Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 26, 1866, Image 1

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SAVANNA! VOL- - I je Savannah NO. *>>■ Dailv Herald SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, MONDAY, MARCH 26. 1866. |TTELEGRAPH. [ V, lUCU-fATI. PORX16S IKWS. -Itf u-iw* brought by tilH . hi>1 a y^v T-Ti .'a tee :*te. ^ it? r'eii^ws: ^ --a M-hrvii 5, -jtau^l »jt tee 5>*ix^« „*i ICIBUCUH teltC tile !2<iW SufilCUJL EwTi, „•£ »1 l| , 'l He >•««» ipx*in aociM. woirnl only *pp»y sc EHjtinaii --lo L^naon TLue^, at *u. iKLvjrriL, ?crssi Pr-Muitio; Jo&nswi * v*cu ,*t 'ile rT’-eeiiuzea * Bu reau infl. A anw ocmpaajr aorf «eea. jc&ux .:tKi i.*c laying tee leumcc tabic. It _h .-aJxmI te<4 ic^c*.taii«?n«att r«ie- ^ rn ?Q- Company, tad m ica board teo ^id „*our;**ay ▼iH bn r*jprtjtf«acttiL ^ilta iixtptir'-M' ji .Liberia hart re ytied, sc cite iciiiAretW 5'tmjiraa Di»?t by i r^scrtpc winch **jerw ». •>.!-, aiany ;t site i£ tajfK^uxu. ioiz.aaili art* vzzii cite :ui.ssy .*i cite Aina Are. Eiie J .iLicenc- m te-i roaabiaa Princi^aLlti** was a: tiAfeauuj as Jnco as Pwia diacruia aa^cr* oj^te xteir &» iO-iex tee PumcipaLiik** tad '.ec yenedA re nufetl with IteJy IP" H'HW «*?xa t*< >£<* De-*«roy^t4. iisenayn icniatcracuro j P*_te i Onora TE-jub*? 4Hti Zz "i;rer -v’.te :«s .*cirani*3. Tile loss jj rascal.iat: as TTVu ir i-% c HUJ. *r i? 83 -^ ,- 'i< Spaatirtl* Re. . '. u.» Fern aaui CTkll i. ._iCUL v.til iastfg - j cite lira. -- "i^Tijiec m a —tceiic as- jdaimd. v-.rui Pen ind Jinli fcr ji- zlz i aec aid more m aiar iuin. isarne ~ei«?*jted a fpiun. vjciaa .Haxket. . — T-uO-jcun zioa i^s Arm. iilc* is :-mc3. ^AAU.Ui.'A paperA In -} 3et±n received x? Uat\*2. T Hhxi7 Arte srcwrimi wiite ah Account of tec kLv^srtea- nuii made :ilcc iie dte rccnrreaites by cim 3c-cu ^ -mmteaica. ” TiL'^ regnal sbocfcntf Icsa n mii- miAiiccy jii ?a -r ■£ ^ lanL^il icM_ere. Xi to a rro lecctrd^ jiitbreali. nc visne^u redid fumten Any e^i- tencc. Tile .'uauDittioa -vte injected, re reenm tx? Aiitctand -a At«--;■;> iti. ?r>iai£scs^T is W-vge-nufin AOciteited. nrv^rA years *inee, eie leasii penalty In. Her presenr: ie^nsiaenre a concertaid, de termined iifcr: ine teen, mode te resjccre And me pi . lined, leeiinite mmced by me -vnr -vere ccoaced on te --1N1LTS ;cs -iUCCCHij Silt 'Ole Ii_i TAt* .'CL 5ttSO2’ZlXJ de- I teased, m rile sscuue o rT a v o us if to i4. -H3 ^Ltnitoil \i ;:; .~rV04IK: ^^ \f w^vnifr 1 . 1 n»T 9 oeaa r^cat^tu -Jht iia It :c_i.r M jn*i- a.-x-i. ;a lac *3?^ r-;mni .'ape aura, -vaa ic X :caj- •’-.d'*; :a :;ie ista -'I 'aourni :<;r v ■»• v --^ - iii>-‘ a .lipci.-twi 5: ia7" r-aai*! ifccat -Jic aki= :i Jaoniary ria vuaiiei. aia jjtaic «ja. baa •<•»«•••• aaicati aia wijndnv in.; i 1 — v-, r ^ • ^■aiitfra. tad f-“a tiam i bacar idea ;f -.-.t- iiCil aim. in/'.:.^ ala/ lid ip^ii-ihIt h,-^ BY THE W ESTERY YUL. Daipanhta afthp luaciatni Praia L.sdS2 POiEES6ES SEWS Nit r.ox Xiria. Ii—Ei; to/h. m. ii- I Asmoiman, ^n t ;s. -ivd. voted inded zoom Lsnerpitet as j p. m. on rile —Itii, And ^'leeitesown. on ihr* *',-1 ' iLiO'iii. xrn-eid dore mis nu-xnin^. rim City :f Baltimore reached Liverpool ib.rnt L rile Seesimi'i Arri^«d as '^neea.i- L COAC*V>A.\*r*-6>. I Ccvmly 8o««4*r]r Ua««. XjBMOtfa ’id'iscao Yoa aw iUPte acocud. rite aou> 01 rile oaoc ro^odiunre, texeoal bdia 3c h« ih.| ledne occurry cites. And a> an exampte ro Adcw die netwartiry acr sued Acsica* Ys nw rviaas du en^ertecce or a or «nd of ninte. a (pakifcfe of Wees puuu, *- t .A w h,> vne a itecmiuteiled odicer in site esguteec cvr^e of rite -Ate Contederase Army. 5c*ne ame Ago ae nod ovvAoitoa so. >cni one of die oennmiti ox Vfjide -recr^uA, And wade rite re it Vr-mntrr neewtoary tier ini so Ascermm site «ixacc j( && ooun# dole. He bod inquired of several wimoas bem^ Abie so obemn rite desired i witen After te* pteteuce ted been precry wed sateaec <do4’ oanie a regular puiey woods* creor^ia erwrter. oggm^ .a site style peculmr sw ste race. He v-Ae mounted on a dele 'unte poxxey wiio .ccited as? if te ted noc sudL'red lately t^rai an over- :ved of .-era, wrrii mappings o-ooeiann^ of An old di- Liyidawd MoCieilaax i?*w inti snrmpe *n.