Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 03, 1866, Image 1

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fl VOL. 2—NO. 40. The Savannah Daily Herald is PUBLINHED by H. \V . MAHON. ISaVXHNXB. Q) AT ill Bar Stbdct, TKKHI: Per C.ipy per linmired.. .. .Fire Ceuta. as so. *10 00. XKVIETI8INO: V« rt!r-< *14 , iioiinr foreuili Hiil^eequeut one. Ad . inn run in I he morning, will, if desired, liing without exlr* charge. in III' .M»lt PRINTING. In Awrv'oyfo n, '» tly aDd prom|lt!y donr - (iKOROIA legislature. Milledukvillk, Feb. 26, 1066. SENATE. •n,. s. uat. met at 10 o’clock a. III. l,, ‘ ' »»-. Mr. Yarborough.of tiifc Methodiat lra.v t'hurcl r»0 >(• haiiiel offered the following which were **’ ....ii-lx ad'»j>ied: n i 7»- •- l li«* senate and Hou*e of RepresenUtives til!* l .‘uiV.i suites of America in Congress assem- 1' „, v. Stat’ it.-. -I'K donating public lands to the amt Torritorics which may provide col- . in-tit of agriculture and the mechanic til Inly Jd, ibf»2, provided that the Stale , : \ fttmuld signify its acceptance within two " ' ... in tli- <lau? of its approval by the President, j,,. p as. an act extending the time within which a . ' , ,| 1. rntories may accept this grant of lands SU V-v •! and up| ,rove “ April 14th, 1864, by which "| J 'nim *,!* run jitanee was extended to April 14th, i' 1 ',; 'i licreforc, be it r '. <n i ir ,l i p.y tlu* Senate and House of Representa- , t| ih* state of Georgia in General Assembly met, T t iii* Mai* "t Georgia do hereby signify its accept- tw (>I t |,,. u. nciit of the provisions of this act: rn. ihM', That bin Excellency the Gover- , l'. aniti**n/*-d to forwards copy of these resolu- U i . tli*-1'resident of the United States. ‘ n' i ill tor tio- relief of banks was taken up as the until I.umhcss. Pending the consideration of mu tin* SniHte adjourned. HOUSE. •* Tin- H"UHe met at 9 o'clock a. m. Vravrr l*y ill* L’haplam. Ih** loiiMiul was read and approved. BILLS ON THIRD READING. HU11- jutlioriE* tlie superintendent of the Western , ulau ,„ lUtlruad and State Treasurer to sign a * ' j -1, |. in” tli* faith of tlie State for the payment „f a-rlaiii purchases made of the Unitad States.— 1 flu-stay Law, ti)t special order, was taken up and aiur u’li-ub ial-l'- discussion passed. mill. ! tlu relief of Lunatic Asylum. Referred to ih-Fiimuc* Committee. H lt u „„ si» a«l bill was taken up and read. A,ii. unu-d till;» o'clock p. m. hLNATE—AFTERNOON SESSION. Tin- Senate re assembled at 3 p. in. and resumed the c. neid* rat mil « i the bill for the relief of banks. NEW MATTER. Huh liriug tlie last day for the introduction of new'.*-r uni* - !*} a two-thirds vote, Mr. Strozier in- ir -lw < i •* bill to amend the 11th section of the char- :. r i i!,- Mj. - ii and Western Railroad Company^ Mi. but Ur- A bill to incorporate tlie Madison Pe- twkuiu « • nipaiiy. Mr I A. W. .b'hnson—A bill to extend and apply all:In i i -' i!*i**iis of the ordinance passed by the late tvnuntMi I" make valid private contracts to aU wills iuu,l. and • xccuted between the 1st day of June, 1861, ai..i the Ini day of June, 1866. Mr. (»"« iim- A l»ill to accept by tbe State the doua- ti.iii liv the I nitcd States of certain lauds for the pro- m * ii i.i .iLi u ulturc and the mechanical arts. ,i ;; .1, * 1 Mi. Redding, the Senate adjourned. HOUSE—AFTERNOON BBSSlON. Th« H**ii-‘luetat 3 o'clock p. m. pursuant ib ad- joumnn lit and look up IIILUi ON THIRD READING. ,il m . h-rksof Superior and Inferior Courts i: M ini -Ii county to keep their offices more than , i. 1...1- it* iii the court bouse. Passed. |-.i, i • all-.w the Inferior Court of Bartow county to I .i ts I., raise revenue for county purposes.— SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, MARCH Tfca Despatches of the Associated Press. ACCIDENT TO GENARAL GRANT. New York, Feb. 27.—Gen. Grant escaped a Mil accident yesterday. While examining a ue#ly in- vested ride,he took hold of it in such i manner that it w*« accidentally discharged, part of the cartridge eu teriug the left hand and lodging in bis p-i™ and thumb, wounding him. report says, seriously. The scene of this unfortunate accident was in the private apartment of General Grant, his Aid and four children of the General’s being present. The bail lodged in the room directly opposite to where Gen. Grant was standing at the time of the accident. The wound was carefully dressed by a surgeon. fbom Washington. Washington, Feb. 27.—The agents of the Poet Of fice lately advertised the letting of over 7u0 routes in the States of Mississippi, Louisians, Arkansas, Ala bama and Georgia. Only 184 were let, and on 518 the people are still destitute of postal facilities, either be cause tbe railroads and stages will not carry the United States mails, or because they can’t, on ac count of the test oath. Secretary Dennison refuses to allow any contractor, postmaster ormail messenger to ‘handle the mails without first haring taken the oath. Fred Douglass writes that an attempt waa made to assassinate him in Baltimore last Sunday night. The Senate Military Committee resolved, at their meeting yesterday, to report a bill to provide for tbe national defence, by establishing an active uniform militia force throughout the United Statea. The first section makes every able-bodied male person, ttrtween twenty and forty years of age, subject to enrollment for militia duty. The second section exempts all the executive and Judicial officers of the government, and of the States, members of Congress, postmaster®, pilots, marines, telegraph operators, and all persons in charge of the