Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 29, 1806, Image 2

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THE FIRM CF . ROB CUTS & CLARK, 1’ S diff Led by the derth of the former; the bufinef# i. ft 11 tarried on by the fi.bfcriber, Joseph Hill Cl a i k, Smih Its Bourie’s vjharf. r;w has jos i nECEivtn and rm sale, The cargo of the fehooner /IAN U‘ JIARRIOT, Whipple, oiiiter from the Unvannab—Confining of 55 li> ds. MulsfT.j n do. Sugar 20 Bbls Prime Green Coffee ON HAND, tc Hhd-.. 4'b pioof Jtmaica Rom 12 do. N. E. do. icc B h. Rice. Apr.t 22. 6i J o - i>Ai t, r "j"'HLtTY prime AFRICAN’S, th’fetlr A *bit bod.ei men App yto J. Hill Clark. April !3 ‘8 ’* {■'r me SUB -Cc IBP Kb, YL’IIOM tie want of ; f’lnlitv in the JL er r.i.r i .er nf ;>< \< lei v fi* m tbc. , rn t.rlirjr, afiUti -.ill-’ far tcv tt 1 years palt, hart th m'.-lves oafied by dema it-, t 1\ 2.1 mot -ml war. The) ate tin ref It ..nitieilcl to rati in t'.i* manner up-.n all ih. It-indented to tiiem, ts [iy ‘li l whole, a! . rt, ui uq iiJ il lone byltieliril tlay cl : j i \ ~c.i ■ .fti-r that and ite cv< i ui.l.tpuda i- 1 l “il. dc-ht to tl. cor.” cue.-me. t t.l tin j r .font Tt-,ir, will he iiUcou in the hand* o an attorney mr <ollecli l n. kuiU-ctvdk Parker. April i* 76. *7 . _ education, C ANTOR, return* her thank*. t< .i V 1 he-j ■!.;>! a. i'. rih ‘tr rficroi.ri j>:nr t\hiLiiih(* will ciklc.w rto merit, by 1 c-,lu t is aw l in.icmitteil attention to the improve in# or < I it r jirjiiK. SU<* confirm* sto te. cl ]<i 1 t;, Wiring, AnlbnHio, M lhiity m l pain Nff>* V W rk. She will lcceivc ■* ri fevsr nwre fctmiari—‘and can aifo iu r inmo tl itc young Oadicn jwiih hoarding aj<i l tig i g ‘Mie fitua’ion c.f hrr relidciicc, Imm is aniuc!:, i* extremely plraiant, Rid well dto a School it in at the south do rur } trnard ititet oj)]x.Jiie to Mrs. liui <.ch’g April its. 67. Nhenlt s Nales. Or,l the fnji Tuesday n May next, at the Court boufe, in this Cr\ let ween tke b urs of ten and three o'cl ck, ■will be told , AIL that trad of land on / \ Hutchi .fo'.’b Idund, com nioi*r, c.ilic 1 13 lilu-’s Hoinr, con ta nmg two hmuirtd acres, n ore or Ids. S ue<i .is ‘lie properr l of Jan es M< II run, under lun dry excru'ions. Continued irom April lales. Also, Al iton Bay-itreri in Savan nali, joinin ; the HI ate of Doors co ‘'.unine, 60 feet tronr, and cjo fid depth; will) all the briem on the premtlcs, a confidcrabh j art of wl-.ich, >v is importeil iron a few \cats a o. ALSO, A part of a lot, 16 feet front, by 90 depth, die improve ments the;con, joining the faint. Seize I as the property of Janru Moll’ 1 an, under I undry execu tioi s. Conditions ma ’c kn wnat tlv day if htle, 1 Id at the rifquec the former [ur ha'ir, he 10 having complied wnh the terms of iale. T. ROBERTSON, s c. c. si/ ‘ 1 * 4. 6a. .Slier if’.-’ -Sales, Q>. Ireful Tins day in Ma rex!, •will be fold at the Court ton e :n uni city, bei-ween tit hours of 10 etna 3 c'cluk y mb following n-groes (ro VI ) l -:s,ABELL \, R ACEH L, LAWRENCE, JIM, BE and I’OLLV, takrn under ex-j ecurion 101. tisfy Jan es Aiper j the property poimeh out by tile defendant. T. ROBER rSON, s c c. April 4 63 ’ Alii. K lrh'k suVi-b.” 0 V tbi fiy/i Tuesday m May j next, will be fold at the Court lisufe in this city, between t<.c hours of ten aod three c'tiutk. A LL that tract of LAND, X al. partition of Cum berJ.tni IflanJ, beuisr rhe South ermnoft half j>arc of Lot No. 9, b unding on the weft by lands io full 1 H M’lmolh, north by ]a ids oft! f etlate of Lvnch. east t y he ocean and I‘outh by lanes of the estate of gen. Green, 1u pot’ed to conta n 400 acit J, Et ill- la-rr more or leis. >ei.