Newspaper Page Text
w- ‘ - ■
SAVANNAH, Octobsr 8, 1306.
imemvi ~v
WE h?.i intended to wave any further
cbfervations on the approaching Election ;
hut, a far-fetched production in the last
Museum,” calls us to the talk once more.—
In this labored effufion, the writer fays, “ W e
• feel dil’pofed to follow the example of our
w brother Editors, by offering a few obferva
-41 tions on the fubjedt.” by tlris, it appears,
that they have an Editor to the Museum
■who he is, we know not —but, he mbit be a
disciple of John Adams, the “ adherent” to
that “ stupendous fabric of human invention,
the Britilh Constitution” —we fay, he mult be
cf this call, otherwise his labors would not be
very acceptable with our neighbors. It is
well known to ns—it is well known to every
member of this community, that has been in
any way tonverfant with the Printers of the
Museum, that the production in quel’tion, was
net penned by either of them, although it ap
pears as their*—they have adopted it and,
not unlike other Federal assertions, it is deeded
in the impeding garb of deception.
Republicans, the language is quite mild—it
is ufheiea before you, at tin, i -te hour, ler the
purpose of dividing your imereti —they day is
nigh at h and—they tremble at its approach
therefore, they have dilc'.rd-d their iil'ual stile
cf writing., and endeavor to perluade you ; out
%'s cautious—you know the principles of their
parry—you know the principles cf Repubii
cdiulfK. They have resorted to alinolt every
fpecits ei artifice to you —and, as the
last alternative, they come now to perl'uade
The writer of the production we now
notice, after penning a quantity of fulfome
fluff, fays, “ Disregarding the luggeftions of a
“ let of men in our country, v. no are dTpofed
* to keep every cfhce am* appointment for
“ themselves and their adherents. ’ Mark
the fentance, Republicans—he fays “ for them
feives and their adherents.” It we miltake
not the real meaning of this writ a —lie mdbns,
the “ adherents.” to the cause cf
Yes, feUow-dtizeqs, let i.s “ keep every office
and appointment” m the hards of Republicans.
The government was once in the hands of Ee
deraiilts —how did they adt t It is now in the
hands of Republicans, and let it remain there,
lb long as they admunfter as they have done.
Let us acquit ourselves worthy of the cause
weefpouie —let us iiotproilitute our talents*—our
principles—to gratify men opposed to a Demo
cratic reprefentauon, who approach us in the
c-arb of winning deception. Let us remind
you, Republicans, of the days of oppreflion—
the days of the” reign of Terror”—if you have,
not forgot thele days—if you have not forgot
the days of the Federal Faction, when in power-,
you will, with boldness refute the machinations
of Federalists on the approaching event.
Ti is new fangled Editor, thus, writes, “We
too would urge .he irnportante of every citizen’s
exercifuig the right of lufferage, which is l'ecu
red to uim,” &c. fs this the language of Fe
deralifin ? No. They would fain perl'uade you
it was at the present moment —they affect it
for party purpoles; but, give them power, and
you will find the fad reverse—you would loon
te placed in the fame situation as the people
ace in dates where Federalists bear sway—in
Connecticut, &c.—.here a poor man, though a
good citizen, is deprived of the privilege of vo
ting—and, for why ? bccaufe he is poor !!!
Citizens, is poverty a crime—is a man becanfe
he ha been unfortunate in acquiring a compe
tency, to he deprived of a voice in the Councils
of his country ? Should we be called to face
an enemy, would the poor man find an excuse ?
Ctrtainly not 1 Can this be denominated juftlce?
Can it be called freedom ? As horrible as this
pi Ture may appear, it is an exaCi representa
tion of ti c poor man in Connecticut...let him
deny it, who can ‘1! You, Georgians, would
he placed in the fame gloomy situation were
you governed by Federalists.
We, Fedow-Citizeus, confide too much in
your judgments, to suppose your are willing to
barter the r.oble caule you have so manfully
espoused fur another...for one, which has been
weighed i the balance and found wanting”...
we are coniiient that you revolt at the idea of
listening to the flattering language of an
enemy...we lay an enemy, because they are en
emies to the cause of Rtpublicanifm.
The Editor of the Louisville Gazette, speak
ing of the sales of the Fractional Surveys, ob
serves “ Vi r e urderftand that the Fractional
Surveys, at Milledgeville, fell very high—
that one traCt in the firft diftriCt of Baldwin
fold lor 87 dollars 88 cents per acre—and that
tt,. whole amount of foies,in said diltridt, were
41 ,nc6 doiiafs.
