Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, January 07, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. No. 22 ■ J Sis Dollars a Year, halt in Advance. J RALPH MAY. Having taien the jlore adjoining James Cnrt nthers, Cenmerce Row, fi anting the Ray, row offers for Sale, AH EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods & Hardware, Coo fifing of B'ack, blue, corbcau, brown and mined luocrfine Broad Cloths Second Cloths, Plains, F.laftic Cloths, Cafumeres, knapt a-d common C< ntir, s Pi': nt ccrde, Swanfdowcs & Toili-iuts Bias Strouds, London dufllle and roi Blankets Flannel* of ail colours A Variety of,Velvets, Velverets, Genoa| Cords and Thickfetts Dimiticr, Crapes, Mullins and Mull n Handkerchiefs Crambray Mifflin* Plain, figured and checked cotton Cam brick', Calicoes, Linens Dowlas, (hueting* Diapers and Diaper T tide Cloths Brdiicks, Duraou Durovs, Caiimancos B a .r.bszcttes 3ml Biulbaz nes Silk and Cotton Shawls—S.ioie Malabar, Pullicat Sc Roma! H uicikerchielf Silk, Cotton and worlt-d H fiery Silk, cnmbrick, Bolton Sc leather Glove; and Mitts, l.ace and Edging*. Worfteil and Dutton Taffvis and Cords Silk and Cotton Braces Apron Checks, knitting Cotto.s Ladies fcailct cloaks, Umbrellas and ‘arafols Nuns, whited brown, a’l colon sand G tnaburg Threads Needles, Knitting do. Tapes, Buboius, Pins Gentleman’s fine Hats Servant* Glazed and com nor. do. Gentleman’s and Ladies fine - hots Braid Wire Fenders, with and without il >pe bottoms Shovel ami Tongs, Bellows Chimney hooks, Cloak pins Block. Tin and j ‘panned Coffee Bigg'’ and Coffee Pots Iron Pots, Dutch ovens Smith’s bench an 1 hand Vices Hand and fledge Hammer* Piicrs and Fties Carpenters broad ?.X"3 Hatchets, Adze*, Saws, Screw Augur; ChiSeis, Rules, Iron fquarcs Comp: lies, Gimbh ts, Uil (tones, Hinges A variety ot Carpenters Planes an, Plane Irons Brice with bitts, Wood fcr;w3 Club and Falling ax s, Spades Broad and Garden Hoes Scythes and Straw knives, Knives and foiks. Carvers, Fspanned Tea Trays, and Bread B fleet? C'andlefticks, Snuffers pat. door fpnng: Curry combs and Brushes Powder, Shot, and bar Lead Powder ffiifki and idiot Pouches G in (drew* and Worms Plated Spurs Pen k five*, Sciffar* Raifois, Combs, fpoc .s Corn and Coffee Mills Wr-vfie Irons, fpedtacles Brickie-,. .’s Trowels Hair B oouis and Bru(het Moiocco pocket an t blank books Writfiig pa per, Ink powder p<- {ter Bafons, Plates, candle moulds Iron rim’d chells, cuphoar , trunk, delk and ltock Locks Shoe makers knives, hammers, pinches awl blades, tacks & vj* Copper and Iron Tea kettlt3 Grid Irons, Smoothing Irons, Chaffing diffits, ALSO, ■White Lead, Spanish brown ve’low ochr and blue an.l green prints Pairtet’s Bruihrs and P-untinp tools 4d. 5d 6d. Sd. tod 1 12J. acd.&jod Nails and homing B ads. 8 by io, 9by ii, and io by 12 Wit dow Glais, in whole & F 1 box Together with a handfotr.e assortment of CROCKERY and GLASS WALL . all of which will be fold thiap. Dec, ro £_ uTy bHEKItPs bALL^. WILL he Icld on the 1 uclia u:\Feb.uary ibcs a /he Court heu't in this city between the hours cf r 2r.d 3 o’cletk, a to'fe (if bridle levi ed on as the property of Denal M’Dorald, poir./ed cut by the • FT t:tr. Conditions Cash. Jr.o. Williams, s. c. s. Dec. 2t>. 