Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, January 10, 1806, Image 4

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CITY SHERIFF’S SALES, i ON t“.e rirlt Tueld'ay in Fc-1 h.uzry next, will ba ibid ac t'u. { CourtHe, in this city, b,> ‘ tween tuc hours o: 10 a: and j o’frjot k, One negro manna-! me !JI v'J, 1ev. .4 0.,;s the pro- i perty ol Jo Aph Davis, at the fur; of L’li.rm, pointed oat Ly the dt-ren-Jaru. ALSO.—One undivided enti ty or fourth part of a tract of /.aill, containing 550 acres, moie or less on Lillie Qgechce Ne k, 14 miies iiom Savannah, uih,y and picultnt tion i pir: of fait! land is occu pied !>y James 6c Bc;-j. W:i ----1011, levied on ..s the property o Lufebius White, at the iui: of idiiiiibi iiaiiur, pointed out o, tne Ajmiiiiltrator. Landmens Ccjh. jftG. WILLIAMS, b. C. o, Jin. j 46. txp. FO; SALE. ” vuliul-le piamation in liberty ccunty the Tcjiilr ca .1 the life Genl. b'eriven ; a cor. lid er..tlj portion of wit. :h id ft,amp, and forr.e time null un-Ifr eu'riv.i’ ioo ; thr high jjrou"d iui pit# for the cal’ -rn f Cotton, and poffciHis ac : - iitua'.ion iji a IVitlement; the particti.ars of which, r.r, : terms of I’ale w.ll be coin rn,ticaled cn npplica’.ion to John Eliott E- ]i : l.Liberty C niN, or Major Charles O ‘ i ipi.'lls on f t.'*v -.7 in.and, or to the iubfetiorr. CHAHLKbO. S RIVEN Brj a:; Cotiijty J .n. 3 8t 3b ANDREW K/VOX y Has jujl receive l and for Sale. 20 Liliis. prime ami mesa Fork and Beet 25 do- Pilot, {hip and middling Bread 50 boxi*s's mould ca.. Jies ( rxugufta made) 30 kegs genuine manufk&urcd To b cro 50 do. rr. U sc. Er.glifh Gunpow der. 2500 lb. buck, duck, swan and squir rel sh t. Bcfl Em liili Qtiilb, \Vafcr3 and Ink Fonder Writing and Wrapping paper Mogul playing cauls Boxes Spanilh Scgars Pewter plate., Batons and difhrs Mill, Pitt, CroUcut and 1 land Saws Corn & Cc.ffee Mil's—Claw Hummers SpH.les, Shovels and Yrym j>a Dutch Ovens. Pots, F re Dogs jiLSO, On I/.nd, Rofc, point & London Duffle Blankets Clothe, Cailitreres, Flannels, and Negro i lams Blue Strcuds and Bath Coatings Iriih Liniicns, Flax and tow Oznaburgs Cotton Bagging, Fine and ccarle Hats With a gen .al fupp'y 01 Gtoccries. Dec. 2 (i ts 35 FOR SALE. THE houle ar | relent cccu pied 2s the Republican Printing Ojjice Lumber or the labou ol a Carpenter will be received in payment. For pain* ni ns up pi/ to EDW. L. DfWiEs. NOV. 17 2.J. [f. C.L ORGIA 7 ‘ Y Ir.. i- Crow?, clerk 1— 8. > t . !>< court of Ordinaly Isaac j . ir the Ceinity ut Camden in the lUtr. atoi.i.ud. W H.<. RtSA i Richard Tearis awl Catha rine his wile, nave tins da made r.| tidi 1’ r let'.ors bl AdmiiuUrxuon ut i.nisuon, on c lute u and eui uts i.l Ihe hnlmiX'ile Henry Osborne, la.e of the county of Kicli mond decsa!cd. ‘T Ur ic ire therefore to cite ar.d aJ.r.cniili all anil lingular die kindred .m i creditors el the ueie.ilt.ii to hie their obje. :1011s (il any they li ivc) in niv ofliee, on or bet re the otii day of January next, utliersviu loiter* of ad min itti a ion wuh die will annexed will be grant* ;l them. t.iven under my hand and tea! this twen tieth cay of November me thoufii.d eiglu hundred and ticc, m and nuho thirtieth year of America . limej enueuce. December 10 a NO'lluE. AI.I. pci fens vvh > may h ive claims or the e .ate ci ll.iuem r UatsBANC, ilec. are requeued to prclV in them pr.pcrly aueiUd, and th. lie indebted .> It, to make yaynieut to M UOL.COMBK Ex’r. lofaniellute. December j. ts NO TICE. ALL prrfon* having demands nipm.ft the late eIU dilhraetit of Lyon Jk Morlr, or of tlie elute 1 Samuel Mori, late of tics citv, dc ecu ou, aro dehred to r. inter them to the tub. fen bn jirperh attclled, and those who aie indebted v'll and atci v tee io the widow and children ot laid Murfe by making fpetdy pay ment. Curt's Bolton, AJm’r. en laid Merles ellatc N"V. 1(5 2 NOTICE. ALL p 1 fors poebted ro the e flae of HENRY CARSAN, dec. are requettea 0 ini; payment with out d*Uy, md thole havrg demands are del ted to rattier ihem properir at ttilcd to 1 Juydia Ann Csrsan, jddtnr’x. Fff. 31 law, (jw. the subscriber. ] REQUESTS ail persons to him by notes or open accounts, to fettle’ the fame on or before the 2a‘li o Fe j b.uary next. Thole whtfe accounts have been of long Handing, and not pain by that time, will be put into the har t's of an attorney for c"llcdtioo : as t o longer indulgence tan poffiuiy be gi ven. He has just received. By the j hip Room ana, from Hew Tirk, a large jupp‘y oi frefb DRUG.- *1 A'ibtaUi -ET, which makes his assortment at prefert veiy complete, and extendve ; and will be lold by IVholefale or Retail, at a small \ a..race on cost for Gafts, or his usual j crec’jt to punctual customers? George iiarral, Dec; 41 tFy. 45. VaTTL Oi’ THE’ Fr ctional Survey. WHEREAS, by an aft of the Genera! A flern >ly of the ft ate o Georgia pufTe-.l at Louisville or the 7th day of Dcccn ber, in the year of our lord one t hoi: fan-. •:glll hundred and five, i: is en aited, that ail the fractional .rts of furvevs of land refervtd to the Sl ice by the T ver..| law? ; ! di ‘iribution of t ie lands atrly ac quired from the Creek Natftn of Indians, lying and bring 01 the Oconee River, and on the tem porary bou idary lint—Shall b, lold m fepaiate Lots to the high est bidder in the Town of \ii - iedgevilic, in the following man n:r, via. The CommifTioners to be ap pointed for that pur pole and wno the fubl’cribers are, ihall by an davcrtiiVment publilhrd 60 days in the Gazettes of Peterfburgii, J Washington, Spa/ta, Aogulta, & j Savannah, give notice of tlu times of days on wh-cii they (hall proceed to fell the fractional lurveys of each leveral dil t rifts. We the Commi (Toners appoia red for Lid purpolt*, uo therefore in conformity to the faid'kct, ru quire all pcrlons concerned, to t he r.ocice, That at M.neJg--- ville we (hall attend, & com mence the idle of the TiaCUOdal Surveys as follows viz. WILKINSON. Thofeof the 1 it Dutrift, com* mencing on the 3d ot March next and continuing trum-day to day, between the hours of ten am three, Sunday excepted until dir nth inciuhve.— Thole of the 2d diftrifton the i 2 ot Maich until the 15 th melt* five,— Those of the 3d diftrift on the 17 of March, until the 20th inciu five.- Those of the 4th riiftritfl on ti e 21 of March, until the 24 inclu hve Those of the sth diflricl on tit -25 of March until the 27 iuclu hve. BALDWIN. Those of the lit uif*ri£t on the 28th M irch, untd the ill 01 April indufivc.— t hole of the 2d diftrifl on the j id of April until the 9th inciu ! live. Those of the 3ddiftri6t on the - 10 hoi Apr.l until the 14th ia j ciuli ve.— Thole of the 4 th diftri-fl on the 15th of April untd the 19th m- CiuflVc.— 1 hole of the sth dillrict on the 2 ill of April until the aß:h inciuhve.— WAYNE. Those of the itt dillri-ft on the 29th cf April until the 7th ot May inciuhve. Thole of the 2d diftrift on the Bth of May until the 12th inclu sive. I hole of the 3d diftrift on thr 13th of May urt*l the 19th in ciuhve. TERMS cf SALE, Os the pure halers bonds for the amount of the purchase mo ney wiil be required at four e qual and annual inftaiirrents to be paiel in silver ind gold, the hrit payment twelve months af terdate, in addition to which a mortgage on the pretniles will be rtquired, MOSES SPEER, KF.DD.CK. SIMMS, PA TRICK JACK. Coxxittisnen. aih'ngton, Dec. ai, am. 34 To PLANTERS; ] THE Subscriber finds it lieceffary to call, thus publickly, upon all those, who are in arrears to him, to come forward, as Ip cili.y as poftible, and pay mp their ref peritive balances—as he is anxious to dis charge those 4-aims, against himfclf, which ha* originated, principally,through the wants of those, bis debtors. He | certainly has a right to calculate upon .liberal payments this year, as Providence, has in general, been very bountiful to It. e cultivators of the foil. All detai ners on the firft day of March next, may Ji xpeft t find their Bonds, Notes arid | Accounts m the hands of attorney’s at 1 Law. The Subscriber, alio thinks proper to give this public notice, that, being fully fenfibie of the numerous dil advantages 1 dulling from the practice of ru: king advances dire&ly, or becoming u. ectly refpoiifible for and on accout of ” -U;n who have not, at the time in veiled jGm with funds, or any property that i will fpr*..ily raise funds fufffeient to him for the amount he ad vances or becomes relponfible for he declines, to- u.e futur, (except in a frw cases of ellates and imitviduais, who has in ■ tr"i;f-d ns with him observed tii _ itndefl putictuaiityJ the obfervauce of this practice. I Ho Mr cr ber will, howeve;, in a’! cedes, when produce is put in hi3 j ifclfio’ , m.-ice, if required, liberal ad -1 van ts, and w ill be grateful to the plan i ten. iu jrc ncr ii, and to his friends in par ticular, for any favors coufered in his line oi on i Is—he assures them, that i no exertions, flndl be spared to conduA all bufiocl i. !-.y may confide to his care, luilyto ti.eir Utisfscflion Tie ltiii ccjiiduds the Factorage Gs Commission ] business, on MOREL’S, WHARF.atten j ded by every advantage which the fame j poffefs’ J, when carried on under the firm of WILLIAMSON & MOREL. Jno. t. Williamson, Dec. 3 tiflm. 27. |DilTolution or k■oparuierlliip The fubfcrii'cri g-es 00dee that the cops t e if: p h r t so e cat.ied OH UNDK It THE TIS.M O? ! DAViL> AND IHaI/HAN GUGEL. Is this day diliofyul. Tis there- J .’ic reqeeffed that >l’ perfon* wi-o ate I'debted to me (aid fi rn, or to c tiicr i’ e fir l-'.ibers, individually, wdi - a.l and pa - ihei‘ a-counts and n-.u • t oef. re the fi it tuy f April next, •r :he fame w i 1 th ii be placed in the h u'cL of an Atto ney i -i c liedlicin ; an 1 those who have demamip agaiiitt c copar rie< ship, <r{ either of the übicr bttt will prdent their accounts ior payment. DAVID GUGEL. CtfRLAsN GUGEL. 