Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 23, 1866, Image 1

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2-NO. 39. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 83. 1866. >Sa vannah Daily Herald foreign news. IS PUBLISHED BT XV. MASON. Savannah. Geoboia. Uverpool Dates of February 1st. IMPORTANT FENIAN NEWS. Stkeet, rRuufi: FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES. niired. .. .Five Cento. *3 50. $10 00. The Spanish-Peruvlno War. i 1 ■ ' LATEST FOREIGN MARKETS. I .... square of Ten Lines Tor first in- |)P“ll :ll * ! illl.,r for eneh subsequent one. Ad- 11 he morning, will, if desired, .. 11lion 1 esira charge. JO I* I> U I IV-F riv<3,. ivnnd promptly done. in* 1 '* . L'.l j'ltOM THE CAPITAL. MlLI.KDGEVTLLE, Fel). 20, 18CC. , The Senate on yesterday, by rebuked the hasty and inconsiderate jj ou .e in its hostility to the railroad in- sta i,. The most that that body should . ,it the present time was to have riilroiids hack to their several charters. elw u"h tor them. To have to regulate l,v greenback value, when the prices " itu-d by their charters were on a gold j . put when it is remembered 1 imp It taut tmk ill the great railroad uet- sute m the greatest sufferer, and is still svinpathetic cooperation of the people, ’ t ' r . lItl ,. e lts rates to the standard pre- •i bill passed by the House, is almost ■Ml. nipt to crush the very life out of it ' non-completion of the Central aunoimced by the press that probably be in May, a thriU of 1 I a!.' ii Mr belo j e J the public licart. . j ^ f u r tbi* banks has been already , u both houses; and although no definite ^' cliun i ldS bi'eii hud, enough has been evinced li. ii that the stockholders will get ruin personal liability; though no obstacle r,vn in the way ot relief from penalty to thi-e institutions. The personality lia- , . ,a -Ml a t ivorite with the Legislature. It • tr-hlu • i bv the House into the charter of :1 Minin -. Manufacturing and other Compa- ", In ir arts of incorporation could be ap- The S» nate suffered such institutions to be ii r j L without these restrictions; and it was Hin-' to ace. when the bills came back from with the usual clause, how sooii the capital . vl-t ,i- w n. by the friends of the measures, what* wa* originally intended, buu pretty thoroughly discussed; j guv whether the ad valorem tax , r ..a. loin th of one per cunt. Speci- vvi'ii'uot Vm ievicil. 1 ihmk, to any very great lnhiuutely ■ "lUicete.! with the tax bill is the . fV.'n i.;ll'’which lias also been discussed. , ‘J, , s )ui. • deiided to pay themselves $9 per ' ]- uioix excu.-i for this pay than there , i, i.e at tirst. Many of the members are in the I egislatiire with great detriment , , uterests at home. That class of mem- i*.il.,„v pretensions softer more than farmers. , i r . rl.iilt ii i their absence from home from , u j,, i,i- ,-i i r nt perhaps for the whole year, l -„\ iii. ju^li prin allowed themselves is not .,,.1. jiiuoki. I trust, however, it will not be made U ii? in the future. iiiiury system of punishment has been :\> litiilitu n nj botii branches. There are not h :u the Legislature to abolish it altogeth er u»d" with it is the question. The Fed- .. uii.tcr >iiAi iuan consumed with fire every • :n tlu ciii-i 'sure ; and many are disposed to w min Miii.-dgeville to some other locality. « n >• .* poki-n <»t, and I should not be sur- *«■■ ii > ..m ii .1 to that place. There is not the vi a .1 .i t licit it is the best place to locate it. ■ ui'-i ' cheaply at Stone Mountain with it ran l e rebuilt at Milledgeville with ini tin ijuairying of granite could be made \i : the State. No other work could be ; ,.:1< it least for the present. I trust it will in id Milledgeville, for this city does not w.-uld be better off without it. ii - is re becoming restive and anxious to ?!.•■ ir ii- >mes. It is believed that the Legisla- i.; tiie last ot next week, or at any late i : ii- «■; the week after. This may be done h.i. ti. n of bills of the same nature, by .. . mug sessions, and the restriction of i livt- t»r ten minutes. Efforts are being that dirtvtiou which will doubtless soon be H • ph. n« here and will speak tomor- i copy of the bill to provide Chatham. LKOiUii \ LEtilSLATUKE. Milledgeville, Feb. 19, 1866. «-t ui lu •.'clock a. m. i >i t Richmond, iu the chair. F. K. brooks. i>’iiu>oii introduced a bill to donate the to tin state lying in the Okafanoke enuanent endowment to the Orphan’s >AIK BILLS ON Till HD READING. 