Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, May 20, 1806, Image 4

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,■ mmm vMrax. . rr n cr.asa..r<aMi Ml 5 CELLAN T EO U /Yea the P.fn Magazine. F ’ M.F.. Tfl 2 TWO 2 <SI & TWH JnN r.H ----7” a y’t’t’ I.uJy. PniDl a:.J imp-r,i r .re trt te. In Vi ant ft minds, c ■ pt mi lute. Yet Deli* at the t< !’ YVn-i. feiward fps p-etam. t’ advrfe. Siuli cnxc .mbs ? ve a lady Iv/. J, /. A e: incite her fn l>, an,l i,'U/e ! AnJ will jou, Deliafa'ifi • r >w. J - rget urfelf, ••>! a Utaa If fevioi Cy you’ll c ■ iel'ccml, r In-arisen to a real frier and, f \nil v. t;li I you’ve ton much feufe Ai uhai 1 fay to take offence) (i ni ximfi.Tl yi ur lile n drain ; I lu'iire o inll <|urte fa vain. 1) .< ill a lpreod 1 ;; bench’s fliule, A b ire her h;. , ration made , A in r V et pi c'd hit f ere and glory, Ii mv.l n m iln- upper ft ry ; lnr tl. -r he cracked his i;utt and y kcT, Aral j-inn'dai a I ill'; 1. Ivan foks. O r ,1 ,y he (poke hit ft lend below, (t! rk how Ini fl I’lermj at c*nt s ft w) Cl -d neighh r litre, J'in plcafed to v.ear A I e ill la very nice at you : ieh lo eh gent a Cos u e 71 it l.e the in .lie, vv . k r,f na'ure ; Y when 1 f e—a heall divine W < ar fu h a.itil ta ! at ,h ne, 1. iji c me, C i I’ll m rmv oath, I- llu c- m> and pity b ill. C le. ve'he Fr-rt, his b ifhv sweep Ihj ,et everv b u e with envy weep ; Then lock on me for beauty priz'd, While ta llefs cr -.tins are dt'fpifed. Wliirena'u c's fiult) art mull mend i I never (corn to help a friend. T kc my advice, and lie behind, ‘I lie li ft g” and bulb sc chance to find. ’I | e If re agreed : and Pug at aft /. bulb procured, and trade it fall. Y\ i ll iiukward grace (lie ftruta along, ‘1 lie laughter nf the ng throng. Is iv b s a,me with hideous cues ; I’lig on the tree f ,r rclnge fl e i , And PulV (late ciedulr u and proud) Cu. let ilre monkey’t an aloud, And io,i confined to m i away, 1 alls to the [rtirl b o s a p, ey. ( II il yon, exd im’d a lifter near, Bin- happy unour proper lphe,e, A id liv’d coiten'eil to have lh. ue, With modest \v -v h, jet all yi ur own ; Or had uhfiof ft lj pride, Y u , at n t tmlame died : Bin we .kaiu •■itn, afh'mci :o hear The Wily of i M< rdiev fiecr, Yruftr ve, alas 1 topleafe a f,,01, And inei t vnii, sue with ridicule; For (hr bt c o'. ■, who f Us like y, u, T'h- I._of bares and monkies too. m /'his the Cb.irljt. Courier’ On remit Charlotte Smit l ’h “annett, ii> ’co neir/ui ittc.l lo the yet of t‘e nut or ly a young /inly W nf iltrn m. fortune, tell m~ yvhy 1 tlnftettth u the kc. nell smart I W hy cat.fe tlio i ei lfani heaving livti ( Why aim thy lh..fts at woman’a heart! Firm morn to night each wanton care, With F.l tied evils 1 zc her brealt; And till her mutt with drear ylel’pa r, C, rr ding each fond hope of rest. Ah Cit must rs! oft thy fuigfhdl dwell W oh l ot relic li n on my mird, A” I o l to rvi *• full Idle ,ing svh and f rrow i tn thy i ngs Hull tell. 2 i I'll iIT ’s • unw II f'ori w'll CC tfe, Alai ii.g ‘hr weary f ‘ to fer: e, f future peree. HMOSPHOK, jun. Freon the Fioimcat Jbleivatory. “ t'e t> t t the Scul ” 1i ; ci v. iii v ii Vfj itions, and v riuus .rotifi O! worlllip v. di bcr.i a opted by ifu llcatneiu, and unc vtnzed nati i its, h ive loo: er or Utcr beco.vit c.rineui: tibii , and lonk into t iu irjUtrj !iilc it e true re.igion ai jeiU’ rea ams ur-.alrerub y the Jjirt. ar.d communicates life, KappiiifS and immoulity to its laithful protc-nsrs. T!:e dark 2. t f Fagau idolatn, ni‘d tii. vac k of Mahon cur K ptrlti ion, are tap dw decay ing} iod tumbling iniot.’.cir na tuul, merited ohk urity. li e theological c ilcciTi r> and nu tup h) ideal chcs ot the proud J ti m a’ors o( Konian and G;e ----c an [ h.loioi hy, fall fat lliott o liuml le, tnoug . lublnnc re ion, communicated by the la •v rd ihc worn ,10 teoCcm frou Liter woe a loti, undone and re h'c...<au* iv* Vam aic live hoafting triumphs of abandoned infidels • feeble and impotent ‘he claivoraf subtleties of imxo - ,b'e fuperliition. Thechrilti in rr'l g.on being promulgated by the supreme author of all cre ton ar.d intelligence, affords ndubitabie and incontroverti ble teUimony, that ic has for its ibjctt the ultiir ate felicity, and dual redemption of man. Such r'.oiious offers and benign doc* nines breathe the fpiric of eter nal goodnrfs, ‘and waft to live ‘oul of the penitent fuppiicant, the forgiving mercies of pure love, and lading salvation. The natural infirm ides a (, d ‘nenta! imbecilities attendant up >n the fubiunary liate of iran, vre of lulltcient magnitude to Tumble the proud heart, and bow down the haughty lo 1 to the dud. A realizing sense of the depravity of human naturr, cannot hut liltncethe authorita ri\ e voice of unit', ling power, and quell the w.ld ravings of nlolem, aspiring ambition. — When rive operative influences t the chrifiian religion strikes he heart by divine power, a Irrad abhorrence of fin wakes (be(lumbering energies of rea ibn, cearhe- the giofs ablurdity of (hi a fa Ift security, on which, ild many place unlhaken ; deuce, and elevates the Joul to I < omerinplate ujion the bright re-’ j wards prepared for the me-.k and Jliumble profcfTors. Although a lyltcm of persecution cou in.n - and in the reign of queen M.ny. n England, prrgnant with tej i fie horror, and productive of lie moll tatal confequenees, yt-r the innocent and firm beheving vidims of her infuriate wraio, chofi ra'her to fuffer a gl nous death, th-n facr.fice the faercu principles of that religion, whit h hey b hved was comu.unica icd from Heaven. In coni’ - quence of her unparalleled in dignation and ungodly bigotry . Fcrar, a Bdhop, a Laurnei and a Rogers with many odirrv yielded up their lives at the fiery Hake, fejling with thir bluocf he sincerity of their profelfions Similar mft inces have been lub lequently readied, but with lels nor and afpeiity. Qur pious fathers sougfit the inhospitable, incultivated wilds of America for the peaceful enjoyrr int o the;r religion, when the r grou arm of persecution drove ihe.i from ail thac their hearts hel dear, by interposing ,n ma'trr. of a religious nature, and luo irfled them to pariicuUr modr.v and forms. Blinded pa tia - ity and jealous enihufiaim, main have overadted in pu. ity ing dir i holy ir.fti’utions, and commuted enormities ddgrareful to the i< ligion they profefs. N wuh • landing thtfe apparent outrage’ aid leeming inconfitlencies, yu we may re It all'll r ed that the chrifiian religion is found and on 1 firm and uvtnnoveubie which all ,thc fiodied lubrciits if hu van ingenuity can fever undermine nor invalidate and ag i nit which, the gates of toll (hall raver prevail. I'he lengthy fu-refilon of four thousand ) ears had rolled aw y, aftti the wi.idcrous iyiti m of the univeife was u.n.icd into exdtenceby theAlmig ny hi o: Heaven, before the blcfied oavi or ot dir world ddeended upon earih to tike upon h m the office of mediation, and to rrltore mart to his primitive purity, by cite redemption ot h;s fins. The ttansccndant beauty and lurpdl k g ot chrillianity, wotn u fir It