Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 29, 1806, Image 3

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nnuier ; but as *L “ff V of that **rvy went wrong in die bti’inirg if the vcrr ’93. Miranda was fulpefied, and w>s | frou.rht under arrest at Paris to take Ids trial. He fumrroned ire ‘.o appear to bis character, and alto a Mr. Tliotna* Chrift'e, connedted with the house of Turnbti 1 and Fobe?. I <rxve mv tefti inonev ns I behaved, which was, that his ohjett was, and had been, the email cipatton of his country, Mexico, from the bondage of Spain, for 1 did not at that time know of his engagement with Mr Pitt. Mr. ( hriftie’s evidence went to fhsw that Miranda did not come to France as a neceflitous adventurer, hut believed that he came from public fpiurefl j motives, and that he had a large film of , money in the hands of Turnbull and j Forbes. The hmife of Turnbull and ; Eorbes wm then in contract to fwpplv j Paris with fi.uir. Miranda was acqul'ie i. | “ A few days after his acqu; tai lie ; came to fee me, and in a few days after- ! wards I returned Iris vilit- Hr Termed , dcilrousof Tatisiymg me that he was in” j dependent, and t’ t.e had money m t! r ! hands of Turnbuii ad Forbes. He did *ot te 1 me of his with old Cstha I riue ot Ruifi., nor did l leU him that Ii krewof it. Bid he entved into a eon- j verfarion w: ■ rcfpert to Monika Sound, i and pu into try 1 lands f.vetal letters of 1 Mr. Pitt to biin on that iubjecf, among i which was one that l believe he gave by j eirihikc, for when 1 ‘ad opened it and i was b.-gining to read ,he put forth bis I band and fain, “ O, that is not the U tter j i intended.” ]iui astns letter was fttort, I lo m got through it, then return - 1 ed it to hun without mak. 1: any remarks j upon it. “ Tine dispute withSoato ah .ut Nootka ‘ Sound was ..ben comp'om fc and Mr ; P: t. con promii'eu wi ll Mira;, -a for ins • f.rvices by giving him twelve hundred I pounds iltrhng, for this Wa3 tlie contents o’ nr letter. “ Now, if it be true that M brou gilt with h'rti a credit upon 1 -iain j perloi.s in Ntw-York for sixty thouland | j> uinm, (l-rti g, it is not difficult to 1 from what quarter the credit J came ; for the opening tor any prepofais j between Pia and Miranda spas already made by the affair of Nootka Sound. “ Miranda was in Paris when Mr. Monroe arrived there as tr.indler, and as Miranda wanted to get acquainted with j him. I cautioned Mr. Monroe asaiaft it, ! and told him of me iff.iir if N /ka Bound and the twelve hundred pounds. “ You art a: lib-: ty to make w! a Bit- you p'eaie of this letter, and with my name to it. “ THOMAS P ‘ INE ” Kt nTtC,’. 1 tg.'-v’ • ‘•'*?** Head £hi liters, Gcog'-i ----).i li.svi; 1,8 1 *: An , ,Bcfi. THE Commait n r in cOif f, ,vth deep regret, lua to annou ‘ce, tfie nos •M'jjt General J ,Mbs J ICKS N, j wno comma .and -d the ti it> > o. mi- ! litia, and was one of :hc Renal urs, of <. is Hate, in the C ngref® of tile U.itied t States. 1 This unfortunate intelligence wa? con veyed to rum on the 7th intt. by a letter, l dated the 17. hot iait month, from the general’s CoUea. u , the hon. Abraham Baldwin, in tne f ..’lowing w>r;’* . “ i'he ditto fli g t.-fk, ‘ my let- j “ ters have so long ltd. you to expect, I “ is -it length en* r•• fl upon m., of a,n ** io.u ing to you tbe deaih of my be “ loved and much refpeCted Colleague ** General Jackson. I have been, with ** him ail night, and cloftd his eyes ju;ti “ at the d.wiring of the day, “ It is now more than twenty years II since wc have been intimately affocia *’ ted in the duties of public life. A 41 part of the duty which I feel to be left - 41 to me is, to declare, that in tier'ing “ integrity, and honed devotion to pub* ‘‘ lie good 1 have uev.r Land his iupe -4‘ nor.” D’ ath has bereaved the flute cf a G neral and a Stat efman, who |.vas no h A vahrnt :n the field, than eminent in the cabinet. . During our revolu ioru v in tfie days ot peril, he ex. rtcu his I.'