Savannah daily loyal Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1864-1864, December 24, 1864, Image 1

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IMMMHlfSWMMWlM—ll———i— mmm imn in . ■ ~ - - ’ _ BV M. SHINERS, HPT. A. <t M. pint iBTiL mm. SATDKDAY EVENING, DECEMBER *■». IBM SA 1.1 T IXIOM. Or the ail veil t of th« Union foret-s into Sa vannah, and the probability that lor all fsture tiin-./ibc cJt> i lo .amain nudor the control o( the federal authorities, H has been deetnad ap propr.alc to publish a loyal in-wapaper, through iihi -li tbs Union smUraeat of the army, and 9f..vy, a- wml of the rcsiib nta ot the city, nan find a channel ol r*,niiuiib!«:-.U;>n with each other aud with the world outside of the city lime*. Accordingly, by au'boniy «*! the uommaac!- juh ol th host, we hava ts-k *n poa-eaßi.-o ot the printing eatat'liehment ol V e “Savannah News, and prop>ai; lor the present t< rsne ,Mi; hish'a a- our v. > v limited supply ol print it,c piper art! m.iturials * ill , pr.nG, .- --.1 we men, both in the uttiy aen v»< •>< it, ns its muking the paper valuable and iti'.ersst tug to all classes of readers. It u generally expected that wbenevci anew candidate lor iuyor and patronage is offered to the public, i pltliorut ol principles will belaid down for the information of thosu from whom favor ami patronage is solicited. Wo regard this as a praiseworthy custom, and we would not willingly permit our example to bring sucb a- commendable praline into dieiepnle. We therefore frankly and earnestly announce our platjitrm a* the lUV.UN.auI our priniiipU*, its hearly lull ~...!0u support. We believe that FittnanM. in its widest and broadest sin; o, is the prevail:** senllmont of the Uoion army, and ali iiild bo the watchword of every true friend ol the country; *n*l disun ion principles, whethei exhibiting themselves in the form ol rebellion tti the South, or the still more objectionable and cowmdiy form el' copperhead it to at the Ninth, should meet the determined opposition of every friend ol hu manity and the race. We will n t he persecniors of any class, how - evor oi j . Ituni ulc their aouiimuuu may have llhcii \Vc Uelit. VC H Itsc bcltiir 10 “deal gen tly with the eniug," and endeavor by kiiii» ness, or at least by justice and runsuu, to lead them into the ’ic.h . path. Phis v»as the principle announced ami enforced by the coiuutandtns Ol the troops vviio tirifit entered Savannah on the memorable wording ol the iiUl lust. Tue wen were cxhoited and commanded to c..ndujt themselves with forbearance and hu manity towards all its citizens, and refrain from pillaging and marauding and all acts ol Violente >r misconduct. That some departures from these nilesaud injunctions liaveovarred is undoubtedly true, bui. we believo well dispos ed eitzons will admit that less tnischiei has been eoimnilLed by Union soldiers than could reasonably have been expected. Acting upou Ibis principle of kindness and humanity, we would not lend onr paper or our influence to the oppression ol those who eau diniy dill r from ua in opinion, while we earn estly desire to foster and encourage the latent Bub. n sentiment, which we are fu’it peraaad ed has existed and ht: 1 1 rxi.Hs u: tin. hearts uI -to ' 1 prcs&od by cut'.itirsiSitiucttA itn> irjwviiw* 10 uc buceoft*lui)y re*i.-iied. With this euuuciafion ol principles We thug the “Loyal tteorgiau” banner to the popular brt. *j and hnuibly bespeak for it the kind re gard and lavor of our gallant aud uueonqaei iiblu Union soldiers, und the interest and pa trooage ol the cilia an of Pu*i.isn«B. Cisii. thcruiau’* t'aui|>algn. This great leader, who by. this iiiustrious eatnpaigu has shown himeeli the greatest mill tary chieftain ol the entered toe city on Thursday, the 31st December. This campaign, so grandly dosed with the occupation ot Savannah by the Federal forces, sweeping as It has through the length and b. eauib of Georgia, ha? fully demonstrated the’ power us the N Uional Government to carry the aik of the National Union safely through all the breakers upon the shores of dissolution, and over the rough nub stormy billows of se cession's most powerful gales. Tue mind that conceived, and the toil that-, uudet Omnipo tence, could execute these grand movements, has not ye liuished its work That same pow erful body which with its gigantic wings swept over the (fiats of Georgia as a whirlwind, must yet move on its irresistible course until the whole land t hall acknowledge lha power and authority of the Government ol the United Blatea. When that day comities, the Com mander will lay aside bis laurels, the soldier h!s sword, and this broad and (sir abounding laud ©t ours shall ©ace more teem with the busy hum of peaceful life. May a merciful God grant the happy day soon to be ushered in upon we, and peace,-cw- c peace ! -bo our portion ; but until (he “ laat aimed foe expires,” the army of th U ilon will and must stand as a bulwark against all destroye.s, o in* from whence they raay. A Word of Can toil. We desire all onr readers distinctly to aoder stand that the Loyal Georgian utters only th* Sentiments ,»l its, publb hcr, and-he ulouo should be held riapoßsiblc-for what appeal.<» *<»l --u 110.0. H e aienottba luoulh-p iK* ot officer* in authority or command, aud do not desire to mislead any oue with impressions that have no foundation in fact. Perhaps this “word of cau tion” is unnecessary, but we desire to have a fair understanding with our rtadeis, und hope we may be pardoned for thus “defining onr po sition.” fc#" War News,—The intelligence from Nashville, and the pr-is result of the battle between the Union forces under G.-u’l Thomas ami the rebel army undei Gen’i Hood, will be read with satisfaction by every true lriend of tbeUuion. To our soldiers who nave recently crossed the. State of Georgia, and left the rebel forces to operate in theii rear, it will nff .>rd sincere gratification io too* that Gen'l Thom as and his gallant army can hold their own ground, and (lriyo the rebel* before them. All apprehensio nos ur ases to our arms in that quarter are at an end, fcST News h Aon an t-e.