Savannah daily loyal Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1864-1864, December 24, 1864, Image 2

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DiILY LOYAL WM. A N H *• . - -SBW” — - $ ' URJD A3f EVEF StfO, DEORVBXR 34, 1864. •f * >—L U,I.VL SilfiTAlOKI- Cordi illy we greet ear reader# nader the ban ner which waves it., . ,ny folds of freedom ©Vcr tUls fair heril. v inch was bequeathed to us !M>r auceatuis. Yea, the glorious old Flag ti.u L... • and the snipe#, wave tnaotybaol oyer il c. yu» a protectißg angel from th# dark si;,-*d wf despair with which w# had a» long bci-u eoVsritd. 100 army ol ihe United States entered ear i , v cu VVcdiicedi'.y tuorniog at daybreak in full I<■ e, ' U>« city um> <-inc* been in full posses a: :. by them. The Rebel army evacuated the i on 'l iuy, day ai.d night mostly, but a up .: they went over H - jjiMiit t.. : .ii wiiit ii Uuuei.'l Hardee had 1 ’ot u;« over. the easaetrayand road .0 iiardeovu!*, v.e b«si >, v:a# lilted with ail 3.. ;.eu ib i v . :j'»at£i i u 'be way out of tins j i; itt Ccßbia. 'i t E liter of ’ho jiepub -7 i t, r. t'jjit.tvi, to vua conelusion be was y. I_. .a v .sL .ua vii<- ».-i o UuminaU! the poo i> !■ ■ .i Itvdp their Sitin'. ft D bbsilsry, and s»j~- J., 1 geUib •—*iat him •j jI- . , put u ."'o <>n« r.w some days :• -1 •ii i bag and Wa*f«, whil# Smith and 'itof [s u, of the Sites With koapsack;oa t- ,i i-iiO*-.ui'.'rs, went r.a at toe lasl momout ; i in i»o3e. i’e »e«si to : .eina l in.soa.-e wore gc - :;*} c.l —i: they am ii mi .ae 19 suit them. lliu Lo'ijiV Gcmyiaie vs ill b« pub lulled as 6 joAs t!:.... .md will stand iur the country and ii .reraaifcat beq '.titled us by our heroic lathers v. bo gave ns u lorto ond expect unto feeep ii. I ode,-cadent in everything—support ing our country and good morals; open am! 2 tec to all iti bouor, we llmg a happy greeting to you nil. - GKV CEa®**-*—. oust tii«ins. We propose to publish the JUoynl Georgian every «■. ,J. day afteruoou *\ five cent « per tutpy. News D aler# supplied on liberal term*. No subsetiption list will be arranged at present. Advertisements indued nt tha rums eorrca poudine .vub the prices of other commodities in l ho city. Cun's'.'.us to in •• io«,i)ee'inuei 25 .h,will lie Oiiistii'n.s, aud iu aJvuues we wish utl our readers a ‘'Worry Christmas.” Jn accordance V 3Rh Christian and Northern custom we will ondczv ii to be a* merry and thankful as possi ble oil Christina*, but wo are really learlul we a hail uiita our turkey, and it* usual coneoiai* jnnts. No Pai’Oh To morrow.—To-morrow being B :ud*iy and Christmas voiutuued, our readers v.-ili, ol o nurse, not expect a paper. Printers are lie other mortals, (aitliougii some people don’t fine at to think so,) they eat, drink and wear chn hes, and desire to enjoy ail the holidays in Ibu calendar. - _ divine biSitViCß win ba held inthein licpeiident Presbyterian—the Lutheran—Bap list—St. Hobd’e c hurch, and Methodist Church es to morrow morning: at hall past ten o’clock, by their respective Pastors. 1. i. K. AX..SON, JD. VI. GII.BKHT, IS. i/ANDItUM, A M. Wynn. c F Me It a® I uari Ci ha: Ceu’’ £ r u;' b-.s bis Head tfaar tors at the house ol Mr. Chari t.»Green. O, o’i Howard at t ic cons ■ ot Mr. .Vlolyneux, ltd,-.British Consul at Sivanuuu who is now in y trope. Ui. n’l Slocum’s Head Q arU-rs are at the late yceitieuce ol Hon. Jno. K. Ward. Go .’I Go,try, Commandant ol the Post, baa liit i idee in U IF, it buitniug next door to the Custom House. S-tt?" W e arc under obngiUons to Captain JS Spicethe c-Hic.cai Harbor Master lor the port ol SavMitotb, wr ci urtesies extended to ■mt Reporter. it s .flica is situated on the Siurih side o! D y street, third door east of ayti n. Office hours from 0 a.m. to 13 ia., »r.d IroupS to 5 p. in. Auauh op F :tn.—The alarm ol lire on Wed nesday morning was occtsioned by tho burn £of a steamer lired by th . licbel forces on their tv cualion. The hr emeu were promptly at the r post, ready to prevent the spread ol' ihe h -- e= to li.e adjoining buildings, which )t was lie roi would result, owing to the high winds jpi .vailing at ilia lime. Military Buicsess DiiuiUTOKY.— We have uni.' .voted, but without t u.-.cesß, to arrange S‘. Miiitai y business Directory l ar our first issue. "Wc hope, however, to huv ■ it completed in lime for our next naper. A armor MASTau C*pt. Abas Spicer, 8d door cast from Drayton, north side of Day Street. Office A'Urn from!»A. ill., to 12 M. and from 2 to 8# P. M. The iolli ..lug; uicii-oi-war. are reported below, engaged in clearing the obstructions in ite ti'.oi : Pawnee, v Ha j Whissackion, Lieut. Comd’g Johnson; and Winona, Lieut. 43 omd’g . iW' Admiral Dahigien r.iuyed in our city yesterday by the U. S. steamer Larkspur, on a f< it to headquarters. 1 i.t.soNai,.—■ Major General Poster arrived in ; the steamer f 1 - up board the Sfeuna Goidcl. t.•--- r 5 _ p. iff. or niff seme day. —-« -Gtsa- o tfMr . 'iiiamcs—Many Jhanks.— We are greatly indebted to the clever and enterprising Nows Agent oi the Second Division, Twentieth Army Corps, for late New York pipers, including dailies, illustrated papers and the Army and Navy Journal. We have made liberal extracts Jrom the New York dailies, »■< of which cou * sin interesting and important intelligenco. 35?"Vv o are obliged to insert a number of ad \ artist men Is and some other natter 10-pay that eve out of place in aunionjaper. Hut they (Serve to show what kind of l eading has been gnfed mi toSniitbcni snhsrohei^^^ SRU’iTIVO pj. VA JV.Y.J//, GA. t JjEVTCMuMH uid, 1 Ifirf. ARRIVED t ‘ r < olden Gate, Brown, from Hilton Haad. in ii 1 Cii'ioiilcus, Bennett, from Hrltuu U*uo With in g DEPARTED. Steamer Goldeu Gate. L, . n for Datou cmu %id Light winds from W Wmd plea *aut woath&r. ARRIVED. P. S. ste i -i' r Larkspur, At .;•* Vaster V. B Davis, from Port Ko il. Steamer Is and City, K< tckuia, from Hiitou H.*a, v I' mail andpassengers. DEPARTED r ''unoii cus, Hi'uiieU, lor Hilton ‘R - ii. 'land City, Ketch m for Uilion lead. DECEMBER 24 i :iiioiiieus,B.nn..ii,t,. )) n Port Rovftt.wltk 151 • •*' • ngeis. Kepoi: the arrival VMtwday *■* th w u. ' : M. si.amcr Aia.;.