Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 28, 1865, Image 4

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Thr Savannah tally HrraU THIKMIII OW UIKH M. lb«a. ' ... .a-- . — 1 COMMERCIAL. , U'Gl'tTt MARKET. S2 WrijM, Cotton Factum sod WUolesnle Commission Met count., Augusta. da. * _ L ' • Atouwrx, Ox., Saturday Evening. I Dec. n, taw. » Btver 2*Jeet and ralng. Steamer* in port—Express, Lanny Lelir, Mary Ella- Falcon. Ciilou. Atnaaun, Laura, Gibbons, Gen. of cotton for the f«V ending Sad—*6so bales. Shipment*—l6*4 bale*. Gold—t47al49. Bank of Augusta Bills—3oc. City Bans of Augusta Bills—2 Sc. Union Bank of Augusta Bills—loc. Georgia R. R. Bant BUIS—9Sc. Georgia OeutraL R. R- Bauk Bills—94c. Mechanics Bank Bills—loc. Bank of Hamburg Bills—2s. . M Georgia R. R. slock—7oc. Georgia C. R. R. stock—7oc. Cottou firm. We quote Middlings, 40a42c. 44 Angusta sheetings—Sic. t-B do do 26c Drills—9»C. Osnabnrgs—*3c. Prints—SOaSic. Yarns—7(ta7sc, Baggiug. (Gunny)—4oc. Rope (Hemp), Greenleaf—2sc. Corn—l3oal4oc. Wneat, red snd white (Westerni, nominal— and $3. Meal —$1,85. cats-scarce and In di man I—slal 10 per busli. Fmut —.Superfine, $14*15 ; extra family, sl«als. line rwheat—Dull, sl»a22 per bbl. Bacon-Clear side-, 23a26c ; shoulders 19a20c. Hams—-8. C. 33c. Butter dull and heavy; Goshen, 42a50c. Lard—Market well stocked—2iia3oc. Soap—Brown washing, 17a20c. Candles—Star and adamantine, 31a*3c. Coffee—Rio 82>4*350 ; Java S6a6oc. Sugar—Common brown Ha2oc ; crushed and pow dered 2aa3uc. Teas—Dull and stagnant. Bice—New Carolina ISc ; India 15c. Hominy—Grits 160 per Bushel. Cheese--Western 2Sa2Sc ; English Dairy 33c. Molasses—Common Sorgham 76c ; N. u $125. Mackerel—No. 1 kits, s4a4 50. Cod Fish— Stagnant, 12c. Dried Fruit-Peaches, pealed, 18a20c. Dried Apple*—l4als. Apples—Green, Northern, slo*l2 per bbl Potatoes-Northern, s6*7 per bbl. Onions—Northern, s6a7 per bbl. Cranberries—sl2al4 per bbl. Salt—Liverpool, |6a6 60. Liquors—No change. Market heavily stocked.— Corn Whiskey $2 26u2 90, Rye aud Bourbon s3a4 75. Cigars- Market crowded. No demand. Domestic $26*75 per M. O'Neill A Co.’s Philadelphia Ale, slßa2o per bbl. •iron—Nortli Carolina, 12c; Swedes, 13c. Nails—Assorted sites, sl*a IS per keg. Leather—Sole, 40a50; Uppers, perdoz, $35 and S6O; Fiench Calf Skins, |looal2o per doz. Shot—s 4 r.o aud $5 per bag. Powder—Sporting, uOc. Thr gtrreUry of the Treasury Rr»panil» to Senator Snuiner’* Resolutions off In quiry. A communication from the Secretary of the Treasury in response to the Senate's re solution of the 13th inst., states that the re cords of the department (Jo not show that any persons have been appointed to any office not authorized by existing law, but admrts that persons have been appointed to office who have *not subscribed to the oath refer red to under the customs aud revenue laws iu the lately insurgent States, but that no sala ries have been paid with one exception. The Secretary says he sought for persons for such offices who could take the oath literally, but tailing to find them, he was compelled to se lect those who gave no aid to the rebellion until the Government ot the United States had failed tft give them that protoction to which they were entitled. He believes that very few persons not belonging to one of these two classes are holding positions under hia depariißent. and that in most of the Sou them States ficarly every man fit for a rev,- enue officer, was at some time either en gaged in hostilities against the Government of the United States or holding State or Con federate office, either willingly or unwilling ly. He acted upon the presumption that Congress would modify the oath and not sub ject the South to humiliation, or the revenue system to the odium which would result from the employment of Northern men as tax gatherers, lie suggests the absolute ne cessity of action upon the subject as valuable services have been rendered, and no pay ments have as yet been made for such ser vice, aud the safety and efficiency ot the re venue system in the South depends upon such modification. The Commissioner of Customs reports that most of the officers of customs appointed since the adjournment of Congress have taken the oath, while some have uot taken it entire, more or less being striken out or omit ted, according to the feelings or circum stances ot the appointees. Others have taken the proclamation oath, swearing here after to defend the Constitution, support all laws and proclamations which have been made during the rebellion with reference to the abolishment of slavery. What Doea It Mean 1 The correspondent of the Cincinnati En quirer writing from Wasliington says: “Avery rich expose of the bargain 'and cor ruption by whiclr the anti-slavery constitu tional amendment was passed