Sales of the fradt-ions in Wilkinson county,
amounted to 58,5-7 dollars and i's cents.
■J> the Republican Citizens of Chat
ham Countv.
PELLOIV citizens,
THE day is now fall approaching, when
] becomes neceifary for us to felt-Ct a Senator
jnd Representatives, to serve in the next Le
tif.aruie. The important duties which will
devolve on the gentlemen to be eledted, de
mands frrmL- ftriCt attention to the men of
•ur choice—that we vote for no man who is
tc t intereftca in the prosperity of this county
aid of the slate; and whole politics cannot
kv a firicl republican ferutiny.
The present ticket, Edward Telfair, Efqr
S / ia*or, and Weifcher, Morel and Harden,
I.scrs. Representatives, deserves and demand,
Liflr.ges. Let it then become the duty
‘ofevery republican, to att ...'and vote—lt is!
a duty we owe ourselves and our country, to!
come forward w ith alacrity on the present ov-
C aft on, and baffle the views of a party, who are
indefatigable in their aitempts, to icgain that
power, which formerly, they so much abused.
It is a serious claim that our candidates have
upon us, that their feelings may not be hurt,
with the exulting clamours of Federalists and
Tories—on this occafton we call on our country
friends, to leave their domestic occupations, for
a day, to “ sight” us at the poll—Where,
with a long ?uLL,a strong pull,and pull
altogether, we will hoist our friends up to
that eminence, which their virtues merit, and
oifeomftt the factious intentions of our adver
To the Republicans of Chatham Coun
LONG and uninterrupted success is fre
quently the occafton of failure and disappoint
ment. Ihe consciousness of superiority causes
supineness and inactivity. Lulled into a fancied
and fatal lecurity.we remit our exertions until
fume unexpected deleat convinces us of our er
A listless and inactive spirit has too long
f prevailed among the Republicans of this coun
! ty, a circumstance which has not escaped the
j vigilance of the Federal party, who are endea
; vouring, with ceaseless iuduftry and perfeve-
I ranee, to avail themselves of our negligence,
j h time then, if we are anxious for the preser
vation of the principles we profefs, to awake
from our lethargy. It is time to exert our en
ergies and to use all our influence in behalf of
the and epuhlicau cause.
On Monday next, is the Election for a Sen
ator and Reprelentatives to the General Af
; fembly. Stune of the Candidates are Republi
-1 cans ai.d lbme are Federalists. / Do not be de-
ceived by profeffions of candor and moderation ;
i but elect mole whole lentiments you are ac-
quainted with ; whom you know to be men of
• probity, and men of Republican principles.
ON Monday next, you will he called
upon by duties you owe yourlelves, your coun
try and posterity, to exerciie the ineftimahle
rights of free-men. In ele6ting such men to
represent you, whose principles accord with
thole of the revolution \<Thich has secured to
us those high privileges no other nation on
eartli can boast. It is with-regrfet that I have
heard lome Republicans state, that the Republi
can candidates oftered for their conlideration to
represent this county, are opposed to the City
Watch Law, and as there arc many whose po
litical principles I highly refped favorable to
that system, it may have fome considerable •
weight on there minds in deciding for the sup
port of the ticket propoled, in order to do a
way any improper impreflions on that head, I
will alk, did not Melfrs. M’elfcher and Morel
introduce and advocate that bill, and were the
cause of its present existence as a law ? have
they deviated from the principles they set out
* ith on that occafton.
I fay those gentlemen are ftillits advo
cates. It may be alked from whence arose
their opposition in Council ?
. I would answer, that it was occasioned by
that: body attempting to exceed the powers
that,the law had contemplated—their condmft
on that occafton intities them to the thanks of
every man who values the civil liberties of his
country —these gentlemen poflefs too much
patriytifm to lubjeift their fellow citizens of
Savannah to the bayonets of hirelings. The
law that so much is said about, is llill in exi
stence, and if blame can attach itfelf to any
perl'ons it must fall on those whose huftnefs it is
to carry it into effedl—has not the cant of this
political bugbear, procured men to represent
us in Council that could not otherwise have
been eleifted I would alk, how far that body
has proceeded in the great work, (if my infer
mation he correit) the bill has so far progrefled
as to have one reading, since which, so many
{tumbling blocks have fallen in the way, so
that it appears since its firft reading, to give
way on all dccafions to more important huftnefs
so that you who have flattered youifelves to
fee the child ofyour hopes brought to maturi
ty will in all probability behold it lingering
in the hands of those who gave it birth, those
who have since been eledted to administer
strength and vigor to the bantling. In all pro
bability will aid in its political death.
