Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, October 17, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. No. IC9 J CONDITIONS OF THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. The H EPi'BLic.\rc is published even ■■Tuel'day and Fria&y, on a royal flieet of a good quality. The terms ofiubfcrtption are six bol l ahi per annum... one half to be paid at the time of fubfcrtbing, atld the balance at the expiration of fix months...and all papers will be continued until ordered to the reverie. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. Aiivarrifumnits inferred at 50 cents per square the firit mfertion, and 25 for each -outinuation—liberal allowance mule to thole w lio wish to advertise by the year. For sale ac tkis OiTice. A variety of BLANKS among which art, Foreign andC’iafiing Manitella ■Merehauts Entries Liquor ditto Bills of Exchange Da.of hading hn, f Sale ; Powers of Attorney vfliccks Apprentices Indentures 21 reds ol C.isvt .ance Bonds; Notes of Hands Whits for the Superior, Inferior Sc Mayor’s Courts Mayor’s Court Executions Sc Subpoenas Notices to credit vs of debtors Millitary Suintnonfes and Executions, See. C3* Cards, Handbills, lSc Ac. Printed at a fieri notice oa teafinal It terms. tonaieirwßs-.TStJS.iiag. ~~ ~ ■ .-c. 7, M. I'V oodbndjz, Respectfully informs hi friends, end the public, that hr ill 11 continues li e radio? ‘acre :W Commission Business, at No. 4, in the Exchange, where be Las la ft’ aad convenient (lores for the re cepnoii of any kind of Goods or Pro ducc, that may be intruded to his charge Liberal advances in Calli, will be made on goods being deposited for public or private isle* HP. HAS ON HAND. 20 Puischcor.s old Jamaica RUM io ditto ditto St. Croix ditto 30 Bags and 10 tierces Green Coffee Pipes and qr. calks old French Brandy Sutrar in hog (heads and bairels Window Glass, and Soap in boxes Cotton Flagging, lrifh Linens Nankeens, Plumbums, &c. &c. All which articles will be fold low. CjT Two convenient HOUSES to Let. Sept 2 taw ts 407 R/iCI GRS and C O VtMISS ION MERCHANTS rp HLfubfcribers offer their services as x F .CTOIIS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. They have good, fafe and commodious Stokes for the reception of produce, and will pay every pi llule attention to the management of any bufine.fs placed in their hands. They always keep on hand a general assort ment of GROCERIES, warranted of the tuft quality, to iuppiy their cuitom em, at the lowed Cash prices. JOHN T. IVHITE U Cos. AUguft 16. lij 4 52 The Partner ship between Bay ley and Harman, WILL, by- limitation, expire on the fir if day ot September next; a d ciaims against the concern, will be adjuded by Jacob Harman, at Mr, Mbr. mollin’s house, Gibbon’s building, who is I?gai!y authcrifed. Those in dehted, are required to fettle their ac counts immediately, othtwvife suits will be commenced. Thomas Bayley, jen’r. Jacob Harman. AUgult 26 Thomas Bayley, jun’r. exchange, No. 0, WILI. CONTINUE THE Grocery, Wine and Li quor Trade. Families, Planters and Ship Stores put up of the choicelt articles, and at low prices AUgult 26 SUPERFINE RICHMOND FLOUR 300 Barrels firft quality Richmond Flour, just received per fchoouer John, and for sale, apply to MILLER & MOORHEAD, or THOM.aS LAWRANCE. Sept. 26 4 1 4‘ A. HE SUBSCRIBER, INTENDING’ to leave the Hate a few weeks, his Business, will be condu<f;ed.l); John Lawson, Wm. Davils cr R. M. Siites tfqs. JEREMIAH CUTLER. Augnft V) ts *a2 GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. Tax Colledlor’s Sales. ON the firß Tuesday in Novr. next , WILL BE SOLD, at the Court-Ilou/e in this City between the hours of ten and three o’c/ock. JbHE lot and improvements t hereon in Broughton dicer, at present occupi <j bv kapt. Abraham Abrahams 3no iitcly known as the property of John J\ Bntton, luppolcd to b ho itec b> 90, cr 1c niu.h there of as wdl latisfy an execution •'or thelom of dolls. 