11___ Dona , tin u e. e’egrrit retreat about 4 miles fn m A Savannah, cn Waffaw river, is cfieretl or'aleale t>r fix cr teven jears, for the bene fit tfthe he ir, a minor, on terms that will iuit f e inclinable to pc,‘lei's so valuable a piece nl rrauml. as we’l caleu atf and for health ns forbjeafure and pr< fit. Apply to 1 V Si El’llENS, > N TVRNBUI.L, $ OtAnvtwt. Anya ft 0 _ ‘f \VA S'LblJ immetliafc y, A Negro tvotnan who is 2 good Cook, wafner Nc. Her wages will be paid rpgu'fct'y sr.d she will r crive good treat- B-,ent. Apply to the printers. Georgia Republican. EDUCATION, Gratefu: lor ‘.he diilitigtu'hed patranacr’" 1 ha ’ expei 1 fro- A finer hi* clUhlillimen: in ■Uvamuth, Mr Green inform* 11s iriemls ami the public, that the Ladies Literary tehee .rr.J the Grammar and Mat hi tma.ticnl Kb: . . . aieltill conetu/tcd I v him on ihe Tame evtenfivepian, as at their bom menceinem. The ccurfe c['rheichools, includes K.'.vi lTl;v, Gntnm El cution and c. W riting ir. ail - -e rueful ornamental, , Vrithmedc, } - L-ptny, acc.n ding ro IV.! veral fyttvn:*, Grognophy tnl the ufo, 1 ova ‘ if gcopying of Map;, in different pto jeettotn,, the elem-its of Astronomy, and the nfe o* the G 1 ’bus and Te lunnti History aml • divcnoit . In the .'.ra'Vma’ cal an d ir'mfnt, the pupil* wi 1 be -arttf niy ind-ucted in Algol, a Geometry, 1 rironomeirv, Conic Secti “"s .tnd Fluxion*, with their rmT'licitiovt t - hr l.nli lei's of life and the mv.dtig itiou of l'c> rnce. years experience in h's profeuion, “,rui a (acre,l and unrennuiug a: enttoti r, ‘he morals and rex i.nor.tve a it of h’.s pds will, ho hopes, coivintm to hi n f- n 1 liberal and enlightened tnihlic, a Ih-re c that favor which he It 1? ui'lier'u e.xprricn.'t i’npils admitted wmbout Er.tran e, tid the .it of'he eul'dijr |an Mari'. ,’,A Ihucisj vl.\;rc:t of einmenc-.- will attend tlm. Schools. November 5 ii-J* I H K Mi” 1 jctS of the bp. MALE ASSY CUM nre rtq idled to pay in tbei- i’ubleripti .n* fur tht year 1806, on or before 20 h Jviuary inxt, to th; Secretary wlu 15 authorffed to receive the fame. I he Brok, of the Tretfurer and Sscre > try r ; open to the info dion of any o. ,ae Members who may vn(h to i them. By coder of tut Board. S.B-ah j . Lamb, Dec. 24. ts 33- Ssc’rf 53 Dolhrs Reward. RAN FtV \Y ah. ut 4 months lime. A u*gro nui named PETEK, be! ngingto tiie tilt ate ot George i/siit .lee’et. t!, ,> avslin* ble carjrenter, and Well known for man, years ißjiscity. He is rail and Aim, active, ar.J ‘■"•u'ancj when q iettion.-d clofel), lie liam ners m.ich. tod. 1 aT* wid be n -d on hi* euver to *.'• a Subfcribet. rtn <. e Gca cr ot ‘hi* city, ands v doVars in addition there ‘c n proof u s hi s’ being harboured by a v.-hi c erfon. J.MA.CIIIN, Ex .'r to Eila'c, George Haiit OGober 15 14 THE SUB-CRH’ WISHING to dirri't ihctr jtninuon ro vards the c llecdton and let dement of debts ‘us tothem. Give notiec ihat, on tlte 3111 dry of December next, they will decline he ‘• tat bufi.icfs on credit; They deiiie ihere f re that all those tndebv l to them, on to lubert St ] din Bolton, willimnudi.itei) rral.e oavment or othenvife fettle to iheir !a!u a.'tion. From the (lore evllcfli • n made thefc two cars past, the debts to'hem have accumula t'd beyond their wifli ; and they arc ientiy aware t haibnfinrfs condueied on fitch a'footing cannot fin.port ilfelf. Cun is Holton, £c Cos. Their remaining flock on hand which is not intended to be increased, will lv* fold by whvlefr’e : retail, on easy terms for cash, produce, or town notes. Nov. to ts Removal, Subfcriber hiving takon a fix years of Mr, Joh-t Po icr’*. wharf and dork adjoining Mr. 80l ‘Ons Yamactatv wharf, has lemoved bis iumber yard, an i having prucu ed id'ge and lale (Lore lo.iir, ;*; t'cipe ul of a continuance of pa i Lvors. “he dock he 2/ prefen occu, ies i i- gefa , 'e pefiesses the lame advar.ta zs as/,> convenience as his for me 1 :;e dd. Hisc imting room will be .ep/a/hi, dwelling hrufe adjo’ninp • ir. John L'aigsun'il one ran be fit :.l up on the wnarf. John Mead. A Situation Wanted, IN a WholeL'e or Re/ail Dry i-jnds ffore, ur Whnlcfail Giu t y (Lore; by a ycung man vthf. •vri.'es a gocd hand, and has a know - edge of /nc bufiricls /a he tra<.h£it< .. c /her of those place", from hav ing been regularly brought up to ooth. A !in addiefTed to O. P. and left at this office will be i t mediately at tended to. December 3 ts 27. SAVANNAH MARINE HoJpira! & Poor-iif.ufe The fubfertber being appointed by theii Honors tlie jtifticss cf the Iriferi’ r C‘ urt, overseer cf the Poor and ff !e tfl'l ant to the Poor House and Seaman's Help tal, gives Public Notice, that be is now ready to receive into the Inftitu ioi 1 , an) per fen or pertons helenigirg to the County; I or lick Seamen, who (hall make application to him lor admiGot:. lie has to requelt ti>at in future the cn ixcr.s will not give anv relief to ;>4r Lns at their door", as the arrangements made for their reception i* fitch as wid fu percde the Necefijtv of their giving Charity in that way; li uld they however, feeidif oofed to ‘.l'it the iidlitu’ion, any donation ‘*■ ii be thankfully ret: .ved and faithfully ac -cvn‘r-1 : r, >,y MOSE3 SHEJIFTAI.. Nox'.i.lo, a aj Savannah : Printed ly EVER ITT and McLEAN, on the 3 A T. 50,000 BRICKS, j ANDING frrnt •!.• itrig JCHN Lu 1) A M for Ule, apply mi ooaid or to iWcin, Mackay <3 Cos. December A. ts aS TO LbU~ 1 THE WHIIRF AND STORES Tj T ORMNRLY occupied bv Metlrs. Will'. 1 L Jk K. 10:;, and at prelcnt by Mr. Andrew Kimx. TANARUS, ■ir p-.'dndtive and convenient fi tuition is lo w !! known, as to ieqd;ri n turther explanation. For terin. enquire t>. R. Wayne. November 1 t g kP MOV A a. Jo jh Jockjon, Has removed t<> the iir<. itory of Mc iVs. E h:. jnc. Holton’s (lore, Ir'ely occn” : is ag- cer , by McilV.. Curtis Bolton A Cr. IKc. 5,6 t 3 , V<n Ssle ar r'tis Oaice ( variety of IN.INKS among which ate , •mang .and Corn ’ ig Man ileus, 4 jrehixnts Enti i.tquoi’ do. Hi Is of Exchange, of Lading, do of Sale; Powers f Attorney. “iieck", Apprentices Indrn'urcs, Uceiis of Conveyance, Bonds; Nott sos Hand, Writs for the Superior, Inferior & Mayor’s Courts, vt.lvor’s Court Ex-f ut'OTis & Supb 0 ~ Notices n crediton, of Inf dvem deb t rrs . Ikitary Sunim-.nfes, & Kx-eutions, ft 7 C-IRDS, I/JKDSILH