Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 11, 1806, Image 4

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MISCELLANEOUS. A >UHL ■ IIP"* SOMETHING NEW. Sowtrin so new is the try Os owperp'eand h ; ptt ; T r old tilings no f ndvcfs .'ney fnew ? l!ut ’ht pars >n and cncr, ’The night and ’.tie ’jejune, ('tv ru with mil# vonc,/i* thing new. The iey that’s a? fchool. And the wife and the/iW, Still keep this maxim in view— That nothing Witt ; e-'e, Or afford ’em much eufe, Vn'.eis it if. Jo<m thing that t new. The rich man he ftnda }li’j youilf fn fr m hi# iriendl, To fee the wide world, and to vie* The maun.-rs of men, And (as far as his ken Will permit) to find Jt.nnl/itnf dull new. Out Udus so gay, Who would tiguic away, Vlit)'ll go into (hops ,iota few ; When a bonnet they ’ll buy j Mis liandb .t, they’ll cry, Do, pray, (hew us fntlhing that's new. Tin tnahanii will lack Ills In-Ins rill li e. Crack, And every method purfuc , With a view ;o his gams, He’ll take wonderful pains To bring out a something that's new. The ne/chant —he roves, As welt him behoves, And every nation es through , Fray what are his view* In all he pu files, Cut to bring home a ftmething tint's new I The author's delight, When he’s in good plight, Is to set forth hit learning to view ; Then he’ll ransack his brains. And take inliniie pains, To lind out a fut'jccl that's new, In (liort, iir, there’s none, Without any pun, Cut what will molt firmly purfuc This maxim so rare— The conclusion is fair— Were all pleas’d with furnishing that's new. ON THE DEATH OF A LOVELY IN FA NT, T wo yean vld. The tom of n,y thoughts tjw lls in (adf'cls. iVlv mind in vimlon with the heart, paints tru ly, its feelings, the horror and dcfpair of that day. The night had pa fled in terror —the mor ning had brought no relief ; and dea h doled the eyes of the moll intending babe. Oh ! the at- Aiding ! the farewell iigh ! the Lift adieu ! 1 loved tin tiulv; and could I b. ing thee bade to this eanhly dwelling, tin. ftlenc grave should not long Cull) ine thee ! Thy voice should again ldp ns pleasures, and de light by admiring friends. Thy dwelling is now, alas 1 the abode ot lilcnce ; no hing diflurbs thy T c:i ‘ c > no cheering founds ani maie toy frame ; ail is hush ! J pais bv the done that marks the lput where thou art inclofed, aiui iry ficait is full of ladnefs ! Me oiydai y bungs back thy animated frame t y charming *” ‘‘c—ihy imaefling look ! my nun.’ ;_ralps thy very image, aiul j every Ocligiitful variety of thy char mtng form. But why should J .lius lotri.w over thy remains ? 1 h u ait happy j and gratitude his my heart with delight for tin lc tiiat yet Surround me. 1 wlt be thankful for the main b tilings 1 ttill enjoy j though the , halm which thy abfcnce has pm uced, mult always be open. Tune cannot wear away the painful impreflion of thy lots, ’lhc g avc only can bury my poignant feelings in its dee[ eti liuiiiOers. Adieu ! latros. Man naif out lit CltiJUan Religion. bui’posi. a man to oc depriv ed of the divine truths of revc lanon, and abandoned to Ins re flection; he is “ daikncl’s v li blr ;** he dors not know what to. ltm.trs nia i iguity and ptc eminence truiii whence he tame, nor wtntner fie lhall go. lie );> unarouainlcd w tuc curies of (he tviis which afil ct him, a . the pnnciples of mule rutoi ifb ng contrarieties wmch i.c in hnvdcif—ui * internal war of feelings a eainft reafort—of those e. notions, which elevate him to heaven, arc! < f those impullcs and arttar rions which bring him bark to earth. The objeds which sur round him seduce him—felt love blinds him —pleature corrupts bin —ftnngth renders him pre fumptuous —profueriry inioxi ra'es —alverfuy difeourageshim. Does he rely on his rtue&ions, .in i turn them wiiti n hinilclf, he finds nothing but sources of weakr.tfs and trouble. In vain dot s he . ttempt to piocure a fi ruation fixed and tranquil. His prqje&s, his defircs, his opinions, jlike the billows of the perturbed ocean, conllanfly agitate and rots him. Dots he apempt to seek from liis fallow iravellers a lepple, which he has not found in his own bofoin—does he give to his imagination wings and fly to the u’terrr.olt corners of the earth like Noah’s dove, that was sent from the ark, he will be compelled to return without the peaceful olive. 