So, citizens, my earned request is that
you be faithful to yourselves—and I cannot
think, militarily speaking, that you will admit
an enemy in your camp, and receive hisinftruc.
tioi|s how to defend yourselves. •
Extra6l of a letter from a gentleman in Elbert
County, to his friend in this City.
<• You alk me if Dr. WILLIAM W. BIBB’
is a Candidate for the er.fuing Congrels an
swer, I inform you, that 1 have just parted with
him, and that he has long since declared him
felf as a Candidate, and that WILLIAM BAR
NETT, Esq. is also one among the number.”
The following are the Candidates for the Con
gressional House of Representatives :
WILLIAM W. 8188,
i OBEDIAH JONES, Esquires.
THE fo’’ .. leg TICK FT .ft !*:<•• •
the Republican Li-d ors of Clmii .m L, an
ty, lor the approaching Flection :
edward harden.
DIED, on the 30th ult. Mr. George An
te lks, aged 26 years, a native of Scotland.
ARRIVED—Brig Lucy, Norton, Cuba, it.
CLEARED—Schr. Three Sifters, Hills,
Nuflau, N. P.—Pocataligo, Packet, Perman,
Charletton—John, Collin, Baltimore.
Salem, September 11.
Capt. Tripp, from Grenada, arrived at
quarantine, informs, that on the *,fl Auguil,
in iat
dilinafted, With If ears up to jet ;, t, pmait
with Englhii colors hmiled half m ui, he
bote down for her, while another lchooncr
to leeward, hauled up for her—She proved
•o be a French 84; having loft her rudder
malts, and b.nvf'pm, and fevcu hun
dred men on hoard. The Fierehman < rder
ed capt. Tripp to fend his boat on h ard
which he did; and was fu piiied (bon after
10 lee it return, full of men, aimed, who
brought a tow line tin board, aid made it
fall to her main-mail Capt, T’s..fails were
torn in pieces, ami the French men', onlidcd
of a lieutenant, a micifliijiroan, and fix m. 11
took command of the veifel. The captains
of the sch oners went on board the lliip,
to find out where they intended gome- ; but
could obtain no intelligence, oil) that tlit-v
wanttd to keep the fhipV head to the well.
One ol the crew, who could fpcak Engliih,
told capt. T. they were going 10 mal e iai ,
and role him 111 tow, hand his fails, and
fleer by him:; and that if ihey could not do
any thing with the lhip, th y were coining
all on board the two veifels, v. htcli could not
hold them with swept holds—Capt. ‘J'. ihen
returned to his veil'd, amused the lieutenant
and made preparations for retaking his-vei
fcl, and pinfuiug his voyage. Four of the
Frenchmen were put and vrn in the hold, and
capt. T. taking command of iie quarter deck
drove the oificu bel uv. T. the capt.
T’s mate was pulled half wav down the held
by the Frenchmen; but Ins men hauled him
haci., fatlenert the hatches down, luuind mu
the longboat, drove them into it finglv, ft
hem go for the ih.p, l.a-e. then made tail to
vet out of gnn-lhot
The above (hip was Admiral Wdlaumez’s
flag lliip, Le Fondroyam.
Nt.ti-Y ok, September 12.
Capt. Shepherd, cf the Brig Cues, a. rived
yeftetday a; op. ir.-.i tine, i .imns, that in iat.
30, lie lei! in with a ..rig, supposed to be
But.ft., havii gno j.eifmi .r. .ad, her car
go principally coflee; main and fore-to--
lai t- lei. one of them filed, and the other
hack. She apjeiredto htyve been deferred
by the crew in great haflic there were
cloths, &c. lying about the deck. Capt, S.
put ills mate and two men on bo: nl. and ex
perts they will get her into the Chefapeahe—
the cargo, he luppol'es, is worth between 30
and 40,000 dollars. He also fell m with the
wreck of the Britiffl (hip Sally, of 300 tons
laden principally with Sugar, deserted b.- the
crew, and would have attempted to get her
in, but could not ij.are any more hands,
THE following defaulting Jurors at the
‘all Mayor’s Court;
Joh.i IVaiers, James Shifter, Thomas New
ell, James Dixon, James Ewell, Thos. Miller,
are notified, that ir is ordered that they be
fined ia the ium of Fen Dollars each u.ilef .
they file properexcufe on Oath, in the Clerks
ollice h fore the ftrlt of next Court.
