Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 18, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. No. 50 ] CONDI ViCiv> OF THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. The Republican is> pnb'fhed every Tuesday and Friday, cn a royal lneet of a i good quality. The terms of fubfcriptionTire Six ecu-. Lars per annum. 1 rli to be paid a the time of fubfenbing, and tin: balance at lb” e:. juration of the. year :ud an papers win be continued until ordered .o the reverie. TIX’JRS OF ADrFRTtSING. A Iver-ifemeuts inferred at 50 cents per Jij aaTe the firtt iufertion, and as for emb cor.-: t litioii-. .A liberal all.nv .r.c- to tuoie wao w.llt to adverafe by the year. For Side ar this Ciucc, y? variety of BLANKS among which art, !•'jreignand Goading Manifcits, Merchants, Entries, Liquor do. Bi b of Exchange, do. of Lading, and 1. of Sale; Powers of Attorney, Cheeks, Apprentices Indentures, Deeds of Conveyance, Bends; Notes of Hand, Writs for the Superior, Inferior & Mayor ? Courts, Mayor’s Court Executions ifc Sttpbaenas, Notices to credito: tof liiTolvent 100 tors Military Summonses, Sc Executions, &c. Cr Cards, Handbills life life Printed at a fi>rt A once on reafonubie terms. FOR LIVERPOOL, The launch new fl.ip SANK, V r i!liat\ Bussey, ma V, WILL be loaded v.ivu ail pcJib'e .1 f patch, for the above port. I’or lieiy.’ t of 400 bags Cot.on, apply to Lie mai ler oil-board, or to ROBERTS Li C IRK SiiuJi & Bourse’s v ‘.ntf. Received per said vessel and for sale os above, loom, feet white pine i. m; - ber, A quantity Sparsfor booms, tOpalAltS, -ivG. I'OK SAT. I :'.. BiL L S Cn Charielton, hit) -*Yu it or 13 Aon. ROBLa < it Ci iv February 4. 45 jus r lAAAnVZA, 2 Cases 7-8 lrilh linens, colt horn lid to Kjd. lhrl nyr, I Bale drapery baize, I do. blue cloth, I do. white dowlas, I do. role blankets, 6 4, 7-4, 8 4, and 9"4 1 do. ravens dock, 3 do. blue Gdla hdkfs, Suita -2 do. do. Gurrabs, ( Y lor 2 do. Gudjcpore Sannahs, { Ai'ri -1 do. judjes baftas, ! cm 2 do. Boretpore Coffas, J market. TH6 ABOVE. WILL B£ SOLD E i THi BALE, OR CASE ONLY. ALSO, 1 7 C?fks L_nuui; porter, c’o. do. brown ilout, I 2 N fts trut ks, r 3 Cases volition rti'de hats. ON HAND 14 Hbds. N. £. Rum, 4 Pip 8 brandy, t quami’j No. 10. cotton cards, 10 Chefs Hylon, and Hyfou Ikin tea. Fo> sale ly Roberts & C iu k, Smith lif pjurtes ll harf. VG ALK iA o U.AUK, Have just received per the frig Eleanor from Bolton, and for tale at tour ftort, fcmith and Bourke’s wharf. 8 Hhds. retailing Sugars, s&c pair negro Shoes. ON HAND. 18 Hhds. N, Rum, 40 Bbts. Mackarel, IO boxes Cotton Cards, 2 baits Blankets, 1 do. low priced Broadcloths, I trunk 4-4 lrilh Sheetings, 1 case 4-4 and 3-4 lrilh liners, I o Bb!s. Beef, 4 p’pes Holland Gin, 3 1 . Cogniac Brandy, *. t Ts Ruffian Duck. Aav 1 ts 61 TO LET. /i large corven ent I) YE LLI KG Y HOUSE, and well fitted up B I ORE rn a central situation, either fcpi . teiy or together. Terms wi l made tery reafonabie. Apply to the printers. February i t 45 Georgia Republican. S.WANisAII ; ill NT ED r*.Y EVCRITT o M'LTAN, ON’ T. . LAY. vV.:n f-1 ( n C -rzr or !