Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, May 06, 1806, Image 1

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Vo!. IV. No-63 J CONDITIONS CF THF. GEO RGIA li L l ’ UB LI CAN. The Kr.pvßi.iOAN is pub'.fiied ever; Tuef.ay and Friday, on a rnyal lheet ct . j-ood quality. The terms of fubfcriptton are six n n n i.ahs per annum. half to be paid at tin time of fubfenbing, and tfte balance at tl.e expiration cf the year. ..and all papers will ke continued until ordered to the reverie. termes or etrE.miW'C. Advertisements inierted at 50 cents per square the firth intdrtion, and 25 for earii con tinuation.. .A liberal allowance made totheh v. 1.0 w.fli to advertile b\ the year. Tor Sale ;>.r ibis Office* j 1 variety if BL ANKS among which arc, Foreign and Coasting Muniftiio, atlerehanta Entries, I.iquOr do. B: Is cf Exchange, do. c! Lading, tig. of Sale j l’owers of Attorney. Checks, Apprentices Indentures, Deeds of Conveyance, Jionds; Notes of lland, Writs for'the Snperior, Inferior & Mayor’s Courts, Mayor's Ccurt Execution? Sr Snpboenas, Notices to creditors cilnfolvent debtors Military Summ ‘nfes, lit E-xeeutions, &c’ cy- CaV.DS . ffjttDBULI (Ac. (Ac- Printed at c Jh-nt Notice on reafonalU terms. waronrKßTrnfr isMtiwwPJßMwraß?'’ -nvsrr- Wanted on Charer or . A VESSEL of aboir *oo tuns for a Ger 'Wrt man port. Apply to A. G. OciTiler A: Cos. March 14 5 ,J o~y Dollars ile-vard. RUNAWAY Fom tbe subscriber on the 15th February last, a young negro wo nan named NfiLI.Y, (he is about five let two orthree inches high, thick made, ha remarkable thick bps, and black teeib, v. hicl are very far apart, and hips tr.ucb when fpeakiug. She is well known about tawi where Ike tnav be enticed to wnk ; and is fuppoled to be harbored at times about tb Orphan b oil fe, anil Mr. Wilkinson’s plan tation near Savannah. The above reward xvdl be given to any perlon who will deli ver her to the jailer in Savannah, or inform the subscriber where die may he taken. IVm. STEPHENS. March 25 59 ~~ NOTICE. A GREEAIILY to an order of the Hen- IN. orable the Inferior Court of Burke County, Will be Sold ai the Court bnufe ji the town of Wavnelborough, on the firll Tues day in May ntx*, The whole of the P.EAI ESTATE of Matthew Clark, deceased, tin the benefit rs the heirs and creditors ui laid dreeaied. Terms will be made known on the day cf tale. BENJAMIN ANS LEY, March 18 57 Afcing Executor _ T. M. Woodbrid’^’ Ilasjafi received by the s’o p Polly, Captain Norris, from Caudaloupe. 2o hhds. p'iim retai ro MOL ASSES 13 ditto diro ritto 3000 lb. prime Green COFFEE April S 6'j notice;. A YOUNG man who is acquainted with Mercantile business, ibneits employ ment, as a clerk in a Dry Goods or Grocer store. He wil comeweil recommended A fitcation in the country wul be prefera blc. App:y atthis office. April 15 65 NOTICE. A LL perfuns indebted by bonds Jf\, roles nr open accounts, to li t ell are of jOIIN HERB, dec. art ii,. (of tied tkat unless they come f irvvir and their refpectivc amounts b the ?o*h of June next, they wi.l with ou- ditcriminafion be placed in th hards of an aUorney for coliedtiou— th- fe to whom the Aid eflare i? in debted will please prtfent their ac counts for payment. FREDERICK HERB, Adm’r. April 15. 