9, qjets 3 mills being the amount of tax dut bv John F. Britton for trie year 1805. Al .SO, A trad of PINE LAND in s he county of Bulloch, adjoining rhomas Dowell, and vacant at he time of survey, containing one hundred acres more or less, or lo much thereof as will fatisfv in execution for the Turn of eigli een and three quarters cents, .ax due thrieon by the eftare ot Peter Dowell, for the year 1805, pointed uuc by Thomas Dowell. ALSO, Trull lot No. one in F.vvins inirgh on the weft fide of well iroud Urect, and la'dy known is the property of Win. Beil led. or lo much thereof as will hitisiy an execution for the sum >f eight dollars 59 cents 3 1-2 nil is, being the amount of the ax due by the eftite of William El! for the year ISOS, pointed out by John Hlarrilon AdmT. PETER DEVEAUX. Tax CCC Sept. 2 40U biierili ’s Sales; On the Ift Tuesday in Nov. next, will be Old at the court bottle, in this city, between the hours of ten and three o’clock , \ NEGRO MAN, named rkj.™, alio Bob, seized under ana oy vir;ue of an execution on 1 mortgage, Atkins and Wes -011, vs. William jo; dan. ALSO, A traA of Oak, Hickory and Pine LAND, lying in El >ert county, or. the north fide O’ the middle fork of Bread Ri ver, adjoining land of Mr. Lee oer and Mr. Thompton, con raining 257 acres, more oriels, at prd'cnc tented to a Mr. James. One other trsft of Oak & Hickory Land, containing 200 acres, more or less, within five mtles of Louisville, on Lam bert’s Big Cretk, adjoining lands of John Rogers & others, levied on and to be fold under md by virtue of an execution ;n favor of Timothy Freeman, vs, James MTntofb, Conditions Cash. H. W. WILLIAMS, d.s.c.c Sav. Odtfiber % 419 30 Dollars Reward. KAN A WAY from the Sub scriber, tpjc following negroes. SAM, a tall black fellow about fix tece 2 or 3 inches high, very talkative, had on when he went away, a long brown furrout coat, and osnabulgs undercloths. PETER, a likely, though black fellow, has a small fear on his forehead, 5 feet 9 or 10 in ches hbh. SIMON, a likely yellow fel low, about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, appears to squint when looking at you. The above negroes are about 26 or 27 year? of age. Five dol lars each will be paid by Joleph Haberfham, on their commit ment to Savannah goal, or ten dollars each by the fubferiber, if delivered to him on his plan ati in near Beaufort. WILLIAM HAZZARD. i Octotier j. 416 SAVANNAH : PRINTED BY EVERITT &r M‘LEAN, ON THE BAY. FRIDAY, October 17, 1806. SAVANNAH EXCHANGF NEW COFFEE HOUSE THE fubferiber takes the liberty refpttlfully, to inform the pubii ami his friends, that from the cncoura’ e ment and favorable opinion manifefted to him, by a chief part of the citizens of Savannah, since his eftabliihment in this place, the Trultces of the Exchange were induced to dispose, in his favor, 01 the upper part of this building, where he intends to open on the 25til day of Oc tober next, AN EXCHANGE , Being an imitation of London and of the Urge cities of tile Untied States. There the Merchants, Planters and Travellers, may daily meet in a fnniler manner, it. •rder to trauladf Commercial Buliaefs, &c. News papers of the mall filtered ing