Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 11, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. No. 4-3.] CONDI HONj or t::c GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. * The Republican is ptiblifted every .Tuei'iiay and Friday, on a royal Iheet of a good quality. The terms of iublcription are six uol -B.ARS per annum. hair to be paid at me time of I'ubl'cnbing, and the balance at t.te * expiration of the yea; ...and all p .pers will be continued untd ordered to the tevcrlF. TFKYES OF ADf-KRTISIXC. Advertifcme.nts inferred at ye cents per’ g'vr.rc the dr 11 i..fertior., and z~, tor each con , n.j-.ti . . .A liberal rdl-.-wance made to tlu.ic \tno w lii to aLveilife t>y tire year. For Sale ar this Office, ji variety of BE.JR Ao among rwhich are, : Foreign and Coasting Maniftivs, Merchants Entries, I.KjuOr do. Bi Is of Exchange, and . of Lading, do of Sale; Powers of Attorney. Ci.nks, Apprentices Indentures, Deeds of Conveyance, Bonds; Notes of Hand, Writs for the Superior, Inferior Sc Mayor’ Courts, Mayor's Court Ex lution” L Supbaenas, Notices to creditoi sos Inf dv/nt In > tort Military A’ummonfcs; la Executions, &c- C/“ Cards, Handbills tdc- &V Printed at a Jhirt Aolice on reafonabu terms. FOR LIVERPOOL, , ftTFO-.. The (launch new (Lip M \ it j e\ iM K, IVaiiam h ‘tsey, ma-tcr , be loaded wiui all poffiVe and. 1 pitch, for the above port. For freight ©f 400 bags Cotton, apply to the mat ter oa board, or to ROBERT! (A C * ARK, Smith & Bourke’s wharf.; Received per said vessel and jar sale as above, 100 m. feet white pine Lum ber, A quantify Spars for booms, topmasts, £ec. FOR SALE, BILLS On Charleston, New-Yo.k or Ballon. RUBER r o UL<jj n HiC. j February 4. 45 JUST RUCEICdD, 2 Cases y. 3 Irifli linens, cost from 120 to ig-i. Hirling, 1 Bale drapery ba.ze, l do. blue cloth, 1 do. white dowlas, 1 do. rose blankets, 64, 7 4, 3 4, and 9-4* 1 do. ravens duck, 3 do- bide Gdia hdkfs. “j Suita -2 do. do Gurrahs, j b'e for t do, Gudj :oore Sanr.ahs, J> 1 lie afri -1 do. Judjea baftas, | can 2 do. Boretpore CofTas, J market. THE ABOVE WILL BE SOLD BV THE BALE,OR CASE ONLY. ALSO, 17 Casks London porter, do. do. brown ilout, 12 Neds trunks, 3 Cases London m de hats. ON HAND 15 Hhds. N. E. Rum, 4 Pipes brandy, quanti y No. 10. cotton cards, to Che ft i, Hjfon, and II) fun (kin tea. For sale by Roberts £? Clai k, I Sn.ii/s & Berries IVharf. December 20. 32 ts KOtfEK I .S & L L\hk, Have just received per the brig F.leat or from Bolton, and for sale at their liore, Smith ar,d I’ccrkc’s v haif. 8 Hbds. retailing Sugars, 500 pair negto i iioes. ON HAND. J 18 Ilbds. N. Rum, 40 Bb!s MacLnei, jo boxes Cotton Cards, 2 bah„. Blankets, 1 do. low p iced Broadcloths, 1 trunk 4-4 Irilh Sheetings, 1 case 4 4 and 3-4 Irilh linens, 10 Bbls Beef, 4 pipes Holland Gin, 3 do. Cognise Brandy, jo Belts Ruffian Duck. Nov, t ts C t RUM. 30 puncheons high 4‘h proof RUM, landing trem fc-iz James, L. Madey, from, a..<l tor tale by AN DU KvV KNOX. I). Gil leas’ wharf. Ik bra ary 11 j ;TI Georgia Republican. 