Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, May 20, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. N0.6 7 J condi rroN * OF THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. The R£PUBt.iCA.n.i4as:bb'flied ever Ttie Way and Friday, al iheet oi poo.! quality. The terrps of are six U 0L ’ la its per annum. ..One T be paid at the of lubfcribing, and tne balance at the e-Spiraticm of the year.. ..and all papers whi be continued until ordered to the reverie. TERM ES OF ADVERTISING. Advertifemeuts lui'erted a 50 cents per Cqu.tre the nr It insertion, and . r each con t 1 ratio ..A libera! allowance ode to thou, v no v/.fh 10 adverdle by tire ye^r. For S.-tie rr this Office, A variety of B L ANKS among which use, Foreign and Coaltiiig Alaiuicit, Merchants Entries, Liquor do. Tins of Exchange, aa. of Lading, of Sale; Powers of Attorney. C hecks, Apprentices Indentures, Deeds of Conveyance, I! Js; No'v S if il nut, Writs for tl . • superior, Inferior & Mayor’s OOlllt', Mayor's Court Ex. 1 utions fc Sttpbtenas, Kotices to creditors of I'lWiV .t debtors Military jumm nfes, St. Exeeuti ms, Sic’ Cj C f kns , HandbilLs IFc &c- Printed at a Jhirt Netke on reafomblt Us ms. Warned on Oar-er or Freight , A VESSEL of a v otit A 200 tunß f° r a Grcr &£.%4%r man p° rt * App'y lo A. G. Oernler & To. March 14 56 T. M. Wood bridge, Has just received bv the s'oop Polly, Captair. Novi is, from Cau'aloupe, 2o hods, p’trr.e retailing MOLASSES 13 ditto ditto ditto SUGAR 5000 ib. pr ize Green gOEIEE 3 April S 63 -'NOW LANDI NG ands u sale, CO Els. fupevfine flour, 4 ipes gin, 6 Hilda. Whiflcey, 20 Boxes yellow io p, AD,O O a H V P 20 Uhtts. and 30 bbls. prune iU^ar. 00 B igs bell greeu coffee, 10 Puhch-uus 41 b proof Jam., rS LSD, A few boxes coarse and fine IrA linen, auu brown Holland, A general supply of CROC K . ES. ANDREW KNOX. Bar. Gibbons’s IVharJ. April 25. 41a. (><). THE FIRM GF ROBCa I S GT CLARK, TS difT-alved by the death of the former; the bufmefs n- tint carried on by tut iubferiber, Joseph Hill Cl nk, Smith IF Bowie's wharf. TfHO HAS JUST RECEIVED AND F >R SALE. The ca g'i of the schooner ANN tsf HARRIOT, Whipple, mailer from the Jrlavannah —Confiding of 53 Hhds. Moiaifcs 7 do. Sugar 20 Bbls .Prime Green Coffee ON i1 a.NO, xo T lhds. 4 h proof Jamaica Rum 1 1 do. N. E. do, 10* Bob. Rice. April 21. bS Zamue l Wtlli. :ms y HAS removed to the store lately oc cupied by Meffr#. H. Kne land & Cos. and formerly by hirrfelf, on Mo reds wharf, w here he will continue the GK.OCL.kY BUbINiiSS. AprffiiS- 6 9 WAN I’LD, AN OVERSEEK, a firgle man well ac quainted wi'h Rice planting, who can bring good recommendations of his hon cltv, fobrnty cud abilities. Apply to the f lblcriber at Cotton Ham, Bryan County. JOHN H. MOREL. March 11 55 ’ NO'l ICE. inpKE Mayors Court isfadjoumed to the j. fourth ‘i uelday in May. Mm. BLOGG , Clk. May f. T*- SUGAR, &c. 4° Hhds. ? p me Mufcovado SUGARS 5 o Bbls. \ 1 Hhd. MOLASSES, 1 Bhl GOFFEE. Landing from the sloop Beaj'amin, from Trinidad, for sale by s;. H. Stackhouse. May : 5 74 ryy- rtny person oaving in their pof ft{Tun a time Deer, *ot their own. will cb’.iu- the owner by giving information hereof 0t h-, Hay G. Georgia Republican.. —) JL SWANNAH: PR NT ED BY EVER ITT IF M'LEAN, ON THE BAY. Iviyi.y & Harman, No. 6,1N q HEEXCH VNGE, 5-4 h recuved by the late arrivals a gc t-L neral ani cxtenlive alTuri ment of All* I ICLES, in heir line, the whole cf which ire warranted of the bell quality, and will >e l Id at reihced prices for reudv’ money or ■"•oduce only —.planters and others will be lupplied by 1 ruling th. ir orders on the terms • liove meuti >,^l. ueorgia Hams & Bacon (home cured) and warranted to keep through the year Large pickled and fmaaked Tongues, & bee; from the New-Yoik market New- Yorkcern’d Beef ia half bands 3c by the Angle piece B')!’ J na Sairfagcs, Bolton Simon on retail Double 0 oiler, Chcflurc, North Wilt ihire and American Ciuetc London be tied Brt.wn Stout, E-ienburg ate, and Britilh Cider Fine lparkiing Champsignc ad Claret Wines ioj npp'e °hecfe London Bottled Port, in quart Sc pint Bottles Ten caLsold Claret Wine of one dcz.i each Old Madeira W in Bo >1 3 Do, in quarter . Hild •tl ■ ?ll | F onUguac and tvi... miry W eg Every defeription of Cm- h-,i, m bottli and in lock caf s, affnt.-d m each Engl fli and American iGfpbciry it Chcriy Brandy D’ ied fruits, Preferv-s in caies afforttd Orange St Lemon Sh.ub Rose, Lavender, Orange flow, and Honey waters Hives, Capers, Anclioivtg, Pickles of all kinds Mufllroon ketchup Jheroq'-e, trains, & Imperial Fish Luce -y, t Hence of auchoives Pepper Sauce, fi e Sallad Oil Pa le Salt, Wine Bitters London and Durham Mutlard, Ready made London Muft.trd, Split Peas. Pealed barley Chucu aie of fupetior quality Crakers an i butter buiicuil ia kegs, Muc a C. ffec, fine Hyfon and young Hvfon Teas And j’jl Lull ed fiom New Tori, Small U'a.tys of Hylou Tea, very fupi. rior qualities By ■.! Sp ir.g arrival, Godfroid’s luperior fc>igai3 in whole and half boxes B ittle powder in canisters 11 fle Jo. in kegs and Cannon do. in do* Siieit of all fizts On C'.nfignmeni, 50 C fks Blown Stout. April It) Hi l O Lhi , THE WHARF AND STORES ITORMERLY occupied by Melfrs. Wilson A 6t K mx, and at prelent by ;>lr. Andrew tn )x. The! produdtive and convenient i illation is Io well known, as to require 1 litrther explanation. For term., enquire R. Wa) ne. November 1 19 THE FIRM OF HUNTER &“ MINIS, IS this day difTJvcd by mutual con fet.t. A1! persons having demands will please render them to the fubfcribtrs for adjuftonent; and ali indibted, arc folic ted to prepare for immediate payment I’ ey will attend at their Compting uufe a3 usual, for the adjustment oi htir accounts. JAMES HUNTER. IcLaAC MINIS. March 23 39- 3"> Dollars llevvard. UN A WAY from the lubfcriber on the A 15th Februan last, a young negro wo man named NELLY, she is about live foe two ortnree inches high, thick made, lei-, remarkable thick lips, and black tee'h, which are very tar apart, and lisps mecli when fpeakirg. She is well known about town, where she may be en-iced to wi rk ; and k fuppoled to be harbored at times about tin Orphan houie, and Mr. Wdkinlbu’s plan tation near savannah. The ab. ve leward will be given to any person who will deli ver her to the jailer in Savannah, or inform the fuoicriber where (be mav be ral-eo. Wm. STEPHENS. March 25 s ji lioiiaventure . ‘“T'HIS elegant retreat about 4 miles from JL Saannah, on Wafiaw river, u offered in a lcafefor !i.