< bridle of Mierwr sa- i my cr.end, tie Coicnel. “Hisser oaa 7'iti red me wter tire oomry line creeses tins rofci^' , ^cH, Cap x ' be replied. *eom-? year or so igc it .Tossed seme vnar About. Llxcr, ” poiaong to tile spec cue you see mey beid a r^nctu^n bere some anze cack. And as me y could nt led ih*r mAy wuiiout me people cnmdl suii ccuiii voce* tSs$jwsot r V :*;t^ I'uc’ic l ijUizt\ but vbar or no is tea been e^ssoc to da* rid peg* is more'n I cart say r* »aa Pw paxaiiaa* Wanted. WANTED. 1>T a wnf mam, % Mtaatwa » d*rfc Ik a mxi — J boom. BMC of Rfewn a t» capadtr, Bmnri *c. Addrvaa t*c* Box I'M ' wss-cf ' WANTED. A X xsp^deKial wbite Nona. .-apaMa af takic^ -~y OMY«af 1 rcto,- -AM. ApbS e**fy a* s’ V» AwnM. Bja.* fax UM F jeauwick. Sr. I->an. >' 3.. Wm.-ii IT. ISStf.—Go». dotita* m- weiar «a* a a^nssmii tj tiitf S« Briataack Ii^nh I3IT32, ™ yn jell -l«f jiiiU ch:t* LCh.:nyi rh. . -ri^tr'.-- j-.-rror-L^j^r.- 2^i ,.7^ 1 .r:s33v.‘u.r/ jasuraoces Ctac Iti w»cc» TWL'i penult ao iBMif pfrtotfs to ccoa» mt tare Pnjaut'.'ae, ;ec tiietr nta;it oa elaieti. —teretbea icuxt? por —ouojf the v......nH, he .-ailed jus to protect tie Province ^cut asalt Xrce/ V':it_d be cequ^Yii to support tbe n naaij -on.-e. Hie Honae of iaaeeuubiy paeseti. ‘lAiatijsijXtely rescrlutLon m repj.y to me messii^e. placing ^ha» wbole — T -n ie :f me Pr*jv-dce az tile disposal cf is reveru- menc *:c purposes of defense. Ail rrifliatry semens, WArenouaes, Ac., im St Joan. Aiuiterted bj retina troops And Y'jdmtecirs- NEW PERFUME For th.e Handkerchief. nrTay' i mar , i it anve iparoiiea received in : lore cniii ar. lli£ *, j. iespacdb imed ii Z2C siiawmix a since :• ciiiiAy — •'~. 5.3.13 3 OF THE STEAJOIA HOOKER. Eir : nccML on me ita. viwn. ac m.dniun: :n me irb. Tbe rdeurica Jonrpany iinanomi:u»y xd- jpeed resokO.nons inpr*ivrmr -irranjfsnienna enmrMd ntc v.m me Angio Anerx-ia Taxegrapa Company -or oiymiz me cable tins y a :ir UTwardis f eigbr 2 in- ired miles of cable was manatee-cured mss week ina nee veek. Jfne _s Inoti roc me drear Eascem to -ea-y-s iiieamesB. ITa hm: n etied -onridence woe iT- treriae-i. ac me meeane: nie Daily Newi bitterly ienoiinces Bancroft s :ra tion. In me House :f Commons me Parliamentary ram. -id vae riad a seo?ud time after Dnsrami ia*i n.Ciie if An Amendment wbicb will die' ;atb rsc-ognme me su^r^m.ury ;f me ^iietsn and. ULkmo wi- edue adfgiance to ber snec^seorsw _ Dbe referm mcstiim 3 aca^iv iiscassed uh-qj it-Fartirr PirttcikUr* -cic papcri. taucrutc^en# on. tt» dta mi DteAAiex. ■ IS nrccnsLy awaited. _ { Tbe Pad Hail ‘iazeca? assures :rs renders mar it _a ' certum time me Snsseil HUniecry masc soon 'ii.ssiH^e, :nr*i : iron die deads tf ma r*- • vnetlier iefei«Hd npoti me Reform unescon or not. n d-mesuon nnrucr ty wmen Lbe frisft oiioee osatmne to :orry out mem extra»ir- _ . ir7 , iinarirjowwa wmn greac vigor norresa are Hunter- , - ---- _ * - ;us. >me men-vein arresceii in Cork .1st dter inn.> v ^ tumtiii ind smilt o." is mg from Aonertcx Dwo aown^ ;f u ne mmment of Hr Davtd 4*ie«nsu:wn were acresred Vatious rimers ore oar- oanc icouc ttepoens—me mat be r erv oecectiy ^sraced ■ * n: Jrinioa. oun me ponce bene re 'i-:n to oe idj. m v.m my vde and two sisters, cn 1 Dublin, and rentinne ro asep np me searrb. Tbe ronference osianrs to tiie priinugaiimes wxs to be o.eid It us sansd enu: tiie A iscraiii Hiniscer a J .r'ium i_5urs was aaraermed to maxe a iresa. treaty worn me Hot can an^emment tor tbe !cmpletn:n n* me Austrian ^onioaceer ,-orps i:r Xaa:u. Die Suniiay itcette irrea 1 report thee Amitma Sidioitad me good ufices of Dru£acd to etf^rt m mi.cable settlement ;f me zuestion of me Dutcmes le tween Aiatma md Pries in. and Lord liarendea ?•*- fuae<L Tbe 'imn.ftta any a tbe reiaaons berween “.enma anti me Porte ire strained ^ery tiglitLy. but. y^t a long FHALON’S 0 _ .iii* VO.-CH iimeu rrom mis city .: ":m it imm- : deem oound :cr j._ :. tJ oirnu paaeeti mrcugu me , : os o me Tew rime mm ms cabin. 0.0 .... n.sed were at arexctHst. and . ..: : .-i vis :n Ire. ~ i mmcdnnii7 iOte ; cm 10a fcind a .iense sciuiie .s- . r n oois ire r:<;cc- Die ionniy eu ro om? w’ltar' mrc n? nrbf. I 1 oeitesura my itui-t-s* and n» o.