Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, May 06, 1806, Image 2

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* Ii .\* l/ * . j j jTe r's C ■;’ F l. ■.'•tyftrf'c >■ /v llf n’ii fc fii-pof* <■ j /11 /.V ,v > /O i v ///> (/A’ I ; . 7 > ts i‘ ’ ■ / ‘ . / ■ •’ n rft IV ync- ‘ u *•/•<, Hstv’ fw 1 s*v:ral rea cns Pcs'f ned tbi A.'V vriil // t ’ \ l jii j:<rc rcxf, cl - bleb t: e ‘t ix i.l com iV.i. .t £• . I wil KIN.SON. ! VilOSL’. (,i ‘.he fir It Hiflrx ] on t ! ’<* iTh <i.iy f/f J une mxt ! an 1 c :.) nue f n<i>y io day lit-wr a ihr ir.njrs of ten aru j r •<•<•, ( vj.'dd -s excepted) un * ti* r incitifive. i hole of rV 2d diftriit on t'n< 2451 day of June, uiml the 27th iru'W.'bvr. Those of tl-.f* 3 1 clifiricl on tin 2'Eh day of Jon , until the 2< \ 1 ay of Jury inclufwc. Tii ie of Ihr 4 h clitTricst on I V. <- ’ti day ol jn!y until the 7th j it ico. ave. Tii if. of the jrb diflrift or, 1 <■ H.l. ilav of j.ily until the I 1 ita ibciutjve. iiAJ.DVv I\ T . Tin IV t f ihs ill diflridl on i ti’ i:;n day of ju!y unt'l thr | <■ j 1) incluli r. I hole of the 2:1 didrifl on j Ibe 17 li day ot J uly until tin ; .n in< lufive. I i !•; u•he 3 ‘ diftrift on civ J . c .1 fav of j uly until the 2yt! : 1 nt:li five. 1 •.] lie of the 4'h diflridl or: the ;p : : day < t July until the 4’ !i t l '/ o. Annuli in infive. 1 hose of ti e sth diilruft on the y h cL’ of Au uft until tile j ntli mi 1 five. WAYNE. b h. lie of ilie 1 t d.ftrift on t : e 1 :Ui day ! Augult until the •2a:t in 1 olive'. j ale of llie 2d diftriT on th . .’.el *! . of Au until the zb h ii 11 lufivc. ink us ihe 3 1 diftriri on j ru ,17th day ol Ati”uft until I i!it 30 li intlufivt*. Terms of Sale* Ol tin junchafers, bonds for t!u- jinoum of rhe purt-lulL’ mo 1■ v will he required i at four 1 ipul inllal.uCii s robe paid 1:1 p 1. c. li!ver ; i|i. Htlt payments tvsi lvi* mon 1... alter date. In ad tli'i hi to v.inch a mortgage will be required V r; t’ r, i- r , 7 1v! unu r!M :.:5, I Comm:.Sellers. J’.ii kic Jack. } :s 1! Kill, Ft 1). 17, 52 . 1 ■ . IE 1 f h’ ? \\r q I— v_/ —1 w .c k s. N O 1 JR bALE. ft 1 ‘li*’ valuable ttari ol T L. J U\l) fitiuud .ilk] be* -1;, on the I oth llJc of the Ala .•’ : eta 1 ivi I, k:iOv> n by the i ov: of the Broadiace trad, ’ k 1! pointy of Genera] 1 •k.'.i.i; iV] 4 ] ite:h, font-iining •i .•, 11-, 1-1 vii h 1 ico a.res •• > pi me i. ide N vision of t’ e tklt ; a lit 1 -’ and \;iy be il pitch j 1 1 tide ; the balance hipji (wcilt t. ... c ciij i’i\E LAM), and i- .ii .licuh.icti for a f.-ttlement or let deiin nts. i'i a irari i 3 Jj. v ideo jiuo ihr< c > ..rts, through tl.. k tin.d 1 uns a Lrgt 0- ti’bk* cwJv, it ad ng t i .. l.oiJni ‘,, on v,hik: mat be cirri-, (.:-r >he Urea . A conii.krabid) r K: c Mill, haw Mill or Grill I vliii. i. > pit cii :s lituated | .11 nv.h.ueh 1 et; v. M;'j. 15ut ’ i. tel i . Im. i , ...A! fro P • • lv al 1 :1s is t e iiiuti 1 ... .1 I ice v at: ... Gt\ (eli-i. e-’ MO. p t . V. .O VvifheS tv r. ■. . • mav . pply to Mr. A and :.,tM : .v :.j IN, Ch-rlcf V - , 1 ,. 4 . tI . *, V . * .. i1 A A aeio, .itcOiijCl •- I,*v\ ( it.iV .ill r.i... .1 'i tVicll;-,, iNil.lN, ‘ i .Avw.. A'i e. Ct.. H:cicii4..,j llicic. in . 1 . 