. noil powers m defence of his couu ■/* rights, and performed afls of heroifm— and in her councils both at lioiitiic and a bioad he. advanced and the in- j terefl us the il-t< witu tl- rn integrity, j undaunted p.-rfeverance, perfpicuiiy of | mind and flow of eloquence. So gr J at | were his public virtues that, from an early | part of his life, he held the firtl and moll j cillingu'fhid appointments, both civil and j nailinry, m the gift of bis date. I'd attdl tbc loss Georgia has fuftain pg by the death of her beloved general and patriotic and able fktesman, who yielded up his lad breath rom home and in the service ot h’s country, and to manif.-tb the cflimstion in which his worth and tervices are he'd by a grateful peo ple, the commancer in chiet ORDERS, a'l ofilc ersin military commiflßon be longing to this state, and reqiufts ttK civii otfi.-ers thereof, and the citir.ens in general to wear crape round the left arm for the space ot iis weeks, to commence *u the lit day of vlay next. By o< der of the Romm itider in chief, GEORG : R. CLArrON, Scc'ry. I—* v t , \POCK .T ROOK containing abour 15 ljoKo-s in Jerfev n>>tes, 3 id a tew po'ersnf no v.iue to any nut the owner tv leaving it with ti e printer, tar. finder tr.ail receive a generous reWcrd. \nr it 4 y, ; ro lk r, f T , TIE rift Tene .-;r.- > f Sufiferibcrs’ JL Firt I’. o and a-ic'. Hol.'.U NG, on the £c.,luie o< cm 1 ‘ iy- >lr |,< jj, Kic-. Immedia p .fi.V . cn !. /, if K. A J I)ULTON. Mirth li J RE PUBLICAN. SAVANNAH, April 29, trscwaTsro- • -v-ea;a .nr-oars - -i* boMS time has elapsed fit-ce ve have re ceived am-Newt, either European or Domes tic—the papers by the diiiereitt mails wear a gloomy cad with refye-ft to intereiling mat ter. The tumults in Eu- ipe a;,pear to have the finger of silence plat- i upon their rappul brides for conquell—we are of opinion, how ever, that the rr.ent change in the Britilh i Ministry will obviate all the exifling differ ences between Great P.riram and Er nee and rn ile theltandard ofpe ‘Cf on their fhoro this may he the case f r a while, ’till the wtared f ! Her reciults from the fatigue of :he fi.dd ol battle. Mow happy ought every A mencan feel when he contrails his flotation with that ol an European ‘ —here, v. i are bleffe i wiiii a lire a’d Independent govern ment—here, we are governed by men cf our own choice—here, the mild voice of peace and plenty re found. through all our dwellings.— Ir. Europe, they are governed by I.ord.ings, and tht poor iubjecls are c impelled to obey the n and of a dei’pot 1 ! There lias been much fribbling in the dis l.i” it 1 ..e.ul papers, about the departuie o‘ the United brig Hornet, for France— they . mto oe uiu. .*’ about the l'um < f mo u y w.dch die cau .cd—u was bv oid.r c government, therefore, why Should we com pi-un ?—it is intciiat..: f r lu.i.e v;.:iub:e j.ur pofs, no doubt, of “ hum, they op; e.i- to be I ignorant. We wave .and c tmeiits >n this tub jitt ’till we c.i obtain something more oliicial. We understand that C .ngrefs was to h ive adjmir; cu on Monday the 21 It iuil j but, whether they did or not we a.-e not able to fay—v.