Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, May 09, 1806, Image 4

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MbCLLLANEOU >. I,- I at+m.VKKET’- m ‘*■ BDMVNI7ION 70 A FRIEND, OK THt CHwICK OF A VfirK. IF you mv Friend, wou.d have a wife X® c:hcr the hour < f h e, Atvi (rive cio.iiaut pleafu.e, The following Ufcful mjxi.r.* mind, And you in lime, mj liojie to find This dear, de’.igli iul ircalure ! r.r.T, look for one that*: young ond fair V itn countenance devoid < I cat* And foolifh aIT. Cution : For one whole face diljdays a gloom, Will make you angry with your doom, ycu Id vtf. v .u.iQH* B” net, like common lover*. blind, But all her wold* and afliont, nitn.d. And jui.gc of them Cuccre'.y ; y ril you tonn >nur ch ce at once, An.. 11. c 11. u;d pr*-ve coijUet-c, or dun..e, Y ;u V ill repent leveieiy. Her temper diou'd be all i'erenr. J, t ex. ron.oi, of mirth or 1,. eer, j\ i,,j wolll. ruoo ltigi s ur.cumuor and , Foir one mat now i, wild with joy, ‘i hen lad or iulicn, will dellroy Youi peace, with pangs, unnumber’d. W'atch how her leifurc time flit fper.ds— And if with wife and virtuous lYiendi In cheerful converfatton ; Or to perule tit’ inttruftive page, In learch of truth her thoughla engage, Sue hat my approbation. When you can meet with such a boon As bends pourtray'd, make her your own’ Os whafje’er condition : No wta.vlt, n r b .tort, then you'll need— To real bills the,, lcldom lead, But oft iiicicsic ambition ! FROM THE CHARLESTON TIMES. l*i i YfIIUGNOMY, THIb beautiful fciencc, { which ut.lot ks the hidden i<r crcts of the lout, which f?ivcs the innocent a lcurity agair.ft the vicious, and provides lorcte virtuous heirt a companion like hid!—Thh fete nee, f > import am in iis (onlcqu met , so !;tnr flu-l to iranki; and, and so initruc- ‘ rive to its poflelfor, his, (roir r!t. unloriuridic ctithulufm of its polkliors, been fubjedtd both to the malice ar.d lat i re, and the lalh of ritliculc—lt has been lligmatized with the epi thets of fiuile and dc eiving, and lubjedled to the feern ol th lie, wii >, incapable of think ing for themfeivt s, blindly a dopt the half conceived, rrnsfha pen no ons of others. Bur that it has its balls in nature ir ufl be convincing to every unpreju diced examiner. Nature, in >h? dirtribution of her bon ties over the urii/eife, h is endowed every creature, eve ry veg tabte, every par ulc o: matter, w u certain propcriie. and qualities which dilVinguilh each individual by its own pe collar character. To dilcover th’ le qualities, in t!ie afpeft and appearance ol inanimate bodies, is in lome tneafure dilncult ; j the knowledge of them cin bell j be derived Mom the rnt o‘ ex perience. Bur, in the animal Creation, where it is more ne ceflary that we fliould at lidt light perceive tlieir, nature marked tiiem with a fhong hand. ‘J tie fi.-rcenels of the Lion is pourtrayed in his countenance, and ihr tnalignitv of the Scor pion in its dettUed form. Bur in fiiun, and e malLr-piece of cre ation, she has exerted all her a t in painting, t y flight and al m ill imj creep’ ib e touches, the ji Trent grauatiens ot emotions an. * on his orgsniza ri n botn corporal and mental, sh- has bellowed peculiar pa.ns, and, tn so intimate a, has she connected foul and bn dc, that one cannot be a!;.Tied, eitl er w-ch p-lenfure or pain, without the participation or the other. Every paflion which rulflcs or soothes the mind, pro duces a co. relpundent rsprellion of countenance : and that tx pielbon too, lo ilrong'.y painted, that it is observed by the moil (lupid. brutes themfclves per ceive it; aid the faithful dog, who approaches his wuh oy when he finiles, is struck i TiOicdia'eiy wuh ll!3 u “o rr a "‘‘ If-hi i\. beneath h s frown. I.J int frequent returrence of tm.’ fame pillion the features arc in if .me drgiee n.