Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 13, 1866, Image 1

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■QL. 1-NO. 306. Savannah Daily Herald fMORNINQ AND EVENING} |g PCBI.«H*I> BT w. MASON CO., BaV STK«r. «S*V*NBAfl. dsOUOlA. TrV, ‘*' Five Outa. $3 60. "" *111 on. a ptebtibibo: _. „,. r Sqnnrc nr Ten Lines for Brat In- Pollnr lor each nubtequent one. Ad- inserted in tin- morning, will, if desired, I ev , nine without exlra charge. r'jOH PBINTIN G, r etyle, neatly and promptly done. TELEGRAPH TO THE iii ly H e raid.. Proceedings of Congress. 1a L OF CAPT. SEMMES POSTPONED. Senate. ^Washington, Jan. 12.—In the Senate, Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, made a speech deny- Ihat CoDgress has power to declare war Igainst States. He maintained that the •piled States Government could suppress Insurrection, but that it could not hold South- tn conquered territory. Hom»£. In the House, M r.Rogers made a speech ngainst negro suffrage iu the District of Co- (lumbia. Mr. Farnsworth favored the bill, declaring lit as his opinion that impartial suffrage would be the only guarantee of a proper state of affairs at the South. The tri ll of C’apt. Semmes is delayed in consequence ot the absence of Commodore Winslow, one of the most -important wit nesses. who sailed a short time ago tor the Gulf. The trial will be commenced on bis return. Gold in New York is quoted at 38 1-4. ARRIVAL OF THE SAN SALVADOR AT NEW YORK. The following despatch was received yes terday by the agents of the Empire Steamship Line iu this city. New York, Jan. 12, 18GG.—’The steam ship San Salvador arrived here last night, towing the steamer Columbia. She is the only steamer from Savannah this week. EXECUTION OF A NEGRO IN AU GUSTA- Acousta, Jan. 12 —The negro Isaac, con victed of the mutder of Henry Amos, of Han cock county, was executed to-day. He died protesting his innoceuce, although he had previously repeatedly contessed liis guilt. LATER^ROM EUROPE. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 13. 1866- LIVERPOOL MARKETS. New York, Jan. 12.—The steamship Sco tia. with Liverpool dates ot the 31st ult., has nrtived. It is rumored that a treaty of peace has been made between Spain and Chili, by me diation. Liverpool, Dec. 31.—The sales of cotton for the week amount to 24.000 bales. The market has declined l-4d., closing firmer. Orleans middlings, 21 l-4d. United States five-twenties, 05 to 66 1-2 ; bank rate seven. Decrease of bullion in the Bank of Eng land, £470,000. THE UNITED STATES AND SREHCH- MEXICANS' POLICY. Lamartine oa Napoleon's •» Grand Con ception.” SHAMEFUL INHUMANITY. It will be recollected that it.was announced in the press of the country a lew weeks ago, that Mr. Wm. Johnson, a brother to the President, was accidentally shot at Valasco, Texas. It was stated, also, that the physi cians of that place who were called upon bv the family to minister to the unlortunate gentleman refused to respon and that he died from the want of such The intelligence was of a charn ”- nary, that we, in commor our cotemporaries, doub* We could not believe i» her ot the medical pr any wbete who cou’ act of humanity to circumstances. J we were mistaken nnd American of the 6t K card ot two ot the members which, we are sorry to aay, affirm*, of the statement. - - No one with a spark of humanity in hia bosom can withhold an expression of his utter abhorrence of such cold blooded inhu manity. The atrociousnes9 of the outrage, if true, upon professional usage and the best I interests of society merits, and will receive the condemnation of all just-minded men of all opinions everywhere. The following is the card to which we re- ' . /, _Wo desire to make, through - . r paper, a few remarks in ,7 ,r.i; h which came out In the }. Ur t sterday, and which seems ue- n u ■ t-n lrotn the New York i to my father’s treatment al Strong makes n stale- r, Mr. William Johnson, not by the discharge of his a number of surgeons in rere the accident occurred, assistance. All refused, • ' i u ; d, but based their refusal u ti ,Uat Johnson was a brother to t’ •- 1 ■ etc. In addition, we will