Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, May 20, 1806, Image 3

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RE PUB Lie A A SAVANNAH, May *>, i306. MUCH h?s beta fcid refpediny the MURDER of John Pierce, a chi zen of the United States, near the har borof N. York, by a ball from thcißritifh ship of war Leander—the conduit ot the commantler en this occasion is hollile to the interelt of this country- ** he violated the Laws of Nations—he wilfully murdered a citizen of the U. S- — that it was wilful there remains no doubt—that it w 9 an inl'ult upon the American Flag, wejirefume there is no one hardy enough to deny—that our government will immediately demand! reparation, is the hope of every Repub” Jican. Have tliefe ‘ despots of the ocean ’ authority to commit such depredations upon cur commerce —even within the mouths of our harbors ? Will Ameri cans be idle fpeftaters on this occa fion ? Will they fee their veiLls cap- j t ired, their cit'z ns murdered, and treat th: uthor of such barbarous afts with lenity ? No, Americans, arouse from your {lumbers, and protest that Inde pendence, which was obtained by the blood of your fathers. We admire the public spirit which has been visible on this occalioa in the city of New-York ; but, when we fee a certain class of men make it an'.wer an electioneering pur pose, we are fearful their mighty parade was but an out-fide show. “ The following is the reply of the secretary of the treasury, in anfwerto the Tefolutiou o the House of Representa tives, refpefting Mr J {Lrfon’s having attempted unconfiiiuiio.lally to draw money from that department. The re lolution was introduced by Air. Jackion, from what motive we know not: Ran dolph probably insinuated famething of tile loud ; 7 .enj'i'-y Department, / Ipti l 15, 1805 Sir, “ In a-rlwer to t’ e request contain ed in the resolution of the House of Re presentatives of the B.h infl. I have the honor reipedtiully to ttsie that rt no ap- ’ plica-ion lias been made to draw money 1 the Treafu y fir the purchase of j tiie Fioridas before an appropriation made \ by law for that purpose.” “ T e circumitances, which may have J pr iduceo an imprdTton thn: fucli an ap. pheation had been made, being uncon Jicdtci with any matter pertaining to the duucs ot tiie office of secretary of the treaiury, are nut presumed to come with in the lcope of the information required from this department by tlie House. “ 1 have tiie honor to be, With great refpedt, Sir, your obedient fcrvan% ALBERT GALLATIN. “ The honorable, the Speaker of the House of Ileprcfcntative*.” The fore going reply of Mr. Galla tin, completely exculpates the Prcfident of the United States from all the flun deroU3 affertiuns which have been ad vanced, by the enemies of freedom, on this fubjeCt. We have heard men un biufhingly affiert, that Mr. Jeflerfon had ! drawn from the reafury of the United States TWO MILLIONS OF DOL- L I RS, as a tribute to Bonaparte ; at! the time they wire cot.fcious tiiat j this sum was app-opriateij by the: Cor.g-cfs of the United States, for the j express purpjfeof purchasing the Fieri da,. Can such men read the above, and call thcmfclves supporters of truth and the laws of their country ? If the perils 1 of ’76 should again hover arour.d us, could confidence be placed in fuc'n men r Would they, like the heroes of that day, brave the hour that tried nerds su!s ? i To vilify the rulers of the government, appears to be their favorite topic- Bad indeed is the cause which requires faife hoods to support it-.