1 *. Ac ii’ iij a j .at (i.mV U. . ho li'oie w|u> U.av be eic diet ‘IO l - \ U’lr.i.’e ■>, b t a iptl lit :V 1 Nik,:N No.* 11.a; ln ..S ! it Ui.l lhcv. I l A it >, a U piii. eIC. j atiiiei in ecu..: o, . •,ion *i I ■■■ *', i 4 CM ka t, ts-0 i t $ • V THE I !R'A OF | IIUNTER & MINIS, i 1 .'> thi° day dtfTohred by trtTual con I nt. AR pcHLn having demands w:il ■ ‘idle render thorn to the fublrribcrs for * jell meat j and all indebted, rte (olic j nl to prepare f. r immediate payment. ITey v ill a'tcird at their Comptlng <.• Ifc a* nfurd, for tin adjufiinent of ■ heir accounts. JAMES HUNTER. ISAAC MINIS. March 23 59’ ** 1 UsT, ! V I*OCKMT 15^)0K containing about a. 15 1) .iur-i in JcrlV) note s, and a lew >*j Kt% ts nu value to any but the r< vner, by i mvii gitv. 1 h the firtnttr, t’uc Under (hall 1* ct \e a gcnei - Mi> nsv l. A |f il 4 6 ; i O r. i , J’llF. cap ‘] .ncnp'ir of the Suhfr.. •••.’ V Km; I’ror tlf rick HUII. 1J’ NO, t-n the Vi -, lately occiijiierl by Mr. j ‘l"j . Krro. ]tnmediate j.oircfiion tan lx- i. Apt'ly ‘> H. k J HOLTON, i Mw |- 18 57 | noTuTe. ! r p HE fubfer faer btit.p rppointed Af JL I>y City council, mireata oeitlltir.e.i rtli'.ft-tits, aid the a b '-:nts of 1 .tbfc it e§, to co if; law for the (up- ; I port cf a city Watch, that they may he 1 • prepared to rentier an account of Uu-ir 11 axab'es when lie waits upon them I'rce negio.s and perfoim of color art to make reteriia to the afT. ffor a; the law th rests. JOHN nRICKEbL. Air 2£, (i(j% I OR SaLET” | 1i IK houle at prefenc oertn ! pied the Republican P)inling \'Jfue i Lumber or the labour or a C.ti|jcnter will be received l in payment. For particulars ap- I ply to EDW. L. DAVIES.* Nov. 17 24. t s. r* ITIE SUB A ."!■ K 7, 1 {d‘A>M th want nl punfluality ia ttie l greater iiuinber of for whom they : h ive hret toiling, aflidii iull> tor 17\era .tats pall, lind them.elves cmbarafittl by t;t c .nid.s they Miinot antwer. V'.iey are there! ae t( nij e...i to call in this maimer up ,11 all thole iinirbtej o them, top 1 the v. !i |e, a part, or Itipudate the 1 me v_, thelirft day of Juy next; alter that date every unliqu.da ted b ;ok to the coin,none ment ol the prelent year, v. ill be j Lied m the hands ol’ an atienny tor 1 c.lleeuuu. is. ol lock ik Parker. April iS 76. THE SUBSCRIBER, 1 ; IT AS removed to the W larf anil Stores ; J A belonging to Mrs. li nr ter, formerly occupied hv Miil’ri 1-t enter Ac Minis, where tie c 11.11 ties to iriiitaci tire L'auoiage and Commission Business. Joseph Habersham. March 28. 60 ■J O Lfc TANARUS, \ large convenient DWELLIN G HOUSE, anJ well iitteii up 1 ORE m a central situation, either fcjjtiraU-ly ur together, Terms will hr mailt very reah'iiabh*. Apply 10 die printers, 1 ebruary 18 NOTICE; - 10 the Citizens of Sa ivannah, and inhabitants ot t!te bea-lfl aids, U bite bluff, Eittle Ogee lice and Choro pkee 1!t _l Oillr.tts. I lie lub ! feriber is now ready to re ceive the 1 axes, lor the year one thoukuid eight bun dled and five, at his Office, the corner ot Uroughton iik Lincoln-It. cct, late Herlbn’s i house. Ollice iionrs, from 9 in ‘the morning until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. 