Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, August 08, 1806, Image 1

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VoL IV. No. 90. J ” CONDITIONS OF THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. Th Reoii.iCATl is published every /Tfdr and Friday, on a royal llieet ot a jood. quality- ffttbfcription are six dol lx„ per annum.. -one half to be pa.d at the time of fubfcnbing, and the balance at tie oxpinttor of the year...and all papers v ill fce continued until ordered to the reverie. # _ terms of advertising. • dvertifements infested at 50 cents per - ** v e iirtt inl'ertion, and 25 for each Square th. liberal allowance made to aontiuoatioe , a dvertif by the year, thole who wi<- For sale at v KIS ° ffice * A variety of BLANKS *.™S M Foreign aiui Coaituig TVlercVi-nts Entries L;a ( unr ditto of Exchange Do. of J.uding Do. of Sale; Rowers of Attorney Check* Apprentices Indentures Deeds oS Conveyance Bonds; Notes of Hands Wr its for the Superior, Inferior Sc Mayor's J Courts Mayor’s Court Executions Sc Subpoena* Notice* to creditors of Insolvent debtors X.fiiiitary Summonses and Executions/ &c. CT Card* , Handbills , &C‘ Printed at a Jhort notice on re finable ter mi. FINE FLAVORED Mochoa COFFEE, Superior to any other kind, at i/y per lb. ALSO THE Stock in Trade, OF the fubferibers, at the moft reJue<i prices, wholesale and retaj. Private fami ties will find their mtereft in applying for Groceries, Wines oc Liquors. BAYLEY & HARMAN. No. 6, Exchange. July 1* 91 Nodes is Hereby Given, That the Coparnerfmp carried an htr by William Dixon, James DiCk* lbn and George Penny, Under the firmof Jamb* Diccjoh, 3cCo by its own limitatior, on the ift jr.itant; thole who have any demands a gain!! the concern will pleafeprefent them, and those indebted, are requested to make payment to James Dicklon, who it au.horifed to Rule the affair* of the concern. William Dixon, James Dickson, George Penny. In future the bufwefu will be continu ed by William Dixon St James Dickfoe lander the firm of James Dickson, & Cos. June 30 88 FOR PRIVATE SALE, A TRACT of very valuable Cotton and i’rovifion CAN'D, contain iug nearly three thousand acres, belong ing to the ellate of Rickasld R. Ash, firuated on the island ofDawfufkie, di rectly opposite Savannaa bar, and dis tant only 5 or 6 miles Tybee Tight Houfe.—Tbefe land; are inferior to none in the Rate—the prefect crop of a bout 450 acres of Codon, and 200 acres f Provision will fully prove this. The Trad is divided into four Plan tatlons, and will be fold together or se parately, sll of which are well fettled, having every ncccffary building /or fa Cotton Plantation, molt of them have been erected fisce.the hurricane, and of the bell materials. On Newbury is a convenient and comfortable two story dwelling houfe* kitchen and wash house, new- The buildings on Salt Pond are a little inferior, and in excel ■nt repair. Mary-Held and the ridge, Jave been lately fettled and have over feet’s houfe*> &ct Terms, one third cash, the other two thirds in one and two years, the purcha ser giving bond and mortgage of the pro perty, wiih perfouai fccurity, if required. The overseer at Newbury, will fhtw the Lands and divifiou lines. For further particulars, apply to MART FRASER. C)* Provlfions, Plantation Tools, &c. may be had with the plantations, at a fair valuation. Beaujirt, S. C. July 15 92 * ivoTTZiT T AtL perLmi havir j demands agair.ft the estate of Robert Hudson, late of Scre ven ciunty, dfcealed, are requeifed to render thenaj.roper!/ authenticated, and thole in <sebc£ are solicited to make immediate pay ments* James Hudson, ex’r. Jy 3 yj ALMANAC’S E'er fa!e at this fcfkce. GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. Bayley & Harman, N0.6, IN THE EXCHANGE, HAVE received by the late arrival* a ge neralard caeenfive afTortment of All- TIC . ,ES, in their line, the whole of which are arran dos the bell quality, and will bi fold at reduced prices for ready money or , produ e oriy.