Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, May 09, 1806, Image 3

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Rcipt&i'ig H-i'and, cvrvjr p.-rfir convcnant m Lulinefs knows ike cno tious calculation of the Dutch merchant?- they trade very little on their own ac count in time of war, but are confhntly foliating the American merchants to make coiffignments of property to fell on cotrimillion. And yet we are told in that oracle, the celebrated pamphlet, “War in ILs gu;fc,” that France, Spain end Hoi land, carry on the war Great Britain with property covered by Ame rican? ! Will any rational mau believe them 2 I now come to Great Britain. Sir, not one word has been laid about pro perty covered for her. She is immacu late—(he is innocent—(lie can do no wrong’. I have good authority for the last rxpreffion. The King fays so, aid other? repeat it. Sir, immediately upon th e coalition being formed en the conti nent of Europe, she seized upon your unfufpetfting commerce, and furprized it with new principles and new doftrines in her courtr. of admiralty, which ope rated with her (h:ps of war in the fame j manner an tho’ they bad aftunlly receiv I ed order? from the lords ot the admiralty, • (hew ii.fidnotis! but they underhand decoy) to crpture r.-.J bring in nil Ameri can veflUs bound to enemies ports; and it by chance any of them c-fcaprd their fangs, after a mock trial, they ate com pelled to pay enormous charges from jeo to 600 guineas, and fotr.c times more. This operates as a premium to carry in all your vefiels, knowing before hand they will have nothing to pay ; for although you gain your cause, you mu ft j pay the colls. This, ft-, dilcourages j your cautious and btft merchants, and 1 they are thus compelled to abandon! and decline pursuing a lucrative and law ful traffic. If there be any property covered for Great Britain 1 have every reason to be-! lieve, from Bel- I will (late to the cotn-| mittee, that it appertains almost rxclu-’ fively to fome British merchants lately adopted citizens of the U. S, for they take good care to keep all their hu'inefs in their own hands—They are the hon ed veft"r!3 we have heatd so much about, that are ergaged in exnorting cotton, i tobacco, and other produce of our coun try. Why fliould they have the prefer cnee 2it v.’it! be asked. I will not tell 1 you what I do not know, (as has been laid in this committee) but 1 will tell) you what Ido know. Sir, I lie real a-! merican merchant cannot enter into com petition with them. They have their i particular friends in England, who are intercftrd and will of course give them j the preference. By a variety of ways they obtain all the freights, to the ex clulion of your vcffels. Sir, we arc of ten compelled to take in ballad along ftdt of those very snips who have full j freights. Thus, fir, the real American I merchant is the dupe of these honed a dopted British merchants. These are your Jltppery ccl met chants, so juftiyde nonunated by the honorable gentietnan from Virginia, whose ccrne of mind I much admire. They were indeed, fir, so very slippery in fome of your dis triifts, that it was found necessary to pels a law excluding them who re sided in foreign countries from owning any (hip or veffd belonging to the Uni ted States ; for a number of them after having made fortunes out of your neu trality, had fl pped off to Great Britain to spend the money and the remainder of their days. And in order that we might not compremit our neutrality in this deceptive business, our national le giilature has been careful to pals a law an the firfi. feflion of the eighth congress, dated March 27, 1804, to correft the abide, which has in fome measure put a cheek so it ; and yet we are emphari caily told it ia ordy coffee, sugar, and East India goods that are guilty of the Cm ofintefering with Britith merchants, those monopolizers of the commerce of the whole