Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, February 28, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. No. 36. J CONDITION* or THK GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. /The Republican is publHhftl every •TueQay and Friday, on a royal fiiect oi a good quality. The terms of fubfcnption are six ur "-‘ i.vns per annum. halt to be paid at the time of subscribing, and the balance at the expiration of the year ....and all papers wot ike continued until ordered to the reverie. TtRMtS OF ADrKRTISING. Advertisements infe’rted at 5a cents per J'quare the firlt itilertion, and as lor each con tinuation.. .A liberal allowance made to thole ■who *vtfii to advertise by the year. For Sale lit this Office* yf variety of BLANKS among which arc, Foreran and Coaling ManiftlU, Merchants Entries, f iquor do. Jli Is of Exchange, do. of Lading, of Sale; Power* of Attorney. Checks, Apprentices Indentures, Deeds of Conveyance, Bonds; Notes of Hand, Writs for the Superior, Inferior & Mayor s Courts, Mayor's Court Executions & Supboenas, Notices to creditors of Ir.foivent ie > tors Military Summonses, ik Executions, Ac. crE Cards, Handbiils &e. &c. Printed at a Jhnri Nance on reafmuble 4tr me. FOR LIVERPOOL, , The flaanch new {hip to.Xi 1K ; )A N sch, &%sM££* William Bussey, ma ter, WILL be loaded with ail poflible dis patch, for the above port. For freight cf 400 bags Cotton, apply to the mil ter on board, or to ROBERT? y CLARK, Smith & Bourke's wharf. Received per said vend ana jor sale as above, 100 in. feet white pine Lum ber, A quantity Spars for booms, tr.pmafts, &c. FOR SALE, If applied fur within eight days, i tP-S THE BKIG c K R h s At Harder.'s Wharf. She was built in ti” Ci y cf Nb W - YORK, by Ssrnurl Ack ay, ol LiV V OAK and CEDaR, under the in fpedtion of her firft owner, and in tended for a PACKr TANARUS, S e i Paunch, four.d and well found, ape will be fold reafo.iab ! e. For terms, apply to MILLER U MOORHEAD February st r For Sc. AUoUoiINE, Tlie Schooner EDWARD, C. Goodman, matter, wil poii tively fail in die ccurfe of the W&se^ai&B*week. F-rfreght or apply on board, at Bolton’s wharf, to the m.f. ttr, or at Mrs. Sears’s, to WILLIAM LADD. February 15 at 51 FOtt SALE, BILLS On Cbarlefton, New-\ o'k or Boston. ROBER Lb k CLaKK. February 4. 4j JUST RtCEIFkD, 1 Cases 7-8 Irish linens, coll from lad to 19th Hiding, 1 Bale drapery baize, I do. blue cloth, 1 do. white dowlas, 1 j do. rose blankets, 64, 7 4, 8-4, and 9“4 j do. ravens duck, 3 do. blue Gilla hakfs. ‘| Suita 2 do. do. Gurrahs, j hie fer t do. Gudjcpcre Sannahs, the aFi i -1 do. Judjea baftas, j can 2 do. Boretpore Ccffas, J market. TSI ABOVE WILL BE SOLD IT THU BABE, OR case only. ALSO, in Casks London porter, do. do. brown llout, 12 Neds tranks, 3 Gales London made hats. ON HAND 15 Hhes. N. E. Rum, 4 Pipes brandy, a quantity No. 10. cotton cards, 10 Chests Hyfon, and Hyfon ikin tea. Fat sale by Roberts 0? Clark, Sn.ilit & Wharf. December 20. 32 ts WANT*. L> 1 o Hi RE A NEGRO SERVANT about t 6 years of *ge. For particulars, apply at this office. Georgia Republican. SAVANNAH : TR'NTED BY EVERITT & MT.EAN, ON THE BAY. ROBERTS 6ft LA HR, Have just received per the brig F.leanor from Bo Hop, and. for lale at their flare, Smith and Hotirke’a wharf. S retailing Sugar*, 500 pair negro Shoes. ON HAND. ‘lB Ilhds. N, Rum, 40 lib;*. Mackarcl, 10 boxes Cotton Cards, 2 baits Blankets, 1 do. low priced Broadcloths, I hunk 4-4 Infh Sheetings, 1 case 4-4 and 3-4 lrilh linens, 10 lib!.*. 8.-es, 4 Pipe* Holland Gin, 3 Wo. Cognise Brandy, 20 80l Ruffian Duck. Not. > ts 61 BUTTER, 50 fiiidil kegs of ticlh and of the firft quality.,..for {ale by G. Sc F. TUFTS. February 21. 