Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 25, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. No.So J CONDI ITONi OF TH It GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. T’is Republican tb publirtved ever TutfJay and Friday, on a roai il,-XX. el joail quaiir/. Tue tt-rnis of filblcription are m* 13 >i. ears per annum. ..One half to be paid at the tune of lubfcrtbing, and ttre balance at tin expiration of the year ...and all papers \vn continued u.itu ordered to tire reverie. VSRMSiS CF AcrZZTISIHS. Adverfd'ements inferred at 50 cents pe. ftpiare the Srlt ii.lertinn, a id 23 f >r each ccni ti .un.. .A .1 ‘Cralalli .vine? nude toUioU wno w.lli 10 advertise by tire year. Ftm salc ar tills Office, A variety of BBANKS among which ate, Foreign and Coaiiing ManUelm, Merchants Entries, L ipior do. Bi is of Exchange, do. of Lading, e v . of Sale; Powers of Attorney. Checks, Apprentices Indentures, Dcens of Conveyain e, Bonds; Notes of Mi ud, Writs for the Superior, Inferior & Mayor’s Courts, Mayor’s Court c. r -. uti mi fe Supb -.eiv's Is ties; to creditors of InfoH - ‘it iie.i tors Military Summonles, . Exeeuti -ns. to CTj* Cards, Hj mdbills isfc idc Printed at a jhirt Re.lce un rtujonabit ter ni,-. FOR BOSTON, ? AC(N'. The Schooner ANN Cf HiiKRIET, ZZiliZi C. Whipple, mailer, \Vill fail immediately, having the p-nei pal part of her earo„ engaged, for fieprh if 50 bags of Cotton, or palLir- app y to the mailer on board, at Smith hi liouikc’s tvtiart, —01 to j, hill Cloi'K. April 3.2 68. E'er LON DON, , v (New intended ns a regular | OT? ?sf\T.adar) the new fait fating j W’iri’ s* y,; flap Lucv G? t .li.Tab rths V A. STO KBS, mafict. WILL fad on or before the fir ft of j jkx’ month. Ftr freight of ti< m7st” j 100 bales Cotton, if shortly nvp’i* J tor, 1 or for pafiaee having good aucoinmot.a tsons, apply on board, or to i a y lor Ox Scarbrough It might be an ohj ‘if to in-port- :% to avail themselves, hv tmivy oui. -fi o! tb opportunity now ; of u Lie and ci reit conseyauce from London. April 9 6-. 64 For bale, Freight, or char ter. _£•_ Tlie f'bllantial art! fall fu 1 -g. V >?W ** ir>v brig L . AR, Tn ‘ins M r.V~7f. Vfiejf Ccfby mutter, br'*!h-.n 139 —AJ.SU, amir • from an or g, 10,000 BRICKS, for file —F -r particulars ai ply to the cape, on bourd or to A. N: s. Hoards. V/anted on Charter or Fa uni , A VESSEL of ah.-'ut ‘ft'w-'-'S'-'ft-V 200 tu::s ’ *°r a Gtr ■t > .-kit man p(>rt. .Apply to A. G. Qsmicr be Cos. March 14 Dollars Ucuvard. T)U.y \WAY from the tubfenber on the ,1V j sth February last, a young negro wo mail named NELLY, she ,s about five fee two 01 three inches high, tbit.', ma ie, his remarkable thick lips, and black teeth, whic ; are very tar apart, and Inis much when fi.r-al it g. She is wei! known about town, v. iiere die may be enticed to w> rk ; and is f -ipofed to be liarb-red at times aboir th O -phan houle, and Mr. VVilkinl-ou’s plan ta’ .n Savannah. The above reward wi'i be given ‘ 0 at - peri .11 who will deii. tr- her re the jailer 111 Savannah, or inform the iuufcriber where Oie mav he ral ■ Mm. STEPHENS. M arch 15 f ) ft 07 ICE. \GREEAIiLY to an order of thr H-.s ora! le ti e li.feiior (Fort of Burke C unty. Will lie t'i.J a the 1 - the in , the town of Wrttlborough, on the f.rl! Tn = f dav in May ne.x-, ‘1 ho vih ‘e of the WEAL ESTATE of Mar-ht w Clark, deceofed, for the benefit of the hes and creditors < f find s eased. Terms wiil be made known or the day of iale. BENJAMIN AN-LFY, March t 8 57 Afting Executor CT7” PAKE V from Stole,‘y Pitting hurfl, iv this city, on PuesJay l Jl, three /liver ’lei Spoons, t-woof them mark ... MPA. the other with no mark. Pie owner may have them hy proving proper ty andpayir.g fr this Ap phn Williams, S C. S. Sav. Match It, 1806. 