65 Samuei Willicmsy HAS removed to the (lore lately cc cepmd by MefTrs. H. Kneeland Ik Cos. and formerly by hirrlclf, on Mo rel’s wharf, vdiere he will continue the grocery bum nebs. pril fyo Vv als 1 r u, ~ A R CVEKSEEK, a C gle man well ac- Xx. qua in ted with lfice plaming, who ean bring good recommendations cf Ins lion efty, sobriety t ies. Apply to the subscriber at Colton Ham, Bryan Countv. JOHN H’ MOKEL. March 11 55 Found by a Negro, Two miles out of town, on Saturday cv( ring lvll, Three Bank Bills. The owner may h"-e them by proving tl. Bills, paying for this advert Hern ent and’ re wording the Negro for his honetty. CHARLES COPE. April t Georgia Republican. SAVANNAH, PR’NTED BY EVER ITT fcf M*LEAN, ON THE BAY. Bay ley 8c Harman, I No. C, IN THE EXCH \NGE, TT ■A\ I-. received by the late arrivals a gi ~ V and extensive afiurtment of An riCLF-S, in tin iriine,the while cf wliic Wejwarraiui J of the bell qiality, and \w be 1 Id ai reduced prices for read, mnnev < - p’ ’ace “rile—P.anteis and others will In I ipjihcdby fending orders ou the term .c mentioned. Georgia liamsSc E.t-*on (home cured) and warranted to keep through the year pickled and fmorked Tongues, beef teoni the Nesv-Yoik mark - New*York coin’d Beef i:t half barrels & by the fingte piece B dona Sausages, Ballon Salmon on r tail D mbit* Glofler, Chefliire, North ‘NVilt fliire and American Chceie | l.ondnu bottled Brown Stout, ; Edenburg ?.!e, and Britilh Cider bins fpatliling Champaigne and Claret too Pine apple Cheese London Bottled Port, in quart S: pint Bottles Fen cases old Claret Wine of one do* :n each Old Madeira Wine in Bottles Do, ia quarter casks and on ret nil / Vontiguac and Malinfey Wires Every defeription of Cordials in bottles and in lock cases, ass uted in each, and American llafpberry & Cherry Brandy Dried fruits, Pr.fcrves in cases afibrted Cl’ange & Lemon Shrub Rose, Lavender, Orange flow, and Honey waters Olives, Capers, Anchoivcs, Pickles of aii kh da Vlu( ntoon ketchup Cheroqne, Qttins, & Imperial Fish Luce- Soy, €fi-nice of anchoivcs Pepper Sauce, f'r.e Sallad Oil Fable Salt, Wine Bitters Condon and Durham Mutlard, Ready made London Milliard, ‘ipin Peas. Pealed barley Ciiocoiate cf superior quality ‘. rakers and lutter builcuit in kegs, ‘.Joe a Cuffee, fine rdyfon and young Hvfon Teas Andj-ijl Landed from New Torl, Small Catty aof Fly lon Tea, very fupe* rior qualities By a Spring arrival, Oodfroid’s superior Segars in whole and bah boxes Battle powder in canillers no. in kegs and Cannon do. in do* Shot of all ft/.ts On C-nfgnmcnt, JO Ctilts Brown Stout. April 2y 70 NOW LANDING AND I'UR sale, 50 Bis. fupciiiue flour, 4 ipes gin, 6 Hhds. Wlrlfltey*, 20 Boxtr yellow loap, AIvDON HAND, 20 Hhds and 30 bbla. prime sugar. 30 Bags belt green coffee, 10 Puncheons 4th proof Jam. Rum, rs L.SU), A few boxes coarfr arid fine Irifli linen, and brown fiolland, A general supply of LjKOC KK i ivS. ANDREW KNOX. Bar. Gibbons's IVharJ. April 25. aw. C 9. | ‘HE TralUts of the Presbyterian Church A give notice, that all no* tor I'cw re i •Much remain unpaid, on the jolli ol Mi ■ ext, will be put in lut agreeably to a Kcfo .ution palled the lilt of March, lie. NJ . MAUH ICC, ; ]■ J. FLYMING, > TriiActs JOHN l.UMhlt, April 29. 3 t. 70. TOjLtT, THE WIIARF AND STORKS OK Y LKL i occupied by Nsenrs. Wilfor. • U Knox, and at prel'ent \v; Mr. Andrew Knox. productive and convenient li quation i.s 10! known, to renuire in. turthcr explanation. lor term , enquire ol R. Wayne. /’ovetnler 1 1 77/A FIRM OF ROBERTS O’ CLARK, IS diflojved by the death of the former; the l ip ft ill earned on by the fubfcr.bcr, Joseph Hill CJaik, Smith is Bourir’s wharf. WHO HAS JUST P.SCEI7ID AND FOR salt, The cargo of the schooner JINN is Ha A RJ'jT. V*. hippie, mailer from tlit Havannah.