Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, January 17, 1806, Image 4

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c-v • ;■*- s‘i F.s. j -i; •• f'c.-’d .y in Fe- ‘ v • i *•, wi'l be led at tf.t . * 1 • n’ •, in th a < kr, be-’ ti e lu,urs 01 1 o a;.d j is s sv/i ft. ( ’ ‘ne man na med JIM. It on ui ’he pro per'y 1’ Jidt-i h Davis, at the j lint of L’i i/,o a . a , poa.tcd (hi by ts e and frn''a;:(. 1 -d<J— ( j (jC undivided moi- j tv or ;ourth par’ of j tr .& of ! Hand, containing 550 ants,, o ne or i<* s on LiUtC Ogcchcc ; Nc k, 4 (rules horn Savantu h, 1 on ■> healthy ar.d picas m fi.ui- j ti-ri i p.rt of fa id land is occu py 1 by James He Bei j. VV .1 - ion, tt-vifd on ~s die pr perry o F’dc f ius W'.i e, at the i’uic of M ms & I lun er, poin cd out b\ ihe AdmiuiUraCor. Cond tuns C.vo, J.\U. WILLIAMS, 8. C. a. J’n. 2 46. txP FOR SALP. A vi*luibfe p’aii'ati >n in lilifrty cconfy ihr Aa of the lute* Giiiil. Eci iven j a cor lid d * * ;lOiti<*l l of which is fv:im|>, ands *me t'trr . tin,l<*r cultivation ; tie high gr’ und Bt’ met 1 the c ult nre of Colton, &. •>'it'elL s a c mimamlii liuuriori for a settlement; the }i rtiujl r, i , f A’hich, an • terms of lale w ill be c- m .tu iica'ed on application to J hn Eliot’ i- ‘li. *t Liberty Cos .nty, or Majrr Charlet y on Sliidawa* llland, or to tile 1 i.*lcri!er. CHARLES O. SItIVEN. lli.,an Coilnty Jan. 3 8t 36 Ain DREW KNOX , II; jttfl receive i and for Site. 20 bbis. prime and mtlj i’o. k. and iket 1 ilot, fliip and middling Bread 50 biX'#s’s mould candles, (.iugulla iradi ) S° hcyn (.ettuine manufaftureJ To bacco 50 do. Fl.y ss. Ettglifh Cunpow der. 2JOO lb. buck, duck swan and f'pjir rri (hot. licit En.-lifh Quills, Wafers and X,.k Powdt 1 Wiitinjr.iid Wrapping paper M..;,ul play lug cards Boxes Spamlh Sr, ars l J w -vtrr plates, Bulona anil difli’ S Mtd, Piu, Crolbcut and Hamj Sawrs v orn A Crlftc Mills— Clw r laiijiners Spades, Shovels and Fry uif pans T’uicli Ovens Pots, i’ re L)oga AJ.Yj On Uaiui , kofe, point 3c London Loffle Bla- kets Cloths, Cafii er.s, Fianacis, md Ncvio (lams b Blue Strouds and Bath Coating* Inlli Lumens, Fux and tow (Jznaburgs Cotton bugging, Fine and eoarlt liats W illi a judicial supply of Gioceriet;. Lee 26 ts FOR S.\LE. THE huuie at present occu pied ..s the Republican Pnntin Office Lumber or the labou 01 a Cat pc uter wul be received m payment, lor particulars ap ply to EDW. L. DAVIES. Rov 1; 24. ts. P L/ftCEe\ /1 si. THE Sublciberi ffcis for Sale t 1 a’ vaiu.ble Blautafionat Ti.un- BcrLi. 1., generally known by the n.nne o( RUccntia—Containing upwards of i2,ro Aires— wnich is good Cos ton, arm Com Land, al taily clear, cj, and j arc 1> cultivated—l6o acres L j rime Rice land, of which 120 acres ere under Cultivation. Tie re ntainder is flood, h gh, Pint land* Any perlun tt, will plcafeapply at nv> Counting Kooni, where the||.lat* o’ the Land Jhall he (hewn men and the tern s made kn >wn. Jno. P. \\ Jliamfon January 7 ts , 7# Nai ICF. ALL pcrf.'BS bsvi *5 dtmsnds the h r rMJ'.iliiiMi ivtLwiik Morn , or of the *i!.. r ( b..:tik.