>, C.'ipt. Oadiideu, by>R* *oik, with mail and passengc'jjjj inn SKUXKBK Oil THUS FhOBIBA. I rME OFFICIAL CORREiFONDBKCB ■rna white* s cat it# consul t® tub paBS»*ENT 06' TUB PROVINCE CONSU 1.4T8 06' TUB 11 S 06' AMBKICA, A Bahia, Oct. S, 1504-9 A.. M. f To Mis Kxeolleucy. Autonio Josquiui de Silva Gomez, President ol the Province of Kahiai Sir : This warning a steamur anchored la this port bearing the flag adopted by those who are involved in the rebellion against the Gov ernment of the United States of America, and 1 aw informed that the said vessel is the Florida, which is engaged in capturing vessel# naviga ting uudar the 13 g of the United dutes of Ame rica, and*in destroying them, by making ,ban liras of them and their cargoes. The vessel in question is »at comuaissianed by any recognized government whatever, and her officers are composed ol persons es various b itionalilies, who are not subject to any law, and tire consequently not entitled to tha privi leges and immunities conceded to v*asel* navi gating under the dag ol a civilized Ration. I, therelore, protest, in th# sane of the Uailed States of America, against the adatieaiou of this vessel to free practice, by which #ho might he enabled to supply herself with coal, provisloßs, tackle or utensils of aay kiud whatever, or re ceive on board any persons whatever; dually, against any assistance, aid or pralectioc which might be conceded to her in this port or iu any other port belonging to tbis Province. 1 likewise claim that the piratical cruiser,whieb it) combiu itiou with the pirateAbbauis,violated t,i;o sovereignty ol the imperial government of Bi-.z 1 by capturing destroying vessels be to citizens oi the Uaited Spates of \o\ rici. within the territuriai water* of Brazil, jef-r the ialauci of ITernaado do Noronha in A.pi'il, 18t>3, be detaiued with ail her otlleera aDd row, in order 10 answer for‘so ii a vio l.nion of the sovereignty of the tiovernnssni if Brazil auil l,{id rifeUu ol ulliZd.a ol the Dai d b'.tues within tnc jurisdicliou ol the Brazil ;iu goverauient. i avail tu>sell' of this ocea si >n to renew to your Excellency the assurance of disLineuinhed consideration. 1 have the honor to be, with the creates- respect, Tour obedient servant, Tiros F. Wivov, Consul ol the United States. AhiWllK OF THE FIIBSIbUNT OF THB FHOVTVfIS. Palace of tub Hovebsmbht of tmb { Pkovincb of Bahia, Uct. 5,13f>4. { la a note dated this day, Mr. Thomas V. Wil son, Consul of the Uaited Stales, claims that ibe summer Florida, now anchored in this port, > tii not oe admitted to free practice, nor ob Wm permission to provide herself with coal, pi ivisious, supplies, and utensils of any kiud whatever, uor receive on board any person whatever; he likewise requests that as this cruiser, iu comb.nation wi;n the Alabama, vio iated the sovereignty of the Imperial Govern ment of Brazd, py capturing and destroying .cssels belonging to citizius of the United Stales of America, within ttm territorial waters ol the empire, near the island of Fernando do N ironies, iu April, 18(13, she maybe detained, wih ull her officers and crew, iu order to an over fur this flagrant violation of the sover eignty of th» Government of Brazil, and ol the ghu of the citiz ;us of the Uaited States, ■ itiiiu the jurisdiction of the Braz liau Govern ment. in reply to the counsel, I have to inform him ihat as tiio said vessel belongs to the Uoufeder tie Suites, iu whom the Imperial Government recognized the character of belligerents, all the ssi-tanee required by humauiiy may be fur nished bur, which does in no wise constitute as •isl. nee for warlike purposes as laid down by international law, and does cot cocfl et with i hat neutrality which this Government studi ously seeks to preserve, aud has ai ways pre served, in the contest between the States of North America. The undersigned cannot, herefore, admit the tirst portion of the claim 1 the counsel, in the general manner iu which It was presented, and particularly iu relation to those articles considered a6 contraband of war, in conformity with instructions issued ob that subject by tne Imperial Government, and ac cording to which the said vessel will only be nminted to remain in this port ior a length «f time absolutely indispensable. Iu regard to the second part of his note, it is my duty to observe to the consul that, evsa if it were fully established that the Florida had ircvionsly violated neutrality, such a proceed in'would scarcely authorize us to refuse her ertuisMou to enter the ports of the Empire, uid could never warrant us to coititoit the sets hy itonaal, which would be i gtiva •■eiit t« u hoßiU’i rapture iviihowuifie fur«rvea ion oi ibe supreme Government of the State, viuch is alone competent to authorial such a rupture. I reuew the consul the assurance of my as teem aud consideration. (Signed) Antonio Joachim he Silva Gome*. so Mr. Thos. F. Wilson, Consul ol the United States. INTBIUIIiITION OF RELATIONS WITH THE AMERI CAN consul. Palace of the Government of Bahia, > October 7, 18tH. ) r*iß: The undersigned having been informed ol tbs serious outrage perpetrated by the steamer Wachusetts, o! the United States of North America, in violating tho neutrality df the empire aud contemning its sovereignty by capturing treacherously and under shade ol the 'light, within the very port of this capital, the stcaiucr Florida, ol the Confederate States; and, .« la addition to the most sacred regulations «t international law observed among civil'zsd na tions, prohibiting the commission of such re prehensible acts by civilized nations, thu bs dersigued regarded as a pledge of respect for Uie neutrality of Brazil the word of boss; ol Mr. T. i'\ VViison, the Consul of the Halted S 1C- oi Nlorth America, who, in the most ex plicit terms, undertook to secure a compliant® on the part of the Captain of the said steamer Wachusetts with his duty by respecting the sovereignty of the empire, and by abstaining 1 1 out all hostile nets whatever within its territo rial waters—the undersigned cannot refrain Irani protesting soleuiuly and energetically against the outrage alluded to. and the mor« so us be considers the Consni himself as irnplicat ed therein, inasmuch as, notwithstanding his formal promise, he has volunteered no expla nation teudiug to dimini-h his responsibility. And as the occurrence, aud the silence hith erto observed on the subject by She Consul oi Ihe United States, evidently prove that the un (L'lsigned cau no longer coailde in the said Consul to cause the neutrality and sovereignty of the empire to be respected by the belligerent vessels oi the said Slates, he has resolved to interrupt official relations with him until the Imperial Government, which is about to,b« in formed of tbis unexpected aud deplorable event, shall have deliberated upon the subject, in lull possession of ail the facts and according to its superior wisdom. The Consul is like wise hereby notified that positive orders have L'eeu to day issued to the different authorities to re!use admission to the Wachusetts into acy ol the polls In this province. For tbis purpose the most energetic and forcible means will be o|i‘jjdoyd (a<'-cording to the instructions of ‘the year,) ii such shall he rendered necessary by the reluctance and criminal obstinacy manifest ed by that steamer in failing to comply with the intimation conveyed to her, thus continuing to infringe upon tho duties imposed by inter national law and the houor and dignity of her o wn flag. Antonio Joaiquim db Silva Gomes. THU SEIZURE or H UE FLORIDA. LIEUTENANT MOKKISK jiOFBTCIAL STATEMENT. The London Index publishes the following account of tae capture of the Florida, written by Captain Morris, her late commander: Bahia, October IS, 1304. Mik : It is with great pain that I have to report the sejAure ot the Confederate States steamer Flori da, lately under my command. I arrived at this port on the 4lh inst. r at 9P. M,, to prorure coal and provisions, and also to get some Slight repairs after a cruise of sixty-one days. Just alter anchoring, a boat passing uroomi us ashed the name ot oar vesst 1, ana, upon receiving oar reply, staled that the boat »>t from Her Brlttaunic Mahs ty a steamer Curlew. Next morning I found that the United States steamer Wachtisetts war at anchor near lib, bat no English steamer, so I at once eon clndod that the boat which had hailed us the evening before was from the Wachusette. We were visited on the morning of the 6th by a Brazilian oilicer, to whom I stated my wants, and Wu* informed by him that he would report the same to the President, and tLatufitil hiß answer was re reived we could hold no communication with the shore At noon I received a communication—which was left on board the Florida—from the President, mating that he was ready to rece ve me. At our in terview he interned ma that forty eight hours would bo allowed me to flt and repair, but that should hts chief engineer, wiiom be would send on board to ex amine the machinery, deem the time too short, he would grant the neeos.-ary extsn-ion He was most urgent In his request that I should striotly observe the laws o! neutrality, at the same time stating t« ms that, he had received the most solemn assurance from the United States Coneel that the United mates steamer would do nothing In port contrary to the laws es nations and of Brawl: and that he desired the same frem Me, which I nnhssttal lagly gars. Thu Brawtilan admiral, who was present ar the in * BgMeßßeßggi!L^.»r«MF«^^r- ~ > pEC ICMBE i : l 24/ iu-W. SAV ANNAH DAIO L )YAL GEORG A/ , Ei l R *-** — z=s==^— ' • - •• *•#!«* to the Wachueetts might cause some difficulty. My isrittKS&Cß \/0 President afe©inoil to st*i lus Dilrd Uu rest on tftt* scort; oi stLy collision bet rvccii t,hj two vessels, arid upon leaving lnra ii nmfcdlately rvpaw Qn on b«»Ard anu mov :d the Florida cioa'ji iit«aor« to the poll ion by the Aiixnirai. 1 joi.a.a th<* Bw*ihan sngiaeer on ooara aud wib imorniaa oy him that it w-.uld require lour days «o repair Hi : pipe of the condenser. Fueling now uo - •pretien iion ol a»y dithculty occurring while ino i, anti w;shine to gratify the cra .v wUh a short liberty, not oniv ob the score oiuood coiducr, but also ol ho all u, I deiorminod to permit one wateu ut .t » 'oue to a s here for twelve hoara*, arid sent ih ; port w itch otl th it afternoon About *7 30 •>. r«. *. b •. cuiito along* side, eta ting thut she was «rv#m the ouiteu st tmer Wachusetts with ihoU. bo but, who tia l an official communication lor thu cuuimarder oi the Florida. r l he letter, with tue »:ard o th Oonem, was handed to First Lieu Porte:, who, aft. r exatu* linng it, and flnutn* it dl’.ec ed l.» t apt. Morris, “Sloop Florida,” returned it anopeiija to .he v.<n sal, stating tn*t it was uupoiperly ia ir- ssed; that the vessel was the Conf.'duiate S.ates steamer Flori da, and that whea the lct tOf w isio directed it wuaid he received The ncxi (iay (H n, a sir. ao Vitiik y came «n ho;rd, having received a letter iro the BnitedS-atca uoaeul, Inclosing one .tr uie Be re qnent.ed me, before receiving mv lettui, to permit him to rca# to me the one sent to him I- was a r< quit of lir. de Vidiky to car,y a chul lenge te the couitnander of the Florida, end in case #[' its acceptance, te offer hi», (the Consul’s illlu •aea) in having the repairs oi the Florida speedily fl.tithed. 1 infori»ed Mr. tie Tidiky that 1 hail heard fleite enough, aad, flndiag the letter to me lmprop eriy &rJ dree Bed, declineo it.; but at the gain® time said to hira that I had com<-. to Baiiia for a special purpose,vrhich accomplished, should leave ; but I won and neither nor avoid a con t**t wi.h the Wachuisita, oat shon il I « ucouuier her outside of the B azilian waters, would use my utmost endeavors to destroy her. Taut atternoou, the port watch hav.a.. returned, I sen-! be star boa id watch, the other half of the crew, ashore on liberty, going raysclf iu Cunipany with several of tlie oiHceid. From darn'arntaa o the Vv aohureits, per sona on board that could well sao thes« niG i leara the siip. x#t oiitl A M., 1 '.vat .awaJtcuod b> tbe proprietor ol th -5 tiotei at which t was stayiii», n rid to id tii at there was sorno tronbioon hoard tut: Flor.da : a* he had dettid iinug and iu ih . direction ©J the veß»el, bat on account ol ik dark ft>es r.lB nnahie to diicwru any tfeiijk 1 atoly hawtemni to th* i.»t* -■>’« -i r vrrrruca lllUt officer Itiaf lu'* I' WJ valuer !Tathn»etts tee! rue into aud seized t£o Fioiida, mu was tkon towing her out of the bareiu- i liuated ot to tae admiral's vc-s and, and was 10l 1 by him that he was at. once in. pursuit, whicu no did as eocn as steam was laiseu. ou board a sm& l steamer belonging to the fleet. The/.diniiai's ship being a voasel sloop or war, wa» taaea in tow by the s*.earner and went 0 st. of the harbor. He relumed in Ui# afteruooTi wuh all his vessels, having b.eii uuahie to overtake ,th# Wzchnfletts. upon mustering the officers and c ew left on shore, I four.d tueie lour uflicers, viz Llent. Barron, Paymast, r Taj lor, Midshipman vuke aia Sia»:,ei'» King, ami ti men, ol wii.mi bis escaped by nwimx 'nj; iiom toe Furula alter iier seizure, us the acluai occu r uces ami loss ut lliu on Ij iard the Florida, I have beau able to llud oat very little. Tne substauc*. oi what I have ga flered lrom six men who escaped i# as follow#: That at 3.16 A. M., ou Oct. T Masts I T. T. Humer, Jr., bei.