Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, February 04, 1806, Image 1

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VoL IV. No. 29. J CONDITIONS or Tin GEORGIA A R PUBLIC AN. The Hit re 1, can is jnifv'Aed fYc* Tneftiay and ITiflav, 011 a royal Ihtft of 1 good quality. The terms, nf subscription ave £i?s frt. uss per annum. hall to be ... -a ?■ • time of fubfertbiug, and Ute balance t ! expiii.on <f tin- year....a id ail p .err, v;..i be aontinued until 01 Med to the levatle. SIS Mi, Os ABfZSITISIN*. Adverufenents inferred at 5* cents re Jlnwe the firir iufettion, and aj lor cachcon timiatiori.. .A liberal alli'.v.ince made to the t ■who vv.fb to advertise by the year. For Sale n this Office. A t uictj of BL. IN KS among •which ate, F ore’ gw and Crafting Maiufel.a, Mcrch ‘tits Entries, Liqucr do. Ei is of Exchange, do. of Lading, do of Side; Towers r.f Attorn*/. Checks, Apprentices Indentures, Dee ‘* of Conve-atn e, Bonds ; Note;, 1.1 fll and, Writ* for the *'••• er .••, Inferior & Mayor’? CuU—,, Mayor’s Court Ex’ * utions & Snpboer.ns, Notices m creditor* cf Insolvent D > tors Military Sumnionfes, f. Executions, Lc. CC7” Cakvs. tdc. &c- Printed at a jhirt is onu on reafanabit tt ms. TRUNK M \ K l nG* TRUNKS M vDE am* REPAIRED n neated manner, be the fu'ofcui >n rh Lane back of Capt Pentium ns, . • r M.'rkct. All com a ads mhis lir. e 1’ r stefs /ill be gratefully received and paoct.. Iy executed. WILLIAM L INE January 28. ?,t* 43 I irv Cv" j ‘i T . S tie 4* the sjt Tu-fiat in March next, k'E b: anU n the court-ceufe in t ‘.is city, tdoiecn the /tour, 4;t> und three o'clock, A Negio Boy named A dam, Iftied on ?s the property of doftm John Lore, at the suit of William oh.iw. Rotated oat by the plaintiff. tiondrtiens C ah, JOHN WILLIAMS-* ?.*. Sa Jan i7. 43 Ho i ice. ON Wcdutki iy the 3 ! Marc! rxt, id tr,c tewn of Md'u .t’ v fie, in rht c< u.iry o’ Baldwin, wii to nt'fC'iCe a public i*:G o i'vs 10 bad iO-vn, not fid rx::c one hundred igr?’''.ib!y t • t p tie.: bv th; Wg 0 tore or G o> gi.s. at th~-;r la;t it (lion. 1 h to continue’ irom duy 10 until rompier and. JOHN m HBE ’■ T. ‘ y. M. DEV E REV X, Cnroxiflbn HOWELL COB A, cr*. HEN R TCnRLEtON.^ Jan. 7 li.-ugw. 57 v WlLL,be loid tB. Court houle on the firlt Irckhiy ir. February next, betw zn tin hours ot 10 and 2 o’clock, of iba and y. One fhird part of Offabaw Is lard, with all us a.j/uilenancf. being the .I'.iih le part then . Seizca aid a ; >en lc. tv-.- s , •. us thf property ot J i. IVL rel efq. Conditions es S. hdX v i'l l, s ?, c. Jirynn Court hot. iy / n V.i IV M u tvi C J;u.v,;i \ ON the ti u 'ue;d*y u : If> broary next, wlt be lo and st th Court-houiV, in Ut s litv, f:r tween the hours of 10 at,d o’clock. One negro man na med JIM, levied on as the pro perty or Joseph Drvis, at th suit of L’i lorr aca, pointed ou by the defendant. ALSO.—One undivided moi ty or fourth parrot a tradt e Land, tontaming 550 acres, n.ore or less on Lattle Ne k, 14 miles from SavaunT on a healthy and pieafin; fiiu ticn ; part c-E fa;d land is oext p-ed by dc Herj. VV,, ion, levied on as the property c ] ufebius While, as. the l'uit < .A Hunter, pointed out b the Adiiiin;iir a roi. Lord:’ ns C.