Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, January 17, 1806, Image 2

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... --j. —- W \. v I; .tGTOii C/1 Y, j ~i. i. O, ‘re a.’ •*? v- !p~'■’ : v rem * *<•. i„uio iiu report made during the f,,,,, ..ii t the Est; Ly ill-* Ci>m jj.j c</ Cl imt, ir. tin* cate of rite un f .ii-a David V .'.ci /in. f> .v.c ptr f'j. ha*ii’” liken flit )iL* rty of rt-pri fen ti. .. t l .a’ ;,:e impofeu n, and that tlicci ...if? i; state i ih-irr-f-rt m. ‘. if, we f-üb.- ].(!-, .li ftilfwi: ‘ iciie- from cur cilti - i . iftS Icon mvnttn, *fr 0. S:r.i'h, rffj chaim nn of the Commit l.r cf CU Hi-, if. iiuj ia •ir.ii!-’ those or. rii’ .'i.. 11 j, lor thu -ii !ioauo.i at tin litn- we h.'ivc another r- sfon. If, ji Run (•!! 1 d<.r, bn -*• !i, lit ou the t l:;, -rr-r of Eaton, and evinces the ii ie entertained at.on lof a j itt govern m it, that “ rata *u i, hit ii” tog nu :• Grand Cairo Dec. z(>, 1804. .Sir, THIS mornir / two ]ewiih niercha ■.t ----c re, w ith effcn'ial oii of rtdts tor Sale, to the liiitiiii Rt linen.’* heufe, where 1 in. They were tire (Ted in ihc haoit c/t T . ypt. liut one of them fptuking ]>• ■ I,f;ti inr. • ti• <’ lul v. my attention. J filleted into a., ci q .; v concerning tiit a .1 ital-il it. of corn ino . 1 in C'ltiulty, v h natU’al.y eel i .ui t . n.t-T.iiU the ! }’"e! ‘f f nndry con,in-, rcifri honfi", her- ; ; other*, that of NT’len y t/mrii. ‘”I,iK name brought to my recoil-Ction the unfortunate VaffnziM, whole case Est \ oilier, so f loiifly otcitjutJ the l_.osi 1 mtelot Claims, and whole ate fojuft y moved their f • ih;hty. E :gaged with in rt in iii’ diite concerns, Ido not know that it v thought* had cnee before turn ed ui ttiofe eve id* In ice niy departure from Am.iica. Hut ihi* accident indu c'd j i'.rti uar inquiry; the it'nit of v hic'n 1 thought too im.ivftiiig to pas.; uunotie. and ; wfimf.i'T, cubing lieut. O’ Ihmmm, Mr Gold.- borough, a purser m the 1: vy, and Mr. I'-- • qunar, an English uciitli nun- into my apartment, 1 made tii’- tx irriiiwiion hereafter traufciibcd, as s-.itcfti I by these gentlemen. It corns fpotjd l so rx d’y with the account D. vid Valet z.n gave of himlcit, that it can not, 1 ani perluaded, lie iod ifeient to you; efp-c.'itllj as the j 1 lice of port on that case, and eonfcipient ad of (. ‘ongrefs, ! ive Irrn 1 lie ful j.di of com in- ut in certain ciicfcs- I'.nq’U’y mltof u w/,% menh int in L . and Cano, to-cbitg the story oj Dj vi! VKinzin. V. nat i. your i.arnr ? “ Leon 11. titen.” Ot w 1 ii si 101. a: c vqu ? “ A U.Lrtw ” \VI t 1 n u you burn ? • In l.e imrn, whetc my fatlycr is now est V. fli.d .” How u.irny years have you been ir. La ypt ? *• Seven ’* lh, v u belong to any Commercial Louie ? “ ‘l'o a lioufe in Leghorn, by the firm of .’liram Ruilkii, of whicli lam the a gen. here.” An ]” u acquainted with the Hebrew meres rm!'.; huulcsin Alexandria? “ Ye: ; there are Lorca and Tiikey, the moll conflderable lumfe ; Molts V’a !. i z;n, a resp futile merchant, and o ther. ol !, Is notia ” Has Niof.s Valenzin any relations? “ II has a brotlu-r, David Valcnzin, an.! n O'tcie ” Wiiere is David Valei-zin ? “ 1) ivi 1 V'ldenr. .1 came to Al.xandr’a ivith i cargo of wine ; I old it to the cu'n of the Enghfh army ; took a bill ot exchange for half the avails, aid *<h tor iiic oilier iia.i. Bat, as Jie had I.jC i:i Eng! unit, he went to Stnyru 1 and ins tub for merchandifc ; which tie put on board a \elTl lor M 1 a. lie departed from Malta tor Tripoli j and, near Mann, we Iran:., war takin by