mails. Several provide for the estab lishment of a Militia Bui'ean in the Adjutant General ol militia in each State, to be selected by the govern ment, who is to review and inspect the mint,. e t c . Section 10 says there shall be organized in all of the Statea one regiment of active volunteer militia for each congressional district. All officers of this active force. are to be appointed by the Governors of the Statea and Territories, bnt the )¥ar Department is to furnish all arms, etc. The President can order all or any part into service at any tjuie. The Lieutenant General may cause inspections to be made from time to time. General Steedman was telegraphed last week by his friends to come on to Washington at the earliest prac ticable time for consultation with the President on tbe phase of public affair*. He arrived yesterday morn ing and had an tntervie»*rith tbe President during the forenoon. Many profess to believe that in the event of a Cabinet dissolution he can have the port folio of war. Ktalsalm la Parllanaat-Thr Jamaica A Mr. THE CATTLE PLAGUE. The following is the foreign intelligence brought by the steamer Cuba from Liverpool on the 10th of February: THE FENIANS IN AMERIOA——A PARLI AMENTA Y IN QUIRY. In the House of Commons on the 9th Mr Watkins gave notice that on the 16tli he should ask the Chan cellor of the Exchequer whetlmr any or what representation had been made on behalf of her Majes ty’s Government to tbe Government of the United Statea, with reference to the Fenian organization in America, more especially with regard to the employ ment of American officers, and the issue of bonds bv the so-called Irish Republic. He should also move for papers. raaUAJHENT AND OOLAKO—PENLAjnSH. In the House of Commons, un the 8th, the adjourned debate on the address in response to the Queen’* speech waa resumed by’The O’Donoghue,” who made a characteristic speech upon the grievances of Ireland. He argued that the discontent and disloyalty of Ireland were the natural result of mismanagement, and al though hopaless as tbe Fenian struggle with England might be, he insisted that the conspiracy was wide and deeply seated. He totally dissented from the para graph relating to Ireland In the Queen's speech, and moved amendment expressing It to be the duty of ministers to examine into the causes of Irish hi—«m. faction and to remove them. Sir. Blake seconded the amendment, and referred to efte har»htreatm&t wbiah, he said, the recent politi- cal prisoners were being subjected to. Mr. Raw son remarked that this statement was utterly without foundation, and opposed the amendment. Heveral Irish members followed in much the same strain as ‘‘ The O’Donoghue,•' and one hr two mem berspstated that the Fenian conspiracy waa of Ameri can origin, and that Mr. Seward was r *' * ~ Centre. ILU i. ■ huuge the line between Butts and Henry counties. Lost. Bill i*•. Range the line between Paulding and Cobb counties. Lost. Bill i” incorporate theCnttibert Manufacturing Com* . panv. I’li^sed. Bill t.i authorize the Inferior Court of Randolph • -iiiity i»sue Loads. Passed. Bill i" incorporate the town of .Springfield in Effiug- huumunty. l*ai*sed. new matter. Mr swcareiigen of Decatur, introduced a bill to auicuil tin- s* ' oral acta incorporating the town of Baiu- bridge. Mr. i lartrcll of Cobb—A bill to amend the charter of tli. B- -w. ll Manufacturing Company. Mr. BuhncII ol Muscogee—A bill to add additional fiCiiiobs to the code. Lu'e o! absence was granted to Mr. Hodges of Batts, for a few days, and to Mr. Davenport of Ogle- tiicrj ili* Balance of the session. House adjoin nod till 10 o’clock to-morrow morning. Mjllkdgeville, Feb. 27. TL* Sriiate met at 10 o’clock a. m. Braur i.y Rev. Mr. Yarborough. Ih. title . .f the bill introduced by Mr. Moore from iL« joint judiciary committee is—A bill to define the •tatiiM-t |.. rsous ol color and to regulate their rights. TLis bill j i, |,uses to secure to persons ol color the n f person and property, to hold and convey lamb, I., inherit, give evidence and inuintdin all civil milts iu tore the courts on the same footing as white 1 r- ns. and further declares that they shall not be •liLiMutile for any crime or offence against the laws •u any manner different from that in which white per- ■--iis ar«- punished. TL I ill to regulate proceedings in winding up the • i insolvent banks was amended and passed by !«-*>i yens, 32; nays, 20. The bill as passed re- tin officers of banks from the pains and penal- LiJMii the lavs- incurred by the suspension of specie ptyments. Tli ill flues not relieve from personal liability the ♦to* kh<.i.i» rs uf the banks. It s* tlu banks to go at once into liquidation, h • i.j! 1- tin bill-holders to prove by witnesses at ’! *t mi*, tin > received their bills, or in case they •“i*ii i piu\t the same by testimony to say on oath ' * a i . \ it, cived the bills: and said bills are to be •>t»iuai* ,i (in a gold basis at the time they w r ere re- Jl * lb ime tux bill was taken up and read. Mr Miyur offered the following which was unani- ‘h ath has laid his icy hand on the person ' ^ llr !ir. '" >* J"hn K. Jackson, of the iate Confederate iht ru .rc, in view of his exalted patriotism, 1 j.itt the Senate do* now adjourn till to- lu :. r l i,, ' v ‘“"miug 10 o’clock. * Senate tluu adjourned. HOUSE. liit- Huuw; m.'t jj «i o’clock a. m. ia\, r in i|. , I^pidn. “ejournal v.a- read aud approved. f Mitchell, moved to reconsider the bill ‘ “7" • >'«>terda> known as the Stay Law. was lost. - . r * J ] J"*ich t)fler«*d a resolution that the House i-i'-atti-r imid night seaeions. The reaolution was pte I. ^ iiuiu i. solution iu relation to the lands do- Stat• and Territories for colleges for the b “• u ii of agriculture and the mechanical arts fck. n up ami adopted. JLt Huiier took up the Senate bill known as the ■jj^pfiun bilL** Judiciary Committee of the House reported s U ior tlie same. I T “et> . ntiad differences between the original and y'“tut, are these: The original exempts from levy 1 liKj acres of land and 6 acres lor every child f r h years of age and 10 additional acres for every I j tl '\ •“ ln.iiug homestead not worth exceeding • I' • I* » household and kitchen furniture, work- ^ k-t and provision“ to s larger amount ^ *** and applies to all judgements, ^ substitute l*mv THE FENIANS. New York, Feb. 2T.