-JJ], JNO. ILLJ A Via, $. C. J**o* 3 c Ap. Georgia Republican. SAVANNAH : PU NTED BY EVERITT & M'LEAN, ON THE BAY. BATLEY & HAKM/N, EXCHANGE, No. 6, Have i> for ted ptr Sh p 0 a avia, Capt CoUtht, ft am London, v: t Chit j! n, and oiler Lite nri ivtih cr.jfivuys u luige ar.d exttrjive . fatmnt of ARTICLES IN THtIR LINE, {'/rich thy ijjet at wholesale and retail Jot cath at far prices. A* Gentlemen in the count y and f ,mi tes m town will find■ it advantage ms to apply, -pSST LONI>ON double fi-own •• i t in bui s avul b CtkU in cailts o S dozen each Fine Ed.nburg Ale London bott led Cyder J?iiA sparkling Citampayne sad Claret Wines’ Lot don bottled Port wine in qnart & bjttles Jiiiiiine itld'h ira wine in ptpea, quarter cdfk and per dozeu \ few q. cafkt t>i<i Toft wine O and Arninac brandy and Jamaica Rum on cirajght Oi l Iridi whiskey, and real Holland pin in jSpes and can 6 A few Dnujohnt and cafe* very old Ja maica Rum Cade* Siipn.'v and Hnofimn’s Rasp berry & cherry Bran ;y fit ;e.!aii. lei tie qui and Bordeaux Cordial* of all kinds \fuleadin'?; F“ontignac & Mnfcat wine* R'iL, Lender, Orange, I’loer and 1, oney vuioi 7 'reurJi fit JngiiiTi picklrs i)hvc4 Caicrs, Aocbovies, ru f v-’m I .■. i, aod red cabbsge in fni jl boftleii, ’olW.’on Wsintit K tch'ip ‘Jiicronnc Qiiins aud imperial tiift Luc/ e*£ h Ldia S y Lflc; if of Rnchqticif, Ovile| Keukup, ?. Vu ;-gr ? dtc. &c. ‘ -ti a*d blc't pepp r, f<ne falladoil T hie/fait, whie hirers ,ondiu and Lhi,hi u rcudard, and ,< ady made London muiUrd. ‘cry fu perior—wanßuled to keep in any cli mate Jurry powder, split peas and ‘Varied barley in kegs, chocolate Aur double G ■— ard Cheshire checf C-acker* and b >'cr b feuit in keg* r.‘ir*e pickle 1 and iinoaked to put*, fhoul c ,*s and fi tches, ’ irr, 1 te i found, G ;ifon Hams, !LIo * f.nfagt*, and S.{ and (a.mon in In.all keg* Al so, ioc keg* Blue Point oyite-.s, put up by a careful hand 50 half bbls. fuprifi-'e Baltimore fboir, iard a f< r <l*y since, doub! r bol ted, f ; bie lot private tamilie* to chelt* fiittcbc-p hylon do d< i ung hyfon TEAS sdo da loucanr.g j 30 bbls. loal a. and Mufcovado sugars 30 boxi * GodfroidP and KT-gP supe rior Spanilb f gar* 2 pipe* fine old hi’ Madeira vine jO cdV tirlt q.d'y. London muilard of 6 a*d to do7-.-n each lO do pit-L-fS .ff'rted, v ; z—lincy, giiiier, riiron, tafpbevriet, fbaw brrric* and black ai.d red cuirant i y ICO cam. fttri. trible strong battle gun powder 15 keg* best rifle powder 2 ton* Ibot, affirtcd an 31 44 STOLEN, A YAV L BUaT, abcut 17 In, fre< log, pa'r.trd bis-lt cut od white bt,fion } —iuhde hei >otmm is b-i/ht v.ruifhcd and all a ve is LiacK. j rueder and t:!!rt k} a puce iff the stern at the xol i.y notch ; an iron ftapie in ‘hi When taiceni ft she had a lit* it ftoi-e Ulialt on bOaid and twe acx oa'S. 1 boat w s flolen last. Sunday ft-'iti the (tup ba r ah id Eil vifg at five tarhom licde, by two 1 nc ie.iiie;i who made their es ape