiar, iu (Ms c||y , ffi, ~*4^ • il Which wUI Ire coirtluumt this Hhifittligl liese TJacu —l lease with ir#u. in die mu*Uos, tthmh a til carry the it hales firms trouble and annoy aoce, everybody, with one ortwo ex;epnons. working ag»'«*‘ *»'«• 1 shall go to Ulackabeat on Friday to ate l*.| Kimball anpoirtment. lam thrown and have been on'un m*n judgment, aud have done my beat which I hope .wdl give aatialacl.on I i am anxious to see you. I have followed your instl unions as far as possible, and have gone i outside ot them when it was impossible, but 1 nope to get cotton.. G. B Laiur, J I shall be at Quitman until Friday morn ing and then at Black»h«»r. .Oft- Thomasvuxe, Ga., Nov Dear you w. I hud list of tbe marks new and old ot cotton Shipped by Beard _ Beard’s I hope it will reach you iu traiu left ou Monday. 1 b ®' ie^ e Haves 1 correct as it was tunusjjdI b> M• k j am of opinion, tiowe**;*, Beard', cotton is 'V. A. B with a circle around tbe letters. Beard is polite to me, bul ls exceeding bit ter against you for remarks yon made to him on the Object of stealing cotton I saw s orders, and be also has promised me a list If the mark* he intends to ship, which will aid me. I waited all last week to get a screw, and was obliged at last to pay BMO for the one opposite the hotel. 1 shall com mence to-morrow, and will ship as fast as possible. 1 wish you would jntevourown insructions to Dillon, aid tell George what you wish done in Savannah. 1 shall not haul the cotton wmefi is stored in plantations, until I get aWay what is here and until Beard leaves, for he may give me trouble; and provided the cot ton is not here and on his list, he cannot, un der his orders, seize it. 1 don't apprehend i anv conflict with him. . , He has turned ovar to me 27 bales marked [LJ, and it is now in the depot. The cotton at Mr. Edwards, [IP- 1 3* I cannot get until Beard returns. He is now at Doctortown. Ma*or Manning re used to give it to me until he saw Beard, and Beard promised to furnish me with the order for it—which he did not do. it is there and I hope to get it, though 1 don t un derstand whvthey send me fromi one to the other K'unball is not here, but will be Ueie on Ttiesdayhl am afraid that he too intends dmihle dealins. He says that he will give me an order to ship only those marks which vour list calls for, which you furnished Gen. fiman so that I shall mark a the cotton with those mark*, new and old, of each bale, also*tl!e°wcight' I shall have to buy a pair of scales if 1 cannot hire a pair. I was informed yesterday that Kimball was laughing in his sleeve for having caught me swearing to the I and E cotton for pri vate cotton. I intend to call him to account for it, and at least to make him deny it. Col. Screven is here and says he will burr) the cotton off as fast as possible for me. Re member to write Dillon what to do and coun termand all my orders to him. I have not beard of tbe fate of the lots I shipped him. 1 expect, however, that Beard has gone there to seize them. You know the lots, but I mention them again, (S) "< b»A, II 4 r > BW B. B—B marked L. C., the rest I, A O L. Dillon may have changed the E&E as directed, i shall write him again today, not to ship until he hears from you. Although not a part of my duty,! will take tbe liberty of suggesting that you see tbe firm of O Fallou & Cos. \ou may be able to do something through them. Gray has SIO,OOO stock in tbe I & E Cos., and is anx ious of course, to realize. Beard has the in fluence, and if you can get him to use it tor you, it will be of immense assistance. For gracious sake, take up those drafts on our firm and let McDonald, Treasurer of the Road, understand that they were drawn on your responsibility, as it may injure our firm, and upon reflection it was a dangerous move for me, but 1 was put to it, and bad to act at once. I know that it will be all right, but I don t plant our reputation to suffer, so early in the action at least. I have a pretty thorough understanding now about that mass of papers you. left with me, and hope to be able to go through to your satisfaction, f shall hold the receipts I have except where lots are complete, and in that ease I shall turn over the receipt; otherwise I will receipt for so much cotton— as your agent. Write me and let me know of any changes which have occurred or may occur, lam afraid that this man Crowell is prowling around to your disadvantage- I have takeu a violent prejudice to the dog—it annoys me to look at him. You need not fear that my prejudice will injure your business. I shall control it as far as possible for man to do. 1 regret alfeady that you did not meet old Beard as on imimate personal friend. There is no mark on tbe one bale. Har rall brought in a certificate that the cotton was bought front his brother, which amounts to nothing, but only convinces me that it was stoleu- I got the case put off until to morrow, hoping that Kimball would be back. Wright is trying to get the cotton turned over to ire. I asked that the other Harall might be sent for to prove bis right to the cottou. This was refused—so lam afraid that you will lose yi. \ ours truly, G. B. Lsmar, Jr. Tiiomasvii.ik, Ga., Nov. 7th, 18eo. Dbar Uncle— Since writing you last, the entire status has changed. Mr. Beard with whom I had a perfect understanding, has been surprised by Mr. A. G. Brown, Jr., Assistant Treasury Agent, and with him this morning 1 bad an interview. My screw is up at the Depot, and I wanted to commence the shipment of your cotton. I was referred by Capt. Dove, commanding, in lieuofMaj. Manning, absent, tri Mr. Browne. I present ed my cridentials, and was told that-1 could not ship a bale, as he claimed the whole as blockade cotton, or cotton confiscable. 