—Our readers will doubtless real./a that at pr. »ant facilities for obtaining new u ."dinely limited. Nei ther telegraphic or t lilroad eoonnuniuuUons eatiii, and the rum navigation is still so much obstructed th it few v»>h- els have** yet Ventured to approach our wharves It ie confidently • vpected, however, that com mnm&ation.s with the North will soon be fully opened, ami the citizens of Savannah oe favor ed with in'cillgence from all quarters of the fVorld. “ REDEEMED, REGENERATED AND DISENTHRALLED“ THK UNION, IT MUST AND SHALL' BE • PRESERVE ->!” { HEA•Cj’RS CITY OF SAVANNAH, ( D eenabei 3S!, IS(M. ) BBMfiitAL ORDKKS i No. 1. 1 lu accordance wilh oriic rs received, the un dersigned ini* assumed command of the city. The (allowing Stall Olfi -ern are announce 1 Capt. W. T. Foitr.iis, A. A. A. G. and Chief of Staff. Capt. S. h WhkbljOOK, A, A. A. G. Lieut. Coi. A H. Jackson, inspector, Capt. Moses Veai.e, Aide-de-Camp. Capt. John J. Can-tine, Aide-de-camp Lieut. VVm. C. Armor, Aide-dt-Uauip. Capt. Iha B. Ssymous, frovost Marshal. Capt. G. L. Parker, A. y M , Post Q .aiter- Hiaster. Capt. James Gii.i.bttb, O. S , Post Commis sary. Ihey will be obeyed and respected according iy -Ihe offices oi the General Comniandiug, and of the Adjutant Generals and Inspector's De partment, will be in the Central Kail R ad Bank building, Hvxi to the United States Cu tom House Otllce hours for ordinary knsinevs trom 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. lha offices ot the other fciiali liepartmeuts wi'l be in the Exchange building aue vicinity. om<* vv s-ahv, Jlngadier Gonorai G U. j, business Arrange meat a. Our Busmens office is at 111 Bay street—for merly occupied by the Daily Nays. Mr. H. S. Bel,l has charge of the Business Office, aud will receive advertisements, and dispose of papers by wholesale and retail at the office. Citizens who hay* occasion for the use of our columns are invited to call on Mr. Bail, and trtiusact their business with him. For the present we shall oniy issue a half sheet, as our supply of P;intiug Paper i* quite limited, and we have no means of°- the stock or short notice. As communication from the north becomes more free Weehali increase our siz.:, and make such other improvements as occasion requires. Titu t a*ns»afS£u lea CieorgLi. It is not too much to say that the campaign of Gee. Sherman through the S.atc ol Georgia ranks among the most brilliant and sueccsatul military achievements upoj record, and lor its conception and execution this b du and ener getic chieftain richly deserves ike eceuinminp so lavishly beeiowcil by the l a 11 j () j the North, as well as the bends of ilcparlm ms at Washington. The campaign bus demonstrated rivers, swamps, btttruu plaicu, demolished t iaig.-s and almost iuipasi.ablc icu!:. are not sufficient, oh sis ties to bar the progress ot a persevering astny. iuc old and wise military mixim ot “quartering upon the enemy," has been again tested and proved to bo founded open common Scu-.o as vv oil as justice, and we have cu doubt will eventually become one ol the cai dir, a I prim eiples of warfare. * Notwithstanding the difllcaities r. qiirod to h® overcome, the match was genera Iy ( ordirly, ami ovou the August., A ; /e is forced ... admit the soldierly character ol both cl id,- i says': " “i,. iheir route they destroyed, - far as pos aibie, all mills, cubs, and gin j>, screws oid gins, coin ui on; itmeu ;i u i carried est all stock, piuviHions anu iienroo-i When their horses gave oul, they .-hoi u, i m At Eatoutoii they lulled ovet one eua.lred." At Milludgcvilie they only destroyed ibo arsen i if coot, and peni.enuapy. 'incv d.c c,© J! •• f ’ • ■■ ./i»g *ue 1-caerui Aiinv, under Genera! If.,ward crossed the Oemuigce Kiver between Ad iuu,’ berry unu Macon. It in said that the town ol Forsyth woe eompiletoly demolished. The Fed erals e xpressed great astonishment at the rich country they were passing, and the abend mes of iirovisiou* in it. General Siocum gave or ders to iho cil zcus along fats louta tos shoot down tiis sir.-igglei* withiiui mercy. One pun ishment in dieted by some of the Federal gene rals -or plundering, was severe Whipping’ a portion of Major Graham’* coiumuud* reached this city las * night. They repot t that they vis itfcd Atlanta several days since, and found it completely evacuated aud burned. T hey state that the Funerals took ail the cattle and forage in their route, but did not molest those who staid at home. NORTHERPf-NS£M 8 TTETIS. I or.rible Explomion at Hup mi’* p,,wdor iwuls. Wii.MinaroN, Dec, , D. e. 14,1804 BiX in tbeM.giey yard oi Dupont’s powder mills, near ihis city, exploded this morning, kitin g ten men and wounding suveral others, 'i he explosion wis the most serious oue that ha* occurred for several years. A (fiirtatuaua Slimier for Mrir.iai.’» Army, New York, D ,c. IS. liSii-i. The Herald oi S'. id ,y last c lutinued a sugges tion ibat Suermaa’e army should t*i furnished with a .Christmas dinner in the same manner as Oraul’s and Sbeiidan’s armies were provided With a Thanksgiving repast. I have telegrams irom the West saying that the people ol that part ol the country wish to contribute to the enterprise, particularly as G.norni Sherman's artuy is mainly composed ol we tern men. A! they wish Is information where ami when, and ii wiiai condition ,o send the tut keys and other articles tie die >. Will you please make public the delailscf he movemta , so that, the W ert may j >iu in eb< or iuit the hearts ol our g ’.Hunt soiui- r. in (L.or i£t‘P T. VV. R i.xiisaisa and Priiinieii -What they any nboui Niioiinan. Fohthka, Mosuob, VVeduesilUy,Dec. H,L864. The steamer United S ates arrivtd this morn iug from Fort Royal, with a large number oi tetnrne ' prisoners, estimated at between novon and eight hundred. The. exchange o! prisoners under Col. Muliord was proghe -Dig favorably. Nothing detiniie in relation » Dan. Shernui.’s movements could be learned by the who earns, on the United H ales . lop hi of his t«»» iu tuo au.oiiou v>> ttn; oivannan river was distluciiy board for several days prior to tier sailing Srom Port Royal; and the forces that the Rebel Government have been able to assemble have been placed in thb.introuch merits surrounding Savannah and Charleston, so that Gen. Sherman will meet with very little resistance until he reaches the suburbs of Si vannah, where great preparations have been made to give him a bloody reception in case he assaults the eity. The Wusbliigton National Intelligencer says ; General Sherman will be met by sad domestic news when he reaches the ocean on hi victo rious march through Kebtidono. Uis youngest child, a tine boy, about, six in .nths old, died last week at South Bend, iud., at. the rcsidenet oi