-g in ehsrge of the d<*k, the Waetiuce.ts left her anenor age, and takiaAovantage of the ilaikuesa, steamed for the Florida) from v, (rich ell: was not Born untii close ab aid, when she was hailed by Mr. Hunter, who rec-. iviugßho answer, called “ail hands’’ to quar ters. Before the officers and erew were all on deck the Wachnsett# struck the Florida on her starboard quarter, cutting her rail down and car rying away her tpizzeomast, at the same time pour ing a volley of musketry and a chergo oi causer Irons her forecastle pivot gu i npon our decks 'j he Wachu setts then backed olf, and demanded our sur render, to which demand I jo-.a., Porter declined to accede. The enemy then fired again and again into us, which was returned by theofficsis and crew of the Florida. Another demand wa» then made for our surrender, and Lieut. Porter answered, “i will turresdercon ditionally.” The enemy then stopped flriug, and the commauaer ca led for Gapt Morris,to come on hoard; Lieut. Torter answered that Capt. an.rris was on share, and that he, a» commanding officer, wou and come on board assoxm as ho could gel a b at ready. Tae enemy th'n sent a nember of armed boats to take posse-siou oft St-j Florida. As «ood us Lieut. Porter was heard to surrender, fifteen of our crew jumped averboard to escape capiare, of whom only six succeeded, the remaining nine havii g been shot in tho water by the men on the forecae.le aud in the boatsof the Wachuset’s Mr Hud ter was wounded and ft number of men killed. The enemy maue last a hawser to the foremast of the florfda, and, after slipping her cable, towed her out toeeu. I called ia person on the President aB soon as pos sible, but could get no further information lroiu him. On the Sth I Beat * protest to the Pre -ldeut, of which I scud you a copy, ma’ked 3. On the 10th our agent was informed by the interpreter, that the President did not intend to answer my i roi ost, as the Confed erate Government had not been recognized by Brazil, and ihit I could find all the official correspondence in the newspapers. ftban wrote a letter marked 3. iu which reference is made to a letter marked 4. Jus. betoro leaving Brhia, having received no answer, I sect our agent, Mr. James Dwyer, to this President The result of his visit is contained iu his letter mu ked 6 The Bahia papara contain a Rumbor of reports a< to the killed and wounded co board the Florida, a>l of wniehl have thoroughly all'ted and no founda At t»** time et lies- eeieare there was- about fcweuty 4ve tons of coal ou board, mcstol whR It was dust. Tbe list of officers captured fa contained in the icpo-t oi Paymaster T’ay or. marked 8. The enclosed newspaper 'a an official extract con taining ail the Brazilian corrcsponclonco; iu ruserenoo to the Florida lam, veiy rc?pectfuily, Your obedient servaut, fSigned t O Mamoalit Morris, • Lieutenant Commanding O b. Navy. - .r~-- «X* €S*C»— Proceedings of Sbo iteb.'l Congress. In the Senate on Thursday, Ist, Mr. Johnson, ol Georgia, introduced tbe following bill, which was read twice and Fcferied to the Committee ea tba Judiciary: An Act to amend ihe several acts notv of force. on the subject of impressments, and to deliue what is “just compensation.” See. t. That the Congress of the Confederate Slates of America do enact, That the fifth sec lieu of “An act to regulate impresstneuts,” ap proved Mareh 2S, 18(j3, and that all parts of acts »Bw of force which coder appellate jurisdiction and pdivers upon the B >ard ol Commissioners of the several Slates, appointed by aulnority of Cha said fifth section ot the above reel Led -aci, be a»d the same arc hereby repealed. See. 9. That ••just ooiupeasai'iua" is hereby dee’ared to be tbe fair murket value of property “taken tor public use," at the time and place of impressment. Sec 8 That in all cases where property is impressed for t,bo use ot (he army or navy, or (or other public use, the satac shall be paid for at the time uud place of impressment,according to the valuation agreed upon between the par ties, or ascertained and determined by the judg ment of two loyal and disinterested citizens of ihe eisy, county or parish in which such iiu preasmeut may be made.; onb to tie selected by the owner, one by the impressing officer, and, ia tbe event of their disagreement, these two shail choose a third ot like qualifications, ns umpire between them, whose decision shall be final. The persons thus selected, alter taking un aath to perform their duty faithlully aud im partially, which oath the impressing officer is hereby aufborizi-d to administer and certify, shall proceed to ascertain the lair uraiket value of the property so impressed, and the value thus ascertained shall be held and considered as a just compensation to be paid to the owner toi the aa jsc. Bec. 4. That all laws and parts of laws milita ting against this act be aud the same are hereby repealed. House joint resolution proposing a joint eominittes of the two houses respecting the exemption of State officers from military ser Vit'w ( vrao l-liDii ap, livlzwvv A, .-a* ...... t..,. i Mr. Graham, Ol North Carolina, laid ou the table. Mr. Hill, of Georgia, presented the memorial of tbe naval storekeeper at Savannah relative to the insufficiency of hie compensation, which was referred to the Committee on Naval Af fairs. Ia the House Ihe bill reported by the Com mittao on the Judiciary, “to punish certain trnads on the Confederate Government, inclu ding larceny and embezzlement ol properly of tha Government,” coming np, was engrossed, read a third time aud paesed, alter being amend ed so as to read as follows: The Congress ol tho Confederate States of America do enact. That every person who shall make, present, Bell or transler, or be concerned or interested In making, prtsentmg, selling or transferring any false, fictitious or iraudulent claim upon the Government of the Confederate States, orany department, officer or agent there of, knowing the same to be false, fictitious or fraudulent; or who shall knowingly make or use, or attempt to make or use auy false bill, re ceipt, voucher, aee..unt, affidavit, mark, token, deposition, statement or entry, for the purpose of Oltaiuing payment, allowance or approval of any such claim, or of obtaining any order, per mlßiion, prssport, license or authority from any agent, officer or authority oi the Govcrumt nt of the Confederate States ; or who shall enter into any agreement, combination or conspiracy to cheat, defraud or deceive the Government of the Confederate Slates, or any department, of Acer or agent thoruof, iu order to obtain, or as sist in obtaining, the payment, approval or al iowancs of any such claim, or to procure any such order, permission, passport, license or au thority; or who shall steal, embezzle or wilfui ly miaappropriat® or use, tor his own benefit, any ordnance, arms, ammunition, subsistence stores, money, or ether property of the Confed erate States; or who shall, with intent to de irsoi the Confederate States, deliver, or cause to be delivered, or shall use any receipt, cartifl eaie or voucher aerti/jing the raaeipt ol arms, ammunition, clothing, subsistensa stores, ord- B»ne#, njtone*., Or other property, whloli shall »talu any fnhg of the quantity, » i» ocular qt FfpVftr.i-y, sfetll be beM and dccn.ed eid v >•! ’. ”• ' • M-nee. Pec, ii Every'' .mn eln ;i il with ai y.sueh j offrttc , i o ■ ■ ■■ val service mfed e Blau may i # tried by a uii *u« t ' : niartia , nd, if mroi euilty. h 1 ■<-. pi.: -in <i by Ii and j i...i.ti omu--' •, -r -u.’