stale ve are facts, and that our istt-.c *ad i o Colombia, Texas, a dis- v .re of one red miles, for a Federal .i .geo.; bef< re ting any assistance. Dr. ads is the ge: man who came to our iivi’s u?si - lrotn Columbia, but four- t- lays having elapsed, was too late to save ms life, and Dr. Seada says our father died from neglect, and the medical faculty gen erally of Vftla9C0 state that there were too many Johnsons now. The Gazette winds up the paragraph by saying that everybody knows the above statement to be an abominable talaehood, and lor their benefit we will state that the above is correct, and any one disputing it tells a base falsehood. In conclusion, we will add that the family has just arrived here from Texas, and, if need be, can testify, to the •hove facts. Aynasw Johsbox, Jr. A<ent TvBi't i-ee Penitentiary Jambs Johksor, Deputy Agent The subject of the relations between Maxi milian Imperialism in Mexico, and through that adventure, those of France and the United Stales, is beginning to assume a rather serious aspect. While it has been cloaked in the mysteries and secresy of dip lomacy, popular opinion has indulged in speculations as to the probable result of what seems to he a rapidly culminating issue betweeu the propagators of monarchy on this continent and the asserters of the Mon roe doctrine. The signs of the times indi cate a speedy solution of the policy to be at tempted on the one side and resisted on the other. It has been remarked that the gov ernments of Europe, as well aa our own, have preserved a remarkable reticence in reference to the subject; nevertheless it is not doubted that opinion on both continents is maturing In reference to a conflict which France cannot with honor recede from nor the American Republic with safety decline. In another column we give a remarkable article on tbe subject, from the pen ofM. De Lamartine, the poet-statesman of France, who professes to be the exponent of the “Graud Conception” of Napoleon III, and who doubtless expresses the sentiments cur rent in the political saloons of- Paris. In connection with the article, we adopt the fol lowing extracts from an editorial of the Charleston Courier: The object of Loui9 Napoleon in his at tempted subjugation of Mexico is plain. It ia to endue the Latin race with strength and prestige on this side of the Atlantic, to re cover by a dynasty ot his own creation what France has lost in colonization by the con quest of the Canadas and the cession of Loui siana, and thus to check tbe expansion of these States, preserve the balance of power, and prevent their becoming the dispensers of the products of this comparatively new world. The basis of the late action towards Mexico lias, as its motive, tbe repression of Republican progress and the establishment of a dominion under its auspices and devoted to its policy. Upon the pretext of unsettled claims, at a period ot internal disturbance, the armies of France entered the Republic of Mexico, mode war upou its existence, defeated the forces that defended the soil, subverted the Republic, aud by virtue of an election held in the presence of glittering bayonets and un der the duress of their embittered host9, placed the presumptive heir to the throne of Austria upou the seat of Mexican empire. Elevated by their power, he is maintained by their might. The inspiriting influence of these States had extended their euergy, civilization aud progress to either ocean. This continent seemed dedicated to the principles of self- government and the right of the people to the care of their own destiny If Mexico could preserve her freedom as a kindred Re public of similar institutions aud interests with this country, then the more pervading the influence which had already had its-rc- sponse in Europe, and the mote brilliant for the guidance of other nations. The design, therefore, is anparent. It is to place bounds and limits to the advance of free institutions, and to found a monarchy on our very horde;s which will piove a barrier to further extension and power. President Johnson lias accredited a Minister, not to Maxiiniliau, but to tbe Republic