1... , i r SELECT SENTENCES. The ftaff of Christianity is the necefi’ary lupporc of human weakness. Content, not happinefa, is the reward of virtue in this world. Calamity is, unfortunately, the ulual frafon of reflection ; and the pride of nr n will not of ten luller realon to have any scope, until it can be no longer of lervice. It has frequency been observ ed, that when women have any objedt in view, they purfuc it with more Uradinels tlun men ; particularly love. This is not a compliment. Raffion pursues with more heat than realon, and with more ardor during the ab sence of realon. ON INJURIES. There are three kinds of re turns of injuries; abjetff fubmif lion, ftvere retaliation, and con temptuous dilregard. The firfi is always the word, and the lad generally the bed ; yet, howev er dilferent these may be in themltlves, the dignity of the la 11 is so much superior to cotr.- 0100 conceptions, that you may perhaps, be forced upon the lec ond, purely to prove that you did not Hoop to the firlt. SECOND JOAN D'ARC. The French Privateer that failed 00 the 30'h of May, the day of the of the lull arrived American (hip from the Cape of Good Hope, on a cruise eff St. Helena, is a low built fait failing (hip, disguised to appear like a merchan man, and has “ Swift cf Newport” painted on her Stern.— Her name is the Napoleon ; fit- car iics thirty guns iS pounders, ha. two hundred men, and is commai ded by a Woman in Petty-Coats, who is both Captain and Owner, end who keeps up as tight a degree cf hfcipline as if (he wore the Breeches. Much as we admire the hero if.n of this gallant Amazon, yet we hope, very loon to h-ur, an admiral Rainier was tff the Cape on the 3d of July, 1 hat (lie has already fek :ne ardour of the gailanc old admiral’s Triden r!! !! [ Bombay Gu-c.J ANECDOTES. Mr. Suckling, a clergyman of Norfolk, having a quarrel with a neighbouring gentleman, who luiultcd him, and at lalt told uni, Doctor, your gown is your I ruted on, replied— “ Though it may be mine, n the yours,” and i.nmrdtately pulled it off, and thrclhed the aggrcllbr. A notorious mifrr having heard a very cluquenc charity ler uon “ Hus Itrmon, laid he, itrvingly prtivet. the neceiiity o aims, i have almolt a mind tu teg 1” POSTPONEMENT. We the Commits otters, appointed b\ she legislature to dispose of it e FRACT ION AL i UK VEYS of Wilkinson , Baldwin and. Wayne Counties, have for several reasons Postponed the la.e until the 16 tb ‘June next, at which time we will com mence. WILKINSON. THOSE of the fir ft diftrift on the 16th day of June next, and continue from day to day, between the hours of ten and three, (Sundays excepted) un til the 2 jd inclusive. Thole of the 2d ciiftriit on the 24th day of June, until the 27th inclusive. Those of the 3 J difirict on the 28th day of June, until the 2d day of J uly inclusive. Those of.the 4th diftridt on the 3d day of July until the 7th inclusive. Those of the sth diflrift on the Bth day of July until the nth inclusive. BALDWIN. Those of the slt diftrift on the rath day of July unci the 16th inclusive. Thole of the 2d diftriff on the 17th day of July until the 24th inclusive. Those cf the 3d diftrift on the 25thday ofjulyuntil the 29th inclusive. Thole of the 4th diftrid on the 30th day of July until the 4th day of August inclusive. Those of the sth diitrid on the sth day of Au c uft until the 12th inclusive. WAYNE. T hole of the tit diftriff on the 13th day of August until the 21 it inclusive. Those of the 2d diilri<st on the 22dd.1v of August: until the 26th inclusive. Those of the 3d diffridt on the 27th day of August until the 30. h inclusive. Terms of Sale . Os the purchasers, bonds for the amount of the pure hale mo ney will be required ; at four equal inftalments to be paid in gold or silver; the fir ft payments twelve months after date. In ad dition to which a mortgage will be required. Moses Speer, 1 Reddick Simms, > Cemwiffionert. Patric Jack. J