Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, August 08, 1806, Image 4

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MISCELLANEOU i. From the Orange County Rtpullican. STANZAS ** VI.I'D Sift on :ne plain* 1 t*E an ,0 *PT >r,ir >’* While joy feetly play’d round my heart, I fancied each bread, like my own war sincere Par fquint-eyt’d suspicion my way cam* not near, Nor l fear’d, for I knew not of Ait ! If a race -seat with fnftnef* apparently dref and, And the ■ mili of good natnre did wear, Methought dat no evil could lurk in the bread, That in WBATWut each trait to the tout **a erprtfa’d, .end goodnew mud lure reside there . Where science dispelling the mid of the mind Ktherial effulgence had shed, jl thought no mean paf&on could ever be join and With lightfo refplendent.with fente tbutrefin and, While the bay ’twin’d itfelf round the head. Jf the language of Gcdliocfs flov/M from the toungue, I believ’d it mud live in the hk**t, With raptupe 1 liilcu’d for even when young 2 had learn’d that eaoh virtue from piety Jpr-ung r nd did sweet knij tiont impart. Ah! would that experience with afpedl fever*, ‘ Pi or n my cottage had dill kept away, Jor ignorance with reacji 1 hold ever more dear H'han knowledge, niiM, i.tu my bosom to har, Or know that the world doe* betray— I have mark’d the demtanor complacent and foft Which iHttWDVtn itfelf tould beguile, Concvilin, corroded malignity oft, While at plain honed bluntnefi and candor they fcoff’d Very wov.vdid with a unit. Education—though blight be her tenet*, and fair A* the orbit of tiny—and a long bt her rule, But too o t mmv'D, are the font ol her care, 2 ho’ proudly they boast, herinfijjna they w. t, It only addt nuai to th* toot. And often alat 1 with presumptive difguilf, The hypocrite’ll bafenefi to hide, H'ith artt which the subtlest fiend can dreilit, Aud faeved devotion’* axternai, he trie* To cover DictJT, aob and raio*. Convinc’d that deception can boldly affedt Fair worth, by the urtlds believ’d, Yet rather than one*, l fiiould virtue fulpedt, Or hy unjull suspicion, true merit negleCt, Ah! let me he often deieiv’d, E’en merit herfelf, doea not alwayt appear To the world in her own native light, If rartu to move in chill poverty’s fphtre, From blalling detraction, and ridicule * *am She (brink* in the dark with affright. Though vie I may conceal, or (• often it doth) Afiume an appearance moll lair, Tho’ wot rll may he branded with crime* lhe would loath, Jiit to look on—of thi* be allur'd, that they BoTU JMl’tT, ons u*r, a>rE.n ohat taiv Alt, CHRISTIAN. From (be Companion. TIIOU MUST DIE J When we bring ro mind this aw r ul fcntcnce, which ha* been passed upon every ere uure inha biting this ball of eatih, how in liguificant appear tlmfe low pur i'uics which agitate the toiling race of men. He who has been for a ferir* of years building airy rallies, and preparing for future yeais of enjoyment—who has been tiding his barns with plemy and his ltores with abun dance, how is he allonifhed, when to him is sent this awfui lu.muons 1 His proud projetts vim(li into emptinels, and more worthies'* than chad appear those valt dtfigns of grandeur which had cal.ed forth all the energy of the mind. Not io the Chris tian, who “ H*a made the ftatute* of the Lord ” His study and dilight.” To him death comes not un locked for he knows it is the ; jot of our frail nature, and he rej'Mces in it as the road to blrs fednefs. SuftaineJ by the hope of glory, he finks not under the tendings of pain—the agonies of dtfealc ate conliuered as the price of his palfyort to a happier ltate i and, religned, he receives the cup of affliction. The death ot the Cnrtdian is the revival of faith. Thole who hand at his bed-tide —who behold him throw otT me of mortality, his countenance beaming with heav enly (mile*, and his lips uttering jnuiu—■-mutt lurcly be conna- red that he has followed n T “ cunn ngty deviled lablcs.”— and even beptics must be indu ced to wilh, chat their latter cuu might be Ike this. 30 Dollars Keward. RAN A WAY from the fubferiber on the . 