Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 07, 1866, Image 1

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rnuj-^Q- 25 : , an nah Daily Herald prB Lisa«< k' bby mobswo bt H4T ^ «*»—«• «—*“• in iT pve ('enta. $3 60. L Bnto* 10 Cf** 1 .*10 00. . - „( Ten Lines for Are. In- rf l-' r N, !" 1 r ( .!! b putisequent one. Ad- 1,1 eie r’" ilur , ‘ .he morning, will. If desired, rltlNTlNO. J ,tiy and promptly done. lESIIPH. 1“ Feb c —In the Senate to-day. the L0 “ A “° Cihti0 “ t0 ‘ egal [ , «-as lost- from the Governor was surrender of the charters of the , The message was ordered to be FRO* 1 \E\V ORLEANS. , llnCJ Institute.* Against the M ' Pr0< Bagdad Filibusters. Oiu-EiS* ivb 6.—Civil proceedings have J bv Il:ia s State olhcera at Browna- ‘““‘‘“‘L,,, implicated in the Bagdad affair. toof forty-two thousand destitute ^ lima who will require an expenditure ’ U ard^.t two millions 01 duUarS 1>er anIlUm ‘° ' Uhur prospect* on the Red River plantations ’ * ,, re cheerful. The freedmen are disposed Vl . Reiter satis iU u ihull hithttrto. I T 4lBE ._it appears by an announcement in " n jaun die theatre will remain closed until when it will be re-opened with the full L T : sess ,e of two weeks. The Italian Opera Wuntothetoecaon of Max Strakoscli. then * ,. tle on tor t short season, commencing about 11st uf Mwoh. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. From our Special Correspondent.] SENATE. Milledqeyile, Feb. 3, 1866. |7bo Satiate met at 10 o’clock. If'sver by Rev Mr Yarborough of the Msthodis t ■i: b'ia.k introduced a memorial from the Mayor j yCouncil of Americus, in reference to small j •ini c-ay. The memorial was referred. Ill: Butler introduced a bill providing for furnishing ii.aimed soldier in the late Confederate cause : iCC j it t vs’itli uu artificial arm or leg at the State's o a bill to alter the lav*- allowing married women r v<itmouey in ^a\iugs banks. ... i-^y presented a memorial from the citizens of LleriJn comity asking that said county be relieved himtbtpaymoiit of State tax the present year. Re- irrni id me committee on Finance. [Mr Lmriaiid—A bill to incorporate the Blairsville ...ugunJMaam'acturing Co. of Union county, fi!: Enard—A bill to allow the Inferior Court of hoiiwty to retain the State tax for 1886 and 1867 »• mo purpose of building a court house and jail in Ld comity. | if: tirtsham—A bill to alter section 3320 of the code i relation to bail. i bill to provide the mode by which private moils mav be eiiurtered. |Ur M'.jie reported a bill to prescribe and regulate a of parent aud child among persons of color, •ill tj prescribe and regulate tue relation hQhijainl and wife among persons of color. It I’trtr.b.— that where a person has been living with iiian one husband or wife a choice shall be . with w nuin marriage shall be celebrated. BILLS ON TIIIKP HEADING. [Fill to sell the Slate’s lauds in Okefenokee swamp, drawn. I Bill Jor the relief of securities oil criminal bonds fhere tne accused could not on account of the con- •ti "! the country be brought to trial. Passed, lid tu amend tlie charter of the city of Athens. Vsfted. [Bid to compensate clerks and ordinaries forad- mistenug the amnesty oath. Laid oil the table r hie present. I B.;i i- lurorporate the Savannah Navigation Com passed. to incorporate the Savannah Loan Association. I Li ! tu incorporate the Augusta Savings Bank. nsse l. j senate adjourned. HOUSE. I ice House met at the usual hour. I Mr Pottle o! Warren moved to re-consider so much f lie actiuii oi the House as relates to the use of du- ii^tes of plata aud grants as evidence In court* of u.i suit. The motion prevailed. I L«ye oi absence granted to Messrs. Moses, Me- ’eil of Pike and Alexander for a few days. HOUSE BILLS ON THIRD READING. I B.ii :o prohibit concubinage among the blacks of &bue Referred to joint Committee on Freedman's u to incorporate New Eera Mining and Manufac- :i Company Referred to a special committee. II to allow Riley Johnson of Clinch County to re- f* "Pthtuous liquors without license. Lost. Bui to prevent persons from inducing freedmen to their contracts. Passed. ilriiknn of Wlntotied introduced a bill for the re- r : '• -ndigc-rit widows and orphans of soldiers, and Ujtr indigent persons. t 1 ; 1 ' incurporporate the Macon Canal and V'. Wur isi.. Passed. •••i provide for the election of certain officers in « ■ i passed. t!"' •’•■-••siaulish the Vandorn lien. Passed. 01 die hall was granted to Rev. C. B. King to ‘•ytrui, uiidrebo on the subject of the introduction -^tuic oi waits laborers. Hon. A. H. SUpheni. i -wing i fc the correspondence betweii the - tif. of the Legislature aud Hon. Alexander H. i -'-a? the substance of which has already been •vl by telegraph Milledgeville, Jan. 29, 1866. . . • p* Stephens: letur 'u.Z 1 V ~\ Vfc ijave rtatl with deep regret your lui;., - t-egislature, withholding the use of your nle wv .iS 11 ' * ll0n with tbe Senatorial cenveee; but t-r h lu - yol i tlie ri l?ht of refusing a Candida- W" t vh.ui r » lu . e , • s - Senii te, yet at the earne time |/.W fru.«f »n !"?-• tliP ri ^ ht to bestow upon you w’/ , V1D ? M it does important considera- I'.fUiestatP c , , fclr ’, that a vcl> t majority of the people I* • As •) . p e 10okln r to yon as ttie man for the cri- I‘ :r oTntocarrv eiJr * es » eutatlve8 ul that constituency, de- I pubhc will v- *, Ulis , mnil Lfast demonstration of the I H. R, (• ■'[. ~ w will you serve if elected ? I •' I fiusseii 'iV Glbbcns . Claiborue Sneed, Jamoe l-U^ore p A i Glean - J- O. Gartrell, Ben. B. J A-1 jLson 1L ’ Smith, Georges. Owens, Bon ’ 1 J- Strozier, B. A. Thornton. MestTg. H. r r Milledgeville, Jan. 29, 1866. 