Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, December 28, 1839, Image 1

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    L |IC «0AI isv k k s* r n mo a x •»
1 1 /sp'.ibfbheil in He
II v
.fiiust**'* <TcIsnu1,
irir.IlT IJOlKAUS perannum, ptn/alle in
or FIVE I)()J .1 .A US lor Six .Months,
iTbcTri-weekly “ BcpuliHcuu,**
... l.mtt'ircR tlllll-s* » WCelt, ( MotidliV, Weil
WSlffl 0 " l th ,?-" Dni| /
i faii. ,, conUiiunf , all the intelligence
l' Brl i’„bli'*e> 1 i» U>o J); 111 -- I’-'l-e*". lit
1 FIVI5 UOI.l.Al:^ t.or .•minim,
' for six months.
lie fir,4, and Thiriy-
iusortiou after, per
it Advertisement* P"
u. Kevcnty-fiveCent* I
fcrss-totr L° r «
1 of twelve linos.
ij n Both Citation by the Clerks oftho Courts
n Unary that application Ire. been made for
J, “ nf Adflunistrution, must bo published
IitrTY WAYS at .
Kodce by Executor* and Adminlstraton for
M mid Creditor* to render in their accounts
te^liodSIX WEEKS.
I\ ' if Negroes'by Executor* and Adimm*-
f, mw tbnut publo auction, on the first Tues-
f„ri!lO 111011*. b “ l 'T“ ll a lh , 0
f , t | ie place or Ptil.lic tialea m tlio County
L' rc U u r.ottor« Toftimeiit uy, of Administra-
t, orCiuanli'iniliip mayliavc I gruntod.firat
p' 0am notice thcreol in one of tlie
tic cinotto* of this State, mill nt the dooref
[court ilousc, where, such solos mo to ho
feme for leave to noil Negrqee, mn.t be pub-,
a forfimr months, before imy order aluolutc
, I,Mimilo thereupon lytho Court.
-vim of Real Estate by Executor*, Adtninhrtra-
f ! '"dO„an!i«MU«;tbe publislied SIXTY
h\ S before the day of Side, J here sales must
Lute lit the Court House door of tlio County
Chieh the property is situate, mid On die first
X,itay of the Month,between the hours ofton ill
I muniiny ami four in tho afternoon. No sale
Inlay today is valid, unless so .expressed in
ij'hc.'timwhv Esceutcrs, Admlnlstmtorsanit
lalians to the' Court of Ordinary for leave !?
ijiml, must bo published FOURMONTHS.
teiof per-nuoi projiorty (oxoppt tlMfpei)
,lc mid intestate estates by Exeontor* nnil
i-trators must bo advertisod FORTY
[ulicationsby FfCcntorsnnd Administrators
itrrs Dismcwory, must bo published BIX
...lic itnms for foreclosure of Mortgages on
l.Ulr. isust ho advertised once 0 month for
btrs oftlio Court of Ordinary, (accompani-
[th a copy of die bond of ngreemcm) to
titles to limit must lie uitvoiUsed Tiihkk
m nt least. ,., .
rjpsilesiuiiler executions regularly grant-
the Courts; mpst bo advertised THIRTY
I—under mortgage executions SIXTY
j—Sales of perislu'We property under or-
Court, m list be advertised, generally, TEN
8 before tho dny of sale.
Advcrtisemcntswill hepunctually attended
J All tattlers directed to this Ofiico or tho
I, must bo postpaid, to entitle them to at-
Pro, aoi—v
Illustration of He
/ '.*.1 •>. /l.'.'l-
0°H»rs ClmtloilRO.
III. Gemtme FRENCH PILLSagainst alt
tho QUACK NOSTRUMS of the ago fur
ineenro of „ * • ®,
Tho French Pills ore applicable to all cases, for
eitiier sex, {warranted free IVoni mercury,) and
over the Bnlstuita and
all tumid medicines, by being entirely free from
smell, anil consequently donut effect the breath,
Kffi©th/possibUity of a discovery
Besides thin
. if .
• i : •...m.i.uuiui never dis
agree with the atomarli, and in tho first stage* of
Sf.1 1 r n "y cffect n «»™ >« » few days,
witli little regard to diet or exposure.
In the most ol»linate stages of die diseaso, they
are equally certain, having cured inaiiynlter every
Ollier remedy had tailed. In short, they huvo been
so universally sncccssfitl, that Unit the proprietor
chaUougc* any ono to produce a remedy of equal
cor runty, under a forfeiture of Three Hundr.
Dollars. Formic by ^
tp • « T * A- J. M. TURNER.
Price 49 per box.
— Ml « 5 104—Iv
Garden Seeds*
... subscriber lias just received per brig
Madison, his supply of fresh Garden Heeds,
kited to be of best quality, and tho gro wtli of
i, kidney, half moon and Valentine; Beet,
imip, blood, white, Scorsity and Mangel
kl; Cabbage, early York, Battersea, Dram-
Bergen and r6d Dutch; Carrot, early horn,
L orange; Cucumbers early framed, long
Ind prickly; Lettuce, early ice and long
BleUon, Citron, Pino Apple, Nutmeg and
|ii*;early Cauliflower; Onion, silvor skiu’d,
I white Portugal; Okra, curled Parsley,
l long sweet Spanish Peo.sc, Dwarf, Mar-
I Chariton, bine ImporlnlH, ^ VaHhington,
Is Prolific and Tall Alnrrowfat; Rudislgong
|5hort ton’d do,white turnip do,early IVntn-
ulack fall; Squash, early bush and long
Becked; Salsify, Tomn 003; TumipT early
I large fiat Globo and Rutabago; Pepper
IVator Crctw, white and rod Clover, Lu-
Brail, See. For sale by
tin I
mud I
or ll
c hr J
10 bcl
i havf
lid it I
I ever!