< r d wuh i?s flgns Phc muscles beinit so frequently iilcd in that particu ar manner become enlarged, and, liice Dows for a long time bent, never re fume their original (hope. This it is which marks the dis urTlion between the countenan ;es of the choleric, rnild, phleg matic, See. ; and, it is upon this foundation, that Phyfiounomy has been railed. Who, then, sh 11 dare aflert. that a fuperflruclure, built upon io un-dtcrablc a flat of Nature, is weaK and frail ? Who, that re ficdls a moment, but rnuil be I!ruck with admiration and grat itude at the g o bids of B.ovi dence, in imprinting such indu bitable marks of difpcifr ion on ne countenance, by which the inod may be warned agamft the Wicked, and atira£l 1 towards the *ir uous ? The study, necessary for the attainment of lciencc, is not very arduous or very com plicated : It consists in the ac qu fit.or. of knowledge of human nature, ind an acquaintance with the paflions and emotions of the hu nan mind, and the r different effcTts upon the features. Hav ing attained thE knowledge, it iviil be easy to judge, with accu • racy, which pafflun moll pre dominates. But to deicdt hv pocracy—to txpofeilie man who can ” Sn.ilc andfuiiuntile a vilinn,” ri quires con ft.k*; able pradlice in lie fcicni e, and can only be at •ainrcl by long experience. The I‘hyflo oomdl who fai>d, that i So* rates was h ’ moll libidinous, drunken old fellow he had ever seen, mult have been inexperien ced, or he would have f en bearn •rio throu >h his Sclcnian features, that divine, ethereal emanation ,f virtue, which animated the ibul of the l'hilof iphcr. How careful, then, lbould we he, not to indulge, even for a moment, ft ole desires and bane ol paflions, whicli are difpra e u! toman. For, though we mat conceal them from many—yr we may be certain, that fume few can, and w.ll dectfl us, and tx pose us to the contempt we de lervc, JUNIOR. The following account cf a Jmcnt between two natives of slf>i ca t is (torn the Fe deral Jl, ON Friday evening a du el was fought hete between two natives of Africa, of jabie (uie and. high preicnfions to ho nor. The battle commenced about 8 o’clock. Dinah was ar med with a cow (kin, while Cioe had nothing hue the ample wea ipoos of nature, length of rails and hardnels of knuckles. Ju pitrr lent Mercury l orn to hold ia flambeau while the Gods, as usual in such engagements, were ranged a part on one fide and a part on the other. Vidtory now far perched on the cow fk n, ind now on the knuckle, ready, like rrianv a good patriot, to de clare f 0 r the conquering party. At one time D nah bit the dull, u another Cloe hugged he earth. The fjnguiniry rills begin to flow ropiuufly from lacerated checks and disflguied noses. The cow ikin breaks and it is Ufetefs. l'he battle becomes wholly pu ftnacular} while thump succeeds to thump, and heavy b owa to heavy blows respond. And now dreadful deeds had enlncd and uproar wild, had not a reverend figure advanced to the ceoe, dens and g/rss vendue nodus, wi h venerable grey wool and wite teeth, w hole presence cau ; fed nn immediate cessation of Toll 1 ties, ar.d peaceful words awed and fitenetd the die mortal encounter. “ Now Dinah and and Cice,” he cried, “an’t it a (ha > e fir two of the Fair fix to bt boxhig on’t so.” We understand fome affair cf honor was tu; unhappy cau'e ol this dud, FiiOYl Tilt F.R.ULit’i C.