the •* rr. • .lev.s who war with tiie Balhaw of Tripoli: end who have carried him—wc kno,v not vhrte ” l)o you know how long since Dvid Vari.zin was t >kcu by t tie Americans: ‘•Mo! It is two years and ha'f, or three years, ft ice he left E ,vpt. Ido not know lo w long lit” remained in Smyr na j hut it is about twenty mouths wc lie aid l.e was lair 11. Where wen David Valerrm born ? ‘• David. V. t .jci.i w.i.bofn iii V ice, Ltit ctiine very young to Tripoli watli h-s father, who w-s then a itch inert haul.” Did Valcnzin, the father, eftablttha l.jufc at T puli ? “ Yes.” V : s , ! “ ffiabbihment, and was Vi ln.'n tinmr (lie ptoU&iou of the Bsihaw ol Tripoli ! No. B> h his ftlher and hinifclf al w'lvu c i-t's * a id iluiiliaa habits— ;\i 1 hi% h u h , at Alexandria, i* now under iht protection ol the flag, ... afu j cl of toe Emperor ” ilss l)uv.a Vaiei.z.u any wife, or children ? N • ; neither oua nor the other : lie u-i cere- in rri* and, ” I t* ; ‘ in y \u that David Va le. Z-H I— *• How ! D a* ! ■* l.n,ia ic 11- of the de’iv occ-fn n *d hv want of and cutii ntt* in his applica tion j>r i cts in the ele of fvi cap t ,rc : ad, perhaps, d.lpairin ot a fnecririw. and * Is. n J he put an end t * I, „ own olfOit ah. u un mon'tis ; i„ the Capitol u: t-c UaiU- E.-'-’em • I it ivTiM- !” J h > >• Ins c'vtc blood s . ,L: ;\ ~ ...a a! - *'woa orteuat V ihv-ziii !—He ‘.va* Hut about tw nty tig 1 <>r twenty yrar of !” W:pt. j have nut thtfe qur n . : nni to you ‘ha l 1 n" r tt Icain Y*ien7...i’ ifory ; and j ht r..* might,be enable to find out h; i *. w’ u* bur**. .< I know not that he ha* a.'V h:’rs ex , jt l.ts brother at A'exa'iiria.” p. / ‘< 0% p ih-ps, he may have irft a filler in Tripoli ; who mull be very w • h- ” _ . | V< e are ct lihrrtv to acquah t M -fes ] \ i . 70., of Alex i lria, the par- j 1;; uhsrs of th ie qneitinil ; and with tlie j inh, inaiiiiu thence ie!idling. Ycu may inf. mhiinaif', that, the answers you given o mv qu. lli ms being efta ra U - truth of facts, thtretc ,, ,ii, ,i, di jclit by the govrrin.ent or trie 1 dud Stat s, for the heirs of David Y.t! r.z*n, t- tween one and two thou- j fund dollars ; which will be t :.f.i •fed to them by proper applica tion to said government ; cr to toe a !• re:. i't rat ion of laid \ -icuZ'-. - c.iate, 1 lion and p, appointed at ih, C.fy ot \ . a (hi. ‘ton. ATTESTATION. “Th; above examination was made !by William Eaton, esq in the Itaii-u ! .on u. •- e, and tia, fliicd into E.igl.ih, i vciliet in, by Mr. R'chard Farqnhar, at • (; a ui Cairo, in Lpvpt, Ikctinbvr the ay.h, 1804, in pretence of the under j v/iiiten.” (-ig.-nij Th. U’HANNON, J .'cut. Marine*. R. W GOLDSBOROL'GH. rurftr 11. S. 1>. icC Ar.;ns. 11l Hu. FA HQ iI. HI IE Lion Ueubtu ki.c.v tict th. ü of my t: quiry ; nor could he pcululy iiame ii.y con) dure concerfciug it, whatever in.; ~;ur.i;ons it may here rxcited ; tor he thought he wai a!! this time fpitiking with englifhmeti. Rut on cxplainie.g myfeli to him, and letting him know that 1 had no other obj.d in view than to find out tlie lawful heirs of au uuf train, who had fallen avid mi to the dif alicrs of war, in order that the w shes or my government may be aecorr-ihlhed in l!:e rdhtution of h.s property,Eton Item ed amazed—Turning towards tus com a,.ion ; railing hi* eyes to Heaven ; and laying both baud* giavely to ins bread, c.x laimed in Arabic, “ Great God ! Vv hat an aftori.Hiir.g country that mull oe wiiere the g vet ament takes so much pr.:as t.i icudcr ja Li ice to a Hebrew ! E*. n at this cillauc- to iaforna his heirs of ciitli in dejji.iit, which might lo tali y been concealed !” Certainly th. J..