appeared, ddlolv.d the profs ul-as and cunning devi • led films ot divinity, eftablilhed by cor:upted impurity ot ihe a = e. It was wtuuciudancthai many left thcirt raditional tales -md long coinefoliowers ot Cunit; butwhen ihty die cited themlelvts of bi goti v and prejudice, beheld, with a fi.igie eye, Uie new-bom iutlrc and miraculous magniti ccnicofthc bon of God, they no longer retained aau cnerilned die adumiiuoie principies ot ido- 1 arrv and po’vrh ifn, bu’ mar.i letted an arcl rit tt . hniM.t, a o placed a fi :n n the re deeming nen s ur the l umbit Jesus. —The fuj JCrior viral s, j forgiving a ere rs and bounui i. goo inefs whii h rttlcJ in the Oo lom of this ii-itfi. n. f;on lofien and the i amorous en mity and fiery wra nos his op pofers, and uui.y wu:t aeu r i la rd ooltinicy aau wihul con ic npt yielded up ti.e.r er oneous tenets and became humble fol lowers ot tbi Lamb. H a ira cles w re convincing—i,is doc trine was the molt ti dy ot II a vcn. tiis iriifiion on trth was or the laivatlun ot irian, anu wl olotver will, may come unco min ar.d be laved. A.vllCUo. A Ship the School of Sociability . I.VikKY one k.iowa, or (.very one mult feci, that the fi.Lt link, rhat unites man to n an, is mu tual wcakrds and mutual warns But row variant are t.,e lyuip*- tturs wh'f i ij>n g Iron tins principle of itii-pri lervau n uia It curi. y when modih and ry the af fections of n^tUiC —perhaps tacit is rot a condition in human life in wh.chone is lb loot c -ndu - ted to a knowledge of tiiat mfi uiic (kill with which Heaven has formed its rational c.eauon here for the leverai purpufis of Virtue and enjoyment, as in the mlolated fuuation of a lh p’ s con parry, to cite |.nne nazaids, and rmprtfifed wi h a leulc of the reci local dependen ts Jtlulung from their fuua don. Removed from relatives arm friends, the fxinl compact ■<l c ni: ades and brother fauors* ri is up ne aching void - t co n i amotithip riptns inio f i nd di j>i anj n utual confidence Kieps alive rl.c pen r us affec t.ons of ia- h. flow oficr. do you :ce he Jieerfui glass, to m he .ith of a far remote wife oi Iwce.heart, ireet *h p veil g lip aid fit ting tear ! and 1 i me haid.bjr lynip nhet c hrn o an noiuit ntfifnate, x end with urialiumed hu. r;ty to grjfp hat of a biOihei in me mo i ent of ter.der it olb tftion. H w often do you iilten thert to tlte ci.tenr.cj ul. of abience being :o- otten in he he.;rt-ieu joy of h aring again the wel otin ot tfioie whom they loved —u s r.ot a mm me*; —Such tn tn n wi o io te i piaie the woo ds of die and tp j a ,and luch fc -1 ‘-' i t “lay ire lou üby thculhrius a v m. nca. • -- >M| v mm* ijJi'hD f (a ).vl Vi lb >loi\'- KiG -f I’il > r vGh. ■S’ v inn ih, June 4. 1801. 1 C ”l'(j . * 1 tuverz. pci tons zfl ifT •’ nil) ax V 1 C’itui, tip Spcrf .irv do puhliili r-’iii v t-ie Hum.:- f l'Jcli t’lts, l.i poffcfs iiiZrifti •■ r ‘ -1 i■; nes tr* on ilns buzrd. £xti-,iO ft oo the Minu et. I'HOMAs; PICT, Sterttery Axe’ ui v t” !ic •rilcrof ‘he hoard, Ido | u vio ice. ‘hut the following j per ~, oil, ,ue Uuly authorized to -flat Pilot*. 1 li.' ST -Uage, ) liiiam Cfuv, > J rnes .ut n, ) „ . UT.ia.i-. !< - ,” n. Pilot!. 