1 hole tlicit do not come forward and pay their tax es by Mmi klay the 1 jth day of May next, nil! have xecucions jilae.l against them as the law directs.... •dl 1, tor thole taxes unpaid for lSeq PwlEit DEVEAUX. T. C. C. C. Tux ColleSoi's CiZre. A Mon . ... | j , March, 1806. > 1 u f ;i>lit Dollar* txcward, Vlf ILL be giviu for apprehtuuing V V And longing tn any jml m this tlu.c .0 Lie iubfctilrcr nsu get bun *g ; 'iu, or ii'liver film io me, .1.1 Buikc eouiil), . negro ..u. ~ uaiu.d I>EN, lie * ’ - i*i *3 yvui. 1 Mgv, ..K-ut aie tici . i„ ..1 milu.. high, a illicit, li nr ot m Juru ‘ .1 . i-.u 01 oitehttk:, yc.u.w eompiiMOn, ..... m.idi, . .'in u. tt.i ti 111c’ ot ,VUryla,id, 1• 1 : Ciiice In was brought 10 North x ..M ini*, iftore .-unco by major Joleph e.i.i.nun., biiKijht to this twite atiout 3 .. ,-c, ui K. *., 1... iialiii ol iayii. r J o . 4%. fc L v luhu. Acv c.t.ijli LOi tv• M,ch r<j. w ■V . -v':- ..mnurmt—rr 1 -cm . NIN ill CONGRI •. HOUSE or REPRF.SE* 7 ATIVIIS. ll'idncfrlty, if). A bill for fortitviiii* the ports Snd harbota of the IJ. Sand fi>r f.uildinp boats, was read a third time and <l. The house rtfolvcd iifeif into a com mittee of the whole— Mr- (ring in tfie chair —on the bill fappiamenta y to the aft, entitled ‘‘an act m; ki ; provihon tor the redemption of the whole of the | public debt cl the U. S, Tue chairman proceeded to read the bill until he came to the 4'h auu SUI fettions, which authorife ttic cont.i ifhon era of ihe finking fund to appoint one a gent in Loiioon, an anoth.r in Amlier diin, to r tce:ve luhicnptioiii and traiif- : urn, and 10 ;fine new certificates ; and to j enable the holdern not old fix r tr cents deferred or three p r cu t ltucks who J may become fubfenbtrs to the new Itock i either ;n the United biatea or in Europe • and who, on the day in ripr j next, and on the cay ot lubfenpuon, j Ihall be rclident in ivirope, to reteivc : the mteri-lt on their It >ck, cither lu tin , U iiiicd butts, or at a.unuoh, 01 m ,uu i Itcrdani. Ah, Vat nun rm.ved to strike cut the i firlt kctir>n. 1 tna motion was supported by Mr. j Dave up oit|<iuo Ejj|i /ivu t <y ivi 1’ j. ivuti* 1 vluipli, and ii#—►avu 5-f — j\ AS 42. Un motion of Mr. Rjruloij h t the coaiucitialiur# *niovv(.d iu tacD oi Use x hove a gen.a was uat 3)0C0 cloiiaia— A yes 4k. 1 l.c bill fedtiun wan read ao follows : bee. b. atfl.. i/c u /mthcr enafted, ■ ■ Ilia. trorn ano alter rilclriit uay or a.- , pill neXr, whenever u ifu,. t>; nect iary 1 to iliac new ccitllicatca, cither 1,1 mu <■! t'.icli ccrtiticates o. old hx jel cent 01 j del cried ilm'k, U* iaiciy U w iUtr, Jl Ul’ cd, Or ty rtarou ul a ii,i ~ier ol lu.i. ! tlock lioui a itockhu.uCi to another, oi : trom the bouka oi an c.;iiec to Uiolc ot | juothtr olUcc j iwc new ccrXiiicatcS in- j itcnU of tue ituuin,i; uuroti..t ot j flock winch Ot,glint,,y war, v .0 no longer me turn uciuauy uUc y tut O. j b. liuili cxpicls the arnouut or the uv. I uity cue, nt lire ot per cent on ure original amount ol ci.r.cipai, .1; j the tunc wutn it iha;i coa. but an j tire other prowlious itetctotore .„e„. h, j raw, and now 111 force, leiative to tiu. laid itocka, Ihall retna.u in iuil tore., wa 11 no aiiciuaoa had (Ji.u made in U,c torin oi the ceriilicaitß, ana lueh new etiuiieaies may hi inuli.'