Speaker Colfax, which is occupied by Mrs Sherman and family this winter, the General’s eldest childitn attending the Gaiholio college in the vkinity ol that town, and Mrs. Sherman desiring to be near them. Many wjli remember a very touching letter WtiUen by th- General on the death-ot his son, a year o>- two ago; and while ho is it) the field, so bravely fighting the enemies of his country, death has robbed him ol tuoilier of bis home circle, aud will cause the old wound to bleed afresh. He wiil have the sympathies, in this ?jew affliction, of ail who honor him for his heroic patriotism. The President ou the recommendation oi Major General Sheridan, has appointed Colonel Allred Gibbs, First New York Dragoons, as a Brigadier General ot Votu.neern Colonel Guy V. Henry, who recently v.ry honorably declined a brevet, brtg.idier gutiei i-.y because t;y some error it was conferred on Situ for gal ' last conduct in an action at which U« was uot preaen', has since received anew appointment to Ife suuie brevet rank for gaHa- t .id merito rious se r .'i«es dnung ths present . ipaign be fore K chtnond. B ig. G*b. Edw.rd Ferrero has been Urevettcd as Major Gen rai by the President, for gallant conduct and meritorious gerviee in tho eampaigno before Richmond and , petexsbuig. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 24, IS&4 UNION VICTORY. BRUIT BATTLE IS FRONT OF NASHVILLE, TENS. * | Rebel Army Driven back over Th 63 Miles. > ! Capture of Swoaiteen Gihg hu«l ffiliitt'H Ouudred Priiouui-,. See:e(»ry, to ileacial 1)1 \ Washington, Dec. 15. Major General l);x: The Department has just received iiuoflf ial despatches irjni Nashville, announcing that General, wilh tho forces acer hi« com mar.d, attacked Hood’* array in front of Nash ville at nine o’clock this morning, and, al though the battle is not yet decided, the whole action to day is described us splendidly success ful. Oar line advanced on the right 8n miles.— The enemy were driven from the river, from iheir iutreuchmente, from the range >i ails on which their left rested, and forced back upon > bis rig lit aud centre, and the centro was push ”and hack from one to three ruiles, w .h the loss of seventeen guns and abont fifteen hundred j prUl.nm-., ‘Mill his whole line ,>t -.-a::-T.-m : KS,"X •reps Rinn-..* a mlicrM ... nc i./t;,.,;, no seiious attempt was u>»de to Oar casualties are reported to be light. Hood’s whole army, except the cavalry and a small force near Murfreesboro’, were engaged. Edwin M. Stanton, ‘ ' Secretary of War. ! Latcxl IVoin Kii innoml -ExtraetA (Vona Ricltiuoud Papi-ri. [ the Dispatch.] THE WAR NEWS. Since Gen. Longstreet’s reconnoi-sance of Saturday, and the driving back of the Yankees -cross Hatchet's Jiuu on the same morning, perfect quiet has prevailed on fbe’lines below Richmond and in front ol Fulersburg. Ihe Yankees st an oi the Appomattox ate mid to iie pniiing down theii lect-uily constructed winter quarters and moving them further to the rear, their present position being in nn comfortably easy range of our artilleryi wakrkn’s column. 8 uce (he receipt ot Gaa. Lee’s official dis patch of last Saturday, detailing tho repulse of •.Yaritin’s column at ttie Mcheritu river on Eri d«y, and their subsequent retreat, noiuing au thentic bus been heard from this forct; ol the enemy. Report says that, on Satnrdav, they were nu.king their way back to their main army ai Petersburg, and were being much wor ried b.v llft-ayton We iliall probably, lo day, gel later accuuulß. iiiimeis ol Intention lo Hctrc-at Into No: ti» Cari.iiMa—prsparattons i'or n Kew Ca.inpa.igu. (Special Coi-ti-spon u.nce or the New York Tribune.] On Boash U. 8. 8. Osceola, i boaulon, N. 0., D..e if, JBO4 ' j Bevru refutteea came into our* iiuts, uul from aiietu the R.liowing informal ion has. been ob uiaed, which may be regal tied as Guslworiky : 'l ht rebels iu the luteuor oi the Slate uie making every preparation lor ice expected transfer ol L c’s army from Virginia to North Carolina, with U isiu view, they have in pro cess Os conriruction up the Koauoko liivn two iuiK‘i vchaeis iuleudcd as tnnepuru, Since the desiruction ot the ram Albeniarie, tL *y have reinoiieii .1. sirci.g hetu-ff and are plii.inp om: o; these Vessels to uiuKe aaothei lain, 'l'ueie ;- bu. a email tore® at ihe place to pio.eet tin •a orkmou At Kt.iibow tt.uik*, ?, pf iiy*. on the mokt% s rinigly fortlUdd, there is oniy asfnaii force.— But .u VVeiuoa ar.d Goiosb .rough th ; r are •I lite large bodies ol troops actively eugoued IU toiufying Both plaws. Aiotlmi poiuii .4 ug the i;i'*e ot (lie vVcidou iv* cxicusive works are in couise i.) cotmtruetiou. These Diatk, M Ihe eußieru part cl ike butie w -i«> ait liviiig in the b warn pa to avoid conscription. Many are aimed, ami it would cost a severe ilghi, to cool Cos them. Gen. Palmer with a considerable loiee left Nawberu on Sunday last on aa expoditn a Into abe interior. Itiluliigeiico from him is daily looked for. iVloveiuenta t>£ ihs MIcBuU on It, pltlnt» ville, hy, LoutHViLLB, Ky., Dec-. J 4. 1864. The rebel Genera! L/ou, on entering Hop- Kinsviile, ou Monday, eouncripted everyone he could find, and burned wfiai ho could not carry away. A conscripted gentl .ma.i sacceeded in get ling the guard over him inebriated aud escaped while the rebel soldiers were in quest oi cuti The Cavalry ol Gen. Thomas’ army crossed a few days since to tho north tido of the Cumber 'and river, ar.d yesterday recroseed again to the south side, with the exception oi ,a sufficient force 10 pursue and rouiatny rebel force on the north side of the river. The deienccs on the railroad have been so strengthened that no danger is apprehended. Cairo, Doc. 15, 1864. A steamer front up the Ohio river reports that the rebel Ge.utrul Lyon uud.cotnni.uia occupy BidybViiie, ou the Cumberland river, with a torce estimated at from twenty-five hundred to seven thousand. A battery mrec miles below toe town opened ou the steamer Naugatuck, bin did ilitio damage. Ail the bouts at S.unhtiidd had been ordered to ibu opposite side ot the river, and gunboats had been sent to destroy Hie battery. LaieNl. from the Soufkwast, Bt. Louts, Dec. IS, 1804. The Lawrence Tribune say s uat the uotori* ■>us brigand Quantroli was removed iu an am bulance at Price’s retreating army, sick beyond ■ ho hope ol recovery. Tbs D moer.a’h F rt Scott (K.a:;sas) despatch, dated the S.J, has the following ; Yuaierday’s courier air.ved :r -ni I’jrtG.bsoii With despatches, causing uppr.hcuvioiiß ii r the safety ot a large government tr.iu wh c, left the camp ou th - Dry Wood, ten miles livin this place, on the fcj ioi November. The train con* sists ol one hundred and twenty government wagons (live yoke ot oxen to oaea one) and thirty suite ■ wagons («ix mules to each), all heavily loaded, for F- i\, Gibson, a dUlanee ot one hundred and eighty mi ea, gu rod by a ew di-mounted cavalry and a see.loti ii artillery— about iweuly five men. The train is now said lobe Gorrallel cu Nrosho r.vcr, about one Itltrt.Dorl utile* south oi U.i, ]« , c >, a.i.. Do ••• a*, were throwing u»> uereneca, being closely in ye- e 1 by t ile retiei General Gaines, wrlit one li nvauU meti and live cuuuou. Colonel Moon iigut is reported to be moving to ihu assiatanca ot thj train<. Cairo, Dee. 15, 1864. Tl « i’Sim.r G ive Branca, ir m N w Or.cans, the 18 U inst., ii .s urj-. veil, with »k tidies oi col ion ior Cairo. Jriival u( aUaiUnml iliockudoUuuiist tu Itairptwu RosiU. Fobtuisss Monk b, Dee. 14,1864. Tho blockade runuer Ht-ndiy arrived in Damp ton Roads this morning, in charge of JSusigu John Sinoli. Jr., of the United Brutes guaboat Oherokee, haying been captured on the 8 h iust., in longitude 76 48 west, latitude 84 la north, while on the way to Bermuda with a valuable cargo of six hundred and ten bales ol cotton and a large quantity of spirits of turpentine.— the Dutch Consul, wire and three children were on board at the time of her capture, aiie is a new boa l , and had just made her first trip suc ceß-iiully into Wilmington a short time previ ously, with a cargo of English lisles and blan kets, purchased for the use o! the rebel army, having been shipped by agents in England, Chess —This harmless and fascinatiag gan e was on trial by the Methodist Confereneo re cently Much of the session was occupied in ; the di-w-asstou ot a resolution diet*, j,roving oi ihu practice of indntiring in theraivsH by mint.’.- ten aud member* ot the church \ oviuber of spetches were mads on both »-i>- an.; ilm whole ground of debate, pro and . on, w • covered ; alter which it wai Wisely deten iu and to lav tiie matter cu the table, whe’ a it will I probably have a long rest. [ Lynchburg firginUtn. Tlie population oi A .ston, by the new corpor uiou ceaeue, la I6fS,7BS—less than C te ego. Weights and Mcanlirci. BBSHBLB. rotJNh*. Wheat tiO Shelled Gorn .... . slt floru in the car ■. 7b ; Peas 60 | Rye 5(5 Oats 33 Barley - 47 j Irish Potatoes .til) Sweet Potatoes 55 White Beans 00 Castor Beans 46 Clover Seed 60 l Timothy Seed 4-> Flux Seed 56 Hemp Seed. 44 Blue Grass Sued 44 ■Buckwheat 53 Dried Peaches 33 Dried Apples 24 Onions 57 Suit 50 Siooe Coal - 80 Malt 38 Brau..., 20 Turnips...; 55 Plastering Hair 1 -8 Biislacked Lime 80 Corn Meal 48 Fine S lit ; 55 Ground Peas 24 A box 84 by 16 inches, 32 4 ep, contains 1 ban-61. A box 16 by 16k' inches, 8 -c-p, contains 1 bushel. A box S by inches. 8 deej . contains 1 pock, box 4 by 4 inches, IS.r d< ** contains half -iwcii. ’ **S- A box 4 by 4 inches, contains 1 quart. ■g ASvgnjyj ji»v 11 "4 "ta ,a- -nt ‘■t,i..nye.'!(y CLiircli Directory. Christ. Cliurch, Kpiscopal-'-oa Johnaon’s Square. Right Bov. Bi shop ailtolt; Assistant, Rev. Mr. Co !oj. St. John’s t hnreh, Episcopal--o -aeison Square, ft v. Mr. Mcltac. St. Paul’s Cimtch, Episcopal—c t 'aihoun Square. Independent Presbyterian Chinv-a, corner of Bull aud South Bioad streets. Rev. i>.. Axsou. First Presbyterian Chuit in on Monterey Square, closed lor ike present, tho pastor. Rev D. fi. Porter, being Chaplain in lue Army of Te.niesaee, Baptist -Jiftroh, on Chippewa Square. Rev. 8. Lan drum. i.utherau Ghuri h, on Wright Btiutre. Rev. I). M Gilbert. Trinity church, Methodist, on Juntas Sqnare. Hcv. AM. Winn. OATHOI.IO CHURCSItS. St. John the Baptist, corner of Drayton and Perry streets. St. Patrick’s, corner of Liberty and West Broad streets A. Verot. Bishop Diocese of Savannah; J. F.O’Neill, Sr., V. <4 ; Rev. Peter WheDu, Rar. Clias. C. Pr. u- Ji-igast, Hey. P. Dnfan, Rev. U. P. Ctavreul. Resi dence, corner of Perry a <1 Drayton streets u i:i:ks w conu snoAt kj s. Bnai Berith Jacob, Armory Bali. Rev. J. Rosen ibid, Rabbi; Rev. Simon Gerstuann, Reader aud Minisler. Cougregatim: Alicav ■ Israel— Ssytutsogne, Whitaker street. OHUJMJHi:* FOlt COIiOP.Ut-i'KOrLS. Andrew Chapul, Methodist, ts-v. Mr. lEliisou. St. Si,e|>henft, Ki^iricopa!. li'trpi litiptiel, ou i raukijii Squu e. William Oamp- Pa.3tor. Svccmd IlaAptiftJ, oix Greoa John Uoic, Fa«- ■or. Third Baptist, on l«ry»u Rtrer*, Dear Faiim. K. Horistoa, Pastor. Fourth Baptist., on Liberty, nm Montgomery st.s. Brown, Pastor. £os% ii OTT 1 ju• %ir kl *su« Ut’J. R&iSris^ 3: o>re» tann Jl.oM Exp'iilUstis Unuit ie iriniriK fU-Li' 'A An 6.(31*, .rSisciiaj-ti as., I'.sk* iiJsy. 3f»iiUt«Uii, am I fait*v »VO, (ftl’d viS a*»»S aflet IfiOli-.H i s I I«J> April, 7 r liiii cars wiilloavnai ’run ditily (Bimdayr *».cap-ton,j e» foiiuws: •rsvi: aHYKliaaii St ’i.Hd A. K Arrive 51 vhcuatert.le at...,. ...10.58 F. ML I-aETUHsiK' Jau ■■■ tn .. Xi .- . No. 8, gome -/eat) or 'Tuesdays, Tirumday * .-,<5 aai urdays, vnti s ’’no of cosches to Dariaa. n -imifigon aiioruaU dit;o. Connecting at ymuaan (No. 1-’’, daily with a Uti« ot o-ichcA to jandUuMi U. 15,., F’a. ConiisoUiig at Groover’s (No, . wlin a daily line of coachOß to Monticoiio, Fla. crdvißg in time ie ■ to necl with toe cars to Tallahasnoa and St, Marks. Ffcndic'iT.-iins leave Savannah Moaddya, W«dae» -lay- Hini Fridays, at fi A. SL; reuuaiug on Tuesday# Thursdays am* Latr-rdayis at 4 F. X. JX. 8. OouWe the regular met will trs charged ©» >ii articios shipped by Faavanyar Train. Freight i*y Basseiigei Tralu ahouifi >’« tioUvoreci at the lh pot »t lewi olio hour Ijckut’ thu-iAvmig tii&a of Use • raui. feMS _ <4. I Ft-i.rt '. s.nmriatondent. OHANBE Os BOHEDULE seuTHwiisxm KAiotoir ON andiiitar Sunday, Marcu »W, 18rbJ. the Colcm, bus Mail and T-aeetmgbr THUtwili lunaafoV iow«: M-.-i-jira SBTWHSat Mato* A*fo JOtESEBiC*. , Leave Mason at 6.85 F. M Ari-ivo at UciuKbßii at .. 11.40 f. H L<«fe Uoluabaiaat*. .......13.40 T. M, ■feniYe atHkCOs ai...... P. M* US? VTBKti WACOM Aiii) tooeavsMacon &8U A. M. arri .-u at OiartahcooUse 4,88 P. Si. Loave Uhaitßfiocchoe ?.80 to St. Arrive at Mac.on JS.Si t‘. 34. The Mail and Passeseer Trfi us Dqa> Aitoiy oojs daily at Kcitihvii..fc, So. 10 . W. H. K, .