Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 11, 1806, Image 3

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vmention, Nor tsn v.f fo*’ enr to | a Id rha: we have good reasons to believe j that donation* from the inhabitant!’ of | the United Strte% for the p'-oni -tion ; of the design which has here been fp.'ci fi-d would greatly animate and encour age tie worthy men who are engaged ; ii the tranflition of the scriptures, by i giving them a ltrik.ui sg proof that their! ?rdl! >us work interfile the feelings and ; is accompanied by the good withes of j Christians in every region to which the knowledge of it has extended. Some other important confederations which it is hoped will as modi encour age. the liberality of the public as they animate the hopes and labors of tire M ilionaries in lndi3, ought to be brief ly Rated. At Scrampore, the imme diate lent of the million, there are a and printing presses to pother with a valuable library, confid ing chiefly of books, containing the various copies and readings of the lcrip / tures, with whatever can materially facilitate the labors of a translator Learned natives can be procured to aflift in tire woik ; and the local lunation of the rcifitnn is fueh as will render its distribution throughout India easy and immediate. The Miflionaries them- Llves (among whom is the laborious, It amed and pious Mr Car.y, profeffor of Oriental languages in the college of F-rt William, at Calcutta) have been {> long engaged in Audying language aid in trer.Hating, that the employ merit, hi* become in a good degree habitual. fhv n languages are spoken in India— the (Jotkul winch prevails among four m Uionsuf the inhabitants ; the Tcling a aid Kurrati each spoken by about fe ve.i millions ; the Maharjt’.a used by eight millions five 1 hundred thousand ; the Til u! by upwards of nine millions ; the Hindafianee by at lea A forty.five isi'tiions ; and the Bengalee, in which the tra: flation is already completed, by s number of inhabitants nearly equalling the population of the United States of America. The total of the benighted idolaters of India, equals about the one- ■ eigth of the whole race of men now dwelling on our globe. How anima ting the .profoeift that, the holy biblr, by the efforts of pious chriftians in Europe ai.d America is likely font to circulate amoiig tnefc millions of wretched people, by whom ithfurd and injurious ‘ Vedas a id dhnjlere are now pronounced divine. AJbbell Greer., senior pastor of the fc coriel Prefbctyrian church’. .'J- Henry C. Heimuth, pallor of the German Lutheran church. William Rogers, ptof.ffjr of Enolitli j and Belles ietters in the univeifiiy of P ,-nnty Wania. ‘John Hey, pallor of the Independent church. Jojsph Pilmore, recto*- of the Episco pal ettureh of St. Paul’s. Gray pallor of the Scotch Pulbyterian church, George Po>ts, pastor of the fourth Pufbyuriao church. Widiam U'hitc, pallor of the fccond If.iptiil church. ffeph Show, paAor cltcl of the asso ciate congregation. Samuel Helfenjhin, pastor of the Ger man Reformed. church. jacob y. fannuoy, ca pastor cf the fecund P. vlbyterian church. William Colbert, rr, in'liter of the Me tliodift Epdcopal church of St. George. lvitliam Stoughton, minilter of the firft Baptiftchurch. %* It is relptdlfully faggeftrdj.that, as the season for the departure oi the Calcutta Ih.psis fall approaching, what ever is done to promote the