Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Daily Herald
Unm MM o *' Kdllor,
\\.l THOJIFtOJ,... Kdllor.
Now York papers, ot tbe2oth, announce the
dealb on ti e I9tb, at San Francisco, of Hon.
Matthew Hall McAllister, late U. S. Judge
tor tbe District of California Judge McAl
lister was a native of Savannah, and was the
son of Hon. Matthew McAllister, many
years ago a leading member of the Savannah
bar; and was about sixty-five yerasold at tbe
time of bis decease. For some time he held
tbe position of the U. S. District Attorney lor
Georgia, and, in 1834, 1835, 183d and 1837,
he represented Chatham county in the State lu 1845, he was the unsuccessful
candidate of the Democratic party for Gov
ernor. lu 1850, he removed to California,
aid began the practice of law at San Fran
cisco. On the establishment of a District
Court there, be was appointed Judge, which
position he held uutil his health was destroy
ed. For many years Judge McAllister held
a prominent position at the Qeorgia liar lo
a commanding person and facinatiug man.
nets he added the graces of oratory and the
force of intellect. In companionable quali
ties he excelled. Many who knew him here,
and enjoyed the charms of his soeiety, will
regret to hear of his death.
Snvann&n and the Florida Trade.
“I read with interest and pleasure the re
cent editorial remarks of the Savannah
Hebaid, urging the immediate completi&n
of the Branch Road, connecting the Savan
nah and Gull Road with ,the Road between
Tallahassee and Jacksonville.”
The removal of a part of the iron from
tnis Branch Road, which will render it use
less, perhaps, for months, is a severe blow
to the interests of Sayannab, and has occa
sioned much disappointment with the peo
ple of this entire section, who had indulged
the t ope that by the Ist of January, at least,
thev would be placed in direct cotnmuni
ertion with your city."
"Although not in possession of the most
accurate information upon the subject of the
ability of the projectors of this branch to
purchase the iron required for the twenty
miles of the track, made useless by the re
moval of the rails belonging to the Fernan
dir.a and Cedar Keyes Road, yet, lam sul
ficiently posted to venture the assertion, that,
without assistance, adequate pecuniary
means may not he realised by tbe Directory
to enable it to complete tbe enterprise forth
with. The suggestion, therefore, by the
Hebald to the business inen of Savannah,
that their own interests, as well as the com
mercial prosperity of the city,might ho great
ly promoted by the tender of financial aid,
to facilitate an early completetion of the
work, was apropos both in point of time
and value of sigfflßeAuce I feel assured that
only a momentary consideration of the ex
tent tiud value oi the traffic that would he
secured, beyond peradventure, by the com
pletion of this unfinished link, would con
vince the people of Savannah of the impor
tance of providing the means, necessary for
its accomplishment, without delay.”
The above extract from n private letter
received 1 v ntleirtuu in this city, from a
prominent citizen o) Middle i'ioud.i, will be
read with interest, ns throwing additional
light upon a subject oi the highest impor
tance to the people of this eity.
The solicitude manifested by the writer, in
common with the people generally of the
most productive portion of our sister State,
gives additional and conclusive confirmation
of what we have so frequently presented iu
these columns, in regard to the value of the
contemplated rail road connection, and the
consequent necessity for its early comple
We speak advisedly when we say, that il
this connection had been consummated at
the commencement of the present business
season, forty, and perhaps fifty thousand
bates of cotton which were forced into other
and less direct commercial channels, would
have been sent forward iu this city: and, we
may add, the larger portion ot this amount
would have been sold here, and not forward
ed by the producers to more northern mar
kets, owing to their pressiug wants for mo
ney immediately in hand
There is another important consideration
which, in this connection, should uot be
overlooked. The receipt of this large amount
of cotton would necessarily have brought
with it a considerable number of new cus
tomers, whose purchases of merchandise ol
every description, would add largely to the
wealth of our merchants and the cum
mercial prosperity of the city. The double
loss we have thus sustained, whiie it is to be
regretted, should have the effect, as we trust
it will, to stimulate our business men to
take -uch remedial action in the premises as
will arrest at once the further progress of the
injury. As we remarked on a foimer occa
sion, rail road iron is one of the articles which
cannot be bought on credit. To raise the
mnuunt of money required to insure the
s i.o.y outfit of the Branch Road is the ti
-4 problem which addresses itself to all
interested lor solution. The knowledge of
t :is fact carries with it the responsibility of
removing the difficulty by loans of money to
the company sufficient to meet the emergen
cy ; and as none are more deeply con
cerned in this matter than the Savannah mer
e-haute, it is not unreasonable to suppose that
they will be prompt to meet in this legard—
the just expectations of the public.
There are no terms so often vaguely ap
plieu as those at the head ol this article iu
economical discussions. The idea of currency
is uppermost in the mind when allusion is
made to inflation of prices. There is some
thing intangible associated with credit. Iu
the exchange of money lor commodities,
sUould it be gold or silver or its equivalent,
ths money and the commodity being brought
iuto direct comparison, the Idea of exchange
being implied, quantity Is the chief iucrediciq
of value As the quantity of money Ingreas
«». t>ncrs as it diminishes, prices fail
It is more difficult to comprehend in what
maimer the extrusion or I'nutraeiUm of credit
«b tales hi depresses prices | hut there can
not tie r, distinct ■ uucepllon of llm liitlunucw
ettdiv on prices, unless the variety ol tortus
which U assumes is understood Mills nl
IlSi.UkUge <|| cheques or tlkllti'l's OU liHlikcl i
f wsA* a nlas ■ ffii as Intis 111 litlsUg priest
k *l'•<-uti uuli tSI hotV lately it ail Itiflu
I ** sssiawd to any agssu » last Orel of bank
jnot«s iu raising pr>qes f Tbe sots object of
I restraint U that form of credit that does the
hast injury, to wit, the circulating nolea of
j banks.