\ve are not accnftomed, v. tins c.untn.ent, to fimiLr titlimoni ...i., of natural j Tlie droit d’a-u ----bat eis vciy apt to a [fad t e.n here, as u Icidom failo to do rich fin j cts : indeed [ the- right is freij i ntly amicipatcd or rendered timely oy a fiLnity cup cf cofrcc. * .1 distinctive m irk of foreign tlcn in B irb irj. NIN i ii CONIiRJiSS. HOUSE of KEPRESFNT/JTirES. M’NDav, December 30. Mr. ‘John C Smith, from the com mi tee ot claims, n ade a report on the petition cf Wm. Rrei k, jim in favor of, the petitioner, which \.„s referred to a committee of tiir whole ou Tuesday, Mr. Gregg oblcrvcd ti at co: liE difficulties lud arilen in surveying the 1, Is in i.ouifiana, owing to om.ifi.ins in the law pallid by tlie* Lift congress, ami that tlu committee on public lands 1 received a letter from the fccretary of the tivafury repreftn.i.ig these circum ilanccs and Hating t‘ e ncciffity oi lcgis iative interpnii.ion. Mr Giegg having read tins letter, afli n in of the committee and obtained leave to present a Lift rxemding tile’ povv rs of ttic fur v yor general to the territory of Lou.ha ul, and for other purpof'S. The onl was read and referred to a committee of the whole Mr. U.'is delivered a message from the feuatc, Uatiug tliat they had puffed a bill to regulatt the L ying out and ma kci a road from Cumberland, on the Po'oma:', to the liver Ohio ; in the date of Ohio ; and (hat they had like wife p.ff.d al. which originated in the houf;, rn'i led an ail fupplttnentary to t!i: act m'.fcting pruvdun for the pay ment of claims under tlie Trench con vention with amendment?, Ihe dUicnditiints to the lull bit! are entiri 7 verbal, a id ;he lwuie immedi.ite !y concurred therein. On motion, R J ive !, that the committee of com i.’c and 111.K'ui..ilurei i.e inLlruitcd to e -q ure into the expediency ot erett ine, tlie town ot EM .en into a pur: of entry. A I ‘d to provide for light houfea, i 1 Long ill m l found, a dto declare Kex bury, in the Ituu* ot Miffachufeits, to be a port of delivery, was read the third time and p ft E The bill from the f r.a;e to rrgu’att. the Eying out and making a road Rom Cumber and, 01* the 1 aioa.iic, to tne ri ver, m the il 1 e of Gnu, was reau and r. ie *c t to ae .m.uittec of the whole o;. Tnuri ay. Tnis bid au.horii 9 the prefi lent cf the IT S. i. aojio nt three conimiiu mm to Ey out a raid from Cumnerla. doo the Poii-mac l i ‘he it.'er Omo, in to f*..:e of Ohio, to he four rotisiu wnuh T -,e c0:..-iit!lj n S ar- Jw-Cted to tr. ka a report to the Pi'U e i, o’ t.icn P’O te. !;.. :s, ar-wet. as to. ux -cc of ma xogt- e r^i-u p i-u e, p -li authorun. J to accept or ■j vt ‘**e re port in wuole or part, if h-- ihall accept it, he is then puthorifed to obtain the co-ifent of the Totes through which the rot.d may pass ; and, having obtained tu h cons ut, >0 make a turnpike. C l .- ty thonfnnd dollars are appropriated, payable fi ft out of the proceeds of the rtfervation fdm the fai; o’ Ends in 0 hid, ard, L-condly out of the treasury of the U. S. the Est rum to be cnargable to the preceding fund. On rcotion cf Mr. f. C Smi h, tne hav.f; ivt’it into a c.m.mittee of the whole on the icport of the committee of claim on the pcti.i nos Return]. M.igs, in f.v itr of allowing the govern or, judges anti secretary of the govern n ent of the territory north, weft u. the Ohio coinpenfatioii for services perfor med between the adoption of a cotiftitu tioo bv th Hate of Ohio arid tlie mee ting