■’ .i • A I F.SsEL of rl-i.Lt r * 1 X zoo mi . fur a Ger |< P’"‘- ApPd t ) G. Cc I \z: lx ■ o. Ma r ch j p r 6 1. \ iMM/Tr ’ 1\ T° ‘° V. C< ff-e ‘-L, X4’ ■ T y;ou & Gunpower Teas a-ia*; , Bifeims, E ;giv ‘* x.erican Clnefc Frp; l a Ginger in bags I T inhacc.i Bt'.'b m pipes, Negro Pipes ! Pi'.ui- ]• .-.i .1 near Mrtti.q ■ C. ft e, E-npty Demijohns i- $ ‘ pi G lupoirdci, Top nuts I I >•’ a .1 an aff>rtment of •V r J! UNA AT, Which win befo’b ir ready money a*- very rt'uced prices. ALSO, Every article, rn />■ GROCERY and LI& r .JOR TATE. v> Eay:Cv A Mar nn. March 14. Prime iNorthwa cl uU i - In k for Lie Kv fee fiibfcr b^r, /’ PE .AvEtl f'OV. - i 59 LOOT OR s OLRN, A tiOLO WATCH, A few evcii’i; c ;s u ‘•■ *. W-o ever 1 m.-ri he fa re ic j urK.’ ; to Vave the na ne iT r: i IJIV •v ; -h the iri . ■ Th i-.i w.ii Kri-fv i-i h ivr! hut she Ware:) is res hv :Knc by in a, a-sd - r rivar f; By jnv in h'S \f | tp v A'• !{i) h rewatd u .11 ■ TVrfi if 1 quire . VV tv. h-rn shr s ard nth. rs u requelled to Mon any pnlon ii at/oeranee ’iciotis, wh.) m y cii'-r inch a Wa-ch f r hi.-, a the it of r has B> n<* “round so bsiievin w•. ‘lolenL March 4 57 THF r,T B PiPK'R^ WTCFIVC )d:re4b ’l* trv j tv art’s :n ? Pcttlernc'• • Hrto ‘-hrm. <’co y), , d* of TT r +h+v wil * nv Retail hnfnelV min. t), • ‘here r 're tl:at r!’ t!; ■ i.-’ -ei! w- or • R- Jr T lir P !’n”, wit; iT,n- ipl - ■ ,C. nai ment or c‘- -r. T? e.. t j c to their latis faßvin. From the 0. ‘’ r ‘!p ‘ t „, r ve->r-. mft, ’hr sri-’lu-m htivoerrumuln *! bevontl ‘■ >• vvifli ; a., r j wf r-Ti-leotly aw’-i; hot’." 1 ’ f<-,--- duf cd or etch a fooTir r moot f'ir.|K,rt off If. Cu> lis ; ‘niton, : l Cos. Th p r uirq-f} rt- on hnnH wbic'H rt ‘nupidfd ! be iiicremf-'f ip b'* fold h vh Vf.leor r ta' 1 , on e:l ms for calb, •lr’iluce. or town notes. Nov, ts r> Y ? pt * AIAj Perforj* bavrt* r againfl tl’f* pfjitf’ eif H'V't I T Os I’ i\ro rerne(!ed ft 1 Pir in r>roperlv attes f'fl nrd tfirfe who are indebted to make pay ment to Joseph Habcrsh.-m. S/dn irip. rater Jcmtsarv io ts a8 NO I Ilk. mTNiE ? (JAI) .V Y of the'oer .a. ty cf Gisinje.; i nojtroicu n . • fOl7 i’ 8t i . ’’s’ r rc cep • it,n <.( pupib, ji.d t tre principu I Jirefli- nr i Mr, j. R. M’CA Y — r r tier’/1 f S vai nah : vvhmc is tanir ceepi'iy, t rg! th grammar, Geogra -V y and the uib f th? Globrc—t . - ther with theGieek and Latin Ln gtiages. F cm the p’eifant. and very hcal h,■ ior > of St. Mary’s, and tha’ ‘O. and ac'oin n elation* car. cc I a:1 f.t ■cbola-. ire commifti .ners of tiiii in stitution re hcpt r I that the fccooi will be favored with a nutyiber oi he you h ironi he neighboring cu’Jn t!si and imm Florida. Kvc.y ; ~i hie at ention uiil he pcK, .. irt termsof tuuion n>aic as rcafuna- . as poHible St. MarvN, Feb. IO 49 8t 7 O REA T. STORES Nos. 7 and 10, in the Ex change. Foe terms apply at tnv office. THOM/.S PITT, Sec'ry. November 29 ts 26. Fie’d Hands ! WANTED to hire two or rhree FI ELD SLAVES, for par .. ir erquire at this office, | v .Krcb 4 un 55 T U F ‘a I) A Y, • iarch it., jGo6, Tne Subscriber?, HAVING cn'ertd into Cop n tie’s ! ’ • urn . r the firm of Sheassr li’ i )k\ 4 ■0 ‘ r :/v Pj their services as r .ij k.