I This render* the distinction between the
| extension of currency and the extension of
! credit ot the highest importance If the Usui s
i of banks have a tendency to become cxces
[ sire there is a near principle of limitation
! found in the requirements ot business. As it
lias been well expressed by a late lecturer iu
tbe city of New York. Mr. Stllwell, the care
of tbe legislator is not required for the quanti
ty, hut the quality of the circulating medium.
The interest of the public is adequately pio
leeted by requiring the national banks to
give security for their issue* by depositing
iu the Treasury of tbe United Btates public
securities amounting to ninety per cent, ot
those issues. The source oi mischief then in
bankiue is not excessive circulation. It finds
its limit in the limitation of business, ft is
only temporarily that banks are able to ex
tend their loans and discounts through the
agency of their notes , but they at times do
mfinitc harm by discounting paper in the
form of promissory notes and bills of ex
change. They give to commercial operations
undue extension by means ot their deposits :
they in this way stimulate speculation, and
are finally compelled to suspend specie pay
ments. Before this result takes place con
traction oi credit, not ot currency, follows, and
commercial bankruptcies are the inevitable
consequence. Such are the effects ot the too
great extension of credit by those institu
tions whose function it is to supply the pub
lic with a circulating medium, aud become
the depositaries of private, aud, often of
public funds, which they frequently invest
in public securities, locking up those
funds when they should he readily converti
ble These deposits are employed, without
paying interest, in loau9 and discounts, and
where there is an intimate connection between
the Government and the banks, as at pres
ent, the public deposits are of eourse applied
to making investments ig the Government
securities, as by the national banks to a great
extent in the r.3os—in other words, loaning
the Government their own money.
The hazard ot this system of banking con
sists in its instability—in the difficulty of
realizing assets which in a period of alarm
are not convertible.
The excesses of banking through the
agency of paper money correct themselves.
It is impossible to keep afloat, except tem
porarily, a large volume of paper money,
uuless by a suspension of specie payments,
and under the public authority ; bnt if with
the issues of the Government are combined
the extension of mercantile credit, by means
of tlie large sums placed on deposit by the
public and individuals, the mischief will en
large itself with the increase of the funds at
command, and should the foreign exchanges
become unfavorable, (the imports exceeding
ihe exports,) the evil 'may become intense
tied and indefinitely prolonged.
St. Johns Day at Hilton Head.— The
27th of Dc< ember was celebrated at Hilton
Head, on Wednesday, by the Masonic Fra
ternity, with a supper at ‘he Sea Island Ho
tel, which, under Mr. Buckley’s direction,
was everything that could be desired. Col
Peter Dunbar, formerly acting Mayor of that
city, and one of the most prominent citizens,
presided, and Mr Charles S. Kuh, the well
known jeweller, was Chairman of the com
mittee of arrangements. The evening was
passed very pleasantly, and among the ex
ercises was au address by Surgeon Huber,
wlio has charge of the General Hospital.
Tlie Masonic institution is flourishing at Hil
ton Head, where the members are more than
usually united, and where all the objects of
tlie fraternity, eleemosynary or otherwise, are
creditably carried out
Mm.Ur ttl Ooctoi'to,vn.
We learn that on Sunday nigflt last an old
citizen of Doctortown, Henry Grantliam, was
fatally shot by one of Company K, 103d U.
S. Colored Troops, stationed at Doctortown
The ball entered the heart and the victim
died immediately. F<®r of the colored sol
diers are implicated in the commission of this
bloody deed. After the old man was killed,
his wife came out on the porch to give her
assistance in pelting her husband in the
house. The soldiers immediately made an
attack on her,*it is reported, brutally cutting
ami bayoneting her. Tlie right side ot the
face, head, neck, &c., were fearfully mutilat
ed. The sufferer lies in ft critical condition.
The offenders are all under arrest aud are to
be tried by a Military Commission. Blood
was found on tlie clothes of the prisoners.
Grantham's children were all absent from
Grautham and his family were much re
spected in Wayne county. Mr. Grantham's
oldest daughter was also in the fray and re
ceived quite severe injuries, a severe wound
in the head, a finger nearly taken ofl and
other injuries. After Mrs. Grantham became
insensible she w as dragged through the hall of
t lie house, and thrown under a bed in an ante
room whence, after regaining her senses, she
made her escape from tlie house into a field
near by Mrs McColum also escaped from the
house and gave the alarm. Some of their
neighbors hearing the cries for assistance,
rendered it promptly. Mr. Grantham's resi
dence is about three miles below Doctortown
on the river.
I announce myself as a candidate for the
office of TAX COLLECTOR of Chatham
county, and respectfully solicit the votes of
my friends.
no v 22 -Id ALEX. F. BENNETT
To thi‘ Voters of Chutliuni Count)-.
1 respectfully announce myself a candi
date for re-election to the office of Sheriff of
Chatham County, and ask your support at
the .launary election.
If Benjamin L. Conn.
Htute u its! County Tilx Col
THE Subscriber is a Candidate for re-election, amt
respectfully asks the suffrage of the citizens ol
Ctmtbum County.
Savuimntq Dec. 4, L 1805. j
An Election tor nine Directors to manage the af
fairs of the Company lor the ensuing year will be held
al the Binding Bourns in Ssiaumdi isseoud story;, on
Tuesday,the 2d id January, lass, hetwi-eu the hiitlia
of ill a in and 1 ||. iu
Mhekluildera Mil) wuo have h.ld stork Inr uliiety
i -lay* liaiuedlKlsly preceding Ilia duy ul rlreltuh an
l i ljulvd hi vote
Hlueklinlilsrs. upiin pretruUlluu nl llitlr stork err
tlttratea iii ihe cniutiietora ol tialns, will he passed
to and (mill the rlerUuli over the • hlilpaiiy's load
h<‘" <iKuMtiK A I'IIYIKM.
•It tin I'ashler.
'I• * lilt. I JII/.ENn HE CHATHAM CO.
