Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 14, 1806, Image 1

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VoL IV. No. 49.] CON Di HONi OF THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. The Rkfcbl.can is pnblilhed every Tuelilay and Friday, on a royal I'neet of a good quality. The terms of fubfcriptton ate six uol tAss per annum. halt to be paid at the time of fivlrfcribing, and the balance at the expiration of the year....and ail pipers will ie continued until ordered to the rc\crlc. TtSMfS or ADrStTISINO. Advertilements inferred at _,•> cent* per |i>uare the firll insertion, and j for each con tinuation.. .A liberal allowance r a>l e to thole ■WbO wfh to advertise by the year. For Sale zt this Onice, A variety of BLANKS among asl'ch ate, foreign and Goatling Maniftiis, Merchants Entries, Liquor do. iS, Is of Exchange, do. of Lading, do. of Sale; Powers of Attorney. Checks, Apprentices Indentures, of Conveyance, J3>nds; Notes of Hand, Writs for the Superior, Inferior A Mayor’; Courts, flavor’s Court Exo, utions to Supboenas, Notices to creditors of I nfot vent it > ters Military Summenles, St Ex eutions, Ac. C -y Cards, Handbill: &c. Isfc Printed at a Jbtrt Notice on reafonubit ter ms. FOR LIVERPOOL , , The ft aanch new fiiip j M VKI !ANb; * jt&iin£4riog&m William Bussey, ma ter , WILL be loaded with all poflible dis patch, for the above port, lor freight cf 400 bags Cotton, apply to the nraf ter on board, or to ROBERT’S id C-ARK, Smith Sc Bourke’s wharf. Received per said vessel and for sale as above , 100 m. feet white pine Lum ber, A quantity Spars for booms, topmasts, &c. FOK SALK, BIL L S On Chariefton, New-Yo.k or Boston. hOfiEk l o &i CL/iKiC. February 4. 45 <YUtr R LOKIA tD y •A 2 Cases y 8 Irish liner.a, colt from 12d to 19ft. Hurling, 1 Bale drapery baize, 1 do. blue cloth, I do. white dowla3, 1 do. rose blar.ketb, 6 4, 7.4, 8 4, and 9-4* X do. ravens duck, 3 do. blue Gilla h(’k r s. Suita* 2 do. do. Gurrahs, | ble for 2 do. Gurjepore San nabs, [> the Afri- X do. Judjea baftas, | can 2 do. Boretpore CofFas, J market. THE ABOVE WILL BE SOLD BY THE BALE, OR CASE ONLY. ALSO, X-7 Caflcß London porter, do. do. brown stout, 12 Nells trunks, 3 Cases London made bats. ON HAND xy Hbds. N. E. Rum, 4 Pipes brandy, A quanti’y No. 10. cotton cards, lo Chests Hyfon, and Hyfon Ikin tea. For sale by Robe’-ts & Clark, Sn.iih £s* Bot/rles Wharf. December 20. 32 ts HoSkH IS& LLA !’ k, Have just received per the brig Eleanor from Bolton, and for sale at their ftorc, Smith and Bourke’s wharf. 8 Hhds. retailing Sugars, 500 pair negro Shoes. ON HAND. 18 IJhdg. N. Rum, 40 Bbls. Mackarel, IO boxes Cotton Cardt, 2 bales Blankets, 1 do. low priced Broadcloths, 1 tiunk 4*4Jlri(h Sheetings, 1 case 4 4 and 3-4 1 r:£h linens, XG Bbls. Beef, 4 pipes Holland Gin, 3 do. Cogniac Brandy, 20 Bolts Kufiiau Duck. Nov. Its 61 TO LFT, A large conven ; ent DWELLING HOUSE, and well fitted up STORE in a central situation, either separately or together Terms will be made very reasonable. Apply to the printers. T-u; aary 18 . 49 Georgia Republican. SAVANNAH: PR NTED BY EVERITT M'LEAN, ON THE BAY. 3AYLF.Y & HARM AN, EXCHANGE, No. 6, Have imported per Shp OB avia, Capt. Collins, from London, via ChirUJlon , and other late arrivals eoajl-ways' , a large and extensive offutmnit of ARTICLES IN THEIR LINE, Which thy cfer at wholesale and retail Jot cash at f .ir prices, % Gentlemen in the aunt y una fancies in town will find it a vaniagecus to apply. BES r LONDON double Brown ik'tit in butts and buttled in calks or 6 dozen eat h Fine Edinborough Ale London bottkd Cyder l-iiie Ipa.kliug Ciiampaigne and Claret Wines Loudon bottled Port wine ia quart & pint bottles Genuine Madeira wine in pipes, quartt calks and per dozen V few q-. calks old Port wine 3d A; ,iinac brandy and Jamaica Rum on di aught Old Infh whiskey, and real Holland gin in pipes and calcs •k few Dimsjohns and cases very old Ja maica Rum Tac'es, & Stephens Sc Hoofnian’s Rasp berry & cherry Brandy & Ratafia durtiiuqae and Bordeaux Cordials of all kixds •lutcadine, Frontignac 5c Muscat wines dole, Lavender, Orange, Flour