kind, (hall be kept, with a ma rine register, informing of the ar- j rival and clearances of ydfeis ; and ne\vs j may often be communicated quicker than through the channel of tin- papers. Hand hills (hall be poailed in a convenient place, containing the articles offered for faie at the auiiions in thecity, the names of fucli ved'els as are offered tor sale or charter, and of the proprie tors, and generally whatever is relating to falca of all deferiptions, either liouEs, negroes or plantations. One will find every day at eight and at two o’clock, a.Table neatly dress ed,and on moderate terms,*to aecommo date all persons, cither by the meal or by the day, and weekly or qnattciy. Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, private Brcdkfafts, and Dinners or Re-lubes and Oysters, prepared for the tallc pf the dillerent visitors, fiiall be got every day on very reafcnable terms. The Bar- Room lit all be supplied with Spirits and foreign Wines, and any well chosen Li quors. The different Societits or Clubs that may desire to form Afietnblics, Balls or Concerts, will find rooms lor itnir accommodation, furnifked in n manner that he flatters himfelf will nuct their i ajjprobation. The fubferiber, from his endeavors ! to form in a commodious place, an ts. j tablifliment, that null in ccurl'e aflord ! to the citizens, (if Savannah t!ie lame great advantages enjoyed in all the towns of this continent, tropes to receive the encouragement his laborious exertions will require, to defi rve the confidence and gratitude of the public in general. ifijp A BAR KEEFER i’ wa;ited, with uood rccommen -9 w dutions. L GLEGES. AUguft 29 406 FOR PRIVATE SALE, A TRACT of very valuable Cotton and • rovifion LAND, contain lug nearly three thoufaud acres, belong ing to the cifate of Richard R. Ash, lituated on the Island ol Dawfuikie, di rcdfly opposite Bavannah bar, and dio t3nt only 5 or ‘> miles from Tybce Light Houfe,— i’hcfe lands are interior ter none in the state—the prelect crop of a bout 4joacreßot Cotton, and 2Go c. rt:; of Provifiori will fully prove this. The Tradt is divided into four Rian, tations, and will he (old together or se parately, al! of which art well fettled, having every ncceffary building for a Cotton Plantation, molt of them have been created fmee the hurricane, end ot the befl materials. On Newbury ain convenient and comfortable Iv.o !\ on dwelling house, kitchen and wcfli hr !•■, entirely new. The buildings on halt Pond arc a little inferior, ami in excel lent repair. Mary-Field arid thv ridne, have been lately fettled and have 0.-1- feer’e houfts, See: Terms, one third cash, the other two thirds iri one and two years, the purcha. fer giving bond and mortgage of tj. p;, . perty, with personal security, if required. The overfecr at Newbury, will fin w the Lands and divifiou lines. l or farther particular, apply to MART PRASEII. Cj* Provifion*. Plantation Tool , &c. may be hail with the plantations, at a fair valuation. BeaJfort, S. C - July 15 92 TAKE NOTICE , ’ I^IIAT in ninemonth3 from the date **■ hereof, application will be made to the bon. tliejuftices of the Inferior Court, for the county of Bulloch, for leave to fell all that tract of land, con taining 475 acres more or ! fs, lying in the counties of Bryan and lielluch, the fame being part of the cllatc of Wm. Slater dec’d. Wm. Slater, adm’r 1 May 6* 9m* 72 cO* COLEGE LANDS, r 100 acres ot’ Valuable LAND, in Glynn County, is offered LOR SALE, composed ol valuable Rice, Cotton and Provision Land, in one body, and in which is included, a