of the icgiflature under that conili t lit ion. A qiicftion arose whether those offi cers fhouid I e comf*enfaitd by the U. C>. or fiy the Rate of Ouio. On this qoeftion coi fiderable debate ar-fe—lvlciTs J. C. Smith, Morrow, B dwell, Sl'.an, Jatkfoa. and Dana, sup porting ! and McLiis Stantord, Csmtltv, J Cll y and Alllon opposing tire report. Mr. J CHy moved that the commit tee sh m!d rife and alk have to fit again, I that further time mi, lit be allowed to coffider the fu'; which motion having been negatived—Ayes 39 —Noes 5 6 ’ Mfffr*. J. Clay sr.d Srailie again spoke agairdl agreeing to the report. When on motion of Mr. f G. Smith, the committee rose, and ask-d leave to fit again, which the houfegranted. O • motion of Mr. f uhfon, the com mittee appointed on laying out certain roads, See. were difcliarged. therefrom, in eoiifideratton of tlie bdl rrceived hom jthefeuate, and the refolutiou rciai’ve thereto referred to the committee cf the whole to whom the bill from the senate is referred. Tuesday, Dec- 3 1. The conftderaiion of Mr Sloan’s refct-urioii to lay a tax on (lives imported into the U- S. waspoftuoued tiiitnonday tuxt. A nit ffig was received fiom the pre fi.'ent of the U. S, giving the informa ton re quelled by them relative to the tlifciiargc of Hate balances, and reprefen ting that Ncw-York is the only flute that has difehargej any part of the re ported balances, and that (he has in con i.q irnce been allow and a credit of 222,810 dollars on the bocks of the trea la. v. Referred to the committee of the whole on the Hate of the union. Mr. Keif on prefer,ted a petition from sundry citizens of Washington, praying for authority to make a road from 14th ftrect welt to the Frederick town roa l ; which was referred to a committee ot three member*. Mr John C . S.r.ith, trom the com miltee of claims, made an unfavorable report on the petition of Salvana Catalo nu—Whereupon, Resolved, the petitioner have leave to withdraw Lis petition. Mr. Elliot moved the following refo lut'.on ; Rf jived, that it is expedient to pro vide by law for fitting and repairing navy yard* belonging to the U. S. on ur near the shores of tlie Atlantic o cean for the reception of the fliins and vc Hold of war of the United S-atui. Referred to the felcift committee on tl at part of the presidents message which relates to the making provision tor the better defence of our ports and harbors, &c Mr. CrotvninJbiclJ, from the committee of commerce and manufadures, made an unfavorable report ou tne petition of J jin Dorr —Whereupon, Resolved, that the petitioner have leave to withdraw his petition. Mr. J. Clay prcfenicd a petition from Oiivrr Evans, praying au txicufioa of the tunc ot ids patent for an improve ment ia the making fl mr ; and repre fetiting hi* having made, at great ex pence, very important improvements on Iteme engines, and ranking a fi.r.ilar r.- qneft with regard to them. Referred to a Lied committee of five member* Mrj Gregg from the committee on public Ends, made an unfavorable teport on the petition of John M’Entire, wuica was referred to a committee of the wool., on Monday. A me fl age wa received from the prefi dent representing that he ad figucc the ad extending the time for ttie pay ment of claims under tite Loa.huna con vention. A committee was appointed to enquire into the expediency of mak ng further proviuotis lor the faithful puformance of the duties of marshals. On motion of Mr . Cre-tonin oield ‘he committee of commerce a *d tnanuradure* w -re discharged from tie petition of Francis Muff