ir. her. F ve dollars will be paid to any one ’ rhverii.g the lioat to capt. Holla:.i ----n bourd, ur t-n i\. &c f. Bolton. J a n- 3 T fcw *l4 Muft’ cl Inirtum Lun.d JONATHAN DYKoaS, h re nt L -naoi, w<;c na. ocen regu :r!y freii to toe bufinef, ‘■ ft?rs hi* in the ab- ve !in< •i”g-r Organa, P n< 1 trs, ILrpficords a 1 and bpinet*, tun and a - ‘he Ih ,rtett notice don m'd;ra/ //-pns. He aiic aibevonrhe P? n F. ite. ** 1 H P *no Forte for fa!e ; V *’ this ota.e January 21 *9* 4t T U E S D A Y, February 4, 1806. ROBERTS & CLARK, Have jud received pettlie brig Eleanor Torn Bolton, and for lale at thtir flore, Smith and Bourke’s wharf. 8 Hhds. retailing Sugar*, Joo pair negro Shoes. ON HAND. 18 ITlida. N. Rum, 40 Bbls Mackarel, 10 boxes Cotton Cards, 2 bales Blankets, 1 do. low priced Brotdcioths, 1 trunk 4-4 Irilh Sheetings, 1 cule 4 4 .and 3-4 Irih i.uenn, 10 Bbls. J3cef, 4 pipes Holland Gin, 3 do. Cognise B-aniy, 20 Bolts Kufiian Duck. _Jh’ov. 1 ts 19 JUS T RECEIVED, 2 Cast-s 7-8 liifli linens, colt from 12,1 to 19 I. flirling, I Bale drapery baize, I do. blue cloth, 1 do. white dowlas, 1 do. rose blankuts, 6 4, 7-4, ? 4, and 9 +> 1 do. ravens duck, 3 do. blue Gilt* hdk's. Suita -2 do do, Gurrahs, | b e so 2 do. Gu Ijeporc Sannahj, J*theAf i 1 do, Judjiia baftas, 1 can 2 do Bore!pore Cuff s, j market THR ABO V * WILL BE SOLD BY THU BALI, OR CASK ONLY. ALSO, 17 Calks Louuon porter, do. do. brown stout, 1J Nulls trunks, 3 Calcs Lo 00a m de ha's. ON HAND 1 y Hbd*. N. E. Rum, 4 Pip; n Ira dy, A qumniiy No. lo cotton cards, 10 Coefts Hylon, aud Hyfon Ikin tea for sate by ivnberts & Clurk, Sn-itb id Boor ties Wharf, Dccewiberzo 32 ts A:. DKEIV “KNOX, 1 II ’S jujl rcce ve l and fur S !e. 20 bbls. and intis Fork and Beef 2; do- i ilot, flip and nodding Bread 50 boxes s’a mouid caufilet ( Vugulla n adc J 30 kegs genuine manufaflured To buc- o 53 do. rr. id ss. Engiiflt Gunpow der. 2500, lb. buck, duck fvvan aid squir rel shut. Bell Engliih Quills, Wafers and Ink Powder Writing and Wrapping paper Mogul playing cards Boxes Sfianilh Sr-uars P, ivt. r piates, Bafou* and dirties Mill, Pitt, Croftcut and HaudSaws Corn It Coffe Mills—Claw La miner* Spader, Shovels situ: Fryin pans Hutch Ovens Pots, T re I)jjs ALSO On I! vui Rose, point 3c London , u/Be Blankets Ciotiis, Cafll'ccreS, F am.tls, and Ntgu lain* B’ne Stioud* and Bath Ci atii i t s Iriih Lumens, Fax and low Ozasbur. Cotton Bagging, Fine and coach Hat With a yentra. luj.p y ol G oeeiicH. Dec 26 tt 15 O’vV JL A1\!)1 ;c, LEO yf on beard Ji op Favors’ and (btf> Cut ton Purer Jt (An Phi add pi. t z : andjajale. 40 T o/.* Iquait, t:iaifd axi bar Iron, 10 Krgs h. F. :nd F. F. F glazed • ua-; ovvder, 20 Bbls. Joit fiigar, 40 Boxes Yell w loap, 100 Bols. ’ ilo r , fnoie, and flip bread, 4 ciieksHyfon T ea, 5 ii ns. Pi.ii-ideljihia boitlec poiter, (3 dcz. each) jo do. uo. B^er 3 Boxes faddlery, COSSF -ITNG OF, Sc its piated ar and tr irnrr.’; chaise harr.eF, Mens and buys laddies, Saddle bd'j’, Common, S a file fee Curl’ Biidles, Bed j ljtr i du. and do. vith B.nloors b.trs. fiMUU'W