Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 11, 1806, Image 2

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?• r-'w IK St r of THRH-NF j OR ‘<l S, in-longing toth f fitF.f of T'lomat N-’-hi r. lift, dc rraltd, dtivt-r licit for he fi ft M > day in ft is mon h, was tui nit .iblt I’O’ I i’OM.D until IflljK'DsY ncx', on width day'ilic Sale wdl ? i ’t"ai'y tnk j afe, ! e ; w*en the hours of in rrti eve ve o*i lo ( k, at the ( our - hrt:l* in this city. Hre long tie n a tls again ft the tjlt c navi, touMic l'il ‘he administrator to aucr t r fiat terms conten p!a t.d, tft lore t lie Negroes v\ I. ir I Id I r one half taih, and teta ante fc •:rr.i mm mer ell, pi.yahlc the day oi i ; e b 114 v ex’ *UiA.<LI.S HARRIS. M T n 7 J_4 >,a !:i .is Si cs. WILL ii SOL il j Tucf ilay the H it May or A p'u n xt, a tn Lourt-itoUic in Li'mi!) h, i> iw e.t h h >urs of t n and ituir Vlock, the fol !■ awing ft per y, t ken in I xr tor on i.s r e pri pr ry of ban h So s & n riion, at til luU of ‘1 lion as A: jai cs wids : Ui xpired Le le t f LOT N * J, fle ilv.'oa t Ty hin ]) kcc W and, saaanruh, with tile buikiiu. s .m i unpiovcmcn'.s them n ALSO, I fie ft i.tnngs and unexpired it- L t No. (.), Carpenter J vl'm j., Deike.’ \\ aid. also, < o ant Lot on the Thun d< o >li road, three milts from Sav Jiinaii, with the liutluim/s & * o luipr veiTlents theieon. zco aqits Land adjoininp S.ui.iA, wiihin a nn'e ul L.uu* is vi 1., K ck’ yCo n urt. /4 Halt I as in the Town fn pof V\ . ihin D t n, W-lli.n fa ft.ll Oil. tj * 4. tj o ants Land on Town C a ii n ock t’ounry. j j uts L.anu in Wafhing tO4. kOUiliV AI SO, The N Ghul S, Mollv, C ia’ lo u i zeti, 1 luz n, bid), ]‘.nt, is b, j.ihpti isamy and ii\o. b W LI , m and o. Jhcoitirti) *4 j i ALSO, On tic id *’ i. . 4 j in /’fril, w ILL in, SvJLf), jit the teu ~> bcu et,ib>yj Lo< n /), Lin er (> e bouts ij eitue/i a :lb . ib, 6ft id rs Lei ROES, L u min g ut (, cll} womtn aid cuHua ; it zed a! and taken Mi attaiiui , and oi l | urluam tO a UtCilC Ol t,.c oicui Com t V tll.b ciniiCi, aS t..t dtate ol til v laic oil tie v] ,i t r UcC'. ait and, a ihi lu t> i Lowed .ii.U iiop ton, finvivors. i,..i’ii i, j t-.b. * at u.v ok s y .ace a* the a- Le vt j liii cny i.'idtii of pani.s b \N .\L.L, m and G. S v 1 • a 54 • i I k 4 > tt* Ji f t i. itiiiy in At tht <•> /.• uu n i /j ntj 4 Qc.vfrtu (He C J lCi * f•• 4 ‘&, U: LL • SOLD, ALL iha t aCt of land or. Huu.iim m N ifi-ii. , to orbnlv Cula and iiau* point, < ontaihmg UOo ants, more or Itls, a ,tl a It), in bav-ltittt in Savannah, j ii. ng ut oa ii t D iors, con* luiiii g 6o ui. .run. a. and yo fter Ik [t. i w itn ail tie bricks on t.ic j ic i|dt., a lonlider.ible part o. i h di, >as m.ported from l.iverp Oi ’a itw years r.go : ALSO, a . mu a lot, 16 feet to.m o> youiyih, w;ch li e in* j uvea.c ts i ceintr, joining tilt 1 ut veto as tne pn pern oi J .1 cs v, under lun- Os) \Sui loi.s. i cm.: —One third in czfti— Ci iti i on ti e day o. J - i. atv ISO7 —.he other tt i ii uu t day Os J alniai) I^o'd— v.iii lu n l iutliv as may il rr a. me of Lie, cadi to 0.-1 uuireit tio.i. die tune wt pur hale. Continue.