in Congress is about to be made. Some of the prominent Republicans of tbe East and West, and some of tbe loudest spoken Democrats of tbe East, will figure in litis exposition. It will show conclusively the power of Executive patron age among several Congressmen to direct legislation where a few votes are needed. The history of the whole transaction is to be exposed, in consequence of the lailure to pay the bead money bargained for. It is understood that tbe leading Demo crats of tbe district where tbe price was to be paid, object to tbe whole transaction, and the Republicans of the district deny the right of any class of men to buy and sell the offices of their district, as meat upon the shambles. Order to Muster out More Troops.— The War Department has just issued au or der, musteriug out of service volunuteers, white and colored, infantry, cavalry and artillery in the various military departments, their services being no longer required.— The following are the white troops muster ed out: Connecticut Eighth and Eleventh Infantry: the Thirty-ninth Illinois; One Hundred and Thirtieth Indiana; Second New Hampshire ; Forty-first, Fifty-fourth and One Hundred and Third New York ; Sixty-seventh Ohio; Forty-seventh and One Hundred and Fifty-eighth Pennsylva nia ; Ninelh Vermont; and the First Vir ginia. The following are the colored regiments mustered out: United States 2d artillery; Batteries r and 1 of the 2d light artillery : , batteries 0 and I) of the 4th heavy artillery, the 3d cavalry, and the lollowing United States infantry regiments : The 11th l*>th 13th, 21st, 30th, 33d, 39tli„47th, 48th, f.sth’ 61st, 03d, 76th, 76th, 92d, 100th, 104th lHCth, 137th, and 138th. ’ On the tltti of December, Major General Ihomas,commanding the military division of Tennessee, was ordered to reduce the ag gregate force of white troops iu the depart ments ot Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi to 7,000 mea, regulars included 11 Support or thk Frkkumkn. — Gen. How ards report which was transmitted to Con gress on Wednesday sprinted in the Times of this morning,) estimates that eleven mil lions of dollars will he nefussary for the suit poi 10l the Freedmen's Bureau lor the year 186(*. He asks the appropriation of this amount, three millions ot which are for the pun base and building of site* aud edifioc* for schools and asylum* in Hie South for both black ami while Neither the I'rssi deni uor reiary ot War make any recoiu mmidatiou In the matter. -A sharp grocer, when a customer who »as buying a gallon pf molasses, nlteervsd H>al s good ,\ aa i rsiusiued iu the measure *4l*l it was Aurued, remarked. "There was •was te the measure before I diew yout get FOR UU * TURK**. FOB SALS, Cm OP SAVANNAH foUPONS. lo iumi to sail purchaser. FOKDYCK. ANDERSON A 4ANNKV. No OI Stodduid » Kang FOR SALE. 1 A URLS N.i. 1 Mackerel 1" 10 bbl* Nb. 2 Mackerel lii bbl* No. 3 Mackerel 26 half bbl* No. 1 Mackerel 26 ball bbl* No. 3 Mackerel 150 kit* No. 2 Mackt-ii-l 150 kit* No. 2 Mackerel 4n tube Choice I*rd 13 tabs Choice Butler 4 firkin* Choice Butter The above lot are freehand new, anil will heonered low, to close consignluent. , CHAN L COLBY A Cs»q ttov23 Corner Abereorn auil Bay street*. VVASTED. House Wanted, IN a good locality, suitable for four persona and servant*. Apply to or addi ess • COMSTOCK A KINSEY, dls-tf 164 Bay sireei. WANTED, BY a gentleman and wife, two or more unfurnished Rooms, for housekeeping Address Box 176, p, O din tr Consignees Wanted. FOR E. H. S.—Bs bbls Flonr 20 half bbla Flonr 9 bbls Crackers 5 bbls Apple* 5 bbls Eggs G & W—lOe tubs Lard. If not called for will be sold for freight and expenses oct2S BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Wanted, A PHYSICIAN who thoroughly understands the practice of Medicine. Surgery and the dispensing of Medicine. Must be well remminended ; sober and steady, will hear of a situation by addressing d27-2 H. P., this ofHrc. WANTED. + GEORGIA and Smith Carolina Bank Bills Albany and Gulf Railroad Stock Central Railroad Stock Coupon* Albany and Gulf Railroad Coupons City of Savannah FORDYCE, ANDERSON A .JANNEY, d2-tf M 7 st, No 10 Stoddard's Range. Lemons. 7(1 BOXES, from New York steamer, in good / U order (115-ts CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. E. YV. MARSH & CO., DRUGGISTS, GIBRONS' BUILDINGS, Corner of Congress and Whitakei Streets, HAVE thoroughly Tefltted their establishment, and replenished with a general assortment ol Drugs, Medic ines, Chemicals, l atent Me dicines, Faints, Oils, Garden Seeds, Ac. &c., die., they solicit the patronage of their friends. Particular attention will be given to the carctul preparation of prescriptions. dl! lm WHOLESALE Boots, Shoes and Brogans. M. KRAUSS, 14 less and 53 St. Julian Streets, SAVANNAH, GA., Is enabled, through his permanent house iu Bos ton, to furnish Joebers aud Dealers in this city, us well as those in the country, with BOOTH AND SHOES st more reasonable rates than any other house, dll-tf SOI LANDING AND FOR SHE. k )(W | Boxes, and caddies Tobacco, which we arc now offering at prices lower than it can be bought for in Northern cities. MILLER, THOMAS A CO., n ß'tf No. 21>5 Bay etreeet. Rice Plantations to Rent. OHO on tho Altamaha River, with ample OUw high land, and all necessary improvements attached. 