K\ T OX. Btrraik Giuhons Wb *rf. ‘4 ts 39 50,000 RKICfCS, Landing from the brig John a DAM for Lie, e.pply o t ard or t > M'Pu, .Vlnckay zj id). Dcoemfior 6. ts | RALPH MAY, | Having tidrn th fare aJj-rtr g Ja Car nthett. Commerce Roto, fronts, th B iy, noia offers for Sate, AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods <Sc Hardware, Confining of Black, blue, corbcau, brown and mixed fupcrfiue Broad Cloths Second Cloths, Plain*, ELibc Cloths, Caflimeres, knap’ and common Coatings Patent cords, Swanldowns 3r. Foiliunts Blue Stvr.iiids, London di.llhc aud rofi Blankets Flannels of all colours A Variety of Velvets, Velvercts, Geno. Cords and Thickfett* Dimities, Ci apes, Mullins and Mufl.n Handkerchiefs Crambray Muslins Plain, figured and checked cotton Cam brie ks, Calicoes, Linen* Dowla*, sh etiog* Diapers and Diaper Table Clotht B. cricks, Durania Duro> s, Calima.ncos Boixibazettes an.l Bombazines Jill: ana Cotton Shawls—Soofe Malabar, Puilicat 8c Romal Handkerchief* Hi*k, Cotton and worlted 11 tieiy Silk, cainbrick, otion 3c leather Gloves and Mitts, Lace and Edgings, v orfted and Cotton Tassels and Cords Silk and Cotton B.accs vpron Checks, knitting Cotton* Ladies lcarh 1 cloaks, ■. fmbrellas and Parafol* \ T uns, winted brown, all colours and Oznaburg Threads Needles, Knitting do. Tape*, Bobbins, Pins Teatleman’s fine Hats lervarits Glazed ami common do. JentiCman’s and Ladies fine ■ bo. j B:afs Wire Fenders, with and without slope bottoms Shovel ano Tough, B Hows Ch mnty books, Cloak pins Block I'm and j • panned Coffee Biggin* and Coffee Pot* Iron Pott., Hutch ovens Smith’s bench and hand Vice* 1 land and fledge Hammer* Piles and Tiles Carpcnltrs broad axe* Hutch'is, Adzes, Saws, Screw Augur* Chifi ! RuU-s, I ion Iquarcs Cotnpuff-K, Gaublcts, Uii (tones, Hinges A variety ot Carpenters Plane* and Plane Irons Brace with hilts, Wood ferew* Club and Falling aru*> Spade* Broad aud Garden Hoe* Scythes and Straw knives, K..lives and forks, Cai vei Fapanncd Tea Tri.y.., .mu Bread Balkets Caudieflicks, Snuffer* p SAL# door lpnug 6 uny combs and B uflus Powder, ofiot, and bar Lead Powder flafk* and i!u>t Pouches tiuti ferews aud Worms i'laicd Spuru Pen knives, Seiffar# ilaifora, (Jonibs, fpooi.s ~urn and Coffee Mills V .rile J.ioiis, fpcttaclcs Lriclciaycr’ti irovctu .luir Broom* and Bin file* Morocco pocket an . bunk books Aritjng p:pcr, ink powder Pewter Baiun*, Piute*, caude mouki* tiou rim’d chcitfi, cupboartru .k, dtfk and hock Lot k* it.oc maker* k iiv.*, hammer*, pinchers, a. 1 i iadi , ,ack •> &c. -fop per and iron Tea kettl* Uiw lions, Bmooiinrig Irons, Clinffing (fifties, ALS(), White L ad, Spailiff) brown yellow oclii’ and Line ani gret-n paint* Painter’a Brufil.s and Painting tools 4d. 50 6u. 8.1. iou’ i2tl. 20d.<k30(!. Natl* and (looting Biad*. 