-such, it seems, is the cause of Fede alifin. The Republican tickets in the city sf N- York, for members of C ingrefi ’ & State Legislature, have prevailed by a majority of 618... the tx'raordinary es forts and misrepresentations of federai illsto the contrary notwlthilanding. The candidates tor Governor in the Rate of Rhode-Ifland, have neither a Efficient majority of votes to make a choice, consequently the appointment of * Governor devolves upon the Legifla *uie \ BY THOM ‘ 3 JEFFERSON, ; icitQen. ot 1 tic Uniied Matts of .-Ame rica. \ Proclamation. bi'.ftr. AS iatisfaAnrv informa-ion lias >een received, that HF.NRY V. HIT BY, coin man,;e r of a Briiifit armed vcffel, called he Learner, did on the twentv-htih day of he north <f Apnl latl pad, within the wa ?crs jirttiictinn i>t the United Statt*, and near to the entrance of tlie harbour of Xew-i ih, by a cannon (hot bred from the iaid vefiol Leantler. c mmit a murder on the t J hn Pierce, a citizen of the UnitcJ I States, then purihing his lav fill v. cations • within fume waters and jarisduflion ot ihe United States, and near to their (bores, and that the laid Henry Whitby cannot at this time he brought to jullice by the ordina ry process of law. dud Whereas it does further appear tha before am. after the laid day, fundi) trelpas !es, wrongs, and unlawful interruptions av.d vexations on trading velfels, coming to the U nited Stares, and within their waters and v; cmity ve:e committed by the said armed vcfiel the Leander, her officers and,peo ple, by one other armed velTel called the Cambrian, commanded by John Naime, her officers and pe. pie, and by one other armed veliel called the Driver,commanded by Slu gs b; Simpion, her officers and people, which velfels being all of the fame nan on, were aid ingand Uliiting each other in the trelpaffes interruptions and vexations af relaid. Now rhekcforf,, to the end that the laid Henry Whitby maybe brought tojul uce, and dut punifmrent inflifled for the laid murder, l no hereby especially enjoin and re all ofluers having an horny, civil or militarv, a-u a l other pertous within the limits and jurilu dtion ot the United States, win* eloevtr the laid Henry Whitby may be fumd, now or hereafter, to apprehend and feeure thefaid Henry Whitby, and him late ly and rli igently to deliver to the civil au ilioiuy of tie place, to be proceeded againlt according t law. An dld >r: ehu.b y further require that the ihiu a ivudv ifei, the Leander, with her other Officers ar.a people and the laid armed velfels tre Cam nan and Driver,their ollicers and pe pie, immediately and w th u any de lav, depart from the harbors and w'ateis t the C. uct states. And do for vc :u idcl the entrance of ail the h trb >rs and waiers otrlie United ‘ to ail other velfels which It-all He cum. Han dled by the laid Joint N.-irue, *a,.d a h.gib, •jimpi” n,orei Inr < i them: And if the laid vejflkU, or any of them, lhali fan to dt-part as aforesaid,i i re-ei •.er the harbors or waters atoreiaid, 1 do in that calc forbid all mtercourle with the laid armed velfeis, the Leander, the Cambrian and th Diiver, oi with any of them, and the officers ana crews thereof, and cto prohibit all ibpphesaud a.d from being turn i[\\c< them or aiiv of them. And lao and ciaic and make known, that if any pirl )i ; from or within the jurii’dicaonal limits of the United States, lhali aiford any aid to either of the laid arm ed velfels, coutrar) to the prohibition con lam and in tins Proclamation either in repair ing such veffel,orin turmlhing her, her olfi cers crew with liipplies of any kind, or in any manner what foe ver, or if any Pilot Hull ..foil in navigating anv ot the fai i armed vcl iels, unlels it he for the purpose of carrying them in ti e lirll mliance, beyond he limits &. ! ju.ililicuon of the United-Mates, such person i pc l ots (hall, on convi&ion, slitter all the | pat'-s -*nd penalties by the laws provided for I inch mT ,:ces; —Ana l do hereby enj -in and i q*iir ail perio is b. iring office Civil and v'i . ra y witinn the United States, and all o- I hers, citizens, or nihaoitan*s thereof, or be i g wunm tiie ame, with vigilcnce and .v nip ituue to exert their refpefuve authon li. , o.nd to be aiding and aflilling to the carrying this proclamation and every part the.’ i m,.. l uii vffecl. la hjnzmy zuhtreoj, I have caused the (u.. S,/. cai i uie Uiiited Stares to be affixed to tnel’e preients, and signed the lame with my IlUild. Given at the Ciy of Wafliitigtsn the third da\ of May, inthe tear of our Lord one th , uf,rd eight hundred and fix, and of the I lovereignty and independence of the Uniied •States the thirtiedi. (Signed) TH ; JEFFERSON br tus Bresident. (Si-ntd) J AMES M ADD I SON, Secretary oj State . Capt. Tay!jr, of the ftup Pamefia, ar rived yesterday, in todays from Lagui ra, informs,! that during the time he was there, government received dispatches relating to Miranda's expedition which Coufed confiderobie disturbance, and a total liagnaiion ot trade for about forty days. They, however, had taken every iruafure to prevent his landing orr the Main. Captain T. on the third instant, was boarded by the Bntiffi frigate Mermaid, capt. Hollis, who informed him, that General Miranda had failed from Cape N clrola Mole, with fix frigates, two ar med ib ps, and three (chooners, with four th jufatrd troop3 on board, composed of whites &c. delftiued for the province of Coizecus, ou the Spaurfh Main. CLar'Jl. City Gazette. | j Th- folU<mns was receivedly an arrival ( ft New Turk ; — - LONDON COURIER, March 19. We itopthe press at 3 o’clock, to com j raunicate tire following, which we I have just received by exp refs from Do ! v;r -. “ Dover, half pijl 8, >f. Af. WeJnef daw —this morning, about half pall fix o'clock, a French boat appeared in light ns a flag ot truce. “There was so little wind, that (he could not fetch in, and a frigate apparently for the purpose, the galley put off from her with a French naval of ficcr and two other gc-ntlemen—they rowed on board the frigate and are gone to the Admiral in the Downs. They are supposed to be bearers of a Pacific | propoLl to our Government.” IVhat originates by fraud is bcfl maintained by FORCE. I A writer in “ the Boston Gazette” after having denounced Congress ac a sett of drfpots, tyrants and ufutpers , has da red to propose to the Tazoo claimants to open a Land-office at the Natchez, and ffumet ic sovereign right of disposing of fevrral millions of acres ; a propositions •veil worthy of the corruption it supports! Richmond Enquirer. t ; a New York paps of M T 3. sys J ‘l'l.e Britifit trigales Lc:;i t an.i 1 .on i brir.ll, fc ot under way yesterday and put to lea. Fort cf Savannah. .-'RRIVFD, S : ip Gotten Planter, Chafe, Liverpool; ll'ihiav. R (level!, do. Brig Luna, Starr, New } ark ; Cm ’ ton, Wheeler, do. Dean, hdgur, Jo. Tho- I .as, Dexter ■do Sally, Girls, do. C LLA RED, Ship Flijjt t <, Dnem tr.ond, Cower and a mas id ; SJ't . Ai r r.ctea, Bennett. Baltimore ; I lwarJ, Ljoo: man. New 1 O' i ; Sloop Pally and Bdfy, Botes, do. Saly, Ay. , do. New Tori, May 2. Arrived, ship Si lenus, inUwelt, in days from Anrtterdam. Ai r I 15, m lat. 39 sy, long, tio, palled the wreck ota bv.g 1 I’chooncr, apparently anew andp'aftern built velTel, full of water, both mats and liowfprit gone, and decks compietel) fivep.