Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, May 09, 1806, Image 1

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Vo!. IV. N0.64 j CONDITIONS OF THE GEORGIA HE, PUBLIC AN. The REei'BL'Ca :•> is publillicrt ever Tueflav and Friday, on a royal liieet ol . I'ood quality. The terms of fubfcrmtion are six doi.- i|Mts per annum. half to be p .id at the time of fubfuribiig, and tne balance at tin expiration ol the year....and all p ipers v.ill Ve continued until ordered to the reverie. rsRMKS OT ADmUTISINO. Adverrifements i. lerted at 50 cents per ftlttare the firlt inl’ertion, and 15 tr each con tinuation . .A liberal allowance made to thol who win to advertise by the car. Fa- Sale r.r this Office, A variety cf B T.ANKS among which arc, Foreiquand Goatling ‘.iaiuteits, Men hxiits Knn its, Liquor do. Jiilis of Exchange, 10.,;. do. of Side; Powers of Attorney Checks. Apprentices Indentures, Ileeus of Conveyance, Bonds; Notes of Hand, Writs for the Superior, Inferior Sc Mayor’s Courts, Mayor’s Court a. \ a utlons Supboenas, Notices to creditors of Inl'olvent deb tors Military Surnmonfes, Sc Jvxeeutions, &.C Cf Cards, Handbill* htc. fPc. Feinted at a Jhict A disc on reasonable terms. tvzztyceMr'rrr .-fr.-.-iUT ycwra-i/ifr-my**** Waived on Charter or Freiohr, L7 £s>t, A VESSEL of about 200 tuns, lor a Gtr pon* App!y to A. G. Qemler ix Cos. March 14 56 T. M. Wood bridge, Has just received by the s ! oop P Jly, Captain Norris, fr :n Caudah upe, 2o hi is. p true relating MOLASSES 13 ait to ditto eriito hi GAR jOOO lb. pt me Green COFFEE April 8 63 1? Kegs Piiiiadeipii.a ii utter 2 P p’S Gin, Xlecoved ore • i: tnmenr,per Sloop Favorite, ands r faie by john Hunter, & Cos. May Vi Xt. 7 Is! <j Vv LAA L) 1 it U AND FOR SALE, 50 IS!p. fnperliue flour, 4 Pipes gin, 6 HLds. Whilkey, 20 Boxes yellow soap, A DON HAND, to Kiwis, and 30 bb!s. prime lugar. Bags belt green coffee, 10 Puncheons 4th proof Jam. Rum, ALSO, A few boxes coatfe and fine Irifl linen, and brown Holland, A general supply of GROG KKIhS. ANDREW KNOX. Bar. Gibbons's IVhart. April 25. 4 w. 69. ■ ~THE FIRM OF ROBERTS & CLARK, “T S cfifT-fived by the death of the firmer; X tire buljttcfs o (till carried on by the fublcribcr, Joseph Hill Clark, Smith id Bourse's wharf. WHO HAS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, The cargo cf the schooner ANN id IIARRIOT, Whipple, mailer from tlu ffiavannah —Confiding of 53 Hhds. Mots fie* 7 do. Sugar 30 Bbls- Prime Green Coffee ON HAND, jo Hlids. 4th proof Jamaica Rum tz do. N. E. do. ic® Bbls. Rice. April 22 <SS Samuel IViliiams^ “f ~y AS removed to the (lore lately oc-j espied by Messrs. H. Kneeland 1 go C<>. and formerly by himfeif, on Mo-j rei’a wharf, where he will continue the j GROCERY BUMNESS. Aprd 1 5. (j Vv AN i ED, A N OVERSEER, a fugle man well ac d qjamted with Rice planting, who cun bring good recommendations of his hnu efty, f bri- ty ar.d abilities. Apply to the fublcriber at Coitcn Ham, Ervan County. JOHN H. MOREL. March n 55 iiit nkivToF HUNTER & MINIS, f IS thi3 day diflolved by mutual con feat. All persons having demands will pkafe render their to the fubferibers for a. juffmer.t ; and all indebted, are Ir.lic ited to prepare for immediate payment They will attend at their Ccrnpting boufe as usual, for the adjuiiment ot their accounts. JAMES HUNTER. ISAAC MINIS. Marti 23 55,. .N ‘i * ‘7’ 15 -i 9 ijcorgm Republican. SVVANNAH: PRINTED BY EVERITT ts M’LEAN, ON THE BAY. Bay Icy & Harman, No. fr. IN THIiFXCH 4KGS, J_T A\ E leceived by tie late arrivals a gr G lier ’ il a "h cxtenlive atTortmeitt of Alt . IgLLS, in their line, the w hole cf w'nc’ re warranted , the belt quality, and wd >e luld at reduced prices for ready mottv o, oreduce only —Planters and others will I>< luppfe.l by lending th ir orders on the tetnn •dreve mentioned. v reorgiu Hams a Barton (home cured J and warranted to keep through the year Large pick.ed and fmoaked Tongues, & beef from the New-York market New York corn'd 13. cl in half bands & by the n.igie piece Bolona Saufagca, Bolton Salmon () ;i rt tail Double Gloftcr, Cirdhlre, North Wilt flure and American Checle i.ondou bottled ldr iwn Stout, ’ Edenbilrg a e, and Bm.fh Cider t’.ne Garkfing and Ciaret Wines too Bn e app> Che“fe J.ctidon Bottivd Port, iu quart Sc pint Bottles ler.catcsold Claret Wine of one dozen each Old Madeira Wine in Bottles Do, in quarter calks and on retail F rot tig nac and Malinfey Wine* Evtry deteription of Cordials in bottle., and in lock cases, allotted in each, Enliln and American Ralpberry & Chdry) Brandy Driid fruits, Prefcrves in cases aaorted Oraigc & Lemon Sbrnb Rolr, Lavender, Orange (low, and Hoiey waters Oli'es, Capers, A.nchoives, Pieties of all kinds Mubroon ketchup •Chtroqne, Qaius, & Imperial Fifit sauce Soy, t ffence ot anchoives Pejper Sauce, fine Sallad Oil Fade Salt, Wine Bitters London and Durham Milliard, nmde L,ondcn Muttard, Split P. as. Pealed barley Chou ate of superior quality Crakeia and blitter buffeuit in kegs, Moc a Coffee, fine Hyfon and young Hyfon Teas | Ar.d j ijl si from New Fork, | Small 6'auys ot ilyfon Pea, very flip:- nor qualities By a Spring arrival, Godfioid’s fupenor Bcgars 111 whole and hall boxes * Bittde powder in caniffere Rifle 00. in kt\.aand Cannon do. in do* Shot of ail llz.s Oh C nfi’n vcnt, 30 Calks Brown Stout. April 29 70 TO LE I', THE WHARF AND STORES U’ORMERLY occupied by Mellrr,. Wi 1 for A & Knox, and at prelent by Mr. Andrew Knox. The! productive and convenient ii tuation is l'o well known, as to require nc mrtlier explanation. For terms enquire ol R. vVa\ne. * November j 19 30 Do'lars Beward. RUNAWAY from the lubfcnber on the 15th February last, a young negro wo man named NELLY, (i.e is about live feel two orthree inches high, thick made, hai remarkaoie thick’ lips, and black teeih, whir’ are very far apart, and lisps much whe fpeakirg. She is well known about Uwt where file may be enticed to work ; and r i.ippotVd to ire harbored at times about th Orphan house, and Mr. Wiikinfou’s plat, tation near Savannah. The aO-ve rewau will be given to any perlon v.ho will deli ver her to the jailer in Savannah, or inforn the I'ublcriber where Ihe may he taken. IV m . STEPHENS. March 25 iy NOTiCE. A LL perlonr ii.cscwCi and by bond; , nr °P r ’> accounts, t tlu iia/c of jOH N H1.R13, dec, are in lorrr.ed that uniels they cctrie for wan and fettle /heir refpedive amounts b the 20th of June next, they vvi 1 with, cut difcrimina/ion be pla ed in the j iiatids nl an ai/orney for collection— j rhefe to whom the said estate n ii, debted will plcafs ptelent their ac couirs for payment. FREDERICK HERB, AJm’r. 1 r: ’ ,r 65 l OX OmC. ONE of /he rnoft valuable /ra£ls o f Land upcri /he Aliamaha, roii/a.nirg .sis ut eleven hundred acres of Rice! Swamp in the belt pitch of tide. Tliis tradt is about five miles above /fit own of Datien, was, prior to the re vclutionary war,/he preprr/y of th ate governor Wright, and has for a lettltmcr.f, attached immediately tr the Swam a, cnc cf ‘he moli beauti ‘u! and molt tietn/ed u/uations upot /he river. Pet funs wlfiling to pu? ebafe this jropeny will apply to f award bwar meek or William Mein, hfqrs. a Savannai, wheie a p!a/of /fie Lar. may be seen. Gibber 15, ts: 9. F K 1 1) A Y, May 9, 1806. 