5 A 1’ LFY & HARM/ N, EXCHANGE, No. 6, Have F por ed per Hop Ottavio, Capt. Cc-.m.s, Jiom Jto it Jon, v a Chtr/jlon, and o’tt> late arrivals ca-jlways, u L’S e ~nd tensive nffottment of ARTICLES IN THEIR LINE,'o thy offer at wholesale end retail jor cash at j ir prices. *;;* Gen‘.ie-men in tie court! y arc, f.itniiies in town will find it a dvahiaoecus to apply. I) Lh 1 LONDON double Browr. ,J Stout in butts and b titcC in cniks c 6 dozen ia. h Fine Earn borough Ale Loudon bottl’ and Cyder I’ - * Ip-rkhng Champiiigne and Claret Wine* London bottled Port wioe in quart & pint bottles C- tune Madeira wine in p'pes, quartc calk; and per dozen * Uw qr. eafk. old Part witie •Jid Ar.nii.hc brandy and Jamaica Rum on draught Old Inlh whiskey, and real Holland gin in pipes and caies \ tew i> m.j rhns and cases very old Ja maica Rmn Cades, & Stephens & Hoofmaa’s Rasp berry tic cherry Brandy & Ratafia vlartiuique auii Bordeaux Cordials of ah kiwdu lutoadine, Frontignac & Muscat: wines Role, L ivender, Orange, ttoar and honey waters French 3: Englilh pickles Jlives, Capers, Anchovies, deans, Cu •umbers, and red cabbage in fmdl oottlee, luih.oon and Walnut Ketchup C ‘.cioquc Quins and imperial tilh lauct t’ .n I .dia Soy Efteoce ot Anchovies, Oj iter Kerthup, Pepper Vinegar, &c. &c. Red and black pepper, tine laiiad oil Table fait, wine bitters London ad Durham mustard, and R ady made London mullard, very fu pcrior —warranted to keep at any cli mate Curry powder, split peas and Ft arlt c barley in kegs, chocolate Fine double Giofter and Mv. lhire cheef Crackers and butter hifcuit in keg* I‘ me pickled and fmoaked to gues, Hi >ul dors and flitehes, warrai te.. found, Veriifon Hams, B lona Luiages, ami S..iccd la mon ir* tmali kegs ai sc too pots Blue Point oytfcis, pui up 0 a carelu! hand jo halt bbis. fupe tine Baltimore flan, land af.w days since, double bo. ted, fuitnble lor pr vate lami-ies 10 chetu full chop lylbn ) sdo do young hyfon >TEAS 5 do do louci'tong y 30 bbls loaf and Mufcovado fugar* 3c boxes Go r and K.ugs’ fupe rior Spat.ilh lt-gars 2 pipes fine old L.P Madeira ine 30 cases full qu’ty. London ir.uftard of 6 and 10 uoz- n each 20 do preserves affarted, v’z—bmes,, guavt, citron, u’fpberries, draw, bnries and black and red cun. 1 jdly 100 Iters trible ftrons battle £im 3 O powder 15 kegs bell rifts powder 3 tons (hot, afiLrted •LUi 44__ Tume g,Oftliwaia dU i - 111 k*gF, so: faie by the fubferiber. A. BEMBER I‘UM. Feh-uarv 2 j 50 And immediate possession given, U” .v I lL the fiat day o( Jar u .1 pi-xt, t. e CGr.veoier.t LUM , R Y t, RD ?.n <l COUNT I N (j iGL'SE, known by the name of Mr John Poole.’s bhip Yard, ihe fi;ua* ion and convin enea of this yard ir owed kn w.u to nquire a fur/htt ilcripficn. lor part ruters, rnquir: •if John Pt oler, E q. M drs. ijcgc’ and Groves, or JOHN MEAD. Feb'-ts-rv 4 jot 4j MjTTciT A 1.1, Perfonr lirvmg an; and rnandt the eliate of John Kaoerll am ucc£sfc< are requelled to fend then, in j.roper! vttes ted am l thole who arc indebted 10 pay ment to Joseph Habersham. Adrr.iniflratot *Psb vmrv to ts “ f *. Alv O 1 L.L. THE boufe at i resent occu pied „s the Republican Print \ Office Lumber or the lanou [of and C-rpenttr wi!i be receive; I n p'iy .vent. For particulars ap ! :Sy r o EDW. L. DAVIES. I Nov 17 24. ts. SAVANNAH: PR NTED BY EVER ITT Js* M'LEAN. ON THE BAY. ‘1 U.E S D A Y, March u. iSo6. Tlie Subscribers, HAVING entered into Copartner si-s ’inr/er s/e Firm of Shkarrr A JikiSD/tLR, Offer the Pul lie their set vices as Facto suits id ACF.srs. THK Tre five end dispose of all