-cc by virtue of an exrcu i cn, the Bate, vs. eiiatr o‘ Jus r.. f 11. S- h'-nber, dec poiatei ” <>'. by the b’.x’nr t . t’ in cut >s. c. c. f.aV. tl S 7 I B.jylty & TTarman, | r. f (~ INTHK KX< H VGC, TT AV ft r< live I!> t.f lat* arrival-, t 1 1 il I.erui and extrnfive all .r rrt-nt of AH- i 1 ICl.I'iS. in ib rime,ili* w>. .ie of v-li ci. i tr* w rrun'fd “f ihe l.rlt ifiality, anti will . it- li.M it re luced i.ricc'. for read;’ mot r or j due* only—l'!aii*ers and others v ;li be I (up. rd b> feuding 0 ir oidtr* -ft the tr... ihcve mt-ntioeed. | Geotg’a Harris St Ba -on (hor-e cured) and warranted to kecp tlirougb the y:-r J I.arap p-ik'ed a’H fmoakeH Tonpnes, 4, beef from tbc New-York m2-k, t | N>cw York corn’d Beef iu huh barrels ie. by tl.e fuigie piece Bolotra Sailfages, l!, lion Sainton on r tad Doubb Gioller, C-tielh re, Nn-*h Wilt ft ire and American Clicclc I (indoii bottled Br wn Stout, Edenbur/ ale, and Britilfi C-i b-r I-me f|>arkltng Clia opaigne anJ Cl. ret Wim 100 j'ine s-j.pE Chec-fe London Bottled Bort, in quart & pinl i Bottle* Ten eah sold Claret Wine of one doz;n each I Old Madeira Wine in Bottle* Do, i” c] aiter calk* aid on re-ri! /•Voiitigimc aid Msouth yW: es f-.v-rv deicriotion ol Cur. rL In D'>ttle : aid ill lock cs-.f r, afToti and it: ecclt, i i L;yi ;h and Amtiican Rafpbcrry 5c j Ci in) B:atidy i Dried In :H, I'u fi rvea in can* assorted Orange it L.mon Shrub Kufe ndci, O ange flow, and Hony w.rci ()* Cr; - % Anchoivcs, l’ict’o. of a’d kind* Mufht'ooti ketchujr Ciitr- t) “, Qin 5c Imperial I'ifli sauce ifiy. (ic-iioc ol ar.choive* IV] 0.. r Sauce, fine SaliaJ Oil 1a le Salt, me Bitten London ..ud 1 urbam Muilnrd, Ready t t- ; f Lor: on Multard, Sjiiii \*'.aa Pioied bailey Chocoia'c i>t lup riot ti -lity Crnkcts and butter bulletin, in kt-g*, M-c a Ci ft. i, fine Hy Ln and young Hvfon Tea* Shu! jJ) Eon co fu,m Ntw Tor,’, Small Catty oi Hylon Tea, very f-.ipe rior qualities Jhj ./ Sf iig arrival, Gotlfroid’* (ujienor Segars in whole and half boxes Bittle powder in canifter* R ile do. in ke,.;s and Cannon do. in do- Shot oi all fir * On C t/ignneni, ;o C.fks B own Stoul. j rvpril 2i) ro NOTICE. A 1 L* L i-yaQ be entitled “ v/n Ordinance for 1 •* tie put pole of cf ablifhing and “ otganizi. g a tt ular Night W atch, ■ • (oi L'etter protiddliijT the city of Su * v. nnalt,” in ord.-red for a third na di, gat the next regular o’ Comet!, by which two olh ers and i wi utv four ita . hm n arc to he appolti ted with t e foi owing Diaries to wit . It, ft fit rr, 11x• y c0i1..-* per mouth. Second ■ lit or, lit v dollars per month, md watchinei , ihit y dollars each pn j month. ‘1 be i ifi r: sed watchmen to be no- , pointed wtil be • q tned to hoi’-A with 1 tti ‘.cm in <tn- , lor a cu.t.’g u. duti*.. i t] ire *o> laid O til ‘ u T i application* o( ('.i d-. ;-.t-9, j n ing ‘ ureti, will !