design which has been fpecified above, mutt be done without deiay ; and it is requelte.l, that the donations or collections which shall be made throughout the Union, may h; forwarded to any of the undermentioned gentlemen, who will remit them to Mr. Rnljiun ; The Rev. Dr. Rodgers, the rev. Mr, Williams, New York. The Rev. Dr. S iftman, the rev. Dr. Eck'ey, Boston, The R v. Joteph Buckminfter, Ports Biouth, N. H. I'le Rev. Dr. Dwight, N w-Haven. Mr. Gauladet, Hartford, Con. iha Rev. Dr. M’ vViiorter, Newark, * J; The Rev Mr, Clark, New Bruns wick. The R.v. Mr. Ingles, the Rev Mr. Tp eharus, Baltimore. J leph Nourfe, Esq Register of the \j. J>. Wiifliington. r l he Rev. Dr Muir, Alexandria. The Rev. Mr Grlyfbv, Notfolk. The Rev, Dr. Pu.nian, the Rev. Dr. Krita, C uarlcfton. Ihe Rev. Mr. Clarkffon, the Rev. Fir. Clay, the Rev. Mr. Holcombe, Sa vannah. N. B, the printers of Ntwfpapcrs a Po Jhall insert the-above, will have the fuis jaction to rtjl ct, they have lent their aid to promote the laufe oj piety and benevo ence. THE Subfcriiitrs having just receiv ed the above Address, cnrjf .td in a let ter from leOEEnT Ralston, Eiq. they haden to lay it before tr.c public, anj to recommend the important obj (.t it con t mp! e? to the lei tons attention of their fellow citizen* m this Itatc. The very Iti'waable Divine* of Philadelphia, who fi ;r.eJ the-rddrefs, haw nominated the { i ibers, without thrr know.edge, to t e cthce of receiving cm-unl*: tx.s for tue-tri: y br"t-,,!,„, ar ,-j , q j ||te . turn jjfed, C mlijcriu* ,uc : op'or ta e of-the obj'tt, tbey Wi tout G,, , h * a • ••; ..i the appi ;a. wiu elite .til; trier tr.c, u- i i C in U r?*l a eatife : A ml, ns the vcfiUr foi i.alcutra are to fail in the couvfe o the ‘pring, they take the liberty of i. lr viting the immediate attention of the be nevolent to this noble wo> of eiiaritv. that the opportunity of contributing to its promotion may not be 1011. A rc igmar account of the benefactions which may be received will be kept, and the names ot tile benefactors, if not forbidden, faithfully recorded. IS VAC S. KEITH. RICHARD FURMAN. Charlejlon, 2 jth February , 1806. ico Dollars Reward, LOS T on Sunday Evening 1 old RED MOROC CO POCKET BOOK, contain in > C.illi and Notes to a consid erable amount. Also, a variety of Papers which can he of no Life but to the owner. Whoever may nave found it upon deliver mu tiie fame with the contend :o the proprietors or this paper, or at Mr. C. Gunn’s, shall reerjv the above reward with thanks, o, should it not fair the convenience of the finder to return rne enfh and notes, it is requeued as a very particular favo , that he will eaufe the papers, by anv means he may cnink proper, to be conveyed to euh -r of the a bove places....-and jhoulej the Pocket Book be co vi yed by a Neqro, the owner pledges him feif that no questions ihall be aiked, Samuel Gearey. .h u 5 * 55 50 DOLLARS RE WARD. UNAWreY from the fubfenber tg a Nf.G l l WENCH, named MARIA, sh? is a.,ouf live teet fsx orfeven uq' 1) gi'., fl -pder anJ wed made, a fkey c tune a ace, of a dark and dirty r.iuLtta color. It is expected ’hat (he is bare, ,red about town, r in thi neighborhood t f this city Arty person w 10 wiii deliver her to/hi. jailer-t,f S vannah, or to Mr. HUGH ROSS, Factor, (hill le'-Civc t\ e aoovc reward. Ca;f.;ins of vdTt’s are cautioned nor to it:eive b"r on b >aui of their veff-’s, and a ti’F,divii!u 1 harboring nr will he praiecuted to ,'ne Lt noli rtg >r of the iaw. JAMES E. HOUSTOUN. Ma*ch 1 . 