kin -is of produce, H uses, lands, Idefocs, or any o,hcr species of fropetty , on commit don. Fhey having a general know edge of the DRY GOOD A GROCEUT Bid- S/AFSS, offer their to Country Merchants, and in making purchases and format trig agreeable to orner any articles in line—a J when cfh is deposited with them , they attend Auctions and buy -,t the lowejl R,.tis. M. Sheui er. [no. Drysdale ju nr. A”. B. Their Counting Room is ad* joining the Post Office, $. E. sorrier oj the Exchange. O he on. T 9 ts 24 SEP RAN jH M/iRISE ~ Holpitat & on; I Luise The fabfcriber bei"g appumed by tbeii Knmrs 1 lie juitices i he l fermr Ccun •, j/erfeer of the Poor ands it .ilcdical aliitt tut to the Poor i ion He 111 J r man’s H. C, ii. I, gives Public N liter, til i- be is now eud to receive into the Indira ion, any jieitynor pei foiu belonging to the Couu’ v; r lick Seamen, win ih 1 rr. ipp'icatiou 0 bun for ad niflion lit- !i .i to tqu.b that > 1 future h i izeus tvi !.1 give .uiy rebel ■ 1 pertom ’.i heir door ~v ti .na igeineiit: ■nfde fir their it cepi: is f-iC.i wi.l tu >ere de the N‘ ceiii V .f iheir gvi Cliarit . ‘1 hat wavj ihmiiii i|ie\ lio.vev r, i.eldil tied tri aifiil the 11 if■ 11 1 in, I .\ ti uatio* will be thankfully received and f..i 111 l'uiie ac counted fur, by MO.riiS SHRFF'I Al. November ?. b D U >w A 1 lej . Grateful for the (lilli.igiv.ihid pmronag be has exper e.ictdti ice liise .1. ini,.-ut 1 Savannah, Mr Green wuhdeii enc.- |>rr*-. ■ns trien *s and the public, 1 hut ! e Ladie Literary fchool, and the Gra.-rtn.:.: . and ,iarh omatical schools, are flit I comlaclci by huv mtl* fame extenliveplan, as at their com men cement. The course of the Iclioois,'it'b s Road ng, Grammar, El cinio,y and It hoi lie, Writing in all the ufcful onViment. ! li ums, Arithme ic, tlook keeping, according to ie veral fyltems, Gergr. phy aril the ule, drawing copying of Maps in dilierent pio leclions, the elements of Allrouomy, ar.a he use of the Globes and Telurian Hiltorv and Chronology. In the Mathematical department, the mpils wi 1 be carefully mftrufied in Algebra /eometry, Trigonometry, Conic fed ions lid Fluxions, with their applicaficn to the mfinefs oflife and the mvelLigaiion of lci ■uce. Sixteen years experience in his profcflmn, id a sacred ai:<l unremitting aitentr n to le nr orals and re and improvement of his pu t's wiM, he hojies, continue to him from liberal and enlislrencd public, a fli reef nt favor which tie has hitherto experienced Pupils admitted without Entrain e, till e <li (>f the enfui g (a- Marv. *A P.ivcitiG siiEu of e inence ill attend the oehocl N vernier 5 to rTT j M.L ne-fons h ivu • Armnd’ t-m ft the , ..;e eila'> uSmc -■< f. x t , r hr j iU>e of mue .vl-ri i.ite !’ h ci‘ , rlc^ . aled,a*c a- iired * •baa en ♦ u;. nber iy at r encG, <1) A- wh rc | i i.iehted wi 1 and ait v. and a. tl . iilcli*ea ot laid Mori. ii.aki.if, i • jnj - ! Dent. Civ r ; ‘ • i: • , AdmV •'iif t i rs f.?'..iic j ?/ 42 __ r r’ HE d'htnrs of John Davies are I i hereby nouli and to Ci i. . I iv an! met lettle thtit acc u ts, whetbr rm i’ c r o‘herwife, on or belmetlie 1J 1 cay •f March next, otbrrwiie the lutilcirher ■ ill be obliged to commeiiCe (uit. Jo'tn D. Lewes Feb. x r. 4 7 J /tto’ ney i HB, ‘jUtLrCK (ithiv, ( I'rLK.i l,r l!e lor cAb, 10 ta.tcr so N ‘g- s three ho (: s .