* 1.0 .. fw ..ill i . Kefbi.ii 1 bON. s. c* c* iUnruit U 5+ NlNill CONGKhss. Iti of r*ie U Slates. tntsunr 17. iFofi. Mr. HILLHOn.Si: p-fei red the fol lowing OiUAL, whi-h was rta-i for conli .icratian : To the President ol ih - U ‘tttd States, nn l tie Smile . fIV House e>) R present 1 t.vcs ot thd Untet S ate:, tn C'i’Z'esi assembled, the Memott i! nf the Cham hr. cf. Com net ee in AVw H,iv:n, riSf.CTrULIY SEfUFIOTI, T IAT your memori ilids ha ohfrrved with no common decree of lur prise and folicirnde, the num rou. cm bar; ffncr.ts which tfc ccarmrce o f the United Stales haa (i.ff-rtd, durng the prtfent war in Eu-ope ami the Indies ; arrfi ig from the adoption of new prin ciples by the admiralty courts of Great Britain, a9 weil as from the depieda tions committed cn our unproteAed trade by lawltfs fre hooters, and the unwarrantable iinprciTTu-nt of our f.a meti. Your memonalids will not at. tempt to difeufs at krtye the princi de, which thry uud rftaud, has been adopt ed hy the admiial y cou ts t.f Cr.-at B'itatn, iti tece t dec fions rcfpifting the rights of ueutra! nations; it is fuffi ctent for them to obfeive that, in th.i opinion, the principle affumtd by G. Britain, of coi fuierir.g all the trade of a neutral nation as unlawful, whi.h the fame nation cannot car.y on in time of peace, to be unv and unwarrantable; a principle not authorifed by the m.xiinß of found juilice, which Lave 1< n b. en received and rifpiftrd by m tions, as laws by which their neutral intercouife ought to be regti'ated. Among huh pendent nations, th-re are certain tqia! rifles, founded 0., common principles of juilice, from which proceed rc-ipiocal Th fc itihts and dt'ii.s have I.ten long lincc- tfeertained by the mutual coidcnt or ixpreU llipulations ot civil if.d na'ions. tiny conllitutc tt:e po ittica! morahty of kingdoms and dates ; the b. lii 1 I fiat code of lavs, winch the commercial nations of Europe have o.g held themfelve* hound u> rtfpect, to which we cheerfully submit ,- and wi.ich we concei-e. no nation c.m in flinge without doing bjult es to the whole family of mat k nd. Bn ionp as the councils of nations and their courts of juilice observe ihvfe laws, mutual ci betwien nauoi can he maintained, and th.- riglns of iudiv du als j.reltrved. But your mrmoiiui ft* cannot behold, w ithout lu p; fe aid re gtet, a powerful and rtfpediahle na.i m, bending ihcfe principles of the cum moil law of 1 stuns, to ar.fw.r pol tical pu pi ks, and introbuch'ij a v policy into lie foietnu a ju ic.,tions if her coiuts We hold it to be ix ic no ly important that all nations Ih u'd combine againil such innovations upon ihur rights; and in particuar, tha, the United Stabs, whole geographical petition gives them th h !t chance lot maintaining r.eutta'iiy during wars in Europe, Ihouid ti mly nlilt every cn c.oaih.nent upon the lights of neuua. commerce. In regai dto the impr. (T.ncnt of Ame rican Lailicn, your nitn.oiiaiilh ftti, 111 torrnion wuh t( eir f flow cit z ns, a lively indiguaiiou at the abuleso pow .r oiten ex relied Ly Bn.,(h officers upon .'tnerieau citizens. \\ T c have lull confidence that the government ol 1 lie U B. will adopt and put file fitch m-.alu'ts for rLilraimng tfitle 1 jinious proteedhigs, as the honor and luicrclt o( tne U. B. fh.dl r quire. The dtprtdaiions upon our defence- Itfs comnarce on the fiigh leas, and c v. n ai ill vay entrance of our luibors, in puls y ur n.cmorialills with a 1.v.1y fcnle clour I.a loual degradation, and of the urgent nccitiny t r