3 ‘ SHER IFB’s SALES. WILL BE SOLD, At the Co'irt -h ‘u e in the town of R unswtc't, Glynn county, on the fi>st iUEsD iY in Afrit next, bet we. n the hours of ten and two o'clock of that day, nTWO hundred acrus of'i wi'h the imorovemenrs j cite I eon, feizru and taken :n t*x-j 1 as the property or Wd-i •ia 11 Carr, at the Suit of Joleph j rioweli. Fne above property was levi ed ou by Edward Pitcher, ton liable, and ret jrnerl to me. Conditions of sale Cash . Wm. PaYNE, s.o c. Fehruarv 24 55 Gy- RG: \a I O) AUCi lit (L. . ) y ny, cllc. of the court J. rtuernrtb-v J at ordinary far the county of IvlTu-olh, in tae irate aicre f H W IF-REAS Mr. HAMPDEN •vInN I’OSH a- plies for ice ei, .1 admmiftrj dm on the estate uid tfFeets of tYlr. Genrge M'lnrolh. a'e <>f Qiatha n c .u; ty, deceased, a* ‘.< a ett of km. The.s a e th-trefote fociie and aum'imlh all and fingub.r e k ridred and cr di ors of tt;e fi ii e.eafcd to ft!e tneir o’j cE t s (if .tiy they have) in my offi c on or oc nc 28m day of Ao il lexr, o.hstwiu ietteis will be gtanred him. Given undei m. b.nd and fca (his third d-y of Apri, idc6, aad i; J.e yj.ii year of A e.icm indepen ds re. ‘ f55 J PUBLIC No i ICE. PUBLf Ac/cc is hereby given, hat ot the expiration of iixty -ys from / ii daie, to wit, on the 19 h day of April rex , VVILL b iOLD at PUBLIC A'JC ! ION, t the Com t-aoufe in this Ci*y, oe weta the h. urs ot 10 anti a ->’ca.k, ALL that LOT of LAND ■) Carpenter'} Ruiv, containing ‘ 6 le.-t in trot t ?mq 150 .'ee- tiee, ; oc ;? g the i?al ellafc of Af-ph Towe , fold by order at the i ucrior Court, or the oe. fir of the rieii >a: and credi tor;. A'A rrCXc. 1, AJm’tor. * -0. id i 4 JO HE PUBLICAN. SAVANNAH, MARCH 1;, iSeo. A gentleman who came paltcnger in the lliip Favorite, from Montego-Bav, (Jam.) politely favored 11s with a file of papers of that place to the Bth February inclusive. Their contents are entirely unintereftmg. In a letter received at Philadelphia, by the Hi p Anne, from Cadiz, it i6 Hated, that American produce was in gre *t demand, and very scarce—that j flour was 16 dollars per barrel, wheat! 3 dollars per bnfhel, corn 2 dollars pei ‘ bulhd, and difficult to be obtained at those prices. The letter is dated the 28th December. Among the entries at our cuftom ’ house, within the last fix days, were no lels than 11,349 hags, 46 hogiheads and 32 barrel* coffee. (] Baltimore paper J Few Tori, February 1 9. FIRE ! —Between one and two o’clock yesterday morning, our chy was alarmed by-the cry of firs, and in a few minutes the atmolphere ftem-.d in a blaze. It prose, ded fiom a ioap and candle manuradory, owned by William Maxwell, ate yards fouih of Lower Robmfon and e.ift ot Greenwich itreet Ait hough the wind bu w pietty ilrong j from the S. YV. it was got under by the great adivity of fire-men arid othe s, in about an hour and a half. Ik files the building iri which ;t originated, it dcs troyed another wooden building, uU-ii by Glbfon and Davis, as a mulical in ftrumeut manufactory. But it extended to four brick buildings, north on Robinson-street, two of them being three llory high, the other two tfery j high ; occupied fevoal y by Me fils. | Shippey, Wilson and Heyer ; the other ! empty and unfinilhed. I O.i the fame evening a carpenter’s ! fliop belonging to Mr. 1) uniuick, on