1 i » regulate aud fix the charges of rail- - Sul a the charges allowed the Georgia Vtatnl private contracts made during the .iiinu-to the same an cquitablecon- -iF'siuute was offered to this bill, which i • printed, and the bill and substitute i- r the present. - census of the State the present year. -*n the table for the present. pea! M;ctioa«4413 of the code. Passed, law iorbiding the carrying of concealed quorate the Rome Gas Light Company. lupm: i rate the North American Fire Insu lt <•! Atlanta. Capital stock $100,000. ip -rate the Wall a tehee Mining Company. it the sale of spirituous liquors, and n»t tiic* keeping of disorderly houses. -stabli.-h a state Orphan Home made the 1 the d iv I -'i' Wednesday next, vr t til*- State's reserve in the corporate lim- i* -a in the city of Macon. Passed. Hi if? BILLS ON THIRD READING. tlu time for the issue of head rights. e pr diem pay of teachers of el of Matha A. Lester of Fulton the line between Fayette and Clayton, line between Upson and Crawford. appointment of Vendue Mas- orporated towns of this Staff.*. all the acts of the civil officers • such officers have been par- wton. ] tion 3320 of the code. Passed. town of Steadman in the i uj w i ctton 3794 of the code. Lost. I^ i i!pg' Iu lllt c,liirtcr of the town of George- L ■ Vutaan cum.ty. i> as6ed . » m,uX.'r ‘ llalt, - ra . ' and corporate laws of the the mode of electing Alder- uthor the Superior Court of Screven ,u vMraiax.; Passed. ‘-Kusate < 'rilinaries and Clerks for admin- ^luestyoatli. Lest, ludiuy ot bills the second time the Sen- morning at 10 o’clock. e( i till t.,-i F'H-SE. “'ii-, moved the reconsideration eJ ,JU Saturday. The resolution / Vr Hi I Mr , 1 - tntrodn.- re= iIr Morris a y d ulU r 20th ii tiie pn khll -A res 1 ■ c * i.. , Oi-ntiary rerx . ATTER. 0 mob—a bill relating to Vendue ■udliu (jf it . • ,, - HuuiitaM,,-.. rns "“ A b>ill to incorporate the Mr :, ^Ton k , 0I1, i )au y- ! !cr Ik- ii,,-. i„ A resolution that no new iust. solution that the Com- s ‘ r -' 1 - PunkT' iUUr ' V ■ re P ort "'hat repairs are j '* ifiiuinals. “‘"•ffution in order for the recep- of «« alt- p'y v, - r “ fcxtra I** •» build a Lioie R:v L . r '.hf ''k^-'thorpe—A bill to incorporate M^Uoder',;.- m! k L ' JI “paiiy. &i!** t] »' marS’uffiT^ b ' U f° repal the Uw i * 6 “otjia«. " ol tost cousins, gu. o n ee—a resoluhon for the relief I'ottm M„H U8C0 Bee—. •rocn—A bill to repeal sections 'lie Inferior Court of Green to incor > )orate the Pier ce—A bill i bill for the relief of Milah '.Pitrce county 3ewtou- Aith a bond only for pereonal S moved trv N iutij U f 0r . -u spend the rules to take up I Ik ^snissin,. ' . r , l et 01 banks. The motion, 1 ^Useadj. ’ , Hoses i Tie Atlanta uliet of banks. - "as 1. »st. lruea ‘HI 3 o’clock intfcllm, p. m. New York, Saturday, Feb. 17, p. m. The Inman steamer City of London, which left Liv erpool at eleven o’clock ou the morning of the 31st ultimo, and Queenstown on the 1st inst., arrived at New York to-day. 'The news of the resolution introduced In the United States Senate in favor of the withdrawal of the Ameri can Minister from London and non-intercourse with Great Britain, produced no effect in London financial circles, the tabling of the resolution by so large a ma jority being accepted as evidence that the Senate de sires to remain at peace with England. FENIAN MATTERS. The Fenian Commission still continued the trial of prisoners in Dublin, but it was expected the court would rise in a day or two. The Dublin Mail says it was rumored that the occa sion of a “Drawing Iioom,” to be held at the Cattle on the 1st of February, would be availed of by the Fe nians for an emeutc. The same paper states that the government intends applying to Parliament for a suspension of the habeas corpus act, to give it power to deal with foreign con spirators. Dublin was posted with proclamations offering in addition to the former reward of £1,000 for the appre hension of Stevens, £1,000 tor such private informa tion as may lead to his capture. £300 and a free par don will be given to accomplices in the escape, or to those harboring him who may reveal his whereabouts. The government is said to have given commissions of the peace to several military men to enable them to act independently of civil magistrates in case of dis turbances. It i9 stated that owing to the Fenian tendencies of the dock laborers at Liverpool—numbering some 4,000 men—the authorities of that town were on the alert to check any demonstration. The entire counties of Sligo and Carlow, and parts of the counties of Longford and Roscommon had been proclaimed under the operation of the Peace Pre servation act. In the course of a pastoral just issued by Dr. Cullen, the Roman Catholic Archbishop, he cautions his flock against all kinds of secret societies. Another regiment, 800 strong, embarked at Liver pool on the 30th for Ireland. At the inaugural banquet of the Lord Mayor of Dub