50 Prime ivorihvvatd 15U i - I"t krgt, fer fait hv the fubferiber. A. } EMBERTON. Fy tn-v 2 1 e O , d* AYL h Y & HARMAN, EX OH ANGK, No. 6, Have imported per Ship Offavia, Cat>\ Coitus. front London, via Chari flan, and outer hate arrivals coaflways , a large and extrnfive rffor tment o* ARTICLES IN THEIR LINE, Which thy offer at wholesale ana retail jar cash at fair prices. V* Oertuj tie/i in the ountiy a rue f.unities ;n to wn will find it a to apply. BEST LONDON double Brow O.oiit ni butts and b ttieU in calk’ o 6 dozen each Fine Lam borough Ale Loi;d. n bottled Cyder Fine [profiling Champaigns and Cl.r Wines London bott'-d Port wine in quart L p-nt boitl s Geuuitie Madeira wine in pipes, quart. calks and un - aozva A few q . Cjlki old Port wine O and Arms ac handy and Jamaica Rui. 0:1 fraught Old 1 uh whsk v, ad real Holland gin in pipes ana cases A ew Dr j )! ins and cases very old Jl - it uip Ca. les, Sc Stephens Sc Hoof man’s Rasp I b er\ Sc theri v Brandy Sc Ratt fia Mart mque and Bo.dtaur Cordials of al kinds Mufcadine, Frontignac k Muscat wine; R >fe, L <vender, Orange, Floar ant .honey waters French & English piekhs Olives, Cnpers, Anchovies, Bears, Cu timbers, and red cabbage in imali botties, Mufhruon and Walnut Ketchup Ghtroque Quins aim (imperial filh sauce F nc India Boy Eflcoce of Auchovie*, Oyttcr Ketchup, Pepper Vmegar, See. See. fled and biack pepper, fine fallad oil Table fait, wine bitters London and Durham milliard, and Ready mace London muttard, very su perior—warranted to keep in any cli mate Curry powder, split peas and Ptaried barley in kegs, chocolate Fine double Gkiller and (ihtfhire-cbeef Craekria and butter bifeuit in ktga Fine pickled arid fmoakcu tongues, ftou’ dtrs and flitches, warianted found, Venison Hams, Bolona Linages, and Spiced fa’tnon in fniall kegs Al so 100 pots Blue Point oyftcrs, put up bj a careful hard 5c halt bbls. fupti fine Baltimore flour, land a few dayafince, double bol ted, suitable for pr rate families 10 chclts fi ft chop I yfon ) sdo do yrung hyfon f TEAS 5 do dofcuchcng 7 30 bbls, loat and Mufcovado sugars 30 box. 8 Godfroids’ aud Kings’ fupe rior Spai ifli frgau 2 pipes fins old L.P. Madeira vine 30 cates firft qu’ty, London mustard of 6 and lo dozen each 20 do prefervts aflarted, viz limee, gu.vr, citron, raspberries, straw berries and black and rtd currant jelly 100 canmfters trible (Irong battle gun powder 15 kegs Left rifle powder 2 tons {hot, afiorted Jan-3 1 44 R U M -30 puncheons high 4111 proof RUM, landing from brig Jame 9, L. Massey, frora Jamaica, ar.d for sale by ANDREW KNOX. B. Gib bins’ wharf. Febmary 11 rm FRIDAY, February 28, 1806. To PLANTERS.- THE Subscriber finds it nccclTary to call, thus publickly, upon all thole, who arc in arrears to him, to come forward, as Speedily as poifible, and pay up their ref. pedlive balances—as be is anxious to dis charge those claims, agaii.C himfelf, which has originated, princip3liy,tlirough the wants of those, his debtors. He certainly has a right to calculate upon liberal payments this year, as Providence, has, in general, been very b untilul to the cultivators of the foil. All dcfal ters on the hi ft day of March next, may exptdil to find their Bonds, Notes and Accounts in the hands of attorney's at Law. The ; thinks proper to give this public notice, that, being fully fenfihle cf the numerous dis advantages rcfulting from the pradtice of making advances diredftly, or becoming indu edl y rcfponfiblc for and on accout of perionr, vvlio have not,at the time invelied him with funds, or any property that will speedily raise funds fufficicnt to conipenfato him for the amount he ad vances or becomes rcfponfiblc for ; he declines, for the future, (except in a few cales of estates and individuals, who has in all tranfadtions him observed the ftncV ft pundtuality ) the observance of tins pradtice. 