Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, May 02, 1806, Image 2

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I DIJCA'I IO •* /r US C. \N P !<, r<” rn I r ’ 1.111 •!< I iVLthc JH,'. ! i ■!.* ir .;r: • I >i ■ ‘ which (lie a ill e.uU-v ■ ’iK'i r, by leuul ous and inrenntud aiiei.tion to tt.e improve went of bei u| bhe to tv.a.-, to i lUadii,;, V.'iis.!.( \rilhn.etic. Mar in;; and pain Nmlle W-.ik She a ill reieivo A irvv more ia. unlarfc—-and /- date yntin;; Ladies w “1> buaiding and I'dg iii(;. Tilt’lituation <( her re fide i ice, Irom its airir.rls, i exirenirly pled: ft, and v.rH adapted to aSi hool It is at the I -”ffi cornet Barnaul liitct oppefi c to Mis. Bin April 18. 6 b v..-~ NOTICE. A 1. 1, prrf-ns having demands arainr the lulricnbcn*, tiihor .... copiru tr oj individuals, will p’.calc piclcnt them lo me ut, *t their cJiiiUii-g-Urjlc, vv. i , delay. Mein, Mackay & Cos. Sav. March a8 .Slifi l!i s iaieS. On the fitft ‘ luefday :n May next, at the CuU< t-house, in this Ci'y ielwetn the b.urs of ten anc three o'click, Kill be said, k LL that trad of land on f\ 1 lutchir .soil’s I Hand, cun- j ijiuiiiv called Bailie !> Heine, ton- 1 taming two hundred acres, riiOic or less. Seized as the propert) of James Mt.H'.nan, under fun- Cry executions. Continued from Talcs. Also, A lot on Bay-ltreet in Savan nah, joining the eltate of Doois, comairiing 6j feet front, ant! yo /rt t depth i wi:h all the bric ks, on the preiniles, a confiderablc part of which, was imported (torn Liverpool a few \ears ago, ALSO, A part of a lor, 16 feet front, by go depth, with die improve ments theieon, joining the fame. Seized as the property of James Molf naii, under sundry execu tions. Conditions made known at the day (if (ale, fold at the rilque of the former purchaltr, he r.ot having complied with the terms of sale. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. April 4. Cl. Sheriff’s Sales, On the firil ‘Tuesday in A lay next , will be fold at the Guuii- Lou e in this city, between the hours of io and j o'clock, THE following negroes (to wii) l SS A BELLA, RACHEL, LAWRENCE, JIM, BESS anti POLLY, taken under ex ecution to larisfy Jamss Alger, the property pointed out by the defendant. T. ROBERTSON, s c c. April 4 63 SHERIFF’S SALES. O.V the fit il Tuesday in May ne't, -t ill be fold at the Court llouj’ in this city, between the j hours of ten ad three o’clock. trad of LAND, in the partition of Cum berland I Hand, being the Somh ui ;i ill half part of L.ot No. 9, j b O ’ the writ bv lands I l<> J■. !m i ‘ bi b mo'li, north L>) ) 1 --3 of in ei ; ue of Lynch, v 01 tan and loutft by hi’ i v. de eifate iff gen. Green, lb t •1 to comam 400 acres, h 1 more or 1 els. bcivo and b/ virtue of an exeruti- Oi), the date, vs. eltate of Jus tice hi. Sc lumber, dec. pointed out by the Ex’or. T. Robertson, s. c. c. March 11 Sheriffs Sales. AT the Court house in the City of Savannah, on the firit I'liifday in June next, will bt old, between the hours of Ter j tnd Three o’clock, one uadi-• dded moity of a Yraft of land, containing by original l'urvey, ant ‘Thcu/and acres,lictrate, lying, . id Dcing on o.ivannah river, in the countv of Efßr.gham, oppo- ; lice* Rurisbu gh, bordered bv 1 lande formerly Pattons and Lew ises. Ihe laid traift confuting of R : vir fwamp,abounding wit n fin Gyprui*. Seized and taken under execution, as the proper ty of Bartholomew \\ alffbcigci dec‘d, to Larisfy u Judgment obtained oy Aaron and John Cunningham —•Pomted by the Executor of Waldbergcr. T. Robertson, s c. c. April ly , 50 I None*. A K 1 1. L r rrO be entitled “ Ordinance for j “ the purpose of ekabliffiing and 1 1“ organ zing a regular Night Watch, or better protecting the city of Sa- I” vaimuh,” is ordered for a third rea ding at the next regular meeting