1- DUCAT ION, Grateful for.the diitirpmflied patrnnng -0 has experienced lince ids ollablillinient in ” vaniKih, Mr Green wit! deference informs us friends and the public, that the Ladies Literary l.ltool, and the C .ammar and Math ematical id.ools, Hill conduced by him cm the fame cxteuiive plan, as at their com mencement. The course of the (cbools, includes Read ing, Grammar, Slocutn-ii and Rhetoric Writing in all the ufefui ornamental han Is’ Aril lime ie. Book keeping, according to se veral fyltems, Geography and the life, oratungcopying of Maps in different pro! jealous, the lements of Astronomy, and the life ofths Globes and Tellurian Hillorv Slid Chronology. ‘ In the Mathematical department, the pupils wi 1 be carefully iintruded in Algebra Geometry. Trigonometry, Conic Sedions and Fluxions, with tlo.r application to the bufi nets of life and the mveiiigation of lci ence. Sixteen years experience m his profeffion, and a sacred anil unremitting attention to the morals and real improvement of his pu pils \\ 11, lie hopes, continue to him from a liberal and enlijlnened public, a (hare cl thai favor which he has hitherto experienced Pujuls admitted without Entrance, till rhe ilt of the entiling January. . A II anctng Master of eminence will attend the Schools. November 5 39 -- ■ i’ we jJ)oiiars Reward, ABSENTED himfeif on the night of the 26th March last, Sam, a (tout young couuliy born negro, fix teet high ol a dark complexion and fur y countenance, had on when he wen! off a white negro cloth jacket and trow Lrs, it is probable he may change hit, dress, walk* very end and is much of a beau, a* the Lid fellow once attempted o get to the up cotntry and wnjdifap pointed in his expectation*, very probable iie may aim for the Northward all persons are hereby cautioned against iaiboring or carrying hi m fc ff as the .-.W will be enforced avair.ft such persons. t he above reward wilt be paid on de -1 wring bim to the goa'er, or Frederick Herb, in Savannah, or to the fubftribei on Liberty lfiand, below Thunderbolt. GEORGE HERB.’ Apnl 4- G e* ; r is 1 , \ Bv J ;hn” G L. S. > N.iuiittger, clerk l .G. NtiDMUGER yf the court ot ordinary for the county of Effingham, in the ttatc ot Georgia. WHERE- fi David B. M ch ell applies far le/;ers . f ad nii'illra/i n on .h elta/e af Wfilia n L. Hail, late of Tiling .4111 Coun/y, dcceled, s Attorney or cer/a/iin Credi/ois of rhe faic Jeceafed. These are therefore/j cite nd admonifii all and lingular /he kind efl 2nd Gredi/ors of the (aid dc*. eased to file .neir chjedlions ( f an> tney b-) in my, on or before t e ill day of June nex7, olherwife e/ters twill be grar./ed him, -iiven under ir.y hand and seal /his four/eenth day rtf April, 1806, and ii t c thii/ieth tear of Auteiican lttd-pendence. April iq yrt Sheriff S lies, “/IT. L BF. SOLD on the ftrjl Tuesday m Jme next, at the Court Aou/e, be tween the hours of ten and three u'clock. A nacl of (and containing our