3by jo, y r.y 11, aud 10 by 12 VVin dov Giafi , in whole & lull boxer Together with a haoeilou.c *florim<nt of CROCKERY and (.LASS WARE ; all of which will be fo.d cheap. Dec. 20 ts 3-2 EDUCATION, Cratilui for the diJifi.yu.lVieil patronage he lias experienced finer hit ell:.h ihment m Swa. ..ah, Mr Green w infi.rinv Ins I. ic 1 : ano ‘he ptifific, 11 *,t the Lames Lilerarv I 1.001, null tin trarnr.iar ai dA. uh t ii.:u.e;‘.l lU., ois, art l.i'l condutitij in him on ti e IV-inc. extenlivepla. , a* atlht.rcom menr-mrm. ‘1 lit c urie of the lehools, incfti'lc* Head ing, Grammar, LP'Ci.tion and Kh.Uric, Hriifi g in ail the aitltil ortiaiiK-n'.. 1 iiui.n*, A., lime it. Look kef ping, uccordng to le .'trai hit'--. , Gs ;,i ~ny kid tie tic ora ir.g Coj.yi. ~ ‘1 M <q.. in dillerent pi’ • j-ftioitlic e'en.enta of A (in 1... my, ai.c me tile of the fil be. and 1 e iurtan ll.lioi arid Chrunol gy. In tie Maiii-ra'ical dipwir.en', th, pupil* WI 1 be carefully n.P• uole,l in Aly'h-t 1: ttry, l rig i omcty, Conic fier i and Piux. .1 , th-’ir application .- ; .nth-lfcls 01 life and the i.iveli yatiori ol tc. eiice. Sixteen years experience in hr* preftffion, ano a latrti a .1 imremiitiug attcntioi. tt the rtorais and rea improve „c:.i < f hi, pu pil* wi 1, h. it- [tec, con..nos to Jirmt,-iv ■1 lib -I and euligl.teiicd | übl.c, al. re < I u.a'. lav ,r he has i.itherto ep. r;e.:ci fupil* admitted with*at Entrance, ti l the 1 ‘ ‘he ci.i'.;: g January. ,*„A h . >6iHO M.viis* ts eminence win i ‘be: oolT, Njvember r , 3B Number 745. To PLANTERS* THE Subscriber finds it neci fT.u v to ■dl, thus publickiy, upon all those, who ic in arrears to him, to come fonvard, as peedily ss pofftbl,-, and pay up their r, f. balances—as he is anxious to dif iMige those claim., agaiulf himfclf, mm h has originate', principally, through the wants of those, hi* debtors. i’fc ’ rrtuui;- ha, a right to calculate upon juher.d payments this year, as Provide*, 9 V l: ’ 3n f > >. <,,lcral * very bountiful ta f i)C cultivator* of the foil. AH defal -so” the hi tt day of March next, may ■N'>-.t to Hud (heir b.mds, Notes umJ iccounts m the hands of attorney’* at Law. 7 I'rte 'Subscriber, also thinks pioper to givt this public notice, that, btihg fully ftrhblc of the numerous dif ad. antages rcfulting from the pradice of milking advance* dirrft.y, or becomin/ indirecUy itfpunfible f.r and on aeeoui of persons who have not,at the tim. mvelled him wuh funds, or any property that w.ll fpcedily taile fund* fuffieient to conipenfate him for the amount he ad vances or becomes refpooiinle for • he declines, for the future, (except ‘in * tew cate* of . (late, and individuals, who lias in ail transactions with him observed ihc ft.-ifteft pundualuy; the ohlcrvaucC ot this practice. I hr Subscriber will, however, in all cases, when product i* put in his pofl-ffion, make, if required, l.bcral a 1- vauces, and w.ll be grateful to the p!a,i in general, and to lua friends in par ticulur, for any favors confered in hi* lincot nulincfi—he affure* them, that no exertion, fliall be (pared to condudt nil bufuefs, they may confide to hi* care, tu ly to their fatinfaftion. He Hill coudinft, the actvrave (Joinmusion h. fi' MOREL'S, wharf, atten ded by .very advantage wind. the famo pull Is I, vvh. n ‘ ari ted on under the firm ol WILLIAMSON c MOREL. Jho. i J . Williamson, De '-- 3 tiflm. , 7 . ‘ ‘I N 1 liNG tv GLAZING”” VltE,e r Ii * taken Ihe Shot, life, yucir, egby v, r t',.. the Wa.chtt i.’ , “ 1 " e - 7 ’ ;l workll, p, „\,l 1 hiee or 1 |w “w ," I n,e TV HI v, aril of Meffr, Unity •u. , l W ullou’* ; Where h< tames on the, Ilftuic oign, Painting, Gla zing <Sc Pajv-r Hanging, S. H. K KLN. Nwormier try ts 1 o rTCWT. STOKES Nos. 7 aml.e, i„ the Exchange* l or terms apply at niy Oilier. ® I iios. Pttr, SecVy. _N’ V - *9 ts. 3 ,4 Hb sUßsUliiii Rs WISHING to dlre.'l .In ir attention to* vards th- collection and luilement of debts dm- unarm, (uve noiien on the duvof December next, they will.l-dine the it'iai buiiin Lon 11, dj 1; They delire tln-re- I ire 1 hat all those indebted to them, or to Hubert t* J -fin Bolton, will immediately make pa.ment or othcrwrle leitle to their latis- I aft ion. l'V u, th- (lore rrlleftion made thrfe two tar ; pall, the debts to them have nccumula md beyond their wilh \ and they ar© I Ih’ iently aw ire bnlim Is coiidudted on iuen a fooling cannot fuppnn afelf. Curtis I'olton, cc Cos. Their remaining stock on hand which is not intruded to be, v/ill hr fold by vh ‘. file *r r* tail, on easy terms for cash, .reduce, or lov.-n note*. NuV'-i'G if, t s iio .a.emu e. I “’HIS elegant re’ rcat about 4 miles frm Savannah, on VVa.Ttw river, i, oUerid on a Irate lor fix or frven )Mu, for the Irene, .it oftltr heir, a minor, on terms that will suit th r t!e :rn finable top'-nd* I > valuable a piccrt ol ground, as v/ell calcu'ated lor health as lor pleo'.ur* and pr-I.:. Apply to W. Si (I*| ih.NS, ; , N.TUHNBULI., \ Ouardiah,. fi ■!” 11U ts ‘>6 iV (J V 1 C li. ‘I KE S’.'.bl'cnhcr rcturn.H thu.fiks to his cuf ■ omm C>i pa(t Uvor& s and informs that he I’.ili tonrnu:> thfl* bufineia : ui ual, aid folicjift a c;o!)t<mi4nte of nitron* the mean time lie would obierve to I 1)1 IV who have not been \ > punctual as he l ii l willi, that tt would be doing him an < i jiiitice tii Irttle riirir arrears as soon as | |>o ff:->te : ‘I hrir tc hmg deir* has been the it ‘ll* of ii: a fjftrnng, ami I'ich as do v( t uva/l ‘h’/mftives of Hiis i*otit2, heforethe Ijh ■ f hebrua ry will be SUKIi without .iif o *non. Wm. KIoGS. -i - •' i ' rv 7- 37 SAVANNAH MARINE Hoipitaf id Poor—Houle The fubfcrib-r being appointed by their 11 cr. rr the. jult.ees ~ j ;|,c Inferior Court, ‘Vrriei r f( the I'm r ands. le Metlica. ..ITilr nt to the Poor Ilot.fe and Sramin’* iirfpi .l, give,. Public Notice, tlo.i he t* now eady to receive •t, the luftitu 1011, any ■'■ ( u. or ;ci I. ... Migo r tot t C u y s or 1 k ‘.e men, who lha!l make appfica'ioii to Itiui r la.i.iSiiii, H. h., to reijuvit that •tt fu-ti.e ‘he cituc: x aid not give any r<. -f ‘o per ion* *• ‘ hen door ~a- The arrangement* ’ atie for ih<or r-cepti ui is ftich as wnl lu j p.rt de the Ntceiii-’ 1 1 heir giving Char ay ti lot way ; h.oUid they fiowev r. feel tiif , bd ’-•> e'i . iV ; i.ttiiuimr,, any and iia::.m wiil fie and a .* ...y m “vtd and faithfellv ae counted Ir, ... -VIOjES 4HiaFt'l’AL I i\ovr*r.Lier rx 3^