ts'e. U‘c Pnrted at a tie irt A 0 tee on reafonubU rtnis. Aden mißrafor’s ‘ aK”•. ON FiHay the 21th day of Jaguar’ n xt, will he 1 old nt th Haul'e I Jo -i nn Wei.schi a in Caui'Ei h'i 1: v, ill the Perpnal i.ltaw of ttLiXAttfru shick, lee •’ Ted :cn fi fi. 1n v of one in gi v r r* ,11 HOUSEHOLD id KITCHEN FUR NIT UR F Zdc. ?alc to commence t 10 < ’cl ck in ‘I t f re noon. Il) Ordor of the Adminillrator. Levi atbrahanp;, auU’f. Dtc. 13 30 txp. 1 mv. TO f .FT, FOR a term ol years , the premir.. fes at prtf r>t occup e 1 by Mr, VVi I,am • fiauvit) as a tfw illmi* heule a/i* Grout.'. ; tote. ti lea of /ins very valuable llird, >ray ht had and poikliion de iv in abru 30 days ;to -a nn i*ra/c advance it C2OI. Fo pr/ cirars a tply t , rl • honble i dg„- fitephcixS oc Gin. D. J) .Viitcii.b. William Mil! . Auguff 21 iyj Notice , THF. fubfi i b'-r, fotne ‘ime finu being n hts re'tu.t H *ai ilu frid.. nario:-, taoe up with a JOHM I <- VF” ! lie called him'e'f) *. had in his pcfFffion a tie/v neg o t 1 low ; from the Ci untcnance and co verkticti cf 1 v ne, ien in ette u r.'om whence be had come, v e m i rer in which he iija. e reuly, with o her ri < umltaiices 01 his to Ju£l Confirm’ <1 tie fubftn c in he 11 ts /hr /hi- ii g.o had been ftolcn - t . ;he efo-e (’■ man ird of iivu’e 11 tvitar way he had c. rne to ‘he pr.fl I ion of the negro ; to ixhich i,c re u:ncd ;.n anvafic anfvter. TANARUS; c Lb’ icriber to’d him heh-d goad real - 0 believe the nt,;rr> had keen Hole and was fitter. 1 Ltd to t.iktt t;a 1, gro (t: m bin, • ndfav-. birr, advt -me rat] m ale ru perim cLinacb hi’ within eigh: .een rnembs wculii cUhe re urr, 01 (e l bnn. If , s is therefore to noiify r.!l p: t Tons whom it do h c.r miv onceri . Flut ihe fubfcr'.btr leas m It's pofics fin /he laid rewnegio; he is abou five feet eight incL* htah, at,ed fe ween twenty five and tnv-ty ye.trr> — >0 maiks ether ih.n cn his t aclr, which ipptai to have fufF ted under rt>r Cc v fkm ; fje k* little or r.o fcnglif, ays he came from Carolina, but decs aot know v-he her from N< r/h < r S u h,ht irdiftii ftly cr•ninim.icaie (wfienafked in wh t / way the man came by him) ihst he took, him up rrt the read, v/hen on his way to fifii ci fomf liver or creek nearby. His uu n er r 1 owners a e therefore rcquefltr ■o prove the prope;7y of ‘he pay charges and t< ke him away. Wm. JNecly. Carrden Ccur/y on Fr Mary’s Kiver. flee", 20 nm/Sro 7. NOTICE. Subscriber intending to be absent so I. forte months hxs appointed the Hon. id” ard Telfair, Charles Or.nglell* ,i:f. I >hn Lav l ax, Esq’rshu atton.r s, who will transact any buiinefshis, during Matthew M*Aliifter. April 15. ts 1 EESDAY. January 7, isc6. NOTICE. At.t. perions who may have claims or lie Glare of Roskitr Bh’issane, ilec. are erjuctfeti to present them properly axtt f.ed, nd thrilc indebted : o ir, ro make j a) treat ro M. lIOLCOMEB Ex’r. tofaidelute. Dec mher r. ts *7 (Notice. i LI. Pc fans having demands again It the - *. of “oephen Blount late of Savan -1 h deceat’ed, re<|uelUil to render them .>■’ !