lin, the toast of the Lord Lieutenant was received with great cheering. Lord Wodehouse, in reply, said the past year had been a chequered one; they had been menaced with a conspiracy which, though powerless to endanger the peace of the kingdom, had inflicted great injury on Ireland, but the Government would enforce the laws and maintain the peace of the coun try. (Great cheering.) He appealed to all whether political trials had ever been conducted with greater impartiality. The prisoners themselves had confessed this. He would add that the Government would em ploy every means to maintain the peace, knowing they aad the support of all classes in Ireland, for not one man of position had joined the conspiracy which aimed at the confiscation of property. There was great cheering during the delivery of these sentiments. The official enquiry into the loss of the London was progressing in London. FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES. The official “Yellow Book” containing the diploma tic correspondence of the French Government with Foreign Powers was laid before the Corps Legislatif on the 29th of January. The despatches exchanged between France and the United States on the subject of Mexico are in conform ity with the declarations made in the Emperor’s speech at the opening of the Legislature and in the expose of the condition of the Empire, already published. A dispatch from M. Drouyn de Lhuys to the Marquis de Montholon, dated January 9, replying to a communi cation from Mr. Seward dated Dec. 16, after announc ing that this reply had been submitted to the Em peror expresses the conviction that, “the divergence of views between the two Cabinets is the result of an erroneous appreciation of the intentions of Fiance.” M. Drouyn de Luhys proceeds to state that France seeks the realization of no ambitions ideas, and says: “Now that there is a regular Government in Mexico, the legitimate object of our expedition will be attain ed. We are endeavoring, while satisfying our inter ests and our dignity, to make arrangement# which will enable us to consider the mission of our army in Mexico as terminated.” Another despatch of M. Drouyn de Lhuys, dated January 25, 1866, to the French Minister at Washing ton, relates a conversation of the former with Mr. Bigelow. Ou that occasion. M. Drouyn de Lhuys de clined all official controversy upon the measures taken by the Emporor Maximilian, stating that he could only receive Mr. Bigelow's communications on that subject as simple miormation. This reservation established, the French Minister observed in the course of conveisition that the measures pointed out were of a purely administrative order and did not ap pear to him to coiistiute any of those exceptional derogations that might perhaps sometimes justify a government in intervening in the interior afiairs of a neighboring State. He could not admit that the Fed eral Government, not wishing to recognize as legiti mate the (le facto government of Maximilian, and con sidering it illusory to address itself to Juarez, bad any ground to apply to France in order to escape from this embarrassment, and request explanations from her relative to acts emanating from the from the foreign authority of a foreign government. M. Drouyn de Dhuys continues: "We return to the principle of non-intervention, and from the moment vjre accept it as our rule of conduct our interest and honor require us to demand its equal application. Relying upon the equitable spirit of the Washington Cabinet, we expect from it the assurance that the American people will conform to the law of non-intervention, which they invoke by maintaining a direct neutrality with regard to Mexico. When you shall have informed me of the resolution of the Ameri can Government in this matter, I shall be in a position to acquaint you with the result of our negotiations with the Emperor Maximilian for the return of our troops.” It is officially announced from Vienna that the ne gotiations for the formation of new corps of Austrian volunteers for Mexico will shortly be brought to a conclusion. SPAIN AND CHILI. The reported appearances of privateers off the Span ish coast, bearing Chilian colors, excited considerable attention. The Lodon Times says: “The reported appearonce of two iron-clad frigates bearing the Chilian flag in Spanish waters, may prove the beginning of a new controversy on the duties of neutrality. A few days ago the Spanish minister called the attention of our government to the alleged building of vessels in the Thames for the naval service of Chili. In consequence, no doubt, of this intima tion, commander Towsey was sent down to Greenhithe by the Admiralty, at the end of last week, to inspect an iron-clad ram., called the Independencia, recently launched by the Thames Ironworks Company at Black- wall, and then moved off Greenhithe pier. He found her 'a most formidable-looking vessel, equipped with a raking battery of guns, and a prow simuar to that of Her Majesty’s ship Pallas, with engines of s:'x hundred horse power.’ ” He also observed “the officers and men actively en gaged in shipping war materials and stores of all de scriptions, and a large number of seamen of various nations crowding the pier in readiness to join her.* All this, of course, looked very suspicious, but the ship had been nominally built for the Peruvian and ijoi for the Chilian Government, and Capt. Towsey de clared tk$t he had no authority to stop her. Perhaps the Independence may be really destined for Callao, but we shall not be greatly surprised if we next hear of her off Cadiz, where vessels, suspected of being Chilian privateers, had been hoveringTor sojpe weeks before the two ironclads mentioned by our Spanish correspondent hove in sight so unexpectedly. Iff short, it seems highly probable tM CJiili is about to follow the example of the Southern States, and that, in the event of the war being prolonged, Spanish commerce may be ravished by new A1 aba mas and Shenandoahs issuing from neu tral ports. It so happens that a great many vessels employed in the blockade and other naval oper ations against the South, have lately been sold off by the United States Government. Perhaps some of these may already have found their way into the hands of Chilian agents, and may hereafter be the subject of. an angry correspondence between Madrid and Wash ington. The sympathy of the American people with Chili and Peru is avowed, and it remains to be seen whether, if claims for compensation should be pre ferred by Spain, they will abide by the doctrines of Mr. Seward and Mr. Adams, or adopt the position of Lord Rusaell. With this, however, we have nothing to do. Our ditty is simply to act up to our own profea- sions and to guard against abuses of our own neu trality.” The Peruvian armour-clad steam rapi> mentioned above, left the Thames on the 27th January. was under orders to call at Southampton to ship 3#0 sea? men and officers to complete her ship’s company, and then to proceed to her destination. An armour-clad turret ship, built for the Peruvian government by Messrs. Laird Bros, named the Huas- car, had recently left Liverpool and was last heard of on the 23d of January at Brest. The vessel has two 300 pound guns mounted in the revolving turret and two 40 pounder broadside guns. Rumor connects this essential change. Sugar in flair demand at firm prices. Coffee in good request and partially rather dearer. Tea, steady; demand improving- Bice, firm. Tal low, steady. NERY LATEST BY THE CITY OF LONDON. London,, February* 1.—The political news to-day is unimportant. LATEST MARKETS. Liverpool, February 1.—Cotton.—Sales to-day in cluded 5,000 to speculators jand exporters. The mar ket is dull, and declining, but closes steadier. Mid dling uplands about 16 ^ d. Breadstuff's quiet and steady. Provisions—Lard advancing. Tallow, easier. London, February 1.—Consols closed at 86>£@86% for money. American securities.—U. 8. five-twenties 66>£66%; Illinois central shares 75@75)£; Erie shares at55l£ @55%. London, February L—Great depression continues iu the Londou money market, with a tendency to a panic in the funds. Liverpool, February 1.—The City of Baltimore, from New York, arrived here on the 31st ult. Newspapers. Angnsta Constitotionalist. HIS old established and popular journal, haring lddle Georgia and South Wanted. House Wanted A NY person having a House suitable for a small lamily. pleasantly situated, can find a good tenant hy addressing fmr ‘E. L. Herald office. Situation Wanted, A S Shipping or Receiving Clerk. Best of refer ences given Address *• J. K. C.,' fin ! . ' . . Savannah Post Office. Nurse Wanted. A NICE tidy girt to *ake care of a child eighteen months old. Apply to S. M. COLDING. No. 163 Conen-88 street. . a large circulation in U lddle Georgia and South Carolina, offers a superior medium to the busincM men of Savannah for making themselves known in the middle region through which it circulates. Mr. CniRLaa E. O'Sui.uvab to the authorised agent for Savannah and vicinity. STOCKTON & CO., riT-lw Propriet ra. TO ADVERTISERS. FLORIDA SENTINEL, Tallahassee, Florida. Established in 1?38. THE ONLY TRI-WEEKLY IN THE STATE. Address, for two days, Marshall House, after which time, Tallahassee, Fla, W. A. 8HOBJ5R, Ii£j0g1w* Propri* tor Flor da Sentinel. Crockery and Glassware. E. D. SMITH & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in