77/E SUBSCRIBER, X i. i URNS his th nks t 1 his friend* and Lie public in ge . ral, tnr jhei fupp'-'rt when t onnected with h ; l;,r L r ner, and begs ieave to inform him th-i he.will eondiitie ihe TA\LOR l V ‘G BUSIN * SS, r rhe Pa p utelt occupied “j D.&G. Ciugci, W’ereht ’-ill oe hinkful ror a continuation o? bufiuefs i his line - CHRIST AN GUCEL. J n-.i n 3 ts 36 LO Si or MISL.AID, THE lull wß’g no r es cf hand, all nad? pavaoie to he iare AMBROSE GORDON, Esq*, dec’d. Died awn by Alexander Johnston, fared 7 /h May 18*4, paeablo iff. June, 1804, for 448 dolia r s nd 47 ■en s-One drawn by G een R. | ‘Juke dared 13th June-1802, payable 9 )days af/erd * e,fur 181 dollars 534 cenr.i. Oned’awn by .Lemuel iCi !•>. k, daAd 6/h Augutl, lHco, paya hie xo days airer dare, ter 187 dollars 50 ceits. Ore drawn by Hugh Ma. jree, dated 3d May, 1804, payable 60 days af er drie, for 51 dollars 97 cents. ‘One drawn by Charles Lindergrec , -ined 3d May, 1004, payable 30 days ifter dale, for io dollars. One diawn >y Nilrun Beal for 100 dollars, but to whom payable I do not recoiled, left by Charles Goodwin, Esqr, for collection. ALSO, A receipt signed by Sir, Thomas Benall ot England for 100 pounds icrline, to Mils Ann Davies, wi/h l'e veral receipts on the back tor the in/e est. All perfens arc forbid trading for the aoove nates, and ihe drawcTs from paying fiiem to any person but be fubfc-iber, if they should net he round before the next Inferior Court, plication wi Se made for a renew al of Mem, any person finding and de livering them to me fubfenber will be nandfomely re ware ed. JOHN mead. Au uft 2 ts q PAINTING N: GLAZiNG, THE Subfcribcr has taken the Shop late ly occupied by Mr. Rice the Watch Maker m the Lane as a workshop, anil three or lour and n .rs to the Weltaard of MefT.s Duff/ and Wiillon’s; Where he carries on the, iloufe Sign, Painting, Gla zing <Sc Paper Flanging, c?c. ! S. H. KEEN. |; Revtnhr 29 ts 26 . RUN AV,’AY st cm 11-e lubf:. ber i m rpe head of i urt’e River, cn the j 15m ill :i; no, GR ANU ,L, a we > j made, country born neg,o, very n;u i j snarkea with the whip, 25 tears old.! and about 5 feet t sree iucucs high Whoever will put him in any jail, lx give the iub c iiber ret < c D [ \{\ or f e :( ‘ him heme, ihall f e handfcrmly regard ed. William Cone. Dec.? 1 af 35 i ne buoscribers, HAVING entered into Copartnership under the Firm us SitEAi/m & dOkriDAt s, Offer the Puilic their services as Facto- REKS & AGENTS. THEY receive and dispose of all Ends of preavee, H uses, lards , A agrees, or any oder spuds of ptoperiy , on eon,mission. They having a general knowledge of the DRY GOOD & GROCERY BU- S IN'ESS, offer lh;:r services to Country Merchants, and in nuking purchases and i forwarding agreeable to or„cr any articles in that lire—a :d when caff is deposited ‘with them, they attend Auctions and Cay at the lovjrjl Rates. JSi . Miearer. jno. D- ysdale junr. A r . B. Yltsr Counting Room is ad joining the Post