65 ALT! A NAC’b ‘ FOR Salt at this rf.te. Apri'ls t 0 Georgia Republican. SIVANNAH : PR NTED BY EVEIUTT £3* M'LEAN, ON THE BAY. Administralor’s SALEb. Ig'eeaTy to an ordcf the Jut ciCiS Or toe Interior Cam t r .f toe Cour.’y of Coat vain, Will uk salu, It tDi Lcurt-kouse tn the (A/y of Savannah, on PUEhDAT the 6th day cf Mty next , sole io\ commence at 10 o'clock, the fol luwtng Property, be ng cf the real and personal estate of ibe late “Joseph Clay. A WHARF LOT 150 Let / \ front, wicn the valuable iuijirovcinents therton, adjoin ing ! vir. BoitOi.s. .500 feet front on the river ar VFnucraiv with (he irr.prove oems tnereon, lit u a ted between Mr. Boltons and Mr. Fwipes’ wharves, which will be divide into Lots to accom l.odatc pur chasers, A I 1 m'e and Lot on the Ba /. hr:ricrly the rtfulenoe of Mr. Ci y, adjoining Mr. 1 elfa.its. A Ho;tie and Lot fronting he Si-.ut.i Common and adjotn ng Mr. Wi It mi Willuns. A Lot cn Fann-itrecc will iie valuable in.prav ini- nts there n, n.nv occu . *lv J by Mrs ! -lay. A! the remaining Los and ’ ands lying on tne wciL tide ot bhrm-ftieet, including th low pounds 10 .VbrfgruveC creek ; nefe will be cividcd to accom- j .nodate purchasers. Ail : ~t ['ait of the very val uable Plantarton and ti act of Land called Vale-R .yal,> | n rth of the Augusta road and j westward of the property mentioned, containing about, tooo acres, >i winch 460 are 1 tide and in/and fwauq., the re* i i.a nder f Cotton Land. Hus plaara ton has a front o ; nore rhir. a mue on Savannah ivr-f, and jt-. s lmaituiacciy a jovc the :i v. ..1! fiat m- naining parr of the *Gle Royii trad, coma rung a- N).ir ioo acres and lying on the \uguHit r>.d mar cny, vtucii will be laid ouc into fuuif L-4 t{ ‘ • Another valuible Plantarioi tn:l trad us Land ca lei opting i eld, auj lining Va 1 c R aval 0. be fourh, Ling on both fidcs oi ’s creek, comaini j. 885 at res, „f which 230 at. nee Swamp, the remainder gooc Cotton L.and. This property s cornpoled of 45 and 5 acu L.o;s, a. pianos watch will bt prepared, and iuch of them as ire connedled will be fold to gt-ther, and the remainder lepa tatcy, 3 Farm Lots of 50 acres each tn the Townfh 0 of Savannah. 4 Lots, being a part of tlu Fair Lawn'rad:, fcimerly Col. Wyily’s, viz : No. 11, 71 acres, No. 13, 57 acres, No. .3, 46 acres, and No. 21, to acres. 2 Lets at Thunderbolt, No. 7 and 14. 2 L r> on Tybte Ifkr.d, No. 3 and 2". t 1 ct a r Mnntgomer", No. 14, 99 feet front on Ver;.ot riv ir. 440 fed deep, and two- back Lo sos two au. s . ach. 3 adjoining Vhi age L..ors at \cton, *SO aues, r.tur Haner's judge’ 103 acres good Cotton Land >pp’ lne Mont^.ornery, between Vernon and Uge- lire river. A valuable Plantation and cradt cf Land about 10 milts from Savannah, on the Louis .’..lsroad, conra.ning 1550 of which 4CO are Ki r - w ainp. 300 acres Pint JLar.d near Monteitn. 250 aert? about 7 n- iles a bove Savao ud'., or.-ir nr r'v -i formerly eccupied by J- Jen kins; F RIDA V, April 25, 1806. Lands in Effingham Conn , l >* acres in one body, ner Git u Ogechee river, about 2 1 miles from Savannah, granted a\ ‘ various times from 1764 to 177 j 250 Acres pine land adjoining , the • Macinfufs, formerly R. M’Cor- j mick’s. 2'o Acres pine land near Ken nedy's. 3°o Acres formerly Bennetts 3°o Acres forn erly Gold wires, joining R. Strings and Paul Bevil. Ar, undivided half of 300 a cres joining the above, granted to L. & 1. Gold wire 1300 Acres pine land near I uckafee King, formerly Her "iOlS. IN GLYNN COUNTY. 500 acres Land granted tr. [oi'-ph Wright. 200 acres granted to Joseph Raynes. IN LIBERTY COUNTY. ijoo acres Land, in fuur ad ioimng tracts, formerly James Andrews ancl Grey Elliotts, granted 1764 and 1769. 350 acres in two adjoinYr tracts, granted to Robeit and Matthew Smallwood, 1704. In MACIN rO.SU COUNTY. 