CROCKERY, CHINA. AND GLASSWARE, 109 Broughton Street, Near Bull Street, Savannah, Georgia. Fine invoices of WHITE GRANITE. COMMON and GLASSWARE, in store, and to arrive. For sale by original invoice. Of~ Goods re-packed tor country trade. fl9-eodtf Millinery Goods. LEVETT & HAWORTH, MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS. AT WHOLESALE, 118 Bryan St., Savannah. Branch of 228 Arch street, Philadelphia. f20-lw* Miscellaneous. GREAT SOUTHERN PAPER WAREHOUSE Depot for Printers’ Sapplies 210 Bay Street, Sayannati, 6a. ^ Boards, Card Boards, Printers’ Cards, Envelopes, Twines and P.inting Inks Having had long experience in the business, and buying onr goods in large lots direct from the mann- tactnrers enables us to compete with New York prices. Agents for Wade’s celebrated Printing Inks; Agents in this city for the Bath Paper Mills. The highest cash prices paid for all kinds of stock. Ale and Porter. Direct Importation. 100 B0XB ,| Bas9 ’ ce,ellrate< l Pale Ale, 6 and 7 doz, Situation Wanted. B Y a middle aged man, in a wholesale dry goodsor grocery store. Understands packing, marking, shipping and receiving goods. The very best of ref erences given. Apply at 207 Bay stree*. febUMb WANTED. A GOOD tenant may be found for a comfortable house, pleasantly located, by addressing P. O. box 213, giving particulars. ForvSale. FOR SALE. Plantations on Ocmulgee River, in Irwin Co. A PLANTATION contaiuiug about 2,000 acres, 000 of which is under good fence. On this place there is a good Dwelling with outbuildings, Barns. Stables, new Gin House, and Packing Screw, with good quarters for 33 bauds, and one of the best Wood Landings this side of Hawkinsville. A portion of the land was planted iucornlast year and yielded 2o bushels to the acre. HO head cattle, 200 do. Sheep and a large stock of llogs will be sold at the same time, if desired. Iu Coffee county, a Plantation containing about looo acres, aud possessing all the advantages of the above one. For further particulars, apply to * L. J. GUILMaRTIN & CO., f-1 No. 148 Bay street. FOR SALE. Two Wooden Dwelling on Congress street between A bercorn and Lincoln streets. Applv to j-7-tf ’ BRYAN, HARTRIDGR <£ CO. FOR SALE. 70 BARREIiS TAH. In good shipping order. CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., Corner Bay and Aberrom sts. FOR SALE. M ACHINERY for a Saw Mill, complete, with Planing Machine aud Grist Mill attached, hav ing been run oulv six mouths. Engine forty horse power. Enquire of CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., H’i'H Corner Bay and Abercorn sts. FOR SALE. SIX BALES SEA ISLAND BAGGING, —ny— FORDYCE, ANDERSON A JANNEY, -if io Stoddard's Range. To Rent. Store for Rent TINE Brick Store on Whitaker st.eet in a ceu- traiiocation. corner Broughton street lane— Possession given March 1st. f22-tf C. F’or te. ms, apply J. R SAU5SY, No. 119 Bay street. Storehouse. A GOOD and convenient Storehouse for Rent — Apply at 191 Kay street js-tf Books and Stationery. Masonic Books. J^JAOOY'S Masonic Manual. The Freemason’s Pocket Library, by Chase. Webb’s Pocket Monitor. 50 boxes Guinness' London Porter, pints, 6 dozen each For sale in lots to suit purchasers. tw~ A liberal deduction made to the trade CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM. fl2-eod r w COAL, At Reduced. Frloea. AAA TONS superior Liverpool Parlor Coal, land tUU Ine from ship England's Queen 4no tons lump Lnckatfaua Coal, lor steamboat use. 400 tons LackawanaCoal, egg and other sizes. For sale in lots to snit purchasers, by f7-eod2w CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM. W. M. WALSH, ■yyHOLF.SALK Druggists, corner Barnard and Broughton streets, Savaanah, Qa., General Agent for the Sonth. CLOCK'S Hair Restorer Restores Gray Ilair. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer makes Hair grow on Bald Heads. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer Stops Hair from Failing Out CLOCK’S Hair Restorer Prevents Headache. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer is elegantly Perfumed. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer to all that can be claimed as a dressing. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer possesses all t he merit claimed for it. A single trial convinces the most sceptical of its v. lae. If, arter a thorough trial of two bottles it does not give perfect satisfaction, the money will be refunded. Sold everywhere at $1 per bottle. Six bottles for $5. d!8-eod tf TIE ETE, EAR. AND THROAT, ship with Chilian designs against Spain. x is It is Stated that the Spanish officials in England had received Instructions from Madrid to expedite as much as possible the several steam jroti-cladu (twelve in number) which were being built for Spain 'jp ygrions nopto nf Grout Rpituin ports of Great Britain. The Paris Patrie says that the frigate Huascar, built in England upon the order of the Peruvian govern ment, would be detained at BreBt until the settlement of the difference between Spain and Peru. LONDON MONET MARKET. The funds were quiet but steady. Consols closing at 86% a87. The share market how ever was dull and prices generally were falling. Gold was being withdrawn from the bank for ex port to France. - There was rather more demand for discount at un changed rates. American Securities on the 30th were firm. . , . p ., °i Tuesday last says: Mrs. lUt % eighty aucUet,™ 1 DaVls ' reSL ' lle< i this city on ., Whither 0,1 Su ”'lay morning’s train for ■i ,w s -tort tlm rr the guest ° f g ° d ’ How « u •'tootle. ,’. fc was accompanied by one ^'"IcaruthT^f tUUtimeinCanada ’ - .„ - though mu,.,,” 1 '‘ ‘ s ' XCf ‘ Uent lady to in good * Trade'at Manchester'-A”moderate business wa. hfcr IJUKbaua. a 8 ‘ th * painrul confine- on Friday tom* Prf “ 8 Were rather moie * London Mabkets.—Breadstuff’s quiet and withou U« ulti, MARKETS. _ „ _ Liverpool, Jan. 31, a-m. Cotton—The sales of Monday and Tuesday add up 17,000 bales, including 6,000 bales tor speculation ana * There has been a rather better ^ demand, but I export. 5 being at this time m w ! ? rtt! ? out “J improvement in prices. Middling U«- tlme ln Canada. We lands is quoted at about 18><d. 8 r noisei in the Head, Catarrh, Diseases of the Throat and Longs. All diseases of the EYE, requiring eitbeir Medical or Surgical aid attended to. Office No. 41, in Dr. Tliog. Buckler’s old office on Lexington street, Baltimore, Md. Office hours from 9 to 12 A. M., and Sto 6 P. M. j9-tf Shipwrights, Caulkers and Spar Maker?. mHB' underslgpetj would respectfully inform their a former patrons and the citizens generally that they have resumed their business and opened a Ship Yard immediately opposite the city, upon the wharf formerly dcoupied by the Dry Dock Company, whore thev will undertake and contract for any work In their line of business npon reasonable terms. KRENSON A HAWKES, Office on Bay street: Jbnes’ Block, fcotof Ahertom ■treet. overC.L. Colby & Co. feb7-lw4eodlm. On Consingment. 65 bhls Yellow Ofalonb 16 Ubls Apples 6 bbls Figs .3 bbls Cranberries 10 half bbls Cranberries S3 half boxes Raisins 1 box Tomatoes 10 kegs Batter. Just arrived and for tale by J2» L. J. GUILMARTIN A CO. Oliver’s History of Freemasonry. New Masonic ’1 resile Board, by Moore. Principles of Masonic Jurisprudence, by Symons. Digest of Masonic Law, by Chase. Masonic Jurisprudence, by Mackay. Cross’ Masonic Chart, revised by Cunningham. Also, M. M. aud R. A. Diploma on paper, for fram ing, and on parchment in tucks, at KSTILL’S News Depot, (Down Stairs) Bull si. back of the Post Office. fl4 New Hooks, New Books. KECICiVKD BY Cooper, Olcotts & FarreUy. C ORA BELMONT, or the Sincere Lover; the Car dinal’s Daughter, by Robert M. Daniels; a Light and Dark Christmas, by Mrs. Henry Wood; Hair Mil lion of Money, by Amelia B. Edwards; Social Lile of the Chinese, hy Justus Doolittle; Lennore und other Poems, by Lady Chatterton; Poems by Mrs. Anna M. Spaulding; The Red Book ot Apin; Story Middle Ag’S; Miriam Rivers, the Lady Soldier; Colin Clouts Come Home Again, by Spencer; Leslie’s Magazine for , Febrnary; Demorest’s Magazine for February; Atlan tic Monthly for February; Harper’s Monthly for Feb- rurary. PRICE. ,5 CENTS. Southern Palace DRYGOODS HOUSE. ORFF a WATKINS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN DRY GOODS ATiT » ITS BHAMYiTrnB, 11 L & 113 Congress St., Savannah. FIRE, MARINE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE! Insurance. FIRE AHD MARINE INSURANCE agency. ..$1,000,000 $1,500,000 RISKS TAKEN In the following First’Class Companies: Columbia Fire Insurance Company, of New York *, SECURITY INSURANCE CO.. Capital and Surplus PIIIF.SIX INSURANCE CO., Capital and Surplus iwtkknatiobial ins. CO CaP,t,UWSnn>lM $1,200,000 Manhattan insurance co., Capital and Surplus 11 o:a non habkomy umuramce co” Capita! and Surplus.... 9 500,000 Total cash capital and Asaeu $6>000 „„ iSKMs-sssa »sr&Mass adjusted and paid promptly at this Office/ A. A. LANE, AGENT. Street, S«- fl0-3tn WASHINGTON LIFE IKSORANCE CD. NO. 98 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. CYRUS CURTISS, President. Brewer, 8ec. ; Rob- Thomm. Griswold, Roland G. MUchelJ. o&M UUa “ H - Cash assets, over $500,000 Capital stock, gltaTooo. Excelsior Springfield “ Putnam “ Washington” Gulf State “ CAPITAL $600,000 . 200,00/, " ’ 260, OOg °i H"Mord .v.v.'.v. v.v.v.v.v.'.v.'.” v.v.'.v. v.;.::::::::::::;;;;: bo^oH" oTBirittaum 500, oon of Tallahassee. 