—Reports from English detect ives at Pittsburg say that the Fenian General Sweepey's plan is to make a demonstration against CanadMftout the middle of March, with a small force, and strike New Brunswick via the Marine Frontier with his main column. John O’Mahoney publishes a letter to the editor of the Herald, stating that the assertion that he was about to dismiss Killian is untrue. The Commercial’s special says at a Fenian meeting here last night, instructions were given of a plan to seize the British Columbia and establish a harbor for privateer? on the Pacific coast that will sweep away the British commerce. It is understood that the Eng lish Minister has forwarded a communication on the subject to the State Depar tinent that formed a topic for a Cabinet discussion to-day. A proclamation will probably be issued against any violation of the neu trality law*. John C- Patterson, Internal Revenue Detective, was arrested to-day on a charge of levying black mail upon several Broadway merchants. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. Washington, Feb. 27.—Senate—Mr. Wilson re ported from the Committee on Military Afiairj. The military bill with an amendment, many of them of minor importance, one of which strikes out drunkards and vagabonds from accepted persons. Another in cludes executive and judicial officers of the States and Territories among the exempt, but Statea are not al lowed to make exemptions. The companies may con sist of fifty to one hundred privates, in addition to of ficers. Oath of nou-participation in the rebellion is stricken out. A new section in addition authorizing the Commanding General of the armies of the United States, to cause inspection to be made from time to time, both of militia and officers at the Adjutant Gen eral’s office. Mr. Sumner introduced the following, which was adopted: Whereas, The Sonate, on the fifth day of January, 1866, adopted a resolution in the following terms: Krsolml, That the President of the United Slates, if in his opinion not incompatible with the public inter ests, be requested ito furnish to the Senate copies of all papers and proclamations designating certain per sons as Provisional Governors of States, and an ac- s .count of what salary, if any, they may have been al lowed, oaths, if any, they have taken before entering upon their duties, and if they did not take the oath of office provided by Congress for officers of the United Statea, then why did they not take tlie same; also, copies of any communications in his possession from such persons to any convention or legislative assembly in any of the States; also, copies of any constitution of articles or laws purporting to have been adopted in any State, as faF as the same affect the present con dition of such States and rights of persons therein. Aud whereas, no response has yet been received by the Senate for the information called for, which is deemed important; therefore. Resolved, That the President of the United States, if iu his opinion not incompatible with the public in terest, be requested to furnish to the Senate the infor mation called for in the foregoing resolution. New York, Feb. 27.—The Post's special says the Military Committee of the House will toofi report a new army bill as a substitute tor the one now pending, which does not increase the present army but re-or ganizes it. ; f „ THE PRESIDENT'S VIEWS. New York, Feb. 27.—The Post's Washington special says Mr. Loftin of Herkimer, Mr. Humphrey of Brook Iyn, and other gantlemen from New York, had an in terview with the President last night. He reiterated hit views on national subjects as'already published. When asked if be approved the Congressional test oath, he replied that he thought it too severe, and gave his opinion that the xnto who w ould take the oath to support the Constitution should be Rdmitted to their seats in Congress, but added that he would not quarrel with Congress on that point. LOSSES BY THE PHILADELPHIA FIRE. Philadelphia, Feb. 27.—The losses by fire last night are insured to the amount of $496,000. Nearly every company in this city loses. The' Royal lcwes $20,000, and the Liverpool and London $20,000. The companies represented by Lancaster k Gaskill lose $120,000. Hotefs. Miscellaneous. PRICE!, 5 GENTS. AUGUSTA HOTEL. 