300 acres on Savannah River, near St. Augustine Creek. BRYAN. HARTRIDGE A CO., billiards; Six Tables- I RESPECTFULLY invite the patronage of my old friends ami visitors to the city. 1 have Six Good Billiard Tables, including two ot Phelan's make, with the best Balls. Cues, Bridges, Maces, Ac., procurable. My rooms are commodious, and 1 endeavor to employ only competent attendants. My Bar is supplied with a good assortment cf Ales, Wines, Liquors, Cigars. &c n2G-tf WALTER O’MEARA NOTICE TO TIIE SHIPPERS OF GOODS BY THE STEAMER SAVANNAH ON THE 4th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 18C5. ALL persons who shipped Goods by the Steamer 9a vannnh. on the above named day, are requested to call immediately at tbe store of F. M. Mvrell, Esq. Harris’ Buildings, Bar street, and identify'such goods as have been saved from the wreck of the steamer. „„ i W. WOLCOTT, n ‘-° Agent. NOTICE. THE undersigned would respectfully inform his former patrons and the citizens generally that he is prepared again to take contracts to build new or repair wharves. Pile dnving done by steem pile-driver 6‘ 6m . KREN9ON. CHRISTMAS! E- EHRLICH, 30, WHITAKER STREET. FANCY GROCERIES. PRUNES. Raisins, Oranges, lemons, Citron, Cur rants, English Preserves, Jams aud Jellies, Pre serve Ginger, Mushroom), Trudies. Assorted English und American Piekles, English and French Mustard Tomato and Walnut Catsups, Worcester Sauce, French and Spanish i Hives Capers, canned Meats amt canned Fruits of all descriptions. Assorted Candies Fig paste, Nuts in variety. Smoked Salmon, English dairy American Swis and LimiiergerCheese, Cavinna No. 1 family Mackerel in kits, Wax, Sperm. Adaman tine Candles and Tapers, Spices of all kinds. FAMILY GROCERIES Choice Hams, Tongues, breakfast Bacon,*dc . all grades Sugar, Java, Muscovado, and Rio Coffee- Splendid assortment Teas Green, Gunpowder biuek and English breakfast Teas, Ac., choice Butter Lard Sweet (Ml, all description of Soaps, plain and fancy! LIQUORS. A large assortment, .g. . Martel and oilier grades ol Brandy. Irish Scoicqßkd Boui'bu Whisker Madei ra, ChuuipaJgiie, Cherry, Port and Other Wines, Cor dials ol all kinds. Schnapps' Bitters, Ac, Everything that taste can wish or appetite desire Give me a call. ALSO, Jiui rareivtd by recent arrWal* from Boston, New imV hum Baltimore, h fine uNHortiueut of all kimu u otKltm ami Willow Ware, suitable for houHcktfeo *»«. dll LII • # Holiday Presents. lIINNKK. TEA,TIRUCT, ciiljnise AND LIGtUiH MKT*, A, , *O., “ill.hi. for llnlidiy Pi*.rut. Ql ICKNSW Aid. lioiJHE, i*» Uiooghioii .li.H >,, 0,1 d‘.,r boll, tbeiuruor id MU I sit set E D. MMTTM » WI. OKI MOM AMD t MJTftf I*o. EINSTEIN k ECKMAN, Nil. 151 Coheres! SI. Satannali 6a. TIIKoLD established and WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS HOUSE, AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. HAVING just received and «)pened a very large and select stock of Fancy Dreae Good*. House Keepine and Domestic Goods. Hlankets, Cloaks and Shawls, Also Hats, Roots and Shoes. And all articles usually found in a first . as-* Dry Goods House, we would mest respectfully invite our former friends **nd customers also Merchants and Planters visiting the city, to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, novfr-tf 151 Congress Street, Savannah, Ga. DRY GOODS. HIGHLY IMPORTANT To Ladien and Country -Merchants. A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Giioilk, Fancy Goods, itec., &c., &c.. Remarkably Cheap for Cash, CAN BE FOUND AT W. RoßoKor eh Co's., 13 BARNARD STREET, COR. CONGRESS LANE, Comprising a general Assortment of Foreign and Domestic Gaods, Cloaks, Shawls, Ac. N B—By strict attention to bnsiness, courteous and honorable dealing with our customers, we trusl to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. A large line ot White Goods and Linens now open. _octl9 ' ' Blankets I Flannels CLOTHS AND CASSIMEREs' BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MERINOES AND ALAPACAS. Received snd for sale cheap by H. IIAYII, • OCT23 174 Broughton street. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. JUST opened a large assortment of Zephyr Worsted Shawls Sontaga, Cloaks and Hoods, Children’ Cups, Boot* and Gaiters. Also, Irish Linens. Table Damask, Linen Towels, Table Napkins and Doyles, and a variety of Fancy Ar tides too numerous to mention. All of which we offer at very low prices. EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, nogH-tf 1M Congress Sheet CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, COMPOSED OF IODIDE OF POTASSIUM, WITH THE COMPOUND CONCEN TRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND HERBS. Prepared by WM. H. GREGG. M. D., Graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York: formerly Assistant Physician m the Blackwell's Island Hospitals. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Has produced a revolution in Medicine. What may seem almost incredible is, that many dis gases hitherto considered hopelessly incurable are fie quently cured in a few days or weeks; and we cheer fully invite the investigations of the liln ral minded and scientific to cures which have no parallel at the pres se nt day. During the past five years we have contended with obstacles and overcome opposition as herculean as were ever encountered by any reformers. RAPIDITY OF CURE. Some say, “Your cures are too quick,” while others doubt their permanence, and think that diseases can only be cured by the “slow, recuperative process of Nature. ’ This is our reply: In health, the body, like a well balanced scale, is in a state of equilibrium But when, fr.<m any cause, down goes one side of the scale, we have the effects of disease. What is requisite, is tore store the normal balance of the scale. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Is u positive and specific remedy for all diseases origi Dating from an impure state of tho Blood, aud for al (hereditary j diseases transmitted from parent to child PARALYSIS It is so universally admitted that Constitution Life Syrup is the only effective means of restoration in the various forms of Paralysis, that we need not reiterate that ii is emphatically the Great-Life-giving Power DYSPEPSIA. Indigestion. Weight at Stomach, Flatulenfe, Live Complaint, \vnnt of Apatite, Baif Breath, Constipation. Biiliousuesd. SCROFULA. Struma, King’s Evil. Glandular Swellings, Erysipelas, Ulceration, Salt Rheum. This taint fher*flitary und acquired), filling life with untold misery, is, hy uil usual mtMlieul remedies, in curable. RHEUMATISM. [Arthritis], Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Gout, Tic Doloreuux. It there is nny disease in which the Constitution Lit*- Syrup is a sovereign, it is in Rheumat ism and its kindred affections. The most intense pains are almost instantly alleviated—euormous swellings are reduced. Cases, chronic or vicarious, of twenty or forty years’ ►standing, have been cured by us CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Purges the system entirely irrm all the evil effects o Mercury, removing the bad Breath, and curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use ol Calomel is sure to priKluce. It hardens Spougy Gums, and secures tho Teeth as firmly (.sever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases ol the Skin. likeUlccrs, Pimples, Blotches, and uil uthei difficulties of his kind, which so muck disfigure the outward appearance of both males aud females, ofieu making them a disgusliug object to themselves and their Iriends. FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES, Either of the Nose. Throat, Tongue, Spine, Forehead, or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved its equal. Moth Patches upon the female face, depending upon a diseased action of the Liver, are very nnpleasanmo the young wife and mother. A few bottles of Consti tution Life Syiup will correct the secretion and remove the deposit, which is directly under the skin. Diseases id'the Liver, giving rise to Languor, Dla/.i ness. Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or an ulcerated or cancerous condition of that organ, accompanied with burning or other unploaaant symptom,,, will be re lieved hy Ihe use of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Asa General Blond Purifying Agont. file Life Byrup •lauds umit ailad by any preparation In tbi-aorld. THE RICH AND POOR Ale liable lo the ssirn; diseases Nature amt ariPues have made the I'nnaUtutinu idle Hyrup (,„ the In-ncm of ail. PURR HUMID I’tuduies brailk> Uleu und women , and If Ibei unaM lulloli la lirglmlvd In youth, dlavaae and rally ilraib la Ills result lin nut delay when the means u,> al band, and wllbill Ibe learb of all. CONSTITUTION I.IFK HYKUP la Ui* poor man’s Iriaud. aud lb* mb uian a fonaiuv. WILLIAM II GREGG. M Hols Proprietor, New toik MORGAN * ALIEN. Ale howls I i us*'.is, Aarnl., urn ‘III 4* C'llJt allis-t, New Yuifc. | (UNNIMIUt HIEHUUITf.Ar. JOHN L. VILLALONGA, COTTOU FACTOII. I FUHU'IHIIDU AftOt’OIIMIHItION NkH -4 IIAMT. No. 141 Bay Hired, SAVANNAH, GA. ocflC dm Vfs. II Tilt's. W. U..KUO* Tison & Gordon. COTTOX FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. HO RAY STREET, Savannah, ------- Georgia., Special attention will t*e given lo the sale ot Lumber, Ro*iu, Turpentine. 