vigorous, et lcciual,and pe. man, ih nuatiius tor pro ti Ctlng tfic property ol p iv.ilc ti. z.i, , ami tecuriug our coi. •11 y from the r.. mfuils. V\liaiever lytlein of policy a chimttical ilin. y rn.ij we aie pe luaded that iht queluon whether the U. S. Iliad have an active or pajfive commerce, is not ne.w to be determined. Oi r eiti z ns have airtudy formed e .uimerc al liab.U wnii Ii are (00 firai'y eiubl ill and to ynidto a pHuv ; auo an aCiivc commerce 1* lo diuit y com eCted with the agrieultuial iuteuit, it lerves to clitrifll and encourage, that we apprehend the farmer, as well as the mere haul, is oci ply imerefttd in the prouciiou of trade Nor can we heli tate lo ixprefi our decided opinion, tha', as a genual piopolitiou, the commerce ■1 our I'e.uniiy will ampiy reimburte the iee 111 i v ixpenles of protection, 1 lie li u .Uoii ot our country, ami its true po iiey torbid that a great nary Ihe.ulei tie maiuiained for the pm poles of cairying on maritime war, 01 lor f.ttling anu oc feuding d.tiant colonics : but we con ceive t at a number ol Hi ps fulßeii lit cficClualiy to pvoie’Ct our harbors, our fc4 c attend grvfd ceimn crc al tow. s, and feeute the 1 e>n.r ot the An.eiieau fir g on the a.j cent to eui own teintoues, aid lUrudu mu only .1.. la tilt, but me er spell pu.eva a. ot t.e te et. VVc utgi;.} ap-p ud the policy that let ks lo , . le. Ve p. ace ; Lu. even p ace mav be ■ at too ‘tiigu a p ice : and the miloiy 1 i ad cain us e *i . thae a dale is never i.eurc oi p. cc, *ehlc*i has not at co.irm.'flt. tin tnians oi a i., an t tmy, a .1 re puhug *gg<Cl*u:.SJ Bhei < ‘t ail Old •! .id poiiry, f.—r-• oa’y T o invri** i.-fu and generate a nrcvfTi y f>*r rrforth g to irm, which a ('ate of preparation fo* war, and a bold altitude, would have pre f r*-d. With tbef# imprefli ins of the nrtfli. ty of mcafurrs for deltnding our com n-.ertial rights, which (hail be liar., but temperate and bold., yet marked with a dpnit of concilatian, your rremoral'.fl cordia’ly unite with th ir fellow cit zm . of other commercial town*, in exprefling th ir sentiments frre’.y to the leg'flttivt and tx-cutive authorities of their conn, try; wiih affuances of their difpofi-ion to give aid and fupoort to every measure of government, calculated to accomplish this important obj cl. Signed, per order, 110-NR* DAGGETT, Pi es. dent K’eiv H it>:n, Pel. yth, 13.6. HOUSE or REPRESE .v THRIVES Wednesday Fib. 19 The following mrff e toss received from the P.,fidcut oj the U S . In Senate end H use of Reprefcntatives of the U. S. IV purfiianc- of a measure propnf and to Con. refs ly a it. (T c us Jin I>, IXi 3, and fa dtionru by lieu appro j priati -n forcarryu g it into ix cu’ion. leapt. Mertiwtther L-w.s<-f the t.l re [ rimci’t of infantry was appointed, with ja party of men to ixpiure the river M-flourt, fiom its moil'll tons court, | snd cioln ,g the highlands by the sh >rt i ill portage, to kelt the bell wa er eons niu r ’:c..U''t. :hence to the p..c:he octau; s.,il iieot. C;..k was appointed fecon.i in c. mmand. They were to enter mtc conference wi<b the Indian on tiu-ir roub, wiih a view 10 the liihment of a c-.inm rcc with them, — I T ey ( titered the M.fl uiri May 14, IHC.4 on the i ll of November, took up i.ietr wintf r quarters near the M.n dan t s, i6w9 miles above the mouth of t e .ver, in .at. 47deg. 21m. 47fec. nor.ii, and long, cjg aeg. 240. 45kc. welt rum G On the Kill 0. April .5, ihey proceeded up the rt vtrin pur.nance of their objects prt fi.ribcd to thrra. A letter of the piece ding e'uy p 1:1 7, fiom capt Ei wis, is herewith comn unicated- During hi.u ttay among the Mandans, he hai been ai, c u> ay down the Milfouri. acci uding to ecu f 5 and diltances t. ken on ios pafragt up it, Comited by fr que it oh fervations ok^longitttdc and latitude ; and to add to 1 tie actual fuivey ot thi portion o> the river a general map ol th. country, between the M'fliffippi an l’ae fi , from the 34' h to the 54 I1 dr gr. e& of lat tude. Tnefe adutuons ai. 110111 inftn(nation collected from Indian, wnli whom he had opportunities ot com .1 u. icatiiig, during hi. j ‘uruev and nlr~ and. nee with ih m. Copies of the map tie now preftnted to both houits ui Congicis. With ihtfe I communicate ..110 a fatidical, procured nd forwarded by him, of ;he In dian nations inhabiting the territory of Lou ti 1:3, and the cruntriis aj” e't .0 its nonhen and w Item borons., u heir commerce, and of their lnterelliilg c rvumftauces relpeCtiug (hem. In order .u render their katement, ss may be, of the India’s inhabiting ti e count.} well of the M.flilftppi, 1 ail Ur. djlty s acer.uut ot residing in stud eiji.ent to the territory ot O*- 1 s. 1 camn.uuicate tlfo from the fame perl n, an account of the Red liver ac been note to Ci.l.eCt- Having i> n dilappoir.ted, after con filterable preparation, in ihe pu pose o. letidtug :m xplorinir party up that rivti in the fu.nine-rof 1804 1! was thou ig’ be t to en p'.oy the au.u nn of that ytat in p ocuiiug a knowledge of an iu c. rciti .g branch of the nv r called tre- WLthita. This was undertaken under thediriCfion ot Mr Du. bar of Natchez acnz-.1 of iill- gu (bed Icicnee, who haet aided and continues to aid us, with his ’tl.itetelfed and valuable lu vices in the proleCUUoti e f thele enttrprifts He afe ndedthe river to the remarkable lb fpriug* rear it, 111 lat. 34, 31 ‘6, long, t, 2, 50, 43, weft (ruin Green* wieh, taking us com lea and diltanees, ai.d ci rreCt ng them by frequent ctlcf liul obs. rvattons, and copies of his map of *1 e river, troin it* it >uth to the Hot firings, make part at the prtfent com ti.u lcaiions. The examination of the Red river itfelt is but now com.ntu” ting. Th • JEFFERSON. Feb. tq, tßc6. Ordtrtd, That 1,000 copies of the melLge, together wuh the accompany ing communications, be printed for the ule of the members. Air. J. CUy made a report on the pe tition ot Win. Lewis and Hugh Max well, recommending the puich tmg from them a Certain number of copies of the Journals of the old Cougrei* within a limited price. Referred to a committee of the whole. The bill to incorporate the trufu-es of a Pixfbyitrian church in Georgetown was read the third time. Air. Elmer (upported, ai.d McfT-s Ja. a.Oll, B.oau. ixaiiaaii a..a Rhea op poled the bill. Tire question was taken by yeas and “nys, tiie bill paileJ—teas 7* ..ay -40 Poe house to >k into consideration the amended bui ter raying a duty ot to dG ’-.r* on eveiy flve impored into C u. s. Various anrendments were mad*, w ‘ r the bill was ordered to a third readir.r >n Monday. As the hill now (lands, it provides, case of fmuggitng fttves into ti e U. S. diatthe v* IT I in which they are brought ihall t-e forf ited It is Client wi'h n ard 10 the forfeiture cr liberation of the (laves. Thurso*7, Feb 20. Mr. John C S mth noiri th.