1 hs Stibj’criber will, however, in all cases, when produce in put in hit possession, make, if required, liberal ad vances, and will be grateful to ihe plan ters in genera!, and to his friends in par ticular, for any favors confered in his hnc of bulinefs—he allures than, that no exertions lliali be spared to conduct tft outouAs, they may confide to his care, fully to their fatisfaftion. He still condufls the Factorage &* Commission > fi cfj,on MOREL‘S, WH-.RF, tten -4 by every advantage which the fame m ft. ts’.l, when caniiC on under the firm •i WILLIAMSON Sc MOREL. Jno. V. \\ 'illiamstm, Dec. 3 tiflm. 27, NO i I C K. All tbofe that ins’ebehted to f DWd, STEB IS, Are once more requested to make mmediate payment, as its quite out cf us power to give further inducence —• i hos-: ’ at negltcl to come forivard and j;-y their accounts, or other wife fettle .hern to his fa'.isfaftion by the firft day ■f March next, will find their jccountß, without difcrmiinatior, in the hands of us attorney for collefction. The small collrttions v.hich he has made fir two or three year* pall have been too iijconSder ..nit—and iie is well convinced that bu siness coiHiucted on such grounds cannot mpport ilfeif. N- B. He has on hand, a very hand fume aflbrtmenf of G O O D Si suited to the present and approaching leil/cm, which he offers for sale at a very fmaj advance for ctfli, produce or good pager at 60 090 days. February j. 45 —ira. TO LI TANARUS, A large conven'ent DWELLING HOUSE, and well fitted up vIGRE in a rentra! situation, either feparatcly or together. Terms will be rosde very Apply to the printers. February 1 J FAIM hNfj it GLAZING, THE Sui> r c iber has taken the Shop !ate o<cuj ed by Mr Rice the Watch Maker ‘i the I.sue as a workth p, ar and three or i.r d'l’ rs tc U. Wei’.-a aid of Meflrs I)ulT> atid Wnlion’s; Where lie carries on the, House Sign, Fainting, Gla zing Sc Paper Hanging, &c. S. H. KEEN. November 29 if 2S notice! ~~ THE ACmL)> MY of thecoun ty of Camden ri now open in the. town of St. Mary’s, for the re ception of pupil', und.-r the principal diredticin of Mr. J. R. M’GAY—for •ncrly of Savannah : where it taugh Reading, writing, arithmetic, id book keeping, English Geogra phy and the use of the Globes— togs • rher with the Greek and Latin fan guep-es. F'orr. /he p’eafant. and very heal hy fi’uation of St. Mary's, and that good accommcdatit ns ran he had for scholars, the commiftioners of this in .litution are hopeful tha/ the fchooi anil be favored with a number of He you h from >he neighboring coun’ ries and from Llorida. Every po/fi n!e at ention will be paid, and the terms of rui/ion male as reasonable as poflible St. Mary’s, Feb. 10 49 8t The Subscribers, HAVINfi entered into Copartners/:! under the Firm of Shearer £l f HetsdAi. Offer the Public their services as Facto | rskj £s* agents. THE Y receive and dispose cf all kind of produce, Houses, lands, Negroes, or any other species of property, on commission. ‘They helving general knowledge of the DRT GOOD Us GROCE FT Bid SIN ESS, offer their services If Country Merchants, and in making purchases and forwarding ttgrteab/e to or tier arty articles ‘in that line—And when cash is deposited with them, they attend Auctions and iuy at the lo'Wfl Rates. M. Shearer. Jno. Drysdale junr. N. B. ‘j heir Counting Room is ad~ i joining the Poll OJfice, S. E. corner of the Exchange. Nov, 19 ts 24 SAVANNAH MARINE Hospital & Poor-House The subscriber being appointed bv their Honors the juilicct of the Inferior Court, ovvrfeer of the Boor and foie Medical afiilt ant to the I’oor lloufe and Seaman’s Hospi tal, gives Public Notice, that he is now ready to receive into the luftitution, any person or persons belonging to the County ; or lick Seamen, who lhail make application to birr for admiluon. lie has to requell that in future the citizens will not give anjy relief 10 persons at their doors, as the arrangements made for their reception is such as will iu percide the NccelJUy of their giving Charity .n that way ; Itiould they however, feel dil ,ioled to t hill the infiitution, -ny donation will he thankfully received and faithfully ac counted for, by MOSES SHEFFTAL. November m llTljla 1 iu,\, Grateful for the diilinguifiied patronage he lias experienced fmee his ellablifiiment in Savannah, Mr Green with deference inform? his friends and the public, that the Ladies Literarv fchool, and the Grammar and Mat h ematical Ichools, are (till conduced by him on the fame extenfivc plan, as at their com mencement. The course of the khoolt., include* Head ing, Grammar, Elocution and Rhetoric, Writing in all the afeful ornamental hands, Arilhme ic, Book keeping, according to se veral systems, Geography and the use, draw mg copying of Maps in different pro jections, the elements of Astronomy, and the use of the Globes and Te lurian Hiltory and Chronology. In the Mathematical department, the pupils wi I be carefully inflruAed in Algebra Geometry, Trigonometry, Conic Seilionv an-1 Fluxions, with their application to the bulinefs of life and the inveltigauan oflci ence. Sixteen years experience in hi* profefflon, and a sacred and unremitting attention to the rrorals and real improvement of his pu pils will, lie hopes, continue to him from a liberal and enlightened public, n fiiare of that favor which he has hitherto e ape tie nerd Pupils admitted withsjt Entrance, till the llt of the ensuing January. ,',A Dancing Mim of ermnance will attend the Schools. November 5 20 NO 1 ILL. ” ALL persons having demands again* the late eftahlifiiment of Lyon £k Morse, or oi the estate of Samuel Mnrfe late of this city, de ceased, ate desired to render them ta the tub. scriber properly attcfled, and those who are indebted wtd do afervice to the widow aid children of laid Morse by making Tpeedy pay ment. Curtis Bolton, Adm’r. cn said Mot tea titate Kov. 16 24 ii. notice; THE debtors of John Davies, are hereby netified to come forward and fettle their accr u its, whether n note or otherwise, on or before the 15th day of March next, otherwise the fubferiber will be obliged to commence suit. John D. Lcvve3. Feb, si. 47.] Attorney THE SUBSCRIBER, OFFERS for sale for ca£h, or barter for Negroec, three houses and 10/s in the village of St. Gaul, ont wrhich was formerly occupied by S/e phen B ount. L/e of this ci/y, dec. rhe o-her /wo adjorping. Fr particulars apply to Mr. jouatlian Cline, in Sa vanuah, or in WayMefboroup.l to Stephen Blount. fan. ?4. tot. ait ” TO LEAH ii. For a Term of Years. I.ots No. 13 etnd 14 in Warren H ard ftuated near the Boy and adjoining a lot belonging to the eUate of H Lilt:bridge, at present , occupied by Atr. James Aithitofh and Mr. Wm Green 7 eachtr—one cf them a corner lot on a fyuare and fronting the new market. For terms apply to WILLIAM BARKER, Jannaiy 3 j 6. 50 Dolltrs Reward. RANAW AY a’joiir 4 months finer. A nrjro nan named PETEK, belonging to the eftateof George Haift dec’d. He is 1 valua ble carpenter, and well knownfor manyyear'. in tbis city He is tali and dim, aftive, and artful and when questioned closely, he Ham mers much. lodolara will he paid on hi-, delivery to the Snbfcriber, or to tne Goner of this city, and ioriy dollars m addition thert * on proof of his being harhoured by a wlu e perloa. J.MACHIN,'rt* F-state, Gr rg* Ha * 1 OAeV)*w rq j. [Whole Nvmbfk 352 Hlb SUis:(. RIBf RS WISHING to direfl their attention to* 1 wards