Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 26, 1866, Image 1

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SAVANNAH, GEORGIA FEBRUARY 26. 1866. PRICE. 5 CENTS. Savannah Daily Herald ID PUBLISHED bt yy. MAHON. It. v Stbcct. Savanhab. Gioboia. peat changes In our farmer l*w» In regard to thia urge claaa of population. Wise and humane prori- siona should be made for them. It is not tor me to go into detail Suffice it to wy on thia occasion, that ample and foil protection efcoeld be secured to thorn, so that they may stand equal before the law. in the possession and enjoyment of all right* of person liberty and property. Many considerations i-iaT™. this 5n SrtUt 2ST*tH nd br0ngh ‘°^ 7 * ct i™°^ M difference* and old fends, be Xhey bSSito Constitution of the United States? We are not without an encouraging example on this line in the history of the mother country in the his tory of our ancestors—from wheat we derived, in great measure, t|te principles to which we are so much devoted. The truest friends of liberty in England once, in 1642, abandoned the forum of reason, and ap pealed. as we did, to the sword, is the surest means. In their judgment, of advancing thairesqae. Thia was after they had made great progress, under the lead of Coke, Hampden, Falkland and others in the advance ment of liberal principle*. Kany usurpations been checked; many of the prerogatives of the Crown had boon curtailed; the Petition of Bight had been sanctioned; Ship-money bad been abandoned; Courts- Martial bad been done away with; Babble cow had been re-established; High Courts of Commiasiou and Star-Chamber had been abolished; many Mher great abuses of power had been corrected, and other reform* established. Bnt not satisfied with these, and not satisfied with the peaceful working of reason! to go on in its natural sphere, the dental of the sover eignty of the Crown was pressed by the too ardent re formers upon Charles the First All else be had yielded—thia he would not The sword was appealed to, to settle the question’; a civil star wae the result; great valor and courage were displayed on both aides; men of eminent virtue and patriotism fell in the san guinary and fratricidal conflict; the King was deposed Gentlemen qf the senate amt Houee of Beprententa- tioet: I appear before you In answer to soar —h This call, coming in the imposing form it does, and under the circumstances it does, requires a response from me. Ton have assigned to us a very high, a very honorable and responsible position. This position S ou know I did not seek. Host willingly would 1, sve avoided it; and nothing but an extraordinary' sense of duty could have induced me tb yield my own disinclinations and aversions to your wishes and judg ment in the matter. For this stummI manifestation of esteem and confidence, 1 return you my profound- est acknowledgments of gratitude. Of — ' * ' ’ h* considered "the iunirian period Of our history. Great, new. living queattonTj^ta. fore os. Letitnotbc1dtfna% rntTSf ^ ,te *f our country's greatest trial an^raay ♦*»* amSt fh?» Cxmt ' » perty for Pompey, aid ®, rutu ®, but no party for Borne." ’ hJrebrflut, I? i£5 tri °.'*’ h* »hstever disttncUva name reUy, In all elections everywhere, to ‘vf * ap 5 ort / >f him, be be who he may, who bears the S?iteMdI p^S^ni“i!S, 0nal Y nion " cn *hl*zotied in»r.e J °bnson is now in my judg- ® t “ <1 " d bearer of thete prf{[- tardtoi “ restoration should recetaTa tothta™™£2^ rt lT rery we D-wiahcr of his country. OD ‘ hu res *« my only hope. Should hebo sustained, and the government be restored to ita ^i,!5E?$ fc . ,l “*® ,,fh>,n wh “ it tree before!*, ndittl and fundamental change, as has bean at*tad has been made in that o#gZfo|£“ W?*.£5ha'^rt ”, p6culiju ' institution " whfeh skis? Sharis: Five Cents. «8 M. <10 00. E TIS I KO: •re of Ten Lines for first to- fnr each snbseqnent one. Ad- i (he morning, will. If desired, itbout extra charge. It pniNTXNG, ucstiy and promptly dom. fidelity in times past. They cultivated your fields; ministered to your personal wants and comforts; nursed and reared 1 yonr children; and even in the hoar of danger and peril they were to the main, true to yon and yours, lb them we owe a debt of grati tude, as well ss acts of kindueas. This should also be done because they are poor, untutored, uninformed; many of them helpless, liable to be imposed upon’ and need It Legislation should evar loot to the prce ■ tectlon of the weak against the strong. Whatever may be said of the equality of races, or their natural capa city to become equal, no one can doubt that at this time, thia race among us is not equal to the Caucasian. Thia inequality does not lessen the morel obligations on the part of the superior to the Inferior, it rather liKdred Year Alltt „ D „llaiB per Sqnare c'..c Polliir for « "meuts Inserted in .in the evening « JUST OPENED AT LATHBOP & CO’S e«t acknowledgiariite of gratitude. Of one thing only can I give you any assurance, and that la, tf I shall be permitted to discharge the trusts thereby imposed, they will be discharged with a singleness of purpose to the public good. The great object with me now is to see a restoration “ Possible of peace, prosperity and constitutional liberty in this once happy, but now disturbed, agi tated and distracted country. To end all my en ergies and efferts to the extent of their powers will be devoted. You ask my viewa on the exiating state of a fours; our duties at tho present, and the prospects of the future ? This is li task frog# which, under ordinary circumstances, 1 might very well shrink. He who ventures to speak, and to give counsel and advice in times of peril or disaster, assumes no enviable posi tion. Far be that rashness trout ms which sometimes prompts the forward to rush in where angels might fear to tread, to responding, therefore, briefly to your-en quiries, I feel, 1 trust, the foil weight and magnitafle of the subject. It involves the welfare of millions now living, and that of many more millions who are to came after us. I am also fully impressed with the consciousness of the inconceivably small affect of what I shall say upon the momentous results involved in the subject itself. It is with these feelings I offer my mite of counsel at your request. And in tho outset of the undertaking, ; limited as it is inteded to be, to a few general ideas i only, well may 1 imitate an illustrious example in in voking aid from on High, "that 1 may aay nothing on thia occasion which may compromit the rights, the I honor, the dignity, or heat interests of my country." 1 mean specially the rights, honor, dignity, bff* interests ur ine people or Georgia. Wub their ■miter ings, ther losses, their misfortunes, their bereave ments, and their present utter prostration, my heart is to deepest sympathy. We have reached that point in oar sffelrs at which the great question before us is—"to be or not to be ?** and if to be ? How ? Hope, ever springing In tha human breast, prompts, even under the greatest ca lamities and adversities, never to despair. Adversity is a sever.' school, a terrible crucible, both fur Indivi duals and communities. We are now in thia school, this crucible, and should bear to mind that it is never negative iu its action, Jt is always positive. It is ever decided iu its effects one «gy gr the other. It either makes better or worse. It'either brings out unknown vices, or arouses dormant virtues, to mor- I BY telegraph Oouaiffittns In Plaid Silks Ciieoe Poplins Poniard Silks Mozambiqnes Jaconet Muslins kk o.m mil.ledgkvil.le. vtfpHENS' ADDRESS ENDORSED BY THE ' LEGISLATURE. Aliened Frauds During Got. Brown’s ' ’ Administration. u.tiKiSViixE, Feb. 23.—The Legislature has i i resolution cordially endorsing the address of i H Stephens delivered yesterday and ordering | A nut oil tlio journals of both houses. Kinauee Committee appointed by the State •moil Alter » session of fifty-four days occupied swore testimony, report that there is no of frauds, corruption or other misconduct, •nr improper use of the public money by any oBcislfrom liov ' Brown down to the lowest offl- ® ,it Tho report is full and complete, and ts the iatu Slate administration of every charge gainst It. ETING IN LOUISVILLE IN HONOR OF THE PRESIDENT’S VETO. 7isvn.Lt. Feb. 21.