.h ott-f puiiislimcaf, uoi capital, a he court shall ’judge 1 and tuch pci.t>u, ii O'*' in the i iifoa t “ naval seivieo, a#aior«said,'«ball be uie.l a ih« Ui.strict. Ct‘U:t of the Uouleiiera'c Sta’ai'., >r fee junp.-r .us triet, aud, if loii'id g>iili>. #~a I Uoi-o.’il by | line aud Imprisonment, ’'■ ' dinuv-iou t»l j tlie court, ‘an the ti xr uoi i x -et and ‘.e;i tin. os | and dollars, uor ibe iiopri-’noi' '* *-’> - xeued five years. • Mr. Russell, from the Oiumiltec on the Ju d’ciary, reported a hill fix in : the salaries dis t'i< l judges until the lit i-f Jaiiuuy, ISOtS, at $5 000 per annum, except n cases where the salary now received shall ’teced that sum, la which ease it snail not he diminished * y this bi i ’ Pa-scd, A -o : A bill to sequestrate the properly of suel ; #OOB 8.8 F in-; lial ■ i" military duty have, or un.y depart lit'ta the Uonlcderate States withou'. peitnissiof. Ordered .to be printed anti iu,de the older of tne day lor Sat urday next iu the morning hour. Mr. Perkins, us Lit., from the Committee on Rules aud Officers of the Uau e, rep u ted s- v oral amendments, the coivuderation of which occupied G>e li iuse until V. 45 o m , when the Hou-e. went into secret u, fa-^-mvas: Bpsciai Wotice, M A TOR’S .OPFICa I 3 .v.vnn ib, Beccuilna' 9, UOI I Fei.t.ow <TTizr.xs : lhore lsthorno:-t tiiaish certain joints ol'defence. In compMauce \iiiU •i «•(? iftßt from Ilradquv'Jcr.*, i oaf upon ove yf: nu iy to send a servant with m rt» to the >'fgi,..tlio f-.- Barracks, at nine o’clock c.rn’at' K.cli ii*. •|W Will tv. s.linmid v.i'h jf* h- i.i; Ii . '1 he ffi 1 ’ior will iks- h" ivq -i..-i 1 !»/ ’) f al.iiiilay. Tsi nr»e:-t Rntl axes will he Ink :n e« r ■■><’ <■■■> ruimned on' Saturday night. Kacti negiomu!>t be a -pt-li - i‘ b rations i roa h day. o', i sl AKNOLD, < cd Mayor.. gXOBANUB M’IGE M». 13. Riru>iotf», Dcceusb. r I,l‘tiJ. 1. All roafeSerate effie u - .iad no n ~ho have peon delivered by'the Federal -uptorim s at any place prior to November vt ii, 1C 4, ate iicieby deeiared to be ex- hanged. 8. All cffivfcis aud men of tit a Vickehurg capture of July 4th, ’843, who r.p ii-- atony prole ra-np, either east or west of the Mississippi river, at auy line prior to Novem ev let. L ; Mil, archefebj declarod t,o be exch nged SO OULD, (jerg—; Agent, of Exchange. Notit e. C H ITiSPOSIT vHY, j TANARUS., K.; or ( 'O’fM. non, V Ssvaunat, Nov. »il.b, lstM. j ... Notice is hereiy given to the l.oldeis of tlie old issues that 1 am instructed by the Treasury Department to receive and register the saiuo uni ii Ist January, 1 so' inclusive The new '» ues will be p id aa soon j. reroivcd hem ltirh mood. JNO. C. Fa liKlLii, Cashier, novag—s Depositary. _ labile ASllsil, The Annual; of th<* Board of Commissioners of Public Road* of Chat ham coney will be held ai too Court House, in the city of Savannah, on the Dili Jay of Deoemhcr next, IMH, which will be the second Jiond .y in; ; lid raotilh, at 31 o’clock a ui. W. VV. WASH, liov34 —td »c’y B. (i P, R tk C. BANK BP SAVANNAH, 1 SavaooTiti De-, 7t , 1.104 I DI VIIJiC A r T> NO. LSG.- wkJtZft This Bank has dc careda Dividend of six per c '.ut. upon its Capital st -ik, piyablc on demand in Confederate 'i'reasury nob- . .deed-4 GKO W DAVIS, Cashier. ri - BANK, j niVIORIi l> NO.H' This WhaeSz ia .iv lit" ihi .V, c. Dividend of six (•) perca.n. on t:m t.iirl oc.i;, piyab’o oil ami uf.v.r lii ii. il.iy !,■ T i ro>) mars —nensery roten: ( o . v , r. flees—3 iseie ant cashier. LAUiIKL OlV.l'/K CK .iKii’KRV, ( Sava O . J> c. r. h. 1-1)4. ( 1 N c ivipi lan r with an ordinance vd"’-STo passed i. (’on cdmi tii 3)th Nov-'inber, 18(14, 'he rates for On : al 1. ■ .11 be as follows: For an ordin.:ry j 6 0) Do. no. for ontfi i- box . .ti G) Do. f'o. for brick vault 8 0(1 . For children under twelve yc-ars of age, half the above rates. The burial fi e should in ~ cses accompany the order. A, F. TuRLKY, decs—l iv * Rasper 1 G Cemetery. Servant Wanted. A 4-iOOIk cock, wa dicr uud ironer, white or col- Ajl ored. Apply nt thisofliio, dccH--tl 1 M: IIVI IV S |>ick ige or (Jiji.loderatc money; al «», eoruo liupt-ri.iut paper?-, Kbiriucer’a t’climile and a cliitai)- i Mdtfi* wili he iY&urally rewarded by ieavin • i v i •♦.-ewr ofii' i.. fierV-Xr Notice. b*vs nnau, Dee. 2d, lshf. |t| GAL tiOIS SAILSi ho “Siv.,nnah Mills,’’ IYJL at tilt same rates as at the City Hloie. fiem gift Treasury Notes receive! the s.-i-ee as Confede rate hillß. dec; -H AC (4. P WETTER. Wanted, $20.000, '.?.1(1,Uu1l in 4 i>cr clt is. apply to dec7--3 M. H. WiLl tAMS. Pocket Book Found ,% POCKRT SJOSfSt -s found on my counter, iA with a sum or muncv '.vhicu the owner can have by proving property •# -.1 p tying for this advei tisement Apply ut A. i HI K-VH STOkK, corner Whitaker ard > ongvofe street Lane. PLANTATION Flia SALE IN WASHINCfjON GD..OA. je®BS#»jU. •* *<> ficre •of bind, 2i 0 cleared and cub lYiijicn. The iia necesrurj out building-; perfectly healthy, just 2M miles from No 14, C, It. ft Immediate possession giv. nif required. For funiter particulars, apply to novis— Baw2w iILOUNT'tSS IIAWSDN $l9O Reward \Ai iLJb be paid for theapprehenston and delive Ts ry of roy negro boy Alfred to mo in Bryan coun ty, or bis fcaia lodgment in jail so t.Uat I can get him, or deliver him to A. Bryan’s olfioe, Market Square, Savannah. Ifo is dark complected, but, a little in clined to copper color, wtigbs about one hundred and forty pounds, intelligent, has one of his Utile Auger off nov26—tawSw N. J DUGGER. SBO Beware! LiiS F* a small RED COW, marked with an under crop and slop# ou the left ea., and swallow fork and under bit oa the rigid ear, brand'd with the let ter Jon left blp. I will the slmy* reward if left at my residence on Bryan street, or t h - necessary in formation so that i can prt her m.vlß—3* MRS. MAHON. “OiTiWf AhObll lot of Ncgirfcs for kilo, and daily re ceiving more. Order! will be received for cook*, washers and ironers, biarksieituM, cuniealers, shoe makers, Jtc., &c., and to filled with the gr v;.