-l yiatii- Lie of tki, city, tic- Cl lilt JI.” O, U. Oil to iflioCf tllfin to tii tub. fertott frih turticxl, *|)d thule who aic n.Ko.i*. -l iuo X I. ‘HOC tv the wißou ai.a o! oxeof Ltd 4ibtie 6v ipeedy pxy ouu*. C'onis Bolton, Aorn'r. on sud Mcrfc* eliitt Wt*e. li NOTICE. AJ L pr~to’ S } ti:. bird to fjjp c . and Hfc'NftV C.-RSHN, dec. £TC Ti K ffv He nic.J ih tod tilrj C tnv\rg OcmJfttf t * C; JO fthlivt thc-’tt 2i tettui to J Ann Camp, sUmr’x. Dec. 31 nmr, ev< THE SUSaCRIBAU. 1 1 peifon.u.c’rtrted to j bin. I.y 1 oi< or open accounts, to fdt'e ; tl e i:t con or titfore the 20 ! oi he* l 1> ury t ext. Those wb. fc a> ci Oi.ts hi*vt i>etn of long flandirg, aid not pal;; by tl at t nic, will be put into the baric* of an at umry for colktt’.on : as 10 longer itiduigtnee car. pcfßLly be gi ven. He HAS JUST RbCEI Vr I>. Bj lieJhip I.OVUUNA, from Kew Tori, a Lt&tf ppj f f>efb DTi(i.t u vsLiJlv.l.\ES, vhicb en k'.s hi* at prelcnt J very cvnipltit, and extti live ; and will be fold l y IVlolefnlt or, at a fatal! j aiAance on cdl fer Cojh, or bis usual j crtJit to punctual cuftorners* George llarral. Drc; 41 tFy. 45. The Fractional Surveys. WHEREAS, hy an act of the i i General Affernbly of the Hate o G orgu puiFcil dt Louisville on the 71b day of December, in the year of our lord one thou r and ei-lit hunored ar.d live, li is eri a*led, that all the fractional p.ris of lui vi-ys of land icfci ved to the Si a;t by the fcvtr.,l laws makir p i diltribucion ol tie lands lately ac j quiied fn-rn the CreeK Nati.n ol ilndians, lying and bting 0:1 the j Jconee River, and on the ten.- IpOiaiy boundary line Shall be old in fepatate L.ots 10 the high tit bidder in the Town of Mil- Icdgcvilie, in the following aian ntr, viz. The Comrnifiloners to be ap pointed for that purpose and woo the lubfcnbers are, sh til by an davertif.ment pubiiih and 60 days 10 the Gazettes of Pctctlb ‘rgh, j VV'alhington, Sparta, Augulta, Savannah, give notice of the times of days on wh.cli they foal! proceed to fell the fraction.! lurveys of each icvciui Gil* trufls. We the CommifTioncrs appoin ted for laid purpole, do thcieiOfc in conformity to the laid act, rc cjune all perlon*. concerned, to take notice, That at iViinedgr vi le we lhall attend, Cc com mence the lale of the Fractional Surveys as follow*, viz. WJ LEIN SON. Those of the lit DutriCt, com mencing on the jd of March next and continuing .10.n day to day, between the horns of ten am. three, Sunday excepted until the 11 th inclusive. Those of the 2d diftri&on the • 2 or March until the ijth inclu *ive,— Those of the 3d ditlrift on the J 1 7 of March, until the 20m uiclu nve.—- 1 hose of the 4th dillrict on the 21 of March, until the 24 inclu sive Thufe of the sth diflrift on the 25 of March until the 27 tuclu ;ive. BALDWIN. Those ot the lit diftrift on the aß;ii March, ur.t.l the lit ot April mclutive.— Thole ot the 2J diftrid on the id oi April until the 9th mciu li ve. ; Thole of the 3d diUriel on the 10th of April until the 14th in- Gulive. , I hole of the 4th diftr'nft on the ifrh of Aprtl unt.i the 19.11 m clulive.