Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, January 31, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. No. 2s.] CONDI! IONi OF THK GEORGIA REPUBLICAN . The Rr.rvßL C.eN is publiflicd ever Tuesday and Friday, on a royal Iheet cf good quality. 1 he terms of fubfcnption are srx doi. UAtts per annum. half to he paid at the time of’ iubfcribing, and the balance at thi expiration • f the year....and all pu|Krs will ke until ordered to the reverie. ttSMlt OF ADrZRTISINO. Advert 1 i'ements infected at 50 cent* per ftuare the foil inlertion, and 25 for each con tinuation.... A liberal allowance made to theft who w.lh 10 advertise by the ) e..r. For Sale zx this Office, A “e arid -,i of BLANKS among wUck are, Foreignatvd CcaAtng ManiftlU, Merchant;, Entries, L'quor do. BUs of Exchange, do. of Lading, dq. of Sale; Rowers of Attorney, Checks, Apprentices Indentures, Deeds of Conveyance, Bonds; Notts of Hand, Writs for the Superior, Inferior Si Mayor's . Courts, Mayor’s Court Exci utions fe Supboenas, Notices to creditors of lnfolvent !:• tors Military 4.lmmonies, &. Executions, &c. dL Cards, Handsuu isfc £s7 Printed at a Jhrrt A m on rea/onable et ms. TRUNK MAKING TRUNKS MADE and REPAIRED 1.1 the ncatelt manner, the fubfenber, in th’ Lane b.'cU of Capt Pembertons, near u, Market. Alt c uumrads mms line of busi ness will be gratefu ly received and puu&uu Iy executed IVILfAA A L INK January 228 tt* 43 . try 6'tcn.; ■ $n the tft Tu'[day in March nest will h.• sold a the court tuwji in this city, tetween the hours 0 tea and thiez o’clcfh, A Negro ftoy named a dam, ievied on as the property rs doth 1 John Love, at the suit ot Witiiam Shaw poiiiierl ou f by the plaintiff. Conditions C fti. JOdN WILLIAMS, * c i. Sav. jan.27. _ CI I Y sHFRIFFS S ALUS. ON tie H it Fucfdiv in f c bruar/ ntxr, will he fold at th- Court-house, in this cit\ , ht tween {.he houro of 10 and a o’clock, One negro id,in na med JIM, levied on as die pro perty cf jofeph D-rvis, at ti:r fui of L’Homaca, pointed on fbc defendant. Al-SO.—One undivided moi ty or fourth pirt of a tr.-.dt c Find, containing 550 acres more or le son Linie Ogeche Ne.k, 14 triles froirt Savannah cn a hea thy and p<eal ir>‘ li u • tion ; part of laid land isoctu- J ied try James & Be j. W 1- ion, levied on as the pr perry < tulcbius White, at the lute . Minis & Hun;er, pointed out b the /idrrin Hr t r. Conditions Cujh . JNO. WILLIAMS, S. C ‘ J !n - .7 _46. fvn 0L t\ li t 0 oyy yb ft, WILL be 1 Ij t B ydi i C ii house on the firlt Fudria; j February next, be-w en o hours ot to and a oVJoi k o’ th. day. One third pait ofClFibaw I land, with all us a purienantej bring the midi le par: thereof Seized and taken in execurh, as the property of Feta H. Mo rel tfq. Conditions of sale C Jh. S.MAXWKLI.s b c. Bryan Court hovfr, Jan. ij 40 AO, ICt. ON Wed/ufd y the jd Marc! next, in the town oi Muledge vilie, in the county of Ba.c'wi; will co nmeru-e a public laic r, lots in laid town, not to cxctc one hundred agreeably to an a. palled by ‘heligiO rure ofG. o gia at their lalt lellion. 1i iale to continue from day to ca untii CO 1 pfetr and. JOHN HERBERT, “) st. Ah 1)1 VEREUX, I Comnni’finr HOWELL COlil;, ( eri , HENH / CsikLETON.) Jan. 7 37 Georgia Republican. RALPH MAY, Having tier. Vtjhse adjoining Janes Car others. Commerce Row, fronting the B >r< new cfirs for S Be, AM EJTEN; IV £ ASSORTMENT Os Ury Goods Hardware, ... Co,’tying ( f Lnack, b tie, coibcau, brown and mixed fuperfine Br, ad Cloths Second Cloths, Plains, Ltaftic Cloths, caHi nr errs, knr.p and common Coatings i tif-nt c fds, f?wsnfdownt 3c l’oilinnts B.ue fctrsnids, London dufflle and rose Bla> keu Flannels of ai4 colours A Variety of Velvet*, Vekrerels, Genoa Cord 1 aud Thick set is Dimitiu, Crapes, Mpflins and Mull n Handkerchiefs Mt:fl’ s Plain, figured and checkrd cotton Cam hrii it o , Calicoes, Linens Dowlas, fn.-eting* Diaper* and Diaper Table Qloths B.dricks, Durants Dtiro-3, Caiitnancos Bombazettes and Bombazines Silk and Cotton Shawls—Some Malabar, Pullicat & Romal Handkerchief, Si It, Cotton and worlled H fiery Silk, cambrick, 1 lotton Sc leather Glover and Mitts, Lace and Edgings. Worded and Cotion Tassels atid Cords Silk and Cotton Biaces Apron Checks, knitting Cottons Lit-tics lcarlet cloaks, Umhrehas and Parasols .nuiib, whited brown, ail colours am Oznaburg Threads Needles, Knitting do. Tapes, Bobbins, Pins Gentltm- m’s fine Hats Servants Giazed and common do. Gentieman’s and Ladies fine hoes Beals tV’ive Fenders, with and witliout fl >pe bottoms shovel aoo Tongs, 13 Hows Jo maty hooks, Ciouk pins iiock Tin a- I. j • panned Coffee Bigjjiu6 I and Coffee Pots iron Pun, l/uioti ovens ■(.Tilth’s bench r.n ! hand Vice* Hand and (ledge Hammers Piie- sand Piles carpenters bread axes . iaicnetf. f\( z , baw% Screw Augurs hiflkU, Pvulta, Iron (quarts Jbmpaff s, Gmibiets, Oil Hones, Hinges \ va.iety ct Carpenters Plants and Piane lions Brace u;th bitts, \Vood ferews ‘ub a <t Palling ax s, hpade* tiroad aid Garden Hoes icyihesaud Straw knives, fwiiives aud forks, Carvers, fapanned Tea frays, aud Bread Baflcets Snuffera pat. uuor iprmg; whirry combs and Btuilus Powder, Shot, and bar L-ad A.-wdu fl .Ik ; aud llt-tt P .uches vlun Crews am) Worms Plated Spurs Pen knives, Suffar* Aaiiors, Coinos, lpoons vO. n and Coffee Mills *V vfL Irons,ß Srttlti, lycr’s liowels liiooais anci lirufhes ivloioccu pocket aim blank books Anting p. per, 1 it powder Pewtei iiaio..s, I’iotes, candle moulds itou tim’d cheits, cuphoar , trunk, deiit ano (lock Locks x.oc ankers kruvts, hammers, pinchers, Wt. 1 t>iau: s, lark., &cc. opperaiui iron l’ a kitting .7ltd irons, Smoothing Irons, Cbaffi.ig dilhes, ssLSO, > lute, Spaiiifh biov.n ye low ochie and blue ano green pain;a ‘aintti’s iiiuih sand Painting tools pi. 5d 6d. bo. IOC tZti. 20d.&J0t!. fsuiis and hooting bracit. .by 10, g’ y 11, audio by J 2 Win now Gian., in whole & had hexes Together with a hamlioiiit assortment • GkOCKtEl'and GLAUS WaRE-, ol or winch win be lota cheap. Dec. 20 ts 32 i-JjucatkTn, Grateful for he diAiuguilhed patronage e has experience* his tiubiiiiiiv.ei.t ,11 -vannah, Ivir Green w ith dtierence inform! .us friends ana the j übJic, 11 at ihe i-auie: Litnarv fchooi, ana the Grammar a> and .via- h emaucal lcbools, are itiil continued by bin 1 the lame exteuhve jilan, as at their com cement. ‘I i.e cuurfe of the ichools, includes Read ng, Grammar, ill cuti-.n anti Rhetoric, vt siting in all the sttful ornamental hands, -•trnhnfe it, Book ktepmg, according to ft era) fyitems, Gti gr.pity ar and the ute, raving c pyingof Aiaps in diliercnt pio -1 Alois, the cements of Altronomy, and e ult ot the Globes and i e tunan History ti Chronology. in the Ma cal department, the up 5 wi 1 be carefully iriftrue:ed in Algebra .renrnetry, 1 rigoiiomerry, Conic Sections ‘'’ fluxions, with their application to the .dinels oj life and the tnveiiigation of Ici er. Sixteen years experience in his profeflion, ti a f.fCrea and unremitting attention to it n (.rats and ft-ai improvement of his pu ls wi I, iie, continue to him frjm liberal and enbghter ed jiublic, a (bare of a* lav ,r ite has hitherto experienced i* pis admitted witbaat tutu ranee, till e. ‘ll of the ei. fling Januar . ,A Dtxciso Maxis* of emtnence attend the ochools. ! hi j.eiriocr 3 -a SAVANNAH: PR NTED BY EVERITT Ist M'LEAN, ON THE BAY. F R 1 D A Y, January jt, 1806. 50,000 BRICKS, I r ANUING from the brig JOHN L DA.i.s, fir fule, apply on board or to Mem, Mackay & Cos. December 6. ts aS NOW LANDING, 1 FRO A o” board Jit op Favor t. and fli p *Cott n Pan Ur fro>t. i ; and for jale. 40 Toi.s Iqunrc, tire, a. id ax bar li , ao Kt*gs F. F. and F. F. F ghztrd gun-powder, 20 Bbls. iual Elgar, 40 Boxes Yellow loap, iuo Bbls. p.lO , Ihore, and ship bre.* 1, 4 1 hefts Hyfon Tea, 2 5 ii ns. Fh ladefphia bottled porce;, doz. each) 10 do. do. ii er 5 B txes f.dtilcry, CONbIS riNG OF, bats pßted and trimm’d /lirtife harness, Mens and boys .addles, S uidl/ bags, Com/ton, Sniffle & Curb Bridles, Bed plated do. and do. syuh Birdoons b trs. ft NDRIiW KNOX. B IT’ nk. ifubons iVb.rf. I'i'4 _ 0 39 ANDREW KNOX, His juj} rrci’vei and for Side. 20 Ibis, poult and mess Pork and Beef 25 do- I ilot, ship and middling Bread 50 L xes 5*3 mould candieb ( Augusta made) 30 kegs genuine manufactured To - baceo 50 do. ft. & ss. English Gunpow der. 2500 lb. buck, duck swan and squir rel (h t. Ceil Enuliili (Quills, Wafers ami Ink Powder Wilting and Wvcppjng paper Mogul playing <‘arc Boxes Spanilh oceans Pcwtrr platen, Bafons and diflica Mill, Put, Crosscut and Hai.dSaws orn St Coffee Mills—Claw i 2miners Spader, Shovels and Fryin, pins Dutch Ovens Pots, F re Do ALSO On Hand Rofc, point & London Duffle Blankets Clotiis, ( efii ■ ercs, Flanneis, and Negro lain* Blue Str u i, and Bath Coatings t.i.h Linn.ns, Iv.jt a-ul tow Oznabnrgs ott in Bagging, Fine and coarse Dato Wi'h a gem ral supply of Groceries. Dec 26 ts 35 7Us T RECEIVED, 2 Cases 7 ft lnfh linens, colt from jju to 19 . llirling, 1 Bale and rapery baize* r dc. blue cloth, t do. white dowlas, 1 do. rt fy blank. ta, 64,74, 84, and 9 4 1 do ravens duck, 3 do. blue Gilla hdkf*. “) fluita -2 do. do. G Uriahs, | hlc for 2 do Gtnj pore Sannahs, 1 do. Juojea baftas, | ran 2 do, Boretpore Cuff;*, J market THE AD Vt WILL BE SOLD St THE BALI, OR CASE CELT. ALSO, 17 Oflcs London porter, do. do. brown flout, 12 Nt As trunks, 3 6'alcs London m de hat*. ON HAND 15 Hi d*. N. E. Kum, 4 Pipes brandy, a quantity No. to. cotton cards, 10 Cbtft* Hyfon, and Hyfon skin tea. I'm Sale by JiobertS C? Clark, Sn.iih l!f Enurles Wharf. December 20. 32 ts KOKK~TS & CLAHk, Have just received per tlie brig Eleai or frciin Bolton, and for sale at their Rote, Smith and Bouike’a wharf. 8 Hhds. retailing Sugars, 500 pair negro Shoes. ON HAND. 18 Hhds N, Rum, 40 Bbls. Mackarel, 10 boxes Cotton Cards, 2 bales Blankets, 1 do. low priced Broadcloths, I trunk 4-4 Irish Sheetings, i case 4 4 and 3-4 Irtfli linens, 10 Bbl*. Beef, 4 p’pes Holland G;n, 3 do. Cognise Brandy, 20 Bolts Ruffian Duck. Nov. 1 ts IS AVAN NAN MARINE Hoipital & Foor-Houfe The subscriber hei’ g appointed hv their loners the jullices <1 the Inferior Curt, •verfeer of the Poor and fie Medical affili int to the P.ior Houle and ‘ierimjm’s Unfpi and, gives Public Notice, that he is n ,v, eady to receive into the lnilituiion, an oerfon or pcvfons belonging to the C unty ; ir lick Seamen, who Ih,ill make application to him for admiflion. He h.vs to requell that in future the citizens will not give any relict so persons at their doors, .tsilu- arrangements made for their reception is fitch as wi I lu .H-rci de ihe Nrcelfitv of iheir g vmg Chaiitv ■u that wav ; fhoind itrey liovvev r, feel .11i jiolcvl to allitl the itiltuiuim, oy duiauon will be thankfully leeeived and faithfully ac counted tor, by MOSES SHEFETaL. November ea iz v O */ I C L. THE Subfcnher returns thanks to his enf omers for past tavors, and informs thn hr llill Continues the Cahinet niakirig butinefs a- uluai, and lolicits a contmtiance of patrof rge In the nuan rime he would ohtrrve , hole who have not beCr. so punctual as hr could yviilr, rhat it would le doing him an .1 ‘• ot juitice t* tcttle iheir arrears as lo in a polflule : I heir too long delav has been tin means of his fullering, and fitch as do ran avail ihemfclves rs tins notice, before tin 13111 of Feoruary will be SUED without dit tiuAion. Wh. RIUGs. Janiiary 7. 37. 1 11. ’Li 13 v Kuli’ Rl) WMIING to dirt'id ilu ir attention to wards the c ’Helium and ten lenient of debt- Hue to them, Give notice th t, on the j|t day of December next, they will decline .hr (ftai bufi. it is on credit j I'he delire there fore that all ih-l'e indeb ed to them, o r 1 Robert 1 &.J din B Iron, will immediately m.vke pavment or olherwile fettle to their lati. faflion. From the ft ore crlleAion made these iw / ears pa It, the debts to them have actumuU ed beyond their wilh; and they are I'ilfi lent ly awire t hat biiliiu fs eoi duaed 00 Inch a footing cannot support iifclf. C iirtis ’Milton, 6< Cos. Their remaining flock on hand which it. not intended to be ii crealid, will be fold b wholesale or ritaii, on easy terms for call', produce, or town notes. N- v, 5A t s Do .a eni u e r HIS elegant retreat about 4 miles frrn, Savannah, on VVafiaiv river, is otfcrcu o> aleafe t r (ix or (even years, for the bene ht of the heir, aminor, on terms that will I'im tin fe inclinable topoilefs so valuable a piece oi ground, as well ealcu ated for health a? for pleasura and profit. Apply to W. STEPHENS, N. TUUNIiULL, J GuAitDiANS. Auguit 9 ,jf, do planters: THE Subscriber finds it necdTtry to call, thus publickly, upon all thole, who are in arrears to him, to come forward, as Ipeedily as pofliSle, and pay up their ref pi&ive balance*—as lie is ai.x-nus to dis charge those claims, agai isl hintfclf, which ha* originate- , principally,through the wants of those, hie debtors. He certainly >s a right to calculate upon liberal paymmts this year, as Psoviilnu >, ban, in general, been very bountiful to the cultivators of the foil. All ters on the firff day of March next, mry t xpedf to find their Bond-,, Notes ami ceouutß in the hands of attorney’s at Law. The a!fo thinks proper to give ill's public notice, that, being fully ferifible of the numerous dii advantagr* rcfiilttng from the practice of making advances dircdtly, or becoming indire&ly rcfponfible for and on accout of persons who have not,at the time invtfled him with funds, or any property that will speedily raise funds fufficient to contpcnfate him for the amount he rd vances or becomes refpoiii -le (or; he leclines, for the future, (ixcrpt in a few calcs of eflate3 and im.ivu'uals, who has in all tranf..£fions with him observed llit ftndtcfl the obltrvancc of this practice. I H J . Subfcribt*r will, however, in all rafes, when produce is put in bis poffcfliori, make, il rtqmnd, liberal iid vancts, and will be grateful to the plan ters in general, and < j bin friends in par ticular, for any favors ccnferrd in hi line ot assures th .rn, that no exertions flufl be spared to condodt all btifiaefs, tb* y may ronfitlc to his care, fully to tiicir Lrisfaction. He hill conduA* the Factorage &* Ccmmisshn biifn.ef#, on MUKEL’S, wh Aar, at ten ded by every advantage which the Lm< poffefs’l, v;hen • lyried on under the firm ot WILLIAMSON U MOREL. J no. 1". V\ illitiirijon, Dec. 3 tiftm. 27. e -i ■ lING cc (il,. iZ;,\G, THE Stihfc iher has taken ihe Shop Lie. ly occup ftt hy Mr Rice die Watch Make n tb*- I.ant: : x a workfh-ip, atitl ‘ln<'r mt, to ;|| C Welt a aril of Mr lb s Dufi ,nd Wiiflon’tj W here l, carries on the, Houle bigit, Paintiiin, Gin ning 6-c. Pa]itr Hanging, c't. S. h. K t.h N. Kovemfrr 29 ts if, U t< t In i . STORES Nos 7 and to, in tue Exchange. For teins apply at niy Cilice. 1 hoo. j-’itr, Scc’ry. N*v. ay ts. ‘ ,6 [Whole Ni'mblr £ 3 iB II ‘is ev\ aid. lIANAWAY ab'in 4 months lii ce. A negro nun nun cil Pc Ti U, Iw-lni.gnig to the nita rof Gn rgn Mailt deed. Ilr is a vidua. HU; carpenter, and well kimwn for mane years tn thisciry He is tall and Unit, uftive, and artful apd when queltioned cinfelv, lie li.un mers much, iod.l ars will lie paid on hi* deliver to the SublVriber, orm r-e Goaier <>f this city, anti forty dollars in addition thereto on proof of hi* being harboured by a wfcii periou. J. MACIIIN, ExoV to Efla'e, Ge- ice Itaift Oil ■ lice THK UK CKJHf-.U. BP®_l?/STS all persons indebted to turn by notes c>r open account*, to fettle tlic lame on or b (ore tin 10th of l*e binary next. Thole v.h ft a count* have been of long Mantling, and not pan] by that time, will be put into the haint* i t an attorney for eoHcdfion : a* no longer indulgence can puffibiy be vcn. Be HAS jos T KLCII VI P By tktjhip Louisiana, from hciuTtrl, a largeJi/fp.y ,{ f rt f' o I) ‘ iKi I tx ‘• •.•>!. i E which m. k■* his ;ifT>rtment at prefert very comp ile, and cxtcnflve ; and wiif be loltl I y li'/w.i/flJe or Retail, at a fmali a .vance on cod tor Ca(j> u or |t} •** - c:cdit to punctual cy'.'.Umcrs* ‘oeor’ge Harial tFy. 4J . IMolution of Copartuerlhip I he (uiifcribers gi c> i.ouce that the 1 O’.w r r <hip h rc fn <■ t ari ,e<J ON UNDJU THE Firm OF DiiPjU //AD C CLGdi.L, % I* his day difiolvtd. sis /here. >ore rtqutilrd that :.|i persons who arc ndebit dto the lid fi tn, or tr> e tl.t-r it t! e Idhfciiheis, individually, wl| a I aid pay tt re a count* and ti tts >t. <rt.rf r- ft eli tt d..y .f April ntxf, tr the lame wul then be p) aC i and in ,t, e n.nds of an Atto ney for collediiot j <m ‘ ihote who have dcniandj ag i; it * c copartnerfhip, <r enhe- ■ tie tublrr bets wi,| prelent their accou t for payment DAVID GUGFL. CHXI.S \ lAN GUOELi .. 7 IIE SUBSCRIBER, RE I LTR •> n. (h nks t - his frie-'o’* aid the ( u ■ic in general, tor t; eir i'lppon worn iontu£lcd wih h s la re p r ner, and begs leave to inform r] t in ‘hat he will oti inue the TAYLI/R ---ING BUSINF Jj.S, at/he fh>>p >atr-Iy icupied iy D A: vJ CJu/f , w ert he id be hanlcful for a cytitu.uat/on cf bufmefs in his me. CHRISTIAN GUGEL. January 3 rs 36 ! fie ; u t i in. is, I! Ay IN (; entered into Copartner thlf nnder the Film of SuMAHhH 0* Ltiennit, Offer the Public their u, vices at Isicit net & ackstj. 7 //A T receive rind riitpntc of a/I i'tult of produce . fl utes, hinds, Aegtoet, or ,try other Species of property, on to- nut mu. They hliving genet nt in’ vuledge of the I)Hr GOOD & GROCER f BLf- S/hESS, offer their services to Country ‘Merchants, and in making purchiotij and for warning agree A e to order any atiiclet lin that line—a <1 •when cJh is uep sited with them , they attend Auctions and buy at the Ittvefl P.utee. iVj. Sheerer. | no. 1) ) stlale junr; V. Ji. Thar C ounting Room is ad L joining the Post Office, ts. E. corner of the l xchange. _ N, ‘ v 9 <f 24 notk.e. • THE 8UB; l K HER has ap. iotn’ed Charles Hams, e q of Sa vanitiih, a/loinry (or (he tff-'e of r'honias Lincft-fle:, ec la e of New-Port. A-l peif ns i de ltd tv ti\ a e bt Ho and, note, or • pen ccount rt e ’•-queHed to jay and fet !e wi h /he ( <J att< mey, is it is abfo* tu ety net •11 try -hat the c rcerns of nst efiatc b fi eed ly br tight to a loir. JOHN COUPtR, tx’r. ! Hl', il-bts due to the effate of I'hnmas Lanchcfttr being placed in oy hard-, I t collctUion, I am ready t, (ettie with tne deb/ors, perf ns bos indebted negxcti -g to avail - emfelvcs < f tids notice before the iO-Is, cay <1 te next, W il! be i nmediate yti rreafter (ued ;an ea f ,rj wllich Wi 1 INDItCI IMiN A V El. V pUc i owing to /he nectlfi y t ere is t-f rcllettiny. the d’ bts of th*t .iriate or ufiug t-ve>v dt'.iu-nice in rhs recovery of it> ju.'t demands. Inr ul* gence wi 1 be allowed to thofj who bn*k- lnera ! payments before the ex pi j/.on of ihe above /irr-.e. CHARLES HARRIS, Sar. Jan 18 ts