-c nim t ‘.eeto istiom was reterred_.a rTuUitioni ihc house directing th- m to tt quire for what claims again tt ;be Ur.uttl S'eu-s, barred hy Ita'.u es ot limitation, it is ex pedient to nukr prov.lini, reporie ! c bill making further prov-h >n for ixtin J gti dring debts du • by the Uu t-d Sta c- ; 1 w..ivh was nadtw.e and ie e red to z j comirtittec of tr.e whole hou.e on Mon j day next. Mr. John C. Smith, fr m the com- I miLtci ot eium'.s to iv um was referred 1 .lie ptti.iun yt VV tins *Vi.f’ rr, repo ted a : letoiutio.., (hat h- pettu-.'er (rave leave j 10 who com.uii tee 01 tb wh i’ Iroujc to nf-nrrow i lie l.onll rT ved i'.lelf into a -om ihulvc ot tire while—Mr. Vawvum m me chair—he ,'lf.r . .end ot i iillip Tvu k nn! k E G; filths. iue Cornu : tec t p .rt ed their agree merit to th., b.ll, whit h was or ur. dto a tea ling ‘.u rrr mow —riyc. 61. l\lr. Crownin/ate/d, from the corn nritiee of comr-.e.ce and tr.anufa&ures, made a riport on the petition of timery inhabnatiis cf C wn, V rgn .a, praying that lali) p ace in .y be made a port o! entry and Uclrvvty Til teport is dared, and • fii ns a vaiieiy or ivah.ns agauiil the txoedicncy ol graining the prayer ol the petitioner;., ana couciucles wrti. a r.loiutton that they have leave to wi.aorsw h ir petition. Tire h .use, having t keu ’.he report into coi.fidcration : Mr. J.ckcan ohferveil that the facts | deianeu .11 tire report were conceded, j it was probable that ilicre wr.uod n;ver be a velf.l enteieel at Cm: Lflown from j a foreign country X\ r.n regard to the j toeeels ol me pr.i) er of the pe-.Jtio 1. ;s, [ Mr. j. fain he fhou .i no. have been la- j guine. Out tor u conn.!, u.ionai proviUonj winctr he co'.u ,c;< imperative. Not port or eutiy c.-.utcU m tne we item part I ot .ia, in con!.-q icnce ot winch j v. fT- failing iru.n C .arieilcvvl were { oo.igcJ to p.y li.its at New O"leans | I’uC couui.u.orial prov.fion, to winch* it ai ode . w.. .nit : “No ..lan lc g Vvi. by any regulation oi com icrce or re'e .u>. 10 .11.* pn is ot one • sue over thole of anothe. ; nor fbaif v ii is o.uiitltoorlroin on itate be o j ij.j to enter, e.,ar or pry yiiU.s ii ..nouicr.” Was ll not obvious that a’ w .3 given to the ports of one j tale . v a .Uvi. ui aiioiher by •v. qmnng Me v li us ot u.e ore, to t; ter auu clear ... lue p n .so. 1 ftc ou.l; ;a .a wa* it not a.lo übv.ous iU4t latter part of the -as qua; y v.o.a.eii* .. wauu. be a, .t tm lenience to the petition err togi.v 0011 * anil uk. out clearances 1 the i c'ga rouruooti ot me place where in .r vvik s a.e built, a; it: ad of being oeligcij t 1 go to a oiiti .ee of 2 oj.o ni ts, w acre they wouiei had ihemleives among illaugti .. Mr. observed that there were level ai ports of entry a.ready in Virginia tio.n wtncli veii.ts aught clear vv.tliout paying dot:-* at New-Orleans. He further ohl.i vcj that New-Orleans aud Natchez were not within the limits of a kale, ana therefore were not embru ced hy the ccnltiiutional provilion refer red to ; and tooeU that outics were ou ly paid on the entry oi lioui a to reign country Air. J C. Smith thought there was fufS-ient piculibility in me rcinaiks 