—An enthusiaatic meeting waa I—e i«.t msht in honor of the veto message of kilt Johnson /in theFreodmcnts Bureau bilL Branih-tte prcaidod at the meeting. Organdie Muslins Solid Colored French Scotch Ginghams culture. Thia shows capacity for improvement. But to all the higher charaotariatioa of mantel develop, iaenq they are still very far below the European type. What further advancement they may make, or to what standard they may attain, under a different system of laws every way suitable and wisely applicable to their changed condition, time slotte can disclose. I apeak of them aa we now know them to be, having no longer the protection of a master, or legal guirdian; they no# need ail the protection which tha shield of the law can give. B*t above all thia protaoticffiahouM be secured, be- eatteh it is right and just that a should be, upon gene- i (hi ffriadplee. All governments In their organic structure, as well as iu their administration, should have thia leading object in vie#—the guud of the gov erned. Protection and security to all under its juris diction should b* the chief end nf every government. It is a melancholy truth, that while this should be the Chief end of all governments, most of them are used only m (njtnipb'fita of power for the segreadixement of the few, at the expense iff SaM by tqe oppression bt the many, Such are not par ideas of government, never hare been and never should be. Governments according to oar ideas, should look to the good of the whole and not a part only. "The gfoatest good to the greatest number - Is a favorite dogma with aome.— Some so defended our old system. But you know this was never my doctrine. The greatest good to ail. Cambric ud Chain bray Silk Pirasoia, &c We will make large addltioi before, they, by almost unanimous consent, called for restoration. The restoration came. Char its the Sec ond ascended the throne, ae unlimited a monarch aa ever ruled the empire. Not a pledge wae aeked or a guarantee given touching the concessions of the Royal prerogative, that had been exacted and obtained from Lie father. The true friends of jibertr, of reform and of progress in government, had become convinced that these were the offspring of peace and of enlightened reason, and not of passion nor of arms. The Houee of Commons >as to our stock during the coming week, in AND EMBROIDERIES, the teme energi^d SeTSspUj^ « hire much more to cheer ua thin they had With » fertohtyr and with products unequalled in vdaeto toe to »»y nothing at our mineral reaonrcea we shall have much still to wed us to the rt™ «hi 1 h ld 'i Wi,h _8 ood government, the matrih from wUch atone sp*g afi great human achieve menta, we shall lack nothing but our own proper exertions, not only to recover our former prospertor- people. At ieut, I know of no other lend that the Tun offer* better prospect* under the " S for —nmpuoo. Ut contingencies stated. HGte! !°i^ e 6 interest of toe people'of ril the 1 Statesto be united ss they were, each State faithfully performing to toe people of toe other States, ail thsir oopuqon compact- I always thought this Assumption was founded upon broad, correct, and aUtesman-like principle*. I thin* so yet. It was only when it seemed to be impossible far- 85 that time. England has nude still further and more signal Jfl reform and progress. Bubnot one of these has been effected by yreort fo arms. CatooUe Emancipation waa carried in Barpament, after years of argument, against toe moat persistent opposition. Season and justice ultimately preyaUed. go with'the removal of ths disability of the Jews—so with the overthrow of the Rotten-Borough system—*o with the extension of franchise—so wlto toe modification of the Coru Law*, and restrictions on Commerce, open ing the way to toe establishment of the principles of Free Trade—and so with all the other great reforms „ 0 „, i Legislature In Favor of the Firsdnieu’* Bureau Bill. I,, F, li. 23.—Both Houses of toe IIissotlrf x hive passed resolutions tendering thsir ili.n. Senators who voted to sustain the , Bitrmii bill iu opposition to the Presi- ari l te the majority in the House who fe int- and kindred measures. States to be united « they were lYAP/APni I v» n fin tka 1. Vte /A ’ obligations under ths thought this aaaumpi niPORTERS AND i)> assent id q’1 DEALERS IN DRY GOODS IN AZjIj ITS BRANCHES 111 & 113 Congress St., Savannah. V— MuyuiBULU IU IUC YUlCe OI UlAJTUia, lo tTV the experiment which b** jh*t reacted *odis*atroqaly i o Indeed, dqriuif the whole UmeuUble conflict, it waa my opinion that however the pending strife might terminate, so flu- as the appeal to the sword was concerned, yet after a while, when the paasiona and t.Hi'l LFU1HT1 fa Af Hie ,l. n ... PRO( KKDINGR OF CONGRESS. I \>s Krri-ilmrn’s Bureau Bill, excitements of the dsy should pees awsy. an adjust ment or aiTsngpment would be made upon continen tal principles, upon toe general basis of "—' -—■ advantage and mutual convenience,” ,on which Union waa first esUblished. lly earnest desire, how- gver, throqahqnt, W ae wbaleyer might he dope, might be p«tcefq{!y done; might be the result oTcalnTdi*- passionste, and enlightened reason; Tookingto the permanent interest* aud welfare of all. And now after the severe chastisement of war, if the general n. Feb. 23.—In the Senate a bill was in- • .n.vd t.i continue in fores the present Freedmen'a [ Mil '•" i lo, ‘g cr - ft Was referred to the Mili- uit committee. ia suimated debate arose on the question of taking .si, vciis' resolution relative to tho admission of ii,joutbrm mutes, which waa decided in the ajjirma- ut, jiri tlie resolution discussed. 'avituef lulls under consideration by the Presideq* te- been received. to -:.e li iu-e the Voorhees contested election case w Jrfidel in favor of Sir. Washbume, who was J ““-WAU M nuu • Mi WlltlBI' ment or aiTangement would be made upon continen- — "reciprocal which ihe WiiHisGtux. Feb 24.—The Senate was not in ses- at mo euw iu is. uruuior B e> e. w 11IHIU1 cul)S|uenpg the beam that ia in hia own. Till* should not b#.— We all have our motet or brema. We are all frail; perfection is the attribute of none. Prejudice or pre- jlldgment ahould be indulged towards noDe. Preju dice ! Wbst wrongs, what injuries, what mischiefs, what lsmeuialfle eonsequenoen, bare resulted at all Umea from notomg'^ot'uiia ^rysrsity qf ths Intel- lectl 01 til the Obstacles to the’ advancement T of trbtb and human progress, iu every department—In sci ence, In art, Iu government, apt] rgRgion, lu a)l ages aud climes not one of the list is more lormitbib**i, Mobile Cotton Market, entangling alliances with none, may not enter upon a new career, exciting increased wonder to the bid world by grander achievements hereafter to be made than any heretofore attained by the peaceful and har monious workings of pur American institutions of setogovemmeut- All this W possihle if the hearts of toe people Be right. U Is m? earnest ’ wish to see It.' Fondly 'would I indulge my fancy in gaging ou such a picture nf tne future With what rapture may we ndt suppose the spirits of onr fetters would hall its opening scenes from their mansions above. Bach are my nope*, rearing cm such contingencies. But It in stead ot all this, the passions of the dsy shall continue to bear sway; if prejudice shall rule toe hour if a conflict of,races *1**1* arise; if ambition shall turn the seme; if the sword shall be thrown to the balance against patriotism; if the embers of the fete war alialfc be aept a glowing HU‘I! yrttfe nevy foci they shall flame up again, then our present gloom is but the shadow, tile peiiitmhra of that deeper and darker eclipse which is to totally obscure this hemispher* aud blight fv*aver the anvious ahriotpations andexpectationa of n-ankiud! Then t.r, „/t».r h. , 1k—■ .. . . ile. IVb 23.—The sales of cotton to-day reached V- middling at 43 cents. Sales of tha we«t 6,200 Ii. . . Hits of the week 9,200 bales. F.xporU of ek lo.u.Hi bales. Stock on hand 7,299 bales. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. ! Kei.'ii ted for the Savannah Uskald.J HOUSE. MHXEDGEVII.I.X, Feb. 20, I860. • •use met at 8 o'clock p. m. SEW MATTER. ‘ .yd uf Mitchell—A bill to change the line >1 ii- hell ami Colquet comities. ■ • 1 uf Randolph—A bill ty authorize the ■1 iiamlnlph to isauc bonds to raise money. IlIWiS OS THIRD llEADINO. luthurize tin- Inferior Court of Greene county I hands to work yu the public roads. Passed. • exempt from street duty members of the j more difficult to overcome and subdue, than this hof- ' rible distortion of toe moral as well as intellectual fac ulties. It is a host of evils within itself, I could en join no greater duty upon my countrymen now. North ami South, than the exerciso of that degree of forbear ance which would enable them to conquer their preju dices. Cue of the highest exhibitions of the moral sublime toe world ever witueseed, was tha’ of Daniel Webster, when in an Open barouche In the streets of Bostoni he proclaimed in snbstsince, 16 a vast aasem’- bly of hi* eOnalitupijtg—unwilling hearers—that ‘.