•avy lq
jeo frj|
5 irrilj
Oil. (|
lived, 1
lland’N Piilmonaria, or Ve
getable Dcmiilccsit.
_wes of obstinate Catarrh t »«
filler arising from recent or neglected colds;
lina; and os an auxiliary end means ofjpre-
■lief from llio threatening symptoms or ap*
^ing Puhnbnnry Consumption, no medicine
bterckuinsupnn the cpnfi'denca of the hi-
Inn the nbovo medicine.
Ifor tl:e afflictiveund troublesome symp-
Tcoughlng, expectoration or phlegm; pain
Tcast, Ac. which constitute prominent fen-
T tlie complaint, that the Pulmonaria was
d, and lwsmanifested its most valuable pro-
mnally nfteful of course in U10 relief of
M colds, arising from sudden changes of
.from wearingdainp linen, &c,
•'.iutaijcej tho remaimler of their liven ore con-
Mrafatl/ sptiu.’rotireincnt. In aliort.uot ovou
tho loss of properly fills too geitor'J!;? 'hlnking
youth with that heavy sinking giooni as docs the
loss of his hair. To avert all these unpleasant
.oircninsbuiees.Olilritlgc's Balm afColimibiit stops
the hair from fulling oll’on the first application nml
n lew bottles restores it again. It likewise produ
ce! oyebrows and whiskers; prevents tho liuir
from turning grey, makes it curl beautifully', mid
(Voos it from scarf. Numerous coitlficutcs'of the
first respectability ill support of tlio virtues of 01
dridge’s Balia,arc shown by the proprietors.
KT'Rcad the folloxviug:
Robert Wharton, Esq. late Mayor of Philadel
phia, has certified,'as may be seen below, to tho
nigh character of file following gentlemen.
Tho undersigned do hereby certify Ilia t wo linve
used tlio Balm of Columbia discovered by J. 01-
tlridgc, and have found it highly serviceable uot
only as a preventive against the fulling off of hair,
but also a certain restorative.
\VM. TIIATCI1ER, Senior,
Methodist Minister in St. George charge.
No. 88 Nnrthrf'ifth-street.
JOHN P. INGL.I8,331 Arch-street.
JOHN D. THOMAS, M. D. 103 Race-st.
JOHN 8. FUREV, 101 Spruco-st.
HUGH McCUKDY, 243 South 7th st.
JOHN GARD, Jr. 123 Areh-st.
Tlio nged, and those who persist in wearing
wigs, limy not ntways experience its restorative
a uulitius, yet it n ill certainly raise its virtues in
te estimation oftlio public, when it is known that
threo of the above signers are more than 60years
of age, and tlio others not less than 30.
[From tlio Mayor.]
City pf Philadelphia. (
I, Robert Wharton, Mayor of said city of Phil
adelphia, do horeby certify that I am wall acquaint
ed With Messrs. J. P. Inglis, Joint S. Fnrey, and
Hugh McCurdy, whoso mines are signed to tho
nbovo ccrtificnte, that they ore gentlemen of chnr-
nctor mid respectability, and ns 111011 full credit
should be given to tlio suid certificate.
Ill witness whereof, I havo hereunto set iny hand,
[X, S.l and caused tlio seal oftlio city to ho af
fixed, this sixth dny of December, Ac.
Caution.—Observe that each bottle of tins gen
uine Balm tins a splendid ongraved wrapper, on
which ir represented tlio Falls of Niagara, tho A-
gent's natno, Ac.
A tVesh supply received and for ante by
savannah. (6b.) Saturday uvening, December as, l8S0 .
I*,'Crop of
hy 1 0UC11ER & LA ROCHE
Scotch Rule,green curl’d
Sea Kale
Dutch or Sprin
Flat Turnip
Early Garden Stone do
Largo English Norfolk
Wlnto Flat do
Large whito Globo do
Red Top Flat do
Yellow Aberdeen 'or
Bullock do
Dale’s Yellow Hybrid
(now) do
Rutabaga or Swedish,
(yellow) do
Long Tankard or Han
over do
Squash or Bell Pepper
Cayenne do
Purple Egg Plant
Curled Cress or Pepper-
Broad leaved Cress
Water Crew
Largo smooth red To
Yellow Tomato
Vegotablo Oyster
Solid Celery
Summer Savory
Dwarf curled Parsley
Curled do
Round Leaved Spiungo
White Mustard
Brown do
Dong Whito Okra
Short Green , do
Giant Aaparagua
Beno Plant
English Sorrel
Largo Scotcii Look
London Leek
Sweet Mnrjorara
Sweot Thyme *
Lemon Bulm
Early Sugar Corn
Chinese Proiifio do
Early Washington or
Juno Peas
Bishop’s early Prolific do
Largo whito Mnrrowfut'
Dwarf Marrowfat do
Dwnrf Prolific do
Early Chinn dwarf Beans
Early Mohawk do do
Early six-week do do
White Kidney do do
Red Marrow do do
Flower Seeds, assorted
r Tv -c
[Whole No.-—97,053.
granneat ornament belonging to tho human
Inline. How Mmngely tlurloas of it changes tho
countenance nml prematurely brings on the np-
ponrnneo ofnlil ago, which Cnusos many to recoil
tit being uncovered, and sometimes even to shun
^sssmmmm «•*» «*- and
llt'Phsfj THifilm.i.l!. II. • .11 sv
,1 Cr-a
by _
■ n r the Hair.