-e alf> understand that there is much ! important matter to be pnbliihed after the ri li g of Congrels. j The notorious Nath’xw Tate is now in fife Keep.: gm the Augutia J ni—lt is mere than probanie that the oid Gal|o\ V , near this place, which has been patiently waiting for four years, will have its juit due. (Sparta C,a?.) The senate of the U. States, on the joth inll. ordered the bil prohibiting the impor ‘a’ ion of ceitain good', wares and mereltan dife from Great lir,tain, to a third reading- ; Ayes to —lies y. The only ma evtsl al.e ration, we understand, mrde in ’ins bill as it went from ‘lie house of rep eleutat ves, is to admit the imports'ion of ulatk horiles lit liizcncsr, a The Nit'onxl Inrelligencerofthe 16th inst. fay— ‘ The Senate have contented tuai dtid viled the ratification of the ‘I'll; Pi H.IT A N TREATY. The vot s were - Yeas 21,Nay s ft.” “The Senate yefterdsv pal T-d the hi',', fr m the Houle of U.eprefifi.tativ< s, prohibiting fbe imp re at lon fee tar f Britilh] goods, war. s i'.ruj merchandise, with ut ameudmefit—Yeas li) —\ .vs 9 TANARUS; bill only requires-he Ggnature of the Preljdent to La me a law.” The grand jury, fortlieT] c tates diftricl court, held at N. York, lr fund bills a gaiull Samuel G. Ogde . .1. V/, Smith, c ipt. W. Armilrong, general •'•H, a:id a as Lewis captain of the 1- a. der. ( Au’ora.) Ey a letter which has been receive ! from age itleman on V a-d the L'-amit r, it a so*? rs that Miranda i? preparing an I expe .1 .'! anjairilt fo>ne part of the Span uti poss ifio s. T’s important secret, communicated 1 by Mr. Sayre turns out ?s we supposed, -- q ‘-. Norfolk Ledger. Capt E ler, arrived at Charleilon on t’’* 27 n in.'!. Barbaloes, flares, 41 That an ‘ xorefs boat, from Trinidad % brought accounts two days before lie | f-'ded, that General Mirund had ef | t tt -d a landinij at Barcelona, on thi | S; s -'fh Mam.—lt was further Hated, ] that tie had been joined by two British If tpa es Eiiis inti Uiyrence ha i cncited j confidcrable interest at Birbadocs. jR< ports fix 1 Mirandds force from three to Xve hundred men. Ttie B i fli outward bound Jamaica : fleet, confHiug of eighty-four fail, under convoy, had touched at Barhadoes, and fade again, several days before captain E-’cs left that port. The British ad. miral had called in all the armed vefTtls on that Itation—-bis rcafous were not known.” O.i Thurfity the io‘-h inst. the coun c l for the defendant, in the c.ife of tli United States agamft Samuel G. Og den, charged w.;h being concerned in the expedition of the Lcaride-r, moved to put off the trial till the next fitting* in Sep tember, on his affidavit, that in the trial of trie cause, Jam.* Madiion and four o ther perfjn? (naming then) were mate ria! witntfk-s ; rnd that he believed that at tnat time tie fttould be able to avail hnnlelt of their teitimony. His honor judge'Talma ge, yerterday morning, toid them he would grant the requett fu far as to poitpone tr.e trial, but not to.thc time they moved sot ; but be meant to exer cif* the authority with which hr was in veit-d and w-’.ild order tp cial fittings on j rile 1 | a of July : to whicii iie would put 1 c.t M r, * Adv, 1 1 1 rrbsttat covsi srrvcr. | Mr. Randolph, m his speech upon the | resolution ot Mr. Grcpir, took the liber ty to inveigh, with conliderable afperitv, againll the conduit of fomc eminent re-1 publicans. This has, all at once, made ! him excefiively dear to the federal party. *\ hen a man difeovers that he is potfes- j fed of the talent of a billingsgate hero— j that he can declaim in flowery language without reafbn, and calumniate without caul'e, he is immediately claimad, and un questionably with juttice, by that party, l’his speech, which, to make the belt of it, appears to be but the ebullition of enraged paflions—the offspring of dis appointed ambitidn, is now circulating |in the federal papers, and its author be -1 daubed by that party with flattery as gross and difgatttng as their ILs to men of feiifc and independence. The man whom they designated, at the time ot thi trial of Judge Chafe, as a fraclious and disorganizing Jacobin, they now coniidt r a correct and virtuous politician. This is the eorjijhncj of tedenihfm. Pol. 01 ft v alary. MARRIED, on Thurlilay cvevdn.; I ft, hv the rev. Mr. Holcombe, Mr l r .i.;nv ■ ck I)e*, to Mil’s Majy M. Reaiuoh, both of this city. D'ED, in tlie Hate of New York, on the to* i inll. after a long and tedious illness, in the yS:h year of hts age, lit Hon. Horatio Gatis, Lieutenant General in u lervice of the U- S.aiet. during the He revolutianary war, in which fewice it liguallzed l.imf It as a! faithful, brave, galiant and dnlin, uithed ..fitcer. He rs a whig in Lngluid, uda genu n* Rep>)blican in /unerica. ] He was a(t?iliad to oe crate ol Atveri ca from a tuli ciV’Vjctinn of ks i'lil.ce, and fought faithfully uuc.l its banners through every ftaj c of the joiifliCt. Pori of Cci'oaviah. A R RIVED, Sicop Pocket, Man in, New-Tot l. CLEARED, Ehip Nwy, Hobbs, d.iverfcoi; Brig Ch-f.ili.t. Houih-y, Lew York ; Schr. Hope, Hcu vry, Cbarhj lon ; G\ res, Nelson , do. Simtei i‘s tuns, Boyd, Dominicoi Ann & H.iriolt, Whip fie, Bujion) Sloop PaSur, Slow, New Totk. Brig Economy, Smith, from his port for Alexandria, has.arrived in Hanpium iltads. Trufttes of the I'refl • “nan Chur-cti A give notice, that all notes for Re\ re. 1 winch ri.iiiiin ui’paift, on the 10th ol May next, will he pot in lu.t agreeably to a lielo lnt ion palfed ihe 2 tt • 1 MuiCh. bLnJ. MAURICE, ) T r. FLY ING, > Tiaifteea. JOHN HUNTER, ) April i). 3 l - 10- —*• \N EVfiion will Wc held at the THE A T Hi., on Saturday, the ;d day of May next, for Enliguin tlic 1!!. company Cl.ath?ni Regiment, in the room ot Stephen B. Ghirl. promoted.-*—John Love, and Adam C ;-e, Eiijrs. will fupcrmtenii laid e'eiftion. Lj c. Nr .fUej lhfc, J. PETTI HON L, Cap. April 05- (>) ASSIZE for March, I^o6. price ( >r i'l^(>l T K bfing tuii .! .UckTS A. anil a half per barrel, weight of Bread mult be, 12 i-* cents Loaf I 6 1-4 cent; Loaf b I OZ. J lib. *-'A 07. Os which all Bakers and Sellers ol Bread are to take due and paniculur notice. j* CUYLEII. City Treasurer. iOu**cJfiwwar.s>. .:-a- womta- TO THE PUBLIC. Mr. J AMES HE LEY in ordtr t'dpay his d*bt to me. pub ilhed m the Patriot of v< fter ! av. f verai falfe, fcandaloin and libelous assertions me. Coinpel | led, in my own defence, to pur;.(lt the ef forts of malignly by a public sentence, my time was entirely devoted to this buli nefs, left the difeharge of the Grand jury ‘ ffioiild put it off to another term. 80 *:ir cumftmeed, it was imp..fable to have prepared a ttatern*-nt for this day; paper. To entreat a suspension of public o pinion, until Friday, would argue a doubt of the jultiue 01 those who have so eneroufly paiionifed my endeavors hi therto ; and who, 1 trust. will r.oi, on in vcltigatioi), find me unworthy of ilia 1 patronage with which 1 liave been l.oii oied. NICHOLAS MADCETT. Aprsl 2d, 1 JTj'v b iLd, \I.O fia Yamacraw —with a two llory Brick HOUSE and two Wooden Tenements thereon —well cal culated for dv/elling.h rules—they w ill be fold on moderate iciu.s and a i;brra. credit.