•< e . : a- ; be Ci ‘lts O.ti , unui hSonc. y tbe j 5. L of M v tuxt. By. > tie f C'jor.ri. j. IM. Villa. ’I C. C. April i\ 6) 5 i C K. The und I, i<3 v i •-c tc r fal until the lirtt day <’l MV 1 ex', t ! ii k’t'.g two W iLi-s. in it's c.'y. On t the inlet ft Cfion ol B-ough nn and cat 1 bread Street, the other at lilt ii.’til c non of Z ibley and (freeti, I'ni p .- fan under, aking the wo k to provide Dl die niaicna*. J P. WI’.LMVSfIK.I Cemail \\ IL.LI 1’ U'G Ue - An’ <’V | NOIRE. hr HE , fubfer b r bei'-g appointed dj L J'lP' r 1C CI ’T *- <jUUCI Ii iotreat* k -t. rrfidrnt?, and tiie agent# of al/e-iues, to co fi t r the law tor the sup p-rt ol a titv Watch, that they may be p pared to render an account of their •tx b>j wiieu he wait* upon tbeni F.ce negioe#and pni ’;# and color are to | n.axe return# t.i the ail tT>r as the law di i ucft. j-OiiN bKICKELL. AfuC 2s. f 9* EUR SALE. THE houl'e at present nccu pieti ..s the Republican Printing C’j*ic: ; Lumber or the labour ut z Carpenter will be received in payment, for particulars ap ply io EDW. E.. DAVIES. Nov 17 2d. rs. ~TO R h A/ T. STORES No* 7 audio, in the F.x change. For terms apply at iny otic THOMe-S RITE, itec'ry. .Vct-ev).'/* 2 0 // 16. S! I i> KICK. S.M.E a f.-*v * - - J b : r's of jJL Ootd ‘ - an. ex fc* Io ■it cju iJt', be tJ.c Ai ij.. j | cn-ul ch_ c* Gfi!. Aj fi i-’ ZU S::D it. | I-V'rtiir i* *) NIN 1 H CONGRESS. HOUSE cr PEP RESEA TAT IVES __ Mondat, An ix 7. The Speaker informed the HouH that the bill to compensate the witnell es who attended the trial of Samuel Chafe was for a third reading, on j which ! Af’ ■ I.til i rose, and said that he had a motion to make on the ft-bjidl It was that rhe bill sh uld be re commit iteti to and eoir.miuee eff the whole Houle j liy the ms i-f the bill com,pen jla-ion w J 10 i,e made to the t hole of 1 “l.e wiiiiilfes who attended the trial, on beotilf of the accused w il as of the pn fecution, Rod to tnie he never could or v’ou and corift-t. It wrs the e fl ibii hment of a principle, which did not obtain in the (cu ts of the U. S. nor he believed in the courts cf the rriptdlive bates, and in the case of a great culprit, j hie had been prt louaccd guilty by a girat mojority of the hotife, and a rr-ijor ;.y of the Li,ate had concurred in the oe e li -B, £., and to mak ■ his provifun for pay ment t f ins v. itndis, indicated a conlei- 11-ahiefi that the decili n had been unjull. j i’o this he was not willing to lublctibf, i ri; was not ufpuled to libel the Houle )uy anv 2d tof this fort; for i; was a libel j on themielv-1 tor the members who ac cuf-ii, to manif.ll hcir confcioui efs ol having ailed unjuflly by a yiovdioii to reward ti.e culprit by the payment of his v.iti.eff.3. If it isj.iA thus to pro vi ie in the case of Cili.te, we ought to trnvei back, and commence the boil ids cf jultice in cabs of innocence. It can 1, fie torgotuin tfia an iuluiredlion was (aid to have txnled in the year 1794 >” the v. eltern oi i'c-utifyiv-ti.s, £c r • j at fur ccnain ?u< polc> iins unu> t tCuou ‘ was produced. Victims were then re-• quitcd by certain mcinbers ol the govern- j ui.t,,, and among tociu Wat, a tntiiijci oi | thi, houfc, [Gu. Ilamhtoa ] He as i dragged frornkis home to the city of 1 1 J ~.auWphic',iiici-rcc-iau’d, and a bid a gamff film stilt” the grand Jury It 1 was returned ignoramus, *nu ilanditig tin ibioceuce ot tfns gentieuian j : -vas thus ei'uthflied, he v. j> put to an j lea; of bciv/tet; I’ve rod i-x iiu.idtcd ! do'lart, not a xn or which was ever re- i lunded to hit; 1 Arewclhtti dilpoled o ; vide forfcn at quitted /clan, to re ! imiueidte him, tog.v. him c premium lor’ his iniquities, tod 10 leave innocence ua- | noticed ? H irultcu not. He hoped 1 tue iioule Wont. H.