rneer, which was ruerrrd to the ccxnßiitUe on puliiic ar;u3. Mr. Etna c't otjlrving that he had a confidential common cation to mile, the galleries nvere c eared a lout 1 0 o.cck ■ At naif after cue tUcy were again opined When further a>ole on the re port of the committee of clams in the case of Return j. Meigs. M ft’s. Stanford and J Clay, spoke a tai-iit the report; and Mr. G. *V. CiampjcH iu favor oi t. O-.i concur, ing iu tne rep nt of the c-npiminee of cl*..a. 3, tiw.e *• en—Ayes 67 Ca.r.ed ; Whe.cupon the r, _f(,!ntion was r to tne committee of claims, to farint’ in . bill. Committee atpo’ ted i house of Reprs fntatiyes . Commit/ ton 1 fags of the i>rrf:.l’nt t effecting the puh'tc l m'-brigs at iVrfljirtg ton; Me firs. Nei’on, Jones, Magruoer. L. ivis, and Hailing,. From th: Haiti rare Evening t>rfl. Colony of Is thy. name or St. Domingo. C the imptta.iH.. DECREE. Sr D iiniiuj), toth Venile miarie, *4, (Ofi >bcr 1 ith, i3 >5 ) IVE, Louis Fekr iso, general cf brigade, commander in c/nef, capt.iiu central pai interim, member of the Igion ofhonr. Co.ifidering, that our decrees, of the Brii Thern.idor, year 12, and rtre 131 i 1 Mi([;dor, year 13. as well as our, uc tioiik to the captains of privateers, and ! tf*c commander* of cruiz nx, of the 29 I1 [ l’rairial, fame year, cuuid leave no doubt with refpefi to our principles then de clared, on the liberty of navigation aid neutral rights; that these principle* have been fcrupulouflv applied, by the ad.niniftrative and judicial auihoriries un der out command, m a number of cEci (ions and judgments given by them on the subj cd of jiiizi-s, and fh.vviiig k.ud ncls to v ffels detained : Coi.fidernig, tliat we have right to 1 hope from our fidelity a just ttctproci- i tv, on tlie part of the neighboring neu- j tral governments, and their concurrence in thole mcafures, in their power, to : induce th ir iubjeds to ohft’ ve the trea- j ties which unite them with France ; as j well as to re (Rain the infamous cnpiui.y 1 oi those who, contrary to the law ot na- j tions, supply the revolted, by means of j a trade, the extinction of which rests up on our personal responsibility towards the emperor of the French r Considering, that fur from having ob tained tne end, wnich vve expected trom this frank and honest conduit; the ex aftriei, ,)four principles, in favour of neutral fi igs, is betomc among many, a tiiHiUiitlto loci’ rapacity, and tliat it j rciuits from the papers found on board the prize* lately condemned, that the greater part cf the neutral vcS’-'s coming from the rebel ports, ate very carefully and very regularly cifpatched ior the port* of Dominica, Tobago, St. Thomas, Lurrucoa, ‘Jamaica, IJuvannu, Batracoa, San jago tie Cuba, idc itfe. Considering, that the custom-house officers, in many ports of the United Stale* of America, have the impudence officially to dispatch neutral velfils, for the ports occupied by the rebels ; and that, on many occasions of this kind they . have employed the iigriature of Freuicnt Jcfferfon, without doubt, d.-ccitfully. Considering, that from the voluminous correfpoudence, found in the ships cap lured iince our decree or the 23d Mcfii dor, it relults that mary iioul.