of C'runcil, bv which two ofTiccra and i twenty four watchin n are to he aj.p .in- j Led with the foi'owing falare3 to I'irlt officer, sixty dollars ptr month. | o-.cond ofii er, filiy dollars per month, ; and watchmen, thirty dollar, each per month. The t.ffici rs and watchmen to he ap pointed. w.ll he Ttquired to give bonds j j with fuffi :ient fuitiie , for the j duties rtquired by laid Ordinance. The applications of Candidates, r.a- ! ming the-ir furetit s, will be received at • the Cl it* Office, until Monday the sth of May next. liy Order of Council. ]. Rl. WilLon, c. c. April 25 NOTICE. r ~r~ l HE fuhfcr.ber being appointed /f ----\ JL f'ff or *^ IC dy council, lutreats ! gentlemen rtlidtnU, and the agents of ai.ieiitcea, to conftder the law lor the sup port of a cay Watch, that they may be prepa ed to render an aceourtt of their lax.ib’es when he wails upon them Free negroes and perfon* of color ere to make returns to the affi floras the law di recta. JOHN L RICK ELL. April 2J. C<j. FOR SALE. THE houle at prefect occu. pietl as the Republican Printing Office ■, Lumber or the latou. of a Carpenter will be received in payment, tor particulars ap ply to LOW. L. DAVIES. Nov. 17 24. ts. T U R. R A T. STORES l'Jos. 7 aud 10, in the F.x change. For terms apply at my offic THOMaS PITT, Sec’ry. Rovemler ly ts 26. lOff I HE SUBhLl'ifil l<h, ij’HOM the want of punctuality in the greater number of thole for whom the; have Deen toiling, aliiduoully for several ; ears pall, find themlcivcs eiriharaffed by demands they ;annot answer. J'hey are therefore compelled to call in this manner u,i n all thole indebted to them, to pay the whole, a part, or liquidate the lame by the firit day ot juy nc.\t ; after that date every unliquida ted baoh debt to the commencement of the prelent year, will be placed in the hands o au attorney lor collection. lvollock & Parker. April 18 7 6. TIIE SUBSCRIBER, HAS removed to the Wharf and Stores belonging to Mrs. Hunter, formerly occupied by Me lb*. Hunter & Minis, where he cautiuuts to tranl'adt the Paciorage and Commission business. Joseph Habersham. March 23. ia FOR SALE, \ LOT in Yamacraw—with a two £\_ llory lirick HOUSE and two Wooden Tenements thereon—well cal cukutd for dwelling.houfes—they will be fold on moderate terms and a liberal credit.—For further particular apply to LORD ts HALL, or JOHN HUNTER. If not fold within a few days, they will be Rented—either separately or together. TO PIPE, A Nrgro Wench, and a smart aftive Doy, apply as above. Jp, il 2<j , 1806. 9 O A. SCKIbNt'.K Os Cos. Next door to I)r. Berthtlot, and nearly op pofite to the I’. Il Office, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, Pfc'.K the hi ig GEOKGIA from New York, in addition to their former Uock, A FRESH SUPPLY OF LADIES kid, Morocco and Leather lllp per*. Mules do. do. flippers. Gentlemen’s fine (hoes and pumps, itc Sec. All warranted to be of thr tint quality. LIQUID BLACKING of the tint quali ty, and generally every article in then line, which they Hatterthemfelvet wT 1 give fat’.*, fi.v >ll as 10 the quality and puce. April 18 fry FOR SALE, a Capital trial of ;o2 1-2 <*cres of Lind Itn the stb Jifriß of JJ.Edwin count t. For \fwticutart enquire of the printers cj this paper. Jat- 7 37 AUCTION^ ON Monday the i6ih June next, will be fold in the luwn of Milledceville, a number of LOTS in the laid town not to exceed twenty five, agreeable to me terms of form er Laic. John Herbert, A. M. Dcvereaux, Howell Cobb, Henry Carlcton, Davis Gresham. Comivjiouers. April aa. jaw, At To -_jif ti.’ i at J- it.; JWS* cX*. . Nii\ ii i CONG KEsS. lie USE or P.EPRESE.s TAT IVES I/IoNDJir, /tkil 14. Mr. J. R„ndnlpb said he was about to rail the attention of the House to a j ful j-cd, which he fliould not have pro ■ bub. y have b ought into view, but for the j 1 change wrought in the rt.te of the re -1 venue, in confrqucßce of the peace con ’ eluded with Tripoli. Ain >r.g the dit- ! i ferent articles from which monies were I j drawn, there was none so heavily burthen- j I id as fait ; at.d it wou/d be rccollccfed : that it wasoneof the nccdLtries of life, j end an article the free ute and confump | tion of which uas of material importance Ito the agriculture of the country. Two atts had been ptff.d laying a duty on tin* ar icle. It was no new thing to tv.