rich parcel of Meadow Laud, capable of the bighell cultivation. The titles to th.fe lands arc rlcar, and the lauds have Lei n lately relurvcy. and hy Mr. M’K'imon, tvilh accurate re marks, flic wing its boundaries, lunation on a navigable creek, oltd other advan tages. i'liele lands are direfted, by law, to! be fold tor tne benelit ot the Bethclda C< *• ge, or Orphan House Ellate. For a great part oh the purchufc mon ey an exter.iive credit will he given ; aud the other payment made cafy. ripply to Juuge 13 1 LI’HI.NS, the Pnlident o( the Board of Trultces, Dr. Paß lv hit, Mr. Ji.\ 11 ACH G IBBONti, or the fubferiber, or Committee ol l’ruf tecs, from either of whom, particulars will be made known. W. B BULI..OCH. Cj* If not Lid before the lirll Tucf day in November, the above will he of seres for Lie at Au&ioa. i u| y 2 9 96 MONT-V! LEE, The residence of tb- lute Go vernor Hail. FOR 8 ‘.EE, j / j < 2* AILUA9 /, h. pi., IN TA TIG A’, CONSI’iTUIG OF 2(>2/ acre;; <.ll Bav iiinali l'-'vii, in Luike l.ounty ; and, 7Gy on the Gppofite lide, in Boutli-C.irolma.— 1 i'.e \4lneot the Pine i-uirda, ell tills il l", and tile licit low grounds on lit; o.hir fide oi the liv.r, ic..ders the wliole, a VALUABLE ESTATE. The advantages of an . levau-.l fituaiion, the tflahnfl'.mtiit ol a lerry conffantly ulrd, and with tiie comm;lid of lauds of evuy quality, upon a naiigalde liver, are so vv. 11 known ns to ravel no oilier dtf wptien Tcrma of payment, and the price, will he easy. For particulna, apply in Aitgufla to Thomas Flournoy, Elq. ol iScuhom Junes ltfq. at h;s feat in bcriven Conn. ty, to Major Buiii, near the premiffes, andiu Savannah, to WILLIAM STEPHENS. July 29 if I/, FOR SALE. rHOSK two very pkafantly fuuat ed LOT 3, in the e;ty ot fiavan nah, in l’rougliton, No. 2 and 3, Anion Ward, nearly oppoliie to ti;e rcfiiiencc oi Mr. S. li. Stack!.ou!e. A L S 0, Two Lots containing y Acres each, in Anion Ward, No. l and 3, lituatc in the neighborhood of the Plantation of George Milieu, Esq. and bring v ry val liable on account of their being near to the city ol .Savannah. The mod char and indisputable titles for laid Lots, deduced lrom the original “grsntee, will be executed to the pur chaser, and a very rxtenfive and liberal Credit will he granted for the payment of the conbderation money. For the part.: .dim terms and c'mdKiom , I de, ! apply in Savannah, to cii’n 1 of tiie luh“ | ftrihert, GEORGE WOODRUFF, JOHN LAWSON. September (>. 3m. 109, Bt >AR D op CO.VIM J SSI ON ICRS (, F FilaO I AGP . Sava until), 4, Ido I. ) Conte u'-in -ol icvcr:.l per lons a. r t Ing ihejg.ily :• Idiots, O/derrti, Tnv the FficrMary do j.nMi'h j month ;,e Tianu vol inch jn j..>f c;I J Brail -I. or Cert! il.r •; fto-rllii, Extra./ Item lit ~?ir.a.r\, TH'JMAS H IT, Stcnttry /. <” j. r.r Ar.l.v to the order of the linen'. lin i ‘ give ! oticc. that the following [l'ninn , only, an: duly iithorizcd iu ait av Pilot-., ‘F/.or’a- Hottage, 1 Ifu -n day, (’ J Scnufon, ) ■ (it . , -u ! - Id 1t j all Lrocghttitt, t Th-i. y. Alv.oriiiy, y Kichat I Wall, J'llrn. William Wall, ai o.g undci him. John Major, . Peter Cxlar, f lt( u’jen Aiul^ilo:., f John brand./, J e Pilots Joiin Dentil., ) John II Ixoll, C ’i homas O . umio ) THOM Ah PITT, tory. May 6 NOT ICE . j A LI. perior.v are 1 -raid to give credit to 1 V an) one on 11./ account vithaut iny written ortlet John Wiliams, \ October 7 , [Whole Mum bur 420. j FACTORAGE. | JOHN I*. WILLIAMSON, I, _ ‘ ,1 ESPt CTFU LL Y lolonilS 1)1$ laL. fnends and the public, Liu he llill continues the FAC TORAGE U‘ COