Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 28, 1865, Image 3

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|gA VAN N aH. rt»r« of Mr«iwlil|ii unit ton saw Vititk. Steamship Virgo, Saturday, December Jutu. al j O'clock. Steamship America, Thnrssday Dar ember 2*tli, at i* O’clock p. m. Steamship San Jacinto. Saturday, December 30th, sat o'clock steamrhip Zodiac, Saturday, December Suth, at > o’dlut It. for Ai'nrsr*. Bteawar Eclipse, Saturday December3oth Steamer Swan, ever) week. Steamer Wm. G. Gibbous, every Saturday morning at a a. m. FOR CHARLESTON. Steamer Charles Houghton, every Tuesday morn ing at 8 o'clock. Steamer City Point, every Saturday morning, at 0 •'clock. • FOR OOCTORTOtTN. , Steamer Two Bovs, evety Tuesday morning, at 8 fclock. 0. j Steamer Orient, every morning, at 7 ■dock. Steamer Gen. Shepley, every Stmilay morning. Sit ; o’clock. {steamer Clarion, every Thursday morning, at i ■clock. TOE TUOMASVII.I.t. v Steamer O. P. Potter, every Monday, Wednesday Mid Friday morning, at 7 o'clock. FOR FLORIDA. Steamer Fannie, every Tuesday morning, at in dfchxk. Steamer fountain, every Tuesday morning, at It o’clock. Steamer City Point every Wednesday afternoon, at a o’clock. Steamer Lizzie Baker, every Thursday morning, at lto'clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at lto’clock. Btearner Helen Getty, evety Saturday morning, at lto'clock. ftiK Target shootino at Gkil's.- The rifle-shoot ing at Geil's, day before yesterday, was a very sne isflsful allair, having been attended by a large as semblage of our best allots, with cot a few ladies.— Although the shooting was attended with some dls tdvaiilages, the wind blowing strong across the tar ;et aud the sun being directly In the faces of the narksmeii, while the target was white aud the bull's ye black hsstead of vice versa us it should have been; une excellent shots were made. The following la 16 summary of the shooting : Sev. uc, -five contestants entered for the prizes, and us hundred shots were fired, the following being 16 five best: # J. P. White—l>b Inches from bull’s eye. Nich' Gcll— l),. Mr. Mastic—2la'. B. B. Kerrill—2',. dr. Maasard—3>£. The distance was one hundred yards ; the bull's e three inches In diameter. A line beef was the M contended for, distribute 1 among the five beat utt, as follows: list shot, first hind quarter i second shot, second Id quarter ; third shot, first fore quarter; fourth st, second fore quarter ; fifth shot, hide and tallow cho l>eer. 7*noticed in attendance Mr. H. C. Stephens, gun Iter, Yu Savannah, Col. Ferrill, Mr. Barclay, Mr. iat* Mr. Stamm, Mr. llerscltback. Mr. Schaffer, i. others. Mi. Getl was unceasing In his exertions tßMrlaiii his guesis. The Savanu&h City Orches tworc in attendance, and the day throughout wi" lied In an agreeuble aud social manner. Mr. i||| who won the first film! quarter of the beef, j a rifle of his own manufacture. The shooting, * general thing, was excellent aud reflected credit iMir rule shots, who paittclpated In the day's re 'aßistmas attiik Barracks.—The dinner given I valid and couvalesccul soldiers at the barracks, ■ insliuas day. was. we learn, au unquullfieil | is, making a bright oasis lu the dreary mono if hospilal confluemenl for the soldiers, and re ig the highest credit upon the spirit, energy and of the ladies having the affair In charge. The lent baud of the 12th Maine Rpgt. discoursed auslc for the occasion, and alter the cloth was ved, eloquent and feeling speeches were made ipt. Thompson, Dr. Bowman and Olliers, to l a response was made, in a llttiug speech, by jr the soldiers of the hospital. The exercises pleasantly and appropriately terminated with lg by the soldiers. believe Labrador Honing is an article seldom vrr before seen in this market. They are a llsli (passed in richness of flavor and have become (leasable in the North. We understand the La in ashing of Hcrrlug foiled last season, aud the le is consequently comparatively scarce. We lowever, that Messrs. Kenneth, Me Lea A Cos., O'.’, Bay street, advertise some lor sale, which, If are equal in quality to those generally Imported me Not tti from ihc Labrador, will be found a ions article aud valuable, not only to the rich as licacy, but to the poor as a cheap article of food. ,e North they arc worth, we believe, about ilia u barrel of 200 lbs. ■ ykk Tuikk AKHKaTkii ami Tueu.—Ou Tuesday vfnig I nut about ball past six o’clock, a negro Aj George with au accomplice,'threw a bale of il'ii I rum Messrs. (’Unborn A Cunningham's ■ii euat of Upper Steam Itlce Mills, Into the slip, ill he lutein ion of Mealing the same The splash Hr by the bill of Ihe ball' of cotton Into the allp, ■ u was fllleil wnb water, was beard by a clerk on Hvldirf and also t.y several other individuals.— A ll was made for the would-be rcttou-thlef, but A aid not be discovered until a lantern was pro- Ai. when lie was found arcreled on one of the A lies under the planking us the wharf. Ue was A m custody by a city policeman, and confined ■' guard bouse. Yesterday the prisoner was Aiibd semenced to two months Imprisonment in ■Anna county jal) at hard labor. A Tiikatiik The great success which has re A l tiie interprislng managers In the engagement A charming danaeute, Miss Bose Wood, Is to be Aed up tiy the introduction of a fresh batch oj Ales. Cliai ley White’s famous Minstrel Troupe, Almiieston, commence this evening au eugage- A's three nlglits. appearing In connection with I- Anilurcompauy anti Miss Rose Wood, whoposl I Neon eludes lier too brief stay in Savannali this I Ac We learn that an engagement has also I Aili cted ivlt b Miss Fanny Price, tbe distinguish I iHiiedieiuie, who will uppear in “Fancbon’’ on I Ay evening next. I Aim. ll ttutoAD Trains.