1 j.ih lirouglu. n, p Tt. mu- A.wc hr, ) Kicliard \V .1., llrni cl- Pilot. VVill. i.n Wik, under hi. John Mjj r, 1 Peter CkiTp, [ Krub’ ii vidarion, f jhu l)e,-.. ii, J Ccrtiiicne PftoU. J hn Dixon, C T Uoinas Osfi-’mr. THOMAS PITT, Secretary. May 9 7d bliei ill’s bales, On the fi>il ‘luesdty in June next, vo'.ll be /old at the Court cue tn tbit city, bet a ten Ue bouts cf io and $ o'clock, 1 Hfc following negroes (co wit) I sSABr.LL RAC HI- L, LAWRENCE, JIM, and POLL.Y, taken under ex ecution to fatisfy JamES Alger, the property pointed out by the defendant. Continued from May laics. T. ROBERi bON, s c c. May 16 7 5 JVAJSrcD ON HIRE. A NEGRO WOMAN who is a /'\ Cook, Washer and Ironer—O ie vutti a gi'od Character, will receive lib eral wages, and be vrcil treated. El - attliii vfivC. May 16. P IMF. PTpV I \\TflO Ai.LV/ Jl J 14.x.i. YXJ O PGR cdtiLL. ILL th’t aluab!e traft of f \ LAM) fi'uated anj b-- ng on the Touch fuie of the Ala amana river, known by the name of the Broadiace tract, late the property of General Lachlan iVTlntofii, containing * 7.5.5 acres, of which 1100 acres are prime Tide Swamp of t e :irfi qoaiity and very bed pitch f tide ; the balance high (well timbered) PINE LAND, and well calculated for a Irttirment or fecilements. This tract is di vided into three parrs, through the uppermofi third runs a large navigable cre>k, lc-d,ng to a ‘andtng, on whrh may be ert-fi ed (as the tiream is ronfidtrable) a Rice Mill, Saw Mill or Grilt Mill. This property is situ; ted im rediatelv opiofre iVjq. Bot lers, Dcme: ’s Kland } and f;om its local advantages is the moft definable rice estate in Georgia. Any person who withes to purchase may apply to Mr. A LLXANDER MJTN, Charier ton; Mr. CHARLES HAR RIS, attornev at law, Savannah ; or Messrs. MEIN, MACKaY cSt Cos. merchants there. In ail of woofc hands a plat may be I ecu, and those who nay be de lirous to view the premises, by applying to Mr. M‘KINNON, bt. Simons iiland, hr will (hew them the lines, and give every other necelTary information he having resurveyed the trad. February 7 46 take notice, “THAT in nine months from the date hereof, r-pp’ication will, be made to thehon. thejuftices of the Inferior Court, for the coui.ty of B.illoch, for leave *o fll al! that tratt of land, con tan ujr 475 ac r , rß more or I. fa, lying in the c unties of Bryan and Bulioch, the fame being part of the estate of Wai Slater dec’d. W m. Slater, adrn’r. May 6. raw 9® * SHERIFFS S.aLI.S. ON the firfl Tuesday in f n vet, u til be fold at the Ccurt- House in this city , between the hours 0! ten ar.d tb'se o'tUtk. WILL BE SOLD, AL.L ’hole buddings fituat;- on Noith’ h .If part of lot No. Decker’s ward, owned by ihrcfia'cof Philip Mines, the roptity of Mjumcc Left ff, now >'■ JoTeph Arnold. Tmee lets xing | art of a five a re h.c for tK-rly the property of John Cur 'ie. ALSO, The following negroes to wief I Role, about 55 years of age, by occupation a painter; Porn pey, his wife Ilfabclla, Cato and C.-cUr, and a fifty acre lot known by the No. g. Ail >, the houlr m Ar.fon’s preient oc cupied by the defendant, frizea nnder txecution as the property of Joseph Arnold, forvivm.', Cc. at the luits of Bcnjam.n Builey fuiviving copartner, and Benja min Bulimy junior. Continued from Vlrtv Lies. Conditions C jh. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. April 1 61 FUK. SALE, A LOT in Yamacraw—with 3 two f~\ story 3rick HOUSE and two VV r oodtn Tenements thereon—well cai ciliated for dvvelling.houfts—they wiil i be ft ld on moderate terms and a libers.! credit. —For further particular apply LOUD & 1 1 ALL, or JOHN HUNTER. If cot fold v j-.lnn a few day, they will be KcDted—tidier f-pa-zte’y or together. TO AIRE, A Negro Wench, ar.d a fajsrt aflive Boy, nppiy as above. April 29, 1806* A. SCKIBNEii & Cos. Noxt door t? Pcrthelot, and nearly o*’ uofre the Polt HAVE JUST RECEIVED, T - , GEC KG I V ... • Y rk, m ac.aiti.