Office, S. E. corner oj the Exchange. Nov. 19 ts 24 ft O 1 >CE. To Sulfcribers to the Georgia Republican Having rransfered, in of ike propri efoi,., to-ivituTTi Mcl.eah,(the prvient proprietors) a. 1 debts due So- lubfenptions to an the paper from the ill of Oct. 1805 and all deuts ot whatever nature due the oSEce from the 21st Nov. la.ll, thole concerned will pay tlieir refpeftive arrearages that full due with in the above dates to them. Cruris Bolton. Such Subfcribtra s liave not paid the;.’ half yeat’s advance, the tint ut Uctober la It will confer a favor by fet tling the fame as soon as peflibie. EVERITT id die LEAH. January 1 ti ,6 Fur sale. Or FiScbu'nge for l\t?proes, iHA I exec, t wo rniltv from Savariuj.i, on the Louis ville roxd containing betwevn uine/j ad one liLiid-ei! uctes Or GCGu LAND on whicti is a good ;ici-f sic. ne 1./ul.; 11 for a Ga-dcn Ipjt is nor exceeded by any in taz v.tini.'y u Savannah. AoO.~- Wanted a man who is well i quan-ted vvi/h the culture <j> Rice. a one will fi-*d enccutage niciit by app'ying to’ the'“of -his, paper or to G. W; ALLEN. ■Utile Qg chef. £ 35- nO, ICE. ON WtdnH'd iy the 3d March ncxr, in the town of Miilcd>e. vilie, in th” county of Baldwin, wiil commence a public sale of tots in fi*i town, not to exceed o. hundred agreeably to an adl p. !by the iegiflacure of Geor ge at their lait lellion. The l dt- to continue from day to day u til com.>W- <i. JOHN HERBE.R7, ~\ si. M. DEVEREUX\ ( Commission. HOIVELL COBH, f ClB IIEMU C/IRLETON.j Jan. 7 iati'4cy. 37 NOTICL, ~~ A LI. Persons having any demands a^ainft -xV the eltate of John HabeWiiam decealed. are requested to fend them 1.1 properly attes ieu and thole who are indebted to make i>a\ . ment to 1 ; Joseph Habersham. Adminijlraior. January \o ts KOBEHTSfif CLARK, Have just received per the bri-j Eleanor from Bolton, and for tale ut tlicir ilorc, Smith and Bourke’s wharf. 8 Finds, retailing Sugars, 500 pair negro Shoe*. ON HAND. 18 Ilhda. N, Rum, 40 Bbls. Mackarel, 10 boxes Cotton Cards, 2 bales Blankets, 1 do. low priced Broadcloths, 1 trunk 4-4 lr.fh Siieetirigs, 1 cate 4-4 and 3-4 Ir;(h linens, lc Bbls. Beef, 4 pipes Holland Gin, 3 do. Cognise Brandv, 20 Bolt3 Ruffian Duck. Nov. 1 ts in 1 A C Tv IC E. THE Subfcrtber returns’ thanks to his euf tomers fbr past favors, and informs that he ikill continues the Cabinet-Making business as uluai, anti loiicits a continuance of patron age. In the mean time he would oblerve to rhofe who have not been i'o pur.ftua! as he could -.vifii, that it would be diinr him -n art of jutlice t, fettle their arrears at loon at pothole : Their too long delay has been the neanj of his fuflermg, a id fuclt as do n < t take this hint and pay or iqtr.Jau Uforethe i5-h ot iebiuary will be SUED withou dll’ Wm. HIGGS. January 7. 4 t. 37 . tUR ,'ALp, ~ a Capital Ira ft of 202 1 .2 ceres of land in the stb cip.riS of Baldwin ccu-i'y . For particular i enquire of jh- printers of this paper. 