-rm-i by ne caocam tbittme-dre orico*'. Di* bout was still bead- -1 .. • v_i- .i.'V_v Snn.7 mom "be HOUSE OR PART OF HOUSE WXWTBD. \lTkSTED TV} BIST. poxieastMi ao* at l*t April. ’' a House of atedhuft iis«. or * pertiot of * E -'ojk. fimusiMd dc isijra.iBficd. Kerereocw given vut rKjuiniii. AdJrese B-oj# Kes:. ’ Box iH, Pta£ Office. m lAS PRICE, 5 CENTS. Miscellaneous, House Wanted. U'kSTBDTO HINT, i Hogse in tile citv. saitabie " S>r % Large Ikniiv. Afptvsl tfti. otHce. BlJ-tl NOTICE. TO ALL WANTING FURNITURE I am opting fcr iv nepcctlon of ibe pahUc. a In* sock of CABINET FCRUITCRE, CHUBS, MAT TRESSES, Ac. Ac., To wiki Ike atuatke of *U to tantad. , *W~ Ymrerooam. IIS BBOCGHTDX STHKKr. <m»r. fcx:^ « oui Dry Goods Sturv. iv*-'* ' U R HaJUUNTOS Situation Wanted. WANTED, B OASDl bv Kuea i7:E for a genslemaa uJ ki* •iAf—in a private ««iiv. eh ere tkere ere no ocaer Soir<ief» preferred. Aid—!» C. !L ?. loti Box. 132. mi For Sale. FOR SALE, A TRACT of land, tkree hundred and tifi-tr a of irst quality jiae land, tying ta Lib acres _ _ . id. .trtng ta Lbenr county, near :re VabiwamUe BcaSton of tiie Atlao- ac * Gulf Road. The ad Saart eu be boach: for roar ioilars per acre. There is litv acres cleared and under a good new fcnee: some houses on the pftiee. ?0r urtoncawaoc. applr to eke undersigned, wte live* on the pi ace, within three mSes of siaticn So. k Wa.Siocrone. W- H. BACOX. _a ncr. ccajn v;i- :.i-i3tiul :ra v-ir-i m me ipeer ! _. Z-.'V’i me icum. I cegg>id I _c leaor'i, ana aer imirse w iu m. -me -ccurr ^d T'lia me , ter. -gaged ber murse wnen me -a: me mler r:pea ted :»f«a : i;az ina* leccme in cii•* it,:nmer a icmjietaiy m^mccec ] •tee: r *rry mrm * -ie^cence ccedicr Die irst secning if me :un:'«mnce m r»<rir-i zc me * Prmciyalibies -va*i teld In Parm :n Sue I'ltd. a_ P'lweri vm: signed dw treaty w«rn r-pr*i»enteil I-* ^4 reported teat me nteur-i^nte m Spain te*re oil muie * tc me PirklHa gc^mment. JTJIiJ tr.aTTUmn. Nrv T itin. Sir’ll Hi.—Die Feumc. tCentrax Ccci- m-tzee teid i meeting jearemidy at me o'Haiicn.iw beadquartsa. An away just Am^eii frem. Ir^uind » waa ireaent. ami me ledterancne are *aid m i e refersnee *. i movement igamet me Bnneii ment. 5rv Tmx. Horcb. bi.—Tbe Herxd’-i Dircnm a^e- • rx -iiuiee r.iiat me rmtura jua 4C>-nrg :..i.v, £ -ir-.’ign me mu. aincge mg re men vDI seen be aided cut 17 me guvemmenc. •.it- :cat m«i w ndwor i if Hie 3r *. eg H-mzesw. jeecertey a pet-*:emec. ireif m u:me per- -uterj md ••time imer nersena luwn nine, mm king mey were Fenian;*. r T ;.-ngM mere a* .; :car. md legged mem to teui act 1 icwnngnt panic bere. me leedng ia me Fa in,: ini teigd se praoiretL During nnaa. Linger e- zuit ever, ^.me UAtraiicc. m i-xi-d ut if me -vindtiwu if me „ Iccked iir inm acrcsa me line befire Lmg. ire' m. Lt Rj’'er3i.y Cue if me aaite :arr.e rmeeu ience rimter.i^ and irding ir** inmrer- a*c: _ r- i£me Decs S. Smley. inninif me npted -cznz entnnnuugn ia ammfeatevi by me ^ —•.....- ....^. .cmneti mxn me *ea md vm picked fereex • F - ; Pus imer ccat vae it 1:1-a mme acme D wx* «tate*.i bere y«5?t2rday m tbe be^t xutiiomry -.. .. ne iieamer w.m iiur men mm Die mat me r :ar;utaia Gov^gnmenn haa receiTed edem jf mn r . . - c mem tc return ind take m 1S0.100 men. fer jermce m tie laid. •Jrriers te*^“ be»ai i lute, t ; .•;■» mey 2nai_y r. i I puaeed my C gr^en m acme ccmpamea m euuntry datruta n> . _ ak.ea f*ne S. Rialey, m,i seme idler ; ta me innt m—fxy. iLs _ . —e i- ••>'. in i 5 :t m my^eii tnen. Dbe acratiaai ▼oinnteers muved otf. zamg aa far id ir. : , ;a a nnmier if pers^ma iridir^ m tiie 1 Ctetnam. It n* rep»Brted m irSmai nrciea mar me te;* cf me steamer, md sum-* ii tur.r j ;n Pi^ imment te.-rrec«^°din&:rmaiicn.mastiLe Feamne ia ten. been mnwn i^ertimgd. msve ."^ci^eii in make a.i attenipt:.: enier by Eouae j i~ me jream. tr Pilct nicy incut iu miles im- * r finu mu ainge tee *un >fvH2 meir oaee -;f *joer»- n . . __ng Air ns, md we pulled nit m ier. 1 dctieu ilzh. ri- me icner acat md aaw dmt sue mid ided _ „ ,. , __ r -'. j/ md me paasengurs^ ir 1 part .f teem. ^ometina^ Rxdiexiljr W mn^. .:_m^ tc ber. 3fy miter md it.;a Suaii Her® tbon* *tec»iewidn^g3r3 mi=a te^e witn_n -two . r-2 v-:-a irrwned, md acme timer pan- weexa paused a v er me rmiiomi trim Pumain and a.i- .ml bid net knew, wore -ainning. Tbe ^acent mnaiamfiir tee 'Fcait. Ttey have been md:ic- n* ip md H'.g ia in hcari. itxcii sd m maye teeir empiuyers :n tee pr-;m_ae ufaigber '- • .ipram Payne, if me Pilct Bey ir ten wa^jes, lumcagn icninunii ted been rinded by me **j • . .a tee Ircwum-: pasnengers. ‘ Freedmen’s Bureau Tbe nr at idle 3.; teed imi -' -1 l.-mdacn. if tee Pen. SEcoker. did xil. teat -guy auivi me mue mien v.m. :nly 1 itenge af isengsc*. lictnimr. Tbetr pamnuter 'leetmaturn ta mknewn. ..TU.ZT ;f Pecrgewiwn. They jnay_:r may act see me V-ac. Tbe ptauter'* . t y. t ‘ mna leprr^'id :f teeir empuiyeea. wHTbe Haacputnteii m meir rxpft "We numet '.ene^e mas mia . . .men. vie :-Imum-mu tee iteamer, mveignng it nanda Irim piantar.ons :a ay tee mum- • my 11 te-- iot m a^itecTEec m -be :ernes 7 u.:a :f me 2-iream Ibier* ancaia be in. unmediate -.c. -CIS xreci. nas*i tuai iv-affijaeffi jioj ffis aaiar :y Sa« r.i-.per lathoncy Tbe wring is t*.^» starmns a one 5c tbe piaster after A. 3Cosu Exqtuliite. Deiica-e. aad Fr&> Tr»Ht PsrfjaK, Distills4 from fhe Bare Eid iloTB’er fraaa which, it qsAss iiA BMf MAauikituribi only by PH1LO.X A MS, biHW YORx. BEVABE OF G0SRTERFQT8. fLAX. ?ij® PHaAON^-CTAZS SO OTHSR. voi4 ay Iia.TutB OKiakly. i. )rtQd"7 E* ». SJUTH & (!).»_ luifortid Wuoiosaie Eeaiars'x. CROCKERY, CHI2STJA A-TD GLAS S WARE, 109 Broughton Street. SenT Bu3 Street, Savannah, Georgia. ?S« iuvoicea of HITi. GRASTT2. C03O4O5 tad S..1SSW AftS, .a itcre kud oo sr-je. Per ia.e by crral DT <5,;orh§ re-iaci*! ir nraa^ry infe. SMnfif For Sale. S TRAMER 3AS. CSRIST'bPHER H ih. BOW Uea, rear Pwt R om Lattding. on Savaoiuii rivsi. For further iBfonn-ino* applv to IfesBre. GKO. T. JACSSOS k CO.. Augmca. Gi.. ores , J Y srscaixr. Ml W At Tferufc Mlarf- For Sale. STSAJCES FASSTE LESS. STIAJfSR MTYYIK BRASDT- sTRAMSR HAHBX CARROiL. Far jsrticalare. tuquire of UROCBI * WEST, or uta j. p. EKASirr. FIRE, lUQffi. LIFE ASP ACCIDENT INSURANCE ui~: m ; . "m': ;p REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "■ j l cJLIZ Lire, id by 155 on Haary ttr^ef. be- I ‘ Barnard md Hbtitgumery *tr»eT2 7 0?ie- yiTTrp^ Tiwy. Appiy :o t^ftWITT <k K0PUtekN T mdl «ot-i teT Corner >*ai ■•—• 1 .. me : ju mnjcrs, onena am;r, m my : me raise :i tee Ira. Die Ciit. jays ^•tix in . _ii^RverM«i tee ±te. I cruerad in» acee : :ream pump so be axme-i 1 ml m iercr“ m :um ind run ne tw . p;muii v tee; bra ltnivL pump m mu. :r*Jere:i tee dr tee nearast •v/irk u vd ia m: me puct icuje myielf. md .. lermst ac me pom. a Ami gcii n- •:ar. is 1 ear jii Z zstui vw :. r*l mil ibty yorte :t tee-jnera. a: teat tee wbael-teime ml imu beenme jo beaieti oa 1: mil itrn lie -amine wmr, ifb m.i m-v tr- : ;i—-me a me.uu._de- • 1 v .Coen :car. tea paeaengera .cat aiwered ind c^irirr‘v mt* ;uier boat wia -ip. inti x-ie me :uu mind terry mm.r x. me **ia. until tee irrmi- -• ? wmii man* Hide and me. .' **• * v g m me aiicrs, juppoaing 1 angbn ^ ' "*-■» be : nr and »>ni c _ , ! *y - —- T -u . me ^mirdi of tee burtung r- ^ T _* : * • * i: ^D yards if tee liters ^ v , me Jiiore, and 1 wateed tv/'-" - i., out dad in boar 10 *te ie-;! ‘“‘ l * ’ r “- dxr 7.rdAltr«d tw - men ia 4...^.. l4A -‘•meM v«uijiuti lenore. Tbe 'pea. “ *i ii f n:» my, ilia wie nir- *?3;- ' __ • * me-preaerv-ijra, :f wbnte ar i«^» ^ “ * • -*d muse w'»re ill woen tee pae- ;'3f-_-,o*D" ’ " -,u - i - r m«tai,. mare «eite two -fe *ie *_/**- r * 4 -- .m iOd x *Tery fcirm. ind T c. ^ ^ . :iu - ien veea^decka anfiiui tee fiir- 1= 1. **■ vrsoi- teft-sii'^i'.iear-aseti mem; Tin ■ ' be ^a^meer wag aav*d." 1- ^ .'T' me oaaAitngani jaaed :y me idler, paeaen^ers. Peorgerowri. : -isv- ii uiier 2-iain it' V'-air^e- -•* Dajidecn md midi, •m n eaer P .r. l- ifin. Hat.* '■nae. Filer.-jf tee xnr v . .fie i;imaa v» md not .earn Vl -mr nut ane i»*nk land. navmg pixiieii iue 3cp ter a eertain number if nantirf 10 no paaaeii ;ver m em*cei». Sari x seen earlier m tee jeaaon ind noa-prninner? sanea ia wed ie prnduc- ■irn. not tee jeaat al>*eu?Jiai. wcuhi nave been'ma*ie but, nmier eteatmg ^ireoniatances, t jj 1 great wring wnnte :ugn-: 10 be pronsptLy mwesifigru:^:. W-i mg-* tee teiiowing in. tea? fiinjeot dim tee Hi- icn Telegraph, if ‘Saturday teat, after tee teragemg wx penneii: -i. 1-3I2Wa-#*iz.—a ir.end wbo dan ,:iHtrRtumei :nm atnp terongn tlari. EaiD wmion -md tee maab x mir enunaejt- «ysi me negr iw*. ifier nawteg xotrafUei: ter 'He year, ire breaking ip md romg itf m Larif 0 n mmerx widi persons wluv teem more to go i . tee ^ -tat. Die virk on many 0iaa.laCane ban been. auHnectieti tin* tanae and tWpiannsra na tv. 10 rmief team. te»t Fr^edmen ■? B ireau. 