4., ocf2t rim* D. 11. BALDWIN A CO., COJUjUISSIOJST merchants, 17b Pearl street, fcew Voir. D. II Baldwin, I N York J.F Cummings, j wew *orK II. Brigham- I u« VftmiAh oct4-3m C M Holst, ( Hannan. GKO- 1». roWI.K. V$ M. E. EOT- ULGU RICE FOWLE & CO., * FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA , Com mis si o n Me re ha nts. Importers of Railroad Iron and Dealers in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NEAV YORK, wt&i Cm General Commission and F*r* warding Merchants- Corner West Broad and Bay Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. THE undersigned h*ve this day entered into a Co partnership under the name and style of McKee, Bennett A Cos., at McKee and Bennett's old stand. Will keep constantly on hand a flue assortment of Carriages, Bretts, Rock a ways. Buggies, Harness and Coach material of every description, which we will sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. All work sold war ranted as represented. We have fine Store Rooms, and forwarding will be promptly attended to. Con signments solicited. Will open by Ist January Manufacturing anil Re pairing Department, and will have experienced workmen ami choice material and be prepared to do any amount of Carriage repairing. MoKEfl, BENNETT A CO., J G. McKee, i L. S. Bennett, v- James McKee, t cl 9 KENNETH, M’LEA & CO7, Ofommisslou JHcrdwnts, 202 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. tar Advances made on consignments of Cotton, Ac., to Liverpool and New York. dls*im A. S. Hartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MEECBANT, 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. octl4-tf 11. Gowdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 196 BAY B'TKEfiT, ANDERSON’S WHARF, SAVANNAH, GA. ocl2-3m C. H. BENEDICT & CO., No. 86 Broad Street, New York, Produce and Flour Commission Merchants, Dealers in Provisions, Butter, Cheese, Ac, Special attention to Southern Orders. Consignments on General Merchandise solicited, out i t' 3m TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT & BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner & Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 VfiSKY Street, hfw York. And Memphis, Tenn. Thomas Fenner, Henry Bennett, D. W. Bowmen. jyC otu CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping Commission ami Forwarding MERCHANTS. JONS3 BLOCK, CORNER RAT AND AUEROORN STREET SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments o the firm of Coas. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE W RIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. BEFXBKNOEB; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos , New York. Jarive Slade, Esq., New York, lion. J Wiley Edmands, Boston. Gardner Colbv, Ksq., Boston. sep 18—tl F. M. MYRELL, STEjVMBOAT agent, GEAERAb rttM.LIiSSJON AND FOR WARDING MURCIIANT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Harris’ Buildings, 2d door west of A. Low <St Co.’*. Refers to Messrs. Hunter & Gammell, Crane, John son A Gray hill: Bell, Wylly & Christian ; Bothwell & Whitehead: Miller, Thomas & Cos.; M. A. Cohen, Esq. sep29-tf JOHN S. StMMIN & C 0.7 Forward in? and Commission MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERB IN Dry (Joods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMIH’ BU)CK, Ray Struct, Jacksonville, Florida. JMO. B. HAMMIH. ED. Q. BAMMIS. OUAB. 1.. MATHIB aul 1 ts MAGKY, BEATTIE & Cfl. SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 and 205 Bay Street,, KAVANNAU, On. OFFKR for sale to Wholesale Merchants upwards of four hundred (4110, barrels of Whiskey, western distillation, of various brands and qualities, together wiih a large amount ol Irish and Scotch Mall Whis kies, Brandy, Wines, and (.Ins, at Philadelphia or New York prices, expenses added, or we will fill all orders in tile alrnvc named cities, at tile lowest market prices, delivered on board any boats of the regular lines. In connection with the above, ive should be pleased to till all orders of Country Produce from Philadel phia or New York markets. Flour, llaeon. Grain, Lard, Lime, Salt, ,Ve., a large quantity of which we have on hand and offer for sale on the ttv-t reason able terms. We are prepared at all times to make advances oil Southern Produce consigned to our house iu Philadel phia. MACKY & BEATTIE, 25 South Water street. Hepiu-Sm 19:13 and 1936 Merkel sire t W. J. Blaiu. A. J. Smith. W W. Kun. BLAIR, SMITH A CO., No 29s BROAD STREET, AIGIMTA. GEORGIA, <! omiltUftioti tfUt cbiuila, AND