j Rutger’s ground, was difeovered to be jon fire; but was difeovered in time to ; be put out licfore any carnage was fus f tamed. This fire i3 laid to be the tiled j of design. J On Saturday the powder-tniil in Mid -1 die field, near Middle-Town, belonging Ito Mr. Curtis, was partly blown up, anu fiimlclf with it; but was not mor tally l-jurcd. Feb 27. West Indies —By ilie brig Farmer, from S T ->omas, we have received far ai vices e-f the t. ff rent fl ctsiu the Weft-Indies. Capt Whitney informs, that on the lit ol F binary, a I‘ieuch fleet oft-n lailot the line ami tin in gates moored off the oily ot Bu li.unin go On the io ,: i February a tnir? ■ Duck wot b w; ti 7 sass ..f the lim aid 2 frig tes, psff. J -k. Fiiunias, bou.ia to leewa. and. And on the cby i, bo.ving 2 Etiglifii men ot war were k> n fttcruig tin. tame courfc. in addnt in t 1 be a bo*e intelligence, capt. P,k r fr m St Kitl’s, informs that ill- n_.llh ri c ot j ‘even fail ot the line ami 2 t 1, ..,.1 it 1 , St. Kilt’s, on the 31st Jau x< Uy 2 Engliih .rigates p fl’ ct there tn j a, T.lie id -Ol ; arid ill tilt 3 h aij ffiipj were difeovered in the oiii<g',ap tja rentiy bound in tiie 1 me dir. amn. No nee.five deli: nit,.in lias been u.adt by tfe i'rench m iha’ quar tr ; tit iugli u appears from various t.uice, t.iui tlicy tiave had the advantage. Match 1. is. gentleman \v:. , . ..-.yed here a eiicday morni ‘g in he tclioo. er :*.ry a iu i <\ \ and iyu tr -m it. K tts, lmforir , Va c the i\ c ond December, I. .and rr; v rt . t .iur dadoes, wild London news, (it lie rc .ictts ri S lr o :o le Dec. papers ot whicu Ua.c had been received at *St Kitts, coiv.aining tiie following important informFiton : 1 bat general Craig, from Mai a, wit'i al>oiu 6000 oriulii rr -op, an i 3.00 iuifliaos irom Corfu, had iUi.oed on the Venetian 1 territory, turned tiie regiit wig of .vi icna’s army, who was puiruing the Aich.ukc defeated, and Mail'ena kme t. A hat two Kulfian armies, am u.iting to 160,000 men, nad joined the Lrrperor of Germany near OlmutsS. 1 hat lionapar c, (vviiolc armj were hi great want of was retreat ill the greateit co-aulion. 1 lul the .ving of I'rufiio, had iua*cliea a 1 rgo anny in r() i‘ ranconia. And tiiai a confitaeiab-e J,ru iuiu lorce had joined the lirium army in the Electorate of iiaraover.” Pun,a Dti.rHiA, February 28. > elterday arrived the brig Ariel, captain Koberts, 12 days from St. Croix, *.vuicii lie Itlt the 12 h ir,lt. aid i..f .rms, th. on the ißthinlt. eight British lad ot the line, two iriga es and a ling puffed St. C. . ix on then wa> to the i eaar .. Jc was iepor til at St. Croix that seventeen t r . ch (hijia of he line and lotn frigate . were urine j uc .it. It ,m n go, and it was In p led ihe above but.m n --’ w ere going ait, r them. Port of Savannah, ARRIVED.. Ship Magillrate, Tol. j gcr, New /r>rk ; Er:g Tncinas, Dt-xter, i 00, ..fount Vernon, i-furtui, do y Eliza I e< Mary, Joiinfon, do ; Cere-, Burnham,; 00 ; LKan, Edgar, do ; Sally, Toll, f.o; oohr. Huldah & ■ rma, L).ug;• a dry, do; Henrietta, Gilpin, rUrxan dua ; Hetty, Gibb , GjU-El'.upe. LEE fiRID... Snip l)erri:.i fcatta, Dockendort, JLi-ern 1 ; Brig Amity, Dunlap, New- York; Sthr. Susan, Alien, do; Agenoria, Linnett, Biiu :r. ; Edwatd, Goydnii:, St. .vu £ us tir ’ Columbia, Thatcher, IT.ioa. AUCTION. TH/S D ,r, At I 1 o’ cl rl, on. Hunter’s Wharf, ivIT HO UT R EVER FE, One hundred ha-rHs fuperfirte Richmond FLOUR, FreQi from the mills and juit now Landing; O * AND, Al 12 0 I deck, t g**’ wharf t 50 qr. calks London Particular 1 enenffe Wine 12 do, Malaga do. j 6 do. Sherry do. I 1 hhd. Loaf Sugar ; 25 !