< -i speed and premptness ynesihii , w'U.aieo sell on coaimiSßion. H MftfNUAKD A BRO.. ootll—lm oppoalb rlaulei s’ Bank, Bryan at OFFICS ENGIN {ER'iron' wVdTkb, T~ Savaifiah, October 2i)tb, 1884. j Mulfis WaitM luiuitdiately. I IMS to purchaso: sixteen sound aud service able Mules. IDWARD GOTTHKIL, Capt. Engineer Corps, octal—lm In C'.u Spirits Turpcatiae, SALT A \I) SWLK LEA I HER, ON coiipitfument ain r *r pal« by Uvattoru Ooverumsut vs the C'oiil’sdsrale staG#. Jefferson Davis, ol Arisnsslppi, Piosidcnt, salary, f2a,(X)SI. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, Vice Freni dent, salary, SB.(HJO. All .-, t o t.jE FutrinfiNT. —Coi Wm M Browne, of Georgia. Col Jus Chestnut, of 8. C.,00l Wm F John ston, ol Ky., i lol'J C Ives, of Miss., Col G VV C 1-ee, of Va., Coi Juo T Wood. Fnivv i'c Bbcuutxuy to tub FRKSuniNT.—Burton it. Harrison, oi M;-s Depaiitmbnt oi "atb.--Judtth 1' uenjumin, ol xu„ Bi.ereiary ol . ...o; J, G Washington, Chief Clerk. Tbs office • : Assistant Secretary is vacant. Dhii*AUTJiaNT of . ps-nci!.—Attorney General, Geo Davis, of N. C., V, ado, of Ala., Assistant At torney General, fl KKiioacs, of Miss.; Commission er ol Fsients, U W ii Nelson, ol Georgia; Buper;u tendent of l'ualic Printing, M Smitli, Public Flint er. TiiKAbOur IVKi-AitraiiNT.—George A Trenholm, of 8. C., (Secretary of the Treasury; Kobt Tyler, Regis ter; i£ C Klmore, Treasurer, J M Strother, of Va., Ca.of Clerk; Lewis Cruger, of S. C., Comptroller; B Baker ol Fia.. Ist Auditor; W II S Taylor, of La„ Id Auilii.or. Wau DuPAaTMENT—JameB A. Seddon, ol Va,, Secretary of War. .Judge John A. Campbell, of Ala., Assistant Secretary oi War. R G H Kean, Chiel Bureau of War. Gen S Cooper, Adjutant and In spector General, l.t Col John Withers, Lt Coi ii L Clay, Muj HI A Palftey, Major Chas H Lee, Major 8 W Meiton and Cap! Reilly, Assistant Adjutant and In spectors General. Dug Gen A K Law-ton, of Ga ; , iquartermaster Geirertil. col L ii Narthrop, ol H. cl., Commissary General. Col J Gorgas, cnief of uidaanco. B T Oioore. /.{ D, Burgeon General. C R smith, Al D, Aca’t Surg. y.avv DepartstENT RS Mallory, of Florida. Se cretary of the Navy. Ii M Tjuiball, Chief Clerk. Jum John 'A Brooke, Oh of of Giduance. Com A D Fairfax, inspestor of Ordnance. ComJ K Aiitcnoii, m charge of Orders and Detail. Burgeon W A VV »p< .t,»wood, Chief or iVedieine and burgery. Pay . marl or* j laaino, Cnief .>i Clpldiug and Provisions.. I‘obt ±>kj*\k cars’.xt —Jvl»u H Ateagtm, oi i'-jiae, *’ii -LULiuiiter tu USt Uoo Ofiut, of V Jima o* v outiaoi Bureau. B irtfleoieatfl. of min., Jiiiei oi Apjio U’liMii. liurGiu. Jouo L ilarrrn, ol Aia..UMrfoi F.u*«r»: j|»:rmu. b MJllei,of N. U., . Jr Tit ato (Department. aeoiui'A Kksp.lives.—Maj. Gen. Dowell Cobh, Oofaioaiidtiig, .-a aeon. J. I/., Major aud Chief Q. M. Oa. Reserves, “cSI Jared I. Whitaker. B ale Commissary General, Macon. Uou fed crate State# liitirlel Cotirt for tine ?g)utherH Diwsritt oi tJeorfliu. Hon. Edward J. Harden, Judge, ilcs.ry William#, District Attorney. Wiriiam F. law, c iu.-k. John ri. Lewis, Deputy Clerk. Fbiiip A. Ulftyton, Marshal. Charles c. Usuer Deputy Macslial. diordecai Myers, VV m. 8. Rockwell, Win. F. I#iw, .mi John N'. Com lussiouers. City fiavcrunieul. Mayor— Dr U D Arnold. Aldermen—Geo VV Wyl lv John FO’Byrne, John Williamson, Henry Brig ham, Henry C Freeritau, I' L Gue, Jolin L VHlaioiiga, iioberf J-i'-ichiisou, Suward C Wade,Joseph Lippmau, Qiraiu Robertßj V C Casey. County Officer#. Shperiou Court.—Judge, lieu. Wm Li Fleming. Fust office, Wa Uiomvi c, Ua. t.iera —V> ia iiuiiocii. Deputy Oaerb—Thus. J. Bulloch. Term time- Second Monday iu January and May. Olerk’s office, iu Court Rouse. lNi'Kiuok Couut. Judges, Hons. Wm U i,uyler. N B Knapp, Jno VUii iamson, Geo F Ramson aud Jolm Bcr.iVtin. Clerk- -Win H Bulloch. Depnty Clerk —'i’hob J Bulloch. Keguhtr'i'ermB —’f'liiid Monday in bobrnary and July." Clerk’s oilice, ill Court House. Couier or Obdisahv. Judge, Ron. D A U’Byrne. Depu.y Clerk—Wm J Okmcui.a. Regular tcrpie'-Nccoud Monday in January anu Ut .Holiday ol every other mouth. Clerk "A office, in Court House. „.. t , City f olias.—Judge, flotr. W a. Cliieholm. Clerk—Fail ip M kiis-eil. iR Ptilart niis- Fust Mom.ay lu Feb uary. May, July and Noveinbt: Clerk’s office, m Court liouae. County Sheriil - ii ij Cole, city bini.lf — C J White. County TYmumrer !, ,f 15 Faircliild. Corot i it'ir i». Hc.cive. o: i’ KKurlis-H S tuiO. C*.»!Kttoroi ‘4'uX' r 8 HoodHll. Ar» ktii^emeiit. Post ovmius, j. riariitinali, Btq;t. 1, Xbfl4. ( XM’ ON. UPPKR a»'»IW«A AN» 9BOU oX A, t: ti HKfVi-n al. kaii.hoao. {jxnfn hi a. m i Ciosftt 4 l*. M. '.VAY iSci'l »V tiHH SAVANNAH AND MACO.N. Close « *• «• il ILLtN. Uiosoi? 0 v M auuuht\. ~.. > *j, 4 r. W Close ** p. m. KITSCOOrit UAUsUi-AI), COIzUMUiTS AMU WONTUOMKHY. U!o:i'-' M. ' Klt.UiloNO, VA UiOSOS 4 I*. M. i;aAHLKBTON, s c. CIOBOS o ?■ M. ATLANTIC AND fltfLF UAIUIOAD. Arrives...# 4 j*. j t» a, u OFFk:« nouns. Open 10 00 a m. i Closes 1 p. ai. Open ;j <0 i’. m j Closes 6 v. ai Sundays, open troni lu to 10.80 a. m. SOLOMON iUIIiiIS, P. M. fliiiirtertioaatei-’u Skopiirfiitcat. Major il. Mclliuuc, Chief Quartorma ter—office in Stoddard’s Range, ou Hay. Major lierniau Hirsh, Deputy Quartermaster- of dee in Stoddard’s ita-uge, on Ha/. Major ifeuj. D. Lcijne,fQ.,M. supplying forage—of dee in Stoddard’s Kaiige, on Bay. Oupt. T. W. Neely, A. Q. M Transportation—of Ice in Barracks, cor. Liberty and Cull sle. jVimtury. Maj. Gen. McLaws, commanding Military Diet. Ga. and 3d Military Dist. S. L\—Oglethorpe Carrackn. Oapl. ft. Wb B. Elliott, A. A. G.—Oglethorpe Hur raetes. G. C. Lamar, Jr., A. D. O.—Oglethorpe Bar racks. Oof. ft. V. Anderson, commanding Military Dist. -Oa. —OgntlrorjKr Darraelis. Lt. J. limiter, A. A. A. G. —Oglethorpe Barracks. Li. G. A. King, A. A A. G.—Oglethorpe Barracks. C'.tpl. Robt. Uriuir, A. A. & X. G.—Oglethorpe Bar cackß. Capt. O. K Armstrong, Agent for fmpressaumt of stave labor—Oglothrope Barracks it ai roliiitig oaSee. Corner of Hull and Broughton Sirestß. Knrolliug Officer, Ist District—Lieut. Allred Pres cott. Surgeon—J. T. Thomas. —Charles Pinckney. “ —iiaroid Snowden. Levy En Masse I TO THE ('ITIZBNS OF CSiATUiM A!\i> LIU N4<HA >1 ('OUiVTIES ! HEADQUARTERS. I First Military District G. M.,v Savaimau, Nov. 21, l.ifftf. j «KNKH.-U. Of*»lli«.% I No. ti. 1 In pm ouanceol the Proclamation of His Bscaj -i—.ai.ffizj.or .1.) i-iih ft. Brown, - issued ou the liftii in-' ,n. u.iii . . 1 .. iiu nt.A"us in.- tweeu the ages Ol sixlfco.i and fifty-live years, to serve for the term of foity days in repelling Use present invasion of the State, ail persons within these ages able to bear arms, and not specially ex empt in said Proclamation, are hereby ordered to report for duty immediately at Macon. All persons “residing or do uiciled” in the eoun ties of Chatham and Effiiigtuqu, within the ages above named,are required to enroll immediately iu one of the volunteer organizations ordered to duty for duty, or report to these Headquarters for trails parin'.ion to Macon. Ail those refusing or neglecting Hi enroll or report as directed, by five o’clock p m , ou WEDNESDAY, th? 13d inst , will ft aircsthu and sent under guard W. W. HOLLAND, COV33—2 Lieut Col, »nrt A, D C. Notice.- jf-'T.jeeTfa Until further noti- e the Pulaski Hons will not receive any hoarders I o furnish them with meals. Rooms cun he rented an.i lodg ings procured on reasonable terms. W. H. WILTHEIIGER & CO. Dae titli If 84 deed—6 A Card. Vs ABAOTK Ks LEY, long celebrated in the lvl treatmebt of Female Diskase*, hereby offers her professional services to the Ladies of Savannah. Having had all ihe requisite advantages, she is confi dent of her ability to relieve th« sufferings or her sox, to who - peculiar complaints she ex< lnaivcly devotes herself. Koleroucea to eminent physicians given ii requited. Residence at the corner ol Ferry and Montgomery streets. Offlco hours froinu a. ai. until 4 o’clock p m. novty—pvß BALT. t jot S Liverpool bait, in sleie s*ad ivr iu'/ sale by »OY£CN-2w JAB. DOYLE. ‘’uiißidl lamUfIKMCER, \J XjL Lz jl. . DEVOTBD TO lilK INTERESTS OF ’WIS Protestant Kp scopal Church IN TUB t:i#MFIiI>EI*ATK STATUS, IS NOW I‘ljti.lsHilß av TUB J*. U. €. I'iiinidbiig AwofimifoH, IN CHARLOTTB, N. C. REV. F. M. HUBBAKO. D D 1 EutTuha REV. G. M. ICVERIIARI, A M. \ E - ulTl h - •PBUStS Ol* KraSOUfPTION, CASH IN AOVAHOk . For 3 months $ 5 00 For 6 months 10 00 For 1 year 40 DO For Army or Hospital diutrihuUon, a deduction of 46 per cent. All communications should be addressed “Church Intelligencer, Charlotte, N. C.” oc!4o—la>v4t’* PitOSPEOTUB OF TDK IPACIFIOATOR, iaUt&iic Jouruai» TO BK PCBUBHHD AT AUGUSTA, UA., ON THE IST OF*CLTOBKI{, 1804. IN view of the fact that the Catholics ol the Con federate Is tares are without an organ—that the# have no newspaper to communicate to them religious instruction aud Information, the Pastorals and other official documents ol the DUiuops aud Pastors «f the Church; to enliven luc Faith iuiu iubtruct. the iuiuub of those in tne Army— tin lu.deiaigned propose es tablishing such an organ iu tin city oi Augusta, Ga. and design issuing the tirst number about the Ist October next. The object of the “PacilicPor"' will be : laL. To supply, as lui as possible, llzis Ki’cat noces jUty, and UHAivovalc, iu i#.-. eminent Tnauuor, uounc LaUtolic dOGUiaoa anu vi t:\v.v, pieseiilocl in .Luc true fcatuoilc spirit and tone. 4d. It will i>e oil.'red ru ‘be Catholic bishops ami Clergy «{ ihe eutire v t»ledc>j>Cjf at a medium ior imbusuiuz their ami, therc .o.e, appealß 10viiem.JVc’fbiy loi iubueueottrugoiaeui aud support. 3d. lt will contain items of Catholic Intelligence irom uii pails ol tkeworlu; aud will be made wu.ii tuis view to t#buiiu UuLhelic jonr u&lrt aud publicatiotsb Ltuough tbu blockade oi eih erwise. 414i. lt w iii contain a Foreign Ucpartinent-, in wlucii aeummary oi licwe oi inturu&t to readers oi lurvigb birth wiii be given, 0-U. lt will contain, also, a Literary Dcparimeut, in whuh will he g.ven Stoneß ol u religious or moi ai character, Poetry, Essays, 4c. —designed esjH'Ciuf iy for the amusemuul and lußtructiou ol Calkoilc la dies aud children. (>i h. it will alco contain a. weekly suinruary ol ui we, the markets ol the principal cities, <xc.; ana selec l ions of a miscellaneous character. 7Sh. its political tone will h« eminently Southern and Republican; advocating most strenuously, as its latino niieate#, Peace—a speeay and Uouorable Peace —for our distracted country; holding,at theanout lime, that it Is tne essence of Republican Govern ment that the powers ol those who govern emanate from the tree consent and choice oi the governed; that the subjugation ol a pari of a Republic by an other part iu a here.-y ih Republican principles and a contradiction in terms; Ihut .ho Abolition conspi racy ol the NonUeru BlaU-u had dissolved the Uunu even before the bi ginuihg or the present war; tha> the south wig forced to select her own mode oi Gov ernment; that Slavery isnot jirohibitcd by the Law ol Nature, or the Law el Christ, under certain rondi lions; that the couaitions nocesaa-y to free Slavery from Morai and C-nii»tiau censure, must be fuifliJee by the owners ol oiaves; that W ar is one of Lho m- a. dreadful scourge# with which Divine Providence visits Nation* Ih li*- ji‘ et - !Ct -> iu -*i H*e cause <u all misfortune lies in s-u, ana ihat by attacking sin aud immorality vn: aim the death blow at wars ituu public calamities; that reiaiiatiOaih war, which may, some times,in liiojiidgmeu ol him wi.o has the supreme an Leonty, become a matter oi aosoluie necessity, isle be checked and restrained; and is m direct opposition to the spirit and maxims oi Glirist, as leading to ike hoi-oi» that have characterized Pagan wurlaru li, or dirtg'tice uow the savage proceedings ol Indian Nations; and, anally, ihat, ii we abstaU. from sm, and lilt up pure suppliant halms i-o ihe Throne ol Meicy, we win, at tile time apjiointeo in theC'oiiusola ol Diviue justice and wisdom, deaenrt that God withdraw Rib chastising hand, and n-Bton to us peace, vest aud tranquility. The “Pacificator” win ba published weekly on good [Viper atid dear tyl c at FIFTKiiN tniU.Ai.ib .KR ANNUM.IN ADVANCfi, ttighl'O: Ux M .albs, or Five 1m I’iiree Moi-ths. The oarneSl co-op taiion ot the Bishops and Clergy el the Catholic L’hmcU, as well as the Laity, ia re spectluliy hoM-.ili i J , in mriheiM ; tin* good .work. We have already received the approbation of* 1 lie Bishop of this Dioci «e. WAI.SH & Bf.llME, Publisltor Augusta- Ga., Aug. 45th, ISU4 irugSl—ti New Auction AND ooinmi.sio:; uot-sii. Messws. Airs tin * uousu *. son, exiles from e tlarla, Gil., would reap-ctlully au nounce to tho <:ii irons of Stiva. r.ah f.i.iu, tlioy have opined AN AUCTION AND COMMISSION HUU-K, ON THE CORNER BROUGHTON AND BULL STREETS, underohe Masonic Hall, and would in vite the jiatronage of all that have proper.y to sell of any description, and believe, by their experience in the business, that they can rive gem rul satisfaction. Prompt payments will be made. not be re sponsible for accldeii.s by lire or war. Nonce will be duly made in the papers of sales which will iakjp ace 'Tuesdays, Thursdays aid Sat urdays, andal nights if necessary. D. J. AUSTIN, dec3—2 JAMB > ROBEBTSON. NEW GOODS. CASK Confederate Groy Casslmere 1 ease Dark Jeans 10 doz Merino 8 .id .-rihirts Black Alpaca Mourning Calico Black Flax Thread Hall Pins 5 bales Cotton © .imhiirg For sale by BOVIB-6 DeWl'jT & MDKg^N. For Sale, A!rJ?S% A ff 3 N i'l Saddle and Buggy Horae.— [rtaways . Hula both kind and geutie, aud will be *sty*“sT* ! * o!