world. I mention these fads, fir, to vindicate { the character of the real American trier- j chant; it will (land the test with that of [ any other nation iri the world. Sir,j look at your revenue system, examine all j the records of your d-.ltrift courts, fee ’ how very few fine3 and forfeitures they have incurred, and then compare them •with any class of citizens you p! -afe, and you will, I am confident, Mr. Chairman, .exculpate them from such difingrr.uous -retieftior; a3 have been animadverted up on in this committee. Sir, they make it a point of honor to diftourage smuggling knowing th? whole revenue of country to depend upon that fidelity which they have never cesfed to incul cate. I cannot but persuade myfelf, that on mature reflection gentlemen will cot withhold from that class of the com munity the protection guaranteed to them by the: conllitution of their coun try'. It is a fact well known to this committee, that the federal conllitution, under which we now hold our feats in this house, grew out of the great incon veniences we then experienced in our commercial affairs with foreign nations. Surely they are not oulawed. 1 trull j r.ot, iir. I hope better treatment from the bauds of my country. (“To le Continued.) Frj>: the Bepc seica.% Advocatz. ]t is and fficulr, at this time, tr form a just est innate of the mo tives and views if Mr. Randolph. Jjuc ic is not quire lb difficult to decide, in any even ‘, on the pro prietj of fi:s conduit, Viewer. il alpeff, his speech rxhi >Hii irafeibility which lobei or ft° r ditclaims, a w ant of lob *. tv ,f argument foreign to true vifdom, and a ru lends and per onal ry 0 f exprrffion which is ‘Ot tolerable between gentlemen 0 private lift, and which no hirig can txcule in public de-■ >ate. j -nv man can approve o’ Mr, Randolph's condufl on this occahon, w> (nail be curious tu iiearn the giounds of that appro bation. 1c may be laid that luch behavior is independent ; Hut truly, when the queltion is; between the prefidenr, who is vnown to be cool, attentive, and circumfpeft, and a man of John Randolph’s irritable difpoli'tion, it is very questionable whether I 'here is not more of malignity j than independence in his diiconrie, To lay tire belt of the speech, it is full of Ipleen and gall. Livery body acknowledged, with few exceptions, both inland cut of congress, the neceflity of doing /ewething with refpeft to Great Britain. As to what that fome thing ought to be, good and fen fib! e men might differ; j but good and sensible men would temper their difference with a proper portion of urbanity and diferetion.—Among others, this paper has advocated strong mea sures—any meahires ihort of war. But as a majority of the! teprefenratives of the people have decided on milder mea lures, (which, on the whole, may be well-enough,) every man that : s friendly to the welfare of the United Suites ought to support rh : resolution of Mr. Nicholson : But Mr, Randolph is fordoing ‘nothings except negotiating; a? ft the cup of humiliation were not drained to rhe dregs already ;by negociation. I The accusation? against Mr. | jefferfon, are richer vague. With refpeft to their being “no a cabinet,f’ different persons may have different notions on the fubjeft ; and many question exceedingly whether the Prefi denc is bound by the conllitu non to conduit with the heads of departments on all otcafions as to t he eligibility of national mea fires. The constitution fays he may require their opinions in writing, but it is very doubtful whether the makers of the con ilitution of the United St,res ever intended to convert the fec rctaries of the several departments into a cabinet like a B. ltifh pri vy-council. Concerning the charge o’ withholding dispatches, we ap prehend Mr. Randolph to be miflaken; for as he offers no evidence of that fiuft, it is not to be credited I>y refiefting minds that Mr. Jefferfon would be guilty of lo