of Mexico. This is a clear indi cation tlmt tbe sceptre is not regarded as the emblem of legitimate sway, but ratber as the symbol of force, and as fore shadowing a dominion hostile to the policy declared since 1824, and to the spirit of our institutions. It ia an announcement that the law whicli now prevails is that of foreign in vasion. If it were otherwise there would be no occasion for tbe presence of tbe troops of France. Where the Government is one of assent, and of free, unfettered choice, there is no necessity for the overawing presence of a standing military power. French arqas alone secure Maximilian upon his throng— This is his support and reliance. The President, however, does not propose war. He simply withholds his assent to tbe legality of the present rale, and declines to recognize It as possessing the seals of State or those insignia of title which can alone be conferred by the unbiassed voice of the people. His design, evidently, is to leave events with time. This position is not in advance, but rather in restraint of the popu lar sentiment The consequence is that both in party platforms and conventions, in Con gress and at primary assemblies, a pressure been brought to bear iu favor of inter- with the strong hand. A course of ’•ion, however, has been deemed ' is likely to be as effectual in -hen Mr. Alphonse . •. n. M-be-orator and u . , .>rste of con- . -iodical ■lirh oraiilBt 'hi? COUUtrV. 8UPpOftfi Florida New*. | Francis Eppes baa been elected Mayor of j the city of Tallahassee. Printed petitions are being circulated in \ different portions of the State praying for the release of MrAYulee. Merchants and business men of Tallahas see complain that the expense and delay of procuring goods from Savannah via Jackson ville, is so great that they will be compelled to abandon this route and look to the trans portation by way of Tbomasville and Mon- icello, or Way way of Live Oak Junction- James B. Gamble, Esq., Collector of In ternal Revenue of Florida, haa returued from Washington, aud it is understood will enter immediately upon the duties of his office without being required to take the stringeut oath which excludes so many of the best citizens. The steamer J. L. Smallwood, CapL Gifft, from New York, Sunday, Dec. 31, arrived, says the Jacksonville Union, at that port yes terday noon, with merchandise to Savage & Haile. The Smallwood is bound for Apala chicola, and we understand is to embark in the cattle trade from Tampa to various ports on the Gulf. ALE! ALE IN GENERAL. —Mr. Davi9’ medical attehdant at Fortress Monroe has been changed. Surgeon Craven is relieved by Surgeon Geo. E. Cooper- —Major General Wilson was married last week to a daaughter of Brig. Gen. Andrews, of Wilmington, Delaware. —A Chinese meat dealer in San Francisco was recently arrested for selling veal taken from the womb of the cow after death. —A fat man in Paris recently sold his body to the surgeon for 1,200 francs, went on a spree with the money, died from the effects of it, and was immediately cut up according to contract. —Michael Phelan and Monsieur Carme played a match game of billiards at Rich mond on New Y ears. The game was five hundred points, and was won by Carme, who, in one score, run ’two hundred and six points. —The Baptist Church at Columbia, S. C., was entered recently and robbed of several carpets, all of which, except one, have been recovered. They were stolen by a negro, who gave as biy reason for stealing them, that they were given to him by some of Sher man's army- —The Madison (Wts.) Journal says that within the last five years six children, be longing to three families in Waterloo, in the beforementioned Slate, have mysteriouaiy sickened and died. Their disease manifested itself in spasms, bat its uature was not under stood, until recently, when a cow died with all the symptoms of hydrophobia. It was then recollected that the cow bad been bitten by a mad dog six or seven years ago, and all the children had since been drinking her milk. —The people of Houston county, in this State, have contributed the sum of $525 in specie in aid of the widow and children of Geu. Stonewall Jackson. —Some half dozen negroes turned highway robbers last week near Atlanta, on the Deca tur road, aud robbed every person they met. Among the victims are Rev. W. P. Harrison and a Mr. Howard. The robbers were not arrested. •‘UniiealthvDeve)lopments.”