■ tasarla Oil is so denominated, because it
■emposed of vegetable ingredients,and ita
■re pre-eminently displayed in the follow
ed: It possesaen properties of tile most
pa nature, which eradicates tho scurfund
irniea oftho hair; nonrisho.s the hair und
I iu fulhug off, und lessens tho liability of
pro grey; strengthen* file weakest hair,
[ uce j B luxuriant grpwtht gives a vigor
|ir which soon produces an inimitably nat-
, and Prevents its frilling out in a damp
ere, or during exercise; renders tho hair
I'uru or artificial, heantifiilly soft and
T ,estow " 6U inestimable gloss and plcas-
pn>o to tho tresses—in fine, renders the
f nmcondantly beautiful, promotes tlie
I ', eye hrows, murtnehes, &c.
Vr? .T of© strikingly bonefl-
|,' ec y '»noxious, and may with safety
■ o the youngest infant; it eradicates tho
Io!!, er • *nperior tocoinbs, soaps, &c.;
lt!a P, 3 1 * ant tlie infant, gradually
I„i. Ul0 » r * ? n ^ augments its growth so
lea beautiful boud of hair. -Preserves
v iolont exercise, and is
L" 1 nU »Jy for persons travelling by sea
|. n ,, n ’ C81,10 hair, rendering it peculiarly
I *>“ always dressed» lms wonderfiil of-
i«air m hot or cold climates, and is
lunation by distinguished persons
n nJ hy tlio Proprietor,
Kn» > ^ rofl< Iway, New-York, and by
A. PARSONS, Agent,
| PMl . . Sttvauiuih, Gn.
P cenjs por bottlo. nov20
UeUy * Rraiidy Poacltcs.
il for *|
a " v ,
■ I', 1 1
illetn H
raceiveil per brig I.mnar, anti
m 0. L.McNISII.
li^ 0 ‘I>>BSh.
ItooiI, to rr ? s, i“ u Pl>ly of Chlorine ami
llli i i° r rhvmiug nml prem.'rv-
■ h Heceiredontl ror*aa:t)y^
■ SiccTrens, "~
Cj h Ml Vnriotv- *
. w. t;
b; IS “ l,, « W°pc.
’ 'VAs v ntviJNj||j^ji££j±
, t.EWIS A CO.
siir,i„.TrSn>«- . - : r~
landing from brig
' j^l^AYACO.
Look nt Tills.
T HE left bund IioIvoa of thebilUnnraed below,
were mailed to the nddreu of Iho suhscribcr
on tlie Otli February Io«t, at Greenville Court
House, South- Carolina, by Wm. Choice, which
havo uot come to hand, nnil the probability is tlicr/
must bo lost. Tho several Banks are hereby lioti-
fied of my intention to make an application, after
duo notice, for now notes on the return of the right
hand halves, which tuo now in my posacsHiou.
|)20 Bunk of Augusta, No. 238, dated 3d Sept
1838, letter A.
§20 Bank of Augusta, do. 179, do. 3d Oct. 1828;
letter B.
20 Batik of Augusta, do. 890, do. 2d Jan. 1827,
letter A.
20 Baltic Columbus, No. 852, dated 2d Feb. 1832,
letter II. li.
20 Bunk Coluiiibus, No.351, datod 1st Scpt.1831,
totter II. h. . ■ . __
20 Bnttit Columbus, No. 953, do. 9tit Doc. 1830,
letter H. h.
20 Bank Columbus, No. 1448,. do. 1st Oct. 1829,
letter H.
20 Bank Columbus. No. 1208. do IstOcL 1R9JI.
letter H.
20 Bank Columbus, No. 262, do. 7th May, 1630,
^ letter II. h.
20 Bauk Columbus, No* 12, dated 1st Jan 1830,
letter tom.
20 Central It. Road, No. 775, do. 3d June, 1830,
letter A.
20 Bank State of Georgia, No. 997, do. 1st Sept.
18 dim, letter A.
20 Bank Darien, No. 1678, do. 1st Dec. 1832, let
ter B, b. '
20 Mechanics' Bank Augusta, No. 10, do. 5th
Dec. 1834, hitter A. . *
50 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. G3, dated 7th
April, 1835, letter B.
100 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 68, dated 1st
Miy, 1835; letter B
100 Mechanics' Bank Augusta, No. 71, dated 1st
Nov. 1831, letter A.
SO Bunk MiiledgoviUe, No. 4251, Bated 2d Sept.
1836; letter A.
100 Bank MHledgcviUe, No. 436, do 3d Jan.1837,
lottcrA. ,■
I’OO Planters Mochnnioa’ Bank Columbus, No. .
69, dated 9th May, 1838, Letter A'.
50 Plan. & Meolu Bank Columbus, No. 330, da-
ted 2d Nov. 1837, letter A.