15th February lad, ayoitng negro wom an named NELLY, (he is about 5 feet two or three inches high, thick made, has remarka ble thick lips, and black teeth, which are ve rv far apart, andlifps much w hen speaking. She 1* wed known about town, where she may be enticed to woik; and is luppofeil to be harbored at time* about the Orphan House and Mr. Wdkinfon’s plantation near Savan nah. The above reward wi Ibe given to any perf->n who will deliver her to the Jai *r m Savaanah, or inform tka lubfcriber where she may be taken. Wm. Stephens. Kareh *5 -59 60 Dollars Reward / STOLEN or RUNAWAY FROM the fubferiber, a Ne gro Girl, named MARY, about sis een years of age, well grown, black complexion, plea sing countenance, large breads for her age, clca’hed with a cal ico coat and white wrapper, but had others, has a mother a: Mr. Rodmans, in Savann-h. A Reward of TEN DOL LARS will be p.”id for her de li veiy to me or in jail ; 1 hirtj Dollars on conviction of her be ing harbored by a white person, & Cwcnty if by a negro. Captains of vdfeisare hereby cautioned a oairift carrying her out of this date. ROBERT JORDAN.- Julv 8 go Adminiltr.uors Sales. On Minday the lstb Aupufl next, WILL FF SOLD, at PUBLIC AUC TION. at the fibre of the Juhfiriitr, in the Mat Lit fquart,til SUNDRY article* Houfckald and _ Kitchen Furniture Some haiidibnc Print! One old Su'key ; one Cart TbreeHorfr*. four Cows Three Caiver, three Yearling* One pair fine large Ot n Several volumes of Bonki And fame ciea* Cotton, being part of the perfoual estate of Thonu* Sumh, dtceefcd. By order of tie Admini/lrotort. Levy Abrahams, Au:t’r M 4 9* AND on T'mfJay, the lllb September text, (VI I.L BE SOLD, at the ’ eufr of Mri. Sufat AI. Smith, Muriel- Jqu ne , al! tte Houtebold and Kitchen furniture One old riding chair and fuikry, of the late Mr. Wnt- Smith. Levy Abrahams, AuctY __J u| y 5 l - 98 Administrator's Sales. WILL be fold :n Tuesday the fe cund day of September next, at the Ciurt bouse in the city of Savannah, between (be hours oj 10 and 2 o'clock, ALU that lot known by rh- No. 8 Fourth Tything, Reynolds Ward, Savannah, with the buildings and improvements thereon, being the real estate of the late Lucia Murray dcc’d, fold under and by virtue of a< order of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for the b;ne tic of the heirs and creditors of said estate. John Winn, Adm’r. Charles Winn, Adm'r. June 30 x3 MAKbHAL’a SALES. ON the fir ft, Tuesdey in September next, If ILL BE SOLD, at the Court house in the city cf Sa vannah, A WHARF lot and (lores, lately occupied by Messrs. Williford and Cook'—Lotnum iberrwo and Bores, half lot num | her fix and one quarter of lot 1 number twenty eight. Sold ! under an execution in the fix Circuit Court, Georgia Diftritt, in favour ol George Leekie vs. Hills, Williford,Cook and Par ker. BEN. WALL, m and o July 30 97 WANIS A SITUATION, As an Overseer, A PERSON who it well acquain ted wuh (he culture of Cotton ; am* Rice, and uuderfttnd* the manage, raent of negroe*. He has good rccom isendaciooa tor sobriety and honesty. A Imc directed to T. M. and left at thi* office will • 4a!y attended to. July if #•- 1 SHERIFFS SALES. WILL BE SOLD on the frfi\ <T tees day in September mxl, at tbt Ciurt-louse tn this uly, be (W4tn the hours of ten and thret o'clock, THREE negroes, to wit, Ce lia and her two children San-h and Tom, undivided property, taken under sundry exe..utions agaluft Thomas Muls and Ro bert Jourdan. ALSO, John and his wife Catherine, togchcr with their children, Charlotte, Juliet and Harry, ta ken under execution, Edwin Lewis vs Emanuel Rengiil, pointed out by the defendant. ALSO, The house and Ima’.l building adjoining on lot no. ons rm street, nearly opposite W<n. H Spencers, and occupied by Win- Parker, taken under execution at the suit of Ralph Jacobs vs. William Parker. ALSO, Lot no. i (one) Tyrconel! Tyihing Darby ward, with the improvements thereon, or lo much as will fatisfy trie taxes cue lor the year IHO4 by Wil liam Mills, pointed out by the defendant. Cnidtions Cfh HENRY W. WILLIAMS, and. s.. e. July 29 97 Sheriffs Sales, WILL Bft SOLD, at the Court 11 use, in th. town of Biunf wick, Gy it n Count on the n- C J