«Kifroiji Fort Gfeiiif* (iftily at Cuthtnwi. w'tSi L'h&ttnhooctaw :4 I'i T I'fiill. Leave Siaith-villeat : ~.'.....,13.30 P, J». Arrive at Albany ui 3.03 P. M.. Leave Albany at. A. M. . Arrive at SraitJivilie at 14.30 a. M. LeaveCulbbertat to.- P. it Arrive at Fort Gaitm* ut 4,88 P. M i csvoFort CiUie--. at 7 3 1 A. At Au-ive ai Cuibbert at 9,fia A, x Making the couuectlon with tie itp ami liowa Chat taiioocVici- Ainii TuUt. Tiais'ii to Grdmbas lem Montgbincyy, AUtbuJua. and Ausifta, Kingston, wii sjisgtaa, fiavianaii, MBtodgiun-.loasa 4hK«iKWL ,-Post CaacbM ran x'bsa ABKtß|£o TuUshassaajßaixf teiilgii, T’horaataiile, Ac. S|Pa»rtsfc{-«jri! for p.v.cta uctovr FtcL Yaiiey should dak* ini; Night', t«-;.. froxu Adgoa^t. ial Bavannati to avoid --idtCLUon fit Macon For Oofijaibai iuko the Das §flF,i(6fc VIRGIL TOW BBS, Sng'teor n fond-nL. ■ OF SWiEiJIiLK OK f 3s iGO HGJ4 RA I.LRQAIt), •aaotosu. iuiLß».*sD, p -ioaesaa, July .24, lifiig, \ AS and oner »uaoay, JalyaTJa, Bui}ds@4Jay Ttai«i 1/ restuned on t&niu line, ?.’ao Txalhe m. and W—hiagfefo ilranebea wili n»» tasoaßact until •jifUicr notiao. {.SAVA At1anta.......^..... a. n. Atiauta >\ si. Augusta.,. «....&&>a. tt. Augusts ................ m. LBBIVV Aagusta. ......fUM A hr Auguata.... JUKI a. jt. Atlanta ..... AS) », .« AUanUt .’AIBa-sj Visins coniieciiKg with v.<amitgum ana Atfijni .%siic<«ia leave AnuusUt at #.43 t. Ift., oma Atianin a.,' -:.ic A, a. Hu conneeUtei witk ’A’.‘rjCii!ou on .- lay. B<}!«ir’t'ltiht ieayaß AuguftA 6A5 P. &. 1 rS-‘ f 1 to. YONQg, ryii-D-. SYRUP. DA BBLE. very tic* Strip, ou coßnign:. - at; Alt./ lor 6ale by decUf—i «■ t H. W.ll .HAMS. For R-^nt. fllfilß loom* laieiy eecspieiiby Mr. 8ow«ll a* »» fi Aiubroty:.* t?«dr.ry (up »tais), os tue coruei *f Brousktcß «■ i Whitaker street*. Apsiy to firif, 8 _ Sits 8, FOLBY €arp«i Bag Found! A 9 kdtlPil’T ki,4 L, cr! uaculled cleth, wa» .leu. at i«« ronfcfeoc* of a lady t» this city by mis. Ukv. It cam* oy itie Gun trail aud .c* ownor:t»n procure tt by applying at tfcu oJtea. dvclfi—i* fl'filTK OF KRORfiU, CHATHAM f* COuN'fV,—To ail whom it may concern: i Wherees, Francis R. Stone wit) apply at the I Court of Ordinary for Letters of Adminintiatton l on the EstAk af John Webb, late of said comity, do i ceseod. i These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ai! whom j it. may concern, to lie nut? appear before said Com *. to j make obii f.Bon rtf any -.hay have) c.n o* before I *-» I :■[ ! Ifominy in November next, otherwise said ieftore | will be ijrantaid Witness, lio-ninick A O’Byms. Eaq., Ordinary for Chatham county. thisl9'.h d-iv of September, 15(i4. sepao* DOACNR-K A.. O’ BYRNE, o. o. o. UTATR OF 6SOR6U, OHATHAfI D COUNTY. —To ail whom it may concern: Where as, Johanna Necsos will apply at the Court of Ordi nary for Leltersof Administration on the estate of Julius J. Neeson, late of Chatham comity, de ceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court, to make objection (if any they have) on or be fore the first V.on;lay In November next, otherwise said letters will be granted Witness. Dominick A. O’Byrne, Esq., Ordinary erf Chatham county, this 19th day of September, 1864. * sep3o— * 'DOMINICK A O’BYRNE. O. 0. C. uTA’fij fl a oistbt s a~—-i; ii at si at COUNTY.—To ail whom it may concern: Whereas, Caroline Webb will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters oi' Administration, cum Usta ni4n(o annexo, on the estate of Amos Webb, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters will be grantee. Witness, Dominick A O’Byrne, Ordinary for Chat ham county, this 17th day ol September, 1864. sepao* DOMINICK A. O’BYKNE, O. C. C. t,- s .iTK «f" uikimGijiA, *.-i*AMfaiAirr 4 ’ s*. —* . . a r 'a v concern r »vl«a*-as,ii«iuy C.Frcr am -.vilT Sppty attceoounot Ordinary for Letters i." -s mnlnistrutlon on the estate of S. Parkman Halsey, .ate of said county, de ceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be aud appear before said Court to make objectiou lit any they have) on Or be fore tho first. Monduy in November next, otherwise said Letters will lie qraotod. Witness, Dominick A. O’Byrne, Esq., Ordinary for ChaikumCounty, this 14lh day of Sept., 1864. sepls_ DOMINICK A O’BYKNB, O. O. C. JTATK «K UEISR6IA, (i A 111 1> Ei\ MCOUN i Y.—To ail whom it may concern: T. J). liun iaoii and Elizabeth Lang having filed their peti tion, in proper form, tu me, prayiug for Letters of Administration ou the estate of David Lang. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to be anil appear at the next January term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, a, and show causa, if any they can, why Letters of Administra tion should not be granted to T. D. Harris hiand Elizabeth Lang. M. A. CRAvVb’ORDj noviS Ordinary, UTATiS OF (ikOUk 11, C 'AATAS Altt kj COUNTY. —'To atl whom it may concern ; W aeic as, Jane Ai. Harris Will app y at the fiourt of indi -11 ary for Letters Diaiuiaaory as Adminis.ruirix on the es'ate of Mary Jane Harris, late of said cinjury, deceased. - % These are, t.heielfins, to cite and admonish all whom it may ceuce.n, to be anii appear before said Court to make objection ~l any they nave) ou or be fma the lu-ut Monuay m May next, otherwise cßid letters wib bo granted. Witness, Doiniiiict A o’Byrne, E..q., Ordiiiery lor UliatfGjn eoumy, this lid day oi November, lbW. „ iiovl—» HuMlNlt K A. U’KVKNB, O. U. U. gJTTiur® OD- "iieii* A, \ HAlil,t;!l *fitCOUN 1' 1 .—To aii vv:.. iu iL may concern : Where as, M:.ry Ann Egan will apply a* the Court ol ordi nary lor i.elteis ol Aeßalnisiration on'tns o!j e oi Dane 1 Lgan, iate ot said county, deceased. These arc, toereioru, .0 cite anu auuioinsli ai l tri.-oii Atiuy coucoru, to bo and appear before raid Court u .sake objection (if any they have) on or bmore th; first Aloe aay in Deaiu-.w; next,other wise sqiii reltor. will begransed. Witness, Domini:k A O'Byrne, E q., CrJinrry for Chatham county, ibis 3isf day ol October, 1:04. novl— * DoMtNiCK A. O’BYiiNa, o. c. •. UTAii S OIF OliiOitttlA, ’CHATidAi™ IO CO UN fY.—To itli whom it may concern: Where as, William Capers, Hr., wiii appiy at the Court 0: Ordinary lor Letters oi Administration on toe estate ot David Uoidry, latuei said county, deeease-:!. There are, therefore, to cite and admonish all wnoiu it may concern, 10 lie aud appear before biiiu Court to make objection sos any they have) on or be tor.i toe firm Monday iu Ue. ember next, otherwise said letters will be gtaared. Witness, Doruthiek ' * iiyi.