>g\ attclled, and those indebted to make j immediate pa, meat to Al 1.0 ITE S BLOUNT, lixti’x. 1’ ‘i r 1 s NO 1 H 1.. AI.L perfort, hiving demands againfi the laic eftltb tUmient ol I.vnn A Mnrfr, or of the Giff ol A imtifi ‘.Vlorlr bite of this city, -de eealet'.,are and fi-vd to render them to tle.fnb. L ribt 1 pioj ei: anci-.e , and those who arc indebted w 1 I xio to the widow anti chil Iren ofLudMoii'e b) making ,I'peed) pay-! menx. (TirrE Rolton, Adm'r. cnf.iid MoiTus cflato Nny. 2 -. no iTCIT AfL px’ifons iridexKtd so (he e fti.c of HENRY CARS AN, dec. arc r que*it: 1 to ui-irc pa) meg wi fi* I‘UtdeLy, md ih.fic having dcmancs cf desired to reiuici xli. m propci ly a.- tefltd to Lydia Ann Carsan, Admr’x. Dec. ?t t . U', 0 Ddlolutiou ot Gopartuerh; The luhfcnbcts g> cs n> cr 1 the rotvt-t l'!i phr-t so r car/itd Ott tIHDKTt thi; FIRM OF D Mil) /IN D L UN G UCrli [j. Is (fits day ciiloived. It is /here* “e ftqjtlful tnir . L peifon* who ate i de b.x! to the I id fi in, rir 10 e to:. •f the iuofcti'-e s, inciv d’.tiir,, wll I ail a.,d |>ty 1 cn a.:c,,un(s and 11 e ’ ■ 1 Defer-: the fit ltd.* y< t 0 pul next. ■he lame vvni xh.-.i tit placed m if, h tL td an Atimney for colleuio;/ ; n thole W o have and -tuiiu! eg 1 ■ t’ c ctipar.r.rrlhip, * :*• < I'fcr 01 tie j u nc* Kir”: will creient their ct,.u ,is so. p ‘, rr.cnt D ‘ VfD GUGF.L. tfi H “ 1 ‘ N GUGEL. > THh. sUiIiCKiBER, Ri ij *. NS In -ih k.f l i. l/icod# “id 1 1. ru ic in ge or. I, (• r tfei rp or’ viifii vonrudie- nh h i ‘2/e 1 ’ i• ■ ei, r tid beg -1 >tavc ;o inform h< n 1 > b-.: w il cor:iiiuc the I'AYLGK !NG BUSINi'SN, at/he th p lately .'tcupied 7y IX so G. Guy. , w.’uc l,r ■/ill x>u lianklui for a sou o! Tull .ic i 1 ) hi lire. c HkIS Fi AN GUCEL. f Mtu r, 3 ?f 36 ‘NO i 1.. E. To In ’jeribe. s to the Ceoijia Republican. Havi-ig ‘.-am.fereJ. in brbalf of the propri erors, to E vtKiT rft Mcl. x a (the pr xi-i.t ;> prietorij aI , 1 b'a due'ur iulnx 1 ipliun* t< ” the | per from the ill ol Oft. 1805 rind all dexvs ot wlao’ i r nature due the olSce lion he 21 It N< V. Hit, th fe concerned will pa; rheir ri lpnltivi- arrearages that lull due with in the above dates to them. C CRT is Such Subscribers as have not paii ‘lteir half ytar’x advance, due the ti. ti if l'ftober !a(t will confer a fvvor by fet tling the fame ne boon as r, Hi|j EVF.HITT r d Ma.EAN. J ‘ f F> C lO L.L/iSH. For a i erm Years. Lots No. I3"o ‘ 14 in IV"> rrn IVard ftuaietl near tre Bay nrd adjoining a lot belonging to the Plate of 11 J ibibrictgr, at present. occupied by Fir. J.imei Me xiuofh and Mr. IV rn G-ecn ‘/cache —one of them a corn r lot on a fountc and frontirg ihe nemo mar let. For mms aj.jjy to WILLIAM PLRKF.P. J j, ‘ u /"y 3 V 36 PU/C oAl_r . Or Extbargg Jor Negroes. ‘1 HA"i 17.C1.1 c t f:tu ‘t,<,n tv.t m.lts fr<m Sav .iinvi), on Tc Lcuif vilie toad cir.tsiniig I </went rft tty aid otit bund cd acies of GOOD LA! Don vr.K n is a good f.cufc Ac. ■ lit I /uaiicti for a Ga.’den fpo/ is hir xcttdcd by any in tlx vicini/y i_l Av.-nnah. AbO.~ Wan/cd a man who it veil arquainted v/ita the culture Rice, fitch a one will fia.d eficcu ray: uent by app'ying ;o the prni'cis N hu, paorr or to G. VV. ALLEN. Little Og-chee. bn. 3 ts. ? BLACK BOY! THE brjl of treatment and COOP irtichs will be given a NEGRO HOT i \of about 14 years of ug ’ attf ly to the l •printers. Jan. 3. CWhole um#er I*7. [Twelve and a half Cents fmgh-. jS'PS/ RECEIVED 1 2 Cafe* 7.8 l:i(li linens, coff from ni to fiiiiing', J t Ba.c drapery baize, 1 do. blur cloth, 1 do. white dow!?