u •Id iy in S'ept ember next, be tu ecn the touts oj ten and three o'ilc k, ONE fixh cf Cjrrrights p ;int, Itized and taken under ex: cu ion as the property of E B. Hopkins ro iaiisy a judgement in favor of John Bol con, the above proper, y pointed ouc by the piancifi’s attorney. Condi ims cf Sale Calk. Wm, PAYNE, s.c.c. ju’y is- 97 bheriil’s Sales. WILL BE SOLD, a the Court- II ue, w the town of Brunt wi k . Glynn County, on the jtrjl ’Tuesday in Sep ember next , between tte hours of ttn and’ tbiee o'clock, r |N hiE lo lowing property, X TWO HUNDRED AND FiFTY aaes of LAND, near th Buiie io o'wamp, wrh the improve ments then o ~ le zed and taken under execution as the property of Joseph Causer, to fatisfy sundry executions. Conditions of sale, Ca(h. Wm. PAYNE, s. o c, J lj| y 2 5 97- SHERIFF'S.SALES. IL ILL BE SOLD, on the Tue : d*y in OSlober next, at the Ciurt b ust in ibis citv, be tween tbs. hours cf ten and ibt <e o'clock, I TV- UR negroes, VIZ. Sylvia, ’ Jennev, Hedor and Sukey, icized and to be iold under ar,d by virrue o an ex cution groun ded on a mor gage, J„hn Per ooll vs. Ja i es Smith. Conditions Cajb. H. W. WILLIAMS, oscc July 9 SHfcRIFF’S SALES. WILL BE SOLD , at the Cotct - Hcufe,in the town of Brunf-\ w ik, Glynn County, on the frU Tuesday in September next, bet ween the hour sos ten and three o’clock, ONE dark Bay Horse, eight y; ars old, seized and ta ken under execution as the pro perty of James Mirs, to fatisfy a judgment in favour of the ad mimlbators of David Mancrs dcccaled. Conditions cf sale, Cafto. Wm. PAYINE, s. g. c. July 25. 97- ASSIZE for Auguft,\^,o(>. THE price of FLOUR being Ten'dollars per barrel. Bread must weigh, VIZ. x* i t cent* Loaf | 6 1-4 cents Loaf *ib. - oxj J iib. 1 oa. Os which all Baker* and Seller* of Brea* ar* to take due and particular notice. J. MARSHAL, City Tteafarer PROPOSALS, FOR carrying tee Mails of tl \Jn‘t,d Stales on t> e foUowin Foft Roads, will be received a. t ! :r G’t.eral Pcfl-OJfce , unit the firfl day of Auguit next, in cluhve. IN GEORGIA. From Savannah, by Ebenezei & Jacklonborough £ Augulta, once a week, LEAVE, Savannah, every Friday at'* fc o’clock a. M. and arrive at Au euftaon Sunday at 3 p. LEAVE, Augusta every Tucfdry a: 5 A ’ M ’ AND ARRIVE, At Savannah, on Thursday a’ 3 o’clock, P. M. frori, Augusta Dy Wavnefborough and Louis ville to Savannah once a week, LEAVE Augusta every Thursday, at 2 p. M, and arrive at Louilville on Friday by 10 a m. Lfc./lV£ Louilville on Friday at n a.m, AND ARRIVE AT Savannah on Sunday at 6 p.m LEAVE Savannah every Monday at 8 A. M. AND ARRIVE AT Louisville on Wednesday by 9 A. M. LEAVE Louisville la ne day at 10 a m AND ARRIVE.AT AtigulL on Thursday by 10 A. M. FROM Savannah by firyan Court houle, Midway Church, Rice borough, M’lntolh Court- hou e, Darien, Frederica, jeckyl I Hand and Dungeonifl to Saint Mary’s once a week. LEAVE Savannah, every Monday a r 8 o’clock A. M. AND ARRIVE At Saint Mary’s every Thurs day at 10 o’clock a m. LEAVE Saint Mary’s every Thursday ac 2 F. M. ARRIVE AT Savannah, the next Sunday at 6 P. M. FROM Jeckyl Iftand to Brunfftick once a week. LEAVE Jeckyl Iflandevery Thursday at 5 a. m AND ARRIVE AT Brunswick fame day by ic o’clock A. M LEAVE Brunswick fame da y at a. p. M, AND ARRIVE AT Seckyl fame day by 6 o’clock P. M. NOTES. I. The P-ift-malUr several may ex pedite the ma'ls and alter the time* of arrival and departure at any time during the continuatiiw of the contracts, he previously stipulating ?n adequate cam penfation for any extra espetde that may be occalioned thereby. . Fifteen minutes (hall be allowed for opening and closing the mails at all 1 ffi.;es where no particular time is Ipeci fied. 3. For every thirty minutes delay (unavoidable accidentstxe pled) in ar livrng after the time prtfcribed in any contraii, the contra&or lliall fen-feit one dollar ; and if the delay continue until the departure of any depending mail, whereby the mails dcltined for such de pending mail lose a trip, an additional forfeiture of fire dollars lhall be incur red. 4. Newspapers as well as letters are to be sent in the mail ; and if any per son; making proposals, delires to carry newspapers, other than those conveyed in the mail, for his own emolument, he mult (late in hi* proposals, for what lum he will carry it with that emolument, and for what sum without that emolument. 