-EI-.E... ” Loud is ibe revetfe ti reajtn ns. It is tbi groans oj our guicn ’ ... >• rf.l Si* • Common Stale ia Difhab.lle. I NEVER knew a fcoldinp petfon, rhat w isable to govern a family. What viikcs people [cola? Because they cannot govern themlelves. How then can they govern others?—Ma.k well, as you may —Those why go vern vjeil ate generally calm. They are prompt a..d rcfoiuvt, but ikady and m Id Si tn in Zho:tf r eecb. A LADY, drfeivedly to hr honored lor her maternal feeling o was very much alarmed by read ing in a morning paper that lu.r son was courting tie Mu es at Bath ; ar.d wrote him a letter : eaineftly requeuing him to be ware of baa women, who would bring him to a mor/el of bread. ggZZJCMUJtnUUtEM&J d ‘ 1 CTU ‘Vv. • <’.*■4.7 PRIME RICE LANDS FOR SALE. ALL th akuble tract of LAND fltuated and be ing on ihe luuih fi-de of the Ala tainaiu river, known by the name of the Broadface tract, late the property of General Lachlan M'lntofh, containing J 755 acres, of whit h 1100 acres are prime Tide Swamp of the fir it quality and very belt pitch of tide ; the balance high (well timbered) PINE LAND, and well calculated for a kulement or iettleincnts. This trad is di vided into three parts, through the uppermofl third runs a large ( navigable creik, to a landing, on whi- h may be eru ft ed (as the ffre.i t> is 1 onft.ltraijlr) a Rice Mill, Saw Mill or Grill Mill. This pr ope-'ty is fltuated immediately op. oflre M ij. But lers, Demcre’s llland ■, ..nd fro.r its local advantages is cue moss dcflrablc rice eiiate in Georgia. Anv perion who w;fhes to purchafc mav apply to Mr. A L.EXANDEit MMN.'Charltf ion; Mr. CHARLES HAR RIS, attorney at law, Savannah ; or Meflfrs. MEIN, MACK AY d? Cos. merchants there. In a 1 of whole hands a plat may b’ ken, and thole who may be dt flrous to view the prennifes, by applying to Mr. M’KINNO.*,, St. Simons Island, he wit I lhew them tne lines, and give evert other necrilary information iiv having resurveyed tlietradl. February 7 4-6 ~LOS i', A POCKET BOOK containing about 15 Delian; in J fey noic-;, anti a fc a papers of no value to any but the owner, bt leaving it with the printer, the fnul.t] receive a generous reward. Anril 4 bj ; u Lt 1 . I , east Tenement of the Subfcribers’ A Fire Pro I'B uck BUILDINCT, on the Bay, lately occupied by Mr Joseph Rice. ImmtJiaie’ pullrtfi.-n can be given. Apply to K. &. J. BOLTON. March 18 S7 no nc fi. TH 7. fubferiber being appointed Af ■ T.r by the city council, iutrcatfc geutietr.en re-'i- ei ts, and the agenu of abfeutees, io cc .i.lri tbe iaw for die sup port ot a city Watch, that they may be prepared to render an account of their when be waits upon them Free negroes and ptiion* of color are to make returns to the utl.ff ir as the law di rects. JOHN LRICKELL. April 2 5. 69• TAKE NOTICE, HP HAT in nice months from the date heicof, cpplication will bo made to thehon. the jaftices of the lutei: r Court, for the coui.ty of Bulloch, for leave to fill all that trad of laud, con taining 475 acres more or ltfs, lying ir. I the counties of Bryan and Bulloch, the j fame being part of the eilaie of Win j Slater dre’d, wm. Sinter, adni’r May 6. taw, 9m • /-• K.ff? |. Bolton, HAVE received on consignment froi. . I’HI LA DELPHI A, J Lon; and Sugar of the (Lit quality, put up 111 Darrels ; tVliklr lor tale- April 1* 6t. “?