AGENTS KuR THE HALE OK MAM'- KAt rURED TOUACTf). Will purchase «ml sell ofi eouiliilasion, inltuu, coHufi go*Us, Kiln s, liquors, sepsis, and prudue* sud m.obsu li.e of every desi rlpllou 1 '.msigmm nis soin iUMI Hwssi»i,s llilebsm llsblKlu » Cos, Win M m.ik l ls/tiorn A t'uunlnubMn, lUsdy. Numb A ('« , AmvaauaßUa. dl Ml* rOKNIIMO, NERrHAIt*. HOl 'T) I ERN COTTON WAREHOUSE, CORNER OF’ BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. O’FALLON &CO., FACTORS, Fnrnarding 4 Commission Ks I'lltvllANTK 13 E.SPECTFULLY invite atteution tc» onr facilities -iV for the pnrehase or movement of Southern Products, and will give prompt attention to all rnisi bes« entrusted to our rare. Intending to establish permanently a H use in Savannah expert by strict business principles to merit and receive a portion of the Trade. Having a commodious Warehouse for Cotton, we are prepifred to buy, or receive on consignment to our friends in New York or Europe, and will make ad vances .on same picking, re-baling or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the enormous expense incurred in Northern cities by this process They solicit a portion of the business of the people of Georgia and of adjoining States. OFFICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, Post Office Address, Lock Box 25. oct7-3m !•»?- BoggE. W. A. Bryant. BOUSE & BRYANT, (Formerly of Jacksonville. Florida,} Forwarding and Commission Merchants, ID4 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. WILL give prompt attention to receiving and for warding goods sales ou consignment, and all orders. And will also keep constantly on hand a good stock ol Groceries, Liquors, Agricultural Ample ments, Building Materials, Fairbanks & Co.’s Scab s, Ac., besides other goods and manufactured articles for hale on consignment and for which they are agents. Orders and consignments respectfully solic BftYAN, HARTRIDGE & COT. Bryan Street, next to Mkroiiants’ and Planters’ Bank Building, Broker and Commission Agents FOR SALE AND TUECIIASE OF STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c., And for Forwarding Cotton. nov9 Bmo SOUTHERN AND WESTERN Ij AN XZ> . Collection and Commission Agency, handle Southern land and property of all descriptions. Parties wishing to sell are invited to forward lists.— Numerous applications now on file from parties wish ing to purchase. Make collections on all parts of the country. Pay especial attention to the sale and disposal of Southern products and make advances on direct consignment*. MATTHEW H BRIDGE, Manager, No. 9 Broad st., New York. REFERENCES BY PfcRMIbSION : Hon. Benjamin Fitzpatrick, Ex-Governor of Alabama. P. Harmony, Nephews & Cos., Bankers, 38 Broadway. Messrs. 11. B Clafin & Cos , Importers, New York. A. W. Green leaf, Ksq, Banker, \ T . n9-3 m_ Alfred it- Bennett,> Ciiab H. Bennett, ,las. C. Van Pxit, ( lulli Raleigh, N.C. Bennett, Van Pelt & Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THR SALE OF COTTON TOBACCO, NAVAL STORES, ETC., ALSO, FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF STATE AND OTHER STOCKS, !33 AVlritehall St., New Yorlc. We have associated with us Mr. D. W. Ccrtib, late Public Treasurer for North Carolina. u9-6m G. B. & G. W. LAMAR, General Coinmission Merchants. Forwarding and Shipping Agents. NO. 955 BAY &TKEEX, (upstairs.) Refer to Geo. W. Anderson, Jno C. Ferreland G. B. Lamar, Savannhh; W. E Jackson, Josiah Sibley & Sons, J. B. &J. W. Walker, Augusta. Consignments solicited. Cm-nov2 J. w. Rabun; (Late Rabun & Smith, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, No. 140 BAY STREET, First store West of the Exchange, d1 lm SAVANNAH, BtOBBIA. Quo. R. Chump, Wm, A. Wbioiit, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. It. CRUMP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liprs, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED &o. 200 Brpad St., Augusta, Ga, or Will purchase end sell on Commission Cotton, Tobacco, Pbodcck, und Mkßnn.NnisE of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Angnsta, Go., Richmond, Va., and Jno. C. Ferrill, Esq., De- Witt & Morgan, Gaden & Unckles, A. A. Solomons A Cos., J. T. Paterson &Uo., R. Molina, Esq , Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. oet4 Woodward, Baldwin & Cos., 110 Duane Street, New York, 9 anil 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Oenaburgs und Y arns. jyig E. S. I.iTiißop, * G*o. P. Snider, Late D. &K S. Luthrop, Late Jus. I Snider & Cos. Savannah, Ga. Savannah, and Birch & Snider, Columbus E. S. LATHROP & CO., general Commission Merchants, AT E. C. I.EkxMKL A CO'SOLP ST A .'