>bls. Hickory N^urs With a number of other GROCERIES’ AND, Oh WEDNESDAY the 12 th infant , before the 1 user iter's Autlion-Sicre, A QUANTITY of Weft-India Produce, AND Northern Articles. 1 oqvther with a parcel of DRY GOODS, Scc.&c. S. H. STACKHOUSE, Adtioneer. Mareh to PUBLIC SALE or a BAY LOT. On j U OSD /f ? the 3 / April next, at the, between the hou< soj I o and 3 o’clock, Ain. >ii valuable varar.rFQWN IX) F or. tms Bay of aavanmh, ( l,c "‘g uniTjcdiatcly to G>e wetiwaru at the late Dr. Jones’ refiffincr) con ainmg 60 feet in front by qo ft-ei deep known by (he Nc. 2 Derby Tything Deckir ward.—Condi/ions to fcr cade known a t the day of f/e—ii the mean lin.e for informa/ion apply to MEIN, a\IACfC AY, fs’Co. March 11 t\. wanted, i\ N 0\ EH SEEK, a tingle man well ac , X ‘l llaln <e<l with Kice P anti nr, whocan bring good recommendations of ln S honey, sobriety and abilities. Apply to the I'ublcn ber at Cotc ‘* lm, JJryan Comity. John H. Morel. Ma-ch ti . So ‘'Hm.RIFF’.3 O \LtiS. | On th’ fir ft Tnefday in May rent, ! wul be fold at the cciirt-houje in ibis city , between the bouts oj ten and three o’ clock. Ail ihu ctadfc of land situate, Iv'in- and being within the coun v oi Chatham, containing joo ,ls be die lame more or Ids, o unde el northwardly t.y Savan i ii river, <-aitwardJy by lands n. Juiep Clay Klq. weftwardly >f of Montaillet, anc: lou by lands of !l i WI,K h land hath huherco >cen known as the land. l as die property of Wm. . lt.bis.irk, under a foreclolore ol to the Wardens o’ ChritL Chun h. T. KOdb.RTiON, S. C, C. Ma cb io. ts 55. SHERIFF’S SALES. 0:V the fir ft Tuesday in May re‘t, will be [old at the Court - Ihufe in this city , between the hours of ten and tMcc o'clock. ALL that trad of LAND, in rhe partition of Cun ,Cliand If]and, being the South e n no ft half part of Lot No. 9, ojundingon the weft by lands of John H. M’lntofh, north by | panels cf the eltate of Lynch, ; raft by the ocean and fouih by lanes of the eltate of gen. Cjreen, iuppoled to contain 400 acres, be the lame more or less. heized by virtue of an executi on, the Hate, vs. eltate of Jus tice H. Scheuber, dec. pointed yuc by the Ex’cr. i . Robertson, s c. c March it SEED KICE, F" 1 ’ SALE a f*.v hundred hiifnele of A. (, >1(1 arid \\ ajte Stcd KICK of an py. utnent quality the proddft of new ground trom choice ieed. Apply to Ebenczcr Stark. rrliruarv 2* ‘2 V O LtT f A two story li )UsE i r Green Ward, Groan Ipjiue. r.r, T „ r /7f “ „ Jtrn s S traces. February l3 ira TIIF”SUBSCRfBrRS, WISHING to dirriH iheir inen*ir,n . ward* the collection and ieu!cm eiu „r". f 0 *’ uue I,> them, Give notice that on u e 3ta day of December ntxt, they will c J, r | ‘* ‘ 3 ’^ IB ,a, bufiri fs on credit; Tev H", ‘ hc | f ire linn all ,h fe indebted ,o ? Robert i*. John Bolton, will immediatd’v pa\mcnt or otherwise iettle to tha 7 la^;c fusion. tf,r From the (lore criterion made .h.r years pad, the del.,, td them ‘have ‘7° red bey-md their will, : ard ,’- t,nu >'a fitffiriently aware t bat bnfint fs CO i duflL *** luch a footing cannot support iifelf C and on Curtis Bolton, bkf'o Their remaining (lock on hand wh, u n intended to be Increas'd, u .11 |, f r I s whofdale or