— Those of the sth diftridt on he 2 lit of April umil the 28 th mciuhve.—- WAYNE. Thole ot the ill ilillri£l on the 29'h cf April until the 7th ot May inclusive. Thole of the 2d diltrifl on the dth of May untii the 12th i.iciu live. I hole of the 3d district on thi *A r hos May until tne iota in clulive. TERMS cr SALF, The purchalcfs bonds for the amount of the purebufe mo ney will be required at tour e quai and annual 3 nil aliments to be j aid in Til vcr md gold, the hri’t payment twelve months at irr date, in addition to which a mortgage on tne premies wili De rcqumrU. MOSES SPEER, EEUD CK. SIMMS, PA I KICK JACK . Commiuionrrt. VNalh:ngcoa, Dee. ai, am. 34 To PLAN FERS: THE SuLfcriber find* it nfci-flary to call, thus publick y, upon all these, aho are in arrears to lux, to curre forward, as Ip tdily as pnllible, and pay up their rtl ptctivc balances—as he is ai.x ous to dis charge those claims, agaii.ft himfclf, which has originated, principaily, through the wants of those, hi* dcbtoi*. He ! certainly ha* a right to calculate upon pjyniciits this ye3r, as Providence, ; has, in general, been very bountilul to the cultivators of the foil. All defal ! ters (>D the full; day of March next, may ; expect to find their Bonds, Notes and j A in the hands of attorney’s at 1 Law. The Subscriber, a!fo thinks proper to give this public notice, that, bring fully fenfibie of the numerous dit advEi;iagt6 iclulting from the practice of making advances direftly, or becoming indirectly refpoi.lible for and on accout of ptifons who have not,at the time invelted h;m with funds, or any property that will fpeediiy raise funds fufficient to conipeufate him for the amount he ad vances or becomes refporfible for ; lie declines, for the future, (except in a few cases of estates and individual?, who has in all tranfaefions w th him observed tht flndttit punduality; the observance of this practice. The Subscriber will, however - , jin all cases, when produce is put in his pcfT lTion, make, if rtqu red, hbtrai ad vances, and will be grateful to the plan ters in general, and to his friends in par ticular, for any favors corifered in his line of tufinefs— he assures them, that no txertions shall be spared to conduct all hufisefs, they may confide to his care, lullyto tiitir fatisfaChion. He Itill conducts the Factorage &P Commission bufintfs.on MOREL'S, wharf, atten ded by every advantage which the fame pofT.fs’ 1, wh n carried on under the firm of WILLIAMSON & MOREL. JllO. P. Williamson, Dec. 3 11 dm. 27. Diil iJuuon tar x ojaai tnerlhip Ihc fubferner* g *c? no ic; that the rOpi t- e fli p 11 r r In e carried OS UHDEI THE FIRM OF D/tViu ANO LthuxllJN Cj Ij (jti L. Ij this day dilluivcd. 1: is rheie f->re requeued that .