1 told him that I had. orders from the highest mill tary officer in the State to remove that cotton itnu wished to know his reasons for refusing. He referred me to bis printed ordets from the Treasury Department showing the only way in which your cotton could be turned over to you, which was by referring the question to arbitration. I told him that 1 thought I could establish your claim iu that way. He said however, that question would have to be referred to the Secretary of the Treasury. I saw Col. Wright, and he concluded it would be best to send Derry at ouce to Milledgeville to see Seward, and from thence to Savannah to confer with you. Browne commenced to read to me letters which you had written to Kimball and others, in which you did not speak very pleasautlv of his father. I sloped him nud told hint that I had not come to make any issues of the kind, and that I would not unless forced to, and that issue I have to, and I am prepared to meet. I told Col. Wright that 1 wanted Browne ar reslod for holding, unlawfully, private prop erty, and that is the issue that I shall make to-morrpw, unless Kimball refuses the cot ton, or thrusts himself between Browne and the civil courts. 1 have written Browne a tormal demand for the cotton, a copy of which I enclose. I was particularly cau tious not to make any luaultiug remarks or allusions, and my future course will depend on his reply, which l have waited, for ull the morning. Burnell is very uiiwillitig to give uiiyour cottou without the receipts. 1 mid him 1 wu prepared to give bond which would prevent any lose on hie part lor glv iug up the cotton, and he is now oousulllng his lawyer on the subject lie says he mum 1,, 1VU his storage Irelore delivery. I pro inised him a draft ou you for U, hut 1 wish you would let mu know something ultoui your nouirar t rates, and give nre some Idea of what is due him 1 drew on you yesterday tor *VA<) for tlte screw, nod this lumping tor o for Derry’s eipeiiocs to titvsuuah. the first in Itvus «rl A Johnson nud Um latter in lavor of F IteininjMi Jr Boil 1 shall laave till* letter open eniil Ktmbeil arrives— ami will add the subsum e ot what he intends to ito, I terry will m pun and give yog lull iwr u< ularS Jlo write iu« awaii lire owe Irate ot cotton There to auwlher claimant, a jew, by tire name of Jtubllenlirmh. trove, He * ep* Aommerrdrog promised test if (ire Harrells did not produce evidence, be would turn it over to you nnd KoldlscUeck I shall require proof fioni Kubilscbeck tbn' he 10-t cotton at Groover s or elm where. And should lie satisfy me on that point I will divide with luin ia Uic ratio of 70 (number be ' clhirns to Imre lost) to 190, which, I think, is :.s l or a. can be doue. as it is iui|MisaibU) to identity the cotton. 1 hope But this will give von sahslartinn/' I think if Manning had remained tie would have turned the cotton over to tbe Harwells. Write one about a man named Cooper Deny will tell you about him. i send y-u list ot cotton shipped j by Beard, anti will enclose another list soon. ! Browne lias seized the cotton stored here fur 1 the State of North Carolina, and is giving.l Wright and Seward trouble, lam anxious! to get a reply to my letier addressed to him i this morning Thomasvil.i.e, Geo . Nov. Bth, 1863. I Uncle I sent, by Deny last night a full statement ol the status of affairs hero, ! and copies of my letters, aud that of Mr. j Browne in reply. 1 had intended this mora- j ing wriling him ngaiu, bnt upon mature con sider.ition. I concluded it would be better to await the decision of Col. Kimball, to whom I have submitted the case by letter, enclosing hitii also copies of the letter. Mr. Browne refuses to deliver to -the agent of the State of North Carolina the cotton here, and informed Colonel VVright This afternoon in the presence of. Capt. Dove, Commanding the Post, that he (Wright) would tie arrested should lie again ernlea'or by any writ or otherwise, inter rupt his proceedings Everything is in con sternation. If you deem it not inconsistent with your interest.and I do not thunk it will ef fect it materially; I can bring the gentleman to his milk iu a very few lines, at all events 1 would like to change histone and manner, nnd if it cannot lie done in oue way' it esu in auother. Write me fully on this subject. The only trouble will be an arrest, and as soon as the Convention adjourns things will take an entire different train. Mr. Browne denies your right to appeal or to make auy effort to save your property, and told me so iu as mauy w ords; was, and is now, really vexed that you should think of such a thing. I told him that the fight .had hardly began aud that you were deter mined to stand to it to the last. Kimball, 1 am afraid, is staying away on purpose, aud I shall go to see him on Friday, should he not come up to-morrow. I hope that you wilt be able to bring the gentleman up standing. Excuse me ngaiu for advising that you see Barnard of O Fallon & Cos. He can assist you, and iu the end it will not cost you much more, aud will save you much nnxiety and annoyance. I think they have sent Grey here for that purpose, and it may' be that Biowne