-'Rr Li AGSXTS. Vl:l}’ r- rive and dispose of i ‘ U of produce, Houses, hinds, Negn.'s,or u f other speeds of property, on in . .eisdvi. ‘fhey having it general knowledge of the DRV GOOD & GROCERY lilf- SI NESS, offer their services r Court, ry Merchants, and in making pur, hates and forwarding agree,ib'e to order a; > articles in that Une—And when c >fh is deposited ■with them, they attend Autitun and lay at the louvcjl Rates . iVI. Shearer, jno. Drysdale nr. N• B• 7 heir Cour‘:erg Rm/.* rs end. joining the Post Gjjice, S. E. corner oj the Exchange, Nov. 19 if 24 SAFAS KAH MARINE Hoipital & Poor-House The fubtcriber being appoint'd by thei• Hon. 13 the jullices u the In’ Tinr Cmv t, o. erl rof the Poor ( foie ill. deal aSU an: t > the Poor Houle and Seamen's Hoi', - t >i, gives Public Notice, that he is now retd/ to receive into the Inliitu ion, an; ner.'on or persons belonging to the County; er lick Lcanten, who ihall make applies.ioii 0 him for aim'non. II “ It s to remwtl that re {uune he citizens will not give any rtlici in i ri. ■ s atllieir doors, ns the arra .gc meins matte for their teception is luc 1 as will iu here A t ie Necefihy of their g vi. g Chain. ,'i 111 r way ; fiiouid they howcv r, feel (iii mieti to al.iil the inlli tition, .in d A nauon thankfplli ret tved and fai . lyac c .uat. and for, by ivIUSIiS oHEl'f and AL. h'lVOmiiL'r 11 35 hi) Uv. A 1 Ixj ‘i, Grateful for.the till .e .t.liicd patrons g ■ ■ has experienced fa” re, his etlabliflimvnt'i ■ vat nab, Mr (.1 en 1 erencc inform” •isTttends the T t ,1 1 t tkt Ladies .in . irv led a• , and G i.,a .” li •in. al lch is, are Hi . ..1 1 j hjtl m’o. fame extern. e>.. , a: a. n co-.i icin einent. flic courf** of l 1 ’? lehr in hides he?.’ g, Gr inimar, K. c 1 r. t’ ,i ... . .<•. ‘/riving in all the f< ftj t tnaaic: tai bends, Vri in ic ie, bool: In ~ act .... t.) h • tyltems, t . . iy am tin ..:V., ra mg copying . f , ■ ••.. ciucrenl , . olio the elements of • ’rsnomy, a ... he ulc ol the Glebes a. ,i ft lurian Hiiit ig aid Chronology. In the Mathematical imp: I:ment, the „ Klpi'is wi 1 be carefully nilhcfteil in Algebra ■y, Tii; I'onomeiry, com u‘: anti Fluxions, with 1 heir application to the ouSnt is nt life and the inveitigu.K 11 t ifci- J*CC. Sixteen vetrs experience in his nr ‘ “ion, and a facreti aim unrer.iittirg atu 11 nto •:j morale and reel improvement fl 1 1 i•- |: 11- iils will, lie hopes, to in .om i liberal and enlightened public, .ass lu” favor which he In 1 hitherto c:. nence'l Pupils admitted \vrh;.uv Entra itc, till he 1!t of the ‘ nfuitig Jumiar . ,*,A DavCinc. .viasima of eminence .vili attentl the - 001.. Nevemser 5 ;o iN G/ , 1 .. id.. ALL perlons having demands ng-.i.ift the iate eitab.ilhment of L; on Sc •VerlV, t rof the lime t,f Samuel Morlt” late of this city, cic ceaieu, are defr ed to render them tp Hie ! üb. fcrilter properly attefterl, and th .fe who ate indebted w i ldo a service to the widow and children of faidlvlorle by making fpcedy pay ment. Cmts I’olton, Adm’r. on laid Tilotles eftatt Not. :6 24 1 a . THE SUBSCR BEK, OFFERS f;r f.le for caih, or barter for Necrcts, three hopfes and lets in the village of i>t. Gaul, cne vs : -:5: wasforn-cly oct upied r>j fc/e >’ cn i ‘e of ibis ci'y, > ‘c>t two adjoining- For p.rtiuilars ppiy ty Mr. Jo; atha t Cline, in ba /annah, cr i. \v „ rn.-rj.srci!; ft to Stephen I'lount. Jjn I>4-. HOr. ~6 7 0 LEAUF. For a Te; m of Years. Z/O/r As. 13 an'/ 14 ;n Warren IVatJ situated n ar tie J. y and adjoining a lot belonging to the. efia , c of // 1 Mubriclgt, at pref nt, occupied ly I. r James Mclutofh and Mr. Wm Green Teac/.e- —one of them a corm r lot on a fqvare amt fronting the new mat let. For terras upjjy to WILLI.\M PARKER. January 3 ts 36^ 50 Del!us Reward. HAN AWAY ab'utt 4 months hnce. A negro man named PETER, belonging to the estate c.f George Haift dccM. He is a valua ble car;.enter, and v. ci! km.wnfor many years m'hiscity Her ‘t an. flint, a.ove, and artful and wl.e . queltiotted closely, lie It am nirrs much. tod .1 -re w ill be paid on bis delivery to the Snblcrioer, orto tiie Goa cr of this city, rrsd forty dollr.i s in addition thereto on proof of h., being harboured by a white person. J.MACIIIN, E <o’r to Edate, George Hr.ift Ocloher 14 14 J U J \% i , THE WH ARF ANJ) STORES IJ'OKMnRLY occupied by Me-Vrs. Wilson it Knox, and ftt prefcr.t by Mr. Andrew Knox. Tnei productive and convenient ii- | tuation is to we ! known, as to require no I further explanation. For terms enquire of K. Wayne. November 1 ig 1 * A dmiiustrator’s SA L i S. Jfrcca'Ay io an or,- y rs tl'c J::s Ac sop the life r ‘ Court cf the County cf Cc. album, WILL 13 E SOLD, At the Ceurßbwts? in the City :j Savannah, on TUESDAY t,ac 6th day cf Mr> next, sale it commence at io o'clock, the fed lowing Properly , being of th, real and personal estate of the Lite Joseph Cfy. A WHARF LOT 150 feet C.:L i " ron; > Wlt, i the valuabli ’ AiJioverrents theuen, adjom :n” Mr. ’itor. .. £co feet Lor.t on the river ai Yiiinicra'v w;:n the . nprove r ins H ereon, .;ti:;uet\ be;ween Vlr. Bwltor.s aid Mr. i'wiofis’ AiharvtT, which w’ii be diviced !°bo Lots to liccommod .te pur c it a Icrs. A i li.ule and Lm on tits IR/, fomieriy die rdidti: c of Mr. SJay, .1 joining Mr. IK’ iirs. A Hcdls and Lo; ;,--;nun->. he C Olitii CoriTU'-) ; .id udjoiii -1 n.. Mr. v*.’ I!, \, iiii'cs, ’ \ i .ot on Farm-Rreec with he vaiu.’bie iir.p. u eoK i:-s tberc:- o’i, r.ovv occLoied !;y ..As, Clay. A l the;! Toy n I-.anos iyin.r on t: “ w., i\ Xv. i Far.n-lbett, indudim Un 1. grounds f ruuf-,rove’s crick: thife v .11 be covicitU 10 u.o K-e porchaf •, j j t.iit ; .lit ol the very ve! | uat.’e ‘lanration r.;,• • tr.'f.i of Land cuiiefi V Me-.,- j, iym■ n Tth t ; ti load and weftwird of f.!-e pa;.; ly Uu roeoi toned, cent;- Tir.j u'.xau loco acres, of v. 400 are tivle and inland Iv/r-j;, inainder prints Cc. ton Land. This plan. c ei h 5 a from o more than v* 1 > r a S tvann.ih river, and !i-.s iiT(...cdiately bove the city. All the • t?i T.rpr -ar: of the Vale Roy, . Gl, coun ing ü bnut 100 acres a.d i ; >* on ti it Augulla road r.i ,r toe city, which will be laid a.r \uvo finali ! Lots. Another valta’ lc PJaatation and trail of Land call, -i Spring- 1 H f U, adjoining Vale Royal <n| c iouth, lying on bull fldes of Muigrove’s tree!:, containing 1185 acres, of which u.<;o an rice Swamp, the ran tinder good Cotton Land. This property is compGltd of 45 and 5 acr. Lo s, a plan of which will be prepared, and such of them as are connected will be fold to gether, and the remainder lcra ratcly, ,5 I'Jirm Lots of 50 acres each in the, Townfljip of Savannah. 4 Lots, being a part of the Fair La formerly Cos). VVylly’s, viz : No. 11,71 cres, No. M. 57 acres, No, 3, 46 acres, and No, 21, io acres. 