Newspaper Page Text
F-. ■ •’ ‘-."7- i..——————
SOis G.
Sun£ by the Young I .*>e* at Mrs s
Academy, (I.exington Kvn.) on lharfday
the 17th of July, at the ciofe of their exam
WHEN o'er the ocean’* raft profound,
Columbia’s blooming mountains role,
Heav’n bid the songs of joy resound,
And with this tuneful chorus ciofe ;
Hail Columbia ! Immortal Goddess, Hail,
Freedom, Love, and Peace prevail!
Here bieft v/hile ancient kingdoms pine,
And dip the sword in human gore,
Ceafclef* Hi -11 golden Ceres shine,
And round the world her riches pour,
Hail, &c.
Hither bright Arts! fair Science come,
Your foul-ennobling Sifters bring ;
ILrk! Independence call, you home;
The bilfv of liberty tofmg
Hail, fv.c.
—> aV. •>? *—
Every tr an who marr-cs
ought to have three views, Viz
To live quietly and happily >i
tbe rrrarr ir.orfial state ; firmly t .
eftablilh his house according to
Lis frua ioi >o life > a,, d to &|V
pranlL a*i<n to his Lnles.
The plt-afure of a peaceable id
ocjiht o out weigh oil the Olhcis
rand tilt 11* ‘bi.uii. tnt <■'. his for
tune oui.-ht to I >e preferred lit
s. re views of It'tifual pleasure.
The ten [rr ad virtue of ns
wife give
second j and aurct ablcntls oi
perlnn the lad. Buc oy a ov.s
icr:uiif, or rather a ftrangr
blindneis, molt people reverk
th.s order of things, and preft
pltafurcand fortune io the hap
nir.tls of life ; and from thence
proceed (o many unhappy faenu
Jits among thoie who have onl)
views of | It dure ur interest ; fui
pledlue t-’ l id l s a way and cxiin
guifhts itlcif, ei.her by prolel
fion, which a!!avs dr firc, or b>
age which destroys prrlc tiaj
charms; and -Avn riches take
to theT>l’:lves wmgs, and lcavt
a man only an idol, ftriptof the
gold which con ft it inch is value
Bur good frr fe and virtue always
rerrai , and arc n t luhj Alt ei
ther to cltt'. uft or change.
It is common to hear both
jVxrs repining at the change
wt.ich their marriage
rc’ate the haopi’ Cls of their ear
her vtars, blau e tor folly an. of their own choice, &
warn iholc whom they Ice C;.m.-
ing into the world, again ft thi
lame precipitance and u fatua
tion. But it is to be remem
bered, that the days they io
much w sh to call back are tlu
days i ot only of felibtcv, but
youth ; the days of novelty and
improvement, of aidt.ur Sc hope.
v( health and vigor of body, oi
gairy and lighrneis of heart. It is
not tafy -o surround life will
any circumstances in which youtf
will not be delightful, and
whether marrid or un.narrid, we
shall find the vetlure of tercfti..l
exiftan. e the more heavy ant!
cumutrlbme the longer it is
Lafid For 6 me,
rpi if. time eh it has been gi
‘ ven me by the Lcgiflaturc
of Georgia, to pay the debt 1 o*e
the llate tor taxes due on
iny Land, having nearly expired,
and the*ir beiugfivera! judgments
againlt me on suits which have
been unnecefiardy brought at
a time when 1 have been tiling
all my endeavors to difpme of
mv property —1 am compelled in
julfice to my creuiiots, u> bring
mv affairs to an immediate dole,
* , , ‘
in order to prevent a lacriti e o’
mv property and theconfequcnt
1o!$ of their debts. 1 thertture,
now give this public A ‘dice, tha
1 shall offer FOR SALE, my
Land at Public duSUoti^
in front ot the EXCHANGbI, in
the City of Savannah, on
ll't-.DISDAT, Use ittt aciy oj
T4evttr.her next , of which all per
lons micielted, are rcqudted tot
take Notice. 1 think it nectlfan
to observe that 1 have been pof- !