50 Ins. Bank Snvaniiali, No. .18, dated 8th Doc
1829, letterK. ’
NOTICE.—Threo months after date, applica
tion will be mit'do to the (above) different lUtnka
for new notes, tlie loft .hand half of said bills be-
msl0,it ' WILLIAM SMITH.
TroupviUe, Ga. 15tli Oct. 1839. ,'
■ O’The Georgian, Augusta Chronicle and Sen
tinel, Southern Recorder and Columbus Herald
and Sentinel, willnleasp publish tlio above week
ly for three montfo, and forward their accounUi
to me atTroupvillo, Ga. for payment. ^
oct 31 207t3m - W. S,
A Desirable Oiler.
T O RENT—The subscriber’s Store, on his
'wharf, well adopted for a Shin Chuudlcry
Grocery, or any business connected with ship
ping. It is needless for him to say more -of tins
advantageous offer to thoso who would dusiro to
•embark iilth.it line, as it is well known to be one
of tho best in town.
Tlie subscriber would also inform his friends
tlint he has embarked in the Steamboat business,
and his services, or those Of his second son, John
F. Guilmartiu. can be always had at his wharf,
for those shipping, &c, by the steamers Beaufort
District and the Despatch, nt all times.
N. B.—Also to rent, a spacious threo story
House, heretofore known ns “The Independent
Hotel/’ fronting on tho Bay, in East Broud street,
well adopted for a Boarding House, with a Ten
Pin Alley, Bor, &c. attached. nov2Q
llair Oil. Bears Grease and Po
matum. , ' -
Tl/rACASSAR Oil, English, do do American,
iTl Ward’s Vegetable OikBearaOil.do Greoso,
Pomatnm, in pqts; do-in roljs, Aldrichs Bulm
Coltimbin. Just received and for sule on accom-
. Comer of Broughton & Whitakor-sts.
nov 20 ' Opposite tlie Mansion House.
rv DDLS Applosjuireciivoil por brig Now
IF Hiluovcr, nml formilo liy
loo 3 LONG & TAH LUSOfi.
pintmcnt, •
<!OR tlm cure of Wlnto Swollinga, BcrolUluM
' i °Hiorhunog.. Ulcer., Sore Leg,, olamul
l°,,'o < L" ,ul, t Spra’S" f-- Hruiacs, Swotting,
nml Inflaiiiumtions, Stmlti Head, Women’, Sore
rmn* ".’. mSV?* - I’nlm, Tottors, Eruptions,
C iilbams, Whitiow,, Hites, Corns amt External
Diseases generally. It i, likowi.,« greatly supcri-
orlonny mciiiiMnc heretofore discovered for tho
chafed back, and limb, of liorsoi) furring worms,
chapped lip,—end ill sliort, fur every external bo-
ddy evil that may fall to the lot of man or hcaat.
For ,alo by
G. R. llENDRldlfSON, and
. T. M. &. J. M. TURNER.
Price 50 ceutspcr box. »
angS ltil—1y
Kcotlsboro Fcmnlc Institute.
M R. and MRS. I.UCIEN LATASTE inform
their friends, that tlie above Institution will
be opened on Monday, tlio 13th of January,1640.
Tlioy 'invito tlioir Ibriner patron, to renow tlicir
support, oh,tiring thcm,tlmt no oltort will bo spar-
ed to give satisfiiction.
Their rate,, fora term of five month,, will he
a, follow,;
Rending, Writing and Spot-
liiig. §12 or §9 per month,
for any period lew tiian
ono term.
The nbovo with Geography,§10 or $4 per month,
Tho nbovo with History,
Grammar and Arithmetic,$18 or 4] per month,
All the higher branches of
English, §20 or $5 per month,
French, Spanish, and Lut-
in, each, $20 or $5 per month,
Music,Piano or Guitar,cach$25or $Gpor month,
U,o oflnstnunents, $4
Board can be obtained ill tho Borough. Tho
Principal does not design taking any boarders.
Thosd desirous of further information will nd-
dros, us by loiter at Millcdgcville.
deed 243cowr
Satin Ribbons, See.
Just received per G. B. Lamar.
S ATIN Ribtioqs, Muslin Bauds
Muslin Edgings and Insertings
Silk Hosiery, Thread, &c.
For sale by AVERY & JOHNSON,
Sweet Scented Powder, tike,
-g DOZ. Otto ltoso Scented Powder
Jj/Ci 0 do. Violet do. do.
6 do. Plain do. do.
Also, Powder Boxes and Puffs. Received and
for solo, by
oct 25 A.BAUSONS.
Goshen Batter.
-M A FIRKINS Goslmn Butter, justreceivcd
u 11 and for solo liv
Iron, Nnil* and Bum.
O NE thousand nml 48 burs Swede’s Iron, as
sorted; 300 casks Nails do, OOlibls Rum—
landing per brig Pandora, from Boston, arid Tor
solo by L. BALDWIN.
- nov 28
Caracas Cocoa.
T/Y/Y LBS. Caracas Cocoa, just received
Jull nndforunlo by
Navy Bread.
ey T BBLS. Pilot und 50 bids Navy Broad,just
iSJt) rcCoived und for sale by
Share Moulds.
2 TONS Share Moulds, fur snlohy
nov 28 N. B. & H. WEED.
W. II. & S. Rogers,
H AVF, just reccivod por recent arrivals from
N. York, nearly their fall supply of French,
Gorman, Italian and English Fancy Dry Goods,
among which are tho following nrticlos, vizi
Ladies rich Plush nml Silk French Shawls
. Do. colored and black Ostrich and Cashmere
.1 cade finnstFlorcnco Braid Bonnets
1 do. super.IrishLinonj
15 cartoons Paris end). Capes and Collars
30 pieces Wash Blondo and plain Quillings
5 do. Weir Gro do Lyons Laco
25 do. Thread Edgings and Insortings j
10 do. Valoncino no. do. and Bondings
20 do. 4-4 ond54 Wash, Spot, Square ond II-
lusiott Blonde
French worked Clifts, Blondo,;Veils.and Paris
. Blinds
Chiintilln Veils, Eng. Collars and Twist Shawls
Mohair Notts, Bags nod Scarfs
Muslin Paris entil'd Shawls, 4-4 and 0-4
BluckLaco do. do. 1-2 und 4-4
Cups, Iusnnt’s Waists, French- Flowors hud
French, English and Amoricaq Prints
Cliallys, Molts, do Lnines, Velvets und Silks
Tarliut, Rob Roy nnd f Kaliylo Shawls
Bonnot, Beitnud Cap Ribbons
Ermine and Fur Collars
Silk', Worsted and Cottou Iloeo.
octl.U ■ Son Square.
Starcli and Blac.
nniHRTV lmxosColcguto’ssuperior Starch, 2
JL-' cases do English Fig Bine, landing IVom brig
Anghsin, and for sale bv ■_' ;_ / -' |
nov 23 G. R. IIt;NDlHCK30N.
tho follcwing:
While Onion,silver skin
Yellow do
Rod do
Early Blood turnip Bool
J fench Amber Sugar do
White ftilesia Sugar do
Eurly Ofnnge Tit min do
Long Diootfdo
Long Mangel Wurtzel'
Long Scarlet C;irrot
Long Orange do
Long Blood do
Early Horn
Guernsey lMrffcinl
Long Whito do
Early Cltister Cucumber
Long do •
lsong Green do
Early short green do
Murkenocs, for nicklo
Large MusUnicHon
Fine Nutmeg Mellon
Large Cnntelonc do
Green Citron do
Bush Snnnnor Squaih
Dutch Summer Squash
Crookncck Winter do
Cocoamit or Porter do
Mammoth Pumpkin
Largo Yellow do
Imp’l fugnllonf Lettuce
VVliite head early do
Green do largo do
Cabbage Head do
Extra do do do
Brown Dutch do
Longwhite euut’rRadisli
Early scarlet short top do
Long Salmon dr»
Long scarlet do
Scarlet or Cherry Tur
nip do
White Turnip do
Yellow Turnip do
White Fall Spanish do
Black do do do
Early sugar loafCablmge
Eurly Dutch do
Early York do
Arlclie's early dwarf do
Largo York do
Early Drumhead do
Eurly Bullock’s Heart do
Large Bergen do
Largo Drumhead do
Flut orlato Dutch do
Green Savoy do
Green Glazed do
Ited Dutch do
Cole wort, or Collards
Early Cauliflower
Lnto do
Cesarcau Kale, or Cow
dec 7 214
Ercsli Gurilcn Seeds*
T OP’P seed Onions
large giant Aspara
Largo Blood Beet
Mangle Wartzel do
Blood Turnip do
Early York Cubbago-
Large do do
Green Glnzcd do
Sugar Loaf do
Cauliflower do
Large Drumhead do
Eurly Horn Carrot
Long Orango do
Early Astringham do
White Cabbage Lettuce
Imperial Head do •
Ice Coss do
Early Dutch Turnip
Large Flat do
Red Top do
Largo Norfolk do
Rutabaga do
Hanover do
Early Windsor Beans
Siova or Carolina do
Horticultural do
Red Speckled do
Enrly Aloliawk do
China Dwnrf do
Refugee or 1000 to 1 do
Asparagus Roots
These Seeds are in fiiio order, and warranted
fresh and of the best kinds, just recoived and for
sale low, hy G. 11, HENDRICKSON,
dec 5 242
Round Spinach
White 8olid Cellcry
Scarlot short top Iladish
Long Scarlet do
Turnip do do
Large Bell Pepncr
Loug Cayenne do
Do Smooth Parsnip
Largo Rod Toinuto
Early Bush Squash
Crooked Neck do
Nutmeg Mellon
Cantelono do
Citron ao
Red Onion
Whito do
London Leek
Squash Pepncr
Double Curled Parsley
Purple and white Egg
Large Marrowfat Fcos
Do-Dwarf do do
Early Frame do
Do Monoach do
Do Charlton do
Grooms Dwarf do
Sweet Sugar Corn
Golden Sioux do
Tuscarorado, &c.
xet, green, &c.
for servants
do. do.
Flower Seeds.