5. Should any petfon, making pro polals, dclire an alteration of the times of arrival and departure above fpecilied, he mull (late in his propofsls, the alter ation* desired, and the difference they will make in the term* of hi* contract. 6. Perions making propcfals, are desi red to If ate their prices by the year.— Those who contract will receive their pay quarterly, in the months of Februa ry, May, Augud, and November, one month after the expiration of each quar ter. 7. No other than a free white person it ad ke ca:ployed tu cunvey He inti. r. “Where the 1 , f , ir.v-y the a: lin tV body of r. ft'4gx piisgc, he is dcfiied to state it , .•opefaig, 9. The Post-master general r 1 j ir’infclf the of declaring S ny antrad at an end whenever three fail. ( ires happen, which amount to a J o f, and a trip each. 10 The contra&i for tliefe r„cti 3 are j Ibe in operation cm the ill da is of O&obcr neat, and to continue ia Iforse ‘ “or uvo years, freni that time. * Gideon ’ * PO3T-MABTER ■ General Foil-Office,. w ■ tVafhington• City, April 26. GEORGIA. a 1 By his Excellency JOUPTyyu. 1 LEDGE, Governor ani CftM* ’ tnander in Chief of the Navy of this Stats G? of 1 Militia thfeef, A PROCLAMATION.- 1 WHEREAS in and by an aft oafied the Uth of February, 1799, entitled “An adt to regulie the General E leftions in thH ltate, and ro ap- point the nipeipf the meeting on j he General Aflembly,” it h a mong other dings declared— “ T hat all writs of elefiiona to fill vacancies that may happen for members of the General Af ferr.blv cf this state, or House of R'prefentativcs of the United States, fliall be di edled to the juliices of the Inferior Courts of .he relpedive counties, who arc required to give public not ce thereof, and cause the fame to f>e held in manner and form as it rein before pointed out, agree ably tc such writ.” And whereas, a vacancy hath happened in the I-laufe of Re prelenta ives of the U. States, by reason of the resignation of the honorable Joseph Bryan, who was tletted and commiftiontd to serve as a member therein, for this fU;c, until the fourth day of March next. I have therefore thought proper to illue this m s Proclamation, hereby dire&hg and ordering the Jv.tli ecsofthe Inferior Courts of ihd rdpedtive counties in this Itaie, to coniider the fame as a general writ of election for filling the a forefaid vacancy. And I do hereby charge and require the said Justices to give due notice, that an election for the purp ofa iforefaid, vvill be held in the :ref pect vccoonties, on Monday the tirli day of September next. And I do hereby further’require fchat such returns of said election, as the aforefaid act points ouc, be made to the Executive Depart ment within the time prefers bed. Given ttn ter my band and the fre at seal of the state, at the sdale house in Louisville, this twenty eighth day cf June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand .tight hundred and six, aud of thv In’ dependence of the United Shales cf America, the thirtieth. JOHN MILLEDGE.- Ey the Governor* Hor : Marbur* , (92.1W4.) Secretary cf tit iUitei Chambers, 18th July, 1806. PRESENT THEIR HONORS*. EDWARD TELFAIR, JNO. H. MOREL, ; JAMES ALGER. BY the ju'tices the of rt f’- 1 rior Court of the county of Cuat nam, and in virtue of a Prtcla mauon of his excellency the Go vernor so direded. v The elcdors of the count? of Chatham, are hereby not^ied v , that a poll will he opened at the Court house, in the city of Sa vannah, at 100 clock, on Mil ’in day the full day of Scpternl trer next, to give their votes to ft p p!y the vacancy of a member in the House of Representatives of the United States in the room of the Hon. Joseph Bryan reßj fl ed, to take effect until the .4th day Os March next, of which all officers concerned will take < lu* notice, from the Mixntti . J. B JLLOCH, Cl,; . July 22 94% WANTED, ‘ A Girl ♦* attw.4 s fmal’j cXifJ at rttrs fc<- , a