1. K*} Proprietor*. W B respectful!; invite our old friends and the I traveling public tog!re us a call. Our hodse la located tn the heart of trade, and convenient to the depot®. [I5 3m] JONES A RICE.. EXCHAliflE HOTEL (Former); the Screven Honse,; SAVANNAH, GA. This first-class Hotel having been renovated and new!; famished, is now open for the reception of the traveling public. m<Mni G. MoGINLY. French Sermon. E very samU; be pieaohed u. . father nf the French Orati l 7 daring Lent a sermon will in French by Rev. A. Date Fosse, s Sr., -.rot** Oratqg. in the Catholic Cathe. aril, corner ot Prrr; and DrsyUni streets, at 1% P. «*■ ‘ree. f»-S4w* To Mechanics. PROPOSALS Will be received for the repair of the » _., Ir *“ ewor k between Hutchinson and Pig Islands. Applications most be addressed to tbs undersigned, 11 bait-mat. Dock and Wharf Committee. ^ JJL JOHN WILLIAMSON. s r.r n ..Notice. A U. persons having demands against tlie estate ot .VTr.y ir^’ Wib * ou ' deceased, of Chatham county, yrespectfaily requested to hand them in properly au thenticated j and all psraous indebted to said estate are requested to makTimmediatepMwit to . ANAIS WUaON, Administratrix. Southern Palace DRY GOODS HOUSE JA L Port Royal House, HILTOIV HEAD, S. C. Wrapping Paper* 11000 prtce» V* 8t ° re ttnd fdr “ Ia at New York I * WATKINS, . IMPORTERS A*ND DEALERS IN DRY GOODS x*ar alt. its BRA»rcati % 111 A 113 Congress St„ Savannah. i waa really the Head in. 1 mill.« r 11 'k*’U:u lily exempts $1,000 worth of pro- ,H| worth additional for every child un- ■ ‘ ««« and limitn the exemption to judg- *' '* “pen contracts made or torts corn er tij, |..,Mttage of the act. *»“t Mil.htituto were hud on the table for a 'l ‘ iinj i.i.V’! 1 im d iu tlle Senate reaolution tq Tie H.ii.J '. h P ro “>no- u*e adjourned. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. 8r. Louis, Feb. 27.—The mailable ironworks of Fox k Co. was burned yesterday afternoon; loss about $15,000—insured. The flouring mill of Obermeyer k Co., aud the Mission school house, ac^joining, were burned at 2 o’clock this morning; loss about $40,000— insured for $27,000. Late advices from Montana, report the Indians com mitting great depredations. Gov. Meagher had called for 500 mounted volunteers to march against them. At a large and enthusiastic Union meeting held at Springfield, HI., a series of resolutions were passed strongly condemning the i-oursp of President Johnson, and heartily endorsing the action of Congress. Hi* fclenil ^ J1 lkmaktical Movement. — The .... a r 1 M'l* ^ contains the annexed statement of •ut, ( . 1 1 l *" IkiltiworeConference of the Metho- Thefr fl. lr h ^ lu Hes8i °n at Alexandria, Virginia, feswkv " 1: * 1 ^^ ar,; the resolntions adopted by the con- ''’■ M-r.-i,., •I*? 0 Baltimore Annual Conference, in • ‘ 1 tliis ImiJy *i ., • i* 1 pursuance of the action M» th () , i We do hereby unite and adhere t j, * kp^’opul Church South, and do now, Larlv i, w Sldl n t Conference, invite ° Wr 1 - at ..iir ' rt '"^ nize U3 officially, and preside . ' present s*-8aion. 1 P"liti, ai this action we adhere to no Deed hi* ,auy assigned to labor, but a . IllOllVoa ~ x L_a. ‘“X nsufulnoss Wi'l 11,. “ fraong tin: people wbom we ktid,!.,,' ', * ,1,l ’ rp 8 t » of the Kingdom of Christ, < *** lil *g to salviti,,,,*”* Wu a<:knovr le“8 ,! lu things per- A '*0:lit IcttlTTZ v»w ... “ * ffliable souree in east Ten- I tlut 4 ' n,i. '° U ean *»fely notify your patrons I Lw * itfcxiv ‘"‘ l>,;Udln « in East Tennessee. If they Ihoustg ti ltv ‘ 1,iU8, uule *“ on old, undoubted J ° Wl " lo °^ *ff*r them. Even iu r ::r;“ u : ^ here wm “ ot ^ ° d * Port Royal Items. The New South of the 24th nit. says: “John Ferguson, Esq., of Charleston, former owner •f tbe steamer Planter, has applied for possession oi the steamer, claiming that she was stolen by negroes and captured from them by the federal blockading squadron, that he has taken the amnesty oath, and the steamer should be restored to him with his other property. Gen. Saxton reporta that the Planter was employed by the rebels, and while in this service was brought past tbe batteries and surrendered to Admiral DuPont by a slave named Robert Small The steamer has since been employed by the quartermaster's de partment and Small placed lu command. "Major M. R. Delaney, (colored) of the 104th U. S. colored troops, has been retained in service nothwith- • tending his regiment has been mastered out, at the request at Major Gen. Sickles. "Last Monday evening a sad affair occurred near the Army Machine Shim at St. Helena. Mr. D. H. Rice of Lemon Island, Brood river, was in the set of re moving some copper from the old steamer Edwin Lewis, when some dispute ~rose between him, Mr. John H. Mars, and Mr. Valentine Wall as tohia (Rice’s) right to take tbe copper. In the melee Mr. Rice drew his pistol and shot Mr. Wall, the ball entering near the eihgth rib on the left aide. The wounded mat is now at the Post Hospital. Although the ball has not been extracted it is thought he will recover. ’’ Mr. Maguire characterized the Fenian taovement as hopeless, and the caase of Injury to the country. He, however, thought the Irish people had many serious grievances to complain oC and considered that the government ought to make it their duty to take the state of things into consideration. Mr. Gladstone took exception to the remarks that the evils which afflicted Ireland were the results of legislation, and objected to pledge Parliament to redress evils which were in some degree beyond their power. He also objected to the amendment, on the ground that the government had in the address desired to denounce Fenianism, and said that the more clear and unequivocal their language was, the better it would be. Some of th« questions brought under their notice by members were being fully considered, and would in due time be brought before Parliament; and the legislation ought not to give merely vogue general promises to a people so sensible of former wrongs. The amendment was lost by an overwhelming ma jority, 346 to 25. The address was then agreed to. The Dublin police on the 9th discovered a second extensive Fenian manufactory of