Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, May 23, 1806, Image 1

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Vo!. IV. No. 68.] CONDITIONS OF THE GEORGIA RE PUBLIC AN. . The Republican is pnbliflud every TueFday and Friday, on a royal lheet of a good quality. The terms of subscription are six ddl j.aks per annum. half to be paid at the time ot liibfcribing, and the balance at the expiration of the year....and all papers will be continued until ordered to the icverfe. TSttMUS OF jfDfKRTISING. Advert i feme ms lui’erted at 50 cents per fq.iare the tirlt insertion, and 25 for each con tinuation.. .A made to thole who v.’.lh to advertise by the year. Fo* Sale ar this Office, A ty cf BLANKS among which ate, T on-km. Coasting Manifcits, Merchants Lurries, Liquor do. Bids of Exchange, do. of Lading, dg of Sale; l’ovvers of Attorney. Checks, Apprentices Indentures, Deeds of Conveyance, Bonds; Notes of Hand, Writs for the Superior, Inferior & Mayor s Courts, Mayor’s Court Exet utions St Suphoenas, F’.oticesto creditors of Infolvsnt deb tors Military Summonses, & Executions, See’ CT Cards, Handbills lAc. ICc I r <.ted at a Jhjrt Notice on rcafonab'e tes ms. ixiiOß~S -r-'-r IS-T ‘ , i.rrr-'pe- *•'■ -~nxnntßmm For UVuRPOOL. The regular trading (hip DISPATCH, John Holland , master, Will commence loading as foou as her preleat cargo is out, aud will have im mediate dilpatch, two thuds of her freight being already engaged ; for the remainder or pailage, apply on board, at Tt.fair’s wharf, or to Benjamin Maurice. Who has Landing from said Ship, •JCCO bllfhtls Liverpool ground SA LI 100 crates well aflorud Crockery Ware 100 kegs White Lead ij tons Coals May 20 7^ Wanted on Charter or Freight, \ VESSEL of about WwSv j\ 200 tuns, for a Gtr maa port. Apply to A, G. Oc-nlei & Cos. March 14 56 X SCRIBNER & Cos. Next door to Dr. Benbelct, and nearly op polite to Die P< il OlTic*, Jl/VR JUST PEC FIFED, T it the ftrig GEORGIA, from New York, in audition to tbtir former stock, A ! ■<E •.I I SUPPLY OF LAIIiE • kid, Morocco and Leather flip pers, M’fles do. do. flippers, Gendsrr.en’s fine (hoes and pumps, ike. Stc AH warranted to be of the firk quality. LIQUID BLACKING of the firlt quali ty, and generally every trticle in their line, which they flatter themselves will give faiis. Lift ,on as to the quality and price. April 18 T* M. Wood bridge, Has just received by the sloc| R lily, Captain Norris, ln.m Cuudalcupe, 2o hhds. p’ ime teiatltng MOLASSES 13 aitto ditto citto SUGAR 3000 lb. Green CO ELBE April 8 63 NOW LANDING and for sale, 50 BU. fupci fi .c flour, 4 Fipesgin, 6 Hhds, Whiskey, 20 Boxes yellow soap, AND OiN HAND, 20 Hhds. and 30 bbls prime sugar. 30 Bags bell green coffee, jo Puncheons 4 h proof Jam. Rum, ALSO, A few boxes coarse and fine Irlfi linen, and brown Holland, A general supply of GROCER! FT. ANDREW KNOX. Bar . Gibbons’s IVharf. April 25. 4w. 69. Samuel JVillintns y HAS removed to the (lore lately oc cupied by MefTrs. H. Kneeland & Cos. and formerly by himfelf, on Mo rel’s wharf, where he will continue the GROCERY BUoLn jaoS. April 15, 69 SUGAR, &c. 40 HhdO pr - lme Mu fcovado SUGARS. 50 Bbls. 5 1 Hhd. MOLASSES, 1 Ebl COFFEE. Lauding from the sloop Benjamin, irom Trinidad, forfalc by W* il. Stackhouse. lifcy 13 74 Georgia Republican. SAVANNAH, PRINTED BY &* MLEAN, ON TIIE DAY. Bajley & Harman, H No. ~IN THE EXCHANGE, A v hjeeived by ‘the lute arrivals a gi neral nd extmGve aflorrment of AR riCLES, r their hue,the whole of which are warramd of the bell quality, and wil be lold at rduced prices for ready money oi produce ony.