1 i:ongh* ciaii„Tv' Vm * ^^aona, and others: I du Lot u-uh J\ * vnn 111 y°ur note to me, of this ■‘^Uesuon. u 10 be understood as at all calling I can only *ay that I to K.r, r t • P r obabla chbo in wliicb I would re- anvn, 0l '. m y ability, tho people of iov l;v th« m • fr yen which might be assigned to * - ■’-i.’:, j - ■■-., - r ioopresentativea, whether aeaign- without, my consent, lours truly. alexandes H. Stephens. 4: it;a 111 eart itquakeat San Francisco, cre- ^ isroi».i’ tlmpede ' onc 01 «“ incidenu of 7 “ C ° rreSp0ndent: ? 8for aigBdm a u r ,‘l t ^ r , at “ locaU *y’JP town, the wife aud l3 , the acknowledged leader of S* 'Wish m the vorl,, tmer 8 03 ^0“ her hou B e aU l;a t “got on “ “ A 5 10 the window to see what fitments m the T ““F make immediate Wen J,t me a'hular costumes for them- t*Wifni foreitm „ millat of the earthquake the , u athj iipLeareii is'A 031111 I"'* 10 just indulged in f tlk ' it was aiww * treet with a towel around her lnthat V ic ‘{‘f tv rau “» nt ahe had on - Conse- tij e om‘A S \ towel around the neck it j. y orthodox earthquake costume.'* ,Uli rtoielin 1 s to < tl I R os ' ~ A man oamsd Thomas, 'awe on bomd ^ f al ,' eutenantin a colored regiment, Vicksburg, with a j^wni, which^™*^ 1 * Sf e> and demanded J^f^aoertificams^th t^ 7116 woman IwJ • °Hld8i 10w *th ber, but as the man Thomas ,,v<i - i tobcanS. D “r iia8l0n ° r ^achlrge, hewa. vV^aby the “An^i AA' Waa “^ppedofhSshoulder L- ' aolored wii“. d P 3 *** 11 ? 6 ™. and put ashore with SPEECH OP MR. RCI8ELL, OP MU8- cogee, on tile Bill to Allow Counties to “? v / * ai Collect Taxes fort be Support *“dlgent Widows and Orphans of Soldiers, Delivered In the House or Representatives, January 31, 1S66. [Reported specially for the Savannah Dally Herald.] Mb. Spejlkeb : The biU reported by a majority of the Special Com- inittee, though better thar^ no bill at ail, does not meet tha demands of the times. I propose to offer s series of resolutions at the close of these remarkn, and ask ttiat they, with the bill, be referred to the Committee on Finance, that a bill may be perfected embodying the suggestions of both. I rise, sir, an advocate of no common cause. Liber ty was its foundation—heroism and patriotism have consecrated it. I speak in' behalf of the soldiers and widows and orphans of soldiers of the State of Geor gia who are in absolute want. Georgia soldiers re sponded promptly to the unanimous call of Georgia, and by their deeds of self-sacrifice and devotion have illustrated the brightest pages in Georgia history. We owe them a debt of gratitude which we never can re- pay; we owe the disabled soldier in absolute want im mediate relief; we owe the widow of the deceased soi- di** in absolute want sustenance; we owe the children of both classes maintenance now aud the means of an education when we are better able to appropriate money for that purpose. Shall we in a spirit of cold- hearted parsimony turn them away from our doors ? Shell we say to these children who are holding up their tiny hands in many portions of the State and asking us for bread, in the language of a representa tive of Texas mahy years ago. “Though your fathers served the State in life, though he fell amid the ranks of those men whose namea history shall delight to •hronicle and nations to honor; though the credit and honor of Georgia are concerned in taking care of your childhood and watching over your youth, in providing for your happiness and respectability, yet for all this we will suffer you to grow up in uncultured wildness, in baneful ignorance, perchance in the foeted atmos phere of vioe, rather than make an appropriation to enable you to live now and render yourselves capable of occupying that respectable, nay, enviable position in life hereafter to which you are in a peculiar degree entitled by all the thrilling circumstances of your situ ations." All Georgia has left her of the late contest is a glo rious history and an unsullied honor. This should not be now disfigured by such ingratitude. Tt is stated of Napoleon that on an occasion when an officer whom he loved was wounded, and from the narrowness of the defile in which the conflict rsged, was in danger of being crushed to death by the ieet of contending friends and foes, while the emperor looked on with deep anxiety for his fate, a female, an humble follower of the army, with a babe in one arm pressed through the melee to the wounded man, and passing her other arm around him, conveyed him to a place of comparative safety near the emperor; but just as she turned away from the object of her benevo lent aud daring undertaking, a ball struck her in the breast and she fell dead at the feet of Napoleon. The emperor taking the motherless babe in his arms called a grenadier, and with that felicity of conception and gracefulness of expression that has immortalized him in history and so endeared him to his soldiery said, “Bear this child to the rear, guard it carefully, and see that it is well attended, for henceforth it is the child of the Empire.” If the genius of Georgia could be personified here to-day representatives and speak to you, her words would be ‘ Guard the children of my illustrious dead and disabled soldiers carefully, see that they are well attended, for henceforth they are the children of the State." It has always impressed me, sir, as one of the most pleasing manifestations of human nature, that in all ages and in all countries it has been customary to oommemorste the deeds of illustrious men and illus trious events; that painting, poetry and sculpture have been brought into requisition to perpetuate the msmory^f great achievements