-I: persons who are 1 debit and ro the Lid fi in, or to’ f trie fu’fcribets, individuaily, will ca’l and pay their arci ur.ts and notes >n i r lief re the fi ff day fApi il next, >r ihe fame wnl ihcn be placed in the htr.ds of an Atto ney fa collection ; •m l those who have demand? aguintt t e copannerfhip, or citl er or the üblcrbers wi.l present the-r acccu.,is or payment DAVID GUGEL. LHi< I S ■ I AN GUGEL. THE HJtiSCftiBER, R H . rU CNS ms thinks this friends and the pu vic in ge isral, for thei lupp.xt when conneded wi:h his la/c > r ner, and begs ea cto inform then hat he will cur, i u- the TAYLOR ING BUSINESS, at/he fhup laid occupied by D 61 G Gugel, w ere hi vill oe ‘hankful for a continuation o; buiinefs in his lire. CHRISTIAN GUCEL. January 3 ts 36 LOS Tor MISL.A ID, THE following notes of hai and, a'i nade oavable to the ia/e AMSRDSt GORDON, Esqr. dec’d. One drawn by Alexander Johnston, bred 7m May 1804, payable ill. lane, 1804, for 448 dollars and 47 ents—Ut e drawn by Grei-n R. Dulce and ./ed 1 jth June, iß< 2, payable 90 days alter di e,for ißi dollars 53 4 cents. One and awn by Lemuel Kol lo* k, dated 6/h Augutf, lßco, paya blc 10 days at/er date, for 187 dollars 50 ce< ts. One drawn by Hugh Mi. <icc, dated 3d May, 1804, payable fco lays af er date, for 51 dollars 97 cents. Jne drawn by Chants Litiaergree , I ‘ted 3d May, 1804, payable 30 days liter cute, tor too dollars. One diawn >y Nathan Ideal for h dollars, but o whom payable 1 do not recoiled, est by Charles Goodwin, Esqr. for -oiledion. ALSO, - A receipt signed by Sir, Thomas donlall ot England for 100 pounds erlit.jj, to Mils Ann Davies, with fe veral re cipt. on the back for the in/e est. All persons are forbid trading for the above notes, and the drawers from paying them to any person bur • e Ethic-her, if they ihnuld net be 1 unu beh re the next 1 tenor Court, inpiicafio.j w. 1 be made for a renew, al of them,any person hi ding ar.d de livcnng teem to ihe tubicr.ber will be uandlornriy rew arced. JOHN MEAD. Au u*t 2 ts 9 FAIN MNG & GLAZING, THE 9utfc iher Sas taken ths S4io tite y occupied by Mr Kite the Watch slater nt the Cane as a workliiap, and three or •tar dn rs to the Wc.Uard of Mtlfri Du dp aita U idian's; W’lrere lot carries oh the, Rule tslg<i # Painting, Gla ring oc PopcT Hanging, &c. b‘. H. KEEN. \ Kovtmbtr 29 ts 26 1 RUN/ WAY fern ;h übtrA r ;n the hrid ct I u t c River, in ii.e 15/1 ul line, a wt mad”, cocntij bi.rn m-g.o, very n u 1 naked wiih ‘he \v~ip, 25 years o:e nd abou** 5 fee. / ite high.— Whoever will put rim in ar\ j -il, 6 give the üblc; 1 ci n> t ct cf it, or lei 1 H m h. me, fiia.l uc handLm!) .exa.d cd. William Cone. Dec. 31 us 35 1 Le will* triDiri .*, HAVING entered into Cop rtrierihif tin ier the Firm ejj Shearer & L risdalk, Offer the Public their set vices as Facto- RSXS & AOtNTS. THE T t eec.vt and dispose of all kinds of produce, Houses, intuit, or utij other species of property, ett eon.n.Uiicu. ‘They having et gtnrnu knowledge cj the DRY GOOD fcr GROCERY BU SINESS, offer ihtir services io Country Merchants, and in making putchas.s and forwarding agreeable to ot act any articles in that hue — A< and when cjh is aepcsutd with them, they attend Auctions and buy ul the lanvfjl Rates. M. bhcarer. |no. Drysdale junr. N. B. Their Canting Room is ad joining the Post GJice, S. E- cornet oj the Exchange. Nov. 19 ts 24 NO I I GF.