Oct her 3. 4 ,6.
JOHN GINDRAT refpeflfully in
forms his friends and the public, that
he has removed his Saddlers Shop to
Bryan itreet, nearly eppofiu Mr Nor
man M’Leod’s “endue Siore, who will
be thankful for any favors in ht* line.
O&ober 3 416 3t
George Buchanan o’ Cos.
(Johnston’s Square.)
Have received by the late ar t ivu s tram Lri
tain their
which they wifi difpole of on moderate terms.
September 30’ 4,5.
Mrs. C t BOS,
RESPECTFUTLY informs her
friends and the public, that Q.
has opened a
Boarding House,
in the house iateiy occupied by idrs.
Stouf, on the Bay to iuit American and
French take, She also, receives kveral
Ncwt-papet3 fer the amuferaent of bet
■>epu 3°- £ls
INT ENDING to cicfe the business
carried on in his own name the !a(t
ot this month ; of which all concerned
will take due notice. After which time,
he rlefigns taking into Copartnerflnp
(who lias refined for upwards of lour
years in the house) under the firm ol
Who will continue the
and flatter themselves from their industry
and perseverance, to meet a fiiate of
Public favor.
They expeft a general supply of
GOODS, suitable for the ftafon, which,
together with a general end well chokri
afhrtment of GROCERIES, wiil be
fold on as liberal terms as any in the place.
September 19. ts. 412.
Aft .-A v£T J'/Jb'J,
(Fiarrack GißEdtrs Wharf)
i.uve jufi tfceivfl and /.in/ openin ‘, a .
txlenji-ve njj'orter.etil of
W<.lih and Yorkfhiie White mid IVhk
Rose, London & Criftol Duffle Blankets,
(nvernefj and Dundee Cotton Jdapjjui4r,
I' lax and Tow Oznafnirghs,
Oznaburgh, white and colored Threads
Cloths and Kcrfeymeies, Paltent Cord,
Air Veils,
J Wot Red and Cotton Hosiery, Caps and
Calicoes, Romal and Pocket Hhdkfa.
Fed Cotds, Seine and Shop Twine,
Bombazets, Durants, and Calnnancoe;,
lrilh Linens, white & brown Platillas,
Gentlemen and Ladie’s ‘lets, a (Totted,
a general aiibrtmcnt of Saddle ry.
Cutlery and aftbrted, #
; Patent & Carolina Hoen, Trace Chains,
; Powder, Shot, and liar Lead,
a lew tils i able Crockery, aiTortcd,
Bar Iron, and Share Moulds,
halt in lacks or by the builiel,
With u Geiierai efrimr.cnt of
OAoSer 3. 416.
On Il'lDNFsDeir, the ‘jth January next,
auttibt offered at Public Sale, before tic
C urt I/ou/e in the City of Savannah,
the Jol'o-wing -vah, IHe tiafh of LmUq
ON the north branch of Little Ogc-
Ut c. well known by the name <.f
.V /L K HOV E.
I I bis body ol land contains about 4000
acres, nearly 1000 of v hich arc < xcelleut
Rice land, and bom 4 i<> 500 good cut
ton land ; ot the Kice iano, upwards of
zoo acres aie at present in cultivation, and
the remainder has been under water for
nearly half a century, f tuning peiliaus
the bell re serve in the low country of tl.
; two Southern Si ales. On the plantaiion
j are a.good dwelling Houle, a barn and
1 machine, n;w S\v Mill, C).'eiLcr’s
j houle, Negro houLs, &c.
1 he whole of this laud lu s within From
I 7 1 2 to to miles of Savannah ; as a Tin
gle trafi, ns advantages arc rarely t cq 10I
|td: It wll he difpoled of at private,
I either entire or in division, at any time
I between this and January. Persons
J\v tilling to put chafe poiiious of it, may
i do i* to advantage at private (ale, as the
i division lines will be run to suit pa:chafers.
I I expose-d to public laic, it will be di
j vided into sor 6 trails All accurate
1 re lurvcy will be made previous to tiie
1 tale.