< t it, in the Vr ifC 1 ht. ( : U, (ill which WHI 1• . ;!v oCr up eti , I tc (j'ten R oulit. Ist 0 this • iry. a- r. t > ) tier t vV'> aclj 11. g. Fa prr uß ippiy to Mr. J naira Ci le, in 5> 4 vanra.h, or i•W. yr fb 1 nti Stephen Mount. !"v “>4. ■ _6 ‘i (4 0 For a Term of Years. Eats No. 13 etnd 14 in IVarrtn IVam Jituated near the Bey nnd adjoining a lot le,crying to ‘he dlatt oj H Litnbriage, at prejint, o cufitj by hrCr. jfnmes Arclntoff and Air. Win Green Tcnchc-—ore of then, a cor rer lor on a Jquutc <.nd fronting tit new nutlet. For tern- upf[X to IVIL 1.l .U Pal R RER. JffUff ’y 3 (f 53 i'ollirs Kevvnrd. HA > A WAY about 4 m-nthj f. re. A egrr m-n named PETEH, bet .r.gmg ro tli •-Hie ! Gecvg> Haiti dec'd. li< is a valua ble carpenter, and well knowr. for many year 1 n h sety Heistall ar.a II m, .-.fti.e, and a-fill aid when quett'n ne Jcu fti,, ne (lam irets much, ion ! ars will -e paid on his deliver. to the Subfcn e , r-."‘. e(i ner of his city, and for y no’ ers in add.tion thereto pr of of his being harUcuretl a/ a wide -,,0 rfon. J MACHIN, Exo'rto F.:Utc, Uadi GSioasr 13 14 Acl m inis t rut or's SALES. Agreea'ly to an o>ds> cf the Jus cices or the Infe ior Cattrl cf the County of Chatham, WILL BE SOLD, At the Ccu> i-house m the City cj Savannah, on 7 UEnDAf ib 6tb (‘ay cf M.:v next, socle commence at 10 o'clock , the fob l zemg Property, be-ng of th red and personal estate of the late j esct b Clay. \ WHARF LOT 150 feci . front, with the valuabL iiiq.iovements thereon, adjoin mg Mr. Bultor.s. 500 Let Ir ;nt on the river a; Yaunenw with the intprove ■.•en's thereon, lituated between Mr. Boltons and Mr. Twiggs’ wha-sr/es, which will be diviue 1 ino Lots to accomu.odaie pur chatei s. A Home and Lnton the B;vy, formerly 1 lie residence of Mr. City, atijoining Mr. 1 eifairs. A Houle and Lot fronting .he South Com 1 non and adjoin ng Mr. YVi duru Willons. A Lot on F'arm-ftreet with the vaiujble improvem. ajsthert -1 , now occupied by Mrs. Clay. 1 the remaining Lots and Fundi, iyiug on the vvdt fide o( Fa.-m li cet, including thi low grounds to Mufgrovc’s Crtek ; • t!( wd| be Civiutd 10 acco.i.- mudu.e pcrihakrs. Ail ti at j art ol the very val uable Plantation and craft of Land called Vale-Rrya), lying north ot the Augulia road and weltwaid of the property Lit mentioned, containing about 1000 acres, of whim 460 are tide and inland Jwamp, the re mainder prime Cock n Land. I his plauta ion his a front o more than a mile on Savannah river, and fits iannediacciy a ‘,ove toe f.iiy. e li ihe remaining part of the Vuie Royal trail, coma ping a- O'in f 100 and lying oti (.lit iu.,uita road mar t;.e city, wnicn will be laid out into final 1 Lot •. Another vaJuible Plantation a-.u tradt of Land cTled Spriug fi i adjoining Vale Royal on t c louth, i; ir.g on both fidcs of Muigrov-’s creek, containing HBS acres, of which 2.J0 art ce Swamp, the remainder good o ton Land. This property vs compolcd of 45 aid 5 acn os, .i plan of winch will bt . rip-red, and such of titem a* 1 connefted will be fold to g-tln 1, and the ren.aiiider fie pa a c y, 5 Farm I.ots of 50 acres each in the Townfinp of Savannah. 4 L ots, being a part of th< Fa.r Lawn trait, fcrireily Col. Vvyliy’s, viz ; No. 11, 71 acres, No. 13, 57 acres, No. 3, 46 ures, and No. 21, 10 acres. 