1 Ittu-fM IM UV sail U.. 1 iniseii as sisudllsMl
; All ills I lilt l * ol tat liMlul.i si Ihr elsvlhsi IU
SSm) '**' * '■//w«lii\Win*H
• MiTirr.
PkU.ow CitiiM.—l aunoooc* myself u •
i candidate for the olfice ot lax Collector of
Chatham County, and respectfully aoiicit
your tupport at the election in January next.
I J2O tj3 Jamas J. McGowan.
TO THU rTit IKIO «#t HATH AM CO. Haring been tequested by
numerous friends to allow my name to ba
used for tbe office of Sheriff of Chatham
county, I have tbe honor to anuounce myself
as a candidate for that position, and respect
lully solicit your suffrage,
Tlie Original and B»t iu the World ! Tbe only true
and perfectliulr Dye. Harmless. Reliable and Instan
taneous. produces Immediate y a aplolidid Black or
natural Brown, without injuring tbe hair or skin.
Remedies the iii effects ot bad dyes. Sold by all Drug-
I'ists. Tbe genuine Is signed W illiam A. Batchelor.
For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair
aal4 ly CHARLES BATCHELOR. New Voaa.
Sa7annaß Water Woug,
City Exctattnge, December JK, ISU6. )
Water takers who have not paid water rent since
ihe first oi November, are notified that unless pay.
near is made forthwith, the water will be stmt off
irom their premises, and executions issued against
them, as provided by Ordinance passed in Council
November 29th, 136 ft.
J 27-3 Secretary.
Hdll's Vegetable Sicilian Hair ttenewer
Has provetl Itseif to b« the most perfect preparation
tor the hair ever ottered to the pubiU .
It U a vegetable compound, and contains no injori
ous properties whatever.
It will keep the hair from falling out.
It cleanses the scalp and makes th« hair soft, ins
trousand silken.
It is a splendid hairdressing.
No person, old or young; should fallto use it
JVAsk for Fall's Vegetable Sicilian Ha 1 Renewer,
and take no other.
R. P- HALL & CO.,
Nashua. N. H., Proprietors.
For sale by all druggists.
New Orleans, La.,
a23-6m Southern Wholesale Agents.
Savannah, Georgia, December ft, 186 ft. j
SEALE IT Proposals to furnish the troops at this
Post with fresh Reef for three months, commenc
ing January l, 1860. and ending March 31, 1866. will
be received at this office uutil 12 M., Dec. 20,18 Ci.
The Beef to be of good marketable quality, exclu
sive of necks and shanks, and delivered tri-weekly.
The Proposals to be made iu duplicate.
decs Capt asid C. 8. Vola.
Lamps, Chandelfers, Brackets, Harp Hangers, Side
Backs, Side Lamps, with and without Reflectors; Fan
cy Hail Lamps, Lanterns, Bases, Pegs and Fonnts-
Patent Glass Cones, Burners, Globes, Chimnles and
ery Dealers’ and Confectioners'GLASSWAßE. Goods
of all kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL
226 Greenwich Street, Two doors below Barclay, N Y
Office of U. S. Direct Tax Com
Savannah, Doc. 13, 1865. i
Owners of Lota, Lands and Improvements in the
city of Savannah, Ga., are notified that the Tax Roll for
said city is completed, and the taxes due thereon may
be paid to the undersigned within sixty (60j days from
this date, at our office, north-west corner of South
Br ad and Lincoln streets, iu said city of Savanuah.
For non-payment of the Ux, the Act of Congress
prescribes a forfeiture of the property taxed to the
United States.
Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and 2 to ft p. m.
U. S. Direct Tax Commissioners, Dist.
dl2-tf of Georgia.
HERMANT- -DUPONT—On the 26th October, 1805,
P. A. Herviunt, Esq., of Savanuah, to Mrs. Elisa U.
Dupont, of Lawton, Georgia.
Cos. Virginia, on the evening of the will llee., ,by
Rev. Richard Davis, Captain William Haslehurst,
<•1 Macon, Ga.. to Rosa £., daughter of Col John
GRANT—The frieuds aud acquaintance of Mr.
and Mrs. Cuaklis Oka NT, are requested to attend
the funeral ot their sou, Lieut. William D. Grant,
from their residence, ou South Broad street, at half
past three o'clock. This Afternoon.
HAf DEN—The funeral of Mrs. Catherine P. Hay
pen, a lady venerable alike lor her age and clirrsrlau
virtues, takes place from St- John’s Church, This
Morulug, at 10-o ciock.
Mrs. Hayden was the only child of Col. White, a
distinguished officer ol the Revolution whose gallant
exploit, capturing near this city, by a successful strat
agem. a considerable British force, Illustrates one of
the brightest pages of the history of Georgia.
Mrs. Hayden has been In declining health for some
time, and whilst ministered to by one who supplied
ali the tenderness ot a daughter’s care; peace was
the companion of her retirement, and Christian faith
and hope shed their serenest ray over the evening of
her mortal existence.
Savsnuah, December 9, 19t*. I
Ordered by the Board of Directors that po lumber
nor timber ehall tie transported over the Company's
road, except by sped il contract with the Snperln
tendent GEO. A. CUXLEK, Cashier.
Most of the platform cars of the Company being
employed in moving iron and lies for rebuilding the
road, will prevent the hauling of wood and lumber,
except iu limited qualities
Jl2 eod 2w General Sup’t.
Savannah. Dev. 20, 1805. f
An election tor seveu Directors for the ensuing year
will tie held at the Office, comer of Bull and Bay
streets, on Monday, the first day of January next, bo
tween the hours of 11 and 1 o'cloca.
d'hwfjtmtd President.
Savanuah, November 26th, 1»06. f
4 N diction for Seven Directors, to manage ths
is. attain of this Bauk lor one yeur, w ill he held, st
the Banking House, on the Second Mouldy In Janu
ary next, b. lug ths sib of that mouth, rolls open
from iu o'clock a. in, to 2 o'clock p. m
nvT lawld' • Caahler^
US! outlaw N. A. HARDEE A 111.