7 he followiuo [141(7;; of Land
On th- South Hr,inch of / ittlc Ogee he e, ly
inn quit bin 1 2 nuts of Savannah,
Xoo Acres n.-ar the mouth of tht
Lamp, coniilbng ot Land, formerly be
longing to Fox, Dirlec and Williams;
400 acres ot this trad are good Rice
Laud, ami nearly (he whole of the re
maindtr good Cotton Land. This trad
I.; capable of lornnug a very valuable
84.0 Aci.s adjoining the above, for
nii iiy E.ill)iiieh;; about 200 acres ol
this trad art cypress fwarnp, and fome of
the high-hm 1 suitable for cotton.
872 Acres adjoining the above, for
mer,y McLtlian’s ; 237 acres of tills
trad are fwarnp, 121 of which are on
the hianch called Ete’s fwatnp.
500 acts, formerly Prcfton’s 150 oi
which are l.van.p.
500 Acres, formerly Hughe;’; 150 of
which are luppofed to be Iwamp.
I hefe lands will be fold on a credit cl
one, two and three years; warranted ti
tics will be given. For forth r parl(pu
lars, enquire of Col. Habersham, tn
Savannah., or of the fubferiber.
Stephen Elliott. j
bhcriii ’s Sales.
On the lii Tuesday :r. Nov. next A
will be /old at the court houle, 1
in this city, let ween the hours'.
j of ten and three o'clock,
A NEGRO MAN, n a Tied
jinq lei zed under and i>)
virtue oLn execution on amori
igagG Atkina and Wtfton, vs.
1 William jrrdan.
j AI^SO,
A tract of Oa!:, Hickory
j and Fine LAND, lying in F|.
fterr county, on the north file
of the middle: fork of Broad K U
ver, adjoining Lnu of Mr. Lee
prr anti Mr. Thomson, con
taininjj 257 acres, mure or Jcls,
it preTerit rented to a Mr.
J ames.
One other tract of Oak U
Hickory Land, containing 200;
I acres,, more or Ids, with,n five
j miles o f Louisville, on Lirn
j bert’s Bjr Creek, adjoining
j lands of John Kugers o.lrers,
j levied on and to be fold under
I tnd by virtue of an execution
in favor of Timothy Freeman,
vs. J antes MMntofh.
Conditions Cash.
H. W. WILLIAMS, d.s.c.c.
Sav. October 3 416
T.i.v.d. j; “l e-y,
Savannah, Sip;ember b ;
l' B> o'.\ ; D
- il.ft 11 he 15111 ibib and 1 yib V s
of il.e oriln.aiice of the ■: uv C - -i • • . ~
■ lul.ed 1.1 the cf tins Civ , ...
•hrte times in each p-.per—and tlia:
Grcves, .ur. Harm in, ’u: m- Cine I
commute to c.-iatee a c nlp-uancj ct
laid ordinance , and that the eonuntcec -
not proceed wan -. till ..f;c,
exp;ration ol i!ie laid . u'dicatiotis.
E.xn-aift tr- m rll e minutes.
Tl-K/MAS PUT, Clerk.
X\ . And be it further ordained, hike author it,
1 ■j'tfdut, 1 liat wulim three inomux IV m ai ...
I aiic. tncpalfnig ol tlio;,every li.*i;i
I.V ilhm itie ai.d jiiriftluflion of tiie City,
j *ri i p od and tenanted. Hi .11 he lurjphed witii
huaa. ;s, as i lie e. v j..cnce ..1 tiie owners of laid
ptemiics to rh* 11.1 nher of at lea., die number
of ii.-e places in the fame, including fucli ;.s
Aif .1 the nut buildings, and the fi and buckets
llial, be equal in g o .mis and ftze to thole
l>ro, ured for tiie ute 1 die city, p limed,
on v, i.ah llr.ft -. ■ft* be p.iinttii 111 viiiVe cluir
j jwiei s, llle name of the owner to whem laid
| ouc,-a :s bel n:g, and In case the owner of ai" r
jl.onft or tenet'.cut ihoiild relu'le or ii'glefl, to
j have tiie laid burke;-. Implied igu cable to
| tins ordinance, it lb II u and be kivV'ul for
J f'e tenant to procure the f , , dcdu.'lirg .t
‘cjtof lur, rent, aril ltiMln:r:r... t , it’ba
j tnc duty of the liie mailers, ex, h to go throng u
liis ward at . .;li tune i.t ever* three nionu
i a ” ( i < -xamine the llaie rft the buckets in each
hit,to, and in case ol dei’.ticncy, to luiniajH
t’K dclinqurut before die next Citr Cot.m 1,
ai tl on conviction he, (l.e, or they, lb and. ha two dollaia lor every bucket l.e, lie’ c.-
they, are ftum . l in number n quired L*v this
| ordinance, ar.d no perlbu lhal, make use of
! to proem;d, f. 1 am- other rt. ‘
, but that ol extinguillii.: lire, undei-il.e pon.v,
jot one <1 11 1’ f I .ath and every ofltn ec, u i
.nt a.iv prrluu or periods liu.ll wilfoli;
te, ret.- from the lawful owner, „ *
|>• - Bci pi cured a. afoitfticl, lie, (he, ortl ,
C”“ v, vtion, Fort* 11 a linn not ex.eed
i ,8 > t n lire bucket lo u,.-
! •\ k And Wbereus, The (lores under ti.o
■ 1 ’ “ t Qt: rrs Hi ih'S City, have ft- •, and
:r. :m oi them no chimneys,’ Sett Jurhtr Or’
‘I A hut the owners of every lrn- r < I
I ‘ T.t in this city, (hall luniilb wnl 1 (
tbue mo. Mis, twenty fluckejs, 1 r the bu.ld-
J ,ng wr 1 ml,'.mgs on wharf, and rlidrih
l u e 1 n Froporuoiiutcl) among tilt bui din ■■■
ia and that tnc owner of every o h r i, „. u V„
Ml ‘ 1 ■■"■'* tuat h..r. no fire place or p\< ~g ut .