-- ad r and baoy tops, ye low lid s, with a green Hie.,ls along her quarters: h ack r b ards, lliort high quarter deck, pai.iua .1 iniqlu nd and appeared to be lately pan ted, hi a. *. ~ern with y ellow mouldings, 2 real, and 2 arud ciai cabin windows. -YOH ts. on lier Hern. Philadelphia, Ap'd 28. The ship Good l-'i tend, h : I'aiiis. Bour bon, the 6th February; :i •uy pr vines, a diipatch brat arrived at St. 1’- tints, with an account of one of the Kngl.dt frigateserii’z ing off the I fie of France having ndl all her o - - “t, “ - mailt, and being obliged to throw her gluts overboard in a gale of wind, it was reported that an American Utip had towed her away. March jy, lat. J 2, long. 42, the Good 1 Friends was boarded by captain Little, com mander of the private armed (hip A.nlly, of acout 150 tons, carrying t 6 guns and 40 men, under Liigliiii colours, iaid to befitted out at Live.pool, to entile otf that Hatton for homeward bound India ilttps, filling under the (lag of the United States, but were well known to be French property, or laden with such. Capt. Little had a lilt of all the Am* rtcan velfels that had been at the iih; of France the iall year, with the names (as he laid) of the real and nominal owners of each ; and he mentioned leveral velfels which ne was delirotis to fall in with, coming from the iile of France. About five weeks pre vious to boarding the Good Friends, captain L. informed he nad boarded the lllip George VVathmgtoa, of Salem, and had ordered her for Liverpool. lie also informed, that a lliort tune bes, re, he Td < rdcred another v. s lei under th.c ting of the United States, to tiie lame place, ou. u.c meu giving her name. The < levers were very ferutmeus in examin ing the Good F iendu’pape, s. Captain L le.nanued iile >i tiie . wnerto the upc c.irg >, and opened a mimber of letters ; lit matt and men were laken on board tiie a ill, y a,.d detained 24 .i urs.— Ajtni : , l;> t. long. 30, lpoke l'ebooncr f armer d ,of pliia, out 11 days, bound to St. ’lhutvias. Lai. 3 , N. long. 71, VV. capt. I'. law the writes < 1 a fehouner, of a bout lio or yo lons, her foremalt gone, her quarter deci. and plank • if, wnlt y ellow Hues and mouldings. Gap. I’. c uld not \vc I oiicern the name, but thinks, from appear ance, (lie conld not have been many days at .ea. MARRIED, on Sunday evening lad, by the Ktv. . r. Befi, \VU.LIAM LEW UEN, Elq to j Mrs, MARY GLASS, relict of the late Joint Glal's, jafq. notli of tln.sciiy. ForTJVERPOOC The regular trading ship 13ISPAIC11. Holland, master, Will commence loading as loon as her 1 present. cargo is out, and will have im mediate dlfpatch, two thiids of her freight being already engaged : for the remainder or pafiage, apply on board, at Telfair’s wharf, or to Benjamin Mau. ire. Who has I. a tiding from s<id Ship, 7000 bufficls Liverpool ground SALE 100 crates well assorted Crockery Ware 100 kegs White Leal 5 tons Coals May 20 7C, iffjF WANTED, 100 Hales COTTON, to fill up the fitip Bruns wick, for Liverpool. For freight or pailage, apply to the matter on board, or to James Dirk Ton & Cos. For Sale on ioaril sat l Ship, 50 calks London bottled TON.- I ER. May 20 31 76 lu UK KKNThi)7~ I THE valuable WHARF LOT, and improve ments, belonging to the eftateof John Morel; poffcffion will be ; given on the firft day of August next. Propofuis will be received by e/tiier of 1 the fuhfcribtrs till the fecoud week in June. J tkn G. Will'amfon, W. B. Bulloth, Executors. Sav. May no 7 6 bid l. \: r t”S S\ i i ■>, WILL BE SOLD, ON Tuts day the third day of “jute next, at the Court-house in Savannah, betv: ert the hours of ten and tzvs o'clock. All that part of a lot ot j land on the bay contain ing 60 feet in front and nir.ty feet in depth, btii'g the eastern part of lot no, three Jekvl, Ty ching Darlty Ward in the city of Savannah, fold as the property jf George Enoc, of divannah, I’aylor, to fatisfy a mortgage ‘hereon to Wai. Crawford, du ly foreclofed. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c May 6. 72 . i I GEORGIA. B ’ h.s ex. JOHN MIL- I EDGE, Governor and com rounder in chief of the aony and n.:vy of this ftutc, and ol the Militia thereof, A Proclanta.ton. \Z j HERE A-s, the Legifla \ y Hire of this ilate, at the hit lelTion, patted a relolution, | rcquelling that an exrra felfion ! thereof fliould be called, as foor. ! as convenient, after official noti- j T-ntion, or a further atqudidon of territory from the Creek ir.di- [ ans, ihouM be received. And Whureas, 1 have, this day, received official informati on, that the convention. coiali dr 1 on the 14'ii of November lalt, be ween the United States Die Creek Nation of Indians •or ceitain lands tn the Fork of die Oconee an i Ocmuig e 1i- > vers, has been t'vdy ratified.— i 1 have thought p op<u, u.idtr, ! and by virtue of toe powers in me veiled, by the eighth le&ion, oi the second cf the con- ftitution of tliis tla e, to ifloc tliis my proclamation for conve ning tiie General Affiembly, at j die State Houle, in i.ouisvilie, on Monday the ninth day ol j one next —and 1 do, therefore, hereby enjoin and require th attendance of the leveral mem bers, ot the reiptdivc branches thereof, at the place, and on die day, above mtntiontd. Given under my hand, ani the Great Seal of the hate, at the State-House m Lou isville, this 12th day ol May, in the ytar of our Lord, one thouiand eight hundred and fix, and of the Independence oi the United Staru of America, the chir tie h. JOHN MILLEDGE. By the G ;Vci nor, i loii : M arbwrv, Secret a >jy of the State, ( 7 fc>J Sherili’s A ales. On theft Jl Tutfiay j n July next, at the Court-hcufe, in this Cry, between tie b.vvts of ten ana three ts clock, will be sold. A half lot with a (mail dwcl lug house and kitchen thrreon, in Ward, levied on r.s th property of Donald MECafk il to fausiy a judgment ilfued out of the Mayor’s Court, at the suit of Wm. Wihtie. /UNO, A Negro Boy, named Anto ny, levied on as the proputy ol Doctor Samuel M‘Cornuek, to lat.sfy several executions. Cos alitions Cetjh. J’ FIN YY ILLIAtVio, s. c. s. May j 9 rG iVi Aftb; lrt L.S O/YUr.3. HILL be SOLI? on 7 vcfday ibt 3d day of ‘june next, at the Court-house in Savannah, bet t ween the hourt of ten and tkre -o 'clock, The following property, fa- ; ken in execution as the property j of Smi’h, Sons and Andt.ilon.l a: ihc luir. ol 1 homas and Ja me Swords. Uncxpired lease of LOT No I I athcoate Tyihing, Derkei Ward, Savannah, wish the buil dings and improvements thete on. ALSO, The buildings and unexpireti leale of lot No. 9, Carpenter Tything, Decker ward. ALSO, One 50 acre lot on the Thun derbolt toad, three mil frorr. i Savannah, with the building’ and improvements therein. j 200 Acres land adjoining i Stubb’s within a rr:i!e o! Louis-j ville, Rockey Cotidoir. 44 half lots in the Towoftipj of Wafliington, Wafnington county. 4,500 Acres land on Town- Cre- k, Hancock county. 530 Acres land in Wafning ton county. ALSO, The tKgroes, Moily, Char lotte, 1 -azerr, Hazen,, Har ry, Bob, Joseph, Nancy and] Quako. Continued from May f’ales , by ! confcnt of parties. i BEN. WALL, m. D| 1 \ rr v r r- -- - *■ s~, *• • Ov'H *jy \ v.. s.