2uo[uoJJ Travelers’ of Ha.tford. ACCIDENT .$600,000 Marine and Fire. Petersburg Savings and Insurance Company of Virginia * K /in nnn Eufaula Home losnrance Company of Alabama..... . .....V. Georgia Home Insurance Company, Columbus re r XjIFE. New England Mutual Life Insurance Company of Boston -- Knickerbocker Mntual Life Insurance Company of New York ”...! 7.77.7... ^000,080 ON OPEN FOIoIOnSS IN Western, of New York. Commercial Mutnal, of New York. AARON WILBUR, Ae’t., f2l-eodlw . No. 89 Bay Street. Financial. Sight Exchange ON NEW YORK, In sums to suit purchasers, by sepgS-tf E. F. METCALFE * CO EXCHANGE Fertilizers. GUANO. Having made arrangements for a supply of PERUVIAN GUANO, A 1 Sight. Tiie undersigned are prepared to sell BANK CHECKS ON NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, iu sums to suit purchasers. Wc are prepared also to make advances on Cotton shipped to our friends in w York, Philadelphia and Liverpool fi lm DUNCAN t JOHNSTON. STERLING EXCHANGE. S IGHT-DRAFTS on Union Bank of London, feu. sums of from one pound to twenty-five pounds each. Far sale by flfi-lm JOT1N C. FERRILL. Hardware. GRAHAM, DORSETT & CO. Successors to Hawes, Graham &, Co., IMPORTERS OP ROSEWOOD AND MAHOGANY, Nos. 174, 176 and 178 Centre St., N. Y„ Keep constantly on hand the most extensive varietv of finely-figured Foreign aud Domestic, Woods to he fuund in the United States, in Logs, Planks, Boards ami Veneers, suitable for Cabin, t, Piano, and Billiard Table manufacturers, and cor builders; also, Ma hogany and Spanish Cedar Coffin stnff. In connection with onr business we have a large Saw Mill, aud tbe most celebrated Veneer Catting Machine, which enables us to fill all orders entrusted us with promptness,jl9-3m LINVILLE & GLEASON. St. Julian Street, West of Market, savannah; we are prepared to receive orders for any amount at $120 per ton of 2.000 lbs, delivered in Savannah in good order. WRIGHT, GIBBS A CO., No. 7 Jones’ Block, Bay street. Savannah, Ga. DO Peruvian Guano. W ® hhto in store genuine No. 1 Peruvian Gnano, direct importation, and will sell in quantities to snit purchasers. f!2-tf CRANE A GRAY BILL. PPRE BOLIVIAN GlIMO. To the Planters. W E are prepared to furnish, at short notice Genuine Pervian Gnano Baugh’s Raw Bone Superphosphate Mme Bo.lvian Gnano Kittle well's Manipulated Gnano Potash and Plasier, by the barrel All permanent Fertilizers Whitlock's Superphosphate Send your orders at once. D* lm N. A. HARDEE & CO. LIME. 1 Don CASKS LIME, now landing from schooner I. UUU Georgia and for sale by L. J. GUILMARTIN Jt CO. A New Fertilizer. New Books, RECEIVED BY Cooper, Olcotts & Farrelly. A NOBLE LIFE ; by Miss Much. Tbe CLOISTER AND THE HEARTH; by Charles Beade. FAIR LILLI AS; by Pierce Egan. SMALL nOUSE AT ALLINGTON; by Trollope. THE LOST BRIDE; by T. S Arthur. flO HISTORY OF THE WAR. JJECE1VED BY COOPER, OLCOTTS & FAB- RKLLY, SOUTHERN HISTORY OP THE WAR, c -midcte in four volumes, by Edward A. Pollard. f 2 Household Furniture. NOTICE. tT0 All WANTING FURNITURE I am opening for the inspection of the public, a fine stock of CABINET FURNITURE, CHAIRS, MAT- .TRJ5SSE3, Ac-, 4c., To which the attention of ail to invited, tar Warerooms, 178 BROUGHTON 8THEET, Sher lock’s old Dry Goods Store. fl6-tr L. B. HARRINGTON. THOS. W. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, 3M4 Dock Street, Philadelphia, P a . N. R—All ORDERS taut by Mail prorngtlg at- ededto. XXTE have been appointed agents for the 8tot df TV Georgia for the “Eureka Ammonis'./ Bore Super-phosphate of Lime,” a new and va’ labiv renl- Uzer, adapted to the cultivation and r iv-arkm of\ onr soil, and greatly to taereav. tbe vi We propose to seif on s credi- ,:pu.-i it,.- v . mg 1 conditions; The purchaser to give ns > ga - ~ | pledge that enough of next crop win in i le for ssle by first or Januaiy, 1867 to meet his boi, oi. ’f’t is preferred, nv will t&Ke factors’ acceptance or , pereonal security; in eituor \se interest to be 1 added. oi These accommodating • purposed in order that, this article may r ’Ji’.r ;v;i of all who tie sire to increase the lands, ietiy-lm ring a^ny^Hafdlli/for'lSaw ^Ith’Tfre wit f hont ‘“cur- advautages andsecnritwffa * u the & combined, without W°lf e w State of GeoiKtoftavaanah’ ffi,Ga. WAElfiG ’ M ’ D - MetUc^E^SSSf’E Ga. . Savan- feb!9-3m. Woodville Insurance Company. The Stockholders of the Woodville Insnrance Com pany are notified that the Annual Meeting of that 2SK2 166 heldon * he m proiimo - at <" The object of the meeting will be to elect Director. iru n “ BinB,earandl ‘ tte " d IO ° ther “**“ ° f flT6 J - Q. B- MARTIN, Actuary. SOUTHERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. OFFICE U5 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. This Company continues to write Fire Bin, of all classes, on Buildings and Merchandise at the cua- ternary rates. All Losses are fairly adjusted and promptly paid. directors : Henry Brigham, J L Villalonga, John Cunningham, Aaron Wilbur, T M Norwood, George Patten, J W Lathrop, Asher Ayres, Macon John M. Cooper, Jas. G. Mins, John R. Johnson, Geo. L. Cope, Wm. H. lison, Edward Lovell, W. E. Jackson, Angnatn h. Brigham, President. J. C, McNULTY, Secretary. ■Savannah. Jan. 7th. I860. Holiabli fT-lm 'outbern SOUTHERN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY. (katablished in 1869.) -ASSETS SEPTEMBER !.!, owe, AHA OOO. F- W. MoM-»8TnJ°Actnary/ - iMfyaasjsatf: tte widow5 theltosnrera.* 1 * “ i P ’° fl * 8 "*^7 returned to J. B. HEAD, if. D. Medical Examine?. TAB National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ORLEAN8 capital,. .•560,000 £?*!*•** to inform the Insuring public that he ha» been legally appointed » 7“* ° Ver HBnter A GammeiM4Baystreet. l! \ ,'iluctivenessof the:. F. W. SIMS A CO. Notice TO POLICY HOLDERS IM SOUTHERN MUTUAL LIFE UTsUHaftCK COMPANY. I’edansdh Passage. T > ... • A LL P*toons whose policies of Insnrance expired I a c.i H c : ae y<» r laa, can I r- ue^ rhe same by immediate settlement of their | prenuunm for those vetu , ‘ ^O. V MYERS, Agff., over Hunter A Gammell’a, 84 Bay-st \NO csr -e: isr *r* m f v * MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 Conrtlaiidt Street New York, MANUFA. i'UKKICS OF ALL KINDS OF Bolts. N it«, W i« ..;rs. Sou Screws, Tap, and Dies, Ac, Ac., a d ere in all kinds of Railroad, Steam ship and Er^iueer's Supplies, fdls, Varnish, Paint, Hemp and Rubber Packing; Oak Tanned and Rubber Belting, Brass Fittings, Chipping and Riveting Ham mers, Files, Chisels, Gas Pipe, Nails. Circular and Gang Saws, Pnmps. Steam Whistles, Steam and Wa ter Onagers, Steam Engines and Saw Mills of every description, Ac., Ac Also Agents for A. P. WOOD A CO.'S celebrated Portable Steam Engines. <21 JOHN GRAY, Wooden Ware, Brooms, PAILS, BRUSHES, HATS, Twines, Cordage, Tabs, Chnnu; Cradles, Wagons, Chain, Baskets, Ac. Nos. 15 Eulton and 202 Front Sts, NEW YORK js*3m TO PLANTERS. W E will keep constantly on hand a fall stock of Plows, Hoes, Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters, Axes, and other Agricultural Implements of best makers and patterns with-wtrich to supply Planters and Country Merchants, whose attention we invite to our stock and think we can make it to their inter est to purchase of ns. . BOUSE A BRYANT, j26-tf - W Bay street. Marett Brandy. |Q OCTA V£S 16t8, direct from bond, for sole by "1fACKY, BEATTIE * CO., £03 and 20S Boy street. -'ntion of Planters t ’bis valuable , ( ■> matter of important'-, o then m- i . ’ _- .fnilar in Bppearance, ixlnraud compo- vrnvian Gnauo, diff- nug on;y in the pro- nf the same elements, it contains less am- moni i. but nes; !y onejbunfixed per cent, more of Phos- i’oojv ' :i ”j Peruvi.iu Guano, one-thtrdof which is im- mediateiy eolubie. It U quite as active as Peruvian Guam,, aud is iess costly. Fo.^ further information, apply to E. C. WADE A CO., Agents, J 1 * 3 ® Savannah, Ga Photographic. PH0I06RAPH ALBUMS! A New ari(f Fresh Supply, or many varieties; also, PHOTOGRAPHIC ON, OR PANORAMIC ALBUM; A new, ornamental, and useful article for the parlor For sole by # nr COOPER, OLCOTTS A FARRELLY. J. N. WILSON, Photographer, & B. corner Broughton and Whitaker Sirs., SAVANNAH, GA. Old pictures copied with the greatest care, d COEN. QniiA 'BUSHELS White Cm, landing per brig Olrjv Column, and for sale low to doss. CUNNINGHAM. PURSE A CO., f29A No. 4 Stoddard’s Lower Range. Corn and Oats. 1 OHO BU^RIAWhUe and Black Oats; sacks. ns rand for E. HERTZ A CO, ffi Fire and Marine INSURANCE! MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY Hartford, Connecticut Cosh Capital 1900,000 PHCENIX INSURANCE COMPANY, Halford, Connecticut Cosh Copltol 9600,000 BALTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, New York City. Cosh Copltol 9300,000 RESOLUTE FIRE INSURANCE CO., . Nqw York City. Cosh Copltol otul Sorplos, 9380,730 Risks taken on insurable property of every descrip Hon in tbe above-naatod Companies, on the most fltvorable terms, by application at the office of the nndenignted. He. lit Bey etnet, Savannah. ff lm H. BRIGHAM. Agent. For Sale. 2000 BUSHELS PBIXE jDOEK, In torn to snit pnrehaaera, now schrZampa. «l-tf _ <«ert»a»»iag 0 CHiF. L. COLBY A 0D.; B01 aafi Abernovnys.^. ^ Oats for Sale. JN lots to suit purchyers, either in sack* or bulk, 4,000 Bushels, now discharging lrom sehr. Zampa. CHAS. I. COLBY h CO.. cor. Bay aad Aberoontots. - ’ .* ■ agt^Mtoamcm.imoo