AITI.IO4‘I ION Will ll# made for rsutwral and lbs fol
lowing spick Savannah A A Ogssi her Canal i '<>.. nr tlolsu IB IMA Scrip N" In, tuu shares ; No.
11, Vim rl.stet No l« *'» slltrss - No »v. 11 shares
ko is, 11 1 shsrss No «n, ItSahai*. total lull ahSIM
Ale and Porter.
■ it I Abb* Ml Ewan's suit Alsop's ■ tl»ni*i#.| A'n
IU s»1 Ruiter
• '.skrUisH Oo.di.c F nsr
Just re shed slid mi •> t hr
Ji'i'llv • lAOUOUn A i l IvHIN iUdW
fePEOAt ItfTirKl.
Au L*a) of Warning and Instruction lor Young
•nt ii. Just pablltehed tb» Howard Aanodatlob, aad
MQt in fcealed letter envelope* fr« of charge
Address Dr. J. BKILLIN HOUGHTON. Howard
Association. Philadelphia. Pa v oetl 2-3 m
A PMYUIOL4M4H AL. Yl«w of MAfttKl lUK
CoUtaiDUig Uval I.* dod page*, and lid fine Pla'ea
and Engi seitfgs ol the Anat >mr of tbe Human Or
gans in a state of liea.ui and Disease, with a Trea
tise on Early Errors, It* Deplorable Consequence*
upon the mind and Bod>, with the Author n Plau of
Treatment—the oulj latmuul and successful mod-* ol
cure, as shown by the report of e*iae* treated. A
truthful adviser to tin- married, ami those contem
plating marriage, who entertain doubts of their phye
l< a! condition, bent tree of postage to auy oddrtt**.
on receipt of 2 'J cents, in stamps or postage currency,
tiy addressing Dr LA 4'ROIX, No. 81 Malden Lane,
Albany, N. Y.
The author may be consulted upon any ol the dls
« ase-i apon which his oook treats either peisonaily or
By mail, and medicines sent to auy part of the world.
octlO 6m
Wheutou’s Ointment,
Also* Salt Rheum, Ulcers. CLtlblalss. and all
Eruptions of the Skin. Price 60 cents For sale by
all Druggists By sending 60 cents to Weeks A Potter,
Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Mass., it
will be forwarded by mall, tree of postage, to any
partof the United States sci>t2l-Sm
We have learned not to be astonished at anything.
Year* of experkuce and a correspoudenoe extending
throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe
have turned theories into facts and established a basis
from which we need not ert. We are not surprised
at such facts as the following—although the persons
who write them are. We know the persons and cir
cumstances, hence feel at liberty to indorse their
“New Bedford. Mass., Nov. 24, 1868.
Dear Sir,—l have been afflicted many years with
severe prostrating cramps In my limbs, cold feet and
bunds, and a general disordered system. Physicians
and medicines failed to relieve me. While visiting
some friends in New York who were using Plantation
Bitters, they prevuiled upon me to try them. I com
menced with a small wine-glassful after dinner. Feel
ing better by degrees, in a few days 1 was astonished
to fluU the coldness and cramps had entirely left mo,
and I could sleep the night through, which 1 have not
done for years. I feel like another being. My appe
tite and strength have also greatly improved by me
use of the Plantation Bitters.
Respectfully, Judith Russet,."
Rebdsuliu, Wu„ Sept 16, 1868.
• • • I have been in Ihe army hospitals for four
teen mouths—speechless aud nearly dead. At Alton,
111., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * *
Three bottles restored my speech and cured me. * *
C. A. Flaute"
The following is from the Manager of the Union
Home School for the Children of Volunteers ?
“Havemetkk Mansion, 67th St, )
New York, August 2,1868. /
Da. Dbahk ,*—Your uoudcriul Plantation Bitters
have been given to some of our little children suffering
from weakness and weak lungs witn most happy
effect. One little girl in particular, with pains in ner
head, luss of appetite, and dally wasting consumption,
on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, Las
been eutirely restored. We commenced with but a
leuspomiful of Bitters a day. Her appetite and
streugth rapidly Increased, and she is now well.
Respectfully, Mrs O. M. Dicvo*.”
“• • • 1 owe much to you, for I verily believe
the Plantation Bitters have saved my life.
Rev. W, H. Waooonbb,
Madrid, N. Y.
“* * * Thou wilt send me two bottles more of
thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly
benefited by their use.
Thy friend, Asa Curxin,
Philadelphia, Pa.”
“* * * I have been a great sufferer from Dyspep
sia. and had to abandon preaching. * * The Plan
tation Bitters have cured me.
Rev. J. S. Cathokn,
Rochester, N. Y."
“• • • I have given the Plantation Bitters to
hundreds of our disabled .soldiers with the most as
tonishing effect.
G. W. D. Andrews,
Superintendent Soldiers' Home, Cincinnati, O.”
“• * • The Plantation Bitters have cured me of
Liver Complaint, of which I was laid up prostrate,
and had to abannon m> basinets.
ii B. Kimhslky, Cleveland, Ohio.”
• The Plantation Bitters have cared me of
a derangement of tne Kidneys and Urinary Organs
that has distressed me for years- It acts like a charm.
C. c. Moons, No. 264 Broadway."
&c. % Ac., Ac., &c., Ac.
The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the
languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great re
storer. They are composed of the celebrated Callsaya
Bark, Wintergreen, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, Ac., all
preserved in perfectly pure bt. Croix Rum.
9. T.—IBGO-X.
Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weak
ness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appe
tite, distress after eating, torpid liver, constipation,
Ac., deserve to suffer if they will not tty them.
They are recommended by the highest medical au
thorities, and are warranted to produce an immediate
beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable,
perfectly pure, and harmless.