wanton and unprof (table an omifiion ; especially wnen he has had fuch'numerous I and strong proofs of the zeal cf Ins federal opponents in search ing out his errors and faults., It has been reserved for a man that has ranked high as a repitb- ; iican to cap the cl max of oppo bcion to the Prdident, and to close the circle of criminations against him, by allegations th? j moft abiurd, prepofleruus and. ridiculous. To fay nothing of Mr. Ran-i dolph’s euiogium on Britain— that nation which holds so many free born Americans ir.llaveiy—l and to pass over cite numerous wcakneffes he has difeovered in the Ipeecii in qudlion, the rrof! charitable conftruftion that can be put upon his conduct is the fuppolkion of nervous derange- ! menc, to which such weakly and irritable frames as his are ex tremely liable, A. SCRIBNER & CoT Next door to Dr. B crhclo*. and neiriy cp pofite to thr Poll Office, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, PBIH the l#ris GEORGIA from Xety York, in addition to their former Hock, A FRESH SUPPLY OF I AIMES kid, Morocco and L-ather f.ip per-, vluiev do. do. flipper*, >•, tlemen’s tir.c Qioes ard pump:, •iz. All warraiiled robe cf ibt aril ij'n! • RE PUB LIC Au. SAVANNAH, May 9, iS G. j ■lWH"ll “■ 111 ™ m IHMIMa>BUaM A.very modest federalist, (hortly after the American people placed Mr. Jcffer (on in the presidential chair, in an oration delivered before the Society of Cincinnati in Connedlicut, after bellowing the mod unwarrantable abuse upon Republicans, liefitated hot to declare, “ That 10c now have a government adminiflered by Blockheads and Knaves.” “In lan- guage difgraccful to a Callender he pre dicted, Society was soon to an end Marriage contrasts were to be abandoned Religion viewed with feorn and de teftation—lioufes of worftiip were to be burnid or destroyed—Bibles were to be committed to the flames, and the radi ent rays of Gospel light and truth were forever to be hidden from our eyes— Priests were to be hung, or treated as pests to (ociety, and the pulpit was no longer to be considered as afaeftuary for religious worftiip, or as a ftiield from the wild, viuonary plan of infidel Democrats —ln (hort everything valuable in Socie ty was to be immolated at the (hrinc of Democracy.” When we observe fnch repeated and unblushing attempts to bring the now existing adininiltiation into contempt, we I (hould conceive it a negleft of trull were we to p3fs then by unnoticed—we feel it our bounden duty, as public organs, to hold up to view, and to expose such vile andir.famous epithets bellowed onthe rulers of the American government —a government adminiilered by men, who are elevated by the voice of the people. We challenge our opponents —we chal lenge the mod violent monarch ill in our D country to fay that a word of the above extraft—even one word, has been rtalifed fmee the eleftion of Mr. Jefferfon to the chair of government —These pitiful at tempts to defame the heft of citizens & statesmen, are forthepurpofe of deceiving the people ; but, every man, either Re publican or Federalist, diverted of party prejudice after a moment? cool, dispas sionate reflection muff be convinced cf the absurdity of such unfounded assertions —federaiifts will not acknowledge this to be the fact ; but, Republicans hesitate not to declare it to be such. Tne ties which unite society are as strong at the day S3 at any former period—a t what period has the marriage contrast been held more sacred, and tbe duties of man and wife, been more mutual, than at the present day ? Are not the embaf fadoraof the Redeemer as much refpefted now as they were previous to the election, of Mr. J fferfon 2 Bias there been even an in fiance of a place of holy worlhip be ing demolished or destroyed ? At what period has religious publications been more in demand ? Our meeting houses ha,ve not been deserted—Religion has not been neglected—we hesitate not |to declare, that religion is more attended |to at the present day, than it has been j at any former period of our rxiftance.