-.t d.'.honor lilclt by 1 nidi an art, anl he, th; clots, liop/tl a recominitment of the blit would take i place. I he motion was agreed to, and the bill’ lecoimmttca ■s—w i Tuejlay, Upi i! 8. A joint rtloiution v. s adopted for ad jaurning the two Houles oil YVeilnelday I the 1611 inli. On motion of Mr Jackfin the follow ing it Glut.on was as retd to : A foinaed, T. -.t the fccrctary of the treat.; 1 y be riquctlcd to communicate to this Houle any iu'orniation which he u ,y pou is in relation to <-n application : is.<n to have been made to draw more}’ from the tuaiury for the purcliale cf the if le>uc,.ts before a.• cpj puiailou made y law i-;r that pm pole. .'fiJ 9 . >m the committee on a letter oi t A -• i-. • c-. ciuding with a refo t proper accounting office:# 1 e i- >\ and directed tc* fettle the 1 .on lulifilling between the U. S. • .ham Eiton, late Contul of tfu at Tunis, under the direftion or | ■ --ccretary of il ‘.e; which refoiution -agreed to, and referred to the com -1 ..ttcc of Claims to bring in a bill ; who ; during the fitting, brought in a bid au thorifing the iettkmer.t ol accounts between the U S. and William Eaton, which was referred to a committee of the whole to-morrow. The ipeuker laid before the house a letter from ffph li. Etc In Jon, religo nig ms ira. is a member of u.c noule. Mr. Gregg from the cwni'niltee on pub.ic 10r0.., rt.d c report on the petiu jiis of sundry cdli trs, o..ii repreieutativcs of officers, who in tile Brittfil ar- my in the war which originated in the yeai 1755. it itiug list inability, in point of time, to a: tend to tilde caies during j tin prtf nt t ifion, and concluding with 1 refolutioii io tile i.n.rfii.tte pottpo'c j aunt ol the petitions, iu which the noule 1 concurred* The Speak*r !?.ii before the House a 1 letter t:.e lectetary of the trealury, tia-dmitun* a tfs tment of the export, \ of the U. S. from the id ot October,! ISO 4, to the tft of October, IKO5 —I by which it ippea-s that the whole ex-; | ports of the L . S. from that tune amount J /y jto • • * IJJ OUjO 2 1 1 Os which amount the exports of domestic growth or uian. ufa tiu re arc, - 52,587002 And those of foreign growth or manufacture, - 45,179 019 j r\ bill lor eftab! thing trautng liouies .with the Indian tr:te3 was read a third 1 tune and patted. J A bill in addition to an art entitled jan ad to regulate the- grants 0$ land, land to provide for the dtlpofal of thei hands of the U- S. ioutli of the il. ‘e of j ,TcnnefLe was read a third time and, IpaiT.d A bil’ to amend in the cases therein; J, the ■ ‘t to regu’ate t’.-e cobec- 1 ! tion of c-':k:*o u.’i'* ts r.r.d t mnagt, was -*■>;! ft third time a > i*!!ei. The H -jfe icfoiv.-d itfelf into a com- j m.