and keep alive in the hearts of the young a veneration for the distinguished dead, and a love of country. But few years will elapse before marble cannot be found white enough on which to inscribe Georgia's inperishable roll of honor. The most exquisite touches of the painter cannot exagge rate on glowing canvas the battle scenes through which they have passed, and a greater than Themis- todes will be required to recount the glories that clus ter around the memories of those who surpassed be cause they so often repeated the valor of Greeks at Ma rathon. Shall we who knew them and associated with them so intimately in life—who live among the dis abled soldiers and the widows and orphans of the de ceased soldiers, turn away the indigent with a cold- hearted parsimony when they and their husbands and fathers are such cherished objects for history ? If I felt that a sentiment so ignoble animated my breast to-day I would fear that the reproachful shades of Cobb, Bartow, Bemmes and that long catalogue of illustrious dead who baptized a cause that Georgia then held dear with their blood would haunt me in my dreams this night. They shall never be turned away by my vote as long Georgia has means to distri bute. I have hoard it suggested that this is an unpro- pitious time to move in this matter, as we should avoid anything to excite the jealousy of the North; that they believe that our soldiers fought in an unjust and an unholy war, and that defeat lost them any title to support from the public. The United States sol diers will be provided lor, and generations yet unborn of the whole people of the United States Will contri bute to the bounty. The Georgia soldier and his rep resentatives who are in absolute want have no place to look except to then- dtute who called him into tue held; and I do not believe that there is a ma^n mimoub soldier of tho United States army, nor a philanthro pist on earth, who, if he could fill your seats to-day, with all his prejudices upon nun um wuulu support this bill. I sometimes imagine that I see a gleam of hope in the future of our country. It is when the soldiers of the north shall head a party at the north and lead it ou to victory ; they will then be prepared by reason of having shared common dangers, common sufferings and common hardships—Which begets a common sympathy among brave men though once enemies— offer the hand of fellowship to the soldiers of the South and when tendered there may be a snaking oi nanus by those battle browned veterans on both sides over the graves of their fallen comrades, and under the banner of a grand national reunion* pabtt. They wdi take this Government from the hands of radicals and factionists hi both sections and carry it onward to higher and wider circles of glory and greatness. Mr. Bussell then proceeded to argue that the whole ques tion was purely and simply a matter of finance ; that if the State could not r&se the money tne argmucm was exhausted. He knew of but three ways to raise tne money already called for by the State, which would amount to near two millions of dollars, before the ses sion closed without any appropriation for the purposes indicated by this bill. First, by taxation; se&md, by loans ; third, by sell ing the property of the State. He showed conclusive ly by a formidable'array of statistics that taxation or loans at this time was ruinous policy for the State, and that an amount equal to the net income of the State Road under public supervision for twenty years, could be made in a few months by having it for that time. He advocated the sale of the road as the best policy both to met the demands of the country at this time, as well as on principles of public policy for all time. He waa a State aid man and believed the State had done a noble work in developing a lovely section of country. But he thought that a State as a general rule should not manage railroads or become banker; that when a road is completed it should be sold out, and in ordinary times the mofley applied to other public enterprises, and in such times as the present should be so applied as to relieve the people of taxation until they begin to recover their faded fortunes; that con solidating power in the hands of the executive was bad policy. He referred not to the present nor the past; but in republics alone demagogues could flourish, and patronage was their stepping-stone, to power. Large public works Uke the State road, on which there were at least seven hundred employees, and each employer had their numerous friends, l/iigbt be used in the future by party cliques and combinations to perpetuate bad men in office and corrupt the people. Jefterson s idea of a simple government and not a magnificent one was the true one; that same natural historian had stated that but two classes of animals could attain the height of the Egyptian pyramids—the eagle and the serpent. So in the politics; but two classes of men can attain the summit of political greatness—the dema gogue and the statesman. The demagogue appro priately compared to the serpent contorting its flexible body into on hundred shapes in winding its slimy way through the crevices and cavities oi the monu ment until Its summit is attained, when hanging from its lofty height it hisses at nobler men below. The statesman compared to the eagle rising on expanded wing and with a swoop of its broad pinions proudiy perching there. Take from the demagogue patronage and you take away his power. Let the State follow its legitimate business of making wise laws and leave its citizens to plant, bank and run railroads. Private enterprise is more sagacious and economical than public supervi