is interested or can lie made so by them. At all events see them. The immense law-suit, Ac, &c., which must arise from this question will cost thousands. I enclose you a list of the old marks of all the eofton that Mr. Browne inteuds to ship, and also a complete list ot all cotton that he has shipped. A train with 210 bales will leave in the morning. I saw this evening an order from Col. Kimball, transmitted to him, ordering him uot to interfere with the shipment of cotton. (Private.) I tried to get the order to send you a copy, but Capt. Dove would uot entrust it to me 1 think that it will change Judge Hansel), and I may yet stop Mr. Browne iu the morning. At ail events you may depend that what can be done will be done. » My opinion is that I shall be able to ac complish something in the morning. At all events I feel bopetul—though I did not see the order long enough to torm a correct esti mate ol its meaning. I scud you a list of all the marks which Beard intends to ship, or rather of what he has reported to him. This is -furnished by him. I also send a list ot cotton which he has sftipppd from the books of the Railroad. The last shipment, 210 bales will leave in the morning. I think this is all the iuformatiou I can give you, and I Wipe that vou will be able to stop it -iu Sa vannah. Look out for consignments to Col by & Cos. He has contracted to move this cotton for Beard. Yours, truly, [Siguedj G. B. Lamar, Jb. If you can, stop all cotton marked U. S. aud [w a B-n s.J That marked [w an u s,] is the private cotton of Mr. Beard, and 1 presume Mr. Browne. I think Mr Beard a good old lellow, and I am sorry I did hot have him to deal with. If you "can -send me a list of your cotton with a statement of where it is stored, it would assist, me very much wbeu I am allowed to ship. ' I can only Ship at present the marks which you re turned to Sleeelman, aud the paper does uot show where they are. As to filling out your numbers with the I and E. Cos., and keeping tbe list it is at an end at pres ent, unless some terrible change is brought about I can put ail your cotton in order, if the military do not interfere with me, for SSOO, not including the bagging and rope, and it will not cost -SSO more to put all the I & E Co.’s, provided the cotton is at hand. I think Browne has detectives out looking up these lot 9 stored on plantations about here, aud the man Cooper is oue of the men em ployed, through he proteases to be in your employ. Capt. Richardson who took the evidcuee ot the parties concerning the Cotton stealing, says that it will convict tire parlies you have had arrested, and it would he well for you to see Hastings, aud try and get it. Prom what Capt. H. said, however, I am afraid that Major H. destroyed the papers. The evidence was written by a man by th 6 name ote .McCall, at Quitman, and in tlte presence ot another hy the name of Burnett. The Captain lias promised me more informa tion on this suhject. I will keep it carelully, aud wifi sec the two above mentioned meu belore leaving the county. It would be well to recollect Capt. C. C. Richardson, 12th Maine, also. He is bitter against Styles, and will do all he can to arrest hitn. The papers were forwarded from Quitman to Hastings here, to be forwarded to Sa vannah, and they were sent by a special .messenger, so that Hastings either has them or lias destroyed Kent. See him at once aud perhaps you can recover them by offering a small compensation. This, however, you will not need any advice upon after your ex perience here. I enclose lor your information my corres pondence with the son of the llou. A. G. Browne, &c. Ac. I caunot make anything out of it, save that lit? will not obey the or er of Qen. Steedman, and slilt he does not iuteud giving up the cotton, I will write him again in the morning, and will also send a letter to Col. Kimball to know what his in tentions are Write me. Your s truly, (Signed) G. B Lamar, Jr. Tiiomasville, Ga., Nov. 11, 1860. Daer Uncle : Col. Barnard leaves iu the morning for Savnunah and offers to carry any despatches for me. I enclose you again co pies ol Uie marks of cotton claimed hy Mr. Browne in ibis vicinity, and statements of what he lias shipped. With the new marks I can do nothing. Reward has sent for me to come to sec him in the morning. I told him that I wanted Browne stopped, and he thinks he can do it. You wili find a little bit of rascality in which I have caught the gallant Major 11 , and 1 ran prove it if my witnesses will aland firm on the stand, and I believe they will. Kimball still keeps away, but says lie is coming every day, and I am afraid we will puss each other should 1 leave 1 wish you would write me what to do. I|i» execed- Ingly aggravating, and 1 cun see no remedy save by the law mid I am afraid your luw rr» are turned. 1 hope not--hut fear.— wantej to know If Dove, -the com manding officer hare, would inierleru in my shipments mid 1 cannot get any. satisfaction Irom him. lie consults lirowue, who on dorses all Ills papers for him and leaves me whore I stalled Irom find eoiumiiiilcaliona rinsed DnVtUms liirm-d ovui lo me by or del Ibo cotton, oue hale taken linui the Uaiialls, and I have 11 now at tin* depot 1 am aifimd to go mat il lor lust of aiitas Huy, Um aileniion of Mr Mrowue and hiaciea loros I will pel ilolivrisoM In take charge in If lot me No news lime I am doing miibiug ami mu Hud of it | was iu hopes Mai t*fe Ibl* ail ymit i’hM<*ii would have been bl ofdei Stef MlUlil «f 11 sloppsd font* truly > D U Law.