(h—it wa9 indeed extremely dtfirable —to ditnintlh, if not to take otf this du ty ; and for that purpose lie submitted the following resolution ; Refo.'ved,'Vfiit the committee ofWays and Miatis be inflrutlcd to enquire into the expediency of repealing so much of any att as lap a duty on fait, and to re port iuch provilion, as may in their o pinion, be calculated to meet the de iiciency oncalioned by that repeal. Mr. Thomas said, the committee of Way* and Means, of which the gentle man from Virginia (Mr. J. Randolph) who haß made the motion, was and ltd! is chairman, were initruftesl, by this House, in the early part of lait session, on a motion which he had the honor then to tubmit, to ei quire into the ex pedtency of reducing the duty on fait, and if he recollected right they were di tefted to report by bill or otherwise, but Irom fome citife or other, to him un known, that committee had never yet made any report on that fubjed—cour tcly might induce him to impute this negltd to the multiplicity of buftnefs put into the band* of the mctr.bers of that committed. He, Mr. T. always corfidered the du ty 011 this article too high, and failing particularly heavy on the agracultural pait of the community. It was now and always had been his wilh to reduce it as soon a* our revenue would permit, if con lifteut with the provilions made for pay ing off our national debt, and meeting the other exigencies of government—so. his part he was at a lol's, however, to ditcover that the present situation of our icvenue, and the calls on government for npcndituie, together with the prelint afped of our foreign relations, warran ted this mejfure more now than la A year. It was time that the war with the Bar bary powers up the Mediterranean ha u ccafcd, but it was also true, that the two and an half per cent additional duty on goods paying ad valorem duties, hac , likewise ceased with the peace conclud ed with Tripoli—This Juty was laid for the support of, and was more ti,an ads quate to theexpence of that war. lie repeated, that he was in favor of reducing the duty on fait, whenever we could part with so much of our revenue. He regretted, howner, that the gentle man from Virginia (Mr. Randolph) had not brought th's fubjed up at an earlier period of the fefiion when it might have been in our power to have examined into it, and if found pradieable to have re duced the duty ; but as the gentleman is himfelf chan man of the committee, 1 aud has it in bis power to ad on it im mediately if he pleales, he hoped he (Mr. Randolph) would obey the irdtrudions of the house when predicated on his own motion, although he did not when in truded by a resolution iubmitttd by him, Mr. T. and, therefore, he would volt for the resolution with an expedition that we fhail, now at leait, have a report on the iubjtd. Mr. J. Randolph, said he had but two or three words to offer on the fuhjtd or the motion said to have been offered du ring the lass year on this point. He had a diftind rtcolledion of such a mo tion having been offered ; and he also recolleded that he bad told the mover of it, that it was not then poffkile to take off the duty upon fait, inasmuch as they had only the session preceding been com pelled to r.ift additional revenue for the purpotc of carrying on the Tripoiitaß war. He did m t recoiled whether the resolution had been agreed to by the houle. But it would he recolleded chat 1 during the latter part of the fefiinn the ! moll adlive members of the committee of { Ways and Miens were ahnoll cxclulively engaged in conducing an impeachment depending before the other braiieh of the legifiature. If the committee of Ways and Means had failed in their duty to make a report, the Houle would per ceive that it was on one of these trivial motions, which had been made under circumttanccs that did neit entitle it to refpeft. For when it was coufidered that they had recently been obliged to resort te> new taxes for carrying on an tx itling war, it couid not have been cxp.c. ted that they were in a lliuation to dif pcafe with old ones. Tiie rcafon why I tins resolution had not been brought tor ward at an tailier period of the fcfiuin, Mr. R. laid, was molt obvious, lie hau’ i not heard of the cooclulion oi peace with Tripoli till Saturday, and this was, therefore, the earheil occafioa that eiLr ed for making it. Mr. Cb-na cr said he hoped the mo tion would prevail. He hxu hunted con templated making a limilar motion. Mr. Smi.ii iikewtfe supported the bio! ion. Mr, p.'jhn laid he heartily concurred ji.l the propriety of taking off the da y lon fait ; but he thuugnt ttie house lought p-evio’ally to know what equiva lent Could he biought forward Tins fa'cjtd had been thought of before this proportion bad been luLnutted, and the continuation of the duty of two and a ; half per cent, had been conlideied an ! acivifa'ole fubHitute. He nail no doubt that the duty on lalt might be difptti fed with, and that which he had referred to would answer as a substitute. But he had doubts of the propriety of the : •iiredion pmpof.d to be given to this jbufi. efs. He thought this resolution, I j together with that t ffered by a gentle j man Horn M?.ffachufett3, fnuuld go in : baud with each other—whether they j went to the committee f the whole j house, or to the committee of ways and j means, was immaterial to him—that it! one of these fourecs of revenue were j given up, the other fltould be at the fame time fubtlitutcd in room of it. He said he did uot know in what iitua tion the resolution offered by the gen tlemen from Massachusetts was, which he would wilh to know before he vated on this resolution. A member olfeived that the house had never agreed to confider it. Mr. ‘1 humus said, as the gei tleraar. from Virginia appeared to have forgot that the committee of he was chairman, were inlt'.uded to e quire in to the expediency of reducing the duty on lalt, in the early part of the lass fes liou, he wiffied the clerk to read that part of the journal. The resolution he laid passed about the firft of December. Mr. J. Randolph said he certainly did not deny the exiltence of such a re lolutton. He had only observed that he did not recollect having received it irom the cleik. The clerk read the resolution offered lass 1.-ffion by Mr. Thomas on the 7th of December, 1804, which was Inch as he had Rated, ana which appeared to have received the sanction of the house. Mr. Alylon then moved that the rclo lution Humid be referred to a committee of the wtioie, which, after a few words in opposition to iuch a mode of reference by Mr. Leib, was difagrecd to—Ayes 2 2 When the original motion obtained without a diviffon. The bill tor the lafeguard of merchant vciEtia in the vicinity of the Z/uited S. WAS read a third time. Mr. Dana oblerved that the yea* and nays had been called on several occalions 10 ffiew the difference that fu'ofifftd in the house. He hoped they would bt take 1 on this occasion to manifeff their concurrence in opinion. The yeas and nays were accordingly cken, and were—Yeas 87 —Nays 5. The