-s of the firfl rank in New A'ork, ikiiEdelphia, Baltimore, See. have, fur a long time, h. connection with the revolted, ami -fidrd them sup; lies, both of provilion* and materials tor war oi al kinds ; Considering, that the principal fitting out of neutral vtffels ot war, arid foi rr.crchandtze, is in the ports of the Uni ted Stales, to protect this h frmoti: commerce ; tiiat the brig jane, of Haiti more, captain Kennedy, armed with fix teen guns, and coming trom a port oc cupied by the rebels, was lately taken by boarding, after a-bloody fight, by the Fr nch cruizer La Superb;, caput.: Do. niiniquc. Considering, that it is matter of pub lic notoriety, that the America, oi ift guns, the CoumCiieut, of 2i, the Lidos tan of 14, and many afmerican velLls of this kin( , are not only engaged in tins execrable commerce, but trail! port arms and ammunition for Diftalitits’ army irom one port to another, and thu9 be come the auxiliaries of the brigands re voked from France ; Considering, that this conduft, on the part of the subj As of the government of the United Scares of aim- rica, cannot 1 be avowe 1 by the government, at haft 1 to ackn wiedge autheut Ca.iy the mdc- I p-ndenceof the rebel tiigunc* of Si. D o-2nd to provoke *l*l v>p'w4* lupcurc wi ll France ; Coufidcrir.g that the 26 J: article of the treaty of lire 30 h Srpc. * Soo, rati fied July 31st ifot, exprefsiy prohibits the subj cts ox both coulr&ci'-ig parties fr.iin rc-eiving, pi jteiftiiig, uidmg, aid iog or ttt,n..ig any pnate ; a.,d that ncl - rthsltf* vcitcl*, ar-.ned uruer the rtran flag, dauy effort, and navi-ate i | concert, with veffeis carrying a fi. ‘ un ! known to the civilized powc-s, and con Equently pirates ; this which is evidence or an iutiyictiun of tint article of the convention, whof; c'aufe* we have care fully ex cutcd to the extent of our go verumeiit • Confj it) fi ie, that it i our du ty a r, d that w - are tn jer a rcipunlibdity to Jeffrey, by all the means winch art 1 in our power, inch inonftruus abrifts, w hicn te id to furm'ii profufeiy the re v risen briga ids, with the meats to ob t?i:t their rebeihou, and to oppose ail ob iliuate ictiftaiice to llu arms of I*i <* I• n - -iai ffl.-j sty, W..C11 uireCted againit i. It ive Decreed an !do decree •. jt.i. J 1 detained vtlfeis, a.tier wth I pipers m- .at fir t*C por.s occupt.d by ! tne r-;b ‘ v -. or conn ig iruin ttivm vith cuuo.u hoiif; paper.;, or fairly fatpeded |to be lane p- r -rr, tne to tiftaolifit | t icir n .1. i.u... a ion wi t the rebels, ; in.. L-c carried .ntd li e port, oi tue ■t'-ifri.-icr ne.e th clefs *-e lec’ti-r “lie tybirh C4‘l be a* t* brr.l a * l(” t sen-, that ti e.’ may be Lot Lreft'y to v. Domingo >,r 10 Sam-tna. as atfti .tr •ontr.-’-” to our decree of the 13' 11 ° r alt M-llid'ir. Tlie car-fain* generals, the governors soft Commaudc.s, i'i thele iflrnds, w !, a -s-i no longer doubt their duty, vv'i.-. c ill na s-rs Lh.uiLl concur in rti.afu en, vhicb may extniguilh the reh:lkon in St, Daaingo, are requ ft-d to lui’lio* . ze tiis enii y of theic vcUtls in them U' r tS. 11. The feccn 1 article ref. rs to tlie ‘.cl< gated authorities, with the manner in which the Isle m y be made, if the ’eiaiiicd cargo 0 of a perifiiubE na: ure ; which proceed* are nit to he delivered • o eitlicr party, until a definitive feutdice he t'iven ‘T:i third article d'reclr, the tmfeis non of ail the original papers t j the head of the marine department at St. Dumiop g°* The fourth article dire ft* a oe luiftioa oi five per cent, for the government, upon the vaiue of the capture. The fifth article refers aiio to tire go vernment charge on sales of capture. The lixth article ftaus the en npen fni “i to be received by the authorities. The feven'll art e’e allows three months for the trar.f oJflion of t.e ac counts of sale, See. to the colonial in fpeCtor for their verificaiir.n, register, or 1 de-.ufit. The eight article d-’refts that the cap- Itain, iupercarrro, mates, fafiors aid pas i fengers, of every vessel taken in this trade, fhali be lent to Li,. Domingo immediate l¥. It provides p’.fo, that if the psp*n on ‘board do not fufiy prove the fact of their being employed in this illicit trad :, the captain Osy.ti nave the privilege of ao otnpanying his papers to St. Domin go in hb own defeu- e. The ninth article o and ‘r* the agents to j Larch n ovt carefully every pap.