—Tbe Mem phis Bulletin says : “We learn that an officer is now investi gating tbe records and books of quartermas ters' and other Government officials in Ten nessee, and the developments thus far are startling. This work of ferreting out the frauds during the war has only commenced, and many “Snoddy Kings” who are now living in princely slyle on their ill-gotten gains will be under the disagreeable necessi ty of leaving the country or filling a felon’s cell. There will be quite a flutter iu the wing of contractors and other malfeasants when the disclosures are officially brought to light. Tbe investigation is now progressing at Chattanooga, under orders from the War Department, aer SPKCJAL NOTICES. NON TO FREEDMEN. By special order of Brig. Gen. Tillton, Acting Asst. Commissioner, State of Georgia, issued from Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, Ac., Dec. 22d, 1865, It is made obligatory upon all freedmen in tills State to obtain employment for their own support, and all freedmen who shall refuse or fail to entar Into con tracts for employment on or before the loth tnst.‘ shall be hired under contract, or If minors, bound oijt under proper regulations to such persona as will give them employtjient by the authortrfed agents of said Bureau, who are rcuulred py said prijer so to do. 1 haTe at my office, Jn the Court House, all the ne cessary blank forms for freedmen’s contracts and Indentures. The attention of Freedmen and per sons desiring to contract with them are Invited to this subject. Freedmen will take notice tliat the time specified in Gan. Tlllsou’s Circular expires on the 10th inst. DOMINICK A. O'BYRNE. Ordinary Chatham Co. respo. i nglld* mbl the follow... ■' "' i.i'. \, ' .i ,. by a prominent ' aut < ing attention to an .... . ug our shipping agents that has resulted in serious damage eats of their patrons : •The steamers have a way ot signing of lading for goods, and then put them o any boat they choose, or leave them out it their own boats are full. Thia is all wrong, and we should be glad if some of your merchants would make them pay damages. It is a matter that we cannot control here, as we send the goods for a particular steamer, and take bill of lading for same, and have no reason to suppose they do not go in that boat until we are apprised of the fact from Augusta.” H. The jury in the Strong divorce case in New York have been discharged, having been un able to agree, after being out forty-six hours. It will be recollected that the plaintiff, Mr. Strong, asked for a divorce from his wife on the ground ol her having committed adultery with hia brother. The application was re sisted. on the ground that Strong had forgiven bis wife’s offences—that the confessions of guilt, which ' rere almost the only proofs against ber, were forced from her, ana that her husband had also been guilty of adultry. The case derived Us interest from the high social position the parties had occupied. The jury were All agreed that Mrs. Strong had been gnilty ot adultery, and the plaintiff had not forgiven her. On the remaining ques tion, the charge of adultery against Mr. Strong, ten were for a verdict in his favor, while two refused their assent to this opin ion. Leavenworth, Jan. 5.—The scouts in por- suit of the men who robbed Paymaster Ellis’ fa?.