—Planters and others will b* supplied by Ending tlicir orders on the terms above mentiked. Georgia lams& Bacon (home cured) and y arrantcd to keep through the year Large putled and Imoakcd Tongues, & bes from the Ncw-York market New-Yorlcorn’d Beef in half barrels & by tit tingle piece Bolona Srtfagcs, Bolton >’ Imon on r.tail Double v,iofter, Chcfhirc, North Wilt lhire and American Checte London bottled Br wn Stout, Edenburg ale, and British Cider Fine tparkling Champaigne and Claret Wines too Pine cpple Chetfe London Bottled Port, iu quart & pint Bottles Fen cases old Claret Wiue of one dozen each Old Madeira Wine in Bottles Do, in quarter calks and on retail / and Malinfcy Wines Every deftription of Cordials in bottles and in lock cases, allotted in each, Eriglilh and American Rafpbtrry 3c ‘.heriy Brandy Died fruits, Preserves in cases assorted Grange & Lemon Shrub Rose, Lavender, Change flow, and Honey waters Olives, Capers, Apchoivos, Pickle3 of all kinds Mufhroon ketchup Cheroquc, Quins, k Imperial Fish sauce Soy, t Fence of anchoives Pepper Sauce, fine Sailed Oil Sait, Wine Bitters London and Durham Mustard, Ready made London Mustard, Split Peas. Pealed barley Chocolate of fuptrior qurtity Crakerß and butter buileuit in kegs, Moc .a Coffee, fine Hyfon and young Hvfoa Teas And jujl Lamed from New Fori, Small L’aitys ot Hyfon Tea, very fupc rior qualities By a Spring arrival, Godfroid’s fupertor Segars in whole and half boxes Battle powder in canisters Rifle do. ia kegs and Cannon do. in do* Shot of all sizes On C n/ignment, 50 Calks Brown Stout. April 29 70 i O HE 1, THE WHARF AND STORES FORMERLY occupied by Meiirs. Wilfor &. Knox, and at present by Mr. Andrew Knox. Tbei productive and convenient si tuation is In we!! known, as to require no further explanation. For terms ei.quire oi R. Wayne. November I 19 THE FIRM OF HUNTER &P MINIS, IS this day difl'olved by mutual con fetti. Ail persons having demands will please render them to the fubferibers for adjuiiment; and ali indebted, are folic ited to prepare for immediate payment They wdl attend at their Compting house as uhia!, for the adjustment of their accounts. JAMES HUNTER. ISAAC MINIS. March 2 3 39- 30 Dollars Reward. RUNAWAY from the lubferiber on the 15'h February last, a young negro wo man named NELLY, the is about live feet two ortliree inches high, thick made, has remarkable thick lips, and black teeth, which Are very far apart, and hips much when l’peakii g. She is well known about town, where the may be enticed to w. rk ; and is supposed to be liarb, red at times about the Orphan house, and Mr. Wilkinson’s plan tation near Savannah. The abov reward will be given to any perlon who will deli ver her to tlie jai'er in Savannah, or inform the lubferiber where (lie ma be taken. IVm. STEPHENS. March 25 59 Bonaventure, elegant retreat abou- 4 mi'es from i Saannah, on YVailaw river, is cflored on a leafefor fix or liven years, for the ben efit of the heir, a minor, on terms thatwd suit tho’ inch ed to poffel's so vaiuao.e a piece of round, as web ca,cu a’ed for health as for plealure and profit. Aj.-p yto IVm. STEPHENS, } U , Aft TURNBULL, Guard,anß - 9 6 THE bUEbCRIbFR, tT AS removed to the Wharf and Stores JL belonging to Mrs. Hunter, formerly occupied by Meiirs. Hun er 6c Minis, where he continues to traniacl the Factorage and Commission Busiitess. Joseph Habersham. March 28, 60 F K 1 D A Y, May 2;, ISO 6. EDUCATION, Grateful for the diftingutfhec! patronage ic has experienced lince his ellabiflmfent ni •Savannah, Mr Green with defect re intern s Ins triends and the public, that He l.adies Literary lchool, and the Gramniarmd Math ematical lchoofs, are still coneluctel bv him on the lame extenlive plan, as at heir com mencement. The course of the ichools, incldex Read ing, Grammar, Elncutim ami Hlu tor e, , Writing in ail the ufeful oin: “.r ta! hands, Ariihtpe ic, Book keeping, accoi big m u-- venl fyttems, Geography ad the nib, 1 drawing copying of Maps in duerent pro jefiion*, the lements of Aftroomv. and the use of til# Globes and Te hn 11 Jliftory j and Chronology. In tlie Mathematical deparment, the | pupils will be carefully inftru,- < Jin A r bra 1 Geometry, Trigonometry, Cmic Sections ‘ and Fluxions, iv itii tlieir apq. :■ ion to tlie bulinefs of life and the invt iti .;uiou of lci ence. Sixteen years experience in his profeflion, and a sacred and unremitting qiiention to the morals and r.-.