<1 ceeap if applied lor immediately.— Uhaghus*'For particulars, apply to DR. B. F. ULMER, dee —2* cor. Broughton and Price ats. invoke of Hardware JUBT RECEIVED A I’§£,-«.*3 tei, Ga. tj l'AY'Kiiff English Cut Tacks, as -1000 papers Dec! Tacks, 4 and N, in pound packs 100 gross lion Table Spoons 60 doz 3 in. Iron Guest Locks 15 doz Hou Tad Locks lfft) doz Brass and Iron Carry Combs iff pair English Trace Chains 10 doz Shoemaker’s Rasps Assortment of Mill, Bastard and Taper Files Assortment of Euglpdt Hooka and Hlugas 25 doe Halter Chains be wing ami l\ g Awls For sale »y novls lw D. I). COHEN. Wan A a, MA 1)01 >E, by the first of December, In tho central part ot town, with 4 to « rooms, gas and water. Address Box 362, Post Of fice, Savannah. novl2—2* SSO Reward. STOLEN from a house in Margaret street, on buuday morning, 13th inst,., s.-vea Silver Table spoons, with the initials “K, A. H.” on the handles. The above reward wi 11 be paid for their recovery Apply at the Morning News office. novifi—B SIOO Reward UIOIKN from my house on William street, on £5 the mgkt of the ]4th, several miicies of Clothing, such as Ladies' Dresses; also, one Overcoat, ode pair Black Pants, one Black Shawl, and several ar ticles of deweiTy. novll)—1* CHAS A COOPER. For Sale. <p AN A No. 1 BLACK HORSE, eight years kind and gentle in the harness and un •*»ti«:r the saddle." Enquire of Messrs. BLOUNT & DAWSON. iroviH—4* Notice. fjUHE subscriber ha* removed to the store on J Whitaker i, formerly occupied by Mr C. Cannon, and will open this day a tine lot of Urouc ries just reoeiv and by blockade U -Vls 8 K EH RL4CH. For Bale. AfilOt'&K and lot at Black-'hear, No. 8 A. A <4. It. It. Tbs lot is about live acres. The house contains six comfortable rooms, and a hail 18x20 feet, two store-rooms and kitchen attached, stables, carriage house and wash room. Ou the lot are two Bne wells of water, a growing orchard of p.aeh and apple trees, anu line srarden. for turtberpi-ticulais apply to AND M. ROSS, dec?—tf Bank state ot Uoor. ia. INSTJSANOE. und«rßign<.J . sr : .rfbe following lu m. suranee i niupßoi- a, is p r 4 • n »ureiarg« aioants on fIU ‘.'’as#**#-Of L s - ' Hoi are- I ' ablc . fscorgia iiifffie (titffii’Aitce . o.iiiuj), O# dOl-UMBII#, MA. CAPITAL t fStW.duu Dm Jab. F. Bozkisian Vre-dder.t. D F. W.u.mox. #e« y F(orhia Moir.f intsoraHco doHioauj, er GOLQtf BUB, «A, CAPITAL JHO. D. ATKIN*, Fu-fuionl- J no. B. Klton, Soo’y I &iigHsta F, ams >l, insurauo €o„ OF 400 VST A, HA. CAPITAL fJflilfliHl M. Wilkinson, i rcsid.m;. . J. G. Fakuo, Sec’y. 4#ril!iii F. and 11, Li iirance €oeij»aiiy, Os G'UrrtN, OA. CAPITAL s4nflfliD W, H. Jounbon, Picric' (, W. J. Jossev, Sec’y. Stonewall Io uraiife (Oifijiaiij, Os ATLANTA, u 4 CAPITAL $iO(»,OOU W. P. Inman, Preti'in t M. COLB, BtfC’jr. merchants’ Couijianf, OP MCHMOND, VA. CAPITAL.... S3OO. mw J. H, Montaoue, President. K. Whitall, Sec’y Petersburg: Saviups : «and Insurance Fo, OF FzsT£;UiiO, VA. CAPITAL# .. ASOu.Ooi) D’Arci Paiti., Picrid-cut. ’. C. H. Bishop, Hcc’y, Southern Ins, Savins Society, Or" at. CAPITM ; |IWI,(W R. ,D. MciLWAVNs, Frewdem. Quin Mom ion, Bec*y. Firemen and Hleichants’ las. OS PETKtI3BVB«, VA. CAPITAL fIQO.WW Jos. Whit*, Preuldent-. S. Stevkns, Soc'y. Farmviilc Insuranre (otupHy, #F PARMViI.LE, VA. CAPITAL tB».OW fcl. L. Warren, Present* J. W. Dunninoton, Be?c’y. Danville iasurance Fompany, •P DANVILLE, VA. CAPITAL iIGOIKA) W. P. Clark, President. K. J. Bell, Boe’Jy. North Carolina ,stock Insurance Cos. OP CHAULOTTE, N. C. CAPITAL s.'oo SOU Du. 11. Nvu-Hutchinson, Prcgideut. J. M. Springs, Sea’y. Fiit'aula Home Insurance Company, or BfJPAULA, ALA. CAPITAL... $600,18M J. G. L. Martin, President. I. D. Wcoi.nop cER, Sec - ? Alabama Insurance Company, OP MONTUOSIZKY. ALA. CAPITAL. $400,000 W. C. Bibb, President. K. H. MKTB4LP, Beefy. Fiiiaula Fire and Marine Ins, Cos., OP KUPAULA, ALA. CA PITAL ~*... . $200,00(1 S. B Young, President. ’ C. R. Woods, Bec'y. Hootlfllie luaur&hce ConiFaiiy, op eii Paula, ala. CAPITA! £300,900 Wm. Woods, President. J. G. L Maksth, gec'y. Merchants’ fusuraitce tomj>aii|, Or MOBtLJC, ALA. CAPITAL J. C. Dtiiiork, President. D. Uubbaud. See’y. eeW7 A WILBUR. Agent. FIRLIasUaTHCE. I jlho undersigned, having been appointed Agent A lx tho following Georgi# Continuity#, is prepar ed to is;.'no policies tu the amount of One 'i itouiMUtif *‘.*U»V* In one risk and oa fir ;i 4; favoiaole mrnm. Sntuhcrn Mutual insuraiice t ; u. OF ATU3NS. ANBURY HULL, I'rea’t... ALBGN CUAUB, Soc’v AiitiETS S3SO,U(Xj, Confederate F. 4 M. iusurante Cos. OF ATLANTA. CHAB. F. McCAY. Piee’t..WM. McNAUGHT, 8(«. CA > IT AL s,'>oo,ooo. SußlEiern insniaiireaiHi irnstCv. OF BAVANNAH. ÜBNRY BRIGHAM t'rcs’t B. c. LctUUSL Sec CAITTAL $1,000,000. Oglethorpe Insurance Company, of bavannah, CAI’ITAL, $1,000,000. JAB. McHJSNRY, Pl'es’t.: J. T. THOMAS. Sec. Home Insiiraiice Compauy, Ol< UaVaNNAU. CAPITAL , $0,600,000. AARON WILBUR, Pres’t M. A. COMKN, Sec. Empire State insurance Company, OF MACON. CAPITAL, $600,000. GKO. 8. O’HJSAR, Preu’t U, L, JEWETT See deutral OF MACON. BENJ. F. ROSS, Pres l .A. K. FitKftMAn Sec’y (JA VITAL *500,000. . Stonewail insurance <!o. Ol' -'wi.ARTA. IV. P. INMAN, Pi ?- MOSES COI.S, See t A VITAL $200,000. iirilltu F. k >i. iusHiaaco to. oi - urn. C. H. JOHNSON, Pr. s \V. J. JOBSEY, See. OAUTAL $250,000. Augusta F. k S(> luabraart* to. or AUausTA M. WILKINSON, Fred ). O. FARGO. See CAPITAL $200,000. iircat Soiuiiofu Snsuraare t o. or Wacom, 1 W. B. JOHNBTSON, Pres C.DAY, Sec, CAPITAL $2,500,000. BSF"App’icatioßß i.y mail, giving lull doscriptiom ot properly offered for Insurance, including adja cent buildings, will receive prompt attention. ALBUM CHASE, Agent. . A Him, a. Nr ‘ j-’ v lloine iusitrauoo Cos. OF SAVANNAH. tapital, - - - $2*500,000. rjlAli lil risks on all description b of insuraide x>n* .1. peuy at Ufjuai rales. L<jk»bob promptly mljugted. I>IRKOTOUS. Aaron VVilbnr, wm. HabertfiiaiD Jno. Kictiardson, lienrv liri?-ltara D. ii. Baldwin, K. c. VVad<, Ww. H. slark t Henry Lalhr<»p, Jno. C. Kerrill, J«»m. C/!au;horD. A A HON WJiiBUH, M. A. Core?, 3m CSNFEDEBA fr GiitV CLOTH. 150 Uiey Cloth, good quality 6 pieces Irish Liuen 20 yards Colored Silk Velvet. AI«o, 200 pair Whiitemore’s Cotton Card* 10 cases Old Tom Gin 1 bbl Jamaica Rom. For sale by H. HAYM, dec?—B no B. onghton street. Eoomd to Bent. mWO furnished rooms to rent, corner of State X and Jefferson streets. Apply within dach —2t* E. 0 M<»Y!,AN. HOOP SKIRTS MADE \aD UKiMIKKO. * ON Broughton street, one door loutliof olive,-& Doug! .ss’. Every one wi-hing anything iu this line re returneifutly’asked to make one call. QovbO-%- AUSS MARY J. BfIQWN,