-ttee cl the whole, Mr \ annum in the • chair —o flic to authonl'e the irate 1 ~f Tenncil e to fine grants, ami perfeft : titles to certain lands, therein defenbed ; at and to fettle the claims to the vacant and unappropriated lands within the fame. Mr. Brunt moved to strike cut the full fedion* Tais motion was supported by Mr. Blount ; and opnofed by MtfLs. Gregg, A 1 lion, G YV. Campbell, Rhea of | Ten and Pit ken. Mtffs- B-dinger, Black'edge and j Alexander fpnke agsinil the provisions 1 of tht bill gtntrally. Theqirttion was then taken on ftri ! king out eiit- fiifl ftdtion, and palled in ( the nega'ive without a ciivifi m. Various amendments were off, red, I ionic of which were agreed to, aid o- ; hers difagveed to, after coufiderable de 1 bate. Mr. PUail’r’ge moved anew fiction ; leclaring, that ibis act (hill not taker!- ‘ until the legifla'ure of North Caroli- | na (hill give their aff.nt thereto This motion was supported by Me 17: s j Blount, Macon, and Alexander, and op- ! posed by Mtflrs. Gregg, and G- W. j Crmpbcil ; and disagreed to—A yea a2. j Tne c immittce t hen ivfe and report- j ed tiie bill with lundry amendments when the iioulc adjourned about five o’clock. and The following kte-, ad.l tffc.ilj the met (hunts of A'evj Pork, to the Secretary cf State, relative to the foreign Com t.e cc of ihs United States, with the 111/ jeer thereto, is copied from a late A e 10 Toth paper ; i\ew-Yorr, March ii. Bir—l have the honor to address you, by dir. ction of a committee appoin. ,ed at ‘. gr c a meeting of merchants in th’scity, on tat a6th o> December. 1 ire opinions and ivifucs of the com tneicrai ii tor. ft of Nav York, were ex prtff-jd in their late memorial, truce winch nothing hi occurred t:> change j their lentiinents, or diumiifh their sopre- • heuli out. Seiiiibie that foreign relations muff intricate, and believing those of the U niteo States to be involved m uiiufua! perplexity, the merchants of NeW-kork have waited m liience, but with anxiety, the deveiopement of tbofe me-afurcs W..1C11 me witdom of government may iiave devtfed for redress of wrings alrea by fuffered, and protection againit injj I ties Uni apprehended. liven in this late hour, a 1 though warranted a well by ine uiage ut other nations*, eg by our repub lican lnftituttong, freely to ask, and con fidently to expert every iifeful informa tnin, which can be given without em barrafiing the measures of government, tiicy would Hill preserve the fame res pcCtfnl liience, it tiicy were not otherwise impeded t,y motives of irrefiflable force. fbe fealou approaches to commence their moll important ouera ions, cicp<_n dant for fucccls on continuance of peace The pielcnt ftagnauon of bull efs, if protracted, would not merely dimini fit their profits, but mu(l diftrtfs those o‘ their fjlovv cit zens who depend on daily labor for daily bread U mull injure those aiio who procure by felling the pro- I uudlioua of their toil, articles of ftihfis I tance wriicli liabit has rendered aec. fiary to comfortable existence. O 1 the other hand, merchants a: cl inferors n nil be mined if they adventure on calculations eff-ntially erroneous, the mechanics with whom they are connected, muff be involved in she tame cauftrophe. Tile produce of our country vviii then no ln- ger find those markets which g?.v * a tpring to national inautiry, aud thus our prosperity will vaniih. Under the pr. ffurc of such great cir. curaftances, the merchants of New York ] hope it will not be deemed impertinent, j refpertfully to foheit information on four | dithnS points, highly i terejl tig. and ate j ! n/.rv involved in dangerous cftu >iy > Hie situation in which \Ve are