— For further particular apply to LORD i-f HALL, or JOHN HU NIL, R. If not foil witiiin a few clay,, they will \ be Rented—either ftparatcly or together.! TO HIRE, A Wench, and a fmsrt attire j Boy, apply a? abfte. April 29, I 80 (1. Gt *JO I A. SO i\ liS.N r.rt. co 10. Next door to Dr. fierthelot, and near !y cp 1 poll re *0 the H It Office, FAVF. JUST RECEIVED, PilK the brig GEOKGIA from Nevr York, in addition to their 1 tirier (trek, A FRE>H SUPPLY OF I A DIES kid, Morocco and I. : r flip ‘ -a per*, Misses do. do. flutters, Ge 'lcrren’i ie (h oe: r and ptunpH, *.: i A 1 ! warranted to \>< of iho hrl: qudir . ]SJ,ACKIN*G of th': Hrlt nulli ty, :u.i gcui-jdl/ • -r ‘ art*ia r hue, k V U'• hU - y fr , i * r ‘ i iti *t r t<> r■ • i r > •’! : 3 | n.t? f. Bolton, ; AT AVE receved r.n coiifigiiinent from a! PHIL ADEL PHI \, L,.*l and Lisnip Sugar of he flrft Oiuliry, put Bp “1 Barrels ; ! Which the, offer for file. April : s ’ fit. ty Sa >n ue. I IV: Hi am x, HAS removed to the jloie lately oc J enpied by McllVs. H. Knctland & Cos. and formerly by hmafclf, on Mo rel's wharf, where he will continue the GROCER Y BUc 1N P.iS. April rj, ti. 9 WANTt.D, \ N OVERSF.F.R, a fi. glc man Well ac j dX. giutiuel wiih lticc plaining, who can bring g >od recomme iduious of Ins bon city, lobriety aid abilities. Apoly to the lubl’criber at Cotton Ham, Rrva ‘minty. JOHN 111 MOREL March 11 55 J ouiv.l i)jr a JsJcjl o, Two miles out of tnv- n:t Sa*'u>(Ly eve ni’>g la:’, Three Bmk Bills. I The owner r.aj L ive them bv proving tie I Gifts, paving t” r ■ hath ertif ment anti rte warslug tlw N’cgr. f rtuh’ntll . CH - Ri. RS COPE. April 8 fi, TO El* J’. I A large rerivcn rut D VELLING I /’s. HOUSE, Bud well lifted tip STORE in a central situation, either j icpaUidy or together. T< una will he ! made very real*'■liable- Apply to the ; printer*. j February 1 f j TO Ll-.T, THE WHARF AND STORES U'OUMKIiI.Y occupied by Mi-tlrs. WiH'on >• Kmox, anti < \ prcScnt By Mr. AirJrtfw Kiux. Thfi pruduclivr ;• nd cu ivcnien! fi ination is so well hnowii, gs to rtnuire n. further t xplimatioii. For terms <>l 11. \\ and) ne. November 1 19 AUCTION.” ON Monday the 16 o June next, wi i h - told in cU’ i OWN OF h ML. EDOfcviLl.E, a number ot LH> IS in the f-tici to'.vn 10 lx c 1 twr ry five, ic to trie l■> :;s o lur u cr Lie. J uli “i I T-rbert, A M. Deve'eaux. H well I I -nry L D di'j Cr’-’ It \ n. t omen joners. April 22. Ci. i. saw, GroKCiA, ) By J din G-. L. iS. r Hu.’ ilpcr, clerk 1 .O. Niudi.iuok? . .ot the ‘.: i t ol ordinary for the county of Eiit., lmn, in the tlatc ot Georgia. W’ HERE AS David B M th ell applies f t l> / e s i t aii miniHrafi.n on the ctizlc z and tff fil. ofWillian L. Hall, is c of r.ta g urn Cuun.'y, diteafod, Acoi.tcy tor ceitdii/i Credit, is of fht; fan.; Jcceafcd. Thcfe are ths'i%e t. : e .1 nd admonilli ail auu ii . ular t c kind eJ and C cili.'ord < f he .aid cJc ‘paled to file n"ir cjhjsiti’-ns ( 1 an they b”) in my, on cr or s . *■ t c lit day pt next, otheiwiti et cu *-.!! be gr?n2cd h’ tz Given iiider my hind ill fra! /his tuur/eenih dty r.f Apiii ibo6, and in the rbi./iem \ca r us Aiuciican Ind-prridence. April 19 70 GEORGIA. | Iv oi.ariei .• ;, v . ... (L. ) s hy, die. of ihe i ourt C. rVoeri’.e'hv. Jof ord; .-ir f,r trie r ‘Ui.ty of M In.olh, in tne flat; afore fail. ” JJ ’ 1 E RE A S \1 r 1 ! AMP DE N y y iVMN I’OSH a. p ies ic; let ters o ad nntiftf ition r-n il e eftaic md effct.b of Mr. < it n,y M'lntofh, ate of Chatham county, dsceafed, as ota-r.(l r f kin. i he.c a e rherefor*! to cite and aflmntiifh all and iinau'-r tr.e Ic ndredarid credi or* of tne f. i ’ ijeceaf ri to file tiie.r r,i (if my they have} in my offLe on or be* tite all th day ot At>ri , next, e'herw fc iettcis xvill be granted hi.n. (nven under niy hind and fra /his third d.y of March 1 hob, and in .he 30'n year of A i.crtcin ludepen- de-re. f55 J PUBLIC NUILCfc -1 T^T Nr.Lce *s hereiy given, i that at the expiration of f’.r.ty luaysfiorn this date, to wit, on he j 19 h day of April rex , WILL lr I rJIAJ at PLBJTC AUC 1 ION, j t the Court'houfc in this C ty, be ween the r*curs of 10 and i _’c; x, AI. L thaL LO T of LAND jin Garpctiie.’s Row, tontainint/ 36 j reet in froi t anti 150 fen deeu ; t.e j t!,e t*al ellatc of Afapn 1 owe ; I !fold ty order o? the Infriior Cr.urr, ’ or tne beiefil < f th<* .cirs ar.d cr*d’ tors. ASA HGXgY, niiio’ior Feb. Ib law On TT Tilt cjr.7.; Lie was pnftpoucO | until ‘ , h .a) of M ■■/ rert, svuen it jW1 .