hundred and thirty acres be *he fatre mo e or le s (Jd Grvey) joining louth part of the L rphan heufe piar.tati n } wc;l timbered with pine, and a orifk.erabie proporrion adapted o the culture of c often and \ to- Lions, having the advantage of 1 good navigation to this city, levied on as rhe property o - F.manuei Rengili, at the suit o Edward Lev is, pointed out b\ he defendant. H. W. WU.LIAMS, ands c c. Ms 2 71 SHERIFF’S SALES. ON the firji 7 ueselay in June next, W IL J. BE SOLD, at the Court-house in this city, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'l tack. A Negro man named Jack, alien u, der execution as the ! property of Mo decai M'Lean, o latisfy Smith and Murry, pointed out bv the plaintiff. ALSO, A negro man named Bachus, aktn under execution as the property of William Barnard, under sundry executions, poin ted out by the defendant. T. ROBERTSON, s.c. c. May 2 *rjr, ALMANAC’S FOR Sale a: this ojfiie April j Sheriffs S?L*s, AT the Court house in the City of on the fiilt fuefday in June next, will be fold, between the hourn of Ten and Three oYdock, one undi vided moity of a Tr.tiT of land, containing by original lurvey, One Tboufand acres, fit in te, lying, and being on 6’avannah river, in (he county of Effingham, oppo tite Purisbu-gh, bordered bv iande formerly Pattons and Lew ises. I fie laid trait confuting of River fwamp,ibou n a vitn hne Cypruls, Seized and taken under execution, as . A proper tv 01 Bartholomew Waldberger dec*d, to latisfy a Judgment obtained by Aaron and John Cunningham.—Pointed by the x £Cutor of Waldberger. T. Robertson, s c. c. April 29 72) 1 SHERIFF'S fiALl'O, ‘ IVILL be sold on ‘luesJay tb , third day of June next, at the tou r t bouse in Savannah, be tvocdi the hours oj ten and tw o’clock. ALL that part of a lot ot land on the bay containing fix'y feet in front and ninety feel in depth, being the ealtern part 01 Lot No. three Juicyl Tything Darby Ward in the city of Sa vannah, fold as the property ol George Enoe, of .Savannah cay lor, to fatisfy a mortgage there on to Win. Crawford, duly lore clofed. T. ROBERTSON, s c c. April 29. 70* Georgia, . BY John G. Effingham County > Neidlinger, Cicrk / G. Neidtengcr )of the Court of Ordinary for the county aforefaid. WHEREAS Mrs. Elizabeth London, the widow of j hn London j ‘a e of the county of Effingham, iruj .aid ftatc deed, and John Williams,. Efquirc both of the c:ty of Savannah ‘ and Hate afwdaio, have applied tor, otters cf adaiiniltration on the cita ej and effedts of the fa and Ji,hn London’ deed. *3 ncureft of kindred to ifir said deed. 1 hefe are therefore to iite and admoniih ad and lingular the I kindred and creditors of tire fb-.'j deed, to hie their ohjeilions in mi office on or before the third day c May nex’, to shew c.ufe (if any the have) why letters of adinio'ftratio fhou and not be gi anted. Given under my hand ?nd ft-:-. at my office in the ecu ity at i ffare afortfaid, this tin t, firfi day of March, in the year of i u. Lord one thousand eight hun. dred and fix, and of American independence the thirtieth. Ami! 11. 