^l, SECOND NN, ONE DOOR FROM CHERRY, MACON, GA. dS-lm THOS. H. AUSTIN, Forwarding and Commission Merchant. No. 05 BAY STREET, frr staira) tAVANNAH, BiOUBIA. on consignment JF6T received per .teitmer from Baltim iro 137 bbls Flour, choice brands 76 hlid* Huron shnnlders 4(i do Sides 27 boxe* Bm ou Bide 24 bbl* Family llam* 6 hhd. rsnv.ssrd ||*ui* 26 bbls rooked Pigs' Frt-I 4(1 half bbl* if, l Fur .sir by . L.KOCIII 4 tVLIHT, J'UM-S' MOf k APPUt ATiON Will be mad> lot i.n.wul >4 lb» fill • luwillg Muck bcvunUHli 4 4 Ogeerher I’ausl fa,, Iwl ot Moien In nun m rip Mo Id, luu share* No. U. Ain .bsres No 12 »uu sbitree Nu .14. uj elwres No •«, «,t eb«t>. N tu, •« shine, 1 bust Usi <liu4 N2«‘U«Mn« AofilibM Mill 111(4$. KAILHfUM Central Railroad xurquuxh* Xi w u W... SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, l Snvnnuah. Ga., Dec. 20, ISOS./ /AN ami afL-i Tlmrmlay, tMi lust., * dally * ' tiaiii will leave for Augusta al 0 a. in., connecting with a line of Racks ill inline lieUverll Station 6;„ Ceuual Railroad, and Luniokm ou ibe Augasla aud Savannah Railroad. Passengers by thia line will arrive in Augusta at lip m Staging Is reduced to 22 miles, all daylight Returning leave Augusta 6u. in. Arrive at Savau uuh lo is p. m. Freight to go by Passenger Train must be prepaid and delivered at i’as&eiiger Bhed l»v 6p. m. day ore vkms. * restricted to forty pounds of Baggage Extra Baggage $5 pci 100 pounds. Trough Passage, sl2 50. By order of GEO W ADAMS, General Superintendent. Central Railroad rSfei m U <«■ M . SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, I Savannah, Nov. 18th, 1566. / This Company is now, in connection with [f. J. Dickerson Jt Co.’s Wagons, prepared to receive and Inward to Angnsta, Maeon. Allauta Ac., dally from twenty to thirty thonsa-.d pounds of Freight, and go through in from three to five days. Ship Freight and other expenses mnst he paid by Shippers. Railroad Height cap bo paid here or at des tination. Freight on perishable goods must be prepaid. Rates id Augnsta, until further notice, will be per foot 50 cents, per 100 lbs. $2.00 ’ GEO. W. ADAMS, General Superintendent. I’HOEESSKIV AL t Altlhh UOWELL OOKII. JAULB JACKSON. COBS & JACK-SON, -A_t torneys-at-La w, D29-3m MACON, (lEORGIA. ‘ HAYWOOD & LaROCHE. Office at the Ice H»>uw*, Market Square. Wood Kept constantly on hand and delivered to orders at ihe shortest otice - - dl-lm LAROCHE & JOHNSON, Timber& Liimbei’ Dealers 300 HAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. d4tf R. MOLINA, Corner Bull und Congress* Streets, under Screven House, IMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer In Havana Se gars, Leaf and Smoking Tobacco, Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Mer schaum, Bner Root, and all other kinds ot Fancy Pipes. scp3o-3m BURE CURE FOR THE CHILLS AND FEVER AND KINDRED DIHEABEB, I XQUIREat the MORNING .STAR SALOON, cor -- ner Bay street Laiio and Bull street. Positive cure in one day or nt* pay. d9-tf Metropolitan Enterpi’ise Great Gift Sale OF TIIE NEW YORK AND PROVIDENCE J(‘ \v elei-k’ Akiooci lition. Capital $1,000,000 Depot, 197 Broadway. AN immense stock of Pianos, Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy Goods, all to be sold for One Dollar each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for till you see what you will receive. Certificates, naming each article and its value, are placed in sealed envelopes and well mired. One of these envelopes will be sent by mail to any address on receipt of 2* cents ; live for $1; eleven for $2; thiny for $5 ; sixty five for $10; and one handl ed for sls. On receipt of the Certificate you will see what von are going to have, and then it is at your option to pay the dollar and take ho article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond King, a Piano, .Sewing Machine, or any set of Jewelry on onr list, for $1 • >md in no case can they get less than One Dollars’ worth, as there are no blanks. Agrnts are wanted in every town in the couutiy ; every person can make SIU a day, selling our Certifi cates in the greatest sale of Jewelry ever known. Send 25c. for a Certificate, which will inform yon what you can obtain for sl. At the same time get onr circular, containing full list and particulars, also Terms to Agents. Address JAMES HUTCHINSON & CO., nls-2m 197 Broadway, N. Y. H. HAYM, 174 Broughton Street. 