-.l improvemcnf cf hi:; pu pils will, lie hopes, continue ti him from a liberal and enlightened publii 1 il.nre of that favor which be has hitlu rt 1 fxpcrieiiced Pupils admitted without Enjrance, tiil the lit of the entiling January. A Dancing Masvix ts eminence wiii attend tlic Schools. November 5 1 oo ’ RHi.VI h RICE LANDS FOR SALF. ALL thxf traft of LAND fituaetd and be ing on the louth fide of the Ala air.aiia river, known by the name of the Broacuce trait, late the property of General iWlntolh, containin 755 acres, of which 1 ioo acres tre prime Tide Swanp of thr lilt qualitv and ver\ belt pitch of t tie ; the balance high (well timbered) PINE LAND, and’ vv.ll 1 alcuhited for a lettlement ur letileiru nts. This tract is di vided inro three parts, through the uppermuft third runs a large navigable ctetk, leading to 2 landing, c.n which rnay be creat ed (as the stream is t cr.fiderable) a Rice Mill, Saw Mil or Grist Mill. This proper tj is fuuated immediately oppofire M:'j. But iers, Demere’s Island , and from r s lo'jai advantages is the 1110 ft -iuirable rice estate in Georgia. Anv ptrion who wiiTies to purchase? may apply to Mr. A LEXANDER MRIN, Charles on ; Mr. CHARLES IL\K /<iS, attorney at. law, Savannah : or Mtrflrs. MEIN, MACKAY & Cos. merchants there. In ai ; of whole hands a plat may bt teen, and thole v/ho may be tie firous to view the premises, b) applying to Mr. M‘KIMNOi\, St. bimons liland, he will fiiew hem the lines, and give every ocher necefiary information ht having resurveyed die tradt. February 7 46 TO LET, A large convenient DWELLING HOUSE, and well fitted up STOKE in a central situation, cither separately or together. Terms will be made very reafcnable* Apply to the print ere, February 18 Eight Dollars Hevvard, WILL be given for apprehending and lodging in any jail in this (late so the fubferiber can get him again, or deliver him to me, [in Burke county, a negro man, named BEN, ht is 22 or 23 years of age, about live feet eight inches high, a fraall fear of a burn on one of his cheeks, yellow complexion, well made, born in the state of Maryland, from thence he wag brought to North Carolina, there owned by irpjor Joseph Grarnam, brought to this state about 3 years since, he is in the habit of faying that he is free. Needham Cock. March 25. __ 59. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted by bonds notes or open accounts, to the sfta/e of jOHN HLkB, dec. are in* or tried that unless they come forward nd fettle their refpeitive amounts by the jo'h cf June next, they will with., us discrimination be placed in the nand* of an at/omey for collection— rhofe to whom the laid efiare 1? in debted will please piefent their ac counts tor payment. FREDERICK HERB, Adm’r. Ajrtl 15. i 65 TO T HE PL 15t IC. ALTHOUGH in ordinary caßp, the concernu t.f an individual nt-iy not !■. supposed to excite very genet a! ir.tcreft, yet when the higliett judicial ofii e in our country is prollituted to the purpo ses of individual enmity, and when a Judge of the Superior Court, tco-milcfs ot tiic dignity ot his ttation, and tilt die tates of moral propriety, meanly aflociates with tlie bafeit charadlcis to aid the lie figna ot villainy, and cuiellyand wicked ly attemptß to do a private wrong, it be comes equally a duty to the party iiju rid, and to the community at large, to hold up fucti conduitl to , cneral tion, and the authors and abtttcs of it to univeifal contempt. The pub'icarr already apprized of a cons ITi mi taken at Grecntboruugh, before lii i honor Judge Tail, wherein r.n attempt is made to im plicate fevet a! petfona in this (late a:i lie ing concerned in the irtfimous practice of circulating counterfeit money ; among others my name has been particularly and pointedly noticed, and lias been brought forward 111 inch a manner, as to convince me that the confef.i >n win tak eu for the bale and cruel pn r pofe of in jll ring my reputation ; and is tlie fuggertiort may be to our coun try, I have no doubt but that tlie whole ranfa&jon (so far as rj: s rry felt ) originated in the malignant mind ot hi., honor Judge Tait, and one or two others, of whole ingenuity and aid lie availed himfelf, the more ieeurcly to carry the ihamcful and abominable contrivance in to eff, ft- How far 1 flnll fucCeed in iinprcfliiig upon t’ne ini .ds of ttie Itouclt. and candid part or my iellnw citizens my own im prcifioiis as 10 the origin of this iniainom procee ing, will he for them 1 > detvi nine, wlun they have j .