and honey waters French Sc Englilh pickles Olives, Capers, Anchovies, Beans, Cucumbers, and red cabbage ir. finall bottles, Mulhroon and Walnut Ketchup Cheroque Quin3 and imperial filli fauct Fine India Soy Eflence of Anchovies, Oytler Ketchup, Pepper Vinegar, See. See. Red and black pepper, fine faliadoil Table lalt, wine bitters London and Durham mustard, and Ready made London milliard, very fu ptrior—warranted to keep in any cli mate Curry powder, fp’it peas and Pearled t arley in kegs, chocolate Fine dounie Glofter and .dhtfliirq, cheese Crackers and butter bifeuit in kegs Fine pickled and ftnoaked tongues, (lioul chrs and fiddles, warranted found, Venifun Hams, Bolona sausages, and Spiced la'mon in Imali kegs also ico pots Blue Point oytiers, put up L a careful band 50 half bbls. fuperfine Baltimore flour land a few daysfince, double bol ted, suitable for private families 10 elicits firll chop hyfon ) 5 do do young hyfon >TEAS sdo do fouchong ) 30 bbls. loaf and Mufcovado sugars 30 boxes Godfroida’ and Kings’ fupe rior Spanish fegara 2 pipes fine old L,P. Madeira wine 30 cases firlt qu’ty, London mustard of 6 and 10 dozen each 20 do preserves aflorted, viz.—limes, guave, citron, raspberries, draw berries and black and red currant jeHy . xco canmiitra triblc ftroog battle gun powder 15 kegs belt rifle powder 2 tons (hot, aflorted J an - 31 44_ Tsime xvorthwaia DU i- TEK, In kegs, lor sale by the fubfer ber. A. PEMBERTON. February 21 50 1’ O 1 ICL, VI- L Pcrfons bavinj any demands againi the estate of John Haoerlham tlcceafe. are reruefled to fend them in properly atli edand thole who are indebted to make pay ment to Joseph Habersham. Adminijlrator January 10 ts \ 8 NO MU'. THE ACADEMY of Ihecoun ty of Camden is now open i„ c town of St. Mary's, for the re ception of pupils, under the piinc : pai direitionof Mr. J. R. M’CAY—fi r nerly of Savannah : where is taugh- Reading, writing, arithmetic, id bot k keeping, Engldh grammar, Geogra phy and the use of the Globes—toge ther with the Greek and Latin lan guages.^ From the p'eafant. and very hea! by fttuation of St. and tha good accommodations can be hid so icholars, the comtnifllaners of th's ir. dilution are hopeful tnat rhe (c .0 will be favored with a number < he you h from ‘he neighboring ecu i ues and from Elorid*. Every p. Ifi Jc attention will oe paid, n terms of tuition maJc as reafjnab 4 s psflihle bt. Mary’s, Feb. 10 if 8. FRIDAY, March 14, 1806, The Subscribers, HAV ING entered into Copartnership under the Firm oj Shears* id Drtsdale, Offer the Public their services as Facto- HERS id AGENTS. THEY receive and dispose of all hinds of praluce, Ileuses , lands, Negroes, or any other species of property, on commission. They having a general knowledge of the DRY GOOD id GROCERY Bid- SIN ESS, offer t'nir services t, Country Merchants, and in making purchases and forwarding agreeable to arUer any articles tn that tine—And tuhen c tjh is deposited with them, they attend Auctions and buy at the lowtffl Rcitet. M. Shearer. (no. Drysdale jubr. A r . B. Their Counting Room is ad joining the Post Office, S. E. corner off the Exchange. Nov. 19 ts 24 lur.tdN/iH MARINE Hofpita! & i oor—Houfe The fubferther being appointed by their Honors the juihees i,f the Inferior Court, overfuer of the Poor a,id f)e Melical afliil ‘tut to the P >or Houle and Seaman's Hol'pi tit, gives Public Notice, that he is nov. ready to receive in.o the lollituvon, auv petlon or perlons belonging to the C->univ;! or ftclc Seamen, who (h ill m ike application to him for ad.niili in. He has to requeit that in future hr citizens will not give any reli.f to persons at their doors, as the arrangements made for their reception is fitc'i as will I’u perc da the Neceflity of their g'viiig Charit in that way ; lltou.d they howev r, feel dif :>oled to aflilt the i (li r u‘ 1 111, . try donation will be thankfully received and faithfully ac counted for, by ‘ MO St a NHtFj" IAL. November a: . Du LA it,./ \ , Grateful for the dillinguilhed patronage he has expersercedfince his elt.ibliflipient 111 iavannah, Mr Green with deference informs 111s friends and the public, t