sion. Sough he would aid in developing the State, when the particular work is done he would let indi viduals buy it and manage it. By selling the State Road at this time ten or twelve million of dollars could be obtained for the treasury; not only so,but the Road itself would be a subject of taxation to the. State for all time. It never was estimated at more than seven millions in gold before the war and probably will not sell for more in gold hereafter. The National curren cy though far below the specie bsoxs would answer the State as well to pay its debts now as gold, because, if the debt is delayed it must be paid in gold. We are already called upon to raise two millions of dollars this session to pay the part of the debt due and inter est, and to repair the State load and for current ex penses. If we send our agent into the market in the present unsettled state of the country, we will sell our bonds at about seventy-live cents In the dollar In National currency. Theee bonds would bear a rate of interest much greater than necessary when the credit of the State is restored and could not be retued sooner than tn average of twenty year*. The State owed two and ahalf million of dollars besides the two million reci ted; this she could bow pay and save the difference "between National currency and gold. These financial operations would save nearly as much for the State in a few months as the next twenty years’ profits of the road will amount to in its present dilapidated condi tion. If sold the people could be entirely relieved of taxation for two or three years except for county pur poses and a bountiful fond set asidefor the objects con templated in ths bin. He advocated an educational fund reserved for the poor of the State, which might be ap plied hereafter to a system of free schools. But if the State road is not sold no good reason can be produced for not leasing it tor twenty years, as he had shown nearly the profits for that time In Its present condition could be realized in a few months by obtaining money aud paying the debts outside of appropriations for the objects of tills bill. Wo have not done justice to the argument of Mr. R. on the financial policy, but indicated the outline. In conclusion, he offered a set of resolution! which he moved to refer with the bill before the Honse to SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7. 1866- the Finance Committee, objecting to the feature in the bill which lelt It to the grand Juries to recom mend a tax lor the purpose. He said that in most of the counties no recommendation at all wetfld be made, and aa the beneficiaries were morextumerous in some counties than iu others, and atThe grand juries did not call the soldier into the field, but (lie whole State, that the Slate should see that all fared alike. IN GENERAL. —The President on the 2d Inst, ordered warrants to be issued for the pardon of three hundred North Carolinian*. —Wendell Phillip* delivered a lecture in Spring- field, Mu*., on the 31st nit., on the labor reform ques tion, in which he advocated the eight hour movement. He said that he expected to live to see such a progress mads in machinery that four hours will accomplish the work of eight under present conditions. —Pittsburg is well entitled to the name of the Blr mingham of America. It has no leas than fifty glaas- makmg establishments, which produced $12,000,000 worth hut year. In the iron trade the amount of manufacture is immense. The value of its coal trade is valued at $3,000,000, while its oil trade and manu facture is put at $25,000,000. —A man brought up before the Mayor of Charleston the other day for stealing a pair of boots, plead in ex tenuation, that “they didn’t fit." —The pugilist, Aaron Jones, informs the public through the advertising columns of the Charleston papers, that having been challenged by “one Henry Van Winkle, although it is well known in England as well aa the United States that since his fight with the gallant Tom Sayers ,now deceased, it was his intention to retire forever from the prize-ring; but from the many boasting and gasconadings of the above and others that they are able to whip him, he has been induced to alter hie mind. He will fight the said Henry Van Winkle tor any sum, from five hundred dollars or upwards, at auy time or place that may be agreed upon." —United States Commissioner Osborn, of New York, has pronounced a decision in which he declares that Robert Martin, who is charged with having been con cerned in the rebel attempt to burn New York in No vember, 1364, shall be beld for trial, on tha ground that he gave aid and comfort to the rebellion. —The Oritfin Star understands that at a called Court for the purpose of trying Clark and hia companions in crime, for robbing Col. W. D. Alexander, of Pike, they were, on Monday, convicted and sentenced by his Honor, Judge 8peer, to twenty years’ confinement in the penitentiary. —The applications filed for clerkships at the Treasury Department have now reached 22,000, and every day augments the number. —There were 494 deaths in New York last week—99 men, 108 women, 161 boys and 127 girls—an increase of 60 from the previous week, and a decrease of two over the same time in 1865. —It is the design of the Government to send negro troops to the western plains to guard the forts and pro tect the people. —Miss Charlotte Thompson, the actress, has bought a farm near Montgomery, Alabama, aud will reside there permanently. —Tire ualveston (Texas) Bulletin of the 12th ult. gives an account of a desperate attempt by negro prisoners in the county jail to escape. The sheriff attempted to put some of them in