*, it I am w illing u> live here a* long us 1 can serve you TiiomaSVlllk. Ga., Nov. Mill. 1865. ’ Dkah I via—Browne will complete in the morning Itic shipment of Uni laqsirting am! his (sirring Company a cot mu in Parnell's WHiebouHc, buying a'rc.i.iy shipped that from McKinnon's. 1 enclose you complete list at wliat he lias shipped, lie has not obtained 1 Ids receipts 0»r wlml is now on the platform, ready to lie shipped so that i am tint positive ] about today's work. The rest is accurate. Browne has not yet replied ta Seward's | letter, a copy of w liich I sent you, aul has whipped tlie' light by delaying tbe answer. His shipper, Mr Hayes, with whom 1 con versed thig evening informs me that the Noiih Carolina cotton will be shipped next. This N. C cotton is undoubtedly blockade, and I cannot see why lie should hesitate be tween that and the T. & E. Co.'s which is not a blockade company. * • i hope that you will be able to stop all in Savannah, aud if our judges are but true to tbeir duty 1 begin to think that all will yet be saved. The train has not yet arrived, and it is feared that some bridge may have been washffd away by the recent heavy rains. I hope that communication Ims not been cut, as I am very anxious to hear from you. Yours truly G. B. Lamar, Jr., G.a.,'JSov. 13th, 1865. Dear Uncle —l sent you by Col. Baruard this.morning, a full statement of what was going on here—and wbat cotton Beard bad shipped. 1 semi this evening, further ship ments V|Z : U. S. 75 W. A. B:—(U. S.) 50 ; Total 125 Alf shipped through Colby & Cos. That marked W. A. B—XL S. is private cotton, Beard's pickings—and a good thing he is making of it. Seward has addressed a communication to Browne, of whieli I enclose you a copy, aud hope it will meet with your approval. I want, if possible, le stop Browue altogether, and if Seward hacks out, I intend, as your agent, to get another lawyer. lam writing hastily, as the gentleman who is to carry this is waiting, i will send hereafter all my letters sealed through O'Failon A Co.’s mes sengers. Write me and let me know if my. action thus far is satisfactory, aud be sure and correct where it is not. Yours, truly, G. B. Lamar, Jr. Look out for consignments of the above mark—it is ail your cottou. Colly & Cos., consignees. TO THE VOTKHKOK CHATHAM COUNTY' I announce myself as a candidate for the office of TAX COLLECTOR of Chatham county, and respectfully solicit the votes of hiy friends. nov22-td ALEX. F. BENNETT. TO THE ELECTORS OF CHATHAM CO. Gentlemen : Having been- requested by numerous friends to allow my name to ba used for tbe office of Sheriff of Chatham county, I have the honor to announce myself as a candidate for that position, aud respect fully solicit your suffrage. nlt-tf CHARLES J. WHIT*. NOTICE. TO THE CITIZENS OF CHATHAM CO. IRES PKCTFULLY announce myself as a Candidate tor tile Office of Tux Collector at the election in January next, anil humbly solicit your support. n27-tf EDWARD POWER. * V NOTICE. Fellow Citzens.— l announce myself as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Chatham County, and respectfully solicit your support at die election in January next. d‘2o tj3 James J. McGowan. , To the Voters of Cliullium Count I respectfully nunouuce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Chatham County, and ask your support at the January election. ts Beniamin L. Cole. Ntlito iiud Comity Tax Col lector. THE Subscriber is a Candidate for re-eiection, and t cspeetfnlly asks the suffrage of the citizens of Chatham County. obtSO SEABORN HOODALL. CENTRAL K. K. AND BANKING CO. 1 Os GEORGIA, . V Savannuh; Dec. 4, 1,1865. j An Election lor nine Directors to manage the af fairs of the lAnpany for tin: ensuing year will be held at the ll: y Hons-:, in Savannah (second story), on Tuesday, the 2d ot January, 1806, between the hours ol io a m aud 1 p. ra. Stockholders only wno have held stock for ninety days immediately preceding the day of election are entitled to vote. * Stockholders, upon presentation o> their stock cer tificates to the conductors of trains, will be passed to and from the election over the Company’s road, free. GEORGE A. COYLER, (Ic-lm Cashier. CENTRAL H. it At BANKING CO.. I .Savannah, December 9,1366. I Ordered by the Board of Directors that no lninber nor timber shall he transported over the Company’s road except by speciil contract with the Superin tendent. GEO A. cCY'LER, Cashier. Most of the platform cars of the Company being epiployed iu moving iron and ties for rebuilding the road, will prevent the hauling of w ood aud lumber, except in limited quantise. . GEORGE W. ADAMS, diV-eod-2w General Snp't. AUGUSTA tt SAVANNAH RAILROAD, I Savannah, Dec. 20, 1866. / An election for seven Directors for the ensuing year will be held at the Office, corner of Bull and Bay streets, on Monday, the first day of January next, be tween the hours of U and 1 o'clock. FRANCIS T. WILLIS, il-10-wfjiihtd President. NEW AUVEHTIBEMENTS. (■rorgia Chapter, No. 3, R. A. Id. ~ The regular communication of this Chap ter will be held al Masonic Hall This 'Wednesday; Evening, at 7 o'clock. Transient companions are cordially invited to at tend. By order of . * R. T. TURNER, H. P J. Holbrook Kam i.. See. (127-1 ISTotice. OFFICE BOARD COMMISSIONERS, 1 Savannah Wai'KK Works, v Uity Exchange, December 27, 1866. | Water takers who have nut paid water rent