2 Lots at Thunderbolt, No. 7 and 14- 2 Lots on Tybee Island, No. 3 and 27. 1 Lot at Montgomery, No. 14, tjcj feet fronton Vernon riv er, 440 feet deep, and tv.c bad; Lots of two acre - ;h. 3 adjo ning Villi ‘ge Lots at Acton, *SO acres, near Han:*’} bridge* 103 acres good Cotton Lancii oppolite Montgomery, between Vernon and Ogechec river. A valuable Plantation ar,< trafl i>f Land about 10 mile* from Savannah, on the Louis ville road, containing 1550 a< res of which 400 are Rice - wanip. j 3°° acres Pne Land neai ■ Monteith. | 250 acres about 7 milts a ibuvc b*v .-.nnih, near the river £Whole Number 357. ■or.:, rly occupied by J- Jen <ins; Lr. us in Efingham Coun ty* t n.< acres in one I ody, near G.t : • i'gechee river, abouc a5 i ‘rom Savannah, giaated ac us tiirtt s from 1764 to 774. -•s° Aorta pine lanci adjoining 1. t; iii.ove, a id lands of Nlichatl • In-, minis, formerly 11. M’Cor mick’s. 200 Acres pine land nearKcn -3 o Acres formerly Bennetrs. ,g .7 Acres foimcrly Gold- IVllts joining R. Scruggs and Raul devil. -An u; iivi led half cf 300 a- Cies jo.a'rv 7 tht; above, granted to i,. o ]. Gold wire* • Acres pine ! and near i ucLaice King, forma ly Ilcr riots. IN GLYNN COUNTY. 5 0 ,;r fs Land granti-J to Jo:eph Wright. goo acus granted to Joseph Ray ties. IN LIBERTY COUNTY. 1 / ryj acres I anil, in lour ad i°inig tred-s, f.rmrply Jarx.cs -ha..) . s Grey* ! ilio’crs, I'.’-. ;,! 1764 ar.d iy6p, ‘’ <* ■ :r n acres in ti o adjoining , {'.ranted io Robert and ■Viauhev/ .Smaliw mc!, 1704.’ Ir* MACINTOSH COUNTY. ?"o iri,s Land, formerly j ‘.Via. 1. Fox. I 250 acres at Beard’s Bluff on the ADtamaha, 97 negroes. And inmieoiately thenafrer, ar Vale and So-T, Th C!, all G-f personal property on clime places, confiding of Stock &’ PJsntatio! U tensils, cc . &c. CONDITIONS. Fur the it and tliate, oiie third nay.i'.ile the IHI Ja. ua y, lUO7, one thud the fiifl J.u uai , 1808, and the remaining third fi. ft: Januar’., Ley, with intrridi on the tvvo LJI inftalments. The wht le to be fccureu by bonds I and mortgage. I i’or the personal property, me i hird Cafti, the remainder on the fine January next, secured by notes with approved indor fers. WILLIAM WALLACE, ‘IHOMAS GUMMING, JOSEPH STILES, Administrators. Sav. March 3. 33 For Sale. ONE of /he rnoft valuable /raffs of hand upon /he Altamaha, cor/ainirg about eleven huudicd acres of Rico Swamp in /he bell pitch of ode. 1 his trvdt is about five miles above /he town of Darien, w as, prior /0 the re* vo’.uiionary war,/he pteper/y of the late governor VVright, and has for a settlement, attached immediately to the Swamp, one of ihe moft beauti ful and molt elcva/cd ii/uations upon /he river. Pcrfons v/ifliing to puichafe this property will app! to Edward Swar l/ieel; or William Mein, Efqrs, at S-vamuh, where a pla/ of /be Land rr. ty be*feen. tf: 9. For sale. THE Louie at pro-lent ocm rjird gs the Republican Prilling Ojjic\ ■, Lumber or the labour A a Carpenter will be received n payment. For particulars ap ply to LDW. L. DAVIES. Nov. 17 24. ts. FUR SALE, J Capita! trad of 101 1-2 acres of land in the dijlritl of Ilaldtuin county. For particulate tr quire of the printeri oj this fap,r. i J™- 7 ts 37