- >f S3u,»aiO tht oiher day, overtook them. r 1 a* county, and all the money except vas recovered. The thieves, when overtaken, took to ihe brush and escapi 75 Bbls. and 100 Half bbls. MASSEY, COLLINS & CO.’S UELKiB RATED pmr.ADET.PHIA ALE, Landing from Steamer CUMBRIA, and for sale at tbe PHILADELPHIA ALE DEPOT — BY — W. M. DAVIDSON, Agent for Massey, Collins & Co. It is unnecessary to say anything regard ing the quality of my Ale—its reputation was WELL ESTABLISHED long before the war, throughout GEORGIA, ALABAMA and FLORIDA. Thi9 Ale is brewed expressly for me at an EXTRA COST, and I flatter myself that with TWENTY-ONE years’ experience in the bu siness in THIS CITY, I know what kiDd of Ale is best suited for this market. My CEL LARS are the best in the City; which fact, together with my knowledge of the man agement of Ale, euables me to assure my friends of a constant supply ot Superior Ale the year round. d30-2w W. M. DAVIDSON. B/TCH33fcPm , R HATH PVB . in the World! The oply true •.ad v,-.ri— 1- Han-less, Reliable andInstan- t. -on*. *■>> a/ a splendid Black or natural Brown, withont Injuring the hair or skin. i facts of -all Drug- - • : -lor. \vGsir.-. extract op millsfleurs, tto... • and BcaqtiiyUijJ the Hair , ■ , »•:->BATCHELOR. Hew Vos* j v. H i A 1 $ O t THERM nm as* - *- ; Depot fur FriiiUT- ^ : • 210 Bay Street, Sayanaali, (ia. W ARREN a PLATNKR keepconstantlyon hand a l*i ge stock of Ledger, Writing and Wrapp,; g Papers, of all sires and weights; also. Binders' Boards, Card Boards, Printers’ Cards, Envelopes, Twine* and Printing Inks. Having had long experience in the business, and buying our goods In large Wta direct from the mann- tacinrers enables us to compete with New York prices Agents for Wtide'* celebrated Printing Inks; Agent* In this citv for tbe Bath Paper Mills. The highest cash prices paid for all kind* of paper stock. J 12 CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, COMPOSED OF IODIDE OF POTASSIUM, WITH THE COMPOUND CONCEN TRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND HERBS. Prepared by WM. H. GREGC. M. D., Graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New Pork; formerly Assistant Physician in the Blackwell's Island Hospitals. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Has prodneei a revolution tr. Medicine. What may seem f m.-ai Incredible Is. that many dU eases hitherto coni j ’end hopelessly insurable are ft e qnently cured In al >» days or weeks: and w* cheer lolly invite the tavesdgatli.nsof the liberal mindeduud scientific to cures wt Ich have no parallel at the prc« . sent day. Daring the past flvsr years wo have contended with ob-tacles and overcome opposition as herculean a; were ever encountered by ,.n\ .le.ortners. RAPIDITY OF CURE. Some say, “Your cures are too quick,” while others donbt their permanence, and think that diseases can only bo cured by the “»low, recuperative process of Nature.” This is onr reply: In health, the i>ody, like a well- balanced scale, is in a state of equilibrium. But when, lrotn tiny chusc, down goos one side of tbe scale, we have the effects of disease. What is requisite, is to re store the normal balance of the scale. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Is a positive and specific leniedyfor all diseasec origi nattng from an Impure state of the Blood, and for al (hereoltaryj (Unease* transmitted from parent to child PARALYSIS. It la so universally admitted that Constitution Life Syrnp Is the only effective means of restoration in the various forms of Paralysis, that we need uot reiterate that it la emphatically the Great-Life-giving Power. DYSPEPSIA. Indigestion, Weight at Stomach, Flatulence, Live Complaint went of Appetite, Bad Breath, Constipation. Bllliousness. 8CROFULA. Struma. King's Evil, Glandular Swellings, Erysipelas. Ulceration, Ball Rheum. This taint (hereditary and acquired), filling life with untold misery, Is, by all usual medical remedies, In curable. RHEUMATISM. [Arthritis], Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Gout Tic Doloreanx. If there is any disease in which the Constitution Life Syrnp 1* a sovereign, it Is in Blieumaltem and Its kindred affections. The most Intense pains are almost inst apiy alleviated—enormous swellings are reduced. Cases, chronic or vicarious, of twenty or forty years' standing, have Iteen cured by lit CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Purges the system entirely from all the evil effects o Mercury, removing the Bad Breath, and curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use of Calomel Is sure to produce. It hardens Spungy Guius, and secures the Teeth ss firmly