—lt will be seenhya I Atn another column that to-day and hereafter a I Aaln is to leave Savannah for Augusta at 6A. I lAneming with a line of backs running between I A’ B>i, on the Central Railroad, and Lumpkin, I <A*ugusta and Savannali Railroad. Passengers I Alve In Augusta by this arrangement at 11 P. I ♦ returning, in Savannah at 10.15 p. M j B>‘g is now reduced to twenty-two miles, all by I dAt-a change lor tiie which all travelers I tAroad will appreciate. | A lox --At the annual meeting of the German I i ß" l No. 10, of the city of Savannah, held I nflr in -v H a u on Tuesday evening last, the fol I I<A elllf ers were elected to serve the ensuing If ■ Foreman—Henry Blun. I V Foreman—August Sclfrenk. I ■F i iinn—Constantine Hlrp. ■“* r ( —Ferdinand Kolb. I Mathews H. Meyer. ■ ■’!- -Christian Goerly and M Marin. ■ *H-a Schetdeman. I A-Ml Accidknt.—A lew days since attention lo the dilapidated condition of the l IV A lulling surrounding the bluffs. On AIA •veiling lasi a seamen belonging to a vessel wf “* port of Savannah, fell from the bluff of f*f The railing of this bluff la greatly ■ laSkiid it | S almost beyond belief that the sea ■“'H' * a ' ed from Injuries of a fatal nature Tiie B'«A'"eelveil were severe, aud the sufferer had I" W tu back lo his vessel In a very critical con ■lltA ■ ‘-knuttiNTw. -We are again tndobttd to I " t M 1 ll ‘"' 1 f or laie files of New York papeis re ■ ■iw"i'i.|»y uy ateauislii|, Ran Jar'into. A’* •tiles, Id their sovereign capacity as l‘-rA ' “"""'"MbUjoymeM, Imve derided that no v»i«tence produces the same delicious ■ *re experienced while' inliallug the ■"T ** r »hce r i Piiaiuu's-Night HloourlngCe ■ 1 '' "igpafuh. d’JMtd. WdR niHßlttl kkLATIORI. Tbe committee on Foreign Halation* in the House has imposed upon it a most diffi cult aud delicate task. To that committee the country looks for an intelligent view of our foreigu affairs as tbe organ of the Exec utive in relation to our external policy. Tbe chairman of that committee mast he in fie quent communication with the Secietary of State as tbe immediate organ of the Execu tive. The character of the Report to be made by Mr. Raymond could be inferred from his political connexions. It is a ration al conclusion tbsf his associations will lead him to express moderate opinions on both those subjects of dispute, the claim for in demnity from England and interference of the French Etuperer in the internal affairs of Mexico. Tlie controversy with England has assumed that shape that promises pacific re sults. Time has permitted mutual irritation to subside. The dispute, as far as principle is involved, can be held in abeyance uutll circumstanced are more favorable to its dis cussion. As regards our relations with France, thn assertion of au abstract principle like the Monroe doctrine need not provoke hostili ties. There is no point of honor involved or <Jf interest. We have little doubt, therefore, that the Report in question will be favorable to the conlinunnce of peace and the friendly relations between England, France and tjie Uuited States. The three principal maritime powers are, in fact, under bonds to abstain from hostilities, for they have all as heavy a burden of debt as they can sustain, while tbe latter has but recently dismanded its forces and dismissed its armaments. Mr. Sumner has repeated his coarse epithet uhitewashimj he applied to the President in characterizing his brief Message on the 19th, communicating to Congress Qeneral Grant’s report When tbe Massachusetts Senator made this among other undignified utterauces on that occasion, he was rebuked by several other Senators. He appeared as if touched by aa innate sense of shame, and made a sort of retractation. He disclaimed any inten tion of disrespect towards the Head of the government, but did not 'quit his theme of fond descant, the negro, until he had sub stantially repeated the same charge against the President, that he bad beeu instrumental in communicating false information to Con gress as regards the condition of tbe Southern States. Not content with his ebullition of rage then towards that officer, he has since .renewed his attack, in almost the same language. Alas ! for the degeneracy of a body that is compelled to endure such epithets from the lips of one of its members. The time is unhappily passed when nothing but tbe most decorous language, for which its gravity is most appropriate, was heard within its walls. How Mr. Davis is Treated. The Fortress Monroe correspondent of the New York Herald says : “I started only to write the fact that Jeff. Davis is a prisoner here, and that the fact may not be wholly forgotton by tbe public. He is still in Carroll Hall, still in 11 large but well aud plainly furnished room ; still iu the enjoy incut of a good fire aud a good at tendance ; still allowed abundant reading mutter ; still allowed his daily walks on the parapet; aud last but not least, still granted, as regards eating, as say the hotel bills, ‘the best thohuarket affoids.’ Except occasional boils, which trouble him with Job-like per sistency, though happily uot quite so plent - fully, his health couliuues good. The me thodical precision of one habituated to busi ness is evident iu bis arrangement of bis pa pers and books, and tbe fastidiousness in the subject of dress and cleanliness is still a prominent characteristic. When he walks out he is always neatly gloved, aniT his jaunty cane bears him unfuiliug company. His strength ot will is remarkable. It has sustained him, thus far, through a long, aud what, to one of his active habits, restless en ergies, and graspiug ambition, must be a torturing imprisonment. With his will so indomitable, and bis resources of thought aud intellect, he can stand infinitely more.” A. H. H. Dawson.— We flud in the Wil mington Dispatch the following complimen tary notice of A. H. H. Dawson, who is not a!together unknown in this community. This man delivered lectures in this and other cities of the South in aid of Kentucky sol diers during the war. He was a blatant “secesh” at that time,and lauded the gallantry and devotion of soldiers to the cause of the South ; but things have changed, and Daw son finds it profitable to tickle the Abolition ists under the fifth rib. In other words he hns struck oil, and he intends to make it pay. We have no objections to his humbugging the whole Yankee nation, but we seriously object to bis being put down as a Georgian, for he is none of us. We believe he gener ally hails from Kentucky.— Augusta Constitu tionalist, A Recreant Georgian. —The people of Wilmington doubtless remember the Hon. (?) A. H. H. Dawson, a native of Kentucky, but a citizen of Georgia, who made speeches during the war in behalf of Kentuckians in the Confederate army. We have not forgot ten him. He made two speeches in Fayette ville ; and in both of them he denounced the Y’ankee, and lauded tbe Confederates in the most eloquent manner. But what is he now doing? Why, making speeches in Boston, in which be is pandering to Massachusetts prejudice, by denouncing secession as “the work of cowards and scoundrels.” This man Dawson sought office at the hands of the Confederate authorities with a degree of en ergy and diligence almost unapproachable ; but be failed in his schemes of ambition, and he now goes to Boston and abuses the peo ple amongst whom be was bred and born, and who filled his pockets with contribu tions, (as they > bought,) for the Kentucky soldiers. Mr. Dawson will be affectionately remembered by his fellow-citizens of the South. Value of Neobo Suffrage Petittons.—l n the Senate on Thursday last, Mr. Sumnei presented, with a chaructertic speech, a peti tion from tbe white citizfena of the District of asking for the extension of the < right of suffrage to colored people. On the same day, in accordance with tbe resolve of the city authorities of Washing ton, a test vote was taken on tbe question of negro suffrage in that city. About seven thousand votes were cast, only seven ty-five of which were in favor of extending the franchise. Office of U. 8. Direct Tax Com missioner. DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. > Savahnau, Dec. la, 1866. I Owner* of Lou, Laada unit Improvement* ill the city or Savannah. Ot., are notified that the Tax Roll (or ni<l city is completed, and the taxe* doe thereon may lie paid to the undersigned within alxty (fitly day* from t hi* date, at our ofllce, north a eat corner ol wulh Br >ad aud Lincoln streets, In aald ciij us Savannah For nou payment ut the Ux, the Act of Cougresa praaertbe* a forfeiture of the properly taxed to the Putted State*. onto* hour* from V to It a. m . aud t to t p. in. T. P. ROBB, A A. PA.NI OAST, J. C. BATES, P H. Direct Tax I’ommlMionere, that dIS-U of Georgia >KW AUVIRTIIBMESTI Savannah Tlmiti f. Lessee* aud Managei* Muon. Kaiuonv \ Uauiltuh Greatest Combination Erer Offered in Savannah. ENGAGEMENT FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY WITH CHARLEY WHITE’S Celebrated and Complete jVlinstrel Troupe, Wbo have just concluded a most successful sea sou w Charleston, 9. C. The Performance will commence „im TEE 33 BHOH EX 1 , In which tbe favorites of tie Company will appear ■RAM FARCY DANCE - - MICC COS! WOUD. To couoluds with CHARLEY WHITE'S MINSTREL TROUPE In an complete and grand a Pelformasce aa given by any Minstrel Company in America. ter* Tbe engagement of tfic celebrated Company caunot tie extended beyouil thne nights. FOR RENT, ONE of th« finest Sea Island Cotton and Provision Plantations on the coast of Beaufort District, 9 C., with nine hundred (9ml; acres of cleated land, and all necessary buildings now standing, immediately on a bold salt liver. Apply to , THOMAS M. TURNER, T (918-2* Savannah, Ga. NOTICE. ALL persons having claims against the estate of Isabella barren, of Chatham coauty, deceased, will present them, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law, and all persona indebted to said estate will make payment to JOHN D HOPKINS. d2« lawbw Execntor RAILROAD HOUSE, RESTAURANT. BAR-ROOM AND BARBER SHOP ON BRYAN ST., JOHNSON SQUARE MATILDA TAYLOR RESPECTFULLY Informs the public that the above Establishment Is now prepared to furnleb Oys ters, Fish, Game, Ac., at all hours. Dinners, Suppers will be furnished