t. fTeti of thok lands upwards of
I. ven years, which pr. vents ar.\
olTible doubr, as to any contend
ing titles, as the law relative ti
eal eftatc debts, ice. limits the
ei overy thereof, by funs to fever
.ears, and by a late law of the
tfatt, no debt can be recovered
after four years, and this docs
ot depend on the party ; but the
court is obliged by this law to
ejed all such claims. 1 menti
>n this as w*.ll for the informa
tion of others, as to shew my
nends and creditors, whose kind
indulgence I have experienced
the nrrefFny of this late of my
property. When a man is in
debt, it is his duty ro give any
hing he polities, or his all it
required, to pay his ertditors;
out it is urijult in a creditor to
pprels a debtor, when they fee
,;<ti using his endeavors to do him
justice—law.) were intended to
enforce payment from dish melt
men, nut from thole who hei
die duty they owe to to focit ty
It is, iicwever, a consolation to
me, ro think that there are but
lew who havtradoj red those m. a
lures which fas eihdtualiy pre
veniccl my making halts in Im .H
iraGs, when li ole judgments
J have been hanging over me 1
| nave to tr quell that all perfrns
. having demands againlt me, ei
iheron o y own account, or as
icnirtiy in any way whatever fur
-thers,wi.l attend the ia!e in per
'• nor by an agent. All luch
lent*- will be re.eivrd as cash,
! -■£ thole persons having auhori
| i to reprefenc any creditor, wid
Tale ro make rhe fame known
re. ious to rhe day of fa!e
7he Lands are as fellows:
3 10,874 acres in Buliot h county, gran
ted to Jolepfj Ryan and Charlea Ryan.
172,000 acres in Tat nail County, gran
ted to to Francis Fennell
3 I,coo acrea in ditto granted to Janies
Daw lon.
523,874 acres. Tliofe trad., ere par
ticularly elcfcnlvd in a Paoiphlc entitled
“ Notes and Ob/etvaims” on the Pme
Laud of Georgia, by George Sibbe-ld.—
)n the trait in Bu loch county a futi
'tier rtfidence has lately beeu so-m ■’
a number ot gentlemen troni Suvoi,
20,000 acr- sos oak and likkory 1,
in Franklin county.
70 oeo acres ol oak and hickory lan,!
in Jackton c< nnty, granted to various
perfous in 1785.
7(1,034 acre's of pine land, granted to
Curts* Col. man, V\ allii.igion county,
liut by a i ivilion of that county this tiati
and the follow ng, fall in the counties, ol
Montgome y and Tatnall.
39,000 acres of pine land granted to
Benjamin Kitchen.
3+,0c0 acres of ditto granted to Wal
ter Jackson. acres of do. geanted to Moses
40 000 acrea of do. granted to Curtis
10,000 acres of do. granted to Waller
10,000 acres of do. granted to Moses
17,000 acres of do. granted to Btija
min Kitchen.
4,000 acres of do. granted to John
6,000 acres of do. granted to William
1,000 acres of do. granted to Bcnjj.
min Kitchen.
16 coo acres of do. granted to William
1 S.OOO acres of do* granted to Ilrael
Robin ton.
18,000 acres of do. granted tn Curtis
CoU man.
2,000 acres of do. granted to Mathew
M* Mlllan.
ic.Ov o acres of do. granted to Thom
as GiaiTcock.
24,000 acres of do. granted to Sherad
25 00 0 acres of do. granted to Samuel
40,000 acres of do granted to Ilrael
32,000 acres of do. granted to Benja
min Kitchen.
ic.coo ..cres of do. granted to Samu
el Beckham.
1,049 9°S acres.
Thole Lands are worth the attention
ot Fannies withing to remove, and will
pohuvcly and peremptorily be fold to the
iiigheft bidder, on the laid 26th day of
November next—where a number of
faiaiiies wish to join in the purchafc of a
large body of land, they will plcafe ap.
ply bet-ire the tale, iu order that it may
t>c fold in such way as may suit their
September 30 4,^.
ASSIZE for September, ISO 6.
npitE price of FLOGIt tieu.g Ten dollar.
JH.T barrel. Dread mull weigh, VIZ
is • cents Loaf I 6 Ants Lo,
\ . 2 QZ ‘ • 1 OZ *
Oi which all Bakers and Sellers of Bread
are to take due and particular notice.
j- marshal, Chj Tmiurcr,
jN the firfl Tuefaay in October
next, IVILL HE SOLD, at
the Court-House in Savannah ,
AN unexpired leale of Lot
No. to, Wilmington Ty
ning, Daroy Ward, with tht
DUildmg thereon, adjoining Mr.
John Gardiner; an unexpired
case of Lot No 3, Heacfroate
Tything, Decker Ward, where
vdrs. imith resides ; also two Ne
groes. Levied on as the pro
jerty of Smith , Sons and Anderson,
at the suit of Thomas and James
BEN. WALL, m. and. c.
September 5. 409.