\ or seven years, f >r the ben- I e-tit cf the heir, a minor, on term', tha iw-li | l'uit tho’ indii ed to poflefs l’o valuio.e a ‘ [iiece of round, as well ealeu a-ed f,r health , as for plealure and proiit. A;.p , to IV,n. STEPHENS, ) r , N. TURNBULL. \ C,uard a!is * Augull 9 4 TO RENT, TMIE Brick Fire I’rooi STORE, lately cctupied by the fublcriber as aCoun ing-Houle. JOt. HABERSHAM, March 28 /io ALMANAC’S t FOR Salt at tin: oßn T U E S D A Y, May 2o ; ISO 6. I NO 1 ICE. { V LL perf ns having dcmaids again! 1 -x x the lubfcribers, either as c. part nets 1 I nidiv dual.., wdl please prefen them 1 < payment, at their couuting-houl;, withou delay. Mein, Mackay cc Cos. Sav. March 28 60 DRIFTED, \T the fubfcriberslanding and taken up bv his negroes, a part el of board:, who ; ever claims the lame, may have them bv i proving the pioperty, paying for this adver ’ tdement and giving the negroes a Grab re ; w ard for their trouble, and appiyng to PE TER DEVEAUX in Savannah, or Robert Bowman, On tlie plantation, Gra ice Hall. Mav fi. -u LOST A GOLD SLEEVE BUTTON marked A S. The iinder may receive more ban tin- value of the Button by leaving i. with the Printers hereof. [ Gay 67:. I HE SUdSChIiER, HAS removed to the Wharf anti Store: belonging- to Mrs. Hunter, formerly ccup cd by Melfrs Hunter Minis, when te c utinues to tranlaA the and Commissioi Business. fosepii Habersham. March 28 6>o IO ~rT~ Alarme convenient DWELLING HOUSE, and well fitted uj STORE m a central ituation, either separately or together. Terma will be made very reafouablft. Apply to the -irmterg, Februa>-y 18 Eight Dollars Reward, WILL be given for apprehendin’ and lodging in any jail in th> (late to the fubferiber can get hin or deliver him to me, (in Butke county, a negro man, named BEN, in is 22 or 23 years of age, about five feet eight inches high, a small fear of a hurt on one of his cheeks, yellow compltxion well made, born in the Rate of Mary lain’ from thence he was brought to Nortl Carolina, there owned by tnjir Jofcph Grainam, brought to this Ita.e about 3 years since, he lb in the habit of fay ing that he is free. Needham Cock. Mreh zip. 59. t o n IL iV -r. STORES Nos 7 and 10, in the Ex change. For trims app'v at my offici THOMnS PITT, St'c’ry, November 29 // fi. SnenifN Sales. At ihc Court hou ein the c’ty oj Suvrnrah , on thi ftrjl 1 UFS DAY in July next, be tweet, t ’ e hows of IO and j o'clock, IAHK following negroes viz : Zedork, Betty, aid hei wochilcuen, Fhilip and Edmonc I'eized by virtue of a foreclt fur )f Mortgage, yt the property o |o;r Barnard, jun. to fatisfy J. P, Willamfon. 1 . ROBERTSON, s. c. c. May 6. 72. NOTICE. A LL persons indebted by bonds, no/e*; or oprn accounts, to tl c :11/e of jOHN HERB, dec. are ir.- oru ed that unless tuey ct me forwert nd fe/rle /heir idpect vc amcu its b e 10 h * f June 1 ext, ihcy will with, us dilC'imina/ion oe plated in th: *nd* of an a / rney for colle£tion— hefe >o whi m .he said eflaie ir in chit and will pleat 2 piefent their at ( un s fo r payment. FREDERICK HERB, AdmV. Ai v •s 65 FOR SALE, ‘-piMUTT prime AFRICA\ ,C ;, chiefly 1 large able b c 4ied men. —App vto J. Ilill Clai k. Anril -2 if 63. rsoTTcE. r p HE fubferiber being appointed AJ. X fffor by the city council, iutreats gcHtlenien refldents, and the agents of at.feutees, to confider the law for the sup - port of a city Watch, that they may be prepared to render an account of their taxables when he waits upon them— Free negroes and perform of color are to make returns to the afTtffor as the law di reds. JOHN LRICKELL. April 25. f>9- To~ThTr~ THr, eaU Teue-nen* e: the Mibferiber I :re I*.o*f JJ-ick BUILDING, on the Ba., lately occupied b Mr. J'll'eph Rice. Immediate putTeflion can be given. to R. & J. BOLTON. March 8 J 7 For Sait*. ON ¥ of /lie moil v luable /ru£ls o* Land upon /he A'tani-iha, con/ainirig ibout eleven hundred acres of Rict Swamp in /he belt pitch of /ide. ’1 bis tti>ct is about Ere miles above zlu town of Darien, was, prior to the re volutionary war, /he prope.’