5 iw. =»ui’Ji hinduct ih bins ? 11 mild be riiipped. md if tee B'lrtttii rafnaee m it; .ta duty m*l ,ufbr 1 pracgccon. 10 tee wnmaa is well ia bftirtf. tee termer wiTTbe-cnm ped**d so sake ~m.1rm.r4 mxo teeir in njm.irt These tuivviasarera from inroad—*>id 1U-7 knows wberr i.m Wita wnat Jimeter purpose—uiuimi o*>t be allowed t»: go upon ind jefince tee teeefimen mm 73c- . |/ .anon of teeir xiiegm a* mcrier* wnte our peonitx .La. j imiaaionai Application of Tynca law in tee«e pesta of j ^outeern mciecy would aoc be unma.—1 Bcorirder FOR SALE. ’F.-ic; r»o l^^nainsr tets the -orner of J.;oe« A ir.i Lmi’..(a icrwjt w-lra. Lie ftc.’n; a emir* if couscrecCKf!- >r»e«rty of Hut Life RrfgadierQta. CLmi'.Tug C. Stasia. Ajoiv u R.J5. £j>ata-, Actoraej'^t.Law, corner *f 2.17 erne Si.tuj'C tcrceiE. IRBtlH, iitm-r FOE SALE, T aOSE rery iiliiii-'.iit Lr.ia »tffi.v.c4 inf the cumer cf -w»!»r Brciti! ldrf Zuhfy fllrcetn iie»«ria.ati; ay the ;e r wn 1.,. E auiI G. R.cMle Ogieffiam' SFkrt.— L. r him a trirfM of mryHev.* fee* lire m iacues. i4it 1 toe uanilrml .tail ei^aty iiet iaileptn. .-nsU:07 in irea :r?wo huaiireit *nif tiro md » vut feet ay me handroil lart tiffhry. rtas wqaU affotri ih'imlanc coem 2ar the traccr.a tf i Hotel of txzjm- w* ii'-.prr-fr.ns-. or Jcr eny ltl»; cf mantifietory. -- For in; .f Thicn pu.-joaes these las ire ilisptiii »tt- iavu. -.emir near v, the Rhliroad Depot ia,i -.e.oue tf the jrtn<t:p*l .«reeaof oiedBf. Tkeaitov» Loot "nay he cri:Lte>! for At prtvi.-e tale je$amre!y or cjueBher »a«t ' lilt <fiHp«eit t fremtutf. wm be itTerM irpnaito tfceia frees of the Co^BHone on tax j'lC'fPff-L.s.Y ■?! Ajrli cer» by'? J. Skslsw. At tvtr.i'.h. t.air AO»l pj:>cr xlll Also ce oiTeretl Lot if 1. .1 . Fr-iai.m With, on Brompiton street, ind the IsuUul of Gcea.t Smiv oocbmunif s*h thoueasd ions. S. T. fHflBfiff Eieontor. fm-enii of estme of Dr. C. P. Rlcairdaon. RISKS TAKEN i5 TH2 FOIXOWrSG FLHSTDTDAas* COMFA^ M3S-. CAPRAl. CoS—ksBg lasarzsce Ompanv. af Sew Tori I *soa,wo Fiiton Fre Insurance Csapcnv of New York mjM Erie il or Fire Insirence Company of Sew Torit ittO. 'M kjala^fclit Fire laaurmnce Company of New Suet.. 3DC,m ftSmmm F'.n .'anrszsce Cbm pat 7 of Hkrt- iord s>».m WMBgW Ftre Inssnsee 0»V»»T «f Baltimore Mt/sW Gulf Stiz* Fire Iaauranoe Company of Iai- Ahaaeee 330, :*} THE BEST UiVESTMEST EX GEORGIA. V ALUABLE COTTON, CORN AND RICE PLANTATION FOR SALE. and. traly valuable Plantation, sttastfet ki UbsttycooB^Ok, forty uiae* (Voa tbe city of savAttaka. gvemeea ft-jas-Suuou : Sbi s. and us miies Crum Sa k oa the Atlantic A Gulf Railwar mown as the - Walthour Purntead," t* now 0®?"^ ed for *aie ac a RRDTCKD PRICE, as the owner <3 encased in merca*tae life, la coo tains 1 500 acre*, about cOo of whiek m opeu. aa* « composed of '«m<T uosurpaised for proiiuctivenese, and 13 a portion of that jnstly celebrated body of land knows as the "Desert Tract." which produces the finest descrip tion of joihfi cotton—c^uai to. that raked on the tea tslactki—corn, sugar cane, potatoes, and aB so&thera prod no a usnalij growr in iu climate, produced abundantiT. Its contains about 100 Acres of Choice Rice Land. The -hi prove sente are those osaaliy found oa flrsr-clAss piaatACiocs. Accommodasioia for Ifly operatives- Good tv c^atocj ilurijiif. “v bies. Ac., barns, rice house, cribs, Ac, Jtc- There is 1 steam euctne on the place that does not belong to it. bat can be bought from la owner. For fhrther parncnLire. ipplT to r. C. WAPs A CO.. Sa vinnak. Ga., or to J. IX DELAXSOT. atf-lia tiuitcaa. Georgia. dsuthern Palace DRYGOODS HOUSE. ORFF * WATKINS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN DRY GOODS ITS BH.A.JJOBJOS, tm H3 Congress St., Savannah. Hotels. Partnerships. Home -Again. MULES 'T'HORaS F. STETRNS has jest arrived with a fine X lot of StuLlS, wrath h j a now ofibrnj* at fkir Priees, u DaN BCTLER^ sable*. WksUer street, ia trout of the Ar-wcii. Lct those wahrin<'gocd sock call sooa ffiTfrna. -THOR F. STEVES. In case of ny absence from the city, Mr. John H. Dews will attend to my bs*iuess. 1.114 Snpsr^uspfeate tf Lins. A SUPERIOR FERTILIZER, wrfi adapted to th* production of cott n, corn, grase, potatoes, Ac- higtiy recommended by the beat agricultural an- tiionuea as a certain ao>j speedy fertilizer. RCB. WHirsET i'CO. Sole Agents, mU-3w No. a Rams Raag% Bay street. PIERCE SKEHAIf, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries. Boou and shoes Ckxhing, For eign and Domestic Wmaa, Li-isore and Segara. Also, Skehan's Celebrated GOLDEN ALE A3» CHAMPAGNE CIDER. tnTloftre and in wood. Locdou tad DubBn Brewn Stout, Scotch and Eng lieh Ales, Ac. Liberal deductious made to he hair. IT* BROUGHTON STREET, SA VANS AH, dll-tf ud Si Liberty street, S. T. BLAIR & BICKFORD, LUMBER MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN TDIBER AND LUM BER of Every descrip tion. Dooms, SASM, .MU BLIIDI Mill asd lasta Yard oc Canal 1 OOcelSC Bay Mnet, ’ Bryan street Savannah Qa. J. W. STEEIrE, OateSMa « Barheakd 12 Merdants' Raw, Milton Heed,So. Ce. Ami tamer Bate and Georrjt Ctuzrtfaum, C ALLS the attention cf ft ~fi-imii’. and Warah Pm- esasez* to hie aopenor atbek of Military and Haval Clothing, AMD FFHHISHDfO GOODS, Watches, Clocks. Finer Goods. Jewelry And Plated 3*are, Swords* Urtf, DeLa, Embroideries, Boots, Caps, Field G i>WI ? UsmiffUfl, Glove*, 4c., Ac. wSO-D. FOWLS. VI. T. Trusters* of gn rgrvrid £i-Gov. Gra h * i sad the R«c»nitrvc- Exe mcrsgpomtrtao* :*?cw'±eu awn. Fm. jl. Qsshaax j* C *■ Senaccr elect teem. JF C., onri Mr F^aaenden r.t tee iUconacncsicn D.imm-teee; hneriy aancieri 10 by teiesnpa tee ccner liny, ia given mere fiiiy am flincwi “tjev urmoai puhuariea i jusemenu, team wnicii g ipoeara teiiL, in J uiuary, ae niilrieeefi t aetsec to -aeniioir Fdaeenrien. mac jz ~v niiif be bur, , iaacf* ic pernuE die ielegacuin eiecteri team j 143 W«t atL- Bulkhead beCWeen J. SHAFFER, OommiMlon Pokier Tn ail kinds of FORJIGTI A.TQr* MESTIC FBOTS aim P3O0CCS, 31 tar S' aaarvoaov lLazrt Zag'...ii«r if :nu ui.-.jaiar -,f cho it,,,. y^KSsX AXT7 vt,; vw ''tin jaiiLsi ijga'L^ :t -^dnreii jerxina ic * r * -« v.n. -y i«;iiy lav i(T *- jenugorarvix, ** ‘-ii-ar I** V.ILU1CS. „ 4-.RL ^Fwiisd aaanrs • Man owort -• -var.:a J.j. _ ..i..ii{i! .n i ity Ihera ira *e*ia, ’eaity v. move *c i 1 ^.ra imUii §o#in iiade -nutn jar. ean reisaaed by acase cone >rotenx as dx? r>?<ujpciGn of Ail evidence v.'icmng tee itace :r my it members befiire tee C anmitsee -n ieennaEruetaAn. with, tee privilege of iroas-exanigiioji w-.rnesHe*? mil if conn- ^iT-e^olence Jf me7 JiiaD. ieern. s, proper. ”To teia .esxer i€r Jeaaemien repnexi lefeiuiwa “It g* oox onet- jngry te attew x m*.He-e^Anunacion of winieaeea heter* a Dimm;ciea ippomteii a: report an i jubiect aoc -nv living .miivutexate- '*Die Commu-ee j Aupponeii &> be iejuraua of xa- oertaima^ tee ante, in«i specie of mek-nif ill asamlnitoon aiiceaanry “The Ceramretee» wiUnur, bnw^w»r, co es irninn my w.tneaaea who may be proriueari iurua^ a knowledge af tee mbject n.aiier ia Any reaaanaoie ex tent '^Tbe rrrxteaziatB of sraafiemen teumimr ai be «en- icr.ra bsvs not seen, zeferrai to tela Committee, and teer a te an pronanilicy teat teey will be. '*■ \r- '>a.:iuB iubeeq:iens^> Replied w fcilrmr? •M7 40ie ourpoae u in auf tee Cnmmftree, jn ter aa teiaktase Mnotk Ouroiinfe u* concemeri. in tee aacer laming if ante, and to $oocd a^ainef. *x pir** vati- | term unknown ir tereapcnaihCe aourcee. j -IC teenuhrs. tee Cmmittee will it any rime *ir- f ■^ibU TrHBi»a of priWlH on which- WltiRMR’A ie- t aired, or of pcexodicxai tesomnny which, it ia narea- r j*r7 tn meet, my enilesc^ies azut afK will gladly I avail mneivea i rest pernueftim to olfer mch. rate” mo . jnolk ae may be in. our powerL'’' sad 7?wyite, 5 3 W T O B K. Potatoes Apples Md OnuinacaBsteaJJf m ted. aad pur. 10 for tee Southern wrlrt .t.: ’xufinmetiw promptly tSScakrji tssu fF" Refer* to A. L. Baifty, A. ExfWWri, T J. T^ xetiv iuul J- fi Faneait. *{ WALLACE DRYSDALE, Choice Family Groceries 8TBEET, STATE Resorter Rats. | i? y etessf every(tertpttew BS3-3 TJ21 —Tbe* CnEecrur ir LnulsvillR. My, ban Teiaeri iev»ral barrr»ia -.f whiakey. feMw»asitf*s of countertiexs brands ' —the first miming*! vUkMou ia ffi* rsmOiw^Bi <-ity if r.niHvAl^ Pa., .a ffia <ui majaa*, teok pin* an As hue. j. w. wfisew, ■»- Photographer, 9. 