irons, when they at tacked him with brickbats. A guard of the 48th Ohio volunteer infantry was then called upon to put the negr oes down, and the latter attacked them violently With bricks and other missies. The ringleader ot the negroes seized a sergeant’s gun and attempted to knock his brains out with a stone, when the eergeant shot him dead. Two other negroes were wounded. After a severe struggle all the prisoners were secured aud order waa once more restored. —The Washington correspondent of the Philadel phia Ledger says: “The news from South Carolina has caused both surprise aud pleasure. Her delegation to Congress. I am told, will be backed vigorously by the President, no matter whether they can take the oath or not, aud so will the Representatives of the other States, when their Legislatures rally to the call of the Executive, as the Palmetto has done.” C.V.H CRAIN AND s, MMl SSI ON jM EReH ANT, 133 Bay Street, Savannah. AY. CORN, OATS, MEAL. SEED. GRAIN, BRAN. OILcaKE, ac, Ac., in quantities to suit, at lowest market rates. j 15-1 m H Notice to Ladies Double Sole Congress Gaiters Goat Buskins Morocco Boots Glove Kid Balmorals Misses' Boots Children's Ankle Ties Children's Congress Boots By L. C. TBBEAU, at Whitaker Street Shoe Store, fl-tf N. E. cor. Broughton street Lane. F. M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Harris’ Buildings, 2d door west of A. Low 4 Co.’s. Refers to Messrs. Hunter A G&mmell, Crane, John son A Graybill; Bell, Wylly A Christian; Bothwell A Whitehead; Sillier, Thomas A Co.; M. A. Cohen, Esq. eei)29- 2STABUSHED 1826. WM. H. LEE WARE ROOMS Between'Broadway ft Greenwich *treet. oct27-3m Soap. 70 BOXES Family Soap. For sale by jiil-tf BRIGHAM. BALDWIN ft CO T XX £3 A Warning. The New York E . ..uing Post, originally one of the most radical of the war and abolition organs, is evi dently d.sgruutied uy the ultra protective tariff policy of the New Euglaho ilegeucy iu Washington, and ut ters a note of warning in the following; "The leading republicans will make a fatal error if they imagine tuat class legislation, uujust discrimina tion iu favor of certain interests, mismanagement of the currency and the debt, and above ail, u mistaken and unsuccessful policy ou the great question of recon- siruetiou will be eudured by the country, even at their hands.” Relief for Mra. Da-vis and Family. We find in the Milledgeville papers of this week the following appeal from Gov. Jenkins, representing the uuiies oi that city. We cheerfully yield to the plan proposed, and hope the ladies of Chatham county, and indeed every county in the State, will forthwith or ganize an association, and commeuce the good werk: "The ladies of MUledgeviile and vicinity have formed au association, having for its object the raising of s fund for the purpose of securing to Mrs. Jefferson Davie and her children a permanent provision. “Tho plan proposed is, that each lady in Georgia, willing to promote the object, pay to the Ordinary of the county of her residence one dollar; that he be requested to receive the same and forward the stun total, with a list of the contributors, to John Jones, £sq., treasurer ot the State, at MilledgeviUe, by ex press or other sate conveyance, when, in hie opinion, contributions from his county shall have ceased; and that the aaaociatiou, so soon as they have reason to believe that all collections made have been received by Mr. Jones, with his assistance, take measures to place the aggregate in tbs hands of Mrs. Davis. “ u is not proposed to make auy exciting appeal ou a subject, the mere mention of which will arouse the lively interest of oar noble women. The plan is simple, the agents soggesp’d reliable, and eaaiiy ac cessible to the ladies. ”'lhe officers of the association respectfully re quest, 1st, that such newspapers of the State, as ate iriendly to the movement, give this card a few in sertions, ami call attention to it editorially. "2d. That ministers of the Gospel, severally, read it once to their respective congregations. “3d. That Seutaors and Representatives, lu this General Assembly, make some effort to give informa tion of this proceeding to the ladies of their coun ties. •• Prompt action by the ladles and by the parties whose kind aid is Invoked above, is earnestly de sired. •• Tne ladles appoluted officers of the association, have requested me to present their object and plan ul operations in this Tone to the public. 1 do so with greuL pleasure, believing that it U a simple and effi cient plan, which will recommend itself to the ladies or Georgia, who delight iu good works, without per sonal notoriety. (.'has. J. Jenkins.” There are gratifying signs, says the National Intelli gencer of the 25th, ihat careful second thoughts' are getting some foothold in Congress. The remarks of Mr. Fessenden were on the whole in most praisewor thy contrast with the violent utterances of many whose zeal, if honestly entertained, very far outruns practical wisdom and sagacity. We hope sincerely with Mr. Feseenden, that the party in power may do what is right "at the earliest possible day.” The excellent concluding remark of Mr. Fessenden is reported aa follows; “In conclusion, Mr. Fessenden said he desired a full restoration of the Union as rapidly, as possible. He was opposed to the imposition upon any people dc- sighned to form a part of the Government of degrading conditions of any kind. He would not degrade the South in any way.” Sewabd and Santa Anna.—A St. Thomas corres pondeut writes that Mr. Seward and the Mexican chief had had an interview, during which the former as sured the latter that the United States would never tolerate an empire on the ruins of republicanism in Mexico. Very hksly. Fenian Excitement in Cuuada, New York, Jan. 31.