hsever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases of the Skin, like Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, and all other difficulties of .his kind, which so much disfigure the outward appearance of both males and females, often making them a disgusting object to themselves and their trjendp FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES, Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongue, Spine, Forehead, or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved its equal. Moth Patches upon the female face, depending upon a diseased action of the Liver, are very utiplcaennt to the young wife and mother. A few bottles of Consti tution Life Syrup will correct the accretion and remove the deposit, which is directly under the skin. Diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizzi ness, Indigestion, Weak 8tomach, or an ulcerated or cancerous condition of that organ, accompanied with burning or other unpleasant symptoms, will be re lieved by the use of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. As a General Blood-Purifying Agent, the Life Syrnp stands unrivalled by any preparation In the world. THE RICH AND POOR c to the same diseases. Nature and science b. -Constitution Life Syrup for the benefit of all. PURE BLOOD ’R: and If the constl- •nd early death p the result U6 not delay when the mi al hand, and vviiu: the reach Of ab. ' are so near MERCHANTS’ NATIONAL BANK OF SAVANNAH, GA. THE Books for Sobaurlptlon to the Capital Stock o 1 this Bank are now open and ready for BabKrib- ere at the office of the Southern Insurance Company, ja-ti Latest from Egypt! P ENNY’S NEW EXTRACT OF THE EGYTLAN LOTUS, * new sod exquisite Perfume tor the handkerchief. Cleopatra and the ladle* of tbe pretest <tay using the same perfume. THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS 1 THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS 11 _ HE EQTYP™T LOTOS Ut Manufactured, by F. A.Pc- ,, Xir: .«oyn, NOW York. bat attb rrve -, CONSTITUTION -1FE SYRUP 1 V • friend r.r,f ■■ .'china: , -:•*» • • WILL! V. tl UK! , ■ t ■ na*:'.,. 2«w Y <1 ' './*•' Aflk'eLroggJ* •» ,t- •r, . -Ten. Printer's Ink. THE SUBSCRIBE. - »«£.> ' ' i IA (Sw JOHNSON’S C£L£ftf¥£Yfef} News, Bo«k and INKS. ALSO; Printer’s Varnish* |y Sold at Manulkctirer'a Prices.-^* jll COOPER. OLOOTTS A PARRKLLY. TOEK, WILLIAMS, IcINTIRE & GO., 6 E If E R A L AlfCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS 1S2 BAT ITRBBT, lAVAmVAH, OA. , We respectfully solicit consignments of MERCHANDIZE and PROPERTY of all is always lar^d^d the at,enM ° n ° f B “ yer8 *° °“ r 8t0Ck ’ which HRSfiiSP- , J p. 5. s.v*?„ah fere NCES: Brigham, Baldwin & Co. Erwin <fc Hardee Gaden & Uncklea Hiram Roberts LaRoche & West W. Woodbridge Hunter & Gammell jS-lm PRICE, 5 CENTS New York. Longstreet, Sedgwick & Co. 8. T. Knapp <& Bro. J• P. Boyle & Co. D. H. Baldwin & Co L. C. Norvell. Important to Shippers! Q-reat Reduction in Freights —BY— ' ERWIN & HARDEE’S LINE of fast, Iron, light-draft, aide-wheel Steamers, between SAVANNAH AND MACON, Via Hawkinaville and Brunswick R. R., touching reg nlarly at Doctortown and running in connection with the Atlantic A Gulf Railroad. * The new and elegant iron steamers CHARLES S. HARDEE, capt. R. Johnson; TWO BOYS, Capt. Thomas Daniels, having elegant accommodations for freight and passengers, will ply regularly aa above, leaving Savannah every Thursday morning at 9 o'clock; Hawldnsvllie every Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. It is the desire of the Agents of this line to make a permanent connection between Macon and Savannah and t he landings on the Altainaha and Ocmulgee rivers, and with this object in view they aak the sup port of the merchants of Savannah and Macon, and the merchants and planters along the line of the above named rivers. * a , SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA, Point*with'the connecting at Latter yond. Georgia Railroad snef Points be- The following steamers being of exceedingly light draft, and having smple and complete accommoda tion for freight and passengers, will ply regularly as follows: Iron steamer WILLIAM G. GIBBONS, every Sat urday. INSURA*. O Ni K INSURANCE OOMPaNY, SAVANNAH, O CAPITAL, 2,500,000. AARON iXBl'i M. A. COHEN, Secretary. DIRECT 1’ II Si Andkxw Low. Hr.