-.c, Esq., Ordinary for Uhathiuu county, Urn. Jill day ol October, 1864. octls DJAii'.iv.K O’ Hl* KNE, O. c. c. j Statu oxr cikoßGiA, Chatham COUNTY.—To a.i vhom n Huy concern: Where aa, Mary laivett will app.y at the eourt 01 Ordinary tor Letters ol Adminiat-ratiou ou the estate of Jaeob Tfcuac ev.:, limre.orTT '<■ i ilo und adhlClusn'STr' whoru It may concern, to be und appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on oi be fore the finsL Monday in December next, otherwise said letters wii* he granted. Witness, Domiuick A. G’Byrue, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham count,v, ihis 13th day oi October, lefit. omr—» Dominick a. oui ttNE, o. c. o. U'i’ATE OF (iEOBUIA, CHATIIASI KJ COUNTY.—To aii wh.m it may coifoern; Where as, Herman A. Crane will apply at the Court of Otoi nary lor L'dlers e*f Administration on ihe estate oi Jan*es L. Oliver, late of said County, deceased. These a*e, tnerefore, to cite and admonish aii whom it may concern, 10 be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or be fore the Ist Monday iu December ncxt.othbrwise said letters will be granted. Witness, Dominick A,O’Byrne, Esq., Ordinary for ctiuiUam county, this iOlh day ts Octohci, 1864. octw DOMINICK A. O BYRNE, o. c 0. UTA S'K~oif 'UEOtfiilA, "ciftA'l’kiJUM fjCOUNTY.— ioait whom it may concern: Where as, James E. Cope will apply at toe Court or Ordi nary lor Lettersßijinissoiy as Administrator ou the estate of James C. Thompoon, late ol said couniy, deceased. Theso are, therefore, to cite and admonish aii whom it may concern, tv be and appear before said Court to maae objection (1. any they have) on or be ore the first Monday in May next, otherwise said let er« wiii be granted. Witness, Dominick A. O’liyrnc, Esq , Orriiiwtry for Chatham county, thi* llthuay of October, 1864. octl* DOMINICK A O’BYRNE, o. c. c. n'j'A'l’K OF UUOICCitA, AifilATiaAM S COUNTY.—To airwhow it may concern: Where as, Timothy Reilly will apply at tne Coart oi Ordi nal v for ! etters oi Administration on the estate oi lteilly, isteot sard county, deceased. These at e, therefore, to c. te and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (.if any they have; on or before the drst Monday in December next, otherwise said let tei swill be granted. Witness, 1> minick A. O’Byrne, Rtq, Ordinary for Cuatham county, this 10th day of October, Ibbi. octll DUM.INIC& A. O’BVRNE, O. C. C. □ •rA’i'K up « aso ao *a, cma'jti* ajb ?? COLU's'i’Y. —To all whom it may- concern Whereas, Dr. John I>. Fish will apply at tho Court of Ordinary for Getters XJismissory as Administra tor ou the estate of Henry L. Leopold, late of said oounty, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail whom it may concern, to be and appear buiore said Court to make objection (If any they have) cn or be fore the first Monday in Novembei next, otherwise said letters will ee granted. Witness. Domino. - ’ o’Lyrnu., i£evi., <irdinary for Oitath j?i County, th is iOth day ol April, I,'Si. aprl&* 7)0-1 il'-ICK A. I * C C? j V a '.t w oi Ontv««lS7 esa ari ta.ios OOUNTs .—Vo ail whom it may concern: W siere .ib, Margaret Procter will apply at. the Court ol Ordinary for Letters of Administration cn the es- LMU* «»» • , aawiMAfc**-., ui*k w;tH'v.a. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail whom it may concern, to be and appear before said court fe rn «h-: objection Os any they have) on or before the second Monday in January next,otherwise said tet ters will be granted. Witness, Dominick A. O’Byrne, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham comity, this 151 h day of N -vdinbef, 1864. novlS— * HOHlNltdi A.O’ilrRNE, O. C. V. OF GKO Etui A, Caa All'jiaTg O COUNTY.—-To alt Wjoiu it may concern: Where as, Augustus F. Wetter will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters IJisrniSßOry as Executor on the estate of Margaret Telfair, late of said eoum y, de ceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appeal’ before said Court to make objection id any they have) on or he ioie tiie first Monday in January next, olhenstec said letters will be granted. Witness, Dominick A. O'Byrne, Esq., Ordinary tor Chatham county, this ]ai day ol July, IMA. jaiyS FfOMIHiCK A. O’BVKNH, O. C. C. op ia. ctdA-risAi»i K3COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern: VVaeie as, Oclavns Cohen and Win. Uanter wilt apply at the Court of- Ordinary for Letters Jf>f emissary as Execu tors on the csuue of William T. U non win, late ol said county, deceased. * Theae are, theietore, to cite aad admonish all whom it may concern, to Inland aooeer before »aid Court to make objection (if any they have) on or be fore the grat Montiwy iu JantauT mat, otherwise l ssidiettma wIH In; u.autcd. Witness, Dominick A. OMlyme, Ksq., Grdumty tor Chatham county, this 23d day oo ilune. 1834. jane*4 DOMINICK A. OfTiRNB. O V. C. *5 TATS OB’ (BOiteiA, OM.V<'Sf,t»l kj oomesrz. —To #il whom It war concert : ff-'harts fvs, Mary Ann O’Oonnor will atipitjf at ib« Ooart of Ordinary, to >■ Letters i),wmlsrory as Administratrix on the .folate of < 'apt David O' Uospor, late of Chat ham county, deceased. These are, tbMufc'a, to site and admonish all whom fr may contain, to be and appear before said Osuirt to laase object.M- any they nave) on or lie fore the a-st UCondi*. p Deoesalbw west, otherwise gsio letter®y ranted. Witness. 'Ooviinioh a. o’BvM*i,Bsf!.,o.<PiiAry for / 4 ISOR4J .1 A ,to UOLSCIHJ NV.—Where xJ «», Busan K P.ecther appl es to me for Letters of Administration on ihe estate of.) hit W. Fletch er, !ale of bad county, dueas-d Tiiosearo, therefore, to . Himre ail. persons cou ccraed to file iu this office, on or liefoie the first Monday in January next,men- objections (if any 'hey have) lo said appointment, otherwise Letters of A ministration wit) lie granted tho applicant. Given under rny I.aud and olticial signature, this November X6th, 1864. noy.-fU—* T.iLCoA YCON', Ordinary. UTATL OF (1£68(,i.t, WAVNE COIJN : >3 TY.—Notice is hereby giv -n to all persons con- I earned baton the3‘tliday ol uciober, ihig, Austin ! Holcoma, late ol saidc.iuiity, depuried this life in ! te-tali ,anc no person has applied lor Adminfolration I on the estate of sard Austin Holcomb, and Unit. :-n terms of th.: iaw. Administration will be vested tn the Clerk o! the Superior Court oi said county, or some other fit and proper person, thirty days alter the publication of this Citation, unless some valla objection is made to the app liniment. v Given under my hand and otii iai signature, this sth day oi November, 1864. JOHN D. RUMPII, novll Ordinary W. <Ga wTATJKOF liEUlUit i, WAOECOViV S3 TY.