—A special dispatch to the Her ald from Toronto to-day, has the following: A telegram from London, C. W„ says it is under stood a dispatch from the frontier wae received last night by the military authorities, containing news jus tifying the placing of extra guards on duty and call ing for extraordinary vigilance for some important event. A dispatch went over the wires to Ottowa, yesterday, purporting to give inionnation of the collection of Fe nians on the Western frontier. A fellow professing to be in Gen. Sweeney's service, who was here last week, gave information that Sweeney was organising for an attack pn Montreal, Ottowa, Windsor, Sarnia, and Nia gara frontier and that he waa sent by Gen. Sweeney. He has returned to New York. He is a Canadian, and has served in the Southern armies. To Know is to Approve.—Mrs. 3. A. Allen’s World’s Hair Restorer and Zylobalsamnm, or Hair Dressing, the Hair: They are suited to both young and old.— They arrest the fall and impart a healthful and natural color to the hair. Every Druggist sells them. f#b7-eod-lw Mrs. L. O. Ewell, wife of the Confederate Gen. Ewell, who is preparing to join her huSHand at Cordova, Mexico, has proposed to tbd Tenasassa Legislature to sell her fin* house wnd grounds opposite the capitol, to the State for a Governor's residence. The price asked is $100,000. It is at present occupied by Gov. Brownlow. Negro Delegate in C >noress.—It is said ths bill to give the District of Columbia a delegate in Congress will be passed directly after the negro suffrage bilk and that the negroee already are jubuaat about electing their delegate to Congress. They may, by all sticking together as they will, they can run their tween the two white parties. man in be- Singer Sewing Machines. Principal Office for the State of Georgia, 116 BR0FGHT01 STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General Agent. A large assortment lor sale at New York prices. Sewing Machines of all kinds repaired at short notice. Stitching neatly done. nil Latestfrom Egypt! P ENNY'S NEW EXTRACT OF THE EGYTIAN LO THS, a new and exquisite Perfume tor the handkerchief. Cleopatra and the ladies of the present day Ublng the same iwrfume. THE EGYPTIAN LOTCS1 THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS!! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS 1! 1 Manufactured by F. A.Pcn.ny, Brooklyn. New York. K. A. LOVEJOY. Agent, T.P : n 93 Fnlinn street. N. Y Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL ft RUQG, ProphiitObs E. 8. RIDDELL. M. W. BDW. InR-tf CONSTITUTION WATER Is, without donbt, the only known remedy for DIABETES, CALCULUS, ^ GRAVEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSITS - IRRITATION OF THE NECK or tub BLADDER, INFAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, AND ALL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES. Certificates of cares from well-known persons from all parts of the country in circular, will be sent on ad dressing MORGAN ft ALLEN, Ag*ts, d!2-3m No. 46 Cliff st., New York. THE OGLETHORPE MILLS, — ON — HUTCHINSON’S ISLAND, Opposite Drayton Street, A RE at work, and are ready to fill orders for Georgia YELLOW PINE LUMBER, either for city consumption or for shipment. Apply to the Agents, WINBORN, LAWTON <t CO., Bay street, opposite Mariner’s Church. j25-Th,SaATu2w PMCF„ 6 GENTS. Familv Dye Colors. Patented October 13, 1S63. Black Dark Green Black for Silk Light Green Dark Blue Magenta Light Bine Maize French Bine Maroon Claret Brown Orange Dark Brown Pink Light Brown Purple Sunff Brown Royal Purple Cherry Salmon Crimson Scarlet Dark Drab Slate Light Drab Solferlno Fawn Drab Violet Light Fawn Drab Yellow. For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons,, Bonnets, Hate, Feathers, Children’s Clothing, and all kinds of WearingApparel. A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. « For 25 cents yon can color as many goods as would Otherwise cost five tiroes that ram. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The process is simple, ami any one can use the Py# with perfect success. Directions in English, Prawn and German. inside of each package. _ HOWE ft STEVENS, 2S0 Broadway, Boston. For sale by druggists and dealers generally. octlO-Cm J. SHAFFER, Comxu.iMlou Dealer T n all kinds of FOREIGN AND D< iMKSTiC FRUITS akd PRODUCE, Wbi W asblnotok Market, Opposite 143 West sL, Bulkhead between Barclay and Veaey at*., a B W YORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions cpnstantly on hand, and pnt np for the Southern naaxket All consignments promptly attenkcd to. pj- Refers to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. 3. Walsh, and J. H Parsons. JyU ““IV CRUTCHES T7MR9T and only premium awarded at fehe American. Jb Institute Fair, 1865, and State Fair orY>a, 1865, for Crutches. Hsrtmuu’a Patent Elastic Rubber Crutcnes are pronounced by surgeons, and everybody else, to be the very best ever invented. They are easy and con venient, they prevent paralysis ot the nerves, do aw ar with all the weariness inseparable from the use or ail others, and are in all respects unrivalled. Send for a circular. Agents wanted everywhere LOVEJOY ft TAYLOR, Sole Manufacturers, No. 47€ Broadway N. Y. ' 6m-n23 PURE B0L1VIM GlflNO, d27-eod3m for sale by ». A. RABPjBE ft CO, Southern Palace DRY GOODS HOUSE. ORFF a WATKINS, IMPORTERS-AND DEALERS IN DRY GOODS IN AXjXi ITS BRANTCBES, 111 & 113 Congress St., Savannah. WMlSalUM MtCKCHASTS, dec. Hxnkv Yohqc. From Georgia. Jamu Yonoi. HENRY YONtiE & CO., general Commission j^err^’ts, No. 11 BROAD