at the shot test notice and sunt to any part of the city. Wines of all kind 9 and of the very best always on hand. In addition, fonr Dining Rooms has been fitted up in the neatest style for tbe accommodation of Ladies and Gentlemen Excellent Cooks and accommodating Waiters in attendance. Attached to the Restaurant is extra Diring, Sitting and Bed-Rooms. A Barber Shop, with competent Bubers, Is also connected with the House All customers will hive their private caps with their names on. Transient Boarders and Travelers will find it to to their advantage to call The patronage ol the public la solicited. ABRAM BEASLEY, d2S-tf ’ Superintendent. T. C. TEBEAD, At Whitaker Street shoe Store, Is now opening LADIES’ PHILADELPHIA Extra Fine Calf KiU Balmorals, Extra tine Calf Kid Polka's, *» •• Hoots, •* English Lasting Pump Front Laced Boots. Extra line Congress Gaiters. Extra fine Embroidered Slippers. GENTS’ FINE BOOTS AND SHOES, which will be shown with pleasure to his old friends aud custom ers. Northeast corner Whitaker and Broughton street lan« Do not mistake the place. d?S-tf ALE, ALE, ALE. WE have just received a fresh consignment of Hammers' celebrated <’hampng no Ale, In bbls. and half bbls. |The half bbls are put up for familyfues, and its quality and low price recommend It to all who desire to obtain a good article. We have also 76 casks Scotch Ale. which wo offer as low as a good article can be bought. d2B-3 F. W SIMS A CO. RICE LANDS To Rent. ON north bAnk of Savannah river, neai the city of the finest quality, and would pay large profits under good management. Owner would plant on shares with party fuiuhhing capital it defied. d2B-lw BRYAN. HARTRIDGBA CO. DANCING, DANCING. MR. It. G. WARD would Inform ihe citizens ol Savannali that Ihe Second Session of Ids Danc ing School for Young Ladies and Children will com mence at St. Andrew’s Hall, on Tuesday afternoon, January 2d, at ID; o’clock. The Kvening Class for young inon will commence ou Monday Kvening at B*j o'clock. For terms enquire at the Hall. Soirees every Friday evening. d2B-4t SEA ISLAND TO RENT. milE large part or Sapclo Island, Ga.. an unusually A large tract wideb could employ 200 or more la borers to advantage. It produces tiie fluest long cotton, fair provisions, and has extensive prairie pastures, negro houses and liarns in fair order, dwelling ruinous. Parties wishing to lease for one or three years can apply to Chas Spaulding, Execu tor, Mclntosh county, Ga., or to BRYAN, HARTRIDGB A CO. diS-lw m3 Bay street, Savannah. TO THIS VdTKRSOF CHATHAM COUNTY I announce myself as a candidate for the office of TAX COLLECTOR of Chatham county, and respectfully solicit the votes of my friends. nov22-td ALEX. F. BENNETT. To the Voter* of Chatham County. I respectfully announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Chatham County, and ask your support at the January election. ts Benjamin L. Colk. State ami County Tax Col lector. THE Subscriber is a Candidate for re-election, and respectfully asks tire suffrage' of tbe citizens oi Chatham County. obt3o SEABORN GOODALL. CENTRAL R. R. AND BANKING CO. 1 OF GEORGIA, V Savannah; Dec. 4,1, 1665.) At Election for nine Director* to manage the af fair* of tbe Company for the ensuing year will be held at the Banking House, in Savannah (second story;, on Tuesday, the 2d of January, 1966, between the hours of 10 a m. and l n, m. Stockholders omy wuo have held stock for ninety day* immediately preceding tiie day of eßtion are entitled to vote. Stockholders, upon presentation of their stock cer tificates to the conductors of train*, will be passed to and from tiie election over the Company’s road, free. GEORGE A. CDYLER, d6-lm Cashier. NOTICE. TO THE CITIZENS OF CHATHAM CO. IREbPECTFDLLY announce myself as a Candidate for tneOllieeof Tax Collector at tbe election in' January next, aud humbly solicit yonr support. n27 If BOWAHDPOWBR. NOTICE. Fellow Citzrnb.— I announce myself as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Chatham Couuly, aud reapectfully solicit your support at the election in Jauuary next. d'.'O tjll J AMES J. McGowan. TO THE hLEU'lUlts OKI HATIIAM CO. Gxntikmxn: Uaviug been requested by numerous friends lo allow my name' to ha used for the office of Sheriff ol Chatham ooumy, I have the honor to announce myself ns H candidate for that position, und respect lully solicit your suffrage. •IT If I IIAHUM J W link. B*Hl|>|»inur lntflllffecc*. ■ lai.iar. Alaa.Mar TtaU Iky. Sun me# 7 1; Mural rl«-» 2 >4 dun act# a l|lllgh water..S 28 PORT UF ivY \ ANNAIi. W*f»NK9l>4Y. Iter. 27, 1863. Arrived, Steamship Sa'n Ju> into. Loveland, New lork—B U Hardee pepurt.-- 86 hours fiom New York ; Monday. 25th, passed steamship ban Salvador 101 Sew 1 ork ; same lime passed steamship supposed to be the Chase, Irow New York for Savannah. The Sau Jacinto ex perienced strong liead winds and rougn weather the entire passage. Schr Oliver Cromwell, Delano. Jeffereontoo, Oa—J H Burgess. . _ . „ ikhr Albert Haley. Nichols, Havana, with fruit—o H Arledgc Cleared. Steamship Zodiac, Dearborn. New York -Octavus Cohen. .8 1 earner Minnie Brandt. Travis, Augusta—LaKoche A Was!. Steamer Fannie, McNeltv, I‘alatks. elo—F M My reß. „ . Steamer orient, Goldilm aite, lloetortown—c has 1, Colby A Cos. import*. F*r sehr Oliver Cruinwelr, irom Jejftrsonton—4Bo bushels rough rice. Exports. Per steamship Zodiac, for New York -:U4 hales up land cotton, ho do domestics, 30 do yarns, i cases, i bundle and do pkgs mdse. passengers. Per steamship Sau Jacinto, from New York—NJ Boyce, H Blanchard, 11 M Butler, J F Bouse, wife, 2 children aud ."