since the first of November, are notified that unless pay rneut is made forthwith, the water iviil be siiut off from their premises, ami executions Issued against them, as provided by Ordinance passed in Council, November 29th, 1865. maxima: j. uehveruers, d27-a t Secretary. NOTICE.” I'll ERE will b" a TO'"-:lue of the St >ckh"lder*i>f the llliincevlib- Klals Mining Comii.ny held at 'he ufilai of the lloiuu Insurance Company. No. Ml 11,iv slroel, on Wednesday, the nil day oi JsllUsiy next, at 6 o'clock p in.. |nr ihe purpose of elecitng Director* and 111* irausM tlou ol such other business us may cane before the meeting (127-14 A. B MARSHALL,ttcoreUry. NOTICE. / miNMIGM ICE* p«i schoiisi Uecbtl Vaunt. uinu, V fmiii PlHhnlilpklji. ure berehv i,'Hided that Hu ll Moods are l»'liiy this day .lisi I.uiri-'I al wharf f""l iiT Bill nal'l sued All pflihagi.ivmatthMg ..u wliallellei seusei win In sinied el llsk slid utpeuse nfoaueit, ■iv; MIN’) B|( 4 UAMMKI I, BRICKS, BRICKS,BRICKS WOOD, WOOD. WOOD. I ut k JtlOl'tfAftU l»r« fi.ffi'l* HUikt Mlfil 111 rtf Inti Mir li • I. g4»’>iV'*4 l*i.* Vut AH I* lull IJft IU) WHOM * I aIWd If) , • IM- |if Mint*! *1,114.. SEW AUYKaTIIKMKXn. SEED RICE. *4,000 Heed Rice F -f sale to arrive by BRADY. SMITH * Cl. SACK SALT. THE CARGO by the Duv-'pring, 6,1-M sacke, half bleached, -la-fi ten to the ton. lor sale by *127-1 W lit ARLES GREEN A NON. For Liverpool. , Try- The British Ship dnSg c-oiaOnist. TAYLOR, Master, . wants only 900 hales Cotton to complete her cargo, and g- tto s-a with despatch. For freight room apply to 027-1 w CHARLES GREEN A SON. SIGHT EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK F*ar, K£IN «£. CO , d2T 1 * 114 Bay.street. Pielrnbold’s FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, Weakness arising from Indiscretion. The ex. ’ h<xUßted powers of Nature which are arcomp&n led by eu many alarming symptoms, among which will lie found indisposition to Exertion. Loss of Mem ory, Wakefuineae, Horror of Disease, or Forebodings «>f Evil ; in fticr, Universal lassitude, prostration and inability to enter into the enjoyments of society. r Jh* Constitution, once ailficted with Organia Weakness, requilt** the aid of Medione to strengthen and invigorate the system, whic 1 HtiLMßOLiy* EX TRACT BUCHU invariably does. If no treatment is submitted to. Consumption or Insauity ensues Heliflliold’ii Fluid Extract Buctiu In affections peculiar to “Females," is unequaled by any other preparation, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Painfulness, or Suppression of Customary Evacuation Ulcerated or Schinus State of ihe Ut«ru»: and all complaints incident to the sex, whether arisiug from hahim oi dissipation, imprudence in, or the decline or change in life. HetmliOtd ! H Fluid Extract Buctiu. AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH, Will radically externpnate from tb9 system Disease s aiising frqm Habits of Dlssip.tiion at lift In expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience or expo sure; completely supersedii g those unpleasant and dangerous remedies, Copaiba, and Mercury, in all these diseases. Use Helmbold’s FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Io all Diseases oi these organs, whether existing iu •M'ile*’ or-* ‘Female, ” from whatever cause originating and no matter how lofcg standing. It Is pleasant in taste nnd odor, “immediate” in action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of Hark or Iron. Those suffering from Broken down or Delicate Con stitutions, procure the remedy ntouco. *•*- The reader must be aware th it however slight may be the attac k of the above disi uses, it is certain to af fect bis Bodily Health, Mental Powers, and Happi ness. All the above.diseascs require the aid of a diuretic. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC. HUMIOIU’B HIGHLY CQNBEHTRATED COM POUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, ' For purifying the blood, removing all chronic consti tutional diseases,arising from an impure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy ior thb euro of Scrofula, Scald . Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Ulceration of the and I-egs, blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly eruptions of ihe skin, AND BEATIFYING THE COMPEXION, Not a few of tbe worst disorders that affect man kind arise from rhe corruption that accumulates in the blood. Ot all the have been made to purge it out, none cun equal in effect Helnibolcf’s CoinpoHnd Extract ,of SurgaparilJa. It cleanses and renovates ihe blood, instils the vigor of health into the system, and purges out the humors which make disease. It stlmnla’cs the healthy func tions of ihe body, and expels the disorders that grow and ranklo in the blood. Such a remedy that could be relied on, has long beep sought for, nnd now, fur thq first time, the public have one on which they can depend Our sp ice here dot* not admit of certificates to show its effectb, but the trial of a single bottle will 9how the sick that ii has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two tablespoonfuisof the Extract of Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is fully equal to a gallon of the ’ Syrup of Sais iparilla, or the decoction us ueuidly made. These Extracts have been admitted to use in the United States Army, and are also in very general use in all the State Hospitals and Public Sanitary Insti tutions throughout the