/y of the late governor Wright, and has tor r (ettlemenf, attached immediately ti the Swamp, one cf .he molt beuuti !u! and moit eleva/fd fj/uatiens *pon /he tiver. Persons wishing to pu- chafe this proper y will apply to i-Award Swar j hrei k or William Mein, I (qo.. / Savannah, wnere a pla.* of /lie La/u may be fecn. t idfuhci 25. if, q. SheriiT lb lies, WILL BE SOU) on hefrjl Tuenho in ‘Jem next, at the Ccurl -houjc, be tween the hours of un and ihree o’clock A tract oi land coo ai lop four hundred and thucy acres be the lame mo e or lc s (> t. arve ; ) joininjv th*- loutli uartt, 1 he Orphan li-.ufc {-ilautation, -ve ! ! timbered with pine, and conli-ierable pri/portion adapted to the culture ot cotton and pro /ifions, having the advantage o a good navigation to this city Levied on as the property o Emanuel Kengill, at the l’uit 01 Edward Lewis, pointed out by r he delendant. H. W. WIL.LIAM3, dsc c. M a a 71 Gkokgia, ) By John G. L. S. Ncidiingtr, clnk f -G. NriDi-iMGEit. joi tlie couit cl ordinary for tlie county of Effingham, in the Hate of Georgia. S Ts 7 HEREAS David B. Mitch V 1 eil applies tor Ic/’c.s cf ad rniotlra/i n on the efia/e a;.d t ff.dts YVilliam L. Hall, late 1 f Effing m County, djeealed, ;,s At orney ir ccr/a/ain Crctli/ois us /he fa c eceafetf. Thcfe arc therefore / > cut ad adri/onifh all and lin, ular / t cmd:cj and C.edi/ors us tie laid dt ealed tc fiic neir c-tjedlions (.i an tey b ) m my cfT. ce, on nr o f,, c e lit day of June next, oth iwil. et-ers will be g ac/ed him. riven u der my hand and fi*3.’ /his fvu.-eenth day nf April 1 Lob, ant i /he Tiir/ieih year of | 1 and, April 19 70 SIL kit F’ > :> L! S. ON the fuji Tuesday in ‘ju rn. xt, IVILL BE SOLD, at the Coststboufe in this city, between the hourt oj io ami 3 o'clock. A Negro man named Jack, taken u..t 4 tr execution as ti c ’ property of M.rdecai M'Le.n, io latisfy Smith and Muny, pointed out bv the plan.till'. ALSO, A negro man named Bachus, aken under execution as tin i.Ofeity of William Barnard, irider lundry executions, poin ted out by the defendant. T. ROBERTSON, s.c. c. May 2 7 1 . i DUCA i lUN, Grateful f'.i-. the diiliiiyuifhed patronage ii- i.a, experience'! lince hr. ettablillimei.t m Savannah, Mi Green with detcrence informs his Irleinis and the j.uUlie, that the Ladic; Literart fchool, ami tne Grammar and .vlat h ematicallehools, are still conducted by hin on the lame plan, as at their ton. mencement. The coerfe of the schools, includes Read ing,, i.l ctui.n and Rhetoric, Writing in all the lI’.TjI ornamema! hand.., Ariihme ic, Bock keeping, according to le vcral fyilec.;, Geography end the use, of Maps in different pro jection*, the lements of Aitronomy, ami the use of the Ciohes and Te iurian lliftory and Chronology. In the Mathematical department, the i pupils will be carefully inil.uc ed 1.1 Algebra Cm metry, Trigonometry, Cor e Seitio..:, ■ and Flux.'