--rvt. H W Bilge, W 1) Braswell, Dr Barth, II Brigham. F Binhamn, A Barclay, Mrs W Barclay, H A Crane, W Collier, P Dell, J S Davidson, Mrs Ellsworth, J Gross, D Herring, R Hawks, W C Murrell and wife, Mis C Moody, R I-Moody and wife, J A Mitchell. Mr Meeks, wiftx 4 children aud servt, H H Moody, D Marshall, M B Noyes, 1) G Page and wife, J 1> Parker, G Robinson, C Redding, J W Ran dall and wife, J Small, J P Thompson, Mrs K Wade, W 11 Konuiii. Per 'steamship Zodiac, lor New York—Dr J A Winkler, .1 Rosenthal. .1 C Mira and 2 neices, Miss A Clark, P A Scranton, F Mallory, 11 Lawrence, J N Harlow, B Dodge and 5 steerage. Consignees. Per steamship San Jacinto, from New York—B k Meyer, Adams Ex Cos, J Anthony, Ames k P, David son A Bio. T Burch, S Boone, J W -Bryant, A Bar clay, \V W Caster, Dr Barth, 11 W Bilge, Claghom A C, A Champion, Crane, J A- G, B Plielps, u N Conn. Doyle A L, Dewitt A M, Drury A Tripod, Erwin A H, Einstein A E, Mi's J Ellsworth. O Ester, M Kerat and Cos D Finnegan, S A .1 Gardner, J Gross, P Green k Son, S Goodail, C 1. Gilbert, Hunter A G, N A Hardee and Cos, B 11 Hardee, C V Hutchins, Hall A Whitman, W Hone, H WACO, Plumb A L, WB Johnston, W C Jessup, E Fhini/.y, T Kolb A Cos, laithrop A Cos, A Low, A Le flier, M 8 Meyer, H Melnhirdt A Bro, McF A Frazier, J C Maker, K P Moody, J D Mitchell B M Neely, J Oliver, T Pepper, H 8 Palmer, C B Pearce, Q A Oatea, A S Bichelberger, Buggies AA, T Rich ards A Son, Cook A Murphy, J 11 Slock ton, Sav Nat Bank, F W 81ms, Stuart A Cos, E F Tint, F Schuster A Cos, G Yolger, A A Solomons, T S Staley, J Thorn dike. U A Topnam, U G Tildcn, Stewart A Orr, Van Horn, H A Cos, Bmntiy <£• D, Warren A P, Weil A M. Mrs Weeks. LIST OF VESSELS IN THE POUT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Dec. 28,1865. STEAMSHIPS. America, Lindt, loading, New Y'ork—Brigham Baldwin <f Co.’ Lulu, Taber, repairing—Master. SHIPS. Mont Blanc, Donnell, 700, loading, Liverpool—La Roche, Gatlen A Unckles. Virginia, Weeks, 1,044, loading at Lamar's Press, for Liverpool—C L Colby A Cos. 1 Thorwalsuu, (Br) Bruinugc, discharging—Held A Stewart. Favorite, (Br)Spain, discharging—E A Simllard. Herald, Calvert, loading, Liveipool—C Given A Son. Mozart, (Br) Smith, tons, discharging—T R A J G Mills. County of Picton, (Br) McKenzie, discharging—C Green A Cos. Bark Creailnanght, (Br) Smith, loading, Liverpool —C L Colby A Cos. BAKES. Craeso, (Br) Carrey. ton 9, loading, Liverpool— R 1 Caughey. Tephyrlne, Peuistou, loading, Liverpool -Reid A Stewart. •7 A Platinius, Pinkham, discharging—C L Colby A Cos. Colonist, (Bn Taylor, discharging-Clias Green A Son. Evening Star, Fry, discharging—Yonge A Nixon. Biuoa. Atlantic. Wark, 101 ton 9, loading, Nassau, N P—B’ Wylly A Christian. it C Wright, Hugg, discharging—R Habersham & Son. Ella, Brown, waiting—E A Sonllard. John W Loritt, Gilliot, loading, St Johns, N B Yonge A Nixon Daniel llooue, repairing. Potomac, Perkins, loading. New York—W H Stark Resolute, Lane, bound to Darien, repairing. . Lewis Clark, Bartelle, discharging—Van Horn, Holyoke A Murray. 4 Clara Ellen, Dexter, discharging—Gowdy A Brad ley. Monticello, Moon, discharging—Richardson A Bar nard. Harp, Cardy, discharging—H Pitcher. SCHOONERS. John M Broomall, Douglass, loading, New York— Clias L Colby A Cos. Pearl, (Br) Riordon, discharging—Bell, Wylly A Christian. Walter Raleigh, loading, Boston—Hunter A Gam raell. Clara Ella, Dexter, discharging—B A Bradley. Rachel Vaimerman, High, discharging—Hunter A Cammed. Young Teaser, Morton, discharging—Van Horn Holyoke A Murray. Callsta, Hall, loading, New Yol k- -C L Colby A Cos., Albert Haley, Nichols, discharging—G II Arleilge. Hilton & Randell 193 Bay Street, . > HAVE just received and offer for sole at lo west market rate?. 250 bids and hai' bbU Extra Family Flour, 100 bbls mid half bbls K. D. Corn Meal, 100 bbls Premium No. 4 Hominy, 200 half bbls Nos. 2 ana 3 Mackerel, ion bbls Soda, Butter, Boston and LemonCrockera *6 oases Jellies and Pieties. <lcc*s-6 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION! Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening:, AT THE STORE ON BROUGHTON STREET, Third door from Bali, Where will be offered a general assortment of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, liuder-clothing, Books, Yankee Notions, Jewelry, Ac , Ac., at the pur chaser’* own prices. Term* cash; gales positive. dl 30 Cargo Sale. Yot’lt, |WilliaiiiN, Mclntire A Cos. Will sell at Auction Tuesday, Janutuy i£<i, 1860, At 10 o’clock, A. M. on Wharf, the entire cargo of brig Mouticello, liom Matanzus, consisting of 85 Mids Clayed Molasses, So. 1, last year 1 tierce do do do do 43 large hltds new Clayed Molasses 11 small do do do do 17 tierces do do do 10 bbls do do do 11 large hints Muscovado do 3 small do do do 1 tierce do do 3 bbls do . do 8 tilids Muscovado Sugais. Terms cash. U2B AT AUCTION. BY BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. In front us Mie Court House ou the first TUESDAY In January next, between the legal nouis of sule, will be sold; Rocc Hope Plantation. Situated ou ihe Savannah river. 