land, as well a* in Private practices, ana are considered as invaluable remedies. See Medical. Properties of Buchu. (From Dispensatory of the United States.) See Prolessor Dewec’s valuable works ou the Prac tice of Physic. . See remarks made by tholate celebrated Dr. Physic of Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. Ephraim M’Dowell, a cel ebrated Physician aud Member of the Royal College of burgeons, Ireland, and published in the Transac tions of the King and Queen’s Journal. See Medico Chirurgical Review, published by Ben jamin Travers, F. llow of Joyal College ol Surgeons. See most of the late Standard Works of Medicine. ‘ EXTRACT BUCHU. “SARSAPARILLA.” Sold by all iJruypists. PRINCIPAL DEPOT— HBLMBOLDS DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE. 694 BROADWAY. W. M. WALSH, Wholesale Agent for the State of Georgia. decJi-eodly PUKE BOLIVIAN GUM FOR SALK BY d27 eodJto N. A. HARDEE 6i CO» I. T. Bni:u. W. A. Bhyant. BOUSE & BRYANT, (Formerly of Jacksonville. Florida,) Forwarding; anil Commission Merchants, 104 Kay Htreet, SAVANNAH, .... GEORGIA. WILL give prompt attention I o receiving and for worJiug gixiibs, sales on eonsjgunicnt, and all orders. And will also keep constantly ou hand a good stock ot Groceries, Liquors. Agricultural Imple ments, Building Materials. Fairbanks & Co."a Scales, Ac . besides ulhiw goods and manufactured articles tor «ale ou consignment ann for which l bey are agents. Orders and consignments respectfully aolic l ted d2V3tii WANTED li'MPLOYMKN’f iii a Merchant's office for ajxiut a Jis month, by a gentleman who wishes to obtain un Insight Into biieitii'se here before returning 'aEnglaud. The advertiser could Influence a good Agency or two. Address K. O. Savannah Herald otfi< e. d27l* W^anted, A PHYSICIAN who thoroughly niid«n*taiuU th« piMcttCu of MedtclDu, tiaiuviy and th«» dl*p«u»lug of Mouldin'. Muatb*well rHi-otumcuolvii; r>*b«>i anu *t«*aiJy. will hoar ol a flituatlou by nddit I*lll/ «T»a u p , thu oihi'u. "MARSHALL HOUSE," BKOrGHTUM NTREET, HA VANYA 11, GA. 'IMUMFIRUT ( LAMM mum. lias been I eluo.leled I eh'l n.wlr i» fnnilslii l and pul 111 pelfe> I older tiiruugboui The iraveiliig publb inn) re.l aaeured ibei will in id i uuilultable ar. omiautUllub. al iln. li.diw A II I.DDE, ■iff*i n« J'rnprlidor, Fall UK,VI’OR LEABE. A !• A fill k "li 111 l‘ well adapted In Hie |>r) Unod* L WkW) alnl Hurd dial alma Itaile bwelbei allh a laige itlid i uUdU"d|uiia Dwi illug llmisa wIHi alluHin uni i niidina. 41-aijl laniild wllh iwm leotaU, «i ku I I ' nllul II |l .UulieiienUHU Ha fw paMMbJai- abhl/ In Hi w I t’Tiapfiii »i Meeel*,ll 4 k kU'. . Mt.Ukah Ha ol |o •<t f* au • " il-. , '«• * Uflf 4 MPECUL ROTICKI :>uiu:iagl ash celihai v. Ad Ktoay of Wsroiug >ud lustroct.uH for Young n»rn. ju«l juiblblirU li> tlf lluwsi J Amoci.tluD, kud sunt in Mulled truer envelope, free ot chirr.. * Ali.lre** Dr. J. .MiII.LIN IIDIiGHTUN, Howard Aesodalion, lptm, Ra. ortl j km A FIIYSIOMiuIUI View MAKHIAOB Containing nearly uo page*, and Uo Sit*' Hl,tea. an*l KngravlaAa of the Anatomy of the Human Or gnu* in artiste ot Health and Disease, with » Trea tise on F.arly Errors, its Deplorable Consequence, upon the nitmt and Body, will, the Author's Plun of Treatment—the only rational and anercnn'nl mode of c ure, as shown bv the report of eases treated. A mutiiul adviser to the married, aud those eoutetu plating marriage, who entertain doubts of their phys ical roudftlou. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents. In stamps or postage currency, tiy addressing Dr. I.A CROiX. No. 31 Malden Lane, Albany, N. Y. Ihe author may tie consulted upon auy of the dis eases uiion which his book treats either pci tonally or by mail, and medicines sent to auy part of the world, octlb _ urn ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH!!! Wlieaton's Oint'tnont* Will CURE THE ITCH IN FORTY-EIGHT HOURS. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 60 cent* For sale by ail Druggists By sending CO cents to Weeks A Potter, Sole Agent*, 170 Washington street. Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any partof the United States. sent2l-3m We have learned not to be astoniabed at anything. Years of experience and a correspondence extending throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe have turned theories into fai ls aud established a basis from which we need,not err. We are not surprised at such facts as rhe fallowing—although the persons who write them are. We know tl.e persons and cir cumstances, heuce feel at liberty to indorse their statements; ; “Nxw Bedford, Mass., Nov. 24, ISU3. Dear Sir,—l have been uttticted many years with severe prostrating cramps in my limbs, cold feet and hands, and a general disordered system. Phyniclans and medicines failed to relieve me. While visiting some friends ip New Yo/k who were using Plantation Bitters, they prevailed upon me to try them. I com menced with a small wine-glassful alter dinner. Feel ing better by degrees, in a lew days I was astonished to find the coldness und cramps hud entirely left me, and I could sleep the night through, which i have not done for years. I feel like another being. My appe tite and strength have also greatly improved by the use of the Plautation Bitters. Respectfully, Judith Russel." • Rekdsuury, Wis., Sept Id, 1803. * * * I have been iu the army hospitals for four teen months—speechless aud nearly deud. At Alton, 111., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * * Three bottles restored my speech and cured rae. * • 0. A. Flaute." 