—Confiding of 53 Hh<jß. MolafTcs 7 do. .Sugar 20 Bh!s. Prime Green Coffee ON HAND, 10 Hhds. 4th proof Jamaica Rum 12 f!o > N. L. do. icc B’ols. Jlice. *F>I A* T U E S I) A “A , May 6, 1806. Administrator’s SALES. Err eg ably to an cf the Jus tices of the Inferior Cauri rs | the County cf Chatham, WILL BE SOLD, At the Ccu r t-bouse in the City cf Savannah, on TUESDAY the’ o tb day of Mrs next, sAe to commence at 10 o'clock, the fol lowing Property, hecf the': real and personal estate of the late Joseph Clay. A WHARF LOT i s o feet front, with the valuable, improvements thereon, adjoin ing Air. Boltons. .500 feec front on the river at Yamacraw with the improve ments thereon, situated between Mr. Boltons and Mr. Twiggs’ wharves, which will be divined into Lots to accommodate pur-’ chasers. A 11'jufe and Lot on the Bay, formerly the residence of Mr. Clay, adjoining Mr. ’1 elfairs A Iloufe and Lot fronting the South Common and adjoin ng Mr. William Wilfons. A Lot on Farm-street witli he valuable improvem ms there >-1, now occupied by Mrs. Hay. A:I the remaining Lo s s and Lands lying on the well fide of Fa’-.n It reel, including th, Jo”> grounds to Muigrove’s creek •, ■hefe will be divided to accom modate purchalcrs. All that part of the very val uable Plantation and trad ol Land called Vale-Royal, lying n irtli of the Augusta road and weflv/ard of the property last mentioned, containing about tcoo acres, ol which 460 are tide and inland Iwarnp, t'ie re mainder prine Cctron Land.; This pianta ion lias 2 front of more than a nule on Savannah river, and lies immediately a* bove the city. x'.l! rhe remaining parr of the Vale Royal trad, coura ring a xmt too acres and lying on the Augusta road near the city, which will be laid cut into small Lots. Another vab; tide Plantatior and trad of Land called Spring field, adjoining Vaie Royal on cne louth, lying on beth sides (>f Mufgrovc 3 s creek, containing 885 acres, of which 2,50 art rice Swamp, tne remainder go :c Cotton Land. This property is compoled of 45 and 5 acre Lots, a plan of winch will He prepared, and such of them as ire connected will be (old to gether, and the remainder fepa lately, 5 Farm I .ots of 50 acres each in the Township of Savannah. 4 Lots, being a part of the hair Lawn irahf, fornritrlv Col. Wylly’s, viz ; No. 11,71 acres, No. 13, 47 acres, No, 3, 46 acres, and No. 21, 10 acres. 1 Lots at Thunderbolt, No. 7 and 14. 2 Lots on Tybee liland, No. 3 and 27. 1 Lot at Montgomery, No. 14, ejej feet front on Vernon riv er. 440 feet deep, and two back Lots of two acres each. 3 adjoining Viiliage Lots at j Adton, 150 acres, near Haner’s j bridge’ iO3 acres good Cotton Land oppolite Montgomery, between Vernon and Ogerhee river. A valuable Plantation and tradt of Land about in miles from Savannah, on the Louis ville road, containing 1550 acres of which 400 are Rice swamp. 3CO acres Pint Land near Munteith. 250 aertr about. 7 miles a bove orar he river ‘ormerly occupied bv j. fen kins; Lands in F.fTir>,,'iam (Joun-j ty. tVtyj acres in one body, ne.u jGreitOgecliee river, about c<, | miles {1 o n Savannah, granted a. various tones irom 176 j to 177 |. 