\>. door to Or. Hfitliclot, aid ufjrlv op oolite to the Poll Officv, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, I*- • 1 the GLOKGI \ iron Mc\t* York, in addition to their former If- rk, A FREEH SUPPLY OF IADI.L kid, Morocco aiul Leather flip .j pers, Miffi’s <Io. do. flippers, (Jeivlemrr/s Fne fines ami pv.mj>r, v -.p All warranted to 1) • of the lirll qn hrv. j BLACKING <*l tlic tirll qualu I* v. ami p;uiu’a tv every prticte in their tno # which tiiey Uaticr tliemlelves will p,ivc taus^ 1 diction as to the quality and price. | Aj ril 1H b; ’ LOST f A GOLD RI.KKYE HUTTON,nurkcl a. V AS. r J'bt fm ler tray meive more ihan the v.iUt* of the Button hv leaving it with the Prnitfr hereof. [ VTay *l. AbitiZF. sot Au<y, 1 rOO. r H | ,ri< - FLOUR beinq ten dolliir, i. and a lialfjier bar. tl, v. t • -Lt ot llread. mull ne, is t t lent? T.oaf | 614 cents Loaf t> 1 nz. j ilb. i-toz. Ot which all baker; ar.d Stl’er of 11 read ire 10 t-iki due and jiar.iruk.r mun j- CUN LI. R. Citv Treasurer. PJai FUN ED. Sheriff s Safes . On the ft Jl Tuesday tn June next, evif be fold in the Town of jef ferfm, between the boars of ten an i th ee o'clock, * iAa r 1 k>c lot end improve mmts ficurue in the Town it ot. Mary’s, p irt of lot No. 4 m l cn which Capt. Beard at present n.Tides. Levied on as dir propery of Eleazer Water nan, to fa is'y a judgment ob tauird against him by Francii Muffiault, jurir. Conditions G.ilh. D. G. JONES, s. c. . St Marys, May 13 74. Picked Up IN Coor.iwliructiie, about tke mid lie .monti , a protmlfary not, t>> J lima Freeman and Urn Harper, in favor i I' 1 ol innnn Grice, tor lixrv fi re- dollars ; wlddi the owner may have L>a]>pl. ing at this oflice anti paving t'nr this advcrlift ment, Ma v ft . as. ■ lOti.N BOLTvaN, sea CiMcttf vs. >- Superior WILL IAM NORRIS, j Court, March 1 erm, 18.T1. U'P'JN the pet tion of Jolia 80l on, surviving copart jo. r of Robert be Jol’n Bolton furayin the tore lofure ol the E jquiry of Rcdemp io i cn ihc fol lowing pruuif s, morortged to die fai l Robert & John L-kon for the fuiTi of eleven hundred tnd ittriy fix cuiia,;., payaalc t/,c iftli of January 1H0 1, and silo foi the further fmn of ele ven hundreo and forty f:x dol la s ana imerclt payable tiie iifth of N ivember 1802, to wic, he following lots and parts of* o’ts in the town of Sr. Mary’s.—• A1 that wharf Lc containing 50 feet on St. Mary’s ffr- e: and running 150 ft et weft to Jud : on’s water lot, and from St. Ma ry’s ffreer to the river 100 feet and along the river 100 feet.—- Die lame being the front of ioc No. four in the plan of said town —Al'b part of fail lot No. four beginning at Ready •Ireet running writ: on the St. Mary’s (met to Ju’for’slot & hi Ready U rect 200 feet nonli o Divine Young’s lot or line &: : ( 50 weft on laid Young’s line ro ijudlon’s lor wi h the buildings and improvements thereon.—. Also lot No. (43) forty three containing four ai res then oc cupieo by Peier TV. Green, wrrh the buildings rnd improvcn.rnis thereon, and on motion of Mr mires attorney so- tiie petitioner, It is ordered by the court that the principal inn-rest ami colts upon the laid mortgaged premises be pud into court with in twelve months fiom this date and unltfs the fame be so paid the equity of redemption fhaJl thenceforth be foreclofed and o- Ecr praccedings take jdace pur. hunt 10 the of aftembly in Inch case made and provided ; /Ltd it is further ordered in pur Lance of the laid akt that this rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this state at lead once in every month until the time appointed for payment, or ft rved on the mortgager or his special -agent or attorney at leatt fix mouths previous lo the time th- laid money i.> ordered ‘ “j be paid into court as aforelaiu* | Ex trail fran the m:n \h! :s this Cth Marti. 1806, IS AAC CREWS % e / t. i pm;.i