Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, January 14, 1806, Image 1

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Vo!. IV. Nr. fi 4 J Six Dollars a Vrar, halt in Advance. 1 RALPH MAY, Having taken t'eflare adjoining James Ceirr n'hers, Cnmnurce Row, fronting the Buy, now offers for Sole, AM EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods & Hardware, ConE/ling of blue, corbeau, brown and mixed t fuperfine Bread Cloths Second Cloths, Plains, Elastic Cloths, Caffinu-ves, knapt and common Coatings Patrtit cords, Swanfdowns & Toilinnts Blue Strouds, London dufflle and rose Elaukets I'Unnels of all colours A Variety of Velvets, Velvereta, Genoa Cords and Thickfoits IDinrritiiS, Crape3, Mullins and Muffin Handkerchiefs Crambray Muffins Plain, figured and checked cotton Cam bricks, Calicoes, ,Liaeas Dowlas, Diapers and Daper Table Cloths Hedricks, Durants Durovs, Calimancos Bombazettes and. B.'mbax’nes feiik and Cotton Shawls—Soofe Malabar, PuUicat Sc Roma! Handkerchiefs Silk, Cotton and worded H liery Silk, cambrick, Colton & leather Gloves and Mitts, Lace and Edgings. Worked, and Cotton Taffelsand Cords Silk and Cotton Braces Apron Checkjs, knitting Cottons Ladies fcarict clo?ks, Umbrellas and Nuns, whited brown, all colours and Oznaburg Threads Needles, Knitting do. Tapes, Bobbins, Pins Gentleman’s fine Pints Servants Giazed and common do. Gentleman’s and Ladies fine dhoe3 2-rafs Wire Fenders, with and without Hope bottoms Shovel and .Tongs, Bellows Chimney hooks, Cloak pi is Block Tin and japanned Coffee Biggin; and Coffee Pots Iron Tots, Dutch evens Smith’s bench and hand Vices Hand and (ledge Hammers Pliers and Fiie3 Carpenters broad axes Hatchets, Adzes, Saws, Screw Augu-- Chiffels, Rules, Iron fquarea Compiffes, Gimb’ets, Oii Hones, Hinge- A variety of Carpenters Plants and Plane Irons Brace with bitts, Wood ferews Club and Falling axes, Spades Broad and Garden Hoes Sr.} tiies and Straw knives, Knives and forks. Carvers, Fapanned Tea Trays, and Bread Bailee,r Candleilicks, Snuffers pat. door Ipringi Currv combs and Brulhca Powder, Shot, anu bar Lead Powder ff Iks and (hot Pouches Gun Crews and Worms Plated Spurs Pen knives, Seifiars Bailors, Combs, spoons Corn and Coffee Mills Warfle Irons, fpeCtaeles Bricklayer’s Trowels Flair Brooms and Bru (hes Morocco pocket and blank books Writing paper, Ink powder Pewter Bafons, Platts, candle moulds Iron rim’d chelle, cupboard, trunk, defic and (lock Locks Shoe makers knives, hammers, pinchers, awl blades, tacks &c. Copper and Iron Tea kettles Grid Irons, Smoothing Irons, Chaffing difius, y iLSO , White,Lead, Spanish brown yellow ochre and blue and green paints Painter’s Bniffies arm Painting tools 46. fd. 6d. Bd. ioJ- I2d. 20d.&30d. Nails and booting Brads. Bby io, 9by 11, and xo by 12 Win dow Giafs, in whole & half box Together with a handsome affortmu t of CROCKERY and GLASS WARE, all of which will be fold cheap. Dec. 20 ts 32 (A iY SHFRIi l'd hALb.7. WILL be (old on the fi:ii I utida utTeb.uary ifcc6 a /he Court heu! ir this city between the hours of i< and 3 o’clock, a horse & bridle levi ed on as the property of Dona! iVTDonald, poir./ed cut by the plain tiff. Conditions Ca(h. Jno. Williams, s. c. s. Dee. to. 32 bonaventu e. rpIJXS elegant retreat about 4 miles frerr. JL Savannah, on Wafiuw river, is 08'ered e jj ultcfe for fix or leven years, for the bene ft of the heir, a minor, on terms that will fui thofe inclinable topoflefs so valuable a piece cf ground, as well calculated for as •fir pleasure and profit. Apply to n.'tuhnuull, j GcABB,A:,S - Augnit 9 r>f> Notice. ALL Persons having demand? the estate c-f Stephen Blount late of Savan nah deceaied, are requested to render ther. pr'qierly attelted, and tbole indebted to r .afie immediate pavr/rent to CHA HLOI TE S. BLOUNT,’r. May a 1 ts 75 • nri it • vjeorgia Kepublican. education, Gratrr.,l for.the d.ftinpiithfd patronage ne has experi, cc! lire, his est ...Milhmrm ln Savannah, Mr Green w,.h deference informs as Inends ana lie public, t! at ihc Ladies ’ iterarv Iclix,i. ar 1. c Grammar anti ‘tf .it h niatica! u 1.