Notice.—Any person pretending to sell Plantation
Bitters iu bulk or by the gallon Is a swindler and im
postor. It Is put up only in our log cabin bottle. Be-
WAre of bottles refilled with Imitation deleterious stuff,
for which several persons are already in prison. See
that every botile has our United biales stamp over the
cork unmutilated, and our signature on steel-plate
side label.
Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable
?. H. DRAKE A CO.,
oct37-8m 202 Broadway,N. Y.
KaUmlion in from the Greek word “Kathro," or
“Kathairo," signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate aud re
store. This article is what Its name dignifies. For
preserving, restoring and beautifying the human hair,
it id the most remarkable preparation in the world,
it is ugalu owned and put up by the original proprie
tor, and is now made with the same care, skill and at
tention which gave it a sale of ov„er one million bot
tles per annum.
it id a most delightful Hair Dressing.
It eradicates scurf and dandruff.
It keeps the head cool and clean.
it makes the hair rich, soft and glossy.
It prevents the hair from falling otf and turning
it restores hair upon bald heads.
Any lady or gentlemsn who vulues a benutful head
of hair should use Lyon's Kathairon. It is known
and used throughout the civilised world. Sold by ul
respectable dealers.
octST-eodly flew York
llagau’tt Magnolia Balm.
lilts Is tbs must dsltghlful amt stirsuidluary aruclt
•ssrdhuvivsrsd It c hanges lbs sun burnt bu • and
batuts tv a pcsrly satin DSlurt us ravishing bssuly,
Imparling ths utrlils purity us yuulh, aud ths distiu
pus Sppssrsur. iu tovlllug In ths city bulls pi fasliUiu.
il rsiuui.s tsn, n si kies, pltuplss sod mughnuas Rum
tbs sAIn, lasting ths r iuplcjluu tsssb, trauspaisnl
and smooth II oubtalus no mslwrlal lujuiluna to
ths Skin PslruUlMd by AcUsasss snd opsss
ktngsis |i It whsl tvsri lady tb mid bsvs bold
sssrywhsis Retail prlis. An csbtt
Ei.psis.l by W E HAGAN, Duy. M I
Addi sss all uidsrs b
pvU s*di# Raw Iwk
........ - * -
TANARUS« Uiy suit Anna 1 uses. *wrf ralw
lie % citur fur Ik* C ••> of *a*mnhili, su4
to A luritti I lie Vsrl iN* Tsi sad ~
IRUR OlsllllMlM II of asltl fit).
Sk< 1. Ar,' itrthf'trt **o l/t* JhlfciWS.d »
(if i V tp" StH&nnah, an Chuwi/ (Ui/tnWrJ, ci/a-f
it it orYfrtrr . 1 *01 the auftllflitu ,<* Iff Alaiin
last on aud after the 111-it day of January l»»*xt, IbOi.
luxe* uud revenue lor the auppnrt «*f
of tbe city of bavaanah aud for the advantage and
benefit of tbe Inhabitant, thereof, shall »<e d.
levied and at and after tlie following rates,
that Is to r.t\ ;
1. At the rate of oae per centum per annum, cm
tbe valuation for ihe year eighteen hundred and
sixty, oi all real estate in the city limits, deducting
from such valuation such depreciation as may have
occurred by lire or military occupation, and w here
no Income is derived from such property -such val
uation, however, to eiLit and be a basis only Tiutli a
new valuation shall h*»*e been completed under the
authority or Council. Provided, nevertheless thit
said valuation loi eighteen hundred aud sixty, shall
oe the basts lor returns of real estate on the first day
of January next, and uutil Council shall inrtiter or
t. One hail oi one per ceutum oil gross sales of
merchandize, * including suites of liquors, ) except
S. One-tenth oi one per Centura on gross saies ol
4. One per centum on all commissions derived
iTorn any busint'ss transaction (Other than saies of
merchandize; by any factor, auctioneer, broker, lor
wuruling, shipping, or comralsMlou merchant ; aud
one per centum on the value of ail furniture, jewelry
and plate worth over three hunt red dollars.
5. One per centum ou ail Incomes derived from
salaries, and the pursuit of auy profession, faculty,
trade or calling whatsoever.
ti. One per centum on gross receipts of any busi
ness transactions uot Included in the foregoing, and
including all Insurance compaules and agencies, gas
companies, express companies, cotton presses ail
receipts for freight and for passage money which
are payable in this citv, and all hotels and restau
7. One per centum on the gross earnings of every
bank, bank agenev and banker.
8. on every horse and mule, except those actually
used lu wagons, drays, trucks, or other vehicles, for
which badges may have been taken out, one dollar
per month.
BEC 2. .4?id be it further Or darned by the Authori
ty ajoresuid, That, wherever, under this or any oth
er ordinance of said city, any return may be required
oi any tax be assessed or due, by or from any non
resident company or corporation, the return shall be
made and tlie tax be payable by the agent or other
manager or director of such company or corpora
tion ; and for every default, execution shall issue ac
cordingly ; and that in the case of person
or persons liable or subject to make a return under
this or any other ordinance, and where default may
be made, execution shall issue for a double tax on
the Immediately previous return, and if no return
shall have been made, then the party in default shall be
liable to a penalty of two hundred dollars, for which
the City Treasurer shall forthwith Issue execution;
aud in all cases,of default m making returns or pay
moot of taxes, executions shall issue and the taxes
and penalties collected ill the manner now pointed
out by existing ordinances ; and that the same rule
•hall apply to the eases of persons falling or refusing
to take out badges or licenses: JVoialrd, always,
that nothing herein contained shall interfere with
the right of the Police Court lo inflict flues or other
penalties herein prescribed.