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, the newest styles, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, Ac. Just received and for sale at the lowest piiccn by oct2B H. IIAYM. SOAP, SOAP! MOODY & BARRETT, Steam Soap Works, Srv i/nnnalr, Ga., M AI'IA'J l RPF.B OF GLYCERINE, BROWN WINDSOR, VIO LET, BAR AND TOILET SOAPS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. ESSR9. Moody & Barrett would respectfully an *ivl nounco to the public that they have just opened their SVSAM SOAP WORKS, and are fully prepared to fill all orders for the follow ng Bar and Toilet Hoapa; PALE SOAP, EXTRA No. 1, EXTRA No. 1 RESIN or YELLOW SOAP, GERMAN, ERASIVE, CHEMICAL. OLIVE, CASTILE, Ac. Also, a large variety of Toilet Soaps, comprising HONEY, PALM, • CAMPANULA, ALMOND, TRANSPARENT, ROSE, PL MM ICE, LAVA, * Ac., Ac, No puma will Us •paled lo make out Noapa ei|uaj in iiualliy, pih t and perfume to any American o* lot eluu Soaps Out null In Kit all lie "tttntpf Main. 1 ' alul all Minute lull rgttal lit tppilily ulul pries In A AMUPan ur roi. leu luauuhn nm, ahull lie rsluiiiadalid mousy TIIK lIIOIIKUT I'MII’K I*4lo r«*M TAbUIW ANO OMANI iit>leim addieMHHl lo MihiOV A IIAHHK'IT, id l. J null M all I tN I iu, Will im si vs pndupi am* liuuu dials atteuUiiU da am LINVILLE & GLEASON. SAVANNAH. AGENTS FOR. MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 Conrtlaudt Street, New York. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bridge, Car, Ship or Band Hook, AND— BOILER BOLT, SETT SCREWS, COACH UR LAO SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUND AND WASHERS, Tnrnbackles, Bolt End*, Taps and Dies, &o. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing , , or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. KNGINRERS’ STOKES. COAL OIL. TALI.OW, WASTE FELTING? HEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, An. ; ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CHISELS, &o. TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS. BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Also Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTING MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS,&c. septS ts M. Y. lIEXDERSOrV, Wo. 337 South side Bay Street Two doors east of West Broad, DEALER in Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Ac : alss in Buggy and Wagon Stuff and Trimmings.— Any style ol Carriage or Buggy ordered from auv ina uulacluier. I tun also prepared to order out any class of horses, either for draft or road service, imperial attention will bo given to the purchase of flue stock iu noithern markets. d5 lm IMPORTATIONS PER ship County of Picion, from Glasgow: 204> tons Uartsherrie Pig Iron 250 tons Household Coal tyoo hampers Potatoes 160 kegs Herrings 50 casea Presto vfid Salmon 20 casus Dried Finnan Haddock Nor sale by dMf CHARLES GREEN & SON. E- H. VAN NESS & CO., GROCERS, S'HIP CHANDLERS ANI) Produce* Dealers, UNDER THE BLUFF, CORNER ABKRCORN ST., Savannah, Cra. Orders from the Country Private, Families, Steamers anti Sailing Vessel* respectfully solicited. Produce bought and sold on commission. lMlbhis Selected Apples 100 bbls Onions 100 obis Potatoes 50 bbls Extra Flour 50 bbls Nos. 1 and 2 Mackerel 100 tubs Extra Butter * 60 boxes Extra Cheese 600 kits Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel 50lialf>bbls Fulton Market Beef 11. G. HU WE. JOHN H. RUWE. H. G. RUWE & CO., WHOLESALE DFALLRB IN Groceries, Ales, Wines AND LIQUORS, Os all descriptions, AT FALLIGANT’S OLD PAINT STAND, Corner St. Julian & Bryan Sts,, Near the Pulaski House. AGENTS FOR ALE AND LAGER BEER. dlB-lm J EWELRY! F. D. JORDAN, 149 CONGRESS STREET, HAS just received a fine assortment of Jewelry, of the latest style*. Also SHver Fruit Knives, Nap kin Kings, Butler Knives. Card Cases, and Silver sets (Knile, Fork and Spooul, 111 cases for children, Ac. d2l-lw BROWN’S C AST I L LI AIM BITTERS THIS unrivalled Tonic prepared from the Pure Juice of the Grape anil extracts, distilled from the Choicest Vegetable products of the South ot France, Italy and the Province oi Castile (Old Spain.) from which latter section they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, indispensable t«> Hotels ana Restaurants, and valuable to Families, delicate females and cliHdren, for all disarrangement of toe stomach, it is unrivalled. A failing preventive and Cure for Sea Sickness. None who travel by laud or water should be without toe Castilllan. For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE A Cos. Sole Agents, State Georgia. oct24-8m • THE BINCHAM SCHOOL, » MEBANEVILLE, N C. THE next session begins March 7th, 1866, and con tinues forty weeks, offering to the people of the East and South the advantages of a Snmmer School with n Winter vacation For terms, address WILLIAM BINGHAM, dl lm Mehaneville, wJL. otice. ALL persons having demands against the cabi’eof Kdwsrd G. Wilson, deceased, of Chatham are rssnei tfully requested tohsndlhem |u prop*' l * tbeulicated; and all persons indented to said eslat* are requested to make immediate jaajmolßU)^, A.imlrilsirairtx Lard. £ SMALL ,o. nul,. * . .. PkyNidtiiiN' Visiting Dists I*ol- 1000, W. M. WAD*H Wliolr.sls lliagiisi, (bitter Barnard snJ ,11, || NrnngliUiu rtrsd* lIJiUMIIIIi kill U-OVKS. A DM*. • fine tuxeatOMIIIOI Mlk. W«J» •5 4 J" W| A uEhnm. ..o’ TluA, , n«f M »*' liif# II