• 1 FOR. S.\L“ , Thirty prime Africans. ‘;tdj Urge able boiled men.—App y w J. Hill Clark. April : 4 ts 6e. ( 1 ‘-:o ICE. • . r,i. • *rf ■-* htvirjr d-man.’i* -tram ! \ luptcr ----, either as ctipartn*** or, w!l pleit'e prefer* thr-i so lyment, at tneir counting-houie, v, . ho-_; Mein, Mackay oc Cos. Sav. March 28 6o 1 > I DRIFTED, \T the fubfer 1 bets land ■ g ar.d t.hen up j l,v h-t rgroes, a panel cf board-, who ! ever e’V-rns trt lstrre, r-.r.p have ri.-r.y 1 proving t!;e paying tor th-r a-.ter- I tilcmei.t ar.d giving the nej es a l*ir. re-j card for their trouble, and applying to Pc- TER DEVLAUX m Savannah, vr Robert bowman. On the ulanti_ion, Grange Hail. May 6. 7* PdPER. fio Ria>r.l fne Deny Printing Paper 20 dn. Ry ul Fat Sale on moderate termt, hy Adam Dcacti. May 6. L 7 1 - SheriiT’s Sales. At the Court-houkin the ctv of\ Savant.ah, on tbe firfl I U!’ S• DAY in July next, between the hours of to ar.d j o'clock, *>HE following negroes v>z : Z.', Betty, aid hei two children, Philip and Edmond seized by viriue cf a foreclcfurr oi Mortgage, ,as the property ol john Btrnard, jun. to faiisfy J. P, Willamfon. r. ROBERTSON, s, c. c. May 6. 7-- City Marshal’s dale. IVILL BH SOLD, at the Court- j htrufe in this city, let ween the hours of IO j and ISo dock, o.i . ucjday the Iy* C>\ NE band clean Rice, levied on as / the property of J Mu-ray, for fine impeded on him by the corporation. C. Cope, c. M. | May 6. 72- _ 1 Bonaveniure . y’ HI i elegant retreat abc-a: 4 irom j l. Savannah., on Waflaw river, is ofte-ed j on a leife for lix or i'even years, for the ben ef t cf the heir, a minor, on terms thatwd l i t those inclined to pofitfs I'a vaiu ui.e a ■ i tee oi ground, as well ealeu ated for health •is tor pieallire and or-'tit. App yto TO RIsNT, THE Brick Fire Proof STORE, lately occupied by the fublcriber as a Coun - if.g-Houfe. JGs. HABERSHAM. March 18 NO l iCE. rHE Mayors Coukt isadjou.ned to the fourth iuei'aay in May. Mm. BLOGG, CH. May 6. lg_ i.os r A GOLD SLEEvu. BUTTON, marked j .V 2- The finder it ay receive inoie than the Value of the Button ov leaving it with the Punters he. cos. [May 67.. Cj* Any pcri’on having in their pof feffijo a tr-me Dccr, sot tlieir own will oblige the owner by giving information hereof to the Printers. May 6. FOR Y:\LL. THE houlc at present occu pied as the Republican priming ijjfice ; Lumber or the labour M a Caipenter will be received in payment. For particulars ap ply co EDW. L. DAVIES. Nov. 17 24. ts. - ItlL hU iaOL.Kit>£.K., HAS removed to the Wharf and Stores belonging to Mrs. Hunter, formerly occupied l).• Mellr*. Hunter Minis, where he Cantinues to trar.lafi the Eaeioruge ;.nd Commidhion Business. joseph Habersham, March 28. 6^ TO LET, ” A large convcD'ent DWELLING £V HOUSE, and well fitted up ST ORE in s central situation, either fepurately or together, l’enni will b.:. made very rcari'nahiu. App’y to the; printera, Februa-y 18 Eight Dollars Keward, WILL he given for apprehending and lodging in a.iv jail ia thil i date io the fubferiber can get him : or deliver him to me, fin Buiihij i county, a negro man, named BEN, te. j is 22 or 23 ytnrs of rge, about feet j ! eight inches high, a fated fear of a burn , sou one of hi* cheek*, yellow comp *x:oc. 1 well made, born sn the Rate ct Mar) iana,, from tt-ence he was brought to North! Carolina, there owned by major jofeph j I Gramam, brought to thi Sate about 3 j } year* iincc, he is iu the habit of laying 1 that he is fi--. Needham Cock, j j _ M.rh a;. 