-thev ha/1 conquered an uncongenial ulijr ( i; tb B i’ lif^l conquered a sterile soil; tfley Rad conquered tip wjuu* and elements of the ocean; they had'eonquered most of tb# element* of nature; but they must yet learn to conquer thejr prejudinesl” J know of 110 mors fitting incident or scene iji the life of tfeqt won- derful man, "clarux bt vif fort isthmus]" for perpet- them—lei results be what they may—can at least en joy the consolation—up small recompense that—of Laving performed their .duty, ap/t of having a con science void of offence before God and ;nun Jbis, if no more valuable result, will, I trust, attend to# do le,, of what 1 propose. Tho first great duty, then, 1 would enjoin at this I time, is the exercise of toe simple, though dit])euU ami trying, but nevertheless indispensable quality of Columbia Fire Insurance Company, of New York Fulton Excelsior Springfield 1 Pulliam Washington' Gulf 8tute 4 200,000 260,000 300,000 of Hartford.. of Baltimore. 600,000 300,00 0 of Tallahassee Traveler*’ of Haitfoft) Marino and I*iro, "etershurg Savings and Insurance Company of Virginia Enfaula Home Insurance Company of Alabama . ueorgi. (Lame Insurance Company, Cslumlms . - - — ”*• uaincucu BUUre, Auu Hop© and Freedom light up earth no more.’ aUy, we not all on this occasion, on this anniversary ' the birthday c. Washington, join in a fervent pray- r to Heaven that tho Great Ruler of evenia ma*.- 200 000 3^0,000 » -- *“b AUCM 11 'JILL mi. Beecher as I waa. Bnt however much we may differ from him on many questions, and on many questions connected with this subject, yet a!i must admit him to rank amongst the master spirit* of toe age. And no on# perhaps l)a# contributed mpi e by toe power of his pen and voice in bringing about the present state of things than be lias. Yet, nevertheless, I commend to yow serious consideration, as pertinent to my p ref’ll abject, what he was (reported to have said re fol lows:— "Iu oqr fend aud tiiifid facts and questions are " " *" t ’ id Chrififithiu Mettlcmeut d doctrine. We cannot ing strong and powerful educate and foster the For my own pari I can- , , ’ ” — 77 —7T» *u*“utc uuuuict of classes by and bjr; unless we are educated into this rior. W« are told by *(fe^MTfLmt^‘iSdiri(toida that all men are equal We know better. They are not equal. A common brotherhood teaches no such absurdity, A theory of universal, physical likeness la no more absurd than this. . Now, re lu all tunas, the an *n IK* tnv. ar >A a_ av , - ew England Mutual Life Insurance Company of Boston Knickerbocker Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York...... . . . .. .V.V.V.V. . ON OPEN POLICIES ttvt $3,000,000 1,000,000 SENATE—PEB, ‘Jl. The s-< met ,it 10 o’clock a. ni- Mr Mi...iv iv..m the Judiciary CoraiitUtotf submit- fcl a report • »n the Freedinen’s Court aud reported in ^ •■! Bti j cihIc the following bills: A bill t< 1 £r fhe illations of husband and wife be- ***-*» I- r-i.ns of i-olor. Al».a todefiur the tenu “person of color.” A 1.1, t.. r» jKj«l section 5J-5 of the code except the 5th : -i,,| section, and to repeal 1st, 2d and 3d Ik,.-. - (j rion 286 ot the code. A lujj 1.1 ti onsier certain cases frouj the Inferior f urtri to the County Courts; The special order—tlie State Orphans’ Home—w*4 ^ uj>. It provides for the appointment of three t-iim«ti.jiicr* to select a suitable place for the erec- l: '- ' * 1:table buildings for the purpose. Noplace is *■'—i-' l in the bill. The vote ou the passage of the ^ T **.. t as 'J9, nays 0. J-' li-it «pecial order, the resolution authorizing ^ *1 ;• lutmen t of Commissioners to select a new site lvmtentirry was taken up and passed. No taj ’: *- mentioned in the resolution. bill t.» repeal the act requiring cotton and T - ltn lactories to publish lists of their stockholders •" -toll : r the relief from personal liability of ‘t- Mtrs in banks was taken up, and alter some A-E-vii \vm laid on the table for the present. ®*~ tjliuw the Ordinary of Polk county to keep t,r his otflee in his own dwelling until a "Urt House j** built Passed. iouuth< *rize an extra tax for the county of Early. : : appropriate |150 for the repair and keeping : >- r ?Uitt House dock. Passed. -•-j" allow Inferior Court* to fix j*il fees for diet- p Passed. an act incorporating the Skidaway l <tii .lupany. Passed. ^ i iJUt,'* ;ij C name of the Milledgeville B. R. i a (i " ’ ^ le time of holding Superior Courts Great Western, of New York. T HOSE veiw valotble Lota situated 00 the corner of West Broad and Zulffy street*, designated by the letters C, E and ti. Middle Oglethorpe Ward — Bacli Lot ha* a width of sixty-seven feet and six laches, and is one hundred aud eighty feet In depth making an area *»f two hundred and two and a half Teet by one hundred aud eighty. This would afford abundant room for the erection of a Hotel of exten sive proportions, or for any kind of manufactory.