200 acres Land, former!', William Fox. | 250 acres at Beard’s Bluff oi 1 the Alatamaha. 97 NEGROES And immediately thereafter at Vale Royal and bp;in -jith ‘•d! the other personal preferT lon thole plates, confiding of Stock &? Plantati jcl U tensils, Sc.. &c, CONDITIONS. For the real < Hate, one rhir tiayaiile the fir ft January, ido; one third the fir ft Janunrv, and the remaining tij ird n january, 1809, w>th intcreft <> he two lad jriftalrr.ents. Th whole to be secured by Loud’ 4 *.nd mortgage. For the perfond property me third Cain, the remaincier <-i the fit It January next, lecurec jy notes with approved i.idor lers, WILLIAM WALLACE, THOMAS CUMtViING, JOSEPH SI R.ES, Adm.mftrators. Sav. Marc h 3. < 5 Sheriff’s Tales. On tie fifl Puef dry in May next at tht Coott-bcufe in his City between the Lours oj ten arts thtec o'clock, WILL EE SOLD, \LI, that pm of tht 1O i and ’on pro vein ears on w hu 1 Hod 1 Boiles new refidc.-, u fou.ii fide of Broughton fate ioppofne the msrket-fquare, L iz -d b\ Jno. P. I’ourr.cll one o rhs Constables for Ch-ithau County, as the property of liaai Fc I, to Fansfy lunory extruder;’ pointed out bv the defendant, arid returned to me as the i .aw direrits. T. ROBERTSON, s. r. c. April 4 62. SHERIFF’S SALES. ON The fi’ft ‘1 uesday in May next, will be fold at the Court-house in this c.ty, be tween the liours of 10 and 0 X/ oT lock. A Mulatto boy named Miles, leized as the property or the e.i i.e of George J jhnfon dec’d. i ac thr suit oi Jolepli Longworth I md others The property! oirved ou* Ly the plaintiff. T. ROBERTSON, s. 0. c. April 4 63 SHERIFF’S SALKS.- hVILL be sold on the firfl Tuesday in May next, at the Court-house in the city of Savannah, bet ween the hours of ten and 3 o'clock, ALL that lot of land in Jay hill, Tithing Darby ward, in rheciryof Savannah, containing j 60 feet north fronton the bay, and 90 feet deep louth on a lane, with the improvements tiiereun, at prelent occupied by Edward Stebbins, and others—bounded welt by efface of Robert Bolton, forn eily Mour-taigut’s lor, ancl 1 call by eitate Edward Harden, Vized and to be fold under tht f recloiureof a mortgage, David j uhnilon \ s Robert Woodhinde. Alio, a tract of land, contain ing 4 5 acres, be the fame more ot lels, Lusted in the county of Chatham, about two miles Iron tnis citv, on the road leading to Great Ogechee bridge, boundec iott-.h by lands of Dr. Tecard, r r.nh on land at prefect occu pied by Jacob T hiels, len. weft oy a livamp, calt by lands un- Known, Seized anti to lold u Dtisfy Ex’ors of Herb agaiid; Rob rt Woodhoufe. Alio, OL>e neg-o rnan namet dihy, and ins wife Belinda and our children, levied on as tin <>i “fly of George Mclmo/b, fve’d to fansfy Hamilton and : I rfridgv, tiie proper ty pointed or by toe defendant’s attorney. T. ROBERTSON, s c c. ohei lil s bales bn the fi'ji T,<<fai.y in May next, at the Con*i-biufe, in this Ct.y, b twten the Louis tj ten ana thise o'clet (, VVi.l. BE SOLD, rHA l fat of laird in Yam alii w, i>.l/ w 1) and y lSi Iv.1 v . 2 y zeu under lundry executions, is the property of Kobnt G.cti, •u*i pointed out by tlie dclcnd *nt. Continued from April sales. I . ROBER I’SGN, s. c c. _April 4 S.ivi iff’* WILL BE SOLD, In ’Tuesday li,- 3 / Jay cf May, iRc6, at tee Cavil house in ‘), fas on, i tween the hours of <>,v u.,J ‘zuu o’clock, fjlowing property , tun, ty.ige l ty it if fam Bunts to Role rt <./ Jchn I'fit on Jar lie payment of a Btf J t,n 0 / ” wi ry, toe equity oj tetlcnif/toti harm j hm duly forte.vied, viz, T OF No. forty-fix, (46) I j Do. do. thir: y-fix, (367 Do. do. rhiriy-i ven, (37) Fart of lot No. feventten, (.7) And tliewliole of the front of ijZ No. fevn teen, (17) being a water lot, with all the buildings ind improve.r.cnts thereon. David