*a‘ /” ] SMKRIFF’s SALgT, hi IT.L1 T .L be sold on Tuesday thi third day 0 f Jure next, at the Lou t house in Savannah, be tioe-r. the hours of ten a .and two c'acek. AL.L that part of a 10-of hmd on the 1 ,v containing (ix*y Let in (rout and ninety feet in depi'i, the r tit rn put of Lot No three Jekyl Ty hir<r D.irby Ward in tit* cuy of Sa vannah, iiii.l a? rhe propi rty of George TiUtCj of Sav inr.ah tay lor, to a morrgi e there on to Wm. Crawford, duly lore doled. T. ROBERTSON, s c c. April zy, 70* She. iiD Sales. AT the Court house in the Citv of Savannah* on the fir It Tutl'lay in June next, will he v!d, ‘ etv een the hours of Ten and !hr e o'cL ck, one oodi vhlec! oioiry of a Traft of land, rent .lining [iv on inal (urvey, Cri;<- 1 L-i-uiand, 1 iui te, lying, a id b.eir.u on -ihah r.V’ r, in the c tiniy >1 E ffinghant, op o hte pii'isbu pit, boriced by i .nde 11 >in .Iy Pationx ■ i Lew is. s The *it 1 rraft u ;i inp ot E ver fivamp.abojndin .tm line C’ j.vubeized and taken unuci execution, as the j roper v- I Ba. tholjnhr- iv Waldi-'iger dee*, i, to latisfv a Judp; ntnt obuiiiK ti by Ahi on and John .Tinniryhaoi—Ru nted by the Ifixetu . r of Wa.doe.ger. T. Robertson, i> c. c. April 29 70 cT . ERIOR CdUkiJ C bc’lb-im Cckn’.y, } Im LQJI 1 Y. 5 OT lit pc rionoijt hn Mead in..’ bem > . ell tiled of federal n. 1 hand and eviden j res •• and. ,hi longing to the late )■ Gordon deteafed, as hah'.uuit*. hereto an . ~ and that rhe lame have iuit t .’ and that c >pies of the fame as near he petitioner can re. >n..t ate now lodged m tie el’ ; id:; olfice, tegelher with arj • if: In it that he la i c have been been iott iiy a cidcntj & t raying a.-e‘ inttnled by die lix'h let To .1 of the ju iitiaJ ad of i jyu. an t o her circun, il pi out lie rgy alfj laid before f'e oint, It is ordered, thar the laid notes and evidences of di bt* •e eftabiiflied as cl 1 recited !>y die >a’J fixed led o” or Hie jodicial • t, on trie laid J )hn Mead pub •.illiiug a notici foi tht (pace of ix tnoiiths in one of the public of inis citv, unless t aufe i’ ill lie fhrwn to the court with in the fa id hx months, or other c act*-; full appear to the court a (i ’ unit lit !a •e. h>CH< DULE. ON it ty Alexandet job..jit, , rated ith Ma) <8 ), I tjuuie it June iSc4, for 44. it duilarj un i47 cert's. One drawn by ti. Duke dated junity iii>G2, payable 30 days af ter date, fur i3i douai s 53 1-4 ants. One drawn by Lemuel Kol loitc, dated 6it /tugUjt, 1 .00, pay acne todays after date, for t 8 j dollars 50 ccntt. One drawn by IDO) Magee, dated 3// May, lUO4, payable 60 days after dale , for <;t dollars 97 cents. One d’awn by Charles LindergUcn, tinted 3 1 May, 160D payable 30 days aficr date , 100 dollars . One drawn by Nathan Deal for 100 dollars, bv.t to w orn payable l do not recollect, left by Charles Goodwin, esq for tolUAion. A >nt ip sgned by sir 7 P,Qn~ sail of i.ngland for iOj pounds seer ling,’ to Aim Ann Davies, with s.veial re,apis on tie bud jor t e u.terest , Tsue extra# from the rccotdi. J. BULLOCH, Cln, Jjn. jt, iaw. 6m. 45. THE SUBSCRIBER, UAS removed to the Wharf and Smrea belong / ‘ . Mr,. Hunter, iormeny -ned ly .vtmira. i> nter it Miuia, wlaaere ;,u c iiucs to trant act die ; and Commission ftusiness, Joseph Habersham. j Mirch 2i. *s