-ET Baiun aw, JoiiN f.AM., D. H. Balowis, Hlnby Laihri.p, Aabos WiLBra, Iron steamer AMAZON, every ten days. Wooden steamer LAURA, every Wedcesday. Onr Captains and Pilots are the oldest and most experienced on the river, and no effort will be spared to meet the wants of the travelling aud freighting public. INSURANCE EFFECTED AT THE VERY LOWEST RATES. Freight received at all times at our warehouse, foot of East Broad street. W. B. DAVIDSON, I E. A. WILCOX. I ERWIN 4 HARDEE Agent at Augusta | Agent at Macon. | Agents at Savannah j9 2m;. L LOST, E ITHER on Bull street or on Congress, oetween Ball and Whitaker, a GOLD BRACELET. The finder will be euitably rewarded by leaving It at the counting room of . j6 erwin a Hardee. “MARSHALL HOUSE,” BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH. GA * S T E A M £ -L A J 0 RIVER STEAMBOAT For Sale. W For Insurance against t - y.. K . Fire, apply at the OFFICE OF THE C ' MPA'. 89 BAY STREET, - SV; ’.\NiH, i. THE NEW ENGLAND >i C.. I , INSURANCE CO.’vNi Organized, j ; CashAaaetts. $3,000,000 Last Cash Return 7 <>000 Losses Paid . Total Surplus Divided...... ; ’ ' Amount Insured «, All Classes of Life Poli ■ 3 Isc m .j ’ Tvn RP - STEVENS, President J. At. Gibbkns, Secretary „ , A WILBUR. General Agent Geor^- i and V: COLUMBIA FIRE INSU1 , 'l~ ; V NY’, OF NEW Ven cash Capital . „. ; TIMOTHY' G. CHU1 U : ; John D. Arthur, Secretar Frederic B. Elliott, Si A W Genet tl At FULTON FIRE INSURA >; . y. :; vv OF NEW Y'( Cash Capital WM. A. C< J ts M. Rankin, Secretar- A WILBUR General A ut South. T HIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL has been remodeled end newly re (urnt»lieuarm put In perfect order throughout. Tbe (raveling public may rest a sen red they will find comfortable accommodations at this house. A. B. LUCE, doc27-lm - — - Proprietor. TIIOS. W. BJKOOH8 MANUFACTURER OF FUHNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, 221 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mali promptly st eaded to. jy31-tl CONSTITUTION WATER Is, without doubt, the only known remedy ior DLABETES, CALCULUS, GKAVEL, BRICK DU8T DEPOSITS, IRRITATION OF THE NECK or TH* BLADDER, INFAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, AHU ALL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES. Certificates of cures from well-known persons from all parts of the country In circular, will be rent on ad dressing MORGAN A ALLEN, Ag'ta, dX2-3m No. 46 Cliff »L, New York. RAILROAD HOUSE, HE8Ti4.TmA.3MTP. BAR-ROOM AND BARBER SHOP ON BRYAN ST., JOHNSON SQUARE MATILDA TAYLOR R ESPECTFULLY informs the public that the above establishment is now prepared to furnish Oys ters, Fish, Game, Ac., at all hours. Dinners*, Sappers will be furnished at the shortest notioe, and sent to any part of Jhe city. Wines of all kinds, and of the very best, always on hand. lit addition, four Dining Rooms has been fitted up in the neatest style for the accommodation of Ladies and Gentlemen. Excellent Cooks and accommodating Waiters in attendance. Attached to the Restaurant is extra Diring, Sitting and Bed-Rooms. A Barber Sho p, with competent Barbers, is also connected with the House. All customers will hive their private cups with their names on. Transient Boarders and Travelers will find it tp to their advantage to call 1 he patronage of the public Is solicited. ABRAM BEASLEY. ,}2S-tf Superintendent IMPROVED PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, . MANITFACTUUD BY T. F. ROWLAND, CONTINENTAL WORKS, Greenpoint, Brooklyn. ’’'dersigned are Agents for the above, and 'nd can order at shortest notice, En- ’feed. Apply to E. V WADE 4 CO. RSKT'S t.. > Tfjxr.v IT'. (KIil, '0FFEE. la now offered at private £u.e. Si c Is ft-, long and 36 feat wlds, over all. Her engine is jo moo inches cylinder and 8 feet stroke. SHE HAS JUST BEEN Thoroughly Rebuilt AT TH* UNITED STATES MACHINE 8HOP AT SAINT HELENA, A1C1> ixx Perfect Order. Application for purchase must be made to J6-tf Col. C. R. BRATTON, Postmaster at Hilton Head, S. C. HOLIDAY GOODS. Direct ImDortation from Londo and Paris. J tJ lL.??