2. or.rner Sronghtaa and Fttata* Boa- SAVAJJOTAH, GX CM piesaie* -lapied with th* gmttst «■*. Marine and Fire. Fit^rrtbsrg J z.iTp and fasnianc* Campaay <5ai»^j#.i t l»lfl,3C0 gut Ianreare Company of Ala bama, irtocco-*- Gecrzia H^tno Inauraace Company, Cotum bus 340,360 FOWLE & CO., FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA-, Commission Merchants. Luportrrs of R&nromd Iron and Dealera in Railroad Sapp lie*. Office, 70 Broadway, NEW YORK. oetfiS taa LAROCHE if. JOHNSON, TlmbcrA Lumber Dealers 300 BAY STREET, 8AVAN2TAH, GA. dtti Sow Siglas>f Mfitsal tl& femrssrr* Oftn- pmiycfBoMoa - -SMQMM itnlriorbo.kac Life Lura.-aarv* Ct.m. 5*ay of S«w York L*»,«0 Policies. Cb Great of K*w Erk- la Ck—jafcat Matasf. fif Sew York. AARON WILBUR, Agent- **tA«f a* a Bay Street. THOS. or. BROOKS XAVOFACTTBEB OF FMRMITUftC AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, Wl-tf Peruvian Guano. w*a MiritgrclMd. C*AMK M OUTHLL TBI EYE, EAF. AMD THROAT. Boueaio the Head, Catarrh, Insoaaea of the Throat tuaXangi All fiiseaae* of the ETT, reqairinsf e:their Medical or Savgleal all atteadei. to. Ofiea Sa. 41, in Dr. Thoa. BnoUerre old o(E,:e as Lezingtoa atreet, Baltimore, Md. Office haure frotc » to 12 A. M.. and 3*o 4 F. M. . iStf LADIES’ GAITERS. JC3T arrived from PUililol^tia, ladies" Calf and Goat Coogrtsa heel GATTEBA. Ladua' Eaglieh lasting GAITERS aad BESKINA Ladies 7 Ekl tee! SLIPPELA MMtea' Kid keel VUtVEBA. Children‘a SHOB and SUFPEBS. For aaie at the WHITAKER STREET SHOE STORE. mU-tf. northeast corner afHrooc&toa lase. Tbe Vernon House WHITE BLUFF, Notice* j SiSANwa*. March 9th, ISM. 1 'T'HE firm of A. ifcAlpin * Brothers ia thia dar dis- — i . h - T rautnal consent. All panics indebted BT — j to aaid firm, and credi ora of the same, win make E. M . OO !>’ VERSE, s acdjresentihelr c laims to Meaua. Harden ia now OPENED TO VISITORS. aJ^au?« M * M J**?' j ~ l0 ‘ m 1 * ^ TT - »ho are anthoriaed to wind np the afikira ; of the concern. AJfGTTS McALPtS. J W. MoALPIN. D. M. MoALPIN. Notice. AIKFDSTA HOTEL. I iiSw-i :’&ZSXSSa,«8&5sx«5u“»r TTYS respectfully invite our old friends and she VV traveling public to give us a calL Our house tl located in the heart of trade, and convenient to the , ■ [iscml JONES A RICE. I CHARUS L. COLBY A CO., i\ ALLACE H. MILLEN. Port Royal House, fJILTON HEAD, S. C. RID DM LL 41 SU0O, PsopiixtOii Notice. iSjaii'aift! CO. in the D.y Gooua business, at theoH etand of jl ' tf HENRY LATHROP ± CO. JaSdf m- r. xrca. Conmnssion Merchants. TH0A&S H. AUSTIN, ' Sfiieral emission ani Forwarding MERCSASTT, S* Bay Street. Savaaaah, Ga. Miscellaneous. Notice to Wharf Owners. 0^, ofWJl ‘* P ">^ are hereby notified y. * b * 1 th *>' <* a obtain sand far filling, at the toot of Abe ream street, by hauling Use same. JOHN B. HOGG, mU Qty Surveyor. otice. PONSIGNKKS bv the burnt steamer R. H Mav can Wharfto PT oldest by applicationen FloridS J. M. KINCHLRY. Wat If Tkboo New York: Spping, mfib-tf A. Dcnuaom Of Savannah, Ga. ^ t Notice. A Oo-. Ssrmimah; Ncmrse Sl Brooks, \ hAwin^ demands against the estate of U£. Haaserri 4 Co^ Colmnbae. i /*• Edward G. Wilson, deceased, of Ctetham county are respectful]/ reqaeated to hand them in properly aa- “d all pereous indebted to ^d§*SS are requested to make immediate payment to nli Job M. tv. Bill. of Jederson Co- Fla- A. DOTfNHOFER & CO., Shipping, Forwarding COMfflSSION^llERCflMTS, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. mnt natation guxn to the purc/uise, so* and Afrwaeaf qf ooaoni hjmdtr ana omtntry pro- dMfeartl^. ComsignmentasoiicftfS, vcTtMk liberal advances xcOl be made. ANAIS WH80N. Adminatratrix. Notice. Brigham, Baldwin * Co- Savannah : Hiram Rob erta, fisvianah : J.a Zeau A Co., Macon, Ga.; Dr. SC C. Ahgier, let- Her. CoL, Augusta; James SC Ball Em., Atlanta, Ga.; Willi* Chisholm, Atlanto, Ga.; C. L BsM**a«. Jackanville. Fla. t F. Dibble. J*ek- soovkie, Fla ; CoL W. L. Bailey, Jefereon county. fla.; B H. B,M*laA. Ca. New York; Bearden A Co., Sew York. Warren MBdtofl. Esq., Louisville. Ke* tarty. -. jn ALf 1ZD R. Bcntiu.) . l Jaa. C. Van Pmi, I XeW York Caas. H. Bcrsm, Raleigh, N. C. r lE drayman who left four (4/ bbla. PoUtoea. mazkai (K.) Blactshear, an to* platform of toe Auanto; A Gulf Railroad Depot, will pimaa call and remove the