14 miles front the dty. containing (1.0C0) Ten llnndrcd ami Sixty acres, (Sou; Three huudreil of which Is first quality tide Swamp, Rice laml: tiwn one hundred and any acres reclaimed, and (15ui one hundred and fifty acre* re quires dlti lies to he cleansed ; (juo) Hirer hundred •cre» cotton and provision land. Balance well Urn tiered. Houses suiucieut to aecummoilale 1 75; seven ty-five hands. Burns, sullies. Smokehouse, Ae. Term* made known on day us sale. ilfiu ul AUCTION, AUCTION, AUCTION. BY BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN la front of the Court House. hoiwren lb* legal hour* W ill be autd. OB TUBBDAY, 2d January, isso, :ut Valuable city |alia. Fog Simple. Th*«e Lida an mostly uuiatptnvad.allaaiad weal of Hrfitii •! i ***t umi Ftbiu utr**!, T*i»n* iMb, ptUiJwNai. paying M Title*. plan fit be *hi *( out uffic* ||| AUCTION«.____ Ml Mt-11. W)Hy k t hrMtaa. AT PRIVATE HA LB. 45 acres Os fln* Garden Land, within tbe limits of the city. The iinpruvementacuosistsof s fliatcfaitcotUxe dwelling, gothic style, containing six large looms, with marine menus piece, dining room, kltcneu, library room fiariiUhad with rhelvee and giassduura UuibuUdlngi conelele of larmkoaee, containing seven rooms, barn, carriage house aud "tables. Purcfia-er can have the re faeal or com, fodder, hay. horses, mules, buggies and wagon" Alan, 2430 Hcrea of heavily timbered hunt, situated twenty (20) mill.from ihe city, between the Ogcecliee and r’anoochee Roads. Au excellent kicatlou for a mill. Or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation. 100 aerce of the above cleared. Improvements consiate of two small dwelling houses, with stable*, criha, Ac. 0 ts nlB UNDER WRTTEHs” SALE. ~ By 8011. Wylly A Christian THIS DAY. at 11 o'clock, in front of store of Mr. W. 11. Stark, corner Bay and Lincoln streets, for ac count of Underwriters and all concerned. 65 bags Bran, damaged uu board ol schooner Potomac on the pas sage from New York to this poll, and sold under in spection of the Port Wardens U2B AT PRIVATE SALE. By 8011, Wylly A Ultrisliaii. Lots Not. 45 and 46, Lafavetie Ward, fronting on Jones street. . The improvements consist of a first-class Brick Dwelling, containing twelve rooms, besides Bath and Dressing rooms, with all modern Improvements and conveniences. Gas. , old and hot water, speak lug trumpet*, range, Ac. Buildings ou lane consist of brick stable, carriage Souse, wood aud coal rooms with comfortable apartments above. d2S-tf l it BULL, WILLY At CHUSTIAN. AT PRIVATE SALE The West Half of Lot No. 2, Calhoun Ward, fronting on Jones street. The improvements consist of a finely finished Brick Residence containing Ten Rooms with gas throughout, and a well of excellent water aud u due Force Pump. dIS-tf AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having bean so many application* for Small Tracts of Lind for location, the owner of the above Land, feeliitg a disposition to meet this demand, has placed in the market, for a tew days, Lot* of Five Acres, or more, part cleared, on the Augusta Road, op posite to the three mile etone, also on the White Bluff Road, opposite to the two mile stone. tf-nIC AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bril, Wylly A Christian. 100 acres of Laud, situated on the Vernon river, about nine miles from tbis city. The improvements consist of dwelling, barn, stables, and other neces sary out- buildings. An ahundtfnce of flsh, oysters, shrimp, Ac., con veniently obtained. Price of property, $2,000. n2B-tf Side-WHcel Iron Steamship Annie, AT AUCTION, By Bell, Wylly A Christian. On SATURDAY, 30th Inst., at 12 o'clock m„ will be sold, ill ffont of the Kxcluiiige, on Bay, fronting Bull street, The Side-Wheel Iron Steamship Annie, 260 tons burthen, IG3 feet 10ug,21 feet beam, 11 feet depth of hold, drawing light r>‘ 2 feet, together with hU her tftekle aud apparel and two good bouts Engine*,An* ( hors, iluwsers, Tools, Rubber Hose, dc. Terms cash. d‘jT-4 Auction. By Bell Wylly & Christian Tills I>AY, iu front of store, will be sold, at lu * o’clock. A general assortment of Groceries, consisting of 11 utter, Lard, Tea, Sugar, Ac., Ac. Sale positive, to close consignment. U2s UNDERWRITERS' SALE. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. Tills DAY, at 10 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold for account of Underwriters and all concerned. One case 60 pair* Women*’ Goat heelsii,Balmoral, 0-9 damaged on board of steamer Chase on the passage from New York to this port, and sold under inspec tion of Port Warden. d2B ESTATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. On the first TUESDAY in January next, wilhin the legal hours of sule, will be sold In front oi the Court House, in Kavturnah: The Lot on the corner of West Broad and New streets. South \)glethorpe Ward, 1(H) Icet front ou West Broad street, by 260 on New street. The im provements consist of three houses, which rent at sCm> per annum. gold ;or a division between the heirs. dlO tawtf SEA ISLAND HOTEL AND COMPLETE OUTFIT AT AUCTION. Bell, Wylly St Christian, On WEDNESDAY, January 3d, 1866, at lu o'clock, will sell on the premises, at Hilton Head; Tiie new Sea Island Hotel, completely furnished with new lurnilnre of the latest style. ALSO, 4 new Billiard Tables. Crockery, Glass Ware, Kitchen