placed with | Fngiand, elatnis the fiift Notice, btcsufe j of tier prodigious military power,wtucli is ‘ 1 apprehended by tome may be iuddenly J employed to annihilate our commerce \1 e with to be informed therefore ivheth- i I e the lt jurious princ pes adopted by tier j* nave been relinquished or tx tended ? whether the meatures ilivifed by the wtidoin oi government to obtain te- drtfs, cotopenfation aad lecurity, promise a iuccclslul ret till ? Or whether the merchants mull expect more potentous e- I vents ? Rumours hav prevailed refpefling our rclaiio s to t*ie eppofite beliigereuts, and of events tending to embroil in vvitu them wliicii have alarmed the merchants ot New-York I'hey are deli ous ct know Tg whether thole rumours be idle and j vain, or whether, from trarlaCtions in j the knowledge of goviruoient, it would j lie prudent to suspend, or wholly to a band-n, our ccmmerce with F.auce and Spain ? There was reason to believe, that peace had been made with Tripoli, but as no ratification cf 3 treaty has been officially publithed, the merchants ivifh to know whether inveltmmts for the Meditevrane an can he lafeiy made, or whether they ir.uit provide igrtnlt the depredations or Baroary curfmrs ? Finally, the plunder and outrage to wliicii commerce is xpole ! in the vVctt | Idles, aud even our own coails, . nrltr it Itbfirab'e to know whether g crnrr.s • t | c-inttmplate erntYoymy a uJe-Ct.ibie ua - j | val fore-. :o rcpicta thole preuato:y rg ! Igrefftons : j lam dirert.d ‘ y tie c.-mn.-itjc to a.i- j 1 z tc. .-.* ;it lot: nt: , or even to, ‘; y r !.-• the ‘ T■’ -of gw f. , “ j e £r tl-r aifclo'urc of nv-.u)'” t. which. | thtv may decin uieful or convenient to i 01 tea! j more tfpeciaffy to aik any thi-'Sf : nc rnpatiable with your official obligati.* 1 O’ 8. With greet refpefi, I have the honor to remain, St, Your moft obedient, Humble ferv3:it, THOM AS FARMER. Hon. James Maddison, ; Secretary Departrr.e .1 if State. Department of Stair, Marti Jj, Sir, * I hare Thrived the letter which yo* ! rt rote ire on the nth in ft. by dire&ion | of the committe appointed by a General i Meeting of the merchants of New-Yoik. I The foliettude of tbofe engaged in for. . eign commerce at the prelent crisis which led to the application, could not fail to j av/ak-n the regret that the court* of ; mercantile operations could not, in all j cases, be regulated by a more precise i knowledge cf the profpedt of foreigtt I occurrences j but you are, douhtlefs, j lenlible that a communication of the tea. ! lures of that profped, which if not mul i tipbed and varied, with the roultipS.ed ! variations incident to it, mult itfeif be come a source of miscalculation, would ex need the duty and responsibility off any government, as it would frequently do the rules ol prudence if the talk were’ Ids impracticable. It is only, therefore, in peculiar cases, where the exillcnce, or the decided approach of events deeply affecting the interests of the whole or particular clafics of citizenß may be known to the government, and not fuf* ticicntly within the general means of coi j-ft lire and anticipation, that fpccial notifications can be required cither accor. uiwg to expediency or usage ; and it is a juflobjct of congratulation in this country, that luch is the degree of publi city given by the ordinary