li. i,3 ilie f.unc Insll ,'un ill, two 1i,,-
jUici.a- lor inch Bore of fucli kyid; ai,.u urn
ft’ 1 ' 1 K |c!l regulations, as other landlord:, lic
jby thi■ ord*nan..- c uopelltd to do.
I . l£ ttJmsbcr Ordained b/ the av-
| ,fior “y afereptd. That every owner oka wood
jm houle ,1 liouf.s, rrbricK or Hone lioufes
ttd “ 1 v > ,1, ... copied as dw< llinn
, ‘ll’ aI I kitchens, (hail witiu 1 three in mi’s
jalur tin | uhhcxtion hereof, provide th
jlamc vvuiia l'ullivn at lad ler, or l.ave a lent- ‘
jth ct door cut tlir. 1 gli the roof cf such
■1: ft, or lionlcs, large enough for a man i >
( p Is t,,i . ugh n invciuculiy, utuly the peualtv
oi a hue not exc'iedingtwuity tlollars.
Agreeable ta Ref,'ot of the Boaidofftre Wafers
IKK undo upn u w in commence an exam
■ nation ol the Fire Bucket-, I.adders, and
j .'-•cti'iles, attached to Dwelling and \Vxie
Hmill i on Monday the 1 itl/,.f
Octobji- d*ni.
R ‘C if roves, )
Jonathan Cline, j- Committee.
W N, Harman. J
30 Dollars Kkward.
K A f'J A \V A V from toe Nub -
scr.b-r, the lollowing nemo ;
HA.yL a tall black fellow jbot
fix fetrt 2 or 3 inches high, v.t ■
.aS l*-arivt*, hau on when he v/c. ,;
a l.Mig brown : -irrout cos
ami osnahurgs unriercl ,t|s
PETER, a likely, h,Aj * .
b!ac k fellow, has a ImJl f C aj t .
his forehead, 5 feet 9 or jo l,
ches high.
Simon, a l.kciy yen VV f { ■ -
low, about 5 leet 9or 10 up i, ,
lugh, appears 10 iquint wh ,
looking at you.
The above negroes are abou:
26 or 27 yeartofage. Five cU -
lars each will be pud by Joltyi
j I Jaberfham, on their cornoi -
j ment to Savannah goal, or it- •
; dollars each by the fubferibr
; if delivered to him on his plan ’
1 tali on near Beaufort.
1 Ofloiißr ? 416
On the first Tuesday in Novc.rC- ‘
next ,
Will be Sold,
[Between the hours of 10 an;
j o'clock, at the Court-house > ■
the town of B'unswick, G : i
A Negro man, named t, •
rence, ferzed and taken 1
execution as the propert-
Pierce Llutler, to fatisfv h ; > ~
for the year ibo).
Conditions cf sale cash
Wm. PAYNE, s. c,
Oftoberj 4 \o
i Bo Bundltß Bonnet Boards, f...
i 100 Rearna Foolscap paper
j 100 do. Wrapping do.
j Together with Folio 2 ‘ r ,
articles of
j Also—A few copies of 1! - ;
Hiltory of the Court and C.
fit. Cloud. For fate by
John T
Brptr. 30 ‘ t. , ;