—Planters and other* will be fuppl'edby fending their order* on the term* i above mentions . Gcon-ia Hams& Ba<:on (home cured) oid warranted to keep through the ■ ear Larg, pickled and fmoaked Tongues, ✓ beef from the New-York market New- ‘ork corn’d Beef in half barrels £c ; by the Angle piece Bctor a Sausages, Salmon on retail I Double Glofter, Chefhirc, North W ilt fnire and American Cheese London bottled Brown Stout, Edenburg ale, and British Cider Fine sparkling Champaigne sad Clare* Wines 100 Fine a PPL Cheese London BotU-cd Port, in quart Sc pint Bottles Ten cases old Claret Witif o£ one Joxtn each Old Madeira Wine in Bottle* Do. in quarter cask? and on retail Y’rontignae and Ma infey Wines Every defeription of Cordials in bottles and in lock caf-s, aiToited in each Engliih and American Rafpberrf Cherry Brandy Dried fruits, Prefcrves in cases alTorted Orange & Ltrnon Shrub ilefe, Lavender, Orange flower, and Honey waters Olives, Capers, Anchoives, Pickles cf all kinds Mufhroon ketchup Oheroque, Quins, & Imperial Fifa fauct Soy, rllence of anchoives Pepper Sauce, fine Sallad Oil Table Salt, YVine Bitters London and Durham Moflard, Ready made London Mustard, Split Peas, Pearled barky Chocolate of superior quality Crackers and butter buifeuil in kegs, Mocoa Coffee, fine Hyfon and young Hyfon Teas And jujl Lan edfrom Nciv Torb. , Small Cattys of Hyfon Tea, very fupe rior qualities By a Spring arrival , Godfroid’s fuperiot Stgars in whole and half boxes Battle powder in eaniftcra Rifle do. in kegs and Cannon do. in do. Shotiof all fires ON CONSIGNMENT, 50 Cbfks Brown Slout. il 29 70 Bayicy 6c Harman, > F.xcha*ob, No. 6. HAVi jujl received from New-York, a choice parcel of SmQAKET) Beef, Tongtis, Bacon and Corned Beef, in half barrel*. ALSO—Madeira and Port Wines Spices tjf all forts, Pickles About Joolbs. English Cheese, —Will be Lid at if. yd. by the whole Cheese, Cordials, Sweet Wines, Frcfh Linus, frefh Saliad Oil. Ihe which are novr effer ed to at the mod red ictd pri ces. N. B. IVivate r amily and ship (lores supplied with Lch quantities as may suit them, at lowertates, than can be had in town, until the lock is fold. , J ul y 2 > \ 9 6 - ~T(\ LET, For a tern ot Years. AN I) immedKte pofTefiion given the TAN YYIRD, Garden &c with all its improvements. lately occupi edby Meffri, Bowmeuc Smith at Ya raacraw. To a person desirous Y>f pursuing the Tanning business, its rcceyt arid complete repair will 2fiord great advantages, there are comfortable accommodations for a private family, the rent lot/—apply to BAYLEY & HARMAN, June lo 82] No. 4. Exchange BONAVEJSTUbih l THIS elegant retreat, stout four mile* from Savannah, on W afTiX* river, is offered on a lease for fix Or fevea years, for the benefit of the heir, a mi nor, on terms that will suit those incli ned to pofkfs so valuabl a piece of grouod, as well calculated for health as for pleasure and profit. Apply to Wm. STEPHENS, 1 n A. TURNBULL, 5 Guardian*. Aagmft 9 t. fittv BARRELS superfine tLOUR , RECEIVED per fehooner Aftaora, aad will bti old by Jaccb Hoffman, July i* 93 J Jetfcrfvn-Street. SAVANNAH s PRINTED BY EVERITT M'LEAN, ON THE BAY. Friday, august s, 1806. MONT-VTLLE, TvV residence of tbs late Governor btitll. FOR SALE, THAT UALUAPtL E PLANTATION, CONSISTING OF _2627 acres on Savannah River, in Burke County ; and, 767 on the opposite fide, in South-Carolina.— The vame of the Pine Lands, on this fiuc, and the rich low grounds on the other fide of the river, tender* the whole, a VALUABLE ESTATE. The advantages of an elevated situation, the cftabiifbment of a ferry conll.ntly used, and with the command of lands of every quality, upon a navigable river, are so well known as to need no other deLription. Terms of payment and the price, will be easy. For particulrrs, apply in Augufla to Thomas Flournoy, Esq. 0 f Seaborn Jones Esq. at his feat in Soriven Coun ty, to Major Bulh, near th premiiki, aqd in Savannah, to WILLIAM STEPHENS. ■Hr 39 ts ,j 6 COLLEGE LANDS, rioo acres of Valuable L AND, in Glynn County, is offered LOR SALE, composed of valuable Rice, Cotton and Provision Land, in one body, and in which is included, a rich parcel of Meadow Laud, capable of the highest cultivation. The titles to these lands are clear, and the lands have been lately resurveyed by Mr. M'Kinnon, with accurate re marks, (hewing its boundaries, situation on a navigable creek, and other ad van tages. Thefs lands rre direfted, by law, t. be fold for the benefit of the