vehicles of circulation, to foreign occurrences and appearances, and fnch the capacity of 1 cui mercantile fellow citizen-, for ap. ! predating them, that that intelligent portion of the community is a little ce pe .dent in the United States on the notifications of the government as in any country whatever. Penuaded, fir, that the juftaefs of theft- remarks will at once be received, I make no other apology for limiting the answer to your enquiries), to a general .fin, of the disposition of tne prefi deut, to give to every class of citizen# the proper information which it may he with rhe executive to afford, ahd to aa intimation, that whatever embarraffmenta or nftis may be incident to particular branches of commerce, the occafiou it rot of a character to jutlify the govern, ireni in undertaking to predict or defend them. I have only to add,-that the delay itj acknowledging your letter, has proceed ed from other duties,-prdfing both as to liroe and importance it was pcffible at. to, that the interval might have produced the means of a more iaiisfactory answer, to particular articles of your enquiry. 1 have the honor to be, Sir, with great rtfpe&, Your obedi.-flt servant. J ‘MLS M ‘DISOM. Thomas Farmer a q New York. From the American Citizen. The following letter is from Thomas’ P■‘in: t> a gentleman in this city, <wi.b con sent to its publication. “New Rochelle, March 20, ISO 6. “ I will inform you what 1 k. ow re flecting gen. Miranda. I iirlt became acquainted with him at New Yoik, a. bout the year 1753. He is a man of talent and enterpniteja Mexican by birth, and the whole ot hie life ha* been a life of adventures. “ 1 Went to Europe from New-York in April 1787. Mr. Jrfierfon was then minuter from America to France, and Mr., a Virginian, (whom John jiy know A was agent for the king 0! Poland at Pad*. He was a young : man of extraordinary talents, and I firft. I “ut with him at Mr. J ff.rfon’s house at. I dinner. By his intimacy with the king J ot Poland, to whom aifj he was chamber i iain, he became well a’ quainted with the plans anti pn j els ot the uorthern powers of Europe. He told me of Miranda getting biiTtfeif introduced to the tn pief* Catharine of Ruilia and obtaining a ium of money Irnm her, of four thou sands pounds tb.rhng ; but it did rot ap pear to me what the ohjr£t was tor which the money was given. It appeared as a kind of retaining fee. “ After I had pub!idled the firft part of Rights of Man iu England in the year 1791, 1 met with Miranda at the house ot Turnbull and Forbes, merchants, Devonshire, London, fie bad a little time before this been in the em* ploy of Mr. l’itt with rei'ptif to the af rair of Nootka Sound, but I did not st that tin.o know it ; and I will, in .the ccutle of this letter, imfoim you hove this cor.iciftinn between Pitt and M ran. Ja ended, tor 1 k.iuw it ot my own Jcnowh dge. ‘ “ I pub filed tilt iecorid part of the Rights ot Man in London, in February, and I continued ir. L.ndor til! 1 iv-j cl.Ct..’ a m-oi'j'.r of the French enij. venliou in September of that year, aa ! i cut from Lone j a to Paiis to take jr j i.vt iu me c ‘live: * ton which vas 10 ! nett the 20th i t that m/ I ;•] If) , , * ft r a’ In 11)57 1 y ,4. ■ ** Af Tti-eo- .u :.tiop. tre“, Mtrasds t t-’ • f.i f■ .• i ‘ .! > orr-H. j.* * v ) • : i ■ ■■■>.• - * . ■L.-i-