bill for carrying into effect cer tain Indian treaties, was read a third time and passed. Air■ J. C • Smith, from the committee of claims, made a report on the petition of Daniel Cotton, recommending us in dt. s Ait c poiiponemtnt, in which the house I The bill making appropriations for carrying ino effect the treaty between the U. Sand the Fhickafaw tribe of Indiana, was read a third time aud pa fl ed. Air. Lyon declared himfelf agaitiff thit bill, on account of the provilions con tained 111 the tuird ieCliou, and moved a recommitment of the bill to a committee of the whole house, which was difag reed to—-Ayes 28. The quettion recarring on the passage of the hill, Mr- objected to the provilions ol the thud lections y which ate as fol lows : Sec. 3* And be it further en idled, That it any person fluff make, a fettie nient on any of the lands thus ceded by the Cherokees and Ch’, and ly ing within tile Mifufflpoi territory, ot (hall, uulels authorik'd io *0 do by the lurveyor of the pubic lands south oi 1 reiincffec, lurvey or attempt to fuiv. v tucii lauds, or dcligraic b mndari's by maikiug ire-* ~r otiicrwifc, such offendei Ihall, 011 conviction thereof in a. j .cu t of record of the U. States, or o a y oi the territor'es oi tlic lame, forft , a sum not less than dollars, ho. exceeding do’lars, and fuff-i lmprifonmcnt fur a term not lei. than months, nor exceeding years; and it ihall nwtov.r b< iawlul for the Pieiideut of the U a ted States, and ht j is hereby required to employ such railita , ry force as he niay iadge ntccilary, to \ reiiiove from the said lands aay person | who Hull make, or attempt to make any 1 settlement as alorefaiti : Provi ieti, that nothing herein contained, lhall affedi per sons making fettlcments on lands pur chased from the United States in cou-j fortuity with the preceding lection of this act. Whereupon a lltort debate en-} toed, in which Meifrs. Quincy and Lyon , opposed, and Me firs j. Randolph, J. ■ Ciay and Gicgg supported the pafTapje of the bill. 1 he former gentlemen opposed it on account of the preceding provuions, | w Inch they confuiereo as calculated, by ‘ auttusrifmg the ule ot military force, to prevent the irg il adjullmeiit by judicial of claims uiu er individuals pre- i J tencing to have good titles to a part of the country. Ti.e Liter gentlemen contended that the power gave to the pr.uuent was not only j i.l m ui.if, but -bLiutciy S'jCc !iury j to prevent an lutrulion ou the lands at tne L-'ui.ej S c.-.s by a particular dcs cnpti.m o: U.r V.zio claima. twho , i v.cie rcpriieuted as Having formed tne j*urool of e..ajii.iiliig U- exte :t.v l--'I i I iknver.t os thei”, ir-C thus % ; force which would kec-o t off. 1, m of the ,countrv in defiance of the law. of il.e j L'ni’ed S’ates. The qneftion was then tak'-n l v yts andnavs on the passage of the b.ii—• I Yeas 6S—Nays 33. A bill refpeefing claims to land in tL : Indiana territory and date of Ohio, w.- ie;id a third time, and passed without i ; uivifioti. A mtifage was received from the fe ! iiate, ftatir.g that tluy had agreed to the 1 resolution authorifing the adj lurntneut jof the two houses, with an amendment, j fixing Monday next as the time of ad. | journment. i The house immediately took up this j amendment. ; Air. J. Randoph moved to peffa | pone its confidcration till Saturday, j Mr. Com ad oppoftd this motion, which was disagreed to—Aye* 29. When the amendment of the senate obtained—Ayes 73. The house rcfolved itfelf into a com mittee of the whole—Mr. Gregg in the chair—on the bill “ fuppkmentary to the aft, intituled, “an aft maicing prt>~ vision for the redemption of the whole public debt of the United States.” Mr. Varnum confidercd the objeft* contemplated by this bill too important and the ful jest too abstruse, to be likely