ammunition. All the material for making rifle cartridges were found in abundance. court-martial was in process in Dublin upon a gunner in the Ninth Artillery, charged witlLdsloyalty and treason. Two other soldiers in the regiments of the line were also about to be tried by court-martial, charged with drilling parties of Fenians. An energetic search for arms hiri been made at Waterford, but without effect. JAMAICA. The Jamaica affair was before Parliament. In the House of Commons Sir John Parkington complained that the conduct of Governor Eyre had been mis judged, especially so by Mr. Bright, who, he said, had accused the Governor of the murder of Mr. Gordon. Mr. Bright replied in a quiet, satirical manner, and stated that he had no doubt the commissioners would do os much justice to the Governor as to the blacks in Jamaica. He denied that he had pre-judged the Gov ernor, who, he said, was condemned by his own re port. Mr. Cardwell defended the conduct of the Gov ernor, who, he said, hnd endeavored to avoid pre judging the question. THB CATTLE PLAGUE. An Influential deputation from the various agricul tural societies had waited upon Sir George Grey, and urged upon him the absolute suspension or the traffic in the ca’.t'e, on the ground that isolation was the great means of staying the plague. The Morning Herald says the existence of the rain istry depends upon .fhe way it deals with the cattle plague question. Iu the House of Lords, on the 8tb, the Earl of Car narvon called attention to a statement that Govern meut declined to appoint a day lor national humilia tion on account of the cattle plague, for the reason that the calamity was only partially felt by the nation. Earl Bussell repeated what Sir George Grey had said In his letter, that a prayer applicable ’to thecottle Ugue existed at present, and was repeated every reek in the churches. The Bishop of Lincoln regretted the decision of the Government, aud spoke of a special day of fast and humiliation. RIDDELL * RUG 9, E. S. RIDDELI*. a * 4n3-tf PiorniTOi M. P. mwQQ. WARREN * PLATNER, 210 Bay street. Wanted. New York Advertisements. Marett Brandy. OCTAVES 1868, direct from bond, for rale by MACKY, BEATTIE A CO., £03 aud 206 Bay street WANTED. KENT’S EAST INDIA COFFEE. ft EQUAL TO JAVA1 p HALF THB PRICE! 1 gX GOES TWICE AS FAB • * Rccommend-d and Used by All I CLERGYMEN, PHYSICIANS aud Professional Men, as the cheapest, healthiest and heat beverage in the wo*i<l! FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS NORTH AND SOUTH TUG BOAT FOR SALE. T HE Screw Tuff relief, 63 tons, wood hull length on deck, 67 feet; draft, 7 feet 10 laches I has one high pressnre engine, anchors, thulos, Ac. Ac., AC. Inquire of B. C. Mclntire A Co., Hilton Head, South Carolina, or YORK, WILLIAM8, McINTIRE A CO., r*J Savannah. FRESH CRACKERS. 1NDELL A CO. Tne Sonthe-n trade, to which it is specially adapt- I T>ARREL8 Sugar, Soda, Boston and Butler, ed, supplied through the New York city Wholesale -*-* Landing from steamship Vi-go, and for sale by Grocers, or direct from the Manufactory. J »7-6 ka: * * ‘ — **■ iiM i m N K \V YORK.. RICHARD DAVIE8, Proprietor. And General Wholesale Dealer In Teas and Coffees. Put up In ONE POUND PAPERS, tn bones of 35 and 60 pounds. dlD-Sm DURYEAS’ MAIZENA ROPE. f AA COILS Flax Rope: a superior article to Green I uu leaf or any other brand. In store and for aale by f* CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. o a iu > tc K H a ■< m a o c z a THE EYE, EAR, AND THROAT. D K. WRIGHT, of Toronto, Canada West, Physi clan and Surgeon, Oculist and Auriat, can be I consulted on Dealness, Discharges from tbe Bar, no.sej in the Head, Catarrh, Diseases of the Throat aud Lungs. All diseases of the EYE, requiring eltheir Medical or Surgical aid attended to. Office No. 41, in Dr. Thos. Buckler’s old office on Lexington street, Baltimore, Md. Office hours from 9 to 12 A. M., and 3to 6 P. A. j9-tf HAIR, HAIR. A G’tODlot. and other materials for Eniiding par poses. For sale by BOU8E A BHYANT. 194 Bay Street- Trial or Major Jno. H. Gee of Florida. The trial of this gentleman, formerly Confederate commandant of the Salisbury (N. C.) prison, by Mill tary Commission, was begun in Raleigh on the 21st inst. D. P. Holland of Florida, and Juo. Wilder of chuaetts, act as counsel for the defence. There were a large number of witnesses present for tbs prosecution, as also for the defence. It ia stated that (rest interest is felt in the trial by the people of Raleigh, particular); the female portion, who sympa thize deeply with the prisoner. The friends uf Mr. Gee maintain that he is nof responsible for the treat ment complained of. The conned for the defence plead, that by the terms of capitulation agreed upon by Sherman aud Johnston, that the Unifed States pledged its faith that the officers paroled shall not be molested so long as they comply with the terms of their parole. It is stated also that the defence is anx ious for a postponement of the trial. Tornado at Knoxville Trap. A terrible tornado occurred at Knoxville, Tenu., on Friday, which blew down thirty buildings, unroofed the depot and machine-shop of the Virginia Central Railroad, and destroyed a large amount of other prop erty. IN GENERAL. —A cotemporary says that “a person’s character de pends-a good dekl upon bis bringing up. For in stance, a man who has been brought up by the police seldom turns out respectable.” —A few days since some persons threw a lighted Pharaoh’s serpent into the bear pit in the Zoological Gardens, in the Jardin des Plantes, Paris. The bear attacked the serpent and set his own coat