01 ‘lie gentleman from .Virginia, 10 give ihe fu j; r _lu.t uifculiio 1, H . there lore, inoveii a reieience ui the report to a committee ot the wno.e houie on Monday, winch was agr.ed to—Ayes ” The house refolvrl ltf If into a com mittee ct the wnoie—Mr. G-irca in tiie chair—ou a Lai! horn ti.c S ua e, relative to the fataries of the jUugc* of the territory of Lucans. The bill tuertaf s .he of the T 'idgts of the Blip rior aoJ Uilfriet court from 2,CCD to 2 jeo ; and allows 1. B Prevolt, a judge 01 the superior court, an additional iaiary ot joo dol lars for ierv.ces heretofore pertoinn-A by him without tlieaideii the oilier ju gcs. Mi ffis. Sloan and Men wether eaiied for lufoimation relative to the grounds on which the propuitd iccreafe oi icla nes is B ade. Air. Early replied that since the or 6an:iatiou ct the territory ot 0. leans tiie Pr.tiieat had not been ab.e to cb tain any perfotis properly quaiiti.d, tx- Cep: iir. P.cvo.l, who had co..Eq .eiuly been ouitged to perform ail the duties of the court ; that it was rtq lilite tot the judges not only to understand tiie laws of their owa country, but kkcwife j tfiole ot the country to whom tiie terri- I tory belonged previous 10 its ceffiou ; I ana in addition to this, it Was neCtUary ‘ tor them to be acquainted v.i.h toe I rencb auo Bpaaith Acdeu to this, the puce oi living was .xtrcaJe .y high, ai.u the ciimate u un.-c-i----‘“r -- -‘“r Mr. Pindiey corrobori’.ed tliis ilate meut. The committee arose and rtported thc r a.ent to tUe bill, wbieti WJ* Olotiij to a third !e'*olUfcr this A). 1 The bit! j r...‘COr iingly ifk •’ •b’r.l time. M (Tr-.. Mefiwtlicr ’and” G'.”’ T .'V ‘Tamobeli oup-rfed, and ivf firs J dlay. C's.-k and Nichoifoa lupported he bill* AI-. Conra ‘, poflpoenmrnt of he oil! till to morrow. Mr. JjJfsn hoped thr bill would be rpconr.rrltred to a icli-fl: committee e.i.povrc id to ptfs in review th-: tala res of di elie Judges of the U- States. He ‘ did not think the falariee m tin* b'i! too high, but be thaugur ill-fs allowed to the other Judge* too low. Air. R’ea fpokr ; n favor of the oiii. Mr Lcib thought too much celeriir .b.'iu and not be given to the p&lLgc ot a.i aopronriation Li.!. Mr. E-.ry (poke againfl the peak” pon-merit. Air Stanton fpuke again ft the bill. Tiie qu-ilion ‘.eas then taken on the motion to postpone, which was carried >y * 57- ) Mr. Nrrvtin fa:’d hr had been r q ies i tea to prfeiU rel duti-ans, u.idni moisfly a -opted by the cioz -n* of N r fo.k and id Partsmouth, txprdfive of their uirlhuivion at the eoiiuA of Britain oa the ; ctfrnbons a id plundering to our cirnm rce is exuded, aa i at the de grading tocuation to which our brave La in m are i'u j Aed by arbitrary and t.le i/al :nr*. prefT lenla ; ado rxpreflive of their determination to support with their liv.s and so. i vines such mealure* as the coun* ■- c!s of this nation may adopt Mr. iV. <usi,n laid he was happy on this occa. fiou to be made die organ of this com munication — thev fj iitiyas were etta ra.dtrifcd, Mr. N lain, by that tango* a which had been uf.d on the birth day of Ame ican freed..m and independence ; and tiny br.a:hed a ipiru tugliiy honora ble to die eii z.ns oi a lice and indepea ..nt nation. The resolutions were then read, and i referred to aeo icniitee ot me whole on line itate oi” t!ic union, j Mr. f. City repotted a bill foramen ling tne L hi ary act, which “as referred to a coiuunuet oi liie whole to-morro..’