-ne iiilJ conduced by him m the lame e\Unliveplan, as at their com eiHement. Ihr c-urle hs Idibols, includes Read- Grammar, ELcuri -n and Rhetoric, ,V citing ir. ail tin- alcful ornamental hands, Arithmetic, B-mk keeping, ace tiding to IV veral lyitenv--, Geography and the tile, drawing copying cf ;vlap.i m diiferent pro lotions, tiie cements cf Aftrmromv, auj the .uie of the Gl-ber. and Te Hiitov and ChronrH iri. ‘ In the Micliematical department, the pupils wi l be carefully infcruiftcd in Algeb- a Gcctneiry, Cofiic Sei'lions ar.-l Flux on--, with their application to *he btifincls ci lilt and the inveillgation of lci encc. Sixteen years experience in his pirofo.Tion, and a lucre:’ and urresnirting attention to the morals and reai improvement of his pu pils will, he hopes, continue to him from a liberal and enlightened public, a (have cf that favor \vfi:ch he has'Hitherto experienced l’upils admitted without Entrance, till the ill of the enlui.ig January. „ .A Dancing MAsiEit of eminence will attend the Schools. November 5 ‘lO I H : -b members of the FEMALE ASSYLUM arc requclbd to pay in their fubicriptions for the year 1806, on or before 20ih January next, io the Secretary who is authonfed to receive the fame. I he Book* of the Trccfurer and S ’cre tary are open to the mfpedion of any os rhe Members who may wifii to fee them. By ord-r of tot Board. Strail J, Lamb, Dec. 24. ts 33- Scc’ry, 50 Dollts Reward. RAN A WAV about 4 months finer. A negro man named PETER, belongmgto the date of George Haift dec’d. lie is a valua ble carpenter, and well knownfor many years in this city He is tall and Him, active, and •midland when questioned closely, he Ham mers much. lcdol ars will be paid 011 his •-.elivcrj to the Subfcriner, orto tne Goa-er of tins city, and fi-rty dollars in addition thereto •1 proof of his being harboored by a w hile .erfon. J.MACHIN, F.xo*r to Efiate, George Haift Oftober 15 14 THF SUB-CRIB 1- RS. Y/lItHING to direfi their attention tor -•"irdr, the colleAion and fettlcment of debts iuelothem, Give noliec that, on the 31st lay of December next, they will decline the Retail business on credit; They desire there fore that all those indebted to them, or to Robert Ist John Bolton, will immediately make pavment or otiierwile fettle to their latis faftion. From the (lore crlleftion made these two ears past, the debts to them have accumula ed beyond their with i and they are Uiffi iently aware t hat bulinHs conduifltd on Inch a footing cannot support iti'elf. Curtis iiolcon, & Cos. Their remaining stock on hand which is not intended to be ircreal'ed, wiii be fold by wholesale or retail, on ealy terms for calh, produce, or town notes. Nov, 29 26 ts Removal, THE Sublcri'er having taken a ‘ix years leale of Mr. John Po ler’s wharf and dock adjoining Mr. 801. ions Yamaciaw wharf, has rein -ved his lumber yard, and having procu ed large and Case (lore ioom, is hope ui of a continuance of past Lvors. Ihe dock he a/ prefen’ occupies is Age fafe possesses the lame advanta ges as /uconvenience as his former iiedid. Hisc unting room will fee icep/a/his and uelling houfc adjoining Vlr John Laigs until one can be H/- cd up on the wharf. John Mead. Auir'ifi 27 1 TO LEASE For a Term of Years. Lots AO. 13 and 14 in Warren Ward situated near the