on fire. A plunge in an adjoining tank extinguished the flames, hut not until the animal had sustained serious injur- s. —The Cleveland Herald reports that on Friday night the earth in the vicinity of East Cleveland, Ohio, cracked open with a 1-juJ dull report, like an earth quake. Hie fissure waa two or three inches wide and extended into tbe ground several feet It dam aged several houses, and alarmed tbe people gener ally. — A' widow In England with two children has re covered $25,000 from a railroad, for killing her hus band. —The Parisian public is soon to be astonished by a wonderful female, who will sing a song In tbe cage which contains Betty the lion tamer’s wild beasts. —A boy’s ides of having a tooth drawn may be summed up as follows: “The doctor hitched4hst on to me. pulled his best, and just before It killed me, the the tooth cams out” WAS THE IRIT “ PREPARATION FOB FOOD FROM INDIAN CONN" That received a medal and honorable mention from tile Royal Commissioners, tbe competition of nil pr minenr manufacturers of ‘-Cora Starch ” aud “Ft pared Corn Flour •> of this and other countries not withstanding. KAXZSNA, The food and luxury of the age, without a single' fault. One trial will convince the most skeptical. Makes Puddings, Cakes. CVsurds, Blanc Mange, Ac., without Isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a cost as tonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and Cake It is also excellent for thickening sweet eances. gravies for fish anil meats, soups, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiled in milk will prodocc rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea. Ac Put up in one pound packages, under the trade mark Maizena. with d.rectiona for use. A most delicious article of food for children and in valids of all ages. For aale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 160'Fulton Street. WILLIAM DURYEA, j*6 ly General Agent ROOFING. W E are now prepared to take contracts for apply ing . WARREN’S FIRE PROOF ROOFING, or to furnish the material. It possesses all the requisite merits. Is water-tight and fire-proof, will not expand and contract with heat und cold, is not Injuriously affected by change of temperature, will bear more than double the heat of metal roofing without damage to the boarding be neath it, is easily aud .quickly repaired if injured. Gutters of the same material may be formed on the roof. ” The felt and cement being non-conductors of heat, no roof i*eo cool in summer nor so warm in winter, aud Its cost Is mach lest than that of asy other Flrc-proof Roof now In use. For more detailed particulars, price of roofing, tes timonials, Ac., apply to BOUSE A BRYANT, fS-lm 194 Bay street. NORTH RIVER AGRICULTURAL WORKS, GRIFFINC fi CO., Preprietsrs, Warebonses. 58160 Corllaudt street, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN^ Just Received, 25 FIRKINS Extra Leaf Lard In store and for sale by CHARLES L. COLBY * CCk Notice. The Drug Store of W. W. LINCOLN will be kept open, daring this maath. at night and Sundays. ml-2w Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Cotton Sweeps, Hay Presses, Cotton Presses, Cider Presses, Grain Cradles, Cbnrns, Ox Bows, Ox Yokes, Well Backets Sugar Mills, Corn Mills, Cider Mills, Fan Milis, Saw Mills, . Corn Shelters, Store Truck*, Wheelbarrows 8ugnr Puns, Shovels, Spade , Hoes, Forks, Rakes, Scythes. Hay Cutters, Sausage Cutter Vegetable Cutt Hand Carts, Male Carts, Ox Carts, Farm Wagons, Horae Powers, Threshing Mach' Cotton Gins, Mowers A Reap’*, Ac., Ac. FOR SALK 7/VI BALES Prime Eastern Hay / UU 601) sarks Corn 26,000 feet White Pine Lumber 16 bbla best Bakers’ Flour 700 sacks Black Oats I By H BRADLEY, ml-lw 196 Bay street OATS. fiardea, Fit-Id and Flower Seeds. Hoyt's Snpcr-Phosrhate of Lime, Bone Manure, Pou drette, Plaster, Ac. Sole ageuls (or Glasgow Fertilizer Co.'s Phoephatic and Ammoniated Guano, and Super-Phosphate ol Lime, and Bruce's Concentrated Manure. Trade supplied. Order direct from GRIFFINO A CO.. o23-3m 68 and60 Courtlandt at.. New York. L ANDING from steamship Herman Livingston, Prime Mixed Oats. For sale irora wharf or store, in lots to salt purchasers. Apply early. ml-6 BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. ' T obacco. 50 BOXES TOBACCO 50 eaddies do. Received on consignment and for Sale by ml > BRYAN. HART RIDGE A CO. A Negro Free Mason Lodge Declared Clandestine. At the last annual communication of tbe Grand ject, whether a Masonic Lodge had been established iu tbe city of Kewberu, composed of negroes. The following are the resolutions of the committee Resolved. 1. That the Most Worshipful Grand «- ter be requested to correspond with the Most Wor shipful Grand Master of New York, in regard to tbs reported organization of a negro Lodge in North Car olina, and earnestly remonstrate against the same. /ieeolt td. 2. That this Grand Lodge wilL and the fraternity in North Carotins are instructed to regard all such Lodges as Clandestine, and the members thereof as suspicions. Respectfully submitted, L * E. a Beads, H. H. Smith, Dam'l Coleman, Committee. Secretaby Sewabd and thi Pbesident.—A dis patch from Washington to a New York paper aays the following dispatch has been received in Washington from Secretary Seward: Nxw-Yobk. Feb. 23.