£5 I «F D ‘ S and varica assortment of U Imported Ware* and Fancy Article., suitable for the coming season, embracing in part: Statuettes—Bronae, Besqneand Parlar Toilet Sett* docks Perfumery Ladles’ Traveling Bags French Parasols Portemonnaies Milliners' Fancy Wares And an endless variety of Osier Baskets Fancy Goods, ordered for this market and just received by ship County of Picton, and other vessels now arriving. Fancy Goods by the riginal plottage, to which the attention of Milliners and others Invited. d21-tl W. W. LINCOLN, Corner Congraas and Boll atm Monument Square. THE EYE, EAR, AND THROAf. DojJSre,JSffi couaulied on Deafness, Discharges from the Ear auditings! 6 He4d ' Catarrh - Diseases of the Throat or A s'uSii d 0 Ittonde! K m reqairing eltheir MedlcaI Lexm C g ton 0 ^'e“^it, T m h „Te, M ° fflCe ° n °hours from 9 to 12 A M., and 3to i P. M. AT PRIVATE SALE. 1YHK west half of Brick Tenement situated on Hull ■*- street, first door east of Barnard. The house is well supplied with gas and water, and contains seven rooms, exclusive of a spacious basement. The out-bulMings are all of brick, and consist of carnage house, stable, and Well finished servant rooms. Terms—One-half cash, balance payable at the ex piration of five years, with bond and mortgage ; in terest annually. Apply to L. C. Harby, on the pre- miges. jio-tf PROPOSALS SOLICITED. P ROPOSALS will be received until Wednesday. Jan. 17. 1866, for supplying the Jail with Fresh Beef and Bread for the ensuing three months. JOHN F. O’BYRNE, JlO lw Acting Chairman Jail C mimittee. A. MINIS, Auction anil Commission Merchant No 3 STODDARD'S WESTERN RANGE, sales of . EXCELSIOR FIRE INS France com" PANY, OF NEW T ; • OaJ&Ljod Surplus STAfcGUS F. DOl Saml. M. C.saft, Secretary Gener PUTNAM FIRE INSURA OF HARTFORD Cash Capital < SAML. WOODRl I Daniil Buck, Secretary. A. WILBIK, General A South. NEIN SPRINGFIELD FIRE AiS >V j SURANCE COMPAN. ; FIELD, MA Cash Capital EDMUND FREEM PtcriL't. YV m. Co.nnar, Jr., Secretary A. YVjl.BCR, Geners. A , s u q WASHINGTON FIREINl \y PANY, OF BALTIM ' i > Cft P ital #500,0 w j „ THOS Y. CA.WBY, President. a • J- AlclAUiNJS. Secretary. r^^-A u'” jBURi Authorized Capital, $10,400,000 pHAR . OOLB1 vJ Ma • Riaks to and Fire ,j. , c<s first cleg. . - ,v y, :: AT THE LOU OOLUML’i AN MA (N,c COMPANT. MORRIS FILL a ANCE CO'!PAN COM ME .1. FIRE ,,;q. STAND," H!' i (R Officu In j streets l.rn: streets. re prepared to thke c or foreign pvr-_ • .Vtowiij,- named "9,000 6.000,60f( E < OMP-y,. 200,01k, L i.'OMP'Y 200,0*9 ■ 7* r Ray nnd Abenxirn 1 ^ ray and Br m dt6-tf FlflE SI A . ” Capital at* YORK AND (■h!?... . . v l ijon poo 1 ’ll (ENIX t RANGE CO. Cap:, tl ani Sarplaa . .. #] INTERNATIONAL INF CRANCE CO. Capital and Sorplus #1,200,000 MANHATT AN INSURANCE CO- Gapital and 3orplua 0,0 Rirl:-' • At. in the r pan:— huUdlngr tioun. at trio low risk.'- Auply to nf 'l:n Vo K'Sfr a. Agent, .-N ’ kt I r FshMs 'V.:y ' '■ ENGLISH DAIRY CHEESE. gQ BOXES for safe 00 consignment, jh BRIGHAM, BALDWIN \ CQ. WHITE PIHE LUMBER, DOORS AUD BLINDS, *T,,ROr-Tyr a tnrrewiwo /£• -Tnmended a h<1 ,d 1*» • CLi'W. MSN, PHYSICIANS and Pro.iteheny 31'.n. tivs cheapeat, healthiti: and best bev. -^j In the world I FOR HALE BY ALL I.HOCERS NORTH AND SOUTH Tne Sonine-u trsds, to which It L-. gp.vtalh-adapt ed, anppiieii through the New York ;Uy Wno.-sata Grocers, or db - .t troin the ilanuftn.'.ory. sril54|46 NEW YOR It. RICHARD DAVIES, Proprietor. And General Wholesale Dealer in Teas and Coffees. dl9-3m HAIR, HAIR. t GOOD lot, and other materials for Bonding P°r- H noses. • For aale b» t BOUSE ‘ BRYANT. d2b-tf 194 Buy street THOSE FISH Have Arrived. TURK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO. Lll/IE! jR SALE IN a.NY QUANTITY, — BY— s r. w. sms * ca Choice Butter and Lard. JN Tubs, just received per Han Ja nto. » *— a*, a XJL o 1 XX Inst traxxco. A 2nd Fir* INSURANCE COMPANY, OF KEVV ORLEANS lf’rviijTied at he Yj&b been 1 UAinedCMDpM] Protated -A vui* lor *adj to tak*' Ms- ns - rates.