hat the Ladies Literary t bool, and the Grammar andlvlath itnatir;’.! fchnois, areftill conduced iL him mi the fame extensive plan, as at their com nenceineut. The course r-f ihe Ichools, includes Kead ng, Grammar, f.l cut ion and Hhetyric, Writing in ail the us fid ornamental ha\uls, Arithme ic, B ‘• k keeping, according to se veral fyllems, Geogrt phy and the use, ‘rawingcopying of Maps in different pro leflions, the elements of AitroiKmy, ami the use o( the Globes and Tedurian Hiilory and Chronology. In the Mathematical department, the -pupils vvi 1 be carefully indiuctcd m Algebra Gemnetry, Trigonometry, Conic Sections and Fluxions, with their application to the iiulinefa of life and the inveUtg.itbn of ici ;nce. .Sixteen years experience in his profelTton, nd a fr.cred and u iremitting attention to le trorals and. real improvement fhispn • ‘ts wi l !, he hopes, continue to him from liberal and enlightened public, a (hare oi itat favor which he h- r h 1 lien e:p’ rienced Pupils admitted wrV ut Kiur-nce, till ite ‘lt of the eul'ii ,g January. ,*A Dxncing dar eit of eminence ■ill attend the dehouL. November 5 ?o NJt 1 i . ALT. person? having demands -,;piii ft ‘he late ellab'illimei.t of Lyon T M'ifi, rof he line of Samuel Marfe late of (hit city, dr*- cealetl, are dtfired to render them * the Cub. .ertber properly attelled, and'll ji.- who are indebted wi I do afervice to the widow and children of laid Moile by making f.,e:dy pay ment. Ciirt : d i'olion, 1 Adm'r. on M rli s cllate Nor. 16 2 TiHE ck btors r.f J ilm Davies, are lu-rtby not if; and to enme f< rward tod fettle th cir ecc< unts, wiiether mi note ir otl.trwifc, on or before the ljfh dey f March ni xt, otherwise tbe iubfertber a'ill be obliged to commence suit. Jo mi D. Lewes. Ftb. I r. e\f ] Attorney 1 Htk SUBriCR.BEK, ( FFEKS for sale for cash, or •aitcr so. Ntgrt ts, three houses and I .t> in the vdiaue t f St. (iaul, one vkich was forme ily occupied by S/e ---->■ et. B ount, late of this ci/y, dec. /he lur two adjoining. Foi particulars 1 pp!y to Mr. Jonathan Cline, in Sa vannah, or i ; Waynefborcugn to Stephen Blount. T’t. JO*, „6; lu LtL/lirf. For a Term of Years. Loti No. 13 and 14. in Warren Ward fnuated near tee Boy and adjoining a lot belonging to the ellate of H LiUilrirtge. at prefcnt, occupied by Mr. James AlcJnlt/l and Mr. Wm Green ’Teacher—one of them a corner lot on a fquure and fronting the new n.aeket . For lei mi apply to WILLIAM PARKER. January 3 ts 36. 50 Dolbrs Kevvard. RAN AWAY about 4 month* lince. A ipgro man named PLTEH, belongingto the ilaeof George Haift dec'd. Heisavalua -1;e carpenter, and well known for manyyeari n thiac'.ty He istali Ihm, aitive, and • rfuland when quellicned closely, he ftam ners much, lodolars wi!! he paid on his deliver to the Swbfcti er,or*'i toe Goa er of hi* city, and firry dollars ; n addition thereto n proof of lua being harboured by a white (etfon. J.MACHIN, Eao'r to Estate, George Haift ORohsf 15 14 Administrator’s SALES. Agreeably to an o'ti;r cf the Jus decs of the Inferior Caurt of the County cf Chatham, WILL 15F. SOLD, At the Court-house in tbe City cf Savannah, on TUESDAY the 6th day of M-m next, sole u commence c,t to o'clock , the fol lswing Property , being of th rial and personal estate of the late Joseph Clay. A WHARF LOT 150 seer front, with the valuable thereon, adjoin ing Mr. Boitor.s. .SOo feet front on the river at Yamacraw with the improvr ’ cuts thereon, situated between Mr. Boltons and Mr. Twiugs’ v/iiarvcs, which will be divined into Lots to accommodate pur chalers. A Houle and Lot on the Bay, formerly the residence of Mr. Clay, adjoining Mr. Telfairs. A House and Lot fronting the South Common and adjoin ing Mr. William Willons. A Lot on Farm-Rreet with the valuable improvements there on, now occupied by Mrs. Clay. Ail the remaining Lots and Lands lying on the weft fide of Farm-street, including the low grounds to Mulgrovc’s creek •, •.ncie will be divided to accom modate purchaltrs. All that part of the very val uable Plantation and traft ol Land called Vale-Royal, lying north of the Augusta road and weltward of the property Lit mentioned, containing about 1000 acres, of which 460 are tide and inland lwamp, ine re mainder prime Cotton Land. This plantation has a front o more than a mile on Savannah river, and lies immediate!/ a bove the city. Dll the remaining part of the Vale Royal tradf, conta ring a b mt 100 acres and lying on the Augulia road near trie city, which will be laid out into fuuli Lots. Another valuable Plantation ar>d tract of Land caded Spring field, adjoining Vale Royal on toe iouth, lying on both lides of iVlulgrovt’s creek, containing SBS acres, of which 250 are ncc Swamp, the remainder good Cotton Land. This property is compoled of 45 and 5 acre Lors, a plan of which will be prepared, and such of them as are connected will be fold to gether, and the remainder sepa rately, 5 Farm Lots of 50 acres each in the Townlhip of Savannah. 4 Lots, being a part of the Fair Lawn iradt, formerly Col. Wylly’s, viz : No. 11, 71 acres, No. 13, 57 acres, No, 3, 46 acres, and No. 21, 10 acres. 2 Lots at Thunderbolt, No. 7 and 14. 2 Lots on Tybee I (land, No. 3 and 27. 1 Lot at Montgomery, No. 14, 99 feet fronton Vernon riv er, 440 feet deep, and two back Lots of two acres each. 3 adjoining Villiage Lots at Adton, 150 acres, near Haner’i bridge’ O 103 acres good Cotton Lane! opposite Montgomery, between Vernon and Ogcchee river. A valuable Plantation and tradl of Land about 10 mile* r'rom Savannah* on the Louis ville road, containing 1550 acre* of which 400 are Rice ->wamp. 300 acres Pine Land near Monteith. 4 250 acies about 7 miles a jbove Savannah, near the river £\Vhole Mum icr 356. onnerly occupitd by J. Jen-’ ;ius; Lands lit Effingham Coun ty* acres in one body, near Great Ogechee river, about 25 miles from Savannah, granted ac various cimts from 1764 to 1774. 250 Acres pine land adjoining the above, and lands of Michael Vlacinfuls, formerly R. M’Cor iiiick's. 200 Acres pine land near Ken nedy’s. 300 Acres formerly Bennetts, 300 Acres formerly Gold wires, joining R. Scruggs and Paul Bevil. Ar, undivided half of 300 a cres joining the above, granted to B. tff 1. Goldwire. 1500 Acres pme land near Tuckafce King, formerly Her riots. IN GLYNN COUNTY. 500 acres Land granted to Joleph Wright. 260 acres granted to Joseph Raynes, IN LIBERTY COUNTY. 1700 acres Land, in te ur ad joining trads, formerly Jan ts Andrews and Grty 1 limits, granted 1764 and 1-69. 5 5° a(, es in tvso adjoining tracts, granted to Robert anti Matthew Smallwood, 1764, in macintosh county. 2co acres Land, formerly William Fox. 250 acres at Beard’s Bluff on the Alatamaha. 97 NEGROES. And immediately tlurrafter, ac Vale Koval and Spiinpfield, all ihr otter personal prcpeilj on thole places, confiding or Stuck & Plantation U tensi’s, &j. &c. CONDITIONS*. For the real rftate, one third payable the fi ft January, IHO7, one third the ftifi January, iH<)B, and the remaining third fi,(t January, 1809, with intcreft on die two last inftulments. The wh<de to be iecured by boncift and mortgage. For the personal property, one third Cash, the remainder on tlie firft January next, fecurtd by notes with approved indor fers, WILLIAM WALLACE, THOMAS GUMMING, JOSEPH STILES, Administrators. Sav. March 3. 53 For Sale. ONE of /he moft valuable /rails of Land upon /he Altamaha, coi /ami; g ibout eleven hundred acres of Rue Swamp in /he be/t pitch of nde. ‘I I is trydt is about fire miles above the town of Darien, was, prior / o there, volutionary war,/he proper/y of the late governor Wright, aid has for a settlement, attached immediate'y to the Swamp, one of the mod beauti ful and molt eleva/ed fi/uatLns upon the river. Persons wiftring to put chafe this property will apply to fdward Swar breck or William Mein, f fqr*. ./ Savannah, where a pi a/ of /he Land may be seen. October 15. ti: 9, FOR SAL E. THE house at ( refenr occu pird as the Republican Printing Office ; Lumber or the labour jf a Carpenter will be received n payment. For particulars ap ply to EDW. L. DAVIES. Nov. 17 24. ts. FOR SALE, A Capita) trod ts 20 J 1-2 acres of hind in the stl dijlrid •/ Had win county. For particulars enquire oj the printers cf this paftr. \ >"• 7 (/■ J 7