-n to their former stock, A FRE>H SURELY OF 1 ADIU; ail, Morocco and Leather i;p L pers, Mines (io. do. ftir-i-r*, Gentlen-en’s fine fliocs and pimps, tec ?tc A I warranted to be ct the quality. LIQJdID 13J. AC AING oi the tint ouah •y, a- u gc.'.e.a ly every rr-.icis in t.t :r !:r.e, vluc.t they timer thentfe'vcs wtit jpve tatis tketior. as to the ~’iiit> 5...a p.ut. AprC tt by SUPERIOR COURT, (l. At 1t 1 Cvutity, f In EQJITY. 5 ON thepc’.itionufJohn Mead fiatirg that b.-ing poflclTed ci leverai note 1 , of hand and eviden ers of belonging to the late An-.l'rofe Garden deceaied, as Leoified in the Schedule hereto annexed, and thac the fame have ioit ; and thac copies of the fame appear as the petitioner can re coueft are now lodged in the clerk’s office, together with an affidavit that the lame have b. tn been loft by accident; & \ raying the benefit intended by the fix h fedi at of the judicial adt of *799. and c:htr circumdanttai proof be ng aifo laid beforr the courts Jt a ordered, that the faio roi-es and evidences of debt, be eft^b.idled as C.retted by the said fixtn fecEon of the judicial aEr, on tne Did John Mead pub lishing a notice for the Ipace c;f fix iiioiiths in one <;t the public yazatts of tnis ckv, unlels cauiA f di be (hewn to the court with in the laid fix months, or other matter lh all appear to the court the lame. SCHEDULE. ONE drawn oy Alexander Job aft on, dated ith Nlay 1 804, payable Ist funs ISO 4, jer 44j dollars and 47 urAs. One drawn by Great it. Duke dated sj.O Jane, 1802, payable 30 days af ter ante, fur 1!i 1 do.iu-s c J 1-4 One drawn by Lemuel fet lock, dated bit smgujt, 1 co, pay able 10 days after date, for 16? dollars 50 ctnls. Ore drawn cy Hugh Magee, dated 3d Muy> i cO4, payable 60 days after fur si dollars 97 cents. U.e and awn by Charles Linder green, dated 3d May, 1805, pay aoe 30 jays after date, for ico dodars . One drawn by Nathan Beat for .00 dollars , but to whom payable ldo not recollect, left by Charles Good win, esq. for collection. A eceipt signer, by sir T. onius Bon tall of England for too pounds sterling, to Miss Ann Davies, with several receipts on the bad (or t e ih tcrest, Tiue extraA from thsreroids. J. BULLOCH, Clk. Jan. 3 1, iaw 6m. 45. AUCTION. Monday the j 6 h June next, wiU be fold in the i OWN Os N ILI.LDGi'v LLE, 1 numb rof LO 1 S in the laid town not to ex eed twenty five, to the terms of (orai er laic. John Herbert, A M. Dcveieaux, Howell Cobb, Henry Cariecon, D.vis Grefliam. Conan Jficner s . Anri] ?2. 68 jaw, therift s Bales, IVILL BE fiO.. D at the court L’tufe in the city of Savannah, c: ? the fa-ft Tuesday in June next, between the hours of ten and three o’clock. ONE hundred and fifty acres LAND, in Camden coun ty, on tne loc n fide of Great (S’atiHa river, bounded Noitfi Weft by laid river, N. E. by Rclrs Creek and John Wh i.e heads land, S. W. by Montforcs lands, and all other fid.s vacant. All those two lots of land in the town of Riceboro’, Liberty j Coun y, known by the numbers 2 and 7 in the plan o* f. id town. One undivided moity or haft part of toco acres ot /.AND on Great £atiila river, in the cou.n ry of Camden, granted original iyjto Jane Barnard.” mJm Also. Twenty-nine acres on -Skk!a way back river. Taken under execution to fatisfy the afjtgnees of Matthew Shearer, surviving c partner of Alexander Watt, U Cos. Pointed out by the de i cjKi sn f T. ROBERTSON, s c c. May 6. 72} FOR Lcl, “ A Czf.n’ /-.!<? of 202 > -2 acres aflcni y*.i dij'ria of Baldwincevny. Far par u.utart enprnre of t/St prtnkrj of tbit pap:r. 7 ts 37