250 Acres [fine iannadj lining the above, ar 1 lands of Michiel Muinfuls, formerly R. M’C’or mick’s. coo Acres pine land near Ken nedy’s. 300 Acres formerly Bennetts. .foo Acres formerly Ciold wires, joining R. Scruggs and Paul Bevil. ‘ An undivided half of 300 a cies joining the above, panted to B. Z-S *. Gold wire. H'-o Acres j"ne land neat Tuckafee King, formerly iler-| riots. IN GLYXN COUNTY. ! 500 acres Land granted to! Joieph Wright. 200 acres granted to Joheph Raynes. IN LIBERTY COUNTY. 1700 acres Land, in four ad joining tradhs, formerly James Andrews and Grey Elliotts, granted 1764 and 1269. 570 acres in two adjoining traits, granted to Robert and Matthew Smallwood, 1764. In MACIN rO.SH COUNT Y. 200 anes Land, formerly William 1 \>x. 250 acres at Beard’s Bluff or the Alatamaha. 97 NEGROES. And imniedia’cly thereafter, at Vale Royal and Springfield, ail the other personal properly on those plarts, t onfifiing of StGck &’ Tiimtatioi U~ tonsils, 8c . Bcc. CONDITIONS. For the rtal eflate, one third payable rhe fi ft January, 1807, one third the firll January, 1808, and the jemaining third January, iHcy, with inrereft on he two last inftahnenrs. TTie whole robe ltxured by bonds and morr ag*. Bor the perfon.d property, one third C afli, rhe retnauidtr cm the firft J ltmary nn.t, fecijr*'d! by notes witii approvctl ititlor (ers. WILLIAM WALLACE, THOM AS CUM MING, JOSEPH ST ILLS, Admwiiltiarors. Sav. March 3. c; 7 Geov.jia, ) Bv John G* L. N> • ilingcr, cltiL l. (~ Hll n LIN C, £B. ;.>f the court of ordinary lor the county of Effing In m, in the state of Georgia. \J 7HLREAS David 13. Mich ‘V V ell applies f>r le/ie s rs ad 'TiiriHr. fi i! on the efia/e a .and <ff it* :/William L. Half, late of J* fling urn Crtin/y, dircaled, *s Attorney for 1 r t t <\r. Cltedirots of flic fait! lecezfctf. 7’hefe are therefore/a c.itt ?nd admorii'h all and ftiv-ular /he kind'ed and Oedi/o's t.f the tuid de ‘caled o fi> ntir oh dtions M am •J \ J they be) in inv efirce, mi or liefon 1 /he rii d-y of June uxt, oihciv.ift k/ters vvili he grsn/ed him. Given under my ham) :uJ fra! fhi'- four/e'-nth day nf April iPcO, and in /he ts i./ielh year of A met lean Independence. j April 10 -1 •MarlhuFs bale. By virtue of r decree of /he Circuit Court, nf the ’j ni/H State, for tb* and 1 brief of Georgia, for the forrclcfure of a mrtgoyc, Will be fold at public A'id)i>;n at the Court hou'e Pith;’city of Savannah, on the firfi TueGiv 1 Vlay no: , between /hr h uirr of te • and /'.vo, All that valuable Tradt o Land fi’ciate in/he couri'yofCindf 1 contain oa (even hundred jud tv/cnf’ } icrcs, tn te. cr lets, known l>v th iam; if Point Prte r ——icres 0 | Ahic'i are in a ffaie of culu uion, j'.he properrvcf fa:, inyrow Ktb. Hr N. VVALL, M. I). CL ’ April $ [Whole Numbfr 372. ’ •. — 1 - V** * •- MU XVII Mi . IMM.. - M i Ul’.C *RGI A. ‘j By Charles Abernc” < •'■) y hy, dk. of the court C Obcrnethv.J of (irdmary for rhe county of M'lu.ofh, in the Bate aiore f a 1 l. X X rdKR P AG Mr. li AMPDF.N VV Vl‘!N !\)b!l applies fork 1 - icr.* n ailminiflfatio!’. on tfc cftaie uni rhah’.s of Mr. f l-j'irgr a/r n! C hatha ri rMmiy, dt coafctl, as t.'.a cC rs kin, Thc.e ai C ru cite and admonish all and fnwuDr o r frondred and crriii ors of the (ai l •leceafed Cos file rheir ohjrdi ns (it iny they have) in my ctE con or b-- the ?8;h OJ)’ oi April, next, c herwile letters ix ii! be grmrej him. Given under my hind and ftil his third day of March 1306, and it; ‘lit 30m year of A i.cncari 1 idepert- G.T f 5 V J FUBLie NO ITCH. pUBLUJ Net ce ish.