'rhe following is from the Manager of the Union Home School ier the Children of Volunteers: “Havcmkyer Mansion. 57th St, > New York, August if, 18d3. | Dr. Dbauk woudcriul Phuitatiou Bitters have been given to sotne of our little children suiloring from weakness and weak lungs with most happy effect. One little girl in particular, with pains in her head, loss of appelite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with but a teaspoouful ot Bitters a day. Her appetite and strength rapidly incieased, and she ia now well. Respectfully, Mrs O. M. Davoe." ***** I owe much to you,. for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. Rev. W. H. Waggon eel Madrid,. N. Y. *•* * * Thou wilt send me two bottles more ol thy Plantationßi;ters. My wile has been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend, Asa Cmua*, Philadelphia, Pa." ***** I have been u great sufferer from Dyspep sia. and had to abtindon preaching. * * The Plan tation Bitters h:sve ctired me. ' Rev. J. S. (’vrnoßN, Rochester, N. 1." *** * * I have given the Plantation Bitters to hundreds of our disabled soldiers with the most as tonishing effect. 0 W. D. Andrews, Superintendent Soldiers’ Heme, Cincinnati, u. ,f “* * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me oi Liver Complaint, of which I wus laid up prostrate, aud had to abaunon my business. 11. B. iviNGSLEYy.Cleveland, Ohio.’* *** * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs that lias uistießsed%e for years It acts like a charm. C. C. Moore, No. 254 Broadway." &<’*. Ac., «kc., Ac., Ac. The PlantatiGn*l>itters make the weak strong, the languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature’s great re storer. They are composed of the celebrated Caiisaya Bark, Wiutcrgrceu, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, dfcc , all preserved ih perfectly pure JSt. Croix Rum. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weak ness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appe tite, distress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, Ac., deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical au thorities, and are warranted to produce an immediate beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. Notice.—Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bitters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and' im postor. It is put up only in our log cabin bottle. Be ware of bottles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, Cor which several persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our United State* stamp over the cork unrautilftted, and our signature ou steel-plate side label. . s SoliVby respectable dealer* throughout the habitable world, . t, F. H DRAKE & CO., Oct27-Sm 202 Broadway,N. Y. , ■ v S. T.—1860 —X. Drake’* Plantation Bitters. They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidute to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation aud late hours. They strengthen the system and enliveu the mind. They prevent miasmatir and intermittent fever*. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. i They cure Diarrhaa, Cholera and Cholera Moi-bas. They* enre Liver Complaint and Nervous He..d»rhe. They arethe best Bitters in the world. They make the weak stroug, ana are exhausted natures great re storer. They are made of pure Bt. Croix Rum, the celebrated Gslisuya Bark, roots and herbs, and arc taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regai-d to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels und Saloons. Only gen uine when Cork is covered by our private L". 8. Stamp. Beware of counterfeits and refilled bottles. 1\ II DRAKB & CO., oc'tVS-eiiiliy 21 Park Row New York Agua de Magnolia. A toilet ilvllgiil I The ladle.' Demure aud gaiill* men’s Ihhiii l The "aweetaat thing 1 ' and largest qusn tlljr. Mauufoi luiist from Hie ih b Hnutheru Magnolia. UwMlfor bulbing llin face and iwranu. Id render Ilia •kin soft aud In's li, to privsnl eruption*, lo pertain* tluliilng, A. It uvt'fi oik". ilia uupluaaaul *«iuf of piiipiiMiiub il reotuvas I will.!**, lau, blotcheaf A' Il uures* heads' he and allay* indsunusiiun Il i-i Mils, eull'-n# and adds dsllwu y Pi lb* skill. Il yields a eahdued sod laeling perhiiun ,' Il care* t*ii'*qa*P* idle* aud Mllig* n| nffie. i. Il voMlsUMna Htalerial iigailnas lu ik* akki Pai.uulaad by Ailreaae. nud Up.if wngen li is wkal •eary I** l * *'"bb* ka.e fluid eterywkei* Try ik* llagholla W .l*l mu* and yuu will as* Itu otkei inlngh' P* ilnmm ) m TuUul fslei sAerwsid* I'AMAN MAMNkM A ID , ••tel eudly Piwps lUciusiv* Afcnu N |, I • __ AUtIUMKin. S u vaiiii uli Theatre. LMaeoaaud Maiiagvr. Mantra. Hainosn A Uaviltuh "Cm v e a t 1* i u mp h -.or , MISS ROSE WOOD. The Beautiful Drama oi DEI.ICATI: GIIOLND. Citlaen Langfrord Mr. W. H Crlap SHAKO FANCY DANCE - - MICB ROM WOOD. Tt> be followed by Andy Blake: Andy Blake .'