—it is all right and safe. The Union it restored and the country safe. The Presi- dent’s speech is triumphant, and the country will be happy. (Signed) w. H. Sewabd. Thurlow Weed telegraphed from New Fork on TI, ?5? d * T afternoon, ratifying the President's course as follows. “To Senator Morgan: An right here id Washington, and in tits country. Tbe worft iadenfi. GRAHAM, DORSETT & CO. Successors to Dawes, Graham k Co., IMPORTERS OF ROSEWOOD AND MAHOOANT, Nos- 174, 176 aad 178 Centre St., N. Y., Keep constantly on haud the most extensive variety of finely-flgiireil Foreign and Domestic Woods to be found in the United States, In Logs, Planks, Boards aud Veueers, suitable forCablm t, Plano, and Billiard Table mannractnrera, and car builders; also, Ma hogany and Spanish Cedar Coffin stuff. tu connection with our business we have a large Saw Mill, and the most celebrated Veneer Onttli g Machine, which cnahlea us to fill all orders entrosted j to us with promptness. ji0-3m FLOUR. I OAA BBLS FLOUR, landing from steamship Virgo ZUU and for sale by T WO WHIT small fai 8S ft V £ NT ^, one n* Cook for a ^hsm)n : r miHrt^.V!.- the othfr tu Waitress and Appealuulfofflcef erenCC "wageslilmraL Nurse Wanted. A . NICE tidy girita take care of a child eighteen months old. Apply to S. M. COLDINO, No. 163 Congress street. Situation Wanted. B iY a middle aged man, In a wholesale dry goods or * grocery store. Understands packing, marking shipping and receiving goods. The very best or ref erences given. Apply at 207 Bay street. febl9-t?. WANTED. A GOOD tenant may be found for a comfortable house, pleasant It located, by addressing P. o. box 213, giving particulars, , For Sale. FOR SALS, Twasjfe^'isssaauss the letters t, E and G, Middle Oglethorpe Ward Eucli Lot has a width of sixty-seven feet and six rnatm’ ® D<i * 0De * ,Bndr ed and eighty feet in depth, [’ifh l re *^ c , wo hQn<J r , *l and two and a mm feet bj one hundred and eighty. This would afford abundant room for the erection of a Hotel of exten sive proportions, or for any kind of manufactory — tmted 1 6 **>«*> '0*8 are lllglblv sit- Cen*™* Railroad Dipotand Lotsmav strPeta ° r ,he cit y- The above together H’ r< ? al P rivate ■»* separately or offered i'r nn .i ^ rr,Li dui>os011 of, will he the ffist n&iran rront ° r llle O 001 * ^ouse on At wtorh ^ prU Dcxt - »'F T - *■ Walsh. place-will also l* offered u,t Ls?and',fr?re!, tv U 00 Br °ughton street, and the Mand of Great Warsaw, containing two thousand a X®f- , R- T. GIBSON. Executor, nJ-uxl of estate ofcpr. C. P. KlcflardaoD. To Rent. Storehouse. ' A GOOD and convenient Storehouse for Rent — Apply at 194 Bay street Jt-tf Professional Cards. FOR SALE, Plantations on Ocnralgee River, in Irwin Co. A PLANTATION containing about 2,000 acres, 600 O', wnlcn la under good fence. On this place there Is a good Dwelling with outbuildings, Barns. Stables, new Gin House, and Packing Screw with good quarters for so bands, and one of the best th ls side of HawklnsvUle. A portion •s • e -- d w “ Planted in corn last year and yielded 15 tmantis to the acre. 100 head Cattle, 200 do. Sheep and i lonre stork of i H SFi wUI ** sol « same time, if^Slred. count y» R Plantation containing about 1500 acres, and possessing all the advantages of the above one. For further particulars, apply to ro , L- J- GUILMART& * CO.. m No. 148 Bay street. ROSWELL KINO, AT TORN EYsAT-LAW, Augusta, Georgia, Practices in the Courts of the Middle Circuits. adm* JOSEPH OANAHL, ATTORIN EY-AT-LAW, -Auguata, da., Practices in the Courts Of the Middle Circuit. fB-3w FOR SALE. 7S In good shipping order. CHAS. L COLBY . Corner Bay sod FOR BO WELL OOVM. JAMM JaOBOOM. COBB «t JACKSON, Attorneys-at-Law, MACON, GEORGIA. JAMES B. DAWKINS, Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor in Equity, GAINESVILLE, EAST FLORIDA” fU.lawly LAROCHE A JOHNMIJV, TlmberA Lumber Dealers 300 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Financial. Sight Exchange ON NE¥ YORK, In sums to suit purchasers, by ^P* 8 -^ B. F. METCALFE A CO ?*. r a Saw complete, 'with A*A Planing Machine and Grist Mill attached, hav ing been run only six months. Engine forty horse power. Enquire of ... dIARLES L. COLBY A CO., fl4-tf Corner Bay and Abercoro sta. FOR SALE. Two Wooden Dwellings on Congress street between Abercoro and Lincoln street*’' Apply to ' i J-”tf BRYAN, HARTRlbQE d CP. FOR SALE.* SIX BALES SEA ISLAND BAGGING, FOKDYCE, ANDERSON A JANNEY, in Stoddard's Range. Partnerships* EXCHANGE -A.t Sight. The undersigned are prepared to sell BANK CHECKS ON NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, „„^" tta * oauIt pure ha acre. We are prepared also to °, n . C ^ ton ^jPPed to our friends In - mess on cotton shipped to New York, Philadelphia and Liverpool n DUNCAN * J JOHNSTON. CnARLES L. COLBY A CO. Lard. 50 Packages Prime LEAF. For sale by MACKY, BEATTIE A CO., 203 and 206 Bay street. "W atches J ewelry! 8 i I v a r and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods. Ac., T UB undersigned respectfully calls the attention of the jiitizens ami visitors from tbe conntry to his well selntsi] stock of Watches Jewel Plated Ware, Clocks, Fancy Goods, vol vers ind turers. Particular attention Is pnU to the Repairing of Watches, Jewelry and Clods*. Having Done hut i in patent workmen engaged s*tb faction i* gaaran- rtimpfitetilMorkmen __ A dacKdm Our. Broagkton and •ao. d. rowL*. —A Western soldier who has been through all the campaigns and shared in many of the fieroest battles of the war, writes from his home thit “he never realized the horror of war till he got home to Indiana and found hi* girt married to a .tay-at-home dry goods clerk.” —The Buffalo “Commercial” of Saturday, says: Among those who apply for lodging at the station houses of tbe city often appears the name of one, now seventy-on* ye*»» at age, who formerly was cim»ei| among the Wealthieat men <A our then young city.” —It is