.Ued, uieontor nuty null the piovilions ot uua act, uc cooling 10 the ilieu nnrcdicui.d aniouni ot the principal ltucic originally dac. Air. moveu to itnki on. this lcCuon, Uuuu U.t unpreUioti that, mu,air ed tue oHgiual contract Dctwceu .tie United chutes and lire public c.ed.lo.s. l\tr. J . AuntlutL.j vn.wicaicd itu Jec lion agdiiAt Uuo charge. Air, Vann aid uue think it itu- aired tnc original connect, cur co,nii.cicii u lupcitluoUb, u > .1, pnucul li,v power gr.en Uy U Was alii.-.r cy u., n tiie otu.e.s cl tin. 1 iCul n y XJ - ja. title, ite VtiiCU iiic qUcillOll V> MO td.Xwh iXu Li:v ..IU tiOll iOli VN iotiUitt * Cj* Atr. J. Kuuuj.yij mu-.ul .o inli tr.c blank 111 that u-rtor w.. tnlr wnmli pio vide* fu uie cOuvcrtion ot three pc. cent. Itock. into lii pn cent- w;m limy two and a iiaii ; by v.incu the uoluit o> every i.unoien JoUai. in tt.c ua.c pi, eem. hook i> tnUiled to .c,vr: i.x.y two and a halt ooiisii oi i;x per cent. Air. Crovii.lrijiietJ upp„ied liua ico lion, as iveti ad the prom. tor .j„y.u mg the ttiree jier cent. Uo. le under tnc , idea that it would cc mjanoua .o ...c j U. S. ‘ J. Clay del ended the provitiou j and a Lclaikd t.o liuv tilal wouia be beukil-lfti t,G Llivi Ututwd States. Mr. Dana declared hi.xfelf in fu.or of the propoted lu-ocdn'-wcn et tue pub lic debt. Mr,Ja:lj on spoke against it. .1 r, ‘/. ttiuna. t: .cvoea.ed this Jiart of the bill, and Ait ■ l- ro .-'.vi ■■jLLi.l 11 plied . Vi Leu the <pi. it tun ii-s taken on the motion of Alt. J, Randolph, a. id agr.vo tO“— .A yeS J l —rllais a3* A motion, nude by Mr. Mumfora requiring the agents, betoic they ua.- on tiu execution oi their ofrctii to an or sfti n.atiou mr t,,. execution oi then tiulls, a.,.l theui to givi i,vi.i. . one t-. inui. • m.* Ills, ill ti*. pH.a. i ..., oi .0,000 oo.iuis —— Was agr..w i-. Hit. 1) ..a u, Aid to ifi:ke out the words ... m ei,c foliowing lcc with a view riic pio- Vilnius oi tfre u.ii to ...e prci.ut g pei cents, and uu...r tne lurprciiiou tira, ,u tire ne * :,u, r p.ofioied to he cicatec, the govc,t.u,viii ucuiatij Ktclf .i c obtigaiioii to pay a certain pri oi the prrncipai _uU mUrcd hcreloioic .'.ipula. ted. Sec. 1 lit it truidctl by tie Senate and houjt uj lleprcJeHtj.ives oj the UisueJ States oj ,-sM.ttea m js . yemLtcd, il lira! a iubie, ipt.ou to the tut. amount oi the oid/i'. pet ....;. uejetteJ and u.:ce per cent, itocr., Ui, a.,d i..a. .. hereby prupo..o , icr wu,.u pu.p .li books tbaii be opened u: tne tieatr. . ... J tire United Malts, anJ by tne i vt; k 1 Co,nuiil<* oi loans, on u.e in.. d..v I ot April ikat, to t.ouimue wgtii, u j Uic Cay i-i Uce.udiii , io,o\.i,'^, t. 1 ’ , .■*, .. ..,U | - - V I* 1 ‘ •"(-*>’ rjuf-tir fvi-p:-', -r,- ■ , ; ’ ■ a nee mentioned def ■ _ 1 tnn< 1 f Rock as nn ts.? ‘dav off. fciiption, Hand on the books ot • treasury. ;r,d of the several commiui in. ■rn nf loans, refpeAive'iy : which fuh. f.-iotion, H all be tff.cted by a transfer to thr United Slates, in tfie manner provided by law for fueb transfers, of; the credit or credits, fiamiing on the {aid books, and by a furrer ier of the ce r tif ; atet ot the flock subs, ‘>ed. Mr. j. Randolph and Mr. j. C : "- oppof and the motion, end denied the ... tine of the oufervation made t) it Jr. 1 1):,n F Wfien thr motion to fl-ike out the | fcAion \v?j 101 l without a division. The committee rose and reported thr I bill with ftveral amendments, which w. re agreed to by the hnufe, and the i hill (.rderi dto be engrr (fed -or a third reading tomorrow r yes 56. r J he heufe resolved itfclf into a com mictee of the whole— Air. Tenner in 1 the chair—or. the bill repealing the ?