Betlicld. College, or Orphan House Eflate. I* or a great part of the purcliafe moii ey an eatcnfive credit will be givenj an* the other payment made easy. pp U to Judge STEPHENS, the Prefiden of the Board of Trutlees, Dr. PAR KER, Mr. BARACH GIBBONS or the fubferiber, or Committee ot Prul tees, from either of whom, particular, will be made known. w. B BULLOCH. If not fold before the firfl Tues day in November, the above will be of sered for Lie at Auction. _J u ‘y *9 96_ TO Be of The valuable Plantation, Brick Yard and appurtenances, known heretofore as the GLKUii LAND. The whole body of land is within three miles of this city, on the Asguka road, and fronting Savannah river, and contains, on actual lurvey, better than three hundred a.res, more or lcf: For separate Farms to, or as fettle ment6 of high land, for those, who poffefii rice grounds on Hutchiiifon’s-lfland, and opposite to the Glebe Land, the above is certainly a deferable purebafe. It is well known, that a valuable bed of clay, is on the land, and that bricks have been burnt on the spat, and brought to market to advantage. As this land has again reverted to tin church, ail persons are cautioned from trespafCng thereon, or committing any depredations on the wood land, and those wtio are in poflelDon of any part thereof, by ieafe or otherwise, are notified to pay no rent bi*t to the Warden’s of Chnfl Church. If no purchaser offers, between this and the fir it Tucfday in November, the property will be divided into Jots, anc: offered at public audtiori, tor the benefit of the church. W. STEPHENS, N. TURNBULL, Church lie’ardent J ul y *9 _ EXECUTORS SALES. ON the Jirfl Tuetday in Q Bober next, tvill be sold at the Court house of the city of Savannah, purJ'uant to an order jor that purpose obtained from the bon. the lnjtrior Court oj the county oj Chat ham. ALL that I Band or trad of land, generally known ar. and called BURNSIDES, in the countyaforefaid, containing about two hundred and sixty acres of plantiug COTTON LAND, and a body of Marsh adjoining thereto, situated between Bewlic and Skidaway 1 (land, being part of the real rflate ol Jacob Waldburger deceased, together with the buildings thereon, and the ap. pertenances thereto belonging. Terms to be wade known an the day of Lie. John Milledge, Exc’r. of tie estate af Jata* Wald burger. July 2 % TO BE SOLD, (on j ensDiT or nx montni.J A LOT in Oglethorpe ward, nea the river and adjoining Mr, Pool isi s wharf lot, with a final! improvcmcr. thereon. It is a corner lot fronting 10c feci on a street, 5c 80 on a lane. cd“ The owner would be willing to barter it for New Negroes. Eaqttir at tbit Office. Ju f y il, 1806. treasury department OF THE UNITED STATES, fuse 21, 1806. Whereas lhc com mis . fioners of the linking Fund, at a meeting held on the 2Sch day of April, 1806, did re solve, that the funi remaining to complete the expenditure o*°the annual appropriation of EIGHT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, thould among other purposes br applied to the reimburlennent of die NAVY SIX PER CENT. S TOCK, created in pursuance of zn afl of Congrels, paflVd on the 30th and ty of June, 1798, md ro the reimburlement of the FIVE AND HALF PER CENT. STOCK, created in pursuance of an ait of Congrefsj pafi’ed on the jd day of March,’ *795. I his is therefore to give no tice, that the principal of the said NAVY SIX PER CENT. S I’QCK, with the inrereft due thereon, will, on lot render of the ertilicatcs, be paid on the ili lay of Odtcher next ensuing ihc late hereof, to the refpeCtive tockholders or their lawful re ircfentatives or attornic-s duly onlticuted and authorized, ti het at the ] rcafury or at th -oan Office, as the case may ><G where credits have been -iven for the a nount of flo'fc, fpectivtly held by them: and hat the principal of the FIVE; AND HALF PER CENT. jFOCK, with the interdt due thereon, will in like manner, and at the fame places, be paid on the iit day of January, 1807, o the rrfpeitive stockholders. ar their lawful representatives or ■ttorniea duly conltituted and authorized. It is further made known, for the information of the parties concerned, that no transfers o’ the NAVY SIX PER CEN'L ‘> I OCK, either from or to the books of the Treasury, or