-. For any of which purposes these lots are iUgiblv sit uated, being near to the Central R iilroad Depot and on one of the principal etreets of the city. The above Lots may be treated fqr at private sate separately or together, and if not disposed of previously, will be fkfTprAil at nnlilin aa la it* feu >» r nf iLn «i ffil-eodlw escape tha responsibility. Be we muat nurse and help and weak and poor and ignorant. *„ nut see how we shall escape the most terrible conflict doctrine of duty on the part of the ropertortothe tofe- nnp ifrlri ku analu... ..A #... < Ai-> i_ s. - , GREY FLANNEL SUITS, Hiuuicatious; to say nothing of divers other matters' on (he long list of our present inconveniences and privations .411 these, however, we must patiently bear and eudqr# for a season. With quiet and repoae we may get well—may ggf one# more on our feet again. One thing is certain, tout bt4 ljqmor, ill-temper, ex hibited either to restlessness or gHfoblfog, v iU not hasten It. Next to this, another great duty we owe to ourselves is the exercise of a liberal spirit of forbearsneae amongst ourselves. The first step towards local or general harmony, la the banishment from onr breasts of every feeling and sentiment ralrnlatefl fo stir ths discords of the put. Nothing could be more lfourioqj pr mischievous to toe future of this country, than toe agitation at present, of questions that divided toe people anterior to, or dur ing the existence of the late war. On no oocasion, and especially to the beatowmsnt of office, ought auch dif ferences of opinion to toe past, ever to he mentioned, either for or against any oue, otherwise equally entitled to confidence. These ideas or sentiments of other times and cirenmstances, fire not the genes from which hopeful organization can now arise. Let all difference* of opinion, touching errors, or supposed errors, of the head or heart, on the part of any, to tha past, growing I out of these matters, be at eucs, in tha da ip ocean of | obljvion, forever buried. Let there be nocriminations For Spring and Summer Wear. a very desirable lot of Ready-made GREY FLANNEL SUITS, r this market, which are being offered at very low prices. LATHROP & CO., now and will be more. If'thev are friendly, livin peace, loving and respecting and helping one anot all will be well. Rut if they ar# selfish, unofirietis toehold heathen^ feeling U to reign, each exfrec him; society will be UnecT by classes us bv sear lit. laiMj. e-ch iri." * '-I i-ti. . < "T the one upon the other, of love prevails, there s disturb once. I 1— crccu.. . la chief, because he ia strong and wise f On the con trary, he grows with hie father's growth, and strength ens with his strength. Aud if in society there should be fifty grades or classes, all helping each other, there will be no trouble, but perfect satisfactiou and con tent. This Christian doctrine carried tote practice will easily settle toe most troublesome of aU home present question* " What he here said ot tha state ot things where he •poke to the State of New York, and the fearful aotmi, opism of classes titers, Is much more applicable to n* Here, it ia true, only two great' claaaea exist, or are likely to exist, bqt these are deeply marked by dis tinctions bearing the impress of nature. The on* la now beyond all question greatly superior to toe other Thee# classes are at distinct re races of men can be.— The one ia of the higheat type of humanity, the other of the lowest. All that be *«y* of the duty of toe su perior, to protect, to aid, to encourage, and to help the inferior, I fully and cordially endorse and commend to you as quite as applicable to ns and our situation, an it was to bis auditors. Whether toe doctrine, if carried out ami practiced, will settle all these most troublesome Lome question* wlto us aa easily as he seemed to totol? 4 Ukfi Lome questions with those whom he was addressing, I will hot undertake to say. I have no hesitancy, however, to saying that the general principles announced by him are good. Let them be adopted by us M far as practicable. No harm can come from it—much good may. Whether the great barrier of races which toe Creator has placed between this, our Inferior dare and ourselves, shall prevent a success of tbe experiment now on trial, of a pcacefol, happy and prosperous community,composed of such elements ami »u«fe1nipg present relations to, wards each other, or even a further elevation on the part of the inferior, if they prove themselves fit for it, let toe future, under the dispell serious of Providence) Plantations on Ocmulgee River, in Irwin Co. A PLANTATION containing about 2.eon acre# 000 of which is under good fence. Ou tote place there U a good Dwelling with outbuilding*. Barns. 