• To Suffcrilers to the Georgi i Republican Having transferer!, in b-J.alf of the p opr; etors, to Evisun r & McLean,(the prefer.t proprietors) a.l debts due ‘or liibto tn to the paper from the lit of Oil. 1805 and all debts ot whatver natuie due the office tr. in the 21st Nov. laif, th le concerned wd. p.. their refpeftive arrearages that i'u.l due with in tiie above dates to them. Curtis Bolton. Such Subscribers ss have not paid their half year’s advance, due ; the Li ft of t 'dtuber la It will confer a favor by fet tling the fame as soon as pollible. E VERIIT b J Me IEAN. January r if 36 FOR bALE. Or Excba’ ge for Negroes. T HAT exeti e./ fi/u./ o.i /wo riles from Savannah, on the Loud * vtile rotd containing le/ivecn and one hundred acies of GCOo LAND on w.'iicli is a g; ou heufe Stc. he It/u i 1 nfjr a G tidcn spat is nor exceeded oy any in Me vicinity of Sav nnah. ASO Wan/ed a man who is well acquainted wi/‘i the cukure o> Rice, fucti a one wi 1 fi and enc. u'age ineut by app'ying to the primt/s ol .his, paper or to G. W: Af T EN. Little Og rn - 3 If- “ 35 . AUI ICE. ON Wedndd *.y the 3d March next, in tne town of Miilcdge v. in the county or Baldwin, w. commence a public Lie of locs in laid lown, not to exceed )ne hundred agreeably to an atfr polled by ihe irg flature of Gro:- gia at their lait leiTion. Tht tale to continue from day to da, until co v.pler’ H. JOHN HI RBERT, ~i A. M. DLVEREUX, I Commiffijn- HOWELL COBB , ( crs . HENR YCARLETOX. J ‘Jan. 7 NO 1 “iCE^ ALL Persons having any demands again! the eliate of John Haberliiam decealed, are refuelled to lend them in proper!) attes ted and those who are indebted to make pay ment to Joseph Habersham. Admtr.ifiralor. January 10 ts 38 KOBSK PS & CLAiiK, Have jult received per the brig Eleanor from Dolton, and for file at their itore, Smith and Bourke’s wharf. 8 Hhds. retailing Sugar*, 500 pair negro Shoe*. ON HAND. 18 ilhJg. N. Rum, 40 Bbls. Mackarel, IO boxes Cotton Card*, 2 bales Blankets, 1 do. low priced Broadcloths, ( t• unk 4-4 Iriih Sheetings, t cal'e 4 4 and 3-4 Iriih linens, 10 Bbls. Beef, 4 pipes Holland Gin, 3 do. Cogi.iac Biandy, 20 Bolts Ruffian Dutk. Nov- i ti 19 iV (J 7 i C E. THE Subfcnber returns thinks to his caC. toners for pail favors, ami informs that he Hill continues the Cabinet-making buCnti. is dual, and lolicits a continuance of patroji :ge. In the mean time he woud observe to those who have not been I'o punctual as lie could 1* ivh, that it would be dcing him an a of just ice te fettie their arrears os so.-u as polsble i Their too long delay has bear; jhr means of his Altering, and iuch as do net av ail thrmfelves of this notice, beforeihe 15th of Febiuary will be bL’Ell with *- dii tn.Jl,ou. VV sc bUOtJo. January 7. t t. j ~f'CiK mALE, a CjpltiUraa of i O2 1 ■2acrc*oflr*d in the stb t&Jria f Baidu. ,n conn y. Fur far icmlart enquire of /tie frinUn of this \paptr. I Jan. 7 ts 37 \ OW I A NOT- f, /AO.V/ , n 10-.