Boy and adjoining a lot belonging to the efla'-e of H Littibriiige , at prefer l, omipitd by Mr. James MclntrfJj and Air. Wm. Green Tencl. er — one of them a corner lot on a square and fronting the new market. For terms apply to WILLIAM PARKER. January 3 if 36. SAVA BN AH MARIE E Hospital & Poor-House The fubfenber being appointed by their Honors the julbces of the Inferior Court, overseer of the Poor ands le Medical aflil* ant to the Posr tdoufe and Seaman’s Hospi tal, giver Public Notice, tha* he is now ready to receive into the Institution, any (jerl'-m ‘ir persons belonging to the County; or sick Seamen, who (hall make application -o him for admnlion. He has to request that in future the citizens will not give any relief to persons at their doors, as the arrangements made for their reception is fucli as will fu percide the NecclTi'y of their giving Charity in that way ; Diouid they however, feel dif pore.i to ai”<t the inftiturion, toy donation viil be thankfully received and faithfully ac quired for, by MOiE.S LiHLi ETA!-. November at 35 Savannah : Panted by EVERITT and MCLEAN, on the BAT. 50,000 BKICKS, LANDING front the brig JOHN A DAMS, tor lale, apply on board or to Mein, Mack ay & Cos. Decomlv?r 6. ts 28 to let, THE WHARF AND STORES 011\IERLY occupied by Messrs. Wilson Knox, and at present by Mr. Andrew Knox. Their produftive and convenient li mation is so well known, as to require no further explanation. For terms inquire of R. Wayne. Never,-.her Ii g K EMOV Al_,. fain Jackson , Has removed to the tint dory of MeflVs. debt &. j no. Bolton’s (lore, lrtely occupied as a grocer;.-, by MelTrs. Boirou k Cos. - me. <i 6t 35 “or dale arr! is Hfice. el v. 7. :ty of BLANKS among which ate, For (,t .tinig ManifelU, vl-'rcli ■ ill • EnTies, w-q'-O” do, 3i is of Kxcl-ahge, do. ol Lai'cng, f; r 1 Power* of Attorney. Checks, Appreir ees Indentures, Deeds of Conveyance, Bonds; Notes of Hand, Writs for thq Superior, Inferior & Mayor’. Pyurts, vfavor’s Cc.ti-t Executions Ik Supboenas, N< tice? to cieditpcs of Inl'olvent deb tor - .lilttar.y Sumnihnles, &. Exeeutioius, &c. CdT Cards , 11/indjuli.s £yc. fsf ( . Printed at a ‘hurt Notice on rtafotuilh errns. AJntun lira tor’s Sal- 1 . ON Friday the 14th day of January n. xt, will be told at the Haufc of Jo seph We:.sCl!er in Cauit.vteii’s How, all the Perl’ nal Estate of elizaieth shick, descaled ; confiding of one Negro Woman, HOUSEHOLD y KITCHEN FUR . N ITU RE Sfc. Sale to commence at 10 o’clock in the fore, noon. By Order of the Admmiftrator. Levi Abrahams, Auft’r. Dec. 13 30 txp. raw. TO LET, FOR a term of years, the premis es al present occup ed by Mr. VViL liam Chauvin as a dwelling hr-use and Grocery Store. A profitable lafc of /his very valuable fland, may be had and poffedion delivered in about 30 days ; for a mudera/e advance 11 calh. For par/icu!ars apply to thi hon. Judge Stephens or Gen. D, B. Mitchcil. William Mills. Auauft ts. 87 Notice , THE fubfer oer, iooie time fiice being on his return from the Inda natio;, tatne up w>th a JOHN IR VIME ( s he called himiell) wh tad in his p. Hefli >n anew negro e low ; from the c< untenance and cjn verfttion cf Irv ne, when mterrogtifo from whence he had come, he mu rerin which he made rep-y, logeine with c’her cirturnHances of his on cuil confirmed /he ‘ublcriher in the or. es /hat /he negro had been Holen.— He therefore demanded of Irvire 1 whar way he had come to the pciit! fion of the negro j to which he re f urned an evasive answer. The fuh’ ‘Vriber told him he hid good reafn ‘O believe the negro had been ftolcn and was determided to /ake /he ne gro from him and have him advertised and in rafe no person claimed hi within eighteen months wculd eithe: return or fell hint. This is therefore to notify all prr Tons whom itdo hor may concern. That /he lublcriber has in his pclies lion /he said new negro; he is ab'.uv live feet eight inches high, aged be r /ween twenty five and thirty yeff,— no marks Other than Ir. his 1 ?.ck, which appear to have luff red under the Lov (kin ; speaks little or no 1- nglifh iays he came from Carolina, but does not knew whether from Ncr/h or S’ uib, he irdiftntdtly communicates (when afkcd in wha/ way the man came by him) that he took him up in rhe road, when on his way to fifh on I iidp river or creek nearby. His own - er ot owners aie therefore requeued ■ o p-ove the propci/y of the negro pay charges and /ake him away: \Vm. Neely. Camden Coun/y on fit. Mary’s River. Sept, 10 iarnifc'm 7. NOTICE. THE Subscriber intending to be abfentfo fome months his appointed the Hon. Edward Telfair, Charles Oddwiglrils anil John l.awfon, Esq’rr. his attorney!, who v.-ill tran3a& any bufinefshis, (luring hisabfencc. Matthew M^lliftcr. April ij. ts TUESDAY, January 14, tSc6. OVERSEER, Wan ed. A man of lleady habits and accuftomrd t the management of negroes. If he hrig good teltiinonials, of his honesty, Induftr end Sobriety he will meet with proper en ouragcineut by applying to Win. Mein. November 5 ts TO REN I’. STORES Nos. 7 ai.,l to, in the Exchange For terms apply at my (Alice. \ hos. Tin, Sec’ry. Nov. 29 ts. *6 NO T I A LI. persons having any demands againl the citato of JOMAH TATfhAU Junr. esquire are rt-quested to render, then properly attdUdan 1 those indebted are tie iired to make payment to Ebenezer Stark Moore’s VVliaif, GEORGE JONES, > . E. JACKSON. > RS * Aprilas /is f 1 or oitlc. ONE of /he moll v Suable /rafts cf Land upon /he Altamaha, con/ainiug ouf eleven l.urufrcd ac:es of Rict Swamp m /he belt pitch of /ide. This t aft is about five irulcs above /he iwn of Darien, was, prior to the re 6 utionary war, /he pioper/y of the je governor Wright, and has for a , cdement, auaclitd immediately to e Swamp, one of ‘he moft beauti ul and rnolt tlevared fi/uaiions upon fie river. , . Persons wifliing to pu> chafe this 1 roper:,)- will apply to Edward Stvai neck or Willi?m Mein, Flqrs. <u Savannah, where a pla/ of /he Lane may be leen. Oftobcr 15. ts. q . JUST RECEIVED 2 Cases 7-8 Irilh linens, cost from I2t! to rejd. (livling, I Bale drapery baize, I do. blue cloth, 1 do. white dowlas, 1 do. rose blankets, 6-4, 7-4, 8-4, and , 9-4. 1 do. ravens duck, 3 do. blue Gilla bdkfs.. J Suita -2 do. do. Gurrahs, | ble for 2 do. Gudjepore Sannahs, J> the Afri -1 do. Judjca baftas, | can 2 do. Boretpore Coffas, J market. THE A BOV E WILL EE SOLD IV THE • ALE, OR CASK ONLY. ALSO> 17 Cillcs London porter, do. do. blown (lout, 12 Nells trunk';, 3 Calt3 Loudon made fiats. ON HAND 15 Hbds. N. F. Rum, 4 Pipes brandy, 4 quantity No. 10. cotton cards, to Chests Hyfon, and Ily(o (kin tea. For sale by 1 Koberts £? Clark, Sn.ith cS’ Eourkes Wharf. December 20. 32 ts NOTiCE. IS hereby given, /hat af/er the ex* o-ra/ion of nine men hs from /he da/; icreof, application will he made to /he u.norablc /he Inftrtor Cc-ur/ for the Loun/y of Cam en, for leave to f ell he real elia/c cf Jumc-s Vine er/, latt ot the (aid Cnun/y dec. for the benc -1 of the heirs and ertdirors. 