retail, on easy tern c ‘ produce, or town note, X mS U call >^ _ N ' V ' i9 2(5 ts iionavencu c. ] 1 ” TS el, ’ t E" t r<> reat about t, miles f rrm *,ah, on VVair.iw rrn r ‘T or seven scars Vi-Vu,? C’ J 1M of the heir, a minor, on terms th dude inclinable topoileft so valuabte JT ot tMOuno, ns wf>j) c - “ LaicuMted tor hniL for pleasure and profit. Apnh-m “ th as W. STEPHHNS, > P ) b I.URNBUI.I., f Guaroiass Aityut! o’ J Ftolun or Loti by a ZhoJT A S[LV E R GRAVV SPOON, A- “ ot or marked, cxcel)t ntf7 t ‘ !!3mp ° n hautllr. A y person .ndtng t P 0 „ dehvenV ,1 will, , lcrco ß l,r the /üblctibci- W,U bt r a ulcrl ,f required. M.irch f U - LoMOERTOZ. C 5 4 T O R E N r. ■ dunged 7'’ Ule Ex * ’ thomjsp/tt “Z' lV] C * November 29 (J - ‘ F r Sale. January , 7 HABERSHAM. _ 40 1* ic and Hands 1 WANTKD lo him- two or three HhU) SLAVES, for par ucuiitrs enquire at this office. —on „ role r, THE WII ABF ANT) STOKES F 0 "; ,,; HKV occt, P‘-<l bv MclTrs/Wilfon i'T-’ 3 '" l , ttt P resent G Mr. Andrew Yi pinduflive ami convenient fi. further ‘• I no t explanation. I 4 or terms enquire o£ K. YVajne. November j f Insurance against Fire. r jnt?F. PHCF.NIX ASSURANCE -L _ COM I A]sJ , London, having appointed and nonllituted the fuhferibers, ihtir fgeiitr, n tiding at Savannah, they Ing leave to inform the inhabitants of Georgia, that they are ready to receive orders to INSURE AGAINST FI RE .ill rifles computed in the printed prupo fals ot the said company, and according to the rale of premium then in stipulated. J ne printed pr potals will bedtliver— ed to any person, who may apply or feml by mail, or otherwise, to persons rcti* ding in the country. It is requested of persons desirous to communicate with the agents by mat!, that they pay the pottage of thcic letters. hobt. <Sc J nH. Bolton, Sav. Feb, 18* iaw6v. 49. Notice, IHE fubfcribi r, fome time fincc being on his re.ur.i from the Indian natio.o, came op with a JOHN IR (as he called himle l) who had in his poflctHon a nc v negto tel. low ; from the countenance and con. •/erl ition of Lviric, when in ciroga cd from whence he had come, he man ner in which he made rep y, logether with other cirunilfances ot his con- Juri confirmed tns l u!>(cribcr in the be. iff that /he negro had been stolen. He therefore deiTisriLJcd ot Irvine 111 wna/ way he had Crsme to the potlil tion of the negro ; to which he rc. ;urned an evasive answer. The fub’ feriber told him he had good reafiri ;o believe the negro had been Helen and was determided to /ake <he ne gro from him and have him advertised and in < afe no peifon claimed hi n vithin eighteen months would cither return or fell him. 1 his is therefore to notify all per* lons whom it doth or may concern. That /he !u!>(criber has in h.s polles, (i-rt /heftid new negro; he is about live feet eight inches high, aged he’ /ween twenty five and tni’iy years no marks o her than on his back, which appear to have fuHi red under the Cowfkin; (peaks little or no Englilh fays he came from Carolina, but does not ictiitw whether from Nor/h or i,.u:h, he iiidiftmctly communicates 1 ask din Wha/ way the matt cam'.’ tty him) that nc took him uu in .'he raid, when on his w.y to fiin on ‘in<- river or creek nearby. His own er 01 owners a e ihcrelore requeiled <j p ove the prooci/y ni ih e ne ft ro >-ij tuigis and/ake him aiviy. Win. Neely. Camden Ccur/y on i.t ivlary’s River, bept, SO. UID t i) U 7.