-r on board, all letters, documents, Stc. of >’v ry kind, to retain those which may affect tiic question of the validity c f the prize, and to forward the rest as footi a<* fa'ety ‘vill admit. The tenth article direfts the examina tion of tiiefe p <pers by the interpreters of the government, and a regular and 1 xleft, account oi tlie captai is of privateers, merchants, ir.fu em, captains, fupercar ” •rs, Si-i Sic. of all those v.-flels-connec* t ■! by commercial interest with the re volted brigands, lo be dcpolitc-il in the office of appeal. XI. A lift ihall be drawn up by the fame mayillrate, of the captains of pri jvtitcers, merebaats, infurevs, captains, j tuuercargoes and cthet*, connected oy | commercial relit.ion* with the rebels, 1 tnd defoliated ii the correspondence and documents ucpolited as proofs ot roe c. ; at the heads of this lift, fha! be named the captains of the privateers <> id other persons interested ia the v-if. ts, taken in the te l and condemned a* such Aotn their papers, eitlu-r d'reft from the rebel ports, orveryfying that they came from them by tbecuitoro house difi harg, Sec. The Eut be repeated every mor.tii. C ipi iS of thtfe lift i Ihall be delivered to every cruizer bearing our l.tter of marque. XII Etrv vessel, under whatever flag it ma y navigate, on board -f which fhali he found invoices, bibs of lading, and other documents directed to one or more .if ti e persons named on thrfe lifts or dered by the preceding article, Ihall be provifiouaily detained, without any re paid to the dillance of territorial fca, or a certain extent of sea, tn winch t.h:y may he met wivh, and (hall be carried in to port to he examined. Tin re, under the molt exaift search which (hall be made by the competent tribunal, it fixall be adjudged whether tf,ere be any pro priety is confiscation and condemnation, either of the vrffi-i, or of tlie whole or part of th* cargo only ; so that, in any case, the captain captured (hall not re cover fiom tin privateer capturing, air indemnity on account cf the deviation from his course, of the hindrance to hi* v tyage. The colts of the p ftiall be at the captain’s expenee. \III. Fv;iy privateer which cap tures a vessel at anchor in any port oc cupied by the rebels, or navigating uutTr the Indigene ug, fhali be exemp ted frrm all duties upon his prize XIV. Every privateer which enter*’ Sr. Domingo, and supp! c. it with pro villous in the case of a fieigh ; fh.tll cn jvy the fame exemption during is ot three months. ; The fifteenth article orders the ge*e ral circulation ot tne above drerte, “ to judify our effort* to rtprefs a (hamefift and hoilile trade, whica Rourifu;* the moll ocioua rcbillion ” L. FERRAND. SHERIFFS SALE , WILL L- I‘M at Bryan C nirt house on the fir ft Tuelday in February next, betw en rhe hours oi to anc’ 2 o’clock o’ that -.lay. One third p?jt of Oilaba v Is anti, with 1! its appurtena >ccs, the <> it) le put the z h and uk-n in exec ) ion as the property oi Peter 11. ;\-j ----ei ciq. Q>h<&.ms of s t'e CF:. S MAXW. i,i ,s b.c. £'vw Ccu: i i:*j ’ jn. ij 40