- PHIL’.DELPHIA, Feb. 4. Propagation of the G®lpel. To ail nr ho lave the proffierity o’ Zion, and e> e dtjp ft.l to aid in propagating the Gojyel am .tig the heathen, Tne fubicriber laieiy returned from a voyage to the Lift inoies, touched :u Europe, and was ill London in Au guit where he received from the Bspiiit Mifftouary foeiety in England to. propagating the Gospel among the Heathen, One thousand guineas to be ’ Pent in thefpring to tiie Milfionartes in : Bengal, for the purpose of printing the • tic ved feriptures in one ot the languages ,of tha: country.- f’here are ieven iangtu '■ a s that the Miftlonaries there aim to irai.fl-.te v-'i’-cl pubiiftt the feriptures in. rticy iiav. made such progre.'s in three ot tt.-.rn, tnat tt 1? exptdted tiiat the a bove lu.n will enable than to complete ihe work—-The money is now in tint ban ia ot Robert Raljlcn, dq. of Pr.tia d.ipfiia, wh > will forward it in tuc time. Should any individual, locicty or Con. /rigationot F.opleiu the United S;aies of rxm ;ica, be d’fpol and to contribute to ihis good woik, Mr. RiUlou wfll gladly receive whatever may be fen to him for that purpose, and add to it the BDove sum to be forwarded to ihe MdTionanes at Serampo e near Caicu.ta. (Signed) BENJ. WICKES, Sen. Philadelphia-, Nov. 4, 1805. We whole na-nrs ire underwritten, mi niltcrsof lUc G fpei la the ci y of Pni adclphia, do Hereby certify that we have fatly ascertained that tae tiatement made by capt. Wickes, in the foregoing auvf.r: i.ment is perfectly corrctt. We alto the ltbtriy rtlpedtluiiy to re commend to the p.ous and the liberal do nations ui G riltians in the United States an attention to ibe important objects which tins advertikmcat holds up to t.eirview. Nothing it appears can be more intert(ling o a truly bcnevo.ent mind. Ti.e dcfvgrt contemplated i* nut to life.ninate the.favorite tenets of any particular lcii of Chriilians. It is to print and piopagate among a race of heat liens, who are funk and degraded by the vilest and cru -kit lytiem of fu perltitiou and idolatry the put: zvsrd of clet life centuintd in the holy /captures, j withuut any glois ot comment whate ver If this can be exierifivcly effected the happietl eoukqutnces may be ex pected to follow ; the natives of iuah unlike molt other pagans arc many or th em abie to read ami ttiil more of them disposed earnclliy to lilten to wb2i. the bible contains. Even the emeltora :t:on of their couditioo in this life bv 3 knowledge and belief of the fcnpturcs ; would he an tvent calculated to pro duce a lively joy tu every mmd, irifjen ced by hurt .unity ; tor their horrible Uipcrthtioa iutj.cts them uneeefingly to the molt drtauiul torments and annually deprives a large number even of hfe li fe 11. Put iu addition to this, how intact tng mud be the thoughts to every tru.y piouj mind that many of th-fe mil'erab'c creatures, by having a h.bie iu hau— may :sc: only setter thur worthy condition bat become truly converted u/:o God, end through ttie merits of jtne Saviour, be railed to eternal fcsppi. i'.e: j ... and glory Among the many ob ject. wuidi -ve kiiow arc now foltcttmg . .l:e per rge ct the p*uu and the iio no: Cat thick ’hit C.u;:' _ e. 4 iuaw-