S TAR or Pot Mari
Musk Geranium
Double French Poppy
Tricolored Chrysanthe
mum' *
Double June Pink
Jaiciv'e 1*11140. |unK
Double FrenchMarigold
Mourning Bride
Golden Coreopsis
Double Larkspur
Crimson Globe Amaron-
China or India Pride
C Irina Aster
Rose Campion
Scarlet Mulope
Love Lies Bleeding
Sweet scented Arcadia
Evening Primrose
Cuntbrberry Bell New striped Marigold
For sale by PORC1IER & LA ROCHE,
dec 13 249
Crimson Trefoil
Double Hollyhock-
Crimsou Velvet Cox
comb •
Velvet Marigold
Doublo PriuccsFeathers
Variegated Bolsamines
Sweet Peas ro '
Satin Flower
Doublo Dahlia
Princes Feather
Dwarf Rocket Larkspur
China or India Pink
Bottle Pink '
London Pride
Morning Glory
Love in a Mist
Pink Lavntera
Purple Larkspnr
Golden Coreopsio
New striped Marigold
£*add f Tapper & Slstarc,
O FFER for sale on good terms,
150hhds first quality Cuba Molasses
300 bngs good, fair and prime green Cuba Coftee
150 do superior old Java do
50 mats very fine old Miinilla do
, Hlids prune Porto Rico Sugar
25 boxex.Boston refined Loaf do
10 bbls first quality crushed do
20 half chests superior Black Tea
50 half boxes Baker’s No 1 Chocolato
50 bags heavy Sumatra Pepper
100 boxes Negro Pipes, large sizes
500 Dcinijons, assorted, 1 to 5 gallons
200 whole ond holf boxes Bunch lluisiflb
125 »C8 42 inch Dutidee Bagging
200 kegs Cut Nuils, assorted
GO casks Brown Stout, quartgnnd pints
50 baskets Champagne, Anclior uud Key
50 boxes Sparkling Hock
200 M Spanish Segars
4 pipes Holland Gin, Beehive and Hourglass
2 naif pines London Dock Brandy "
10 do do J. J. Dupuy & Co. dd
10 do American do
300 bhls Connecticut Gin, Phelps & Gowdy’s
100 do Boston do, Engle brand
100 do do Rum do-
30 do superior Baltiirioro Whiskey
10 do do old Mononguhela do
100 half pines aud quarter casks Madeira, Port,
Sicily Madeira and Pico Wines
100 hags* Shot, assorted
300 Gnudstonos nov 26
Philadelphia Beef.
3 BBLS Rounds, in tiue order, just received
per brig New Hanover, and for shlo by
® aH *ltnore8,‘&c
EllY A*. JOHNSON, hav
Black, blue black, brown, cl
Wcst or England Clotlis
Blnc-k m,xt, brown, striped, Ac. CnssimoroH
Oxford niixt, black, brown, green, &c. Premium
Heavy mixt do. do.
Jcatu, I.iit.eys, &c.
Heavy Uufifl Blanket.
'^ '"ilkuikctx I'’' 1 l0wni ^ Wliitney, Roae, Ac.
ocl 8:1 South side Monument Stinaro.
New I'uII Goods.
3 Received hy G. B. Lamar.
“Zi AS® H Scotch Ginghams
*» Lawns, Dish Lineus
orown Holland, do. Hamilton Flannel
American Prints, Wonted G loves
\\ orsted nud Cotton Hosiery
N<\\y Goods, \nv Goods
IE subscriber has rece vud and now open n
L from brig Sai*tmnnli nml ship Celia, a |»rg«:
xfensivo n. -ortnient of newest ityle of Fan
cy nml Staple Godlds,consisting in part of tl.o fol-
.owmg articles, viz:
100 pieces Cordova Kerseys
T H i
SouUiudo Moiilmient Square.
Oct 2
r _ ' W. H. A SrilogcrsV
Yorki " ,e ro1 -
1 box oinb’d cliaugoablo BonnetRibbona, a
•plcudid nrticln
1 box aitp’r fi*’d Satin do do
I do fancy French Silk Bag.
1 do Plaid Bonnet Ribbons
6 White Net Veils
1 dozen Net Shawls
1 do Silk oinb’d Scarfs
1 do Plaid do do
1 do Thibet do do
4 lies hrowti and black Silk Fringe
1 no Phillygrammv
1 .dozen Infant’s Waists
10 do Nuns (Dutch) Lace
Together with various articles in the Fancy line,
nov 16 South side Market Square.
R »esiruble bi y u «b <jsV
ECE1VED by J ««««»»
r . 'AVERY AioiINSOft.
Lsiaies French Kid Gloves
Do black and coPtl sowing silk do
Do white do do
Do black dt) Milta
Do long whito Kid Gloves
Gonfo bluck and col’d Kid do
Do woolon do, Boys woolen do
Do silk do
Ladies and Gents silk Hosiery
Gents Lambs wool and Merino j IIoso
Do heavy wool j Iloao
Do Merino under Sliirta ond Drawer.
Welsh, Merino, Saxony, Ac. Flannel., warrant-
ed not to shrink when washed,
Thibet Wool do. Brocha do
Rich Plushi Mantillas, do Cheaneal Tippets
Do do Ladies Hat Ornaments
Thibet and Bayadere Scarfs
Rich silk do, plaid Cashmere do.
For sale on favorable terms.
^ ec ^ South side Monument square.
Now Goods.
A DENNETT has also opened Store No.
Wanng’s Buildings, with a large and
splendid assortment of Millenary Goods, consist
ing in part, namely:
10 boxos Ladies Floronce Braid, Split Straw,
Leghorn, Straw, Braid, col’d English and
common Straw Bonnets
50 dozon col’d Nun’s Hoods
40 boxes Bonnot, Cap, Satin and Tafeta Ribbons
10 do Belts, various styles and qualities
Col’d Silks, Florences, Satins, Sic. and a great
variety oriancy goods, for sule wholesale or retail
ver y ww. nov 11
B nA..? ca8 ° ,,,lWc Goods.