from or to the books ol a Conunis fioner of Loan*, will be allow ed after the lit day of September ensuing. And the interdt on all certificates of said ltoi ks, which fhull not have been sur rendered, in puriuance of this notification, will ccafe and de termine, on the day preceding the day hereby fixed for the re imbursement thereof ALBERT GAf,LATIN, Stertiary of the Treasury. L'ty L 5 9a tsgo BOAip of COMMISSION ERS OF PILOTAGE. Savannah, June 4, 1801. I v Confequcnce of several perfoni aft ng illegally a* Eliots, Ordered, ‘I oat the Secretary do puhlifh moutlily the riKOiesof luch I J :Iots, a, pofiefs Brandies <>r Certificates from this board. Er.trutt ft on the Minuitt. THOMAS PITT, Secretary Ackueaii-y to the order ot the Board, I do hereby give notice, ti .it the foi < wins ! uerfen* only, aie duly authonr.ed to af’. al l ! Piiota, Thomas Nonage, J ! Ilham Clay, ( ! James bcraiiton, j . William Hoy Ron, Branch Pile.. Etijah Broughton, C Thomas Alworthy, y Richard We!-, Branch Filot. William Wall, aßing under hir*. John Major, , Peter C*Ur, f Reuben Anderfcn, I jar.ssSf: John Dixor., L ‘i'Uomai W.i.orrr. ) THOMa* VllTEUri. M*v j [VYholb NuMasii 359. I'rom a Pam Paper. TO THE BRITISH NATION. i will not go to war with os” fays your mimfterial writer. Have you lo fooii for gotten the origin of her Lit war w,rn >' ou ? It was not tovindi cate wrongs and injuries which lhe had received—it was o ward off thofc which the was thtreacened. It was noi ro , r , c id of obnoxious taxes which you had already repealed, but to oblige you to renounce for ever your churn to impoie tiicm. If chm i,e00,000 poor, divided co ‘oniiis, with unexampled cou r‘H”- braved for lorne years your rage, for tin; fake ot main taining an abdratt principle of r, when the remaining L.iti - ments of loyalty and dread of your power vere in the scale a g<nnlt them, what wjli 7,000,0 00 of free Citizens, Infhmed by the ■nolt attrocious violations cf us m I nat,oniil ri - ll ' :s decide > , ‘ £ hcy ta.nely iubmit without a tlniggle to 1 ws as humiliating s, of vauqu filed, the conquerer could impose i At the commencement of the A- Irene mi war, we fought you a handed, when you had no other enemy to contend with i audit vvas not until after we had Tanqujbed and captured one of your armies that France even promised us fuccour. Yet ic is pretended, that at a moment vvheo every maritime nation of Europe is arjamft you, we dint not enter the field wt:li you. No! people of Great Britain, your rnmiiiry thcinlelves do not be lieve this nunknle. They know war will be the inevitable conic quence of the propoied mealures. ic is only to allay the fears of your manuiddturers, and yaur merchants interelted in the Amr ncan commerce, these pie enlions of our timidity and lub milfion aic held up. 1 fie real queltion then, is re luted tothii, is a war win the United Acates preferaole i) an iionelt policy ?‘to an indulgence to this neutral nation, to <xrr cile its 1 awful rights, the n 6 h a which God and nature have af luted to all nations ? What bc fic 11c could Great Britain ilerive from a wir which will balance the eternal infamy attached to us injullice i America is not the country iiioft congenial to lintifb laurels. the clima c ts r<o warm, and however verdant they may be at die moment of tranlpl antition, they always fade. Scarcely an heroe in your armies, who gath ered laurels in your plait. 3 or on our mountains, who did not f.c them wither at Saratoga, or with in the walls of Yorktown. R ‘S to he presumed therefore we shall hear no more of landed expeditions. 1 niuch doubt whether your maritime advantages, for which alone you undertake the war will he much greater. It is a fad, perhaps not generally known to you, that the State of Majfachu jetts alone took. 1,100 of your (hips during the colon’al war. MafTachiifctts then poflefle.d but 300,000 inhabitants and a bout 100,000 tons of fhipping. bhe now pofiefies 500, 000 in haoicants, and 350,000 tons of Ihtpping. The United Stages could then i equip, during the whole war, ; but three or four frigates.— Their prefect ellablilhmcnt con filts of ten (tout frigates, dsf thef have the means of equipping and manning in 4 months 50 more, if exigencies lhcuid require it.