Furniture, Ac., Ac. Together with all the outbuildings, which, with the Hotel, may be readily taken down and removed, If desired. Sold in lots to suit, purchasers. dis-td ADMINISTRATORS HALE. By T. J. Walsh. On TUESDAY, January, 2ii. ISCfi, will bo *oM at the Court Hou*«% in the city of Savannah, at 11 o’clock: The Eastern Half of Lot No. 11 Jackaon Ward, ffee simple, with improvements), corner of Whitaker and Hull Htreets. The improvements are a two-story brick dwelling, nine room*, with water in the yard aud ga* through the house , brick stable. Both build ing* nave slate roof*. sold by permis*ion of the Ordinary of Chsitham county, fora divhion among the heir*. Term* cash, purchaser paying for title*. n24 ADMINISTRATORS SALE. By Bill 1111 Ac Meyer, ** By permission of the Hon. Court of Ordinary of Chat ham county, will be sold on SATURDAY, Decern -9 ber 30, in Robert* street, on the premise* ; 1 lot Scantliug, 1 lot Wood, 2 Corn Din*. 1 Wheel borrow, 2 Mares, 2 Colts, 2 Cow*, 1 Calf und 1 Silver Watch, being the perishable property of Richard Burke, deceased, late of Chat ham county. JOHN O MAHONY, d2O td Administrator ad col. “ V .ADMINISTRATOR’S* sale; IN pursuance of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, willQf Hold on thu first Tues day in February next, at tbe. Court House door, in the city of Savannah,, during the usual hours of sale, all the undivided half interest of James Rilho, late deceased, in the Shandy Hall farm, situated ucur the city of Savannah ou the Thunderbolt road ; said farm containing in all fifty acres, more or less. The said half Interest sold for the puipose of di vision JOHN O. FERRILL, dT-td Aduiinlfct, ator. By Blun St Meyer. Will Hull ai auction TO MOIiROW, 2Stb lust., In front of atoio at 10 o’clock. 2 hlnis HmukeJ Bacon Sides. 2 hint* Sugar L’urtd Hants, 3o bbls ”' “ ’• Shoulder Sid**, 8 hhda Shoulders, 50 firkins Choicest Family Butter, 60 tubs Leaf Lard, 50 bill* Onions, to casks Vinegar. 50 boxes Soap. Also, An luvoiro of l)iy Goods and Small War*, Beside* A good asaoitinentof Furniture, Ac. (U 7 2 FOR AUGUSTA. And Landings on the River. Tba new and atasneli steamer £CLX P H K Will taks bar place lu tb* ilu* and lata* Im AnguaU on SATURDAY MOIiNINU, Ft eight receded al ail lime, al Demand's Drear Fraa*. and stored die of t>*p*Md* ig * fire ptwl W . i sbuet. P, W niMa a so, 6H ‘ Age els iHirypto, __ STAR LINE. FOR NEW YORK. The fine Steamship AMERICA. Lindt, Commaii der will leave for the above port on Tharodsy, Dec. *Sth, yt 3 o’clock p. m. For freight or passage, haring superior state room accommodations, apply to _dil BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO.*' Empire Line. FOR NEW YORK. •A-tluxitlo Mall Stcnmahip Company. PAN9AGE REDUCED TO. - B.‘|R. . Tbe iuw aud fast side-wheel St earn BAN JACINTO, Loveland, uras jMht SgfS ter, will sail as above, dn Saturday-, Dec, .10, at o'clock 111. Fur freight or passage, haring unsurpassed accom modations, apply to B. H. HARDER, No. 12 Stoddard's Range. GARRISON 4 ALLEN, Agents, (126 , Ho. 9, Bowltag Gres*. N. Y. Murray’s Line FOR * v * NEW Jg||i YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! Cabin Passage, S2S 0® Beck, su> 00 The new and splendid steamship VIRGO, Botkley, commander, will leave for the above port on her regn tar day, . . . Saturday , Dec. ‘4O, at o'clock. For freight or passage, having superior accom mo datlons. apply to d2B OCTAVUS COHEN. For Charleston, Ike sew Steamer CITY POINT, Capt. Lcnls M. Coxetter, Will leave as above » ■very Saturday, at 9 a. m. For freight or passage apply to R. W. ADAMS, or J. 8. CAKHUTHKRS, Hodgson's Range, next to Bell, Wylly A 428 Christian, Bay street. For Augusta, THE STEAMER R. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for the above place. Hoods receiv ed at all time and stored in Are proof warehouse, foot of Liucoin street, free of c*>st. J. M. KINCH LEY, Agont. Office in Claghom Jt Cunningham’s. The May arrived in Augusta from Savanuab on last Friday with her full freight. _tf oct9 FOR MACON. HAWKINSVILLE. AND w LANDINGS ON THE ROUTE. The new and fast Sid j-wheel Steamer Asher A^res, G’apt. WM. TAYLOR, Will have despatch. Goods received free of storage in the Wharf Store*. No. 5 anil 6, below Lincoln .tract dec27 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A OU. For Liverpool. rjTr The British Ship COLONIST, TAYLOR, Muter, wants only 900 hales Cotton to complete bar cargo, and gat to sea with despatch. For freight room apply to 1 d27-lw CHARLES GREEN k SON. For Doctortown AND Th.omasville. The Steamers Gen. Shepley, Orient, and Clarion, Will make Tri-weekly Trip, to Doctortown, in con nection with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, leaving Savannah on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Through freight payable by shipper* at our office. Freight received daring the week, anil stored fro of expense. For freight or passage apply to CHAS L. COLBY A CO., P2O Corner Abercorn and Bay streets. Freights FOR AUOUSTA, rriHE undersigned are prepared to receive goods at A thoir Warehouaea—free qf expense and cov ered by Insurance—for shipment to Augusta and Klnta beyond by their regular line of light draught ata. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, scpt2»—tf cor. Buy and Ahercorn sbr. TOR HAWKINSVILLE; MACON VIA DARIEN, DOCTORTOWN, And Landing* on the Altamaha and Ocmulgse river*, THE Steamer Oa ; k, Capt. McCauley, Freight will be received for this boat daily at the Old Florida Steamboat Wharf, foot of West Broad sir* «t, and •to rod in fire-pioof warehouse, free of chsrge. By this arrangement parties having freight to ship can save tbeexpenso of double drayuge and storage. For rrelght, Ac., apply to a J. B. I’REHiEE, Agt. . 109 Brougliton street. F. M. MVKKLI., MT t'HAIVGE OF DAY AND IIOLIt. -&» FREIGHT AND PASSAGE REDUCED. FOR JACKSONfILLE, INLAND, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS AND FERNANDINA. TUI STEAM Kit F A. IST IST I K; CAPTAIN MoNRLTY, Will leave a. above float the Florida Mtuaiuhual " hail limii nr West Ibuad street, mi TUKNDAY next, 2*l h al lu iiTlork sm. und a 111 niuiiunn to |, Ae aval y Tuvaday fidluwlag at aaa<o bour uaUlfeiibM' aotb*. , * lid* lm*l 1s la vary aarelbmi uni**, |* reoimaodud li, uKiar* ol vap*reui'»i aud baa aotiarlur •«*■« rratfi ituiarnroiUtloii* Im paaaeugeis Wbila tb* lasat is on bm trrigbi will he rn> “iV'«l sad atoeei w fire proof w.rekoow, Ires ul .aJ ' ko, rt sight mi pa a* »g., tMdr bi W k Ml HKI.I Aft. An IM Mania’ Balßlaq. ba, ami. VM*W> ioaaWMi. ofiytxk, *( FOR AUGUSTA, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS, ta Steamer TTnion, It Frwler, Master, will have quirk dispatch *& above Freight received and stored inffre-proof warehouse on Uhl FioruU Sit-ambuui Wharf foot of Weut Pr-rtd street. For freight, apply to F. M. MYRKLL, Harris Building, Buy street, or to W. Jomiaon, on wharf. FOR AUGUSTA, ANYWAY LANDINGS. The ,Steamer VOLUNTEER, And Covered Barges, Capt. 8. SNOW, will take freight as above, at Lewar Rice Mill, aud leave on Friday, December 29th. O'FALLON A CO,, Agent*. For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S. FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new and fast Bailing Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. King, Haring boon placed permanently upon this roots will leave for the above places on Every Thurutiy Morning, at AO o’cloc k For freight or passage, having splendid cabin ac commodation, apply on board, at the Florida Steam Packet wharf, or to CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, Agents. Baltimore, Charleston and Havana steamship line, VIA CHARLESTON FROM BALTIMORE. The flrst class Suteyvliee! Steamship ISABELLA, U, C. WANBEftsr, Cofhmander, Will lease Baltimore for the .hove ports about the 30th nisi., and Charleston alsnn the 3d of January 186.1, a few hours alter her arrival, a nd wm continue hereafter to make regular trip**. For freight or passage, having stateroom aCt‘Ol)linO(|ufk»llki, apply to GAHRANDIK A IBBANk, Agents, 18 commerce street; Sattimore ’ T '— Cg ABQLH BRfis * FOR AUGUSTA. And Landings on the RiKr. The well-known Steamer * SWAN \ *• k (Havingbeen put Incomplete repair,; of light draught,is receiving Height atPadelford's Wharf. ' and will have despatch. The Swan will coiilinne to run regularly, making w.-ckly trips, and In connection with atefimer P. B- Good sell, will form a semi-w.ekly line. Another light boat will Boon he added to the line if the patron age will warrant It. The undersigned solicits the patronage of hia friends and former patrons, Freight will he received at all times in the Brick Warehouse un Whaif. covered liy Insurance, <ICT ' I w M. A. COHEN. NEW ROUTE TO South-Western Georgia, VIA SUN BURY AND STATION No. 4 AT LANTIC & GULF R. R. The new and swift Steamer O. F. Eotter Will leave her wharf, foot of Abercorn street on every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at " o'clock a. m„ connecting at Snubnry with a line of stages for Station No. 4 A. A G. R R. Passenger* try ibis route will arrive at Station No 4 ,n time to take the train for Thomaeville the follow! ing day*, connecting at Thomasville with stages for Monticello, Fia., ana *P'any. Ga Returning passengers will reach Savannah on Tniwdaye, Thursdays and Saturdays in tim| for houi* ll! l *' twcen Savann ah and ThomasvUle, thirty For passage only apply to . , „ CHAS, L. COLBY A CO., H2l -lm Corner of Abercorn and Bay streets FOB ~ Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT St. Thomas, Para, Pernambuco and Bahia =.. The Dnlted States and Brazil Mal> r? FtC Sr?‘ P Comp<ul y wlu (hspatch On the 16921* of every month, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave at 3 s’clwk, p. in., From Pier 43, North River. All letters have to pass through tbe Poet Office. An experienced Surgeon will be in attendance n board. For freight an naasage, having splendid accommo datious, apply o THOMAB ASENCIO A CO., ortlll 3m No. it Broadway, New York. FOR HAWKINSVILLE AND MACON. THE STEAMER COMET,: CAPTAIN dIORNE, Will leave ns aluivu with despatch. For freight, whlrli will iHiereeeived at the Opper Hydrahlic Pros* Yard, and covered tiy insurance until plaoadon board the steamer, apply to BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO^ For Liverpool. First vessel I TXe ship MONT BLANC .A L-iS- wa.iis shunt *it iiuudrsd balsa of Cotton to HMireupltt* tier cargo. —w-K. Inquire ol L.ROCUK A WEST, m ilOtktf UAHKN A UNI For LIVERPOOL. Ih# fine naw clippar ship DRIADN AUCHT, HMI'III CiiMMOMbir, if (J • “r Wfibie of rretgtn. apply w J * _ UHAfi I. uour * tSi, Jfl • >*km of ikooia aod Kay I ihei.l allowatMO* tuadti «M lilehda -u IdyatpuM,