said of Dr. Basoom, the Methodist clergy, man,that his eloquence was such on that one occasion the whole congregation arose and pressed toward* the pulpit. He once ao excited Henry Clay, that the latter exclaimed, “Well done, Basoom I Give it to them I Give it to them I” —The cattle disease is said to have made its ap pearance in Pennsylvania. This is bad news, if true. —A colored man was drawn at Worcester. Maas., on Monday, to serve as a juror the present term of the Superior Court. Tbe Spy says it ia ths first instance of tbe kind in the county, if not in the State. —The leader of fashion this winter in Washington is Mrs. Senator Sprague, the only lady who, when she gives ■ ball, builds a ball room expressly for the occa sion and removes it the next day. —The Charleston papers are calling loudly for the erection of a theatre, and tbe restoration of the drama in that city. —That* are tea anchor* weighing fi.00* pounds each, and one and a half miles of chains, costing over |9u,- 000, attached to the Dictator and New Ironsides, now anchored at League Island, to preserve them from ths tremendous power ol the ice. —A Washington correspondent aays that the Nation al Express Company, ot which General Joe Johnston i* President, have instituted a soft against tbs «r- giata Central Railroad, and other roads, who have, for two millions of dollars, sold to Adams' Express Com- ££gr^ 1 &-■£»» cuopatrato* less other companies pay an equal amount, which, of , day using the same perfume Flour & Hominy. Cftft BBLS FLOUR. Choice, Extra and Superfine UUU 10 > bill kiln-dried Hominy Landing from ste imer Virgo, find for sale by * RAN DELL * CO., I27-A 8. W. corner Bay and Barnard eta. Silver and . _ __Jt-icles, He Pistols of thfi AM* celebrated Mannfcc 1 fish: OK BBLS No*. I. ! and 3 Mackerel tuU 60 half barrels, Noe. l and 6 do 100 kits No. 1 do 10 half bbl* No. 1 Herring Si) quarter bbl* do 100 box** Smoked Herring nena aiua | In store and tor sate by iEWHBuBM FORMERLY OP ALEXANDRIA, VA., Commission Merchants. Importer* of Railroad Iron and Dealers in j Railroad 8npplie>. Office, 70 Broadway, TJHTYV YORK, Oct26 *“ 6 DBL8 Prime New England Rum, - 3i uat received and for aale by an/noN a randsll, 183 Bay street. course, no other company can do. ■toSofifc negroes attacked a white boy named Joilq on Casey, at Memphis, on Thursday last, when he drew -M * pistol and killed a negro named Bob Gill. The Cor- ln oner’* jury gamin a verdict ntirely,” that the shooting was justifiable. Latest from Egypt! P ENNY’S NEW EXTRACT OF THB EGYPTIAN I LOTUS, a new and exquisite Perfume for the me ladlee of the ptesent I THE EGYPTIAN LPTU8! "■awse.,,, u 'itfefSSR **i flX.UA - 16 Fulton street. Planting Potatoes I BARRELS Pink Eye*, per steamehlp City of For sale, to arrive, by 199-4 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. PASSOVER BREAD. w‘‘r.“ srsrivtfssaseJss A. BORCHEBT A SOX, the Georgia and Central Railroad MONEY IS TAK.EN AT PAR AT THE SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE. ORFF « WATKINS SIGHT EXCHANGE Oi Mentals’ Mmal M N. L For 9 lie by v f26-6 ANDREW LOW A CO. STERLING EXCHANGE. S IGHT 1'RAPTB oi Union Bank of London, tn earns of from one pound to twenty-five rounds each. For sale by fie-lm pound lo twenty-five pounds JOHN C. FEHRILL. Dissolution of Copartnership. 'T'HE firm of Dslsjynski A Singer Is this daydig- m solved by uintaal consent. Mr. Philip Dclalynskt Is alone authorised to re ceive and receipt for the late firm. PHILIP DZIALYN8KI, JULIUS 8 l-AGER. i will be hereafter conducted at the old PHILIP DZIALYNSKI The busine stand by no-lm ZN~otiee. rfIHE firm of Warren A Plainer is this day dissolved 1 , b J mutesl consent. Mr. Z. c. Warren having withdrawn from the concern, Mr. E. P. Platter as sumes all ItaUlltlee, and will continue the business. m2 Z. C -WARREN. E. P. PLATNER. I have this day admitted Mr. C. H. Boeworth as a partner. The business will be hereafter carried on nnder the name and firm or Platter A Boeworth 103 E p PLATNER. Notice. f|7HE copartnership of Colby, Millen fi Co., at a rieu, Qa.. Is this day dissolved by mutual Da- COQ- CHARLES ft COLBY A CO., ^ Wallace h millen. DISSOLUTION. T HE flim ot ft/. -H. Wiltberger fi Co. to this day dissolved by mutual consent. W. H. WILTBERGER. J. O. BARTELS. The nnderrlgned will carry on the business of thu Pulaski House In his own name and for his own account. "O- 3 W. H. WILTBERGER. Photographic. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS! A New and Fresh Supply, O, many varieties; also. PH0T0GRAPHIC0N OR PANORAMIC ALBUM | A new, ornamental, and useful article for the parlor. For aale by COOPH. OLOOTT8 A PARBELLT. celebrated Whiskey. MACKY, BEATTIE A CO., 9*8 and 206 Bay street. Notice. N EITHER captain nor consignees will be respon sible for any debta con rat Led by the crew at th* Swedish bVfc CHRISTIAN LOVENE. mi-3 EDWIN K. HERTZ A CO. For Sale on Consignment. BUSHELS Prime White Corn ao bbl* Prime CUK Sy rup 13 bases Manufactured Tobacco I case Snook l ng Tobacco ERWIN A HfiBnyg 4.000 WHITE ST. LUCCA SALT. UxA Wl *“« 8t. Lucca, Just ro- IwU eetred per Swedish bark Christian Lovene. For «1* by BM EDWIN E. HERTZ A CO. J. N. WILSON, Photographer, & E. corner Broughton afid Whitaker Bln., SAVANNAH, GA. Old pfettreacopled with the greatest care. dl« ■ 64B«*OS CHOICE APPLES, COMPRISING BAldwltt, •pita, rfoo. For nde by the- tot or single banal, at greatly re duced pries*, toclaee consign men t. CUNNINGHAM, PURSE & Co., m2-2 Oppostte Martoers’ Church. BUTTER AND LARD. ipUBS chsice Guehcn and Natural Leaf Laid. tn-i For sale by MAMDBU. AOa