64. GEO KG I si, “j LT Edward IVhite, l. s. > Clerk of the Court of Or- E. White. J dinary, for the county a) Chatham, andjtillt afar cf aid. Wid ERE n b Luisa t; eth Strphr n and Lancelot B. Guinn, up ply for letters cf adrrmtiftra ion 01 the eftaie and effedfs o f Wm. Ste* pliers, la'e ot Chatham County plan t~r deceased, as ne.rreft ~f kin. Thele are therclbre to cne and ad* moniffi all ana lingular the kind cd and creditors of the dee. to file their objections (if any they l ave) in mt on or before the jth day of May 1 exr, nthsrwifc will be granted them Given nne'er my hand and fcal this 5 h day of April, and in the 30th ve r of Aine: i tn mdeneridenre. (j?J Sheriff's Silos. Postponed. WILL BE SOLD, On 7 net day the *d day of Jure T PcC, ot the Court-house in JtJJcrron , between tit hours of ten and two o’clock, th’ following {>• (petty, mortgaged by IV,I lium A orris to Robert & John Bo!tor. \ for the payment of a targe rum of mon ey, the equity of r edemption burning been duly foreclosed, viz LG T No. forty-fix, (46) Do. do. thirty- fix, (36; Do. do. thirty-seven, (37 'i Part cf lot No. seventeen, ( >7; Artel thewhole of the front of lot No. fevntren, (17) being a v\ater lot, with all the buildings and improvements thereon. David Q. Jones, S. C, C. March 7 -a [Whole Number 373. POSTPONEMENT,} bPe the Commissioners , appointed by the Legislature to di.pos* of the FR ACI 10 NAL SUR - VErS of IVilkir.son, Baldwin and iVaynt Counties, have for several reasons Postponed tbs S<he until the 16 tv June next, at which tia.e we wt.l com menu. WILKINSON. /HOSE of the firlt dIllricl; op iie 16th day of June next, a;.{. continue from d.ty to day* b ‘y en the hours of ten and three, (Sundays excepted) un iil the 23d inclulive. Thole of the ad diftrirt: on the 24th day of June, until the 27th inclulive. Thole of the 3d diflrid on the 28th day of Jurtf, until the ad lay of j uiy inclusive. Thole of the 4th diffrid oii he 3d day of July until the 7th inclusive. llnle of the sth difirid* on ihe Bill day of July until the 11 th inclusive. BALDWIN. Thole of the iff diftrift oil the tarh day ot July until the 16th indufi ve. 1 hole of the 2d difbift orl the iyh day ot July until the 24th inclusive. 1 hole if the 3d difiirid on the 25111 day of July until the Mjih inclusive. Those of rhe 4th diftrift on the 30th day of jtdy until the 4th day of Augufi inclusive Those of the sth diHridt on the sth day of Augull until the /ath inclusive. WAYNE. i Those of the id didried on I the ■ 3 tli (lav of Augufl until the 2ifl inclusive. Those of the 2d c!iflri<ft on the 22 J cloy of Auguit until tiie /6th inclusive. Those of the 3d didridt on Mur 27th day of Augufl until the 30th inclusive. Terms of Sale . Ol the purchasers, bonds for he am. unt of the j.urchafe mo ney will he required j at four equal in dal men 3 to Oc paid in gild or filverj the fir ft payments tvelvc months after and ie. In ad luion to which a mortgage will j# required Moses Sfek, J Reddick Simms, > Commiffoturt I’atric Jack. j Washittgion, Fet>. 17, 52a NOTICE. To the Citizens of SsD vannah, and inhabitants of the Sea-lflands, White Bluff, Little Cgechee and Chero kee Hi I Diflri&s. ‘J lie fub feriber is now 1 cady to re ceive tiie 1 axes, for the year one thousand eight hun dred and five, at his Office* the corner of Broughton Lincoln- It. ect, late llcrfon’s Jioufc. Office hours, from <7 in the morning until 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Those that do not come forward and pay their tax ie3 by Thursday the 15th day of May next, wiil have executions blued again!! them as the law directs.... alf), for those taxes unpaid for 1804 PE I Ell DEVEAUX. T. C. C. Ci Tax Colheoßt Office, ) Mor day, 3 if}, I s9s, f