—To all whom it may concern; Whereas, Onslow G K. ith, oi said state and county, has applied lo me lu, Let ters of Admiustratton on the estate of John, William, Koiaud and A sherry Syl vester, deceased, !at.o ol said county and State, These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish, ail ar.d singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the '.im pro scribed by law, and show cause (it any li -v nav,:) why Letters oi Administration on uk esmte oi ear. deceased shouid not issue to said applicant. Given under my hand and othcial signature, this November iheluili, 1864. JOHN D RUMI’H, ncvia oidmai-y W. *- u. ’ll’A i'jL. 43 on ihe first Tuesday in J .unary next will bu sold ai the Cou:t House door iu »aid county, within the lavvlul hours of sale, lot ol land number Unr.y five (85), In the Second (*d) Dfotaic: es said county; also, one iol at Satiila Station, oil the Brunswick and Al bany jit. R. Soul as the property ol James i>. Lev. is, deceased, for the benefit oi the heirs and credi tore ol said deceased. Terms cash. Tins Novuuuei fid, 1864. LETTiOiA LEWIS, Adm’x. nov7 _ .TaMIS M. MocuOL, Aitm’r. JTATLVF GitOKOJA, GLYNN COliN (3 Vi.—The aistr.bulcc-, ot the estate of Robert Siallord, deceased, late of said county, are hereby no tified t;.a r we will apply, in terms ol ihe law, to the Court of Ordinary oi euiac uuly, on the first Mon day in April next, lor the appointment of i onunis tdyu<.rs to divide tue esiale-oi raid deceased among tae heirs and distributees entitled thereto, in terms ol the law iu suen cases made and provided. This the lfith day of November, 1864. BMiTUEY A. STAFFORD,’x, ASa A. BURNEY, AdmT. novi4—iaiulm niSOK«IA,CAitti)EA COt N fl Y. —Where- Yfiiis, -joliu Ai. King, Executor of Janie.- King, re piesonts to the Court, in nn- petition, uuiy ; leo and entered on record, that he nas luliy settled James King’s estate. Tnis is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, to show ciiiiss, H any Ificy Can, v.-ny sai.d iiacculo. -rlioulti not be ciscfiaigi and. uitd receive Letters oi Die mission, on the iirst Monday in Apul, 1865. nova M. A. UflAWiioKU, Ordinary. i/iX.lit’i-'iOlt’N NoTIUIi.-Ali porsoi.B lu ll debted to the estotu of the late WTUitua M. Tea coeK, deceased, art) hereby mmik-d to make uumvdi iie payment, and all Inot.e who hOid claims against i.Lc said cttal.c uio rcqucblca 10 piuvciil their claiiub ta law dircctb. P. PKITCHAKD, t E _ cria JJ. ii. S X \ aidosta, <ia., Oct. 12, 11*01. ociPJ JIATK O# t’ULXTkkASI .3 UOUNTk.— I To ail whom it may coticeru: Wh«)» John Cunningham wiii apply at the Court ol Oiffi rary wr Letters oi AUauaislrutiou on the es late 01 Janies i'reeborn, iate ol said county, decern ed. i'hese are, therefore, i.o clle and admonish aii whom it may concern, to he aim appeal ooiore tain owl to make objection (if any they nave) on or be mre the first Atou.iay a, November next, otherwiet -aid Letters will be granted. Witness, Dominick A. O’Bynie, ifisq., Ordinary foi hatuam county, this .st day of October, 1864. octfi DaMiNH.K A. O’iflliNfa., O. 0. C. y-TATiS, 4>» ÜBfiiitUlA, CXXAXJUAB* <3 COUHTX.—To all wnom it may concern Vnet-cad, Georgo Geuieuden wiii apply at the- Com -t Ordinary i>>r Loltcra 01 Adini.-ric-u-at.'jn on tin. es atd of Homy iltruiauii, iate of said o -i-iity, •M. These are, cite and admouML ail wlma t may ertneern, to twi anJ ;p>. -utr .-.-Arc said Cotirt it. aakeonjoslicii (it any t'fi.y mc -ot on or *,- hove toe its iorcay in Novctr i.-c: next, oto-ar wise said tei-vc*: VV i’ fIC; - lui'w-'.jc;: OVt . cl. Uxecu.llv iiiathasiicounty, this itito day of Beplcmber, ib»C sepfiU IWXiiilte'A O’-Uxl-fNE, O. V. ‘J, to'l’A'ffifi OF tifiiOltttiA, C AiA'l'iS Aiti -.O COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern: Where s, M. D. MUieu will apply at Uie Court oi Ciu. any lor Letters Disnnsßory as Administrator Ut 'iohu non ou the estate ol Richard F. Williams, de -.cased. 'These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ai, viiom it may concern, to be and appear before said fourt, ;tc make objection (ii any they have) on ui ■efore the. firet Monday -r. ja..uary next, otherwise -aid ietteiu will bo grauted. Witness, Do<uinick A. O’Byrne, Esq., Ordinary foi JimUlfiitt County, this 10th day of Juno, 1864. JrsncSl DOMINICK A. O’BYKNE, O. C. V. to'fi’ATS i. ©S' (G3-.4WW4IA, CHATIIA Hi O COUNTY.—To all whom it. may concern: Where «*, filixabotU A. Kolb will apply at the Ooun 01 irrlinary for Letters DismiMoryas Adminletraiiixoi: nr estate of Wiliiain M. Kolb, iate of said oounty, deceased, i hsac afe, therefore, *o cite and admonish aii wnom it may concern, to bo and appear before said Aour* t. .is.ko objection (If any they have) on or lieiorc :Ist irat Monday is next, otherwise sisiu ie’.-, -:a*3 will be granted. Witness* Dominick A. O’Byrne, Esq., Or.iiaary ! h:sib « ronnty, this 4to day o* Octobc-, u©i. O.tS— * -V.'.M ■ -*;<IK A.U’HVHWU.rt. O. p Executrix’s Notice. a Lh persons having claims against the estate oi t*.Muauei Molina, deceased, will present the same, uuly attested, within the time prescribed by law; and all persons indebted to .said estate must make immediate payiaeut to Win. R. Norriss, who is uu thorii'.ed by ate to receipt for the same. LiiONOi'.A K .MOLINA, OCII4 tiualliied Lxeculrix. .MEUJ'JWS SALE. filßfißß will be sold befora ti.u CouF House door in the town of Quitman, Brooks couuiy, on the first Tuesday In January next, between the usual hours of sale, the following properly of John Rdmouson, deceased, ru accordance with the vvi ! oi aaid deceased, vis: twenty-one likely negroes; sold fora division among the heirs. Terms made known ■m the day ol sale. Oct. 34th, ISM. 0C.127 J. K. KBMiONSUN, Bx’r. _ Notice. ALL persons Indebted to the estate of the late Jacob Waiter, ot the city of duvaiumb, Chath un county, deceased, are hereby notill and to make inime diaie payment; an • ail those who hold claims against ths said estate are requested to present their claims, us the taw directs. JACOB WLINHEIMER, novß—A Administrator. Notice. A LI. persons having demands against the estate ok. oi. John Webb, deceased, will present lee same, duly attested, within the time pi escribed by iaw; and ail persons indebted to said estate must make im mediate payment to F. R. STONE, Adm’r. Savannah, Nov. Pth, 18(14. noviu— * 4 LL persons having claims against the estate oi A Oivet. O’Rourke, deceased, late of the city of Savannah, Chatham county, Georgia, are notitt dto pieseut ihem, duly nuested, witinu the time pro scribed bv law; and ail indebted to stud estate will make naymuut to MICHAKI, BRYAN, novla— * Qualified Executor. . Legal Notice. ALL persons b-ivfug claims agaiust the estate of tlie late Major Joseph 1, Locke, will present tuem. duly attested, within the Lime presi ribod oy jaw; ,-md all persons.indebted to the sa-.u estate wtii make payment to the undersigned. EDWARD TADELFORD, ( „ r rJ V, M. J. BULLOCH, ( Cxucutor^ octn Legal Notice, AL L person* having claims against the eamtu ol John F nlayson, deceased, will present them, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law; and all indebted to said estate will make payment to ANDREW M. RUSS, i Qualified j *Ol3 JOHN MhCONAUUY, ( Executors. To Rent. IJOtlft on tha cniuei of State au4 J,iffvr . son streets. Apply within. n*yvh—r hiHW, S. MQSLAN. Y ... S’JTATF OF t , COUNTY.—To til r ' - - U ’ Mqry lilt <i" ! ';.-:i, . : ■ [ ova -1 at- ! v :-.- IT 106 tfc« IM -. ui iaif—. . county, it ,l. -ice. itm.-. -a- ■ . f 'fo urs y . ... ... . ■ .: •-v ./■ -a V. •), J-i, v -. . ' . Ob:tiy • : o . i• - - ■ n-.y*"i r i-- ■’.. * ; CT UOUNTT.-To. a-. Jacob Weinheimw di nary for Lett ci ioi . JacobWWater,i ter, iate oi'cl- J These are, taerefore, to . tt may concern,:. ... make obi first Moi daj - ■ u wiii be graiifeb., Vy*'tue,-?, fj",'■ A. for Chatham c<; ; 4 ocf4« _ _ --v q V r in ~ • ISO! Vi.iL ri days IO tC the Ho: Otiib.e - - y ,:-i , p(,;I f y for ic-av -to si- . - , . -Am ,•.! ~ f m. c. . .i (j. j.. ..J Sept, as, iSt.i, (v.-tg V!'Y days r ti . -on -. n..,:< KJ lo the Honors . uam county lea ~ , No. 83, Green Wan:,cit> in .. the estate of S--.- ,r> L ... . CttAJ ’ '"A OcloltfiT tilth, -i . o. ii U. x-, jL^x''^Zi > i orner ol Unit and ffii-juaiiitia -.lrects liodige’s <u,3 sini«ii. * ill keep coestai.l.v ~i a, ’ vv Ficridn 8 . femokiag itidi's . g i'ohaoc. Rapio rid fi. Briar Rent Bipi,. Also, Stationery, Ac. windsorai.d. Toilet?jap, Playing Cards English and Coßfecisni .a li.-teji.-e Dnsuing toil's English .ilustaid Shoe Biucams- Imparted Writing Ink y Lines. norja—q it: Up : ' lSU**.-i-4S*£2 n; • -., 4 4»aorsii su B 6 k ' ... : iti Vorltalfeoij Oi live SJK.t-Se.-ia-a i . i« iK ■-G U" ... ;* le •»'/«. lo aX. ..ria c.-. My, M&l he id iio>v j:; j. .. ,* . jj Jfl- Bljf ie toei G*.: a. 4*oo, U'EuiC COVCaK* Aisd . •JlCfHucd XU tbitt bkiffl t ;i.. . aQ Wir, b-.: . . Tixc eui.tdinbtjr . ..-- t ,:I01)A ed V 9 i Sliu r*.-v4 IU :«»}.:* rjfi t ooffirato. U.htffiiliuA'# 6>fKCSi5 >v f ma-qnireff.tctfceea,-. - v £u VHail }' J a 4« . sas- «•? YOUNG LADIES Ml CHAJYC A. DJ' Mi . IVMM reorg.nizeuin:, ! -Lio- op oi.- . . lOih Uet-ber, under an nicieki usd corps of Teacher*, a complete .. in an accomplishedi. Senior Departueirl under Rev. O. if. Lin-.-. }■ uc pal. Junior Department nailer M . Primary Departmeui. m:do. - , ; French, German and ill. Giupen, i. line; Iy of too cciein . A Fr. .0, , , iharicston, iatciy of the L;.cy ' b ;c diat.ugu: *ed success ,n 1 j . Drawii g, r aim ig, dec,, undei a lady this dep-.f: ..;ent in r: ti a,. . . stuate,when imoer me c; .pc - ';■ .: L . , . Elliot.!., English aud Mat!: .-a- sum 9, with .. .L-. .- er- and A : For wiii a Primary ; c* Ac., ai real 4m• - I.*--. , jmi Hi, and isio. ~ j. • : efioias . .. J . my, . t T.. V., ilott, W. Thorne W. .. ... , / w .Axsou. John \Y... . ....... 4 . Weed, E?q-H. A is-* ... a: j v an.’Vi;-; patrons of the soli-- *4irß. W. i* lately of A a and an ac* . uauiisr, highly recoin. ~t by Biehop .niii.fii. aud iier former patrons. eepfiS—lt&vfi* La JNsU Ll'Lrai b'Wj frciic-ils aad EfigUsU Boarding and ii ay Me ilfioi for f«n?'£r No. ci> Liberty St., cor. Whitaker, Sav’fc, Ga. MADAME A. LaCOBTE, PrindpeL liliSS.School will be re peaeii on -Mu’. fiY.Oct . iOtn nett, wit . sot teiicheiv of Eogiiah, rri C 1 * .Vocal uid lnstiuiacntai), Patmmg and Draw-in::. For terms, Ac., app: -reace 1- ilso made by peruiasioi. : .i.the iieaiv-in- ifileuier: dev. Bishop Elliott, D.i>. K--V. Cue. Easter, Rev. C. F. Mcßae, lion. Soli Cohon, Bon. A. Poricr, Mr. By. jv aiiams, Mr. Gso. Koliock, Mr. W. Sf. Habersham, Mr. Thos. Wayne, Mr. E. 0. 1 Legriei, ir. T. P. Huger, Mr. Geo. Owens, r. J. Kichardsoa. Dr. J. A. Wragg. Vlr. Geo. Cope, V. H Y. IOMEMY OF 1 r:, WtSiYATftIW, NEAR MOBILE, \LA. -'I’UtS Present SestJon :. t or:- on-the iitit of II July, and the class’a •HI her -‘limed on the 7 i >f Septeinb. r. Theschoi *U« year will be divid’ and >nto t hree sessions, eoaimeucinic . -ept. j.-i, Dec. »s i, \j.iil 9th, andendinj; • ■ with, 16415. Ji sard, Washing. <fc. , a nd: ring vacation, SU,b 09. Boar , Tuition in French and Lngiish, u _. ding, ihit tor’s Fee, and oidinury inhr caagres for the First Session, *175 in •.. ■■ •»f bkcon; i’i: • < ’ id .lit- p, ia-lb » te«, with material*, rJ. Sot over eighty pupils. none under the a; ; e m nine nor over that of filtei.u, lor :he rtsst emntuce, vtil bn received rail - .n-. 1 : • "V ~]Sew Haste. t'VjRRGREEX. '< tit:;, B • dart $-.-j tr.t j Atieciion, Wabz, W H. F 2 ot) Morning Star, Walks, R. 4« > The Mother of th* Hold r Boy, ’3 Gipsey Counte--?, Glov 8 ■) ' Silvery Snewer (lasir /iin.qiiai; tfaumbat-k J b. Just published i.y novll—2 JOHN D yr’T*ft r t| a;(jjyj J i\ewß<»ok»iaßd Musie —... ... f~ Confederate First Reader, Confederate Spelling Book, “ •• MAP of Kiistern v irgin... amt Dor ii UuroibiH. Tho Duties of a Judge Aavoca; Digest ol the Coß!eder..te V.; arv and Nival Laws. MUSIC. Somebody’s Darling (Hewitt) §2 txi I’ve brought thee an iTy leaf (tVi ;di 2 pp POV22-2 Joll C it idis. ACHOL.IR’X :Ui’.r- ion O Greenieaf’s Common ’ • -i; tic Dodds do McUuftey’s Fourth »< af- Mitchell’s AncientQk-o;»by Bullion’s Latin Grammar Bobbin’s vutiine of Hlsto-.v Qaackenbo’e Fi Los-jon in fiugiish tion Fasquelle’s Nsp icon Finney s- I'adots’ French RsviV v. novll—3 . jo->N o. s hr .;•■;« &r- RESI Auh.^.Ni fc»N BRYAN STREET, OPPu’-d E TRa L- ... STATE OF GEORGIA f|Un uudersigne i takes ihls f I form th* P : mads to ihi-esi 1 . .i, • to furuish lire a..- , shortest notice. P be served with B trail;*! * Dir *r v. ’ 1- may arrive by the Gulf ■ K. R. train, wr ••. i-.-v Lunches, *•' . Gam; of «*.-••• This‘-at,b. summ ’ -o? its .v • -n • ana oitiaei!-: gea tvptaee.