STREET, New York, SOLICIT consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Sawed Lumber and Timber. Particular attention given to the purchase of Rail road Supplies. Bimniors: Hon. J. P. King, President Georgia Railroad, Augusta. William M. Wadley, President Central Railroad, Savannah. Ferdinand Phlnlzy, E. P Clayton, Angnsta. Charles Day, T. it. Bloom, Macon. Hunter ft Gammell, Savannah. jl3-tf Hknut L. Jewktt. James I. Snidjck Jewett & Snider, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GENERAL AGENTS, Second Street, Macon, Georgia, (Between Cherry and Poplar.j Prompt personal attention given to all consign incuts of cotton, produce, manufactures and other articles of merchandise. Orders and consignments solicited from all parts of the country. Best attention given to orders for purchasing cotton. Agents for several first class Insurance Companies. n9-tf COMMISSION MKRCHANTb. A. Dutbwbofib. Of Savannah, Ga. Joan M. W. Hitt, Of Jefferson Co., FIs. J. C. KOCH, No. 35 Beekman Street, Corner of William, NEW YORK, Manufacturer of Stationery, Photographic Albums, Music Paper, Folios, Bookg, Ac. n2l-3m oco. d. rowte. WM. I. HOT. FOWLE & CO., FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Commission Merchants. Importers of Railroad Iron and Dealers in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NJ£W YORK. oct26 Cm A. S. Hartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MSRCHANT, 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. JOHN M FUR YUAN. JB. H. WARING. JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Farmers' and Planters’ Agencv JIOR tho sale of Guano, Fertilizers, Live Stock, Im- . plements and Machinery, Seeds, Ac. 07 W. Fayette Street, BALTIMORE. ' Refer to John S. Gittings, President Chesapeake Bank ; Chas. Goodwin, Cashier Franklin Bank, Balti more ; E. C. Wade ft Co. and P. H. Bebn, Savannah. n!4-3m CHAS. L. COLHY & CO., Shipping Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. iOHKB BLOCK, OOKNXB BAT AND ABEEOOBN STBZXT SAVANNAH. GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Coneignments o the film of Chas. L. Colbt, of New York, or to onr friends in Boston. lirmaoii: Messrs. Dabney, Morgan ft Co., New York. Jarivs Slade, Esq., New York. Hon. J Wiley Edmonds, Boston. Gardner, Esq., Boston. sep 18—tt JOHN L. VILLALONGA, COTTON FACTOR, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT. No. 94 Bay Street, 8AVANNAH, GA. 06 6m Jas.T. Paterson, TIMBER, Lumber & Commission MERCHANT, No. 9 STODDARD'S LOWER RANGE Bay Street, Savannah, AND Darien, Greorgia. THOS. H. AUSTIN, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, No. 95 BAY STREET, (up stairs) di2-3m* SAVANNAH. 8E0MIA. W. J. Blaib. a. J. Smith. W. W. Kxxh. BLAIR, SMITH & CO., No. 293 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Commission $lcrrlmtrts, ° AND AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MANU FACTURED TOBACCO. Will purchase and sell on commission, cotton, cotton goods, wines, Ilqndrs, segars, ana produce and merchandise of every description. Consignments solicited; Rirmson —Brigham, Baldwin ft Co., Whl H. Stark. Claghorn ft Cnunlr gbam. Brxly, Smith ft Go., Savannah. Ga. dl-2m» HAWKINS & FAY, Commission Merchants, HO. 4T PEARL STREET, NEAR PRODUCE EXCHANGE N. Y. WM. B.<-HAWK»S, J- ROCKWELL FAT. Particular attention paid to buying Produce, Provi sions, Whiskies, and Cigars, on order, and to con signments. urnuon: CLINTON HUNTER, firm of Spofford, TUeston ft Co New York. Fancher ft McChesney, 6 Water-sL, Hew York. Richard Ellis, 114 Water street, New York. Wm-B. Miles. (9 Christie street, NewYoik. W B. Sibell, 6 Wall street. New York. Lewi* L. * so o. i .A jrau. 4 W. VftQOn Jk fin.. fUvailDlh. A. DUTENHOFER & C0„ Shipping, Forwarding, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Prompt attention given to the ptircfuxse sale and sfnpnunmrcotton, lumbe,- am1 conwruro-o duee generally. Consignments solicited on which literal advances will be made. Bf FESENCKS : Brigham, Baldwin ft Co., Savannah ; Hiram Rob erto, savannah : J. H. Zeilin ft Co., Macon, Ga. : Dr. L Angier, Int. Rev. Ool., Augusta; James M. Ball Esq., Atlanta, Ga.: WHlis Chisholm, Atlanta, Ua. • C. L Robinson, Jacksonville, Fla.; F. Dibble. Jack- sonville, Fla ; Col. W. L. Bailey, Jefferson county, Fla.; D. H. Baldwin ft Co., New York; Bearden ft Co., New York. Waireu Mitchell, Esq., Louisville Kentucky. jll MITCHEL & SMITHS, General Commission Merchants, THIRD STREET, Macon, Georgia. Particular attention given to the sale, purchase and shipment of cotton, cotton yarns, sheeting, shirting and general merchandise; also, to receiving and forwarding goods. Erwin ft Hardee, Savannah Claghorn ft Cunningham. Savannah. J W. hathrop, Savannah. Aaron Wilbur, Savannah. E. B. Long ft Co., Angnsta. Lloyd G Bowers, Celmnbns. V. A. Gaskill, Atlanta. William Bryce ft Co., New York. A. P. Taplsy, Boston. Grilling a Tobey, Memphis. S. G. Wood, Nashville. Gnterie & Co , Louisville, Kentucky. jll-2m 1 LAURANT, WAYNE & SWEAT. auction, General Commission Forwarding Merchants, Bay st. between Whitaker and Barnard. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. S TRICT attention will be given to the purchase and sale of General Mercnandise, Cotton, Tim ber, Lumber, Real Estate, Stock., Bonds, ftc. G. LAUI1ANT, K. A WAYNE, iM-t-f SAAIL.B SWEAT, iite). U. CBCMF, Augusta, Georgia. Wm, A. W eight, Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. R. CRUMP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Lianors, Tobacco, Severs, SALTED FISH, & e . 