G. Joi-es, S. C, C. March 17 5 o ( t ff’ p / CyldC/ •JJ .T S, • Oil the JhJt Tuesday tn May re A, viil be Jo Id in the Town of dif fer fen, between the hours cf Un and three o'clock, A LL that lot and improve 7jG ments fituarc in the Town •f t. Mary’s, pare of loc No. 4 a.r... , 1 Bear t ai pitfent rtfidcs. Levied on a 1 the properly of Eleaztr Water j man, to f.ris-'y a judement ob tained apainft him by Francis Muflat.l:, jnr.r. Conditions CTfli. D. G. JONP 3, s. c. c. St Marvi, Aji-i : 2 6 i THE. FIRM ui- HUNTLR MINIS, IS this day ‘Pifolted Ly iriu'ual con- 1 feut. Ail perfens having ."icniaLtla will please render them to ti.c fiibfcrihtn for : ndjudment; and all ind.Ltcd, sre folic- I ited to prepare for immediate payment, i They will attend at their Comptinjr house ufuid, for the adjuftmcrit of their a^eouLla. JAMES HUNTER. ISAAC MINI.'. March 2 3 mjr fWhole Numdu 3^9- marshal’s salts. A'ILL It SOLI) cm 7he Try the isl and y of May text, at the ( curt-foil ein Savannah, be tween the bars cf it,; and three del ek, I lie following property, ta ken in execution as he property of Smi’.h, Sons and Anderion, at :hc fun of Thomas and James Sv.'; rds* Unexpired h rife of LOT No 3, 1S • athcoatc Tyihirg, I)et ker Ward, Savannah, wirli the buil diugs and in provementa there on. At.SO, The buildings and unexpired leaieof kit No. 9, Carpenter 1 ytliir.g, Decker ALSO, Ore 50 acre lot on the Thun* •lcrbolt mad, three mil. s from Savannah, with the buildings >r.d improvements there* n. ° 2Cn> At res lard ai joining S'ubtW within a u iie of Louis ville, R >ckey Comfort. 44 half Jots in the Township °* v ‘ aiiungion, Wafliingioii county. z.yjo Acres land on I own '• le< k, Hancock countv. 53b Acres Jan Jin \\ afhirg tou county. ALSO, The negroes, Molly, Clnr* lotte, Lazett, Hazen, Billy,Har rv b , jchph, Nancy ..r.dl Quako, Bi N. WALL, m.d. g. Apr! S f ,j Marjhai 1 s Saks. ~ ON the ft Ji c i u-jiay in May t:cx(, ‘iv 4 be soul as the heu/r, in fain an, b, r *hv f LGRI 1,8, levied on J JLN! the p operty of D . Samuel M’Cotmick dec. by vinue nf f veral executions o’j taincd in tne Circuit-Cmnr. 3 h.< ■ r.irs, J'aac, s 'ebinah and b t y, 1. on as .he pr petty o Gm. I!abkirk, at tl.c suit of J /hn Millt r 5 Negro-s, 3 r ej hen, Mnnrlay, i>- n, I .irtar, and Srn, ievietj on as me j 10, city of Joel Walker, A’cc. by virtue of an execution bv Chaiies Roberts. b. WALL, m. Ij. o, April 8 f,j’ Hi KILL’ W ; j t On th sis 7 ucfi'ty m Mi ay r.cxtf tvdl bi )ua at tie com l-kouje tn lc,.s uty, live hours oj ten and th ee o'clock. All iliat tt dt ol land ftuate, lying and being within the coun ty of Chatham, containing 300 acres be the more or leis, bounded r.orrl wardly by Savan u-h r ver, eadwaidly by lands of Joiep. Clay I sq. weft wardly by lands of MontailJet, and louthwardly by lands cf— and which land harh hitherto been known as the Ci. be lane. Seized as the property of Wm. 1, under a forced chore of Mortgage to the Wardens of jChrift Church. 1. ROBERTSON, S, C. C. Ma<th to. rs <5. j ive Dollars Ktwaid. AH I'D bimfelfon t! e n'j lit of the 26’h March lart, S/im, h, li'-ut young counti y hern mgio, ii*; ( t high of a da k complexion and fur* y countenance, had on when he went 1 . fl a white ncj ro cloth jacktt and trow- I 1 r'i. it u probable be may change hi* ‘hrn, *ickn vr Iy<r< • t and is much of a. beau, a ti e kid ftilow oiice attempted o get to the up country and w.i diiap pointed in (iia expectations, very probable he may am for the Northward.—/ll ! persons a.c hereby cautioned agsunft I harboring eir carrying him off a* the law w.ll be enforced aaainii such persons. Tlie above reward will be paid on de livering him to the goaier, or Fredt r> n. j Herb, in Savannah, or to the fubfti i r on'Liberty ULod, below Thundcrbt Gi.ORGE tllii !.. April 4. >..