*, 1 do. rose blanket:, 6-4, 7-4, 8-4, ard , 5-4. 1 do. raven* dm k, 3 do. b’uc Cilia l.dkfs. J .Suira -3 do. do. Gurrahr, | hie for 2 do. Gudjepore Sannaht, ji. the Afri. 1 do. Jiidjea bnftrj, | ra „ 2 do. Borciport Ccffas, J tnaikct. THK ABUT n WILL UK lOtD Ir 1114 balf, or cask, ALSO, 17 Ckfk* London pc let , do. do. brow 11 (lout, 12 Neils trunk 1, 3 Laic* Loudon nude bats. ON HAND 13 Hilda N. F.. Hum, 4 Pipe* brandy, a quantity No. 10. cotton cardr, 10 Clicfl* 13, and Hyfoe (kin tej(n E'er sale by Roberts & Clark, h if Blur let Wharf. DeccAiberao. 3?. ts TO RP NT. STOKES Nos. 7 and to, in the Exchange, /or turns apply at my Office. ‘ ho.;, Pitt, Scc’ry. Nov. sj t s. ,4 N O I I G E, A BL pfrfr.ns having any ttfinands aguinft x*. the ellate ol JOMAIf TATTNAI.I. Jimv. eiquiir ;xve repueltcd to rer-dpr tlieiu proper!) attUtt r- Ul i Rn In jre < **rcd to make |jAyiTH'i\t to ‘’.bone/i r S’, Moore's W hart* GEoK■,i JONES, ) .. , L. JACRiSON. y L.v us. April; r t gg l h ————r— • J ILI , A f-L IVi'lon.4 I xv mg ai j demands again!) D the eflate of Joixix Halierlhairulcec..i. i are requcltcd v f end them in pro] Irl .. u ted ami thole xvlio are indebted to make pay* ment to 1 Josejih Hc*bers!i;im. A dr. : ni/t rat or. January ro ts 38 ROfJh,R l ij & CLARK, Have just rc'-oved ptr'bc brig Fleonor from P.ollon, and for falc at tbur Itur*, Suntil and Ifi urkc’a wharf. 8 Illidc. retailing Sugar*, 500 pair negro Shots. On hand. 18 TIM* N, Rum, 40 lib!*. Mackarel, 10 hoxes Cotton Card*, 2 bale? Blanket j, 1 do. low priced Broadclotl.a, t trunk 4 4 liifh Sheeting*, 1 case 4 4 and 3-4 liifh linen*, 10 Bt)ii. Beef, 4 pipes Holland Giri, 3 do. Cog iliac Brandy, 20 Bolt* Ruffian Duck. Nov. 1 ts I,j I or sul<;. OiM Eof the rrcfl valuable tiz{\ s of L:i,d upr.n /he Allamaha, COii/aminm ■■ tut eleven hurdred aries of Rico bwampin the belt p.tch of /idc. ‘j I,is : r /dt is a;., ut five miles above /he mv.n ol D.uirn, wr, prior to the re* vo'tiiioPHiy war, /he pioper/y of ihe id.c governor V///ght, and has fer j j (cltlt merit, attached immediately to Rhe Swamp, one of ‘fie mod teauti* ui h/id molt t!cva/cd firuationr, upon /be river. Peifons wifliing to .j u‘ chaf-r this i/operiy wi 1 apply to I'iiwuid .-.war* <ietk or Willi in Mein, JL (qrs. A avaiinafi, whcie a pia/ of th s Laud may befeer.. C)£lober 15. /f; 9. NDTxCE. IS Hereby given, /fiat af/rr the ex ,ri t/ucA nonh* fu m /lie C.t/3 nt serf, appficafir n v ill I e made to the norahle the inferior Com/ fi t the ocu/i ty <■! Cam en, for leave to felt he teal efta/e of James Vfir.c ert, late .1 the (aid Crot/y dec. for the btne i of (he heirs and creditors. ‘I hoiruu Kino, “) ( 1 > /kcrrnr s. Art lid. CLik. Augifft 27. OVl■ R S L*. tH, VV an■ e and. A 11 .< of ft*<ly habit* and arci'ftomrd to I the n.judgement of tugtee.-.. If bv i-rg* ! rCf <1 tel’ irt.outa's, of hts hotirky, Ir.dullry 1. mi V'hiir'y he will meet v, ixh proper en- I uragemeat ly applying ti Win. Mein. Nvvw.ber j \t ?ro