Al>rdAi valuable Plantation
I in Bryan C untv called
containing about 3jo acres, a
very large proportion of which
is piime Oak and Hickory Land,
& a part prime rice land.and is a
pait of the well known Plantati
on cahed EGYPT belonging to
H'm Maxwell Efqr. of Bel fad,
A L S O,
A traft containing 1 co acres called
m a beautiful fi nation on the
I alt’-, in sight & o neat more th in
one quurtroi a mile dill ant from
Bei.-.l Houle ; ah. u. 60 acres
of th s tract is prime C tion land
->nu we 1 inproved, having been
the refidm-.e of trie iate Major
7. />. Maxwell. Bo h traces
were u.:r iy cult'Vated by Majoi
Maxwell in !us eit me and will
make a very convenient and va
iuaOle tftate in the hands ot one
tenon, being capable of great
improvement and affording a
lutfidem quantity of land of the quality to occupy 40 or 50
prime Haves Further delcrtpuun
.s thought unuecellary, as it is
not expected thac a sale can be
made, but after a full view of the
premifles, to which those inclined
to purciuL are invircd,
Aeti’g and qualified Executors of jf. JR.
/ well daeiJed.
County, 7
2jU, September 1806. 5 ts. 414.
A TRACT of very valuable Cotton
and I rovifion LAND, contain
ing nearly three thousand acres, belong,
mg to the eftatc of Richard R. Ash,
iituated on the Jfland of Dawfuikie, di
iittly opposite Savannah bar, and dis
tant only sor miles from Tybee Liglit
irioufe l hefe lands are inferior to
none in the Hate—tht prefect crop of a
b’ ut 450 acres ot Colton, and 200 acres
oi Pfov.liou will fully prove this,
ihe 1 ract is divided into four Plan
tations, and will be fold together or fe
patately, ail of which are well fettled,
having every necefiary building f or a
Cotton Pidi.tat 011, molt of them have
been erected lince the hurricane, and of
Ihe oeft materials. On Newbury ai3
convenient and comfortable two story
dw tiling house, kitchen aud wash house,
entirely new. The buildings on Salt
Pond are a little inferior, and in excel
lent repair. Mary. Field and the ridge,
have been lately fettled and have over
feel ’* houlcs, Ste:
Terms, one thud cash, the other two
thirds in one and two years, the purcha
ler giving bond and mortgage of thr pr -
perty, with perforal fecuriiy, if r, quired.
I he overterr at Newbu.y, will th.w the
Lauds and diviiiou lines. For further
particulars, apply to
CfiT Provisions, Plantation Tools, &c.
may be had with the plantations, at a
fair valuation.
Beaufort, S . C. fiuiy 15 92
On the first Tuesday in November
Will be Sold,
Between the hours of 10 and \
o’clock, at the Ccurt-bouse in
the town of Brunswick, Giynr.
A Negro man, named Law
rence, leized and taken under
execution as the property o
Pierce Butler, to fatisty his tax
or the year 1803.
Conditions of sale cash,
Wm. PAYNE, s. c. c .
October 3 416
Paints, OiL 6c Brulhes.
THE fubfrriber has on sale a quan n-’
of tlie above articles, which will b,
told low for cxfli, or on a (hort credit, tc
those who arc punflua! in their pavments ’
Mailital S t'alcSa
On the firji i Tuesday rn OUc-ber
next ,
It the Court-houje in Savannah ,
ALL the right, title, claim
and interest of James Oli
ver, Eiq. Cos those two Settle
ments or Plantations on Hutch
nlun’s lfland, oppofire to Sa
vannah , containing 406 1-2 a
cres; the whole under good
dams, and is of the Hi ft quality
tide lwamp.
23 NEGROES—levied on
as the property or James Oliver,
Esq. to fatisfy a judgment ob
tained by William Boyd.
B. WALL, M. D. G,
August 26 40^
On the first Tuesday in October
next, WILL BE HOLD, at
the Court huse in Bulloch
County , between the hours oj 1 o
and 3 o'clock,
IJMGH I’ hundred Acres Pine
jj Land, lying on the v/aters
of cypress Cretk, in said coun
ty, and adjoining lands of i.lihu
Wiggins, Francis Pugh and o
thers, and each tract is a plan
tation ; taken undn execution as
the property of tfaumel Lock
hart esqr. to fatisfy adtniniftra
turs of Dudly Sneed, executors
of Benjamin Ridijidfon, and
two executions returnred by the
co nil able in favor of A. Woods
‘The above property pointed out
by the defendant.
Conditions Cash,
Augnft 14 tS 404
On the firji Tuesday in Oil Acer
next , between the hours oj i o
and 3 o'clock , will he fold at
the Courthouje, in the city of
ALL that Lot of land in said
city with the improvement there
on in the plan thereof by tho
number one Tayconnell Tything
Da-by Ward containing 60 feet
in wedth and 90 Lee .0 depth.