.ns, with their application to tht j bufjucfs oi life and the 11. veil .gaticn cf sci- j ence. •Sixteen yarr. erperience in h:i profeKon, j .r.d a facted arid unremitting attention tc tlie rrorah. ani real improvement cl hisva pils will, he hope*, continue to lur.i 1 liberal and enligh-ei e l j.ahiic, a iha.c oi hat favor ■■ lr.cb lie nav I’herto experienced Pupil, admitted without Kittrance, ti.i the ill of the ensuing January. P,A Danciho Mxt rxR of eminence win attend the Sehool^. November 5 on LG S I , \ POCKET BOOK ccin-iir.ijig about! 15 Hollars in Jeifey, ands tew I papers of no vuVe t . anv out tilt; owner, by i saving wi k llm printer, the finder fhai! a getwroa-. n ward April 4 ?, t [Whole at umbfr 3^6. SlieriiN Sales. AT the Court hoale in ihe City of Sairsnnali, on ihe hilt rueluay in June next, will be fold, between the hours of Te n and 1 hrec o’ch ck, one undi vided moiiv of a Traft of land containing by original furvtv, One ThiUjund acies,litu Be, lying, and being on Savannah r.v:r, ii the ccaintv cf EfEnghaiv, op ; o fur, berdeed by j landc formerly Patrons and Lew ises. Ihe laid traft ccnfilting of River . lwarnp, abound w u'u line C)|.rub. Seized and taken under execution, as the proper ty ol Bariholome w Waldberger dec‘d, to latisfy a Judgment /brained by Aaron and John URningham—Pointed bv tiic Executor ol VVa.dberger. 1 . Robertson, s c. c. Anril 29 SHlvilFr’s bAL.Es, H ILL be sold on dues lay the ,bitd day op June tux.', at the Loti t louse tn ah, be ten the hours cf tat u a tw) o'clock, ALL that part of a Io cf land on the bay containing fix y feet in front ad ninety feet in vje t 111, btir/g ihe ealtcrn put of Lot No. three Jtkyl Ty lung D.crl)y Ward in me city of Sa, fold us tlie property of Geor . e Enoe, of Sav triiiali tay iur, to Ltisfv a mor gage there on lo \\ m. CravvfuJo, ouly lute t lofed. J. ROBERTSON, see. Apiil 29. 7 O * Sne/ifPs A lies. Postponed. Wild. If!* bOLD, On Tuesday the 3/ day of Ju./c 1 Rc6, at t'.e Gcu, t-iouse in ffifjesson, t. t-wrrn the hours of ten ona iw, o'eh cl, the J Bowing proper/y, os.g.g ! by 11 ,1. li'irn Norris to R.,Lets IF John Bolton Jor the payment of j Urge sum 0/ mon ey the re/uity of redemption having burs, duty fuseclosed, viz 1U P iso. forty-fix, j Dt. do. thirty-fix, (36; Do. c'o. tliir.y-lcven, [37) Pair of lot No. levcnteen, ( j) And thewhoL* of rbr f u,,i of lot No. fevnfen, (17) brino a ; water lot, will) all rile builuintis j # C and improven.':nts ifiereon. David Ct. Jo.-.ts, S. c. C. March 17 c<£ NOTICE. To t!ic Citizens of Tt* vannan, and inhabitants of the Sea- [fluids, White LiiuT, Little Cgechee and Chero kee Hi 1 Dillricts. r I he fub ftriber is mow ready to re ceive tlie \ axes, tor the ycai one thoulaiid eight hun dred and five, at his vThcc, :hc corner of hroughton the Lincoln-ft eet, late Herfon’s lioufc. ( ffice hours, from 9 in llic morning until 2 o’clock in the afternoon. I hose that do not come forward and jiay their tax es by ‘fhuiiday the 15th ;day of May ncxr, will have i xccutioris isl ued again ft ‘them as tlie law directs.,., i all /, for those taxes uiipaid for i°oa PEIER DEVEAUX. T. C. C C; Tax CclkßoPs Offer, ) Monday, OjlJb, March, lßc6. y R.&j* j. Bolton, 1 J T R.'.'K rs-c-i vr l corifigmcnt from U HHILADKLPHIA, Loaf and f.'Jini S ■, > ‘.l ‘ll* fi.ft quality, pvt lip io, !l rrfN ( 1 WLlh ‘.lie/ i/iitr fur ij'r. A ■ rii 25 6:. t 4 *