-re.hy given. A. that at t., ( r expiration of sixty 1 i-ys o otn this date, to Wl/ , on th [. j S9’h day of April nc .ir, WILL he j jOLD at PUill.l J AUCI I.)N it the Oni-c house In this City hc /.’cen the hours of t 0 and 2 „' c l, k, ALL that IA) sos id AND n Carpenter’s Row, containing 36 eet in freer and 150 deep , bc "’g ,hc r a! efiare of Af-ph ; o!tl by order of the i iferior C„ urr or tlie be i<*fif of the ‘eirs a ,] ( r . 1, l °r.V , ASA HOX. Y, Adni’toG I-eb. tS raw ( n CT The above M, was podaonnl until the fith slay at May next, when , t will take place. Mt r f}j zfs f ales, ON the just Lu /day in jp af t tXI, I.’ ti .-.1 sr.fl at the cour house, m Savannah, p r ]Y! LGROIS, Lvied or. Xhf ■ I he pioperry of Samuel M’Cormick dec. by virtue of exec: tiorn ob r*>ined in the Circuii-Conrr. Patty, ! -vied on as the property of Win. I Lbkirk, at the (nit of John Miller. ( 5 Neg o s, hrrphen, Li 11. I urrar, aml Sam, levied on as the property ofjod Walker, tier, by virtue of an execution obtained bv Charles Roberts. B. WALL, m. 0. April 8 63. I *vu Dollars Reward. ALSE.N rivD hirnfi-K on the night of the 261 b March last, Sam, ,1 young country |,< rn n,-gro, fi* fe;:t high of a da k romplrxion and fur* ly countenance, had o„ when he went ofl a white nerro cloth jnk, t and trow i n., n is probable he may , han r (hl-ls, walks very , p ,) ~ ()f beau, a- the (aid fellow once attempted io get to ihe Up country and wsxrhfjp. pointed in hit) expedtations, v t ,y probable lie may tii-n for the Northward. aM pnlonn are hereby 1 autiontd againlt harboring or carrying him off ai the h.v/ will he enforced against f UI h persons. I he above reward will he paid on d-- ‘"m to (he goal it, or Fre rick Herb, in fiaviinnah, or to the fubfrnbef oil Liberty 1 Hind, below Tin: id -rh.-dt. GEORGE HER JR Api and a- e_ J DUC-A'l ion, Cratffuf for.'hr ddtiiir-ndhrd -onajre* he hre < xperificed f.nee hit elUbliflimeri •■’V. iinali, Mr Green wth delerenre informii hr; lr.rr.ds arid ttir jrithlie, ihnt 0, Lrrli. t !.:ti rar f'-hool, awl the Grammar and Mat li rm.-'.G'id h', loeftill cotnfu/ted |,y hun ; on the f-'i'ie enrentivepian, a; at their com* mew err.ent. The eoiirl'c ep ilw fehooh., inrlnd(■ R,.,,}. I'tg., I.)>tvi,n and Rhetoric, Writirg in o’ ■ t.- nlrful ornamental hands, AriU.PT i , H ..k kfj.iny;. according to (e. ye rat lyiteni’ Ge>?,ra|iliy a) ,) ,t, e u f f , II aw 1 r.y ‘ oip*, ic'z ‘d .Vlap, m irAirwc, rile )"i'*“nrs of Astronomy, and. ’ u• of tht Globes and Telliirian Hittory I .wd < .hn noloy.. Jr*, the MvliefT.nbfa! d.-narnrent, thr j pujlil’ wi I In* carefully ii iiriifird in Alyehr... (Je.nnotry, Trigonomeit *. ( ....k f1 <! n,:i jan** riiiMCin*', v. iui tiu ir applic.a:i< tto iho I hufine.f; ofliic I.nd the'n of fo enee. Sijt'eoo voir- <- ‘prrierrp ir. 1 prof T >T * and a faired awl unremitting attention to the rrorals and r**al imprevew-nr < f | . r i,. iii I- v.*i!l; lie hipce, cotltmu- to him f.. : i 1 liberal and p*.i.|ic, a fliarc of that favoi whir I. lie has I itl.erto exppr*eii’ > and Fupil. idi-itu-d wi' Knttancc, till •i,e ih . f the (mining J t wily. | , ’, At * *'i *. ’ Ma ikh * f ..: , *’ nle twill a- nd the r, ;fv,ol. N..**r.iitr A L'lan Acs j r l /! ‘•til’ a,‘ tbit o'G • A.*r ,