ROADCLOTHS—Black, invisible green,
olive, blue, dark mixed and cadet mixed ui d
brown, English double' milled.
Cassimeres—Drab, blade dork grey and.striped.
Satinets—Blue, drub, cadet and dark mixed.
Suspenders—Elastic and knitted, also Extra Ends.
Hosiery—Lambs Wool, Vigonia, whito and mix
ed Cottou.
Gloves—Colored and white Hoskin, Buckskin,
Silk and Beaver
Umbrella*—Silk and Cotton.
Stocks—Satin,‘and Bombasin, with bows and
Cravats—Black Italian and fancy colored. Also,
Merino Skirts.
Brushes—’Cloth;‘hair, nnil and tooth. 2*
Handkerchiefs—Whito Silk, plain, red and figiur
cd. Just received, add for sale by
oct 22 No. 2 Slind’a Building..
F UTy Goods.
ANCY Alpecns, Marseilles Crib Counter
panes, whito Marseilles Counterpanes, as
sorted sizes
Whito and col’d notted do do do
IMauket Shawls, low priced Red Fhnnels
Bleached nud unbleached Cunton Flannel
English bleached do do
Low priced Satinet*, Kentucky Jeans
Black and bltto black Boiubosius
Welsh Flannels, Thibet Scarf*
French and English Merinos. For sale by
nov 2o.'. ‘-v, No. 2 Shad's Building.
_ tionu Furnishing Goods.
0_ A ‘10-4* 12-4 wid 13-4 French Quilt*
O 3*1,6-4,8-4,-10-4 und VU TobleDa-
6-4, 7-4,8-4,10-4 and 12-1 Scotch Damask Table
Covers * v
6-4,7-4 and 8-4 brown Damask do do
3*4 ond 4-4 Scotch Damask Napkins
5-4,6-4,7-1 and 8-1 col’d worsted Table Covers
4- 4,5-4, 6-4,7-4 and 8-4 do cotton and liueudo do
5- 4 worsted Piano Covors
Col’d, worsted and do cotton Stands aud Toilet
White Marseilles Toilet Cover*
Scotch Diuper, Huuknback, CraiJ), etc.To welling
Birds Eye aud Russia Diapers
Pillow Case Linens and Lweu and Cotton Sheet-
big ^
Super Irish Linens, free of cotton
Rich Curtain Chintz, iu set*
Drapery Musjjhs, Furniture Dimity
Oil Clotlis, green, crimson and drab Moreens
The above goods were selected with care for tills
market, and will bo sold on accoiiimodating terms
nov 13 South side Monument Sqnnro.
Clirisltnins Presents.
L ADIES elegant Rose Wood, Shell, Mahog
any and inlaid Work Boxes
Elegant Chineal Work Baskets
Toilet Bottles, richly gilt in great variety
Essence Boxes, fancy
Pearl, Shell, and Ivory Card Cases
Gold und Silver Pencil Cases
Puzzles and Alphabets, Dissected Maps, forchil
Gaines of Graces, Dominoes, Battledors, Cancel]
Caps • . ’
Musical Boxes, Accordion*, &c, Just received
and for solo by
O/fk HIIDS Porto Rico, \
Oil 50 01.1. do ’ J pninoirudo.
For .ale by
Negro Pipes,
A O BOXES Negro Pipes, landing from brig-
“to Wilson Fuller, For sale by
dot) 10 GEORGE II. MAY.
Swedes Iron and Nails.
^ BARS Swedes Iron, assorted' si-
_ i^es; 300 kogs Cut Nailfldq do
For sale hy .
do. ^atii
do. new stylo 4-4 French Prints
do. do. English CnlicOrs
do. -black and col’d Scotch Ginghams
<|o. Kentucky Joans
Whito Flannel
Iced do. various qualities
Muslin do 1 .nines
100 5-4, 6-1 and 8-1 Ohinefile Shawl*
50 Merino Shawls mid Mantles
various style* and qualities
100 piece* French and English Merino*
50 do. Pongee Silk HcUcft.
20 . do. IhiglUh Spittalfield Silk do.
00 dozen Wolen Gloves
20 do. Mens Buck and II. S. Gloves
20 do. Ladio* II. S. Gloves
20 do. do. SUk and Cotton Gloves
and Long Mitts
60 piece* col’d and black Silks,newest style
8 cure. Canton Flannel
20 piece, new «tylo Cu.-imcro
20 tlo. Verting.
10 tlo. llroadclotii., vnrioti. qualities
JO boxo. Bonnet, Cup Taffeta ami Beit Rib
!00 dozen rilk, wonted ond cotton IIo-o and
Half Unre
10 boxes Satin Ribbon., (Vom No. 2 to 22
48 Ladle, whito Florenco Bonnet.
100 colored Bonnot. •
White and colored Satin., col’d Florence.
While and black Crape
Black Love Shawl,, black Botniiasins
■ • ,. Iloodfc and n gonoral aMonmont of
leairaldo good,. For rats by
oct2 » A. BENNETT.
H W.IC Llojd-Mmkct Square,
AS jtnt received por recent urrivnb,
2 dor. Mu,lin Collar.-
4 do Fuglirb Frilled do
3 p«1 black Silk Fringe,2do Wire Blond
2 do black fancy Blond .