same. C. H. WILLIAMS, Agent ST. CHARLES SALOON, B I Au s KfS,^ L Si,'s^ ^"isr S’S^ATPu'jl lH ^ a< ? n S » eboice artiSI rfSELT- lrJL^ AT ?5: ‘“ported from Heraagthiun, Naeean, and the beer of Rhine Wines LCNCH every day at 11 o'clock. ' m!2-ly Bennett, Van Felt & Go., [COMMISSION MERCHANTS fniauuor CflTTM Utkin, IAVAI STItES, ETC., aiao, FOR THE PUBCTHAfiK AND SALE OF STATE AND OTHER STOCKS, 33 WMteliall 9t_ New York. W* have aaKxisted with ua Mr. D. W. Crrria, late North Carol ma. GEO. H. ARLEDGE, SHIP CHANDLER. GROCER. asm Cswlariia Md Farwardlig Xvrehaat, « BAY STREET- SAVANNAH. «My J °»- A. ROBERTS, fLate of Columbus. Ga.,} SHIPPING, FORWARDING A2TD General Commission Merchant. Office with lie-era Yonge A Nixon, Bay at ’ SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. • ^ Liberal advances made on cotton, wool Inm j ber aad otoer Somhem products. m9-im* I GEO. W. BERRY 4 CO, Mannfac urers and Dealers In WALNUT, CHESTNUT AND PAINTED CHAMBES FUBMITUBE, Refrigeratort, Bureaus, Wardrobes,da, ******. Bayaurket Sqnre, BOSTON. 14c 2 Holmes 26 eod-3m CDESIT GROVE fDISKEV. 100 CA ^ Sof ttu celebrated Whiskey. For sale A. S. Hartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING KS&CHAVT, 92 BAY STREET, oeOAtf MACKY. BEATTIE A Co., Se3 and 205 Bay street. SAVANNAH, GA m SerantoB, Smith & Co. EKP-eGNSTARTLY ON HAND CHOICE OLD Mtimrv, IV, OIM, •> WINES, die. ass 3EVE8Y VARIETY OP GROCERIES, run. Hay. Con, Onto and Bras, strictly at wholesale to (be trade; and w« flatter ourselves that we can make ft to the Interest oLdcalen to patronise ns, at the bend of ■*y. *y»rtdwlcreran si mIO-tf Marett Brandy. 1Q OCTAVES 1858, direct from bond, for sale bv , MACKY. BEATTIK^ft CO., 203 and 206 Bay street. Sundries. 100 BARBEL' POTATOES 50 BAUiiLu ONIONS, 50 TIERCES SHOULDERS AND SIDES Lanffir - per Cumbria and tor sale by ■13 MICKY, BEATTIE * CO Sight Exchange NEW YORK, i to raft pgrehraeia, by E. F. METCALFE A OO. STANDARD LIQUORS, *07 BAY DUB. H. HAYM, 174 Broughton Street. 174 CLOAKS ANDfiHAWLS, tbs newest styles, LADIES’DRESS GOODS. voamo shawls and hoods, COCNTKEPANES, HOSIERY, Me. Tn«f riddirfi iml fur «*l »r rTirlinrrit price* by oem n. htan. SCALES. A SSORTED SI*** and Pattern* of Fairbanks’ Flat torn and Counter Scale*, which tor accuracy, neatnea* %m IulaflSIfy i.idi>* fietarpaaeed. ai.w>, teat FraateA JfieJUM, Hurt*, dc, for weighing Cot- too. nrwtF |Bdf BOISE k BRYANT. 1M Bay street. Catawba Brandy. JNVOICE of Harper A Co., for sale by MACKY, BEATTIE k CO., tv ’ M* and 205 Bay street. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. 'TTIB Khoocer JAMESTOWN, about two hnndred A and fifty tons burthen. - ml2 -C MILLER. THOMAS A OO. R * v jr Sale. HO-** kVU B-PBOSPHATB OF LIME-tbe Lirtdaiu niDore. lit unj.Mt. THOMAS * CO. EMPORIUM OF FASHION I ^|R9. H. L LOCIS respeetfany informs tbe c*tl- of M'dme Demorest’fi Hod* of Faenfana, of New York, aad I* ready to receive orders fat aB kind* of work tor ladies and children. She also keep* on hand tbe latest style* of pattern* of every descrip tion. All kinds of ornamental needlework, such as Braiding, Embroidering, Stamping, Plating, 4c„ will be done at short notice. Sue aL*o keep* on band a handsome assortment of Dre* and Cloak Trimmings, Embroidery, Silk and Brail Cottra, flumped Yokes and Bands. Call and see for yourself, at No. 191 CONGRESS STREET, up stairs. Patoioaabh Drees and Cloak Making. tSb-lm " reqsirod east to order, experience af ov*r forty yoars bcauCfngnem taa wo* a* to produce them of a so- J *»**«-**/ HENRY H. HOOPER A CO., Menem, Mass. «o§.Hflilii e8 ’ Dairy Cheoeo Seed Goto CLAGBOKNA CUNNINGHAM. CRUTCHES Jj! IRST and on! nlyp Inatltote Fair,: premium awarded at the American .. . . . sm, tad flute Fab of Pa. 1M4. for Untdiea. Hartman s Patent Startle Bobber Cratcno* are proooancod by raiRMss, aad everybody «iaa, to be fhe vevy beat over invested. They are ***y osd oon- vetBont, they prevent paraiyMa oftoe norvo*, do sway with all thewrartnemlnoeporaW* from toe nse of all othem and are in aB reneeta aarivaJJod. Send for a elrealar. Agents wanted everywhere LOVBJOY * TaYLOR, Solo Manufactoren, So. 4»K Broadway N. T. fim-nat Catawba Wine. ^0 0A9E8 frifB) vintage of 1891, far sal* by m MACKY, BEATTIE A CO., Ml and 3M Bay street.