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, W Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Tuhaooo, Paonooe, and Mkbohandis* of every de scription. Refers to tho Merchants and Bankers of Angnsta, Ga., Richmond. Va., and Jno. C. Ferrill, Esq, De- Witt ft Morgan, Gaden ft Cockles, A. A. So’omons ft Co., J. T. Paterson *Co., R. Molina, Esq., Savannah. Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. OCt4 G. B. & G. W. LAMAR, General CommissionMercbants. Forwarding and Shipping Agents, NO. 92 BAY STREET, (np stairs ) Refer to Geo W. Anderson, Jno O. Ferreland G. B. Lamar, Savannah; W. E Jackson. Josiah Sibley ft Sons, J. B. ft J. W. Walker, Angusta. Consignments solicited. 6m-Dov2 JOHN S. SAMIS & CO., Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMIS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. JNO. S. SAMMIS. KD. 9. timiA A. MINIS, Auction and Commission Merchant No 3 STODDARD’S WESTERN RANGE, WILL 61 VC ATTENTION TO Sales of Merchandise and Underwriters' Sales: to Purchase and Sale of Stocks, Bonds and other Securities-; also Real Palate, At Private or Pn bile Sale. jlO lm I. P. Bouse. W. A. Bkyant. Bouse & Bryant, (Formerly of Jacksonville. Florida,) Forwarding and Commission Merchants, 104 Bay Street. SAVANNAH, .... GEORGIA. TXT ILL give prompt attention to receiving and for- W warding gouds, gales on consignment, and all orders. And will also keep constantly on hand a good stock of Groceries, Liquors, Agricultural Imple ments, Building Materials. Fairbanks ft Co ’» Scales, ftc„ besides other goods and manufactnred articles ter .nle on consignment and for which they are agents. Orders and consignment a respectfully solic ited. dST-am INSURANCE. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. savannah, ga. o CAPITAL, - - - 8,600,000. AARON WILBUR, M- A. COHEN, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Andbew Low, , Wm> h Jmo. R. Wilder, JvBEPH Li PPM AN, Henry Brigham, JOHN Lama, D. H. Baldwin, Henry Lai b bop, Aaron Wilbur, Jno.' W. Anderson, Ootavus Cohen, Jno. M_ Cooper. mr Pot Insurance against Loss or Damage bv Fire, apply at toe OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, 89 BAY STREET, . SAVANNAH, GA. SOUTHERN AND WESTERN Ij AN D. Collection and Commission Agency, handle Southern lend end property of Parties wishing to sell are invltod to forward lisle.— *ppi1‘** H/ * M now on file from parties wisb- ^MakecoUections on all parts of the country. PavesDedxl attention to the sale and disposal of Sonthtenprcdusta, and make advances on direct consignmeuto^TTHBW H. BRIDGE, Manager, No. 9 Broad st., New York. BBXBIHOU BT rXKKIBSION ; Hon. Benjamin Fitzpatrick, Ex-Governor of Alabama. F. Harmony, Nephews, ft Co., Bankers, 88 Broadway. Meson. H. B. CUfin ft Co , Importers, New York. A. W. Greenleaf, Esq., Banker, N. Y. n9-3m English Dairy Cheese. | BOXES, n very so] 50 <|*T-tf ‘ B1 mpertor article. For sale bv RIQHAM, BALDWIN ft COt THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIF INSURANCE COMPANY. OaeainzBD, 1848. Cash Asaetta ca nnn ne Laat Cash Return ’750’ Of Total Surplus Divided.....'.'".'.'"’ 1247 oc Amount Insured 24 84948 All Classes of Life Policies Issued. ’ J- M. GiBB E 8 8 F Sec™ NS ’ Pre8,dent A. WILBUR, General Agent Georgia and Florida. COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPjS NY, OF NEW YORK. Cash Capital $500,00 TIMOTHY G. CHURCHILL, Prest John D. Arthur, Secretary. Frederic B. Emorr, Supt. of Agencies. A. WILBUR, General Agent 8 FULTON FIRE INSURANCE COMP OF NEW YORK. Cash Capital |2on T a v t? WM A. COBB, Presider Jas. M. Raskin, Secretary. A. WILBUR. General Agent Som EXCELSIOR FIRE INSURANCE CO: PANY, OF NEW YORK. Capital and Surplus $2C0 C <4 MfKCUS F. DODGE, Prei idem Sami.. M. Craft, Secretary. A. WILBUR, General Agent South. PUTNAM FIRE INSURANCE COMPAQ OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital $500 0 SAME WOODRUFF,' President. Uaniel Buck, Secretary. A. WILBUR, General Agent South. SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE SURANCE COMPANY, SPRtNG FIELD, MASS. Cash Capital $300 EDMUND FREEMAN, Presiden: Wm. Connak, Jr., Secretary. A.* WILBUR, General Agent Soutl WASHINGTON FIRE INSURANCE C PANY, OF BALTIMORE, MD. THOS. y. CAWBY, Presidei F. J. McGINNIS, Secretary A. WILBUR, General Agent Soul Holiable loutliern SOUTHERN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY. (Established In 1849.) CAPITAL..... $878,000. V- w. McM*s T ^ 0 Actrary P ' D,8ACS9nBE ’ Pr “- SJsbM* ^ Wid0 ™ tiratnsurars^ 81<>W a “ d proflts r eS“l«riy returned to J. B. READ, M. D. Medical ExanfineT. THE National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEANS capital, .$560,000 The undersigned begs leave to Inform the insnrir pnbhc that be has heen legally appointed Agent h the above named Company, and Is ready to take M rine, River and Fire Risks at customary rates. _ „ „ O. C. MYERS, Agent, j»9 3^ Ce ° Ter HunterA Gammell, 84 Bay street jSTEWY oek FIRE AKD MARINE Insurance Agency SECURITY INSURACE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus $1,600,000 PHCENIX INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus $1,600,000 INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus ...$1,200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO- Capital and Surplus..... $900,000 Risks taken in the above highly responsible Com panies on buildings and merchandise of all descrip tions, at the lowest rates corresponding with the risks. Apply to A. A. LAKE, Agent, n9-3m No. 18 Stoddard’s Range, Bay street. FOR SALE. SIX BALES SEA ISLAND BAGGING, —BT— FORDYCE, .ANDERSON ft JANNKY, :-tf 10 Stoddard’s Range. HOPE. 1 AA COILS Flu Bop*; a superior article to Green. 1 UU leaf or any other brand. In store and for sale by 18 CHAS. L. COLBY ft CCk.