12 do Thread Luce*, 6 do Gcmrnu do
8 do Lisle do, 3 do Wire Edging
4 do Blond Qiiiling. 12 do Plaid Swiss
14 do Boltings, 3 do Mantilla Lace
4 do Grecian Net do, 6 do Bohblnet I*ice
8 do Spittidlield Hdkfs,]3 do Pongeo lldkfs
4 do plain Silk do, 3do do Satin do
5 doz Gutizn do, 4 do funcy do
6 do embroidered do
5 do Gents Brose»Glove*
4 do Ladies-do do, 3 do do Kid do
3 do Gents Buck Gloves
2 do do If. S. do
8 do India Rubber Suspenders
3 do super do do do
14 pc* uncut Velvet Ribbons
Also, a splendid assortment of Plain, Figured
nud Changeable-Silks. nov 30
w ~ nnt FJour.
nkflD BBLS superfine Canal Flonr, just loud-
ing and for sale on wharf, by
„ Candles, OH. Ac.
BOXES Sponni Candles, 4’*, 5’s and 6*s
Vr Winetr Sperm Oil
Do refined Whnle do ,
Spring do do
R.»htWhole do
ITallibnrt Fin*, Onions, Potatoes
Tongues and Sounds, Codfish
Butter and Cheese, Spice*
Soap, Tallow Candles
Whole and half bbl* Canal Flonr
Half and or do Buckwcat
, i Ldaf and Brown Sugar
Hyson, Young Hyson und Black Teas
Wooden and Stone Ware
Fine Calf and thick Boots and Shoes
Wines and Liquors '
Nails, (assorted,) Plough*, &c.
J usl recoived; a ml for sale by
B. N. DOUGLASS, Ancicux’ wharf.
Menhaden Fish, for plantation tun, on consign
meat. 239ti* - dec 2
David’s Compound Creosote
Tooth Wash.
\ N agreeable vegetable preparation far clofin-
XX sing, whitening and preserving tho Teeth,
restoring spongy and diseased Gum* to a natural
nml healthy stato, purifies the mouth ami sweetens
tho breath, preventive for and cure oftho tooth
ache, canker, sorenes*, and tho various affections
of tho mouth and throat, whether occasioned by
mercurial* or otherwise. Prepared only by T.
Davis, Manufacturing Chmnist—Price f>0 cents.
For sale by FORCIIER &. LA ROCHE,
Opposite the Market,
. dec 27 8ign or the Golden Globe
Boston Bum.
IRON bound WHs Boston Rum, landing
iJ \jr from ship Eli Whitney, and for sale low
from the wharf.
doc 27 GEORGE H. MAY.
To Planters.
P EAS and BEANS—Early Chinn Dwarf
Beaus, early six'week Beans, white Kidney
Beans, red Marrow Beaus, early Washington or
June Pens, lurge white Marrowfat Pens, Dwarf
Mnrrowfut Peas, early Charlton Pea*,Dwarf Pro
lifie Peis. A full supply just received of the crop
of 1839, aud for sale by
Nicklcby Complete.
T HE Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nicklo
by, by Charles Dickens, with numerqus ilj
lustrations by Phiz, -
Do do. cheap edition, with 2 elate?. %
Alfred Do Uosann or the Adventure* of a
Freuch Gentleman, by Geo. W. M. Reynolds, 2
vols. ' • • k
Count Dumas’* Memoirs of his owu time, in
eluding the Revolution, die Empire, and the Res
toration, hy Lieut. Goueial Count Mathieu Du-
ins, iu 2 vols.
Jnck Shoppcrd conmlete in 2 vols.
Buist’s American Flower Garden Directory,
new edition.
Ellet’s Essay outlie Laws ofTrade in reference
to the works of Internal Improvement in the U.
States, 1 volume, 8 vo. . . y
Just received by
Boston ft Handle,
:Markot Square, Savannah,
H AVE in store, nml arc receiving per various
arrival*, a full supply of Groceries,Bugging,
&c. Among which arc-
10 hhds. St. Croix Sugar
11 do. Porto Rico do.
00 bags Coffee
3 50 pieces Bagging, 42,43 ond 44 inches
50 coils Bale Rone
100 lbs. Bugging Twine
10000 do. Buldmore cured Bacon; Homs,Side*,
and Shoulders .i
3000 bushels heavy Maryland Seed Oats
Canal and Balt. -Flour, whole and £ bbls*
. 10 cask* aud 25 boxes Goshen Cheese
10 kegs choice Butter
20 £, 20 £, niul 20 £ bbls. Buckwheat.Floor
-10 boxes Sperm. Candles
5 pipes Otard, Dupuy & Co’s. 4th proof
Brandy „
5 do. Seignctto do. dm •' .
5 do. Houaiui Gin . , .
20 bbl*. Pe&ch Brandy
30 do. Rye Gin, 30 do. Whiskey
20 do. Rum .
Madeira-,- Teneriffe, Port and S weot Mala
ga Wines
Butter and Wlile Biscuit
Almond* and Raisins, Tobacco .
10 tons iron, assorted
75 keg* Nails, &c
All of which they offer on accommodating terms.
oct11 ■ "
AlntOBHk^, Ciiirants ami Citioar.
\ BAGS Almonds, 12boxes Citron
J 2 casks Currant*, 9bags Walnuts
1 Ronnerson Cheese
12 boxes Capers, 12 do Olivos ;
Jtt*t received and fur sole by
dtc21 J. B. GAUDRY..