. * Miss M K. Gordon GRAND PAS DE DEUX, . MISS ROSE WOOD To conclude with TWENTY MI9ITKS YY ITH THE TIGER In watch all the Favorites will appear. Mail, contracts wanted Hr GtlabUinuwnl o. Mall Faculties in Ht#r^*a. Tbe Post Office Department desires to furnish the State of Georgia with Postal service, at Ihe earliest practicable dav until July Ist, 1860, when the regular contracts' proposals tor which are now advertised for will go into effect. * The Department invites proposals for con veying the mails until June 30, 1866, to all country seats and other important points not reached by Railroad commui.ication, at rates not to exceed $8 per mile | er annum for weekly set vice ; sls for semi-weekly, and $22 for tri-weekly; and where tbe importance ot the case requires, S4O for daily service counting the distance **ue way only in all’ casea J Service will be furnished on routes, where before the war, it was daily, three times a week ; where it was tri-weekly twice a week and where it was semi-weekly, weekly service will lie allowed. • J Proposals should lie addressed to “Hon Geo. W. McLellau, 2d Asst. P. M Washing ton, TANARUS). C.. and should slate they are lor service to end June 30th. 1866. nov 4 ts Office of U. S. Direct Tax Com missioner. DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, \ Savannah, Dee. la. 1865. f Owners-of Lota, Lauds and Improvements tn the city ol Savannah, Ga., ale notified that the Tux Roll for said-city 1. completed, and the taxes due thereon may be paid to the undersigned within sixty (80; days from thie date, at onr office, north-west comer of South Br-’ad aud Lincoln streets, in euid city of Savannah For non-payment of the tax, the Act of Congress prescribe, a forfeiture of the property taxed to the United States. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and 2 to 6 p. rri. T. P. ROBB, S. A. PANCOAST, J. C. BATES, U. S. Direct Tax Commissioner., Diat. dl3-tf of Georgia. BATCBRIOK'S HAUL SYR The Original aud Beat in the World! The only true und perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and luatau taneoue. Produces immediate y a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill efiects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF lilLLEPLElifts, For Restoring and Beautifying the aul4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR, New Yoek. Hull’s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Rcnewer Has proved itself to be the most perfect preparatiou for the hair ever oflered to the public. It Da veg6tsble compound, nu*l contain, no injuri ous properties whatever. ' IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIG INAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling ont. It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft, lus trous and silken. It is a splendid hair (lr.sdng. Noperaon, oid or young; should fail to use it. IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY WAsk for Full'. Vegetable Sicilian Hu* Renewer, and take po other. R. P. nALL A CO., Nashua, N. H., Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. BARNES, WARD * CO., • New Orleans, Ls., n23-6m Southern Wholesale Agents. OFFICE DEPOT COMM ISSARY, 1 • Savannah, Georgia, December 6, 1866. } SEALED Proposals to furnish the troops at this Post with fresh Beef for three months, commenc ing Jauntily 1. 1860, and ending Maid* 31, isfl*t, will be received at this ofllce until 12 M., Dec. 2u, 1865 The Beef to be of good marketable quality, exclu sive of necks and shanks, and delivered tri weekly. . The Proposals to be made In duplicate. , „ H. A. DARLING, d eto arid v. S. Vols. KEROSENEWARE, Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Harp Hangers, Side Backs, Side Lamps, with and without Reflectors; Fan - cy Hall Lamps, Lanterns, Bases, Pegs and Foonts- Patent Glusr Csnes, Burners, Globe 9, Chimnies and Wick, DRUGGISTS- FLINT A GREEN GLASS, Crock ery Dealers- and Confectioners’ GLASSWARE. Goods of all kinds made to order KEROSENE OIL JAMES T. WRIGHT, 226 Greenwich Street, Two doors below Barclay, N. Y novi -3m FIREWORKS, AT STUART & CO.’S Trench confectionery AND CRYSTALIZED FRUITS. jyjy OWN IMPORTATION, consisting In part Abricots Glace Nongat .Mlgnons Macarons Pate de Abricots Pate des Framßoise Angeilqne Glacn Jellies, French • Extract Coffee,French , W. W. LINCOLN. d23 3 Congress and Bull sts., Mouumentsqr. Hilton & Randell 193 Bay Mtrcet. HAVE just received and offer for nale At lowest market rates. 200 bids and half bbls Extra Family Floor, too bid. and half bbl. K. IL Corn Meal, inn bbls Premium No. 4 Hominy, 200 half bbls Nos. 2 and S Mackerel, 11*1 bbls Soda. Butter, Dostim aud LemonCracker* 76 uases Jellies and Pickles. dec26-6 gAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK, I December 9th, 1666/ An election fur six Dlfecpir*, to mantge th. sflsii* of this Bank for one year, will he held si the Bsuklug House on the second Tuesday In January next, being the nth day ol the month Polls t pan Horn in o'clock S. m Pi 2 o'clock p. lu. dlMawlm JACOB RPIVKY, Cash Dr. * • ... _______ r V'W< i month* alter ilsli', application will h« made 1 Pi IheOidlutry of Chuthum county fnrleseel* Hi ll all Inn lulerest, hc-liig s Ihiee foul in IliP-reeP fliarle* A L. Lsmar, lately dvressed, iu Ike flnaiiue null sUusled al Hi. cnier of Hinugliioii aud Kan dnlph el reels, Ik lb* i'll? nrflsvanush, fur III* k*u.fll ut lb* cradlpns of Ik* eslale, CAROLINE A I.AMAN, drtttmviu AdmlulstistiU FOR SALE. 'IMH Ufl44Mfllim| ofiei* Ini ■*!. till well kfluwii I valuable rI.NIAHUfI CaihMljM's pud, “/ . }'* rivsf.jetMab Hira*tabs#l*f Hu. .Hi, ami MjMldffji pi A,igu stilts Clash, nmlaiulbg abutil * '<• ** f •••' ill. eri.iel llWllnb 111* lafliL ft* pfiquiH) b*s n,,ui| li.U'l* "iu* .ll* M IrWilflfl,***' • l “ l piosjiuii i is las Hu, Is Hsejf te Ibip*"'e ispiwy is isia* lui ruilluH psi'b uisf* ‘ff'l'H . ip I'sdltt flcfi I MAiIsNsMAM