-rd /loop Ftn.o r: >t andfop> Coil n Patter Jiuft Pe.Uut.el, i lei ; citid}‘jT lUti. 40 lOi s cjt.aie, tire, a; and axe bar 1 p, 20 Kqs F. F. ar.d F. F. F. giuztil pun*powccr, 20 Bo.s. loaf lugar, 40 Boxcb Yellow leap, ico iiois. pi.o , (here, ar.d (hip bread, 4 thdlsHyfon Te?, 25 b- s. Fh.iacc ph;a bottled potter, (3 dcz. tael ) 10 do. 00. b-er 3 Boxes f.ddicry, CONilb- TING OF, belts jilted ard tiiir;.Ti’d ch.-i’e* hainel , Mens and, S-ddie Common, b affle & Curb Brides, Belt t la;cu and . and co. u 1 h Birtiooi.s bitts. ANDREW IvNCX. But nek Gichohs IPuart. J an _ -4 b 39 C redit of I hree ‘tear:; Fa publi J eto Savannah, cn THURS v tih oj FebsUtny, 1806, : Coo v-l tc v. .. v-.c.rJe Ri'c anu Ci.f 1 . FLAiN t 4'f 1( -fj ■ -il and Crawiord and Fowben, fi u* Ici ,n Lhn 11.a. tou;.i, , lat t- r.te, tn the Hate- oi Ce rgia, * thin thirtet! iniies of the cry of Savannah. The plantations adjoin •ich other, arc well fettled and in ugh ffaie of cultivation : they are ve y eligibly fituaied for any perlon ui or near Savannah. LONDi i lONS—Three vears recit, on bond with imereff, appro val perfnoal security Et niortgage of ihc picpcrty will be tcquitcd ; the uifereft to be paid arnuall), m and rn ;er cent on theameun.: cf tfe pur eh;e previous to the r ;k;i g ol ti ll.cs, i e nlat miy be leer, by ap. I’yirg A essrs. Hunter &i Mx li) i) ii h -ill Liu, Cl r Hugh Rose. ChiirEPt. , Dec. ,1 texpt. 3^.5 X 07 ICE. ALL perL.ns who may have claims on .ho eiiate of Hcbekt Bkisbane, dec. are i t quelled to prefcnt tiiem properly atttlLd, a..d those indebted to it, to make pat rr.eot to H. HOLCOMBE Ex’r tolkideliate. ts a7 TO RhiN J. nr HE HOUSE & LOT rear Broughton A Street, formerly occupied by Eamond Bacon Ltfjr. apply to Roe Sc Davies. tF 95 Georgia, Liberty, superior Court, March c lnm, 1805, On the petition cf John Kol 'on, executor of Robert iSoiton, praying the foreciofure of the e quity of redemption of ail that ; ot of land situate in the town of Sun bury, containing ftvtnry feet ‘ront, and one hundred and thir ty feet deep, known in the ori ginal pian by the numcer seven ty-eight (78) which k jot of and, with the improvement, ’ hereon, was mortgaged on the twentieth day of June, one thouf afid (even hundred and ninety five, by William Hunter Tor tans to the laid Robert Bolton, (or securing the payment of the (um of forty-two pounds fferlirng equ*i in value ro one bunded and eighty dollars; with interdt thereon, due upon a certain bond or obligation from the laid Wil ■ iam to the laid Robert bearing even date with the said mort gage, It is ordered, That the princi pal, inter ell and colt due oih the laid bond be paid into court with in twelve months from this time and unlei's the principal, intertft and coil be so paid the equity of redemption of the laid mortga ge iffes ihall from thence ftrth t>e foreclofed, and Inch other proceedings take place as the law directs. And it is fun her ordered, That a copy of this rule be pubiilhed in oi.e of the Public Gazettes of this Race at least once in every month until die time appointed (or payment, or ierved on ihe mortgagee, lease fix months prc-v.ous to such time o t pay ment. r 3 trad] from the Minutes, Ibis 2 6ib Marib I^os A. Forest elk. c . s. c. L. <*. Marco 2‘i iam 12t ei