5± l TO RE N T. ST'JRLS No. 7 atjd ic, ia the Ear For terms apply a: iry TSCMuS PUT, St-'ry- j ■ November 29 6 *. | SUPERIOR COURT* C ben our County, 1m iY. 5 ON the petition ot john Mead Rating that Deing pofTcffcd cl Icvcral notes of hand and eviden ces of cLt>t, belonging to the late V.i'brofe Gordon dtteafed, as ! pecified m the Scheduie hereto j annexed, and that the fa'ne have ’ ioit i and that copies cf the ianae ■as near as me petitioner can rc. Icolleftare row lodged in the < iei k’b orhee, together with an affidavit that the lame have been bceniott by accident} He praying t ie benefit inten‘ed by the fixdt fedtion of the judicial adt of and other circumllantiai proof also laid before the court, It is ordered, rhat the laid no f cs and evidences of debr, Le eftabiifhed as directed by the said fxth fedlion of the judicial aft, on the laid john Mead pub lishing a notice for the Ipace of ilx months in one of the public gazettes of this city, imlels cause i l 'til be shewn to rhe court with in the said flx rr.onchs, or other matter shad appear to the court a gain ft the fame. SCHEDULE. ONE drawn by Alexander \Johnjion, dated 7 th May iSoa ; payable st June lIL4, for 44.* collars and 47 yen's. One di awn ty Gteen R. Duke dated ipptb June, 1802, payable 30 days af nr date, for 1T • doluvs 53 1-4 [ unis. One drawn by Lemuel Koi joc'tt, dated bib Augujl, Uioo, pay* sb.e 10 days after dale, for 187 iolla-s so anis. One draw;: by j Hugh Ala gee, dated piJ May, ! i payatae 60 Cay, ajcci Lactic, j for si diliars 97 cents. One l awn by Charles Linder green, luted jd May, iSoj, payable 33 lays after date, for 100 dollars . )ne drawn by Nathan Beal for too dollars, but to whom payable ldo not recoiled!, left by Charles Gsodivin, esq. for collodion. A • eceipt signed by sir T omas Bon sail of England for too pounds sterling, to Miss Ann Davies, with several receipts on tbe bad for the ir.terest , Ttut extraClfrom the records. J. BULLOCH, Clk. Jan. 31. taw 6m. 45, xoctton: ON Monday the i6ih June next, wi.l bt fold in the [Town of Mit.t.edoevtlle, a numb rof L.O I S in the laid town not to exceed twenty five, agreeable to the terms of form er file, John Herbert, A- M. Devereaux* Howell Cobb, Henry Carieton* D_vis Gresham. Contm’Jficners. Acril 22. 68. iaw, bherirPs Sales. IVtLL h E iOt-D at tbe court houje in the city cf Savannah, on tbe fir A Tuesday in June next, between the hours cf ten and three o'clock. ONE hundred and fifty acre3 LAND, in Car.den coun ty, on the fouih fiJe of Great Sacilla river, bounded North Weft by said river, N. E. by Roses Creek and John White h Sugo land, S. VV. by Montforts lands, and ali other fidcs vacant. All thole two lots of in the town of Riceboro’, Liberty f * Coun v, Known by the nurrbers 2 and 7 in toe plan of town. One undivided moity or half pare of 1000 acres ot LAND on Great SatUia river, in the coun ty of Camden, granted I Jv to Jane Barnaul. Jlfo. | Twert’-nine acres on 61; id . way back river. Taken under | execution to fatufy the afli&necs |of Matthew . hearer, iurviving lc- partner of Alexander Watt, Icc Cos. Pointed out by the de * f endanc. T. ROBERTSON, j, c c. j May 6. 72;, EUR SALE, a Cat'ii il ;r Iti of iot t •: mt es ts Uni | i.x the 51 v djiriei cj P-Mvin county. Ftr ‘.pj'ttcuitjti ensu re of tke printer: a/ (hit Lj/v . r Je* 7 *f 31