at so late a period of the Itlfion to com mand that attention they merited 5 and therefore moved that the committee ihould rife, with a view to poftponiug the farther coufideration of the bell to the next session. Mcff.s Tallmage andQuincy support ed, and Mcffrs. j. Clay aud j. Randolph ppofed this motion, which was dit agrcetl to—Ays 32 —Noes 42. When the bill was coufidcrcd by lec tions, and fome progress made in it, when the committee role, aud obtained leave to set again. The following message was received, from the Rrcfident of the U. S. To tbs senate and Itoufe >f Rsfrfentativcc of the U. States. During the blockade of Tripoli by the iquadion of the U. S. afmall cruiz er, under .he flag of Tunis, with two prizes (all of trifling value) attempted to enter Tripoli, was turned back, warned, and attempting again to enter, was taken, and detained, 1.3 prize by the squadron. Her reffituuan was claimed by the Bty if Tonis, with a threat of war in terms so feriou3, that on withdrawing from the blockade of Tripoli, the commanding of ficer of the squadron thought it his duty to repair to- Tunis with the iquadren, and to- require a cathe gorical declaration whether peace or war was intended. The Bey preferred explaining himfelf by an ambassador to> he U. i>. who 011 his arrival, renewed the requrft that the vcflel and her pri ze* Ihould be reffored. It was deemed proper to give this proof of friendship tc the Bey, and the ambassador was inform ed the vtffcls would be reffored. After wards he made a rcquifitiou us naval .tores to be font to the Bey in older to ecure a peace fora term ot three years, with a threat of war, if refnfed. It has been reiufed, and the ambassador is about to depart wi hoot receding from his threat or demand. Under these circumftsnces, and co fidtring that the several provilions of the aft of March 25’ 1 804, will ceale in con fcquence of the ratification of the treaty of peace Tripoli, now advised and consented to by the Senate, l have thought it my duty to communicate these fafts, in order that Congvef* may oifidcr the txpediency of continuing the fame provisions for a limited time, or making others equivalent. Th j JEFFERSON. April 14, 18c 6e Re erred to the committee of Ways and Means. Ah . Gregg, from the committee oa public lands, made a report, recommend ing the indefinite pioffponetnent of the petition of Ann D. Well, William Fits.’ augb, Jofcph Juckfon, Bulhrod Waffif ii.'gtou and Laurence Lewis. NEW-VORK, April 11. BetMteen 12 and 1 o’clock : morning, in a gale of wind, the snip Cos dclia captain Delano, for Amfter lam, dragged her anchors, and being ia danger of bilging on Long Island ffiore, a number of Teamen voluntarily offered rhrir icrvices to sfiiff her. In the aft. of taking out au anchor, the boat r.y which they were Rationed upset, ana they were all thrown overboard. They swam to a yawl which lay contiguous and the whole of them taking bold of one fide of her at the fame time, ihe up set alf> y and, of the eleven perfor.s, fix were drotrned ; the remainder were sa ved with much d.faculty- Among tlic unfortunate men who perished were Mr. 1 Taber, mate of the brig Fredonia, and ; Mi- liaiah Terry, second mate of the thip Rboda and Iktiey, both of Mew-. Bedford. The (hip George Wafliington, from Calcutta and the 1 fie of France, for ba j Sem, is captured by the Batifh privateer ; A inflic, from Liverpool. Eight of her ! crew arrived here- ycilerday in the ihip Mouttiuma. “ CusTT V POCKET COOK Containing 15 IJoU jsCc. i.i Jeriev notes, and a .<••/ j*a.pcr: of no value to any Kut iLe owner, hr qit wink the printer, ti*e uiiiwi li it * receive a. geacrou-. reward. 4 n i iu Lhn ~ iF. *** I en.- iLfit •:*! tv* S . v' v r ; '*t X l ire P ?of i'tjs ilViM'i NG, cn Is it • tor* jot ! amutii ep - - a. 1 • ;;