8tables, new Gin House, and Packing Screw, with good quarters for 3j hands, and one or the best Wood Landings this side of Hawklnsvllle. A portion of the land waa planted to corn last year and yielded 25 bushels to the acre. ICO head Cattle, 200 do. Sheep and a forge stock of Hogs will be sold at the same time, ir desired In Coffee county, a Plantation containing about 1500 acres, and possessing ml the advantage* of the above one- For further particulars, apply to U J. QCILMaRTIN A CO., Corner of Copgreas and v> iutuii r Streets. Wanted, all he can from his neighbor, and caring nothing for him; society will be lined bj classes as by seams- like batteries, each firing broadside after broadside **■ t— If on the other hand the few fe, there will be no iU-wlll, no envy, no Does a child hate bis father because be trary, be grow* with hie father's growth, andatrengto) Dll 16 Bio allfotittlh k its) if in a/uii/.l.. at. _i _ « a I towards our enemies, if we have any, let tbe as- I piratic ua of our hearts be, “Father, forgive them; I they know not what they do." The exercise ot pa- | tienco, forbearance and charity, therefore, are the I three first duties 1 would at this time enjoin—and I of the set three, “the greatest la charity." I Bnt to proceed. Another one of our present duties, I la thia; we shook! accept toe issues of the vrar, and abide by (he*) 114 good Tbte, I U*\ fally per suaded, it i* > oqr purpose to 4<k W*U that ot your I constituents. The people of Georgia hare to Conven tion revoked aud annulled her Ordinance of 18C1, which was intended to sever her from tbe compact of Union of 1767. The Constitution of tbe United Mates has been re-ordained a# toe organic few of onr fend. Whatever differences of opinion heretofore existed as to where our allegiance was due, during the fete state of things, none for any practical purpose can exist now. Whether Georgia, by toe action of her Conven tion of 1861, vu ever rightfully out of the Union or not, there yen be no question tost she la now to, so far as depend* upon her will and deed. The whole United mates, therefore, is now gitoqtit question our country, to be cherished and defended as fi^ch, by all our hearts aud by all our arms. The Constitution of the United States, and toe trea ties and laws made to pursuance thereof, are now ac knowledged to be the paramount law to Oi# whole country. Whoever therefore Is true to these princi ples as now recognized, is loyal as fer aa that term baa any legitimate use or force under our institutions.— This is the only kind of loyalty and the only test of tenant by addressing no-tr “ E. L. H.” Herald office. Passed. TEACHER WANTED. SINGLE gentleman, well qualified to teach, am) b coming well recommended, can get a good sit- don tn the country, by applying to 23-3 K. C. WADE A CO. The bill reported by Mr. Dickey • 1! 1 have been a bill supplemental to lM *8 Ihe North Georgia Mining and •nipuny. It* object vm simply to re- t’ft kofaaid company from 1250,000 HOUSE. 110 o’clock a. m. 'huplaiu. *«»u of a resolution that no new matr 1 felt, r the 24th instant, except by a «h«_ clerk called the roll for the in- matter. hikugham—A bill to incorporate the •d in l.fiiugham county. IfeUt i*_k—A bill to alter the time re- ■' ’I'd of writings. r .up—A bill to incorporate the North ou Manufacturing Company, rt-iw—A bill authorizing the issue of barlow county to raise money for •M Intonh—A bill to allow Clerks of ri*.r Courts to keep their offices more u:«_ court house. • * Burke—A resolution In relation < U»oim of the State. r .iip_A bill to incorporate tlie Ala- 1 •uuimjacturing Company. > orporate the Chattahoochee Manu- Imwogee—A bill to repeal section plarke— \ bill to authorize Superin- ‘ ’• Atlantic Railroad to execute a r l*? 1 abases for said road. - I h«- bill t«> authorize the Gover- - >y Nile of bonds, was re-re 1 erred. ‘ granted Messrs. Lawson and Red- ti i'riit of toe Lunatic Asylum WM m r for Monday next. TI ‘“*D HEADING. s»*ed * * utraI Georgia Manufcctur- ' * u "Hdiy, Car and Machine Work*. ’ , protect the citizens of this te "I ►to.-k. Pasned. 1 ‘t-'Uirdiution of Common School * ,l J' J’riMMid. (., r » ^l'pointment of superintend- } ud r ^'» >o the sevanti ebuntire S 1 14 7(i of the end*. Fessed. 5^.;i " ,cui0r *° tw o bills to ^ati, 1 " 7^* fr0m T0tin g ““til Uiey tril, “ ,0 '“ake arrests out of toolr iu.'io 1 1 ;“ yn,e “ t ot money to Terrel ti.s iu P 0 *- P»^<L d »>»to make write of ctr- ; ^ r i^ >n p, n t nc j f btachare of poor ud to HoHV “F report* of aim*. "i,'P l “J, D - B Sanford of Green j No. 148 Bay street. Two Wooden Dwellings on Congress atrt between Abercorn and Lincoto street* Applv to J27-tf BRYAN, HARTBIDGR d CO. ^3 Shtpptog or Receiving Clerk- Beet of refer- Addreaa "J. B. C.,’’ Savannah Post Office. Corner qf Jefferson Si. and Broughton St. Lane. Nurse Wanted 70 BAimnxis tar, In good shipping order. CHAS. L. COLBY * CO.. Corner Bay and Abercorn sty. POSSESSION GIVEN IMMEDIATELY tidy girl to l*ke care of a child eighteen ha old: Apply to_ S. M. COLDING. Np. ISfiCoturrees etreet. South, no disloyalty to the principles oi tion of tha United States. To that sy sentatlve government; of deUgafod powers; that eatabliahmest to a new t continent, of all tha essentials of Engl T. W. SCHWiltZUNliACH. Charta, tor the protection and security of life, liberty and property; with the additional recognition of the principle aa a fundamental truth, that all political power resides to the psopia. Wlto ns it was simply a question as to where our allegiance was due to toe maintenance of these principles—which authority was paramount in tbe last retort—State or federal. Aa for myself, I can affirm that no sentiment of disloyalty to them: great principles of self-government, recognised Situation Wanted. B Y a middle aged man, to a wholesale dry gc grocery More. Understands packing, ua " and receiving goodj. Tlie very best liven. Apply at 207 B.iy street. ^ or a **111, complete, Planing Machine and Grist Mill attached ing been'run only six months. Bu s toe fort* power. Enquire of ... .. CHARLES L. .COLBY A CO., NOFFICE, upstairs over our present place of ■ business. f*4-3 F. W, SIMS A CO. febl*tf. and embodied to the constitution of the United States, ever beat or throbbed iu breast or heart of mine. To their maintenance my whole soul was ever enlisted, and to this end my whole life has heretofore been de voted, and will continue to be tha rest of my days—God WANTED Cigars and Tobacco, 8IX BALES SEA ISLAND BAGGING, HAVANA SEGARS, PIPES, • be found for a comfortable located, by addressing P. O. are. n-tf FOEDYCE, ANDERSON A JANNKY, i 10 Stoddard* Range. Ale and Porter, * Direct Importation. " something cheerful; but that aandor, which h«uf marked all that i have said, compel* me to **y that to me tbs future ia for from being bright Nay, it is •dark and Impenetrable. Thick gloom curtain* and cloaca to the horizon all around ns. Thus much I ^ say.; My only hope is to tha peaceful re-establishment of good government, and Us peaceful maintainance afterwards, And fertliar tb* moat hopeful prospect to tbfe end now, la toe r»»t/*mtton of the old Union and with it the apeedy retain of fraternal feeling throughout ita length and breadth. Three results da- ■ tend upon toe people them Salves—upon toe people of he North quite aa much as the .people of toe Booth— some future time te inquire into, after toe new system shall have been fully and fairly tried. All changes of systems or proposed reforms, are but expertm•its end problems to be solved. Our system of seffigovernment was an experiment at first, Per- “ » problem It Is not yet solved. Our present duty ontola subject is not with toe past or the future. U “’ti 1 ?‘he prreent. The wisest and to* best often 100 B °fa^ Ba * S ' eekbr,,te<1 f'tie Ale,« and 7 do*. t*i box-8 Guinness’ London Porter, pints, 6 dozen each For safe in lots to suit purchasers. 6ffi- A liberal deduction made to the trade „ CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM. lelpfaia. frirand just trial, without prejudice and with that eantastaeas of purpose, which always look* hopefully toaucreaalt w an ethnological problem, an toe so lution of which depends, not only toe best interests of both races, but it rasy be the erteteuca of on* or the other, if not both. This duty at firing this new system a feta and junt BB1ABWOOD PIPES. ■ of Chewing and 9mnR1ng To- foment arc *11 of the first quality, •■lae for yourselves, at F. 00NSTAKT8, ML at. opposite Poet Qffice- »**» •asics' •I.',. --