Sec. 3. And be it further Ordained, by the Au
thority aforesaid, That the following persons and
parties shall be compelled, and are hereby required
to take out licences, annually, on the first day of
January, or within ten days thereafter, and inde
pendently of the income or commission tax, and to
pay for such license the sums severally hereinafter
designated, that Is to say :
Every auctlouoer, a license, annually, at the puce
of two hundred dollars ; every wholesale aud whole
sale and retail dealer in goods, wares and merchan
dise, exclusive of liquor license, a license, annu
ally, at the price oi Ally dollars : every retail dealer,
au annual license, exclusive of liquor license, at the
price of twenty-five dollars ; every bank, banker, or
bank agent, engaged in buying or selling exchange,
au annual license at the price of oue hundred dol
lars ; every person or house dealing lu exchange,
and every broker, money-broker aud pawn-broker,
au annual license, at the price of one hundred dol
lars :every Insurance company or agency, foreign
or otherwise, and each and every agency, au annual
license, at the price of oue h uud red dollars, the name
lor every the keeper or keepers ol a hotel, an annual
license, at the price of oue hundred dollars : every
the owner or owners of a cotton press, and for each
and every press, an annual license, at the price of
one hundred dollars ; every the owuer or owners of a
junk-shop or cotton pickery, an annual license, at
the price or two hundred dollars : every the owner of
owners of a public stable, an annual license, at the
price of fifty dollars ; every commission merchant or
factor, au annual license, at the price of fifty dollars;
every shipping master or stevedore, other than non
-resideuts, an annual license, at the price of flfry dol
lars; non-residents one hundred dollars ; eveiy the
owner or owners of a coal or lumber yard, an annual
license, at the price or fifty dollars ; every the keeper
•or keepers of a warehouse for the storeage of cotton,
merchandise, goods etc for each warehouse, an an
nual license at the price of fifty dollars ; every tlie
owner or owners ot a billiard table used for hire, an
annual license, at the price of one hundred dollars,
foi each table ; every the owner or owners of a teu
pln alley; an anuuaflicense, at the price of fifty dol
lars, for each ally ; every the owner or owners of
saw mill, plamiug mill, sash and blind factory, au
annual license, at the price of one hundred dol
lars ; every the owner or owners of a job printing
office, an annual license, at the price oi twenty-five
dollars, every master builder, mason or mechanic,
taking contracts lor work, an annual license, at the
price of twenty-five dollars; every the owner or
owners of an intelligence office, ah annual license,
at the price of twenty dsllars ; every manufacturer
of soda water, an annual license, at the price or
twenty-five dollars ; every soap-boiler, tanner and
founder, for each establishment, an annual license,
at the price of fitly dollars ; every gas-fit
ter. an aumml license, at tlie price of twenty
five dollars: every attorney at law. physician, dentist,
Daguerreau artist, photographist, and ambrotyper,
au annual license, at the price of twenty-live dol
lars. [The license for the sale of goods, wares or
other articles from any vessel or wharf, shall be one
huudred Hollars, instead ol fifty dollars, as fixed by
the ordinance of 31st December, 1840.] Every per
son selling by sample, and who U not a resident of
the city or State, an annual license, at the price of
one hundred dollars, on failure to take out license
shall be fined on conviction one hundred dollars lor
each day’s default. Provided alwayffi that any per
son required by this ordiuance to take out a license,
and who may begin business after the first day of
July, lu any year, shall, for that year, pay only one
half the price of such license. And the following
persons shall be compelled to takeout badges on the
first day of January, annually, or within ten days
thereafter, and at the prices herein designated, that
is to say : every porter, an annual badge, at the price
of ten dollars; every vender ot small wares, and
eveiy huckster and hawker, and keeper of a cook
stove, or shop, an anuual budge, at the price of fif
teen dollars, which may be reduced one-hall If not
required to be taken out until after the first day of
July. And any peisou subject or liable to take out
any such license or badge, aud failing to do so for
ten days after (lie said first day of January, iu eaoh
year, shall be liable to a fine of not more than thirty
dollars for every day’s default, ou conviction before
the Police Court. Bueh licenses and badges shall be
issued by the Clerk of Council, and the license shall
be signed by the Mayor, attested by the Clerk, and
have impressed oil them the seal of the city.
Sec. 4. And be it farther ordained, by the authority
aforesaid, That every male resident of said city, be
tween the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, shall
be liable to a poll or capitation tax of one dollar, an
nually, except only such of said persons as may be
entitled to registry and to vole at city elections, aud
who shall register their names and pay for the same,
Sec. ft. And be farther Ordained by the Authori
ty aforesaid , That every owner or keeper of a dog,
shall pay lor such dog the anuual tax of three dol
Sec'. S. And Ih> It-farther Ordained by the author
ity aforesaid. That on and alter the first day of Jan
uary next, the price of a license to retailspirituous
liquors one year, shall he one hundred and fifty dol
lars, and the applicant shall be required to submit as
securities, two responsible freeholders of the neigh
borhood, as a pre-requislie to the issue of said li
cense, and for a wholesale liquor license the price
shall be oue hundred dollars.
Sec. 7. And be it further Ordained by the author
ity aforesaid, That all returns required by this ordi
nance, ior income and com in lift ions, shall be made
quarterly: that fs to say, on the first day ol April, tl.e
first day of July, the first day of October, ami the
first day of January of each year, or within ten days
thereuiter, respectively, for the three mouths Imme
diately preceding such respective days, aud that for
gross sales, returns shall ne made between the first
aud tenth day of each month lor the preceding mouth,
beginning with the month of February next, lfefifi.
Sec. s. And tie it further Ordained by the author
ity aforesaid, That all ordinances and parts of or*
dmaut es. so far as they militate with this ordinance,
be, and they are hereby repealed.
fatted lu Council December 27,
K. C. ANDKKSON, Mayor.
JjUIK* STEtVAitT, Clerk Council.
AN Election *lll beheld at the Court House on
Wednesday, llm 3,1 of January next, lor a
Hl,,riff of the county of Chatheiii, fur u Clerk of the
Mupertor ail,l lute,lor Courta, lor . t'orouor, fora
Hscelver of Tits Returns, for s Tax Collector, and tor
a County Hurveyor
Tbr poll, will tie opened at seven ovln k a. or,
SLd be closed Al tlx ci'ehiek p m.