2 L >ts at I hundtrboi t, No. 7 14. a L< ts on Tybes I3and, Mo. .3 ard 27. 1 Lot at Mont ronifry, No. l 4 V 9 f eet front on Vernon riv r, 440 feet deep, and two oatk L.ots of two acres each. 3 adjoining Viliiage F.o's a’ Aft on, 150 acres, near Haner’t bridge* 103 acres good Cotton Land bppofirc Mnnigoa cry, between Vernon and Ogechee liver. A valuable Plantation at r raft of Land about 10 miles Horn Savannah, on the Lou:-, ville containing 1350 a 1 ct o! which 400 are Rice v.a 1 00. 300 acre* Pme Land nea< . M dr'..h. 230 a..res about 7 rril-r, n 1 have Savannah, near the riv.; f Whole N’umbi-r 375. ornurly cciupitd by J. Jen . in l -; i -ands in Ffßngham Coun ty* i y 94 :icres in one body, near G Ogechee river, aotnit ec mtics from Sav innali, granted ac various times from 1761 ro 771. 2 jo Acres pine land uejoining t. e above, an I Ends of ML-hxtl Maciniufis, formerly R. M’Cji mick’s. 200 Acres pine land near Ken nedy’s. 300 Acres formerly Bennetts. 300 Acres forn eriy Guld tv.res, joining R. Scruggs and Paul Bevil. Ar. undivided half of 300 a c.;. join mg rite above, granted to Lb (s’ |. Gold wire. 13C0 Acres putc land near ruck alec King, fonreily Hcr riots. IN GLYNN COUNTY. 500 acres Land granted to Jot ph Wright. 200 acres granted to Joftpß Raynes r IN LIBERTY CO UN 1 Y. 170 o acres Land, in f< t-r ad joining traits, formerly J lu:e9 Andrews and Grey I ll,oits, granted 1764 arid r 5(). 350 acres in iwo adjoining n-afts, granted to Hubert and Matthew Smallwood, 1764. In MACINTOSH C QUNTY. 200 acres Land, formerly Wilbam Fox. 250 acres at Beard’s Bluff on the Alatamaha. 97 NEGROES. And’elv th r-after at Vale Ro a! and SpringfitU), ail the ct er personal p operty on thole places, confiding of & Pitin’ati n U tcnsi!s, Sc . See. CONDITIONS. Imr the real cflate, o i- t’ ird payable fi fi (aim av, HO7, one t: ird the fi fi J.o U ;ir , iS, 8, And the remaining third fi (t janu ary, Hc9, w-th iuterdt on lie two Jail infialmints. I'hc wh hr to be lecured by bonds And mortgage. For the personal property, one third Cafii, Ihe rrrr.amder t n the full January next, letund by notes with approved inclor (e. 3. WILLIAM WALLACE, THOMAS CUMiMING, JOSE FT 1 STILES, Admin illrators. Sav. March 3. For Sale. ONE of rhe rnoft valuable /rafts of Fa rid o,iori /lie Aliamnha, coi /mi g ilrout eitveo imndred acres cl Rn v Swamp in /he bell pitch of /Ac. ‘I l in tract is about fire miles above the townoi Darien, war, prior to the te vo’utioi ary wai,/fie property of the late governor Wrigh*, ar.d has fi r a fetilcmenr, attaclieu trmrieo ate y to the Swamp, one (>f he nurlt btaud ful and rnoft eleva/ed fi/ua.nni upon The river. Pei(>ns to pu’chife this* proj.eriy wi I apply to fi dwarC fiwar hteck or Wiliam Mem, Ifqrs. at Savannah, where a p Ut of /fie Lan4 may be seen. OftoberiJ, /f: q, run-a way the fa i/criber a NEGRO J WENCH natmifiMAklA, fi-.e is about five feet fix or (even 1 ties fi'jdi, fi ncer and w/!i 111. dr, a fu Key cmncnaf c*, of a <ia*k and ui.v niu'at'o color. She is.t the IvcTcf fil'ifi O. Williarnfor, Ffq. on rite ::: hf cf :t. 20tn infix;ir, and ir alt be er ut firwn. Ar-v h.cif.>n who 1 iclivcr her ir *i n jitfer cf S_v<r>i.ah, jor t:> M*. liCGii RObS, Factor, ; Ire-c.-.: tb<* Rsv.-a.-d >.t T'V\ FN, i I Y Dul f ARS. JAMES E, UOUSTOU> T . a ar.,.c. j 3 1 - 14