(•-. j i laying duties on fait, and continuing i, 1 force for a certain time the id fefticn ‘ | of t'n- aft, entitled “ An aft further to i p r otrft the commerce and ftanien of the j U. K agaiuft the Barbaty powers”—;,j follows ; j SEC. I. Be it enaßtdby the Senate ind ! 1 Heufe of lleprefet.t.uivcs of the Ui. teJl 1 t of America in Congreft ,f nhicd,\ 1 That from and after the day of next, so i much of any aft, or afts, as lays a duiy ■ on imported i.dt be, and the fniie hereby is repealed, and from ana’ after the drv aforila'.d, [alt Rie.ll be imported into the : U. S. free of duty. j .Src, 2. And lc and further en-isled, That fr m and after t-.e fi.'it day of January I m xi, so much oi any aft, or aft-t, as ah | | lows a bounty on exported faltcd pro I vi;i its, and pickled filli, iri lieu or draw-’ back of the dutice on the fait emplovcd i :ti curing ths-famc, and so rnucii of any ■ft, or acta, as makes an allowance to the : ! wners and crews of liihing vtfTeis, in I lieu of drawback of the duties paid on ! the fah lift and by the fame, fhaii be, and ‘■ I the fame hereby is repealed, j -Sec. 3. A net he it further tnr.Hed, That ! jfo mufti cf the aft, passed on the 25th j I day’ ot Nutrch, 1804, entitled an aft iur , 1 rt.vrto protest the commerce ano lcam.i: j j of the U 0. agai II the Bmbary powers, j : ,'s is contained in the fi. lt (. ctio 1 or the I laid aft, be, and the lame hue ; i> con i tinuecl in force until the end ot the n tX , ! j Uilion ol C mgrefs, and no 10. ger. Air. Quincy moved so to the full i - feCtion, as only to take off the duty ,i 3 cents buihel on tait, impoled by an a ‘.t of Congress paifed fublequcntly to the act prcviouilyimpoiiug a duty of i 2 cents. T his motion was adv rated by Mr, Quincy, and oppol'cd by McilVs j. X;.a- j dolph and j Ciay. Mr- Lyon spoke generally the ! hill, and touch, red by moving to it: >..e out tlie tiril fedioo, I Mr. did!well advocated the principle of the b.ii. Air. Dana intimated his difpolition to vote for it, under the idea that ihofc who had the re'poniibility of, over 1. ment attached to them, thought they couid diipenfc with it. Mr. Elmer Supported the bill and op- j pohd the moti us made by Mr. Quincy I and iVlr Lyon, Air. Lyon's motion to ftr.'kc out the ! .hr ft fechon was dltagreed to—Ayt i. ’ j When Air. dyincy's motion w;u ; ilrii'WUC dliagliCh (J Without a divif— I ion. j On motion of Alt. J. c ’ ndo'p/j the ! blank in the in it fiction war filed with the hr ft day of O .ober. Air. siljhn moved to amend the 3d ! section by itnking out the words at the i I end thereof, “ in force tii! the end oi 1 | the next f, ilia 11 ot Congress,” and infer!-! ! r,j “ made perpetual.” This motion v.aj duagrted tc—AyeJ 36 —Nces 60. The committee then rose and report- ! | I the bill, and the houic lock the I*l pun : into uiunediate conliutratiou. Mr. Ilium ford moved to fill the black : j in the link icdion with the tft d:y ui 1 January. Tins motion was opposed ! y M-fhs, j J. Randolph, 1. Moore, Crownmihield and Siuau, when the I ,v i t.'.e concurred 1 111 the report ot the committee of li e ‘ whose to iiii it with the urk of Gclo ! bcr. Mr. CrowninJlhlJ moved to amend j .he iuft section io •.s to continue ti'.t two] anil a half p.r cent, duty on all ,*ayiiijs u*i advaiorem duty lor three VC iii 3. a. motk-it *vas to A yc. 1 Air. Lyon again spoke against ihe hill, j so far as iciaica to taiCiug c.f the uutyi ou fait. When it was ordered to be engreffed for a tiurd .'-d:i.g ,o-,noirovv—Ayci 0 j’ Thurjd.y , Aftll 17. T he fiid y to me a,ft in tituied “ An act makn.g proviuu.i lot ; tin redemption of the who.e vd ti.e pub lic debt of me U. States,” was >tau a third time. Mr, moved to peftcone tiiis ui.l indvliiiitaiy, and fiipportcd the i lnoti-ui in a ipcictr ot coi.iiiicrubie I*. Mr. ‘J C ay replied. \* lieu U.e V is •> and Nays were taken * r u> -i s— Ni- U. — -iiu rli.r.lirn eoa t .ipiCr ~ 00: j, .. i :.w :1 i ic.t.i . ‘ the *:ci. lavinj t e* on u.’., as . c.-. ttu ‘-g in i • c-. , i } - luilhci iiiut, tn. .. t ; ctn-ii oft lie ct, • .. V l -r ■ -•<-! o •v.-ca .. Cl i commerce an ‘ fearren oft! e U. 5. the Baifctry powtrs.” wtt* reed a third lime. Mr. Af i/lrt mov-d to rcconttnit the Si”, for t!it purpose of modifying its de tails. fir. Quincy supported the motion— which w; s loft—Ayes 37 —Noes 49. When the Yeas andNays were take 1 on the pafTage of the bill—Yeas 84 — Nays 1 1. Air. Clark from the committee appoint, ed to ei quire into the conduft of Gi!; nt Granger, Poll Mailer General of the U. 1 nited States, and to report whether, in . their opinion, he has so afted in his ca pacity of PcR Mailer Central, as tore, cirri* ti interp'fiticn of the coullitu uoual power of the House, made a re. port. ‘L'tie committee Rate that they have found tilt in selves unable to nr k * a fill erquiry inro the official conduft of Mr. Granger, ami recommen 1 a poftponemvut , of and further erquiry to the next fftEon. 1 Ordered to lie on the tabic. rXOM TfS ADrSF.TU.ttt. GENERAI. HORATIO GATES. While America, in tie pofTtfllon of FieeJom, Peace, and u: [hack ed Indue* I try, ei : .ys the glorious achievements of 1 tier Heroes, they are defeending fucce3- ! lively to the grave. Within tKfefew days, another of htr üblelt commanders ■ and faithful citizens, General Gates, has followed Montgomery, Greene, and Washington. The inevitable certainty of this doom, dues 1 not the left awaken our regret ; but when exalted worth b thus retiring for j ever from our view, let public fc-rvic.r and public happiness be ihejuft mea. I fures of our gratitude. General Gates, ; more fortunate than many of his lilns | trious colleagues, lived to fee the cause of Liberty and Aratricat Independence not only it. .. ipnaut but cor.foiidatrd ; and with this fives*eft rccompcnfe of h.s j toils and dangers, had the highcß prosr pective latistaction cl ,1 patriotic mind 5 (when dying, it was Ins arm opinion that he could form no berter with lor | his country, ts an that the political ecu. jdition arid progrilfive prolperity i ; s i which he lift it, might be perpetual. | Aaritrici v,.is the countiy of his : choice, Enghnd that of his nativity ; land .’ tie ne is laid to have imbibed ; thole principles of liberty and rillitancs j*u oppn.flL.i, which caused the Revo, iluticn i.i i6ri-J. This early and mi- J “• * { iorm nittchment is a charadteriftic the 1 more commendable, ;:s entered tiis ! Aritilh army ; -nag, and retained hi A ! ike nidcptiidence .f u.-s mind and pri:i;j. )pies. the example of their ac jkriovvledgtd iki’l bravery, it wan na i sural that an urtreer vim.'ia n “ re had (uidowed with a happy dilpotitiou, 1 ihould largely partake or the spirit cf I his corps, and lay the foundation of that military txcchcnce, which waste, display itfelf in that bed and nuhletl cause. He lo diitingmlhcd ldmle-ll in the Britifii lines, that wiuiout punchsfe, he attained the rank of m.jor, acted a Aid-de Camp to general Moutkton at the taking of Martin,co, and hud ( the honor of bearing to Emjisad the ti i dings of the important to, queit (i:i j whiaii he bad alii tied) of that ! fie was among the fir ft troops that | anded at Halifax after the peace of Aix la Chapel!* under Gen Cornwallis, was afterwards in the 54th regiment with general Ifraddoak, and was Ihot through the body at the defeat of that unfortunate officer. After the peace J between Great Britain and France he j purchafcd an estate in Virginia, where | tie retided until the commencement of j our revolution, when he was appointed |by coi grids, adjutant-general of the A i raericati forces, with the rank of niajoi - ..cneia 1 , in fact tae iecond cfficer ia j comataad, and afteiwsrda appointed to ; take the chief command of the North-. 1 ern army. What followed after f Two. ! j tioi.s agatr.ft the British is too deeply ; ‘.mprtfleo on every mind to be hers re lated. His name will defervediy live for ! wr i'i the annals of America, to vtiL 1 Independence perhaps no fiogl* ev.iu cuntnbuted fa as il>: Cos: \ -,t. at Saratoga; it decided ‘lic j-u 1 tc 'ween America amt Great E :t n ; b fccured the reign of Lsbertjr, And b j *b foundation of the belt oigai.ii and gf>Vcl hli.cilt lh.*t l Hat ii*i curucii. May Anieiica .v v.iut. When with the army, G.ll. G.vrxi maintained personal dignity s tuuut di.idncc, a thit g never j cv real merit , he leccived u.e t.-.jj.r ia,.d lubaiteru in priva,e in a fiuse-ly aini tammar n.aiuier ; Lut is puotic, ,>r .11 toe pretence of iocetators, be kept ! thole wiio appioacucii unit in their pro per nations ; whittk i;e lupportco ii.eioi- Utnation as itcceiiarv to uiicipiitit, tic rei}.:Cted men in proportion eo the iikii it s. .-fur the peace he retired lo his faun in \ irginia, v/i.erc he remained until nt Came to 1 tilde at N-w-ictk in 1; >e. But prcvioully to h;s quitting he emancipated his vetlals ; he thoaght it was incompatible with his print, p.* at-d iitcoi.iiftcnt with ti.e part he hail krn in the levolutioii, to retail) a human .creature in bonoage ; ane. he made a pt lUiiia. y proviiiou tor fucli as were u;wie vo provme for th n, .. ~ with a p.u.n ue to r:-,ui> alter tont. :ir.g his lritnd ’ ‘ft “‘ 1 “ all.ilance. b-une or Tele tut.u to beioj,. woutd not pa, t f/orr. to ,r..3 a ■ , at .... -1 , . 1 ill hit family j . .. * ; . visors at : —-.m t..e tenrains of : ,r bciie::C. r ; u,. u ’ omned with g it lui % . author Vl i *t r -• -"d ... . . ..