Under and by virtue of a foreclo
ftire of a mortgage. The tiuftees
of the Orphan Houle, vs. Wifi
arn Mills,
A negro man named Luke
fold under execution at the luic
of John McFariane vs. John
Wilroy the property pointed out
by the piautiffs attorney.
T. Kobertfon, see
September 5. 408.
GN the \JI Tuesday in Offober. next, •will
BE SOLD, at ike Court-hotjc in tits
city, between the hours of 1 o and 3
A negro man named Bach us,
taken under execution as the
property ot William Barnard,
under sundry executions, poin
ted out by the defendant.
Sold at the r.ique of the for
mer pure’ aLr;
T. ROBERTSON, s.e. c.
May 30 89.
City Sheriff’s Sales,
0 the f.rji ‘lues aay in Qfiober
Will Be Sold,
At the Court-boufe in the city cf
Savannah between the hours of
to and 3 o'clock,
, A Jot-No. 5, in rything Ver
non, ward, togeebtr
with the buildings thereon, late
ly occupied by Mrs. M’Garver,
levied on as the property of
Thomas Norton deed, at the
Elijah Norton.
$-pt. 4 408
City Sheriff’s bales.
>/ the fir jl 7 uefday in 0 Holer next
\\ ill be sold, at the court
house in this city, between the
hours of 1 o and 3 o'clock ,
Sundry articles of Household
Furniture and Shop Goods, ta
cen undtr execution as the pro
perty of William Parker, to
atisfy J. Everiti.
August 13. 101.
n < • oii t*
t uR b A Lib
ONE of the rnoft healthy
situations in the United
40 feet long, 20 feet wide, two
stories high with two rocm s on
each floor a good garret, two
comfortablefhtd rooms, Kitchen,
stable &c. licuated on the corner
of Osborn and St* Marys streets,
extending 84 feet on one and 64
feet on the other, well calculated
for cither a private Family, a
Boarding or Public Houle,
in said Town on a part of Lot
No, 3. extending on an Ally 100
and back to Bryant llreet joo
Let. A Credit of 3, 6 ar.d 9
months w : !l be given, and the
liti s will be made to the fatif
fadtion of the purebafers by the
Agents for the Aflignees of the
late finn of GARVIN &
ivIEERS* On the 4th Hay of
November next, it will be sold
at AUCTION, it not previous
ly disposed of.-
JOHN v ROS c -
St. Marys Sept. 8. tf4iz
General Poft-OfSce, ?
Aiigiitf, ijch 1 Bc6. 5
PROP’ SALS will be receiv
ed at thh O.'lice until the
itth dav es December next, in
cltifive, for making and repairing
he several nans oi the Poll Road,
ft.', on Naflivdle to Natcl'ez, here
inafeer mentioned thatistofay:
No i From Nashville to Bus-
Gloe Creeks. The distance, is
eftimared at miles—All this
distance or the principal pait ot
r, the road ha 1 been cut out by
the miliiarv a"d prepared con
veniently for uft lorne few years
i No. 2. From Snake Creek to
Grindfton'ford. Distance esti
mated ar 40 miles. This rart
of the route, wjs likewise feme
veats since, cut out by the mili
ary and the road prepared for
public use.
The rout marked out foir.e
years by Edmand P. Gaines,
efq. will be pursued the whole
distance excepting the space be
tween the Chickasaw towns and
the firft fording race of the
waters of the Big Black w’ ich.
will be resurveyed, with a view
of materially leflening the dif
The mad is robe made and
completed by the flrft day of
Odtober in the year 1807, and
the work is, in all relpeds, to
he done to rhe approbation of
return Jonathan Meigs, efq. or
Thom;s Wright efq- agent for
the United States, residing in
the Indian countries. In ma
king the lame the following
rules are ftridtlv to be observed.
ift- The road must be made
at leift: twenty leet wjyle, and ail
the timber and under brulh ta
ken off for that distance.
2nd. All marlhy places are
to be caulewayed, and ali cause
ways are ;o be at leeft ten feet
3d. All ft reams under forty
feet in width, not fordable at
their common winter tide, are
to be bridged, by good lecure
bridges, well built and madelafe
and lecure for paflage, the bridg
es to be at leafttwelve feet wide.
4th. A tree (hall be laid a
cross all larger dreams where the
bredth of the stream does not
exceed the length of any tree, to
be found within half a mile of
the place.
Pcllm 2 tler.GeneraL
Sept. 19 iaw6w 412
jDO Barrels firft quality Richmond
Flour, just received per ichooner low*
and for sale, apply to J
Sept. 25 414, ‘