‘ibe Hbsilfl, or bU Deputy, iiuiltlu' of the
■ nunt) tie requeu'd 10 tin, ml and preserve older
WM. 11. CDYUvIt, 4. l-o. o. «
N U KNAI'F. 4 I o. c o.
us,, i'. IIARRImiN, j i. s', s’, r
JOHN as HbVEN, 4 s. 1.0.
4U, l», Ms Its 1
'l’Vto wi .s.itia sttsi 1 del., alipll, tUnn *lll lw un de
1 to tlseOi llusi) ol 1 batluin iiusuly |ur lusts tss
sail All In# Ibtsre.t, being s ibrn fuaiib mieis.i, ot
s bar us A i. laium lately ilonsacd, In ibe It,lining
sulil eiiuaU',l st lisas i.ruii ol Rioisghissu an l Hsu
stolpb tots,a lb tbs 1 Ilf u| gsssnbali, I , me laipegl
ul ins ir lull inis us Ibe ealaiu
1 AttoUNI A i,AM All
dssisustu, Aobilbistiblill
S a v a ii na Ii Tlii* a I r **.. j
•’r-r' if"**- f- te.s*n la,«.>%«* U.uiit.-I
Ottitig to cif<uiiut •»«»• ■%’lU'* Maiihjviti*‘Mbl.<« > .n It J
U’»iu-4 to .-xphdii. iti * ni« cuiu}KiPai to au- j
i unfit** an
• Fr.»m that pt-viossijr aanPULt .1
Iu Um ~rn«i,
| Has kindly coiD-tun-d to appear in tli •
peruu Tmg>«ijr of
MR. W. 11. CRIHP as the MOoR OF VENICE
The whole Company in the cam
To concludes with
Mr. Pettibone . Mr. J. Y. R iymond
MISS FANNY ll PRICK, the celebrated Actress,
win appear on Monday.
puss’ RUSS’
One of the most valuable combinations of a useful
medicine aud an agreeable beverage that has ever
been offered to the public. Millions of bottles were
sold throughout the North during ihe last four years
and, wherever introduced, it has proven a welcome
addit ion to the invalid's table, the family circle, aud
the batchelor's sideboard.
LA DIES who have lost strength and appetite, and
suffer Dorn nausea, vomittiiqj and vertigo—
GENTLEMEN who "don't feel veiy well” jnst before
breakfast or dinner, whose stomach out ol order
and system is generally deranged—
MOTHERS weaning children, and suffering from
general debility—
CHILDREN of a sickly nature, and sour, dyspeptic
TRAVELERS who have oreaslou to change their
✓*ater, and—
ALL who live in malarious districts, and are subject
ed to miasmatic influences, will find one of the
most valuable Tonics and Invigorators that can
be t ikeu, in
The most delightful concoctions thut ever tempted
man's taste—cheaper Ihan any STEADY DRINKS in
the world,
Also on hand and manufactured to order.
RUSS & CO., No. 34 Doy street,
New York.
Sold Wholesale by
W. M. WALSH, Wholesale Druggist
HALSEY, WATSON & CO., Grocers,
Sa vaunah,
v- Every Member is requested to call on
jPBjSLx the Secretary and procure orders tor
.W-***@ their nnifoim. A leave their orders
for Hats, Ac., immediately. Bv oidec
J. E. Feegeb, Secretary pro tem. d29-l
Oglethorpe Fire Company No. Is
Attend a Regular Meeting of the Com
jßjEgfflL puny, to be held at the Court II oust.,This
Every member is requested to be present, as busi
ness oi importance will be brought before the meet
ing. By order of
* Pi evident.
R. Wayne Russkix, Secretary. U 29 1
Georgia Masonic Relief Association.
A meeting of this body wljl be held THIS (Friday)
EVENING, at 7 o’clock, at Masonic Hall. A lull at
tendance Is requested, as the By-Laws will be acted
All Master Masons, In good standing, are frater
nally Invited to be present
By order of
.M. M. BELI9ARIG, Pres.
Wx. F. Pakkek, Sec’y. t . d-9 .
TO PURCHASE, a Plantation, large or email.
adapted to the cultivation oi Rice, or Rice and
• Addrcf* J 11. M., Buz 15d, Savuunuh, U.i., Muting
number of acres, loc uion low est cash price mid all
particular*. dW-a*
' , |'<HK Copartnership heretofore existing between
1 J. W Steele and u. M Burhihk, under thsi
name of Hteele A Burbank, Is linrei y .Resolved by
tnutanl coneeut,
All partus indented to tile before named firm lire
requested In sullle nniuedlatolv wills J VI bleelv,
’.VI.u Will C'iil.lßilie lb« lipetiiese, el \u. II Meuliuul’e
lint*, 11.111,1. Head, sssail corns i or lilug .md ileurgu
ell eels i I,ai lesion, eud who u .iinhori/'d lu reeeqit
fur MU II eellleuu ul
U id 111 KltsNl,
NuVelllUsir I lsi)6.’ ll’ju Iff
TUI uii'UiEigiH'ti lu-jH'i Hull/ i it>! • • hi« fin ii u
und iii 'pminUiit i ii. * pi i/i* Mmoilii* mi lion
I lir*l, (is* ltd of Jiiliuuiy, | t»i4i, nl ||t) l*llo o||
Jjjvrit lltpl i«VO pljuir* stilt |»|| tfrHJf (HIM I #l4
I' LE< iti* wwis nil o| Mootl i itti «am bi Juijdniitfsi,
Nsuollng mu i olMfiiVui* At U ltMflo*h
lld'litt ' 40 In* bad
Tb’f ¥ I*Mi
lilt KU I toKMF\T«.
Family School.