1 7™* 7 if j; ; DRV GOODS, . HE Jwferit'ts hi vtrg ju/l arrived jl cm .w w Yotk, are opining for /ale jtr aft w wtiis cry. a: No. 3, V. uod -ic 0 es Row, on the Bay, a general as’ forln.ent oj DRY ‘GOODS. AMOS* WHICH ARE lilt FOLLOW ft G V IZ; Superfire and second Bread CLOTHS Coarle blue and mixt do. | Mixt and Brown Coatings Blue Kerfcys and Frizes Blue and Mixt Plains Swarifdowns and Toilcnetts Baizes and Flannels Rulltlls and Caiimancoes Durants fu gle and double fold Raiuncto and Shailooiw— Bretannias Brown Platilias Ccai fe and 1 ne Infh Linens Half bleached and Brown do. t Ii fn Sheetings Long J.awi.s, fine and coarse Table 61;.ths, different qualities Hurr.hum Mud ins Colored and White Cambric do. Superfine piaid G-ngiiams Coarse ar.d fine Dimities Cambric do—Calicoes and Clffotzc* I ,acli Luftnng—Black Stripe Satin Taney Luitring Ribbons Satin and Love do. A variety of Fancy Colton Shawls and Hand kfrchicits Do, elegant fiik Shawls Do. Cos . camu’s hair do. 1 Cotton Taut;kerchiefs, different kinds Velvets and Fancy Cords Snk. and cotton braces ! Black and White Crape Sdk and cotton UniDreilas Laces and Edgings Black patent Net Laces Do. Paris,Net Gauzes—Bennet’s Cords Coarle and fine Cotton Hose Do. do, WOl tted do. Black and cc’ored Sewing Silk Linen and Cotton apron Checks Look Mufiirts and Hanokfrchiefs Elegant Lace Cambric Mullins Do. Sprigged Lenau Coat and Vest Buttons Ei it lafnionabie do. do; Men’s Beaver Gloves Ladles long do. do. Do. Colton and Silk do. Do. P:C Nic Mitts i. ne above articles, with a variety srf too tedious .0 enumerate, will be maae an ob-ett to Merchants or Planters, vv “° ma 7 pkafe call as above. r A fcw Icw priced WOOL, LENS and SECOND CLOTHS which be fold uuulually cheap, it applied for m time. Ogden's Baker. 24 ts 3 + TO RENT. T*S H °c SE LOT near Brough top ■i Street, formerly occupied by Edmond Bacon iiaicjr. aj.j.iy -u hoe oc Davies. ts 95 Georgia, Liberty, inferior Court, March form, 1805, On the petition ot John Bol ton, executor of Robert Bolton, praying the foreclofure of the e quity of redemption of all that lot of land Tituace in the town of Sun bury, containing fevenry feec Tonr, and one hundred and thir ty feet deep, known in the ori ginal plan by the number seven ty-eight (78) which ] l>t 0 f and, with the improvement, thereon, was mortgaged on the twentieth day of June, one thous and seven hundred and ninetv five, by William Hunter Tor rans to the la>d Robert Bolton, for fecoring the payment of the iurn of forty-two pounds fceri.-rnq equal in value to one bunded and eighty dollars; with interelt thereon, due upon a certain bond or obligation from the Laid Wil '!iam the said Robert bearing even date with the said mort gage, I: is ordered, That the princi pal, 1 ntereß and cost due on the laid bond be paid into court with- * in twelve months from this time j and cnlefs the principal, interest 1 ano cod be so paid the equity rs redemption of the said mortga ged pro mi Acs (hall from thence ir rtn. be icrecloled, and such proceedings take plac*. as the law directs. - ‘nd it is further ordered, That J a c °Dy of . tbis f u!e be publifhe i I in one of the Public Gazettes cf tn.s date at least once in eve: / montn until the time appointed j for payment, or terved nn ;lA mortgagee, at least Ex months! p.evious to such time of navvl men:. 1 1 m Extra.! fiam the Minutes, 1 Jhij <26th March ,Boc. I A. r orest uk. c. 5. c. l . I March 28 iarn 5 2£ tl I