-1 tiled the pint: ami fimpie ftateme. t cf fads, which ! [ lhail uoiv lay before t'a m— A tlatemen l j which 1 tiuit they wiii pa'ientiy perul. and candidly toi.iider, and then i.npa t inly judge between r.n innocent itidtv dual, and one of the baled ntiempta t deflroy his reputation, whteli the mob infernal malice could have contrived, m the mod coufuimnatc villainy could have executed. On tracing tliis trar,faction through its various itages, it appearb, that on tb< third day ot March lutt, a man of rioiied charader—an infamous and wel. known offendtr, by the name of Robeit Clary, was lirougtit to G cei.fb irough, by one Josiah G ass, for Ltie purpofr 1.. being examined by bis honor Judge Tait, un lou.c fubjrfts, in which, it was pre tended tlie public were interested, and oi which, Li* honor the Judge aiFcfted en tire ignorance. A. coiiftffion was accor dingly loon alter taken and 1 worn to be lore me judge ; wherein among feverat perlons who are ftate.i to have had an irnpr per intercourse with tiie notorious v. Collins, of North Carolina, my name is particularly introduced ; and refpeft mg me, it is alledgcd by Clary, “that “ during Lis flay at Collin*’ house, be “ tween the 7th of --ipri!, 1804, and “ the sth of beptember following, e let “ ter was received by Collins, from Ge “ neral Joim Clark, requeuing that ft “ would fend him a large amouiit in “ bills ; that he (Clary) bad fecn the “ letter, and beard Collins retnsik in “ couverfatinn about Clark, that lie war “ a man worth trading with j that h “ took out the jirice of eleven hundred “ acres of land at oxr: time; that I. “ bad fern tlie deed conveying the lan, “ treat Clark to Collins, and that tht “ fame land bad lince been conveyed b “ Collins to him tbe laid Ciary ; —an< “ that this land was the confidcration “ or a part thereof, for upwards of twen “ ty thoufaud dollars, w'luch was lent “ to him by the nieffenger, who deltve , “ red the letter, but the nzme of the “ mtlltngcr he does not recollcft,” This was the part of the confcfiion, ,1 which Clary was brought to Greetibo I rough for tne jiurpofe es a,iking, and the only part in which the J'-’dge felt particularly inlcrcttcd. It v/a accord ingly taken down, after the form of r.n examination, ct.d received the Judge’s official ligr.ature ; and no doubt hie lion or imagined he had cm.ducted the pro cetding will, luch apparent fairnefs, that the propriety of his conduct would Icarceiy be oueftioned, and wiih so much ingenuity tliat the bafsDcis cf it would never be dilcerncd—but happily for tbe fairty arid peace of the virtuous part ot loci’.ty there feem* to prevail in j the moral system of the univeife, one j universal principle, whereby, in defiance lof human artifice, there fliali always bt I attached to villainy, a fufficient degree oi indiferotiun to expofc itfelf—and the Ipielcnt case affords a lorcibie illultration of th ia foitunate principle ; for the con- | du<st of tbe Judge commenced tn fucb a giarn.g departure from legal duty ano | correctness, as furnifhed the means ol i tracing the fiibfequeut windiiigs ct hr ! tolly am! wickcoutfs. On examinin, I tbe contiiii in ot Clary, and inveftigatnit. ! the cl ‘ laiitaticci Cuui.cCted with it, fWhole Numf.r 377- fecn difeoverrd ft fl'uin t caufcto believe *’ n confidi rxblt- proportion of it was within the knowledge ot the vinos to, the pretended examination, ami 11 tut rolls i iieumflancei- quickly o. curiei 10 warrant a Lein f that the whole con. • ‘ Ikon, ns relate* to my ft If, had been dictated to Clary. In onler to bring about the neorflary ir.ttrview, betw em hi’ honor and Clay, it v,:s dtemed adv feable to have thd Uttrr of patently 111 cultoi'y. and forthi* purpofr an old warrant, which had been 1 fined, or which it .-as pret nded had been issued, bv a magistrate in North Cnionna abou’ /tx or jtven years ago a-. 