UEV 4\ B. KING having nbtainH »nos
hU obi ro-ui lu in- CHATHAM A«\\i»L*Ml
wd« *qa*U Ills K.«ruU> Nuhool outlie *-'d of Janutty
»*• X* iriiur h.« p leofi.*' a!t<n(lon to ft)! clostwaof
Pupils Toni!#- t* iai month. French extra, by
Prut Debs. d2O-t*
fflb*'s ilm riber Is pi ep»red ta attend to the planning
J aud arranging of Flower and so the
Pitir.l g and Trimming t>rGrape Vine, Ac. II mug
had long expcibiu <» in These branches, he leel- com
petent to perform all he prolcsscH ut rea*m.ibk
Corner Price and Junes street.
dift-2* w At F. Kiug’ji.
ffIHIS Bank will be closed on Monday, first Jaunajy.
Papers falling dm* on that day must be attcMid
t*d to on tfaiurduy, 30th iusr.
d2O-2 President.
A YOUNG LADY w desirous ol obtaining a place
lu some good family, either iu Savannah or
August a. She is u Dressmaker by trade, and can do
Tailoring with cam*.
Address J. 11., Ogeechee P 0., Scriven county, Ga.
rfUIE Subscriber lias on hand Scotch Cake, bakdd,
a and is ready to fill orders.
„ A. F. MIRA.
Cor. Congress street Lane and Whitaker street. /
d29 3*
■ r • J j t ‘
A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE.- By virtue of an orffe
-c from ihe Hou. Dominick A O’Byrne, Ordfi&.y
of Chatham county, wilj be sold at the store oi
dera Cmnk, decerned, on street, opponte
tho Market House, in th«*city of Savannah, l)|i»qen
the hours of 11 a. m. and l i‘, iff., on the bihfea- of j
January, ly6G, stock consisting of Segars. Toba :c(J 1
uud suhdry ai tides, Al9o,tw<> Hoibvs, one Mute,t vo
bngtiiu.-, oue Burners, oue Cart, one lot ol Pinero jJ I J
a portion ol Household Furniture, one double bail *1
Gun, Hoes, Ploughs, «fc . . Sold as tlie propeitW f
Saunders Cronk, lute ol Chatham county, dece&aXL
for the benefit-of tho heirs and creditors ol saiddS
cea ed.
Savannah, December 26th, 1805 V
Administrator Ad CoLfegendum on the estate of Saun- 1
ders cronk, decease. d*J9-td
nil whom lr may concern:
Whi reus, John li Dudley will apply at the C.»art of
Ordinary for Letters of Administration, cum testa
memoannexo, pn the tsuie of Sarah C. Davidson,
late of said county, deceased,
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail
whom it may concern, to bo ami appear before Mid
Court to ni«k* objection (if any they have) on or be
s re the llrat Monday in February next, otherwise
said letters will be granted.
Witness my offlciul signature this. 28th day of De
cember, i»’36.
d29 I). A. O’IiYRNE, O, C. 0
ccivedpet steamer Uia«e,
For sale by
<129 ts 82 Buy street.
Dancing Academy.
HAVING been solicited by my friends to again
open my S. hool f.*r Dam ing. I have concluded
to take a limited number of Pupils. Thos-* desirous
of sending their children can see meat Mr. E. Khrlieh
SO Whitaker street.
d29-S L LOUIS.
Pilot Bread.
lANDING from schooner R V<*naman,
-i 119 boxes Pilot Broad,
10 caecd Minco Meat.
For sale by
d‘29-3 Uiirrih’ Block, Bay street.
Lard and ’Pork
I vv ion boxes Pilot Bread,
20 kegH Laid,
10 bbiri Pork,
10 half obis Beef,
Lauding from steamer Camoria. and lor sale by
ASITFATioN liy a young mau of considerable ex
perience, 21 years old, wishes employment as a
salesman or clerk in a wholesale or retail business.
Best references can be given. Address Hkkai.u Of
s2s REW/fRD
oTOLLS on Wednesday night, at No. 2, Central
k 5 Railroad, a medium size iron gray Mare Mule,
with old scars ou the shoulder undone fresh bruise
on one of the shoulders; the hair is rubbed off ou ihe
right thigh. I will pay the above re waul for the de
livery of the mule so Jacob Cohen, No. 136 Broughton
street or at my house in Tatuall county.
<l2O-0* ' G. M. EDWARDS.
Sight Exchange
New York,
in'AMOUNTS OF 1.0110 TO 10,000.
For sal.
d29-lw ANDREW LOW & CO.
Or* BBLS. API’LES. landing from steamer Chase,
ZD and for sale by
29-1 F. W. SIMS St 00
' tv
AN assortment of Parlor, Office and Cooking Stoves
on coueignmont, aud for .sale by
d29-3 ROGERS & GANN.
A COMPETENT, able and responsible Engineer and
Sawyer, to take charge of a Steam Circular Saw
Mill a few miles trout this city, ou the Central Rail-
Road. „ __
The Sawing is to be done on shares. Gong recom
mendation required. Apply to
Office in Claghorn A Cunningham's Buildings,
d29 lw Up Staira.
IiHB Ro jUs tor Subscription to the Capital .Stock of
this Bauk are uuw open mid ready for Suhserib
era, at the office of the Southern Insurance Company
TO PniiCllASK a Plantation adapted to growing
St a Dlund Coitou Numbar of acres not mate
sWldresa K 11. F Bo* 16ti, Savannah, Gi., Hittlutr
ntmibci ~i acn *. location, lowest cash price and all
A SITUATION ns Master and Pllnl of Sttanwr
liutii Suvenuab to Macon Fetlsluciory rslur
'■ '“•■'C'"'*' jomtPllU* CAHIIUTBWUfc
yp.t w llawhlllSVllle. GS,
House for Sale.
I/ASTKIIN 'I KNI.MItNT us led No 4
I’j Wau, bei»i ~ii Beriisnl eu i I, (luissd stkss'f
•iivsdlue, lies slid M.ilsi, *UI. unu
piUlvbiviiD Ibliiugbuui I’olltuu lit pslvbsls'
cebisluslb Appyiu I.ATHHOf, .
,0 c I,grst«4f>si