— IWe now call tyion the enemies of the j present adminiftratioa, to dived thenu j selves of party prejudice, and in a cool | and difpcffioiiate manner answer these 1 queftioris. Reader, can you peruse this j vile and pitiful extraft but with abhoreace j and detestation 2 ~ j as the tidings of the times afford noth, ing of a very important nature, we have devoted the greatest part of this day’s pa per to and Political mat ter. We have commenced the publicati !on of Mr, Mumford’a speech in the j House of Representatives, on Britifn j fpoliatior.s which mult be interesting to every American —it is couched in lan guage becoming a (iatefmao. The proof-flieet of “that column” allu ded to by Mr. Hely, in the Patriot of yesterday, was examined by the writer* and not by either of the editors of the Republican, both of whom were on pa rade. This Mr. H. might have learnt, and wx believe did know, if he did, he ought to have done ua the just ice to fa* so. ‘Tie, to be sure, ntrufi-ig enough t, read the panegyrics, which are bellow ed by l'c lerahfta upon Mr. Rnndolpl and the censure w hich accompanies ihcr. again!! the adiiiiuiltration—what ha: been the ircoffint exclamation of fedei ulilm 2— "plottft our commerce ” —vvliui is the ground taken by Mr. Randolph ” Let commerce ptolcß itfclj ” —how thci have the federaiifts been converted to this extraordinary degree ; are they feri oils or il l j ft 2 ytur’er., j Port of Savannah. CLEetRJ-.D, - C chr. Dover, Giawton, Philadelphia ; Sleep T.outfj, Reynolds, New Tor k. ■nmramwtwwwiii 111 Mtumjwwnau Died, on the i6ili ultimo, at Provi” den ce, (R. I.) Major Bennett Wh-.elen aged 52 years. Grand CONCERT?*’ Sav rnnah yAnacreontic Society. THIS EVENING, (Friday) of May, there will be a CONCERT at the Exchange, for the benefit of Mr. Lc ROY, Which will be the iatl for this season. Act 1. Symphony Hayden.,’ Bong, (the Soldier’s adieu) by Mr. Moore, Variations and Rondo, on the Piano, by a pupil of Mr. Le Roy, Mils Dcche naux, tight years old. * Sw "g by Mr. Petty Rondo Hayden Act id. Overture Gyrowet Song (Old Tovvler ) by Mr. Moor C | a Thema, with variation* on the Piano, I by Mils Djdienaux j So g by Mr. Petty Favorite Aliegretto Gyrowetz CO* Concert to commence at halt pall seven o’clock precisely. Tickets one dollar, to be bad of Mr. Dcchenaux, ofMeflis. Seymour & Woolliopter, ot Mr. Le Roy, and ou the night of at the Concert door. Hlhßlt [• \S aiji.M. ON tbe firjl Tuesday in Jan. next, will be fold at the Court- Houje in this city, between the hours of ten and three o'clock. WILL BE .SOLD, ALL thole buildings fitnate on North half part of lot No. Decker’s ward, owned by theeftateof Philip Mines, the property of Maurice Lehiff, now of J oft ph Arnold. Three lot? being part of a five acre lot for merly the property of John Cur rie. ALSO, 1 he following negroes to with Rose, about 35 years of age, Sam by occupation a painter ; Pum pey, his wife Iffabella, Cato and Casfar, and a fifty acre lot known by the No. Alio, the houle in Anson’s Ward, at present oc cupied by the defendant, feizec) under execution as the property of Jolcph Arnold, furvivinig Cos. at the suits of B njamin Buffey surviving copartner, and Benja min Buffey junior. Continued from May Lies. Conditions Cajh. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. April 1 (j ( (CT THE SUBriLKJB“Ki, IP ROM the want of pimfluality in tlie greitier mimber of those f 1 wliom they have been toiling, afiiduonlly for several year? pall, hnd tlierriielves emhiraffed by denn.’iid.'s they cannot answer. They are’ therefore j compelled *■ call in this manner np-.n al! j thole indebted to them, to pay the whole, aj part, or liquidate the lame hytheinh day’ of I Ju y next ; after that date every imliqiiida- | ted h'jolt debt to the commencement of the j present year, will be placed in the hands oi ! an attorney for collection. I Kollock&: Parker. April 18 PUBLIC noTfcET PUBLIC No/ (.c is hereby given, that at tlie expiration of sixty days from /his date, to wi/, m the 19'h day of April riex ! , WILL be SOLD at PUBLIC A(J C I JON, ■it the Court-houfc in this City, t>c wren the hours of 10 and r o'clok, ALL that LOT of LAND in Carpenter’s Row, containing 3G feet in front and 150 feet deep ; be ing the real e'.tate of Afaph Tower, fold by order of the Inferior Court, for the benefi.’ of the heirs and credi tors, AuA lIUXhY, Adm’tor. keb; 18 jaw <-, j CP The above sale wai poftponco j until the 10th day of May when it j will take place. j Fur Salk, j A LOT in Yamacraw—with a two 1 Itory Brisk HOUSE and two j Wooden Tenement* thereon—well cr.l-l eulated for dwelling.houfes they will I he fold cn moderate terms and a'liberal! credit.—For further particular apply to ; LORD HALL, or ! JOHN HUNTER. If r.ot fold within a few days, they will! be Rented—either ffpsravjy or together i TO mm, A Negro Wench, and a fm.'t aftire Boy, apply as above. -April 29, iitos AUCTION. 1 his Day, THE cyh. ind. at it o'clock, WILL I*SOLD, cn Telfair's •wharf Without Kcservc. 12 Hhds. TOBACCO 4 Hhds. SUGAR 2 iihds, MOLASSES; Te cloft cd.Jjgnv; cuts. 1 Condition?, Ca(h. S. 11. Stackhouse. Atttlicmer. May 9. S ME KITE’S SALE~ WILL BE SOLD, ON Tuesday the third day cf ‘June next, at the Court-house in Savannah, le.iv en the hours of ten and two o’clock. A Iff. that part r.f a lot of land on the bay contain in R feet in front and ninty ffetm depth, beii;g the ealtem part of lor no. three Jekvl, Ty thing Darby Ward in the city of Savannah, lold as the property of George Enoe, of Savannah, I avlor, to fati-fy a mortgage tburton to Will; Crawford, du ly foreclofed. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c _May ATti ill s (Sales. [On the firjl Tuesday in June next, j e t the Court-house, in this Cty l etween the hours of ten and I jTcc 0 clock, will be sold, ALL that tr.ift of land on . UutcliiriTon’s Bl ind, com monly called B tilie’s I’oint, con taining two hundred acres, more or l.ffs. Seized as the property of James Moffman, underluri dry executions. ; Continued from April lules. A Ifo, 1 |“t on Bay-Greet in Savan nah, joining the eftaee of Doors, containing 60 feet (rent, and 90 I let t dcrith i with ad tlie bricks jon the premises, a conllderable | part of which, was imported from 1 Liverpool a few years ALb-O, ! i A part of a lot, 16 feet front, ■ ‘Jy 9° depth, with tlie improve i ments thereon, joining tlie fame. Seized as the property of James j M off nan, tinder lundry execu tions. Conditions made known at the day of lale, fold at the ri/queof she former purchaler, he rot having complied with the terms of hde Continued from fAciy fairs. i . ROIiER ['SON, s. c. ct May 9. 73. MARSI i AL’s SALES. WILL be SOIJ? cn Tuesday the 3 1 day of une next, at the Court-house in Savannah, lee tween the hours of ten and fare o'clxk, 1 he following property, ta ken in execution as the property of Smith, Sons and Anderson, ; a:; :he suit of Thomas and James ! Swords. I Unexpired lease of LOT No. j 3* H athcoatc Tyihing, Decker | Ward, bavannah, with the huil i dings and improvements there on. At.SO, The buildings and unexpired lealc of lot No. 9, Carpenter I'ything, Decker ward. ALSO, One 50 acielot on the Thun derbolt road, three mil s from Savannah, with the buildings and improvements thereon. 200 Acres land adjoining Srubb’s within a mile of Louis ville, Rockey Comfort. 44. half lots in the Township j r -f Waflungton, Waftiingtsn i county. j 2,500 Acres land on Town ! Creek, Hancock county, j 5j 3 Acres land in Wafning jton county. AT AO, ! The negror s, Molly, Char jlottc, Lazett, fdazsn, Billy,Har {ry, Bob, Jofepn, Nancy and | Qtnko. | Continued from May sales, by ; ccrfent of parties. BtN. WAr.L, m. and. c. Miy 9 73