Washington, Fco 17, 52. RICE LANDS FOR SALE. ALL that valuable tract of LAND fttuated and lac ing on the south fide of the Aia .amaiia river, known by the name of the Broadface trad, late the property of General Lachlan M’lntofh, containing ‘7.5.5 acres, of which 1100 acres are prime l ide Swamp of the firft quality and very belt pitch of tide ; the balance high (well timbered) PINE LAND, and well calculated (or a lcttlement cr lettlements. This trad is di vided into three parts, through the uppernnoft. third runs a large navig.ible cretk, to a landing, on which may be erect ed (as the dream is confiderabie) a Rice Mill, Saw Mill or Grid Mill. This propettyis situated immediately oppofire Muj. But lers, Danerc’s Ifiand ; and from its local advantages is the mod dcfirable rice eitate in Georgia. Anv perlon who wilhes to purciiafe may apply to Mr. A LEXANDER MEIN, CharieF ton j Mr. CHARLES HAR RIS, attorney aclaw, Savannah ; or MdTrs. iVIEIN, MACKAY is? Cos. merchants there. In al of wiioie hands a plat may be feeu, and thole who may be de sirous to view the premises, bv applying to Mr. M‘KIN NO a, St. Simons lHand, he will fhtw them tiie lines, and give every other necellary infor.i.ation he having relurveycd the :rad. February 7 46 Sheriff s Sales, Will le So and at the Court-house in j Savannah, on Tuesday the firfi : April rr.t, between the hours’ cf ten and two o’clock, ALL thole TWO WHARF LOTS at New Deptford ori’ive Fathom Hole, known by numbers one and two, con taining each ico feet in front and 290 feet back, with Buildings, btore Houles and Improvements thereon, which property hath been duly foreclcfed, and is fold to facisty a mortgage from John S. DcMontmollin 10 Peter Cut onnet. T. ROBERTSON, s.c.c. February 24 51 a ry sheriff’s sale. On theft'fl Tuesday in April next, will be fold, at the Court-house in the city of Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock A boy named Nat, levi ed on as the property of 1 hom as U. Charlton, clq. to fatisiy a judgment in favor of Daniel Reunflurc. Pointed out by thr Defendants; Also —A negro girl named Mary, levied -n as the property of Mis Vollatton, to fatis fy William Lewden. Conditions C-.lh. J no. WILLIAMS, C. S. 1 Feb. 28. ts. 52. RUN AWAY IT'ROiYi the subscriber on the * ultimo a negro fellow named jOE ; be is of a very yel lozvtsb complexion, a carpenter by, about five fee! seven in ches high , rather a down cast look ; had on anew negro cloth uoder jacket overalls of waitt and a Very old upper jacket of the same. As he has a wife on the plantation of Messrs. Milter and Currie, in Liberty county , it is supposed he is in that neighborhood and harbored by the negroes of that plantation, A ileivard of TEN DOL- LdR S will be paid to any person who will secure deliver him ,0 the subscriber or put ban in ary jail and give due notice. If Joe comes borne of t A own accord he will be pardoned. Ft.TEH 11. MOREL. February 7. 40 NO riCE; THE ACAD, MY of (he coun ty oi CnmJe;j i: now open in t‘o. town of St. ivluiy’j, for the re ception of pupil l , under the principal directr n ‘ f Mr, j. K. M’CA Y—for tv riy t ( SaYanruh : whe<e is taugh> Reading, writing, aritnmerit, id bock keeping, Engldh grammar, Geogia phy and tr.e ule ut the Globes— toge ther with the Greek and Latin la n From rhe p'eTant. arid very hea!- thr lituadon of St. Mary’s, arid that go >d accommodations can be had for 1 c:hours, the commissioners cf this in ftitution arc hopelui that the fchool will be fayore.i with a number of he youth from the neighboring coun ties and from Florida. Every pofii hie at ention will be paid, and the terms of tui/ion maic as realonabie as pofl’ble St. Marv’s, Feb. 10 49 8t TO LET, A large conven ent DWELLING MOUSE, and well fitted up STORE in a central situation, either separately or together. Terms will be made very reafouable. Apply to the printers. February i2 GEORGIA, 1 Br Isaac Crew l. S. > clerk of the Court of Isaac Crews, J Ordinary, for the Cour.- y oj Comdex, and Sta-e ajorefatd. WtiEREAS John KHs applies for letters of Adminitlra/icn on /he dta/e arid affeiis of Pe;er hue of the/own of St. Mary’s, man ner decealed, as principal creditor.— i hclcare therelo-etocifeand admuii iih all and lingular /he kindred and creditors of the deceased to file /heir objections (and any they have) in ni) alter, on or before /he third Mot da) in March nx/, otiierwile le//er cl Admir.iHrar.on will be granred. Given wilder my hand and led /his 14-’h dy ol Ja.iu.iry, 18; 6, ar.J i; /ue.hirtieth year cf Ame, icau in dependence. J” n - 3’- 44 T<JR t>/\Lr , A Capita l traft of id 11 acre! of land m the >• l> <*i fi iil of vs a dzL'in sun v. Ar ‘paniculate enquire of the printers of this 1 a p :r . ffan. 7 ts j 7 1 GEORGIA. J COURT of ORDINARY, CHATHAM COUNTY. Monday, id March, iSc6. jTT 7 HEREAS it is Hated to I\\ the Court, that adtnin litration had been granted in the year 1799, to William Mil ligan, on me eitate and effects of David Milligan, decealed* and to Edwin Gardner, on the clbui and tffeSs of Alexander Brown, decealed, and that both the said admiriiftrators, did and ftj 11 continue to relide out of the stare of Georgia, ami have never made and rendered an inven tory of die eflatcs they relpedt ively represent, or in any other wite complied with the, requafi-\ cions of our laws. It is therefore ordered, Tint ; the said Edwin Gardner G? Wil liam Milligan, be and appear at this Court, to be held on the firlt Monday in April next, to shew cause (if any they have) why luch letters of adminittratioo lhoukl not be revoked. And that this order be publifiied in one of the Gazettes once in every week from the date hereof. Ext rail from the minu*es. EDWARD WHITE, 34] Clerk Court of Ordinary . - • LOST OR STOLEN, A GOLD WATCH, A few evenings lince. Who ever has found the fame is re quested to leave the name of the tinder with the printers. The owner will fatisfy fuen perfqa that the Watch is his by identi fying, and afterwards by prov ing his property. A handsome reward will be given if required. Watch-makers aid others are requested to Hop any peifon in 1 appearance suspicious, who may orfer luch a Watch for Lie, as ihe looler has kune ground for believing it was lioltn, March 4 TO BE SOLD, ON the 4th day of April next, at tha Plantation of L?e fllackfell, in tiie j county of B van, the following property, be j longing to the eitate of William Maxwell, I jun’r. deceased, viz: Six, one Horle, j a lmall Stock of Cattle, and various arti* 1 cles of Houlehold Furnnure. Contritions-made known on the day of sale, baiaa blacklel!, Adm’rix. and Lee Black ft 11, Adm’ or in right of his wife. February aS PL ACE tell A. THE Supfciber offers for Sale chat valuable Plantation at Thun derbolt:, generally known by the name of Placentia—Containing upwards of 12,00 Acres— 340 or which is good Cotcon, and Com Land, alieady cleared, and part ly cultivated—s6o acres is prime Rice land, of which 120 acres are under Cultivation. The re mainder is good, high, Pine land- Any person wishing to purchase, will pleale apply at my Counting Room, where thejplacc of the Land ihall be shewn them and the terms made known. Jno. P. WiJliamfon. January 7 ts 37. GEORGIA, T BV Isaac Crews L> s _ { clerk of the court of f Ordinary for the couu- Isaac Crews,J ty of Camden, and Rate aforefaid. VV HEREAS Edward Shearman applies for letters of adniiniftration cfti the elfate and cffeH? of James Ves ley, laic of the town of St. Mary's, marinrr deceafsd as principle credi tor. These ure therefore to cite and ad moiiiOiall ard finguiar the kindred and creditors of the decealed to hie their ibjcdions (if any they have) im n-.j cifii.e, on or before the nurd Monday in March next, otherwH* letters of adminilttaiion will be gran tCii* Given under my hand and seal this 14th day of January, ISO 6, and ;n Uie thirtieth year of American In dependence. J* n - V 44. N I'iCE. IS hereby given, ;hat afar the ex jirafiMn of nm mon ns from rhe dm nereof, application will be made to the honorable ine Jnierior Ccur/ for the Coun/y oi Cam en, for leave to fell -it-’ icai e.t-/e of j .mes \ tn csrt, iaie. ?* :fl ‘ ,Ji(} ‘^ ou ’ O’ <J?c. rot the bene at cf the !isi r s *uid t reio!\-r<, 1• i \ Ni. J \ C-, ‘ AR'.'H'i) / •: AJmVi. AUZVII J .