the colleChpu and l'cttlement of debts me to them, G.v notiec. that, on the jift :ay 01 December aext, they will decline ‘the f bulinefs onjredit; They deiiie there, tore that all tli- lci indebted to them, or to Robert Nc John liolton, will immediately make payment or othetwd'e fettle to their latu fadlion. From the (lore made thefc two yearn pail, the dents to them have accumula ted beyond them with; and they are f..fir irmly (hatbulim fa conduAed on 1 ch a footing canjiot support i:fcli. Curtis Bolton, 6c Cos. Their remaining ftvick rn hand which is ■of uitended to l>e will be (old hy whcicUe or retail, on c%iy terms for cul)i 9 (Jiodncc, (►* town note*. * ■ J 9 2 6 t f A 1 a Biipci lor Lvuri Dtgaa *nft held at Sauxnnah, in tr.e County oi Chatham, tor the term ot January, iKofc ; the following persons bt--ng r’lurtieft, (tmm ncti 8s Jurors at the prrlcnt fer<t, made tlelnulr. grand jurors. John N.Mniolh, J T. Lawrenre, Ed waul Svabrick, Lewis Cutlit ert, Edtvard Stbbms, David J .ltnltoti, George Aiderfon, Thomas Newell. Ptrrr jurors. Henry fto, c , Michael Dcnfler, Isaac I‘rants, Jo n Bower, John Williams, James Box, I’hcmai Knk, A. Spence;, Jeltc Fountain, John N. Brailsßrd* 1 he f..lowing persons who made R fault in the term of A, :i. dth did nuke excu es, are notified that luch ex cutes sc were made by hem ate aifplaced—they aie, therc . re ordered, in thirty days Ir m this date, to i liew good and fufficient caulc t< excuse, to be made on oa/h helorc anyjuffice of the peace, and ‘ded in the Lietk's Office of this Court. (iRAND JURORS. Ed wild Lloyd, Nathaniel Adams, jun’r. NKhoi Turnbull, John Bar. natd, William C. Campbell, Solo mon Shadd, Thomas M. VVood jhialge, Thomas R. Box, Richaid | VVayiie, jntin Bolton, William l ay. lor, jHu Jackson, William Barnard. PETIT JURORS. Richarsi George £nce, Lewis Cooper, G. H. Burro ugh, Jacob Tiler, Jonn Williams, I hoiri ,s Pitt, Thomas Nottage. it is ordered, ‘That the laid de faulting Grand Jurors be fined foi/y dollars each j and the said defaulting Petit Jurors twenty dollars each, un- C-fs they do fevtrally Inew good aid lufScient chui;, to fie nude 011 oath before any juftire of the pe-.ce, and tiled >'i R.ecle'k'j tfll cwf this court wi/hiu thirty days. Fx/radi from the minutei i2d February, 1806. [SU J. BULLOCH, Clerk. TOLEr, THT r . WHAKF AND STORES U'ORMEM.Y occupied ly Messrs. Wilfoa A U Knox, and at present by Mr. Andrew Knox. Ther produfiive and convenient ii uiation is To wed known, as to require rte furtker (xplauatien. For terms enquire oi K. November 1 J O Lc/i , /Ind immediate / essession given, UN I 1L the sirs! day of Jaruary next, the convenien/ LUM ii.K YARD and C'OUNTING HOUSE, known by the name of Mr. John Pooler’s Ship Yard, the fitua ion and convenience of this yard it no well known to require a further lifeription. For particulars, enquire of John Pooler, Eiq. MJEs. iiegge and Groves, Or JOHN ME:AD. February 4 lot 45 N O T I C IT, Af,l. persons hftvinf any demand:; agarnft the eitate of JOSIAH TATTNAI.L. Junr. cfquire are retjiiefterl to render th< m properly attelied and thole indebted are >ie hred t make payment to Ebenezer Stark Moore’s Wharf, CEORCE JONES,) .. , t. JACKSON. j f * ,c ’ Aprihs 6t FOR nALFT a Capital trait of sci 1-2 acres of land in the sth5 th dijtriil 0) lies elwin county. For particulars enquire ts the printers of this paper. 7* n - 7 ts 37 ISO J Ik, IS, A 1.1, Per sons having anyderrandi against the cltKTc of John Haoerfr ain dctcaied* arc rd to lend them in properly allot ted ‘ ml ihoi'e who are indebted to mukc pay ment t Joseph Habersham. Adminiflrat'j r, January 10 ts I U Kfc 1\ t . STOKES H';s. 7 and to, in the For ts-irai apply at ir.y Oitice. ‘I hos. Pitt, SccVy. N#v jf ts, 6