1 liojuas King, ~) Adnir v s Archd. Clark. Allglllt 7/A Ft am a London Paper. MISS MUDIE. We have been favored wiih he following correct account of <he theatrical career of the young Phenomenon, who has now be come an obj'dt of public notice. The young lady made her fir ft DtRUT on the boards of ihe lielfaft Theatre, on the eighth of May last, in the character of younc norval, which charad rr she performed for four nights fucccfilveij, amidst innumerabh plaudits, the house overflowin'? every night; the fourth bt ir. f for her benefit, the whole pin filled at box price, by which she gained 14 il. She then renewed her engagement for four nighty longer and on the night & her second benrfic, the whole house was opened at double price; du ring the time fl.e was perform - ac Bchaft, her lame having made [Whole Number 339. [Twelve and a half Cents single. t great noise in Dublin, (lie re rctvcii an offer of an engagement f Mr. J ones, the manager of hat 11 eatre, ro receive fif’y rounds per nighr, for fix nights, tncl the 7th to be f or her benefit t as en additional inducemenc tjieccnd letter was ffnt, to llnre he receipts of the hmtfe after he ivlanager taking eighty pound each night for the expend sos he houle. i he Jail c-ffer vvaa accepted and the young Pheno menon made her a] pear ante to ihc Theatre Royal, JJublin, to a very full houfc, and was receiv ed with three diftinft rounds of applause, after which from an uncommon diminutive figure, much doubt was entertained a9 to the poflihi hry of her ever be ing able to go through the cha racter on her beginning to speak the created attention prevailed, and no a&reis ever made an au dience participate more in ha own feelings ; lhe changed theni (rom pallive Ipeftators io active agents, and the Ibphiltication was so rapid 3nd complete, that ns exigence was not detested ill rtfkdion had fucceedcd to the fubfervieace which the domi necrintt Infant Phenomenon had fiiid them under!—The next night the Lord Lituienant no 'ed the Theatre with his presence when (lie repeated the character (Young ; and on the third night appeared in the parts 01 Miss Peggy, in the Country girl, and. Nell, in the Devi) to pay, to a vety crouded house, the boxes filled with all the Lriilianta of Dublin. She con ir.urd her engagement with the greatest faccefs, and on the 7th night bting lor her benefit, flue repeat ed rhe charafier of Mils Peggy, with fhe.p.m of Roxalina, in the farce of the Sultan ; at an early hour the Theatre was Turrounded by an iinmtnfe ciowtl, the re ceipts of the house amounted to 3161 14s. During the time she was in Dublin, lhe received an offer of an engagement from Mr. M’Cready, tiie Bermingham ma nager, for a ft w nights, which was accepted to fhate the house after the expences and the lad night to be /or her benefit; thu apjilaufc bestowed uj on her at die two Est places was faithfully echoed by the Bermingham au diancc—She next received an offer from the Cheltenham man agers, (on the lame terms) where (he performed to the falhionable audiance that frequent that place and iuch was her attraction there, that the boxes were not only fil led on the nights of her perfor mance, but even on the morning during the rehearsal. While she was performing at Cheltenham, .hr Gloucester Theatre was open ed for one night only, and al though the Company with fome of the belt performers of the age have played in that towtA to 18J, the receipt ort this night amoun ted to 42k Eiom hence she went to Buxham, w.icrc she per lorrnt and with her ufuai success and was offered a latge sum if she would have reciteu and iung in private. She was next under an engagement to perform four nit lits at Nt ttinghnm, and three at Dei by, (where lhe now is.) — 1 She then plays on the ij'h aC Liverpool, having made an en gaperient for that place while ij Dublin ; ff.e tier, proceeds to LOl dun to prepare lor her ap pearctice at the Theatre Royal, Cc-vtt. 1 Garden we are told lhe ;s to receive i,oco!. and a clear ber.i fit for performing fifteen nights. The Tbtnomcnon ap pt'.ns to be the only one who is purluing the radiant track of ( Young RofTius,