1 mil ft one Robert Clary tor negro deal ing, had been pioduced, and, strange ;19 it may teem was backed by Judge Tail, under pretence cf is giving legal autho rity t-a wrest. C!a ’ jr in 7.5 is )t,ir, and keen him in e tnlincm nr ; the warrant by the way was not againtt rhe Robert Clary who was prttciidcdly iu confine— tnenc, but again ft bis father of the Caine name, find tins was well known to Ghifr. and no doubt to the Judge, but as it lur mflied a fort of pretext for taking and keipiug Clary with them, tluir purpo. fes in this particular were anfwcred. tin this preliminary ftej one might enquire of his honor, by what authority he could undertake to back a warrant from another Hate, even if it had been of modern date, and had been prefeuud to him by a man of fair charafter, under no suspicious appear,iree, and for a re cent rlfcrice ! jur by what law he un dertook to authorize any individual whatever, to urielt an inhabitant o’ Geor gia, a;dto t; k-- bun a prifoner out ts the //ale, uiuler a warrant horn North Caro lina ‘ tor my di„ part not being a law yer like ins honor, and but little ac quaiiitrd with legal uieviies, and Jliil Lfs vitli the piiitul aits o Jtuliei and hsftuels -'J tinning, J led unable 10 explain .1 circumflance as lurjiriling as ii W a 9 ■ew, and which, but tor the vi/rjl of alt , isrpif s would not in my opinion have l. kui place. 1 believe I may venture ‘ Q i Trt, that no otlier Jueige, of a iupc tor iomt in t c U litt-d tates, would n this particular liavc committed so fir .rant :m act of impropriety, or liave fi* Ihamefuil) degraded and elilgraced the j . die'., and tba; n_i r. Atler, tiowi ver, In* •r nor’i hopeful inllilimtiit, Clary, wa3 tonglit to Greeiitborough, by i.ia no el. hopeful agent, Glass, a variety of ircuniftances rxilt to induce a belief, that in an union 0f council tlie material parts of tbe confeiflou to lie made were u!y arranged, and that little more was itccflary to be officially done, than to uve certain formaline precede the judi. . iat lignature. But t . elated, vt.n hi* onor with ihe idea of doing a fatal in jury lu! perloß, towards whom, he had oeen long known to entertain the molt uivtUraie comity, and whofc reputation he was particularly ambitious of dettroy iug, that lee was unable to conceal hi* previous acquaintance with the particu. .ars, winch C.Liiy was to communicate. T iicrc can be no doubt that in conform rnityto arrangements, an application wan to he made to the judge ill his official capacity, to take the examination of a pti fori represented to be in legal confine* incut, tie though he suit iguo ant of the pnfoner and the confcffi m to be made. .Accordingly when the judge was fitting on the bench in open court, a letter wait delivered to him horn Jolitth GLf , rc * putting his to take the exa mination, or deposition ot Robert Claiy vho was then in cultody, Col. Young Gresham, who fitting by the judge lien tnc letter was handed him, and un ■■ 1 Hoed it* ol j and, observed to him ‘ that it the prrion mentioned was the “ Line Ciar / olio used to hve in Greene, “ no attention uught to be paid to hi* “ conlelfi ms.” When the judgt repli ed that “ lie expedted it was fomc tri* ffing fellow and m a continuation >f the eonveitation with the Judge, Col. Grtfhatn “ utuitrjluod from thr judge, ihul “ hr, the jfudue, did at (hut l,me h ,ciV ** (hut ( hity uAended iu e.w.yr/i “ Gen. Clark ami dibits. neu he ffidge “ at that time, talked of not taking w,o “ eoiileftion ot Clary and said it might be “ done by a jultice ot the Iniersor Couit “ when the Colonel obfeived to the “ judge, that it it were, taken £t ail, her “ would recommend that it (hould be “ done by lejulie Nfbrt; and tut co.o* “ nel concluded trom the Judge's on “ verfation, that be would have nothing “ to do ih taking the confcffiori,”—. Ilia honor however was too cautious to untold bis dcligns to Col. Grcfham, an 4 though he imprctled him with a that he would not take Clary's contiffi on, yet it was no doubt previoutiy detcr n.ined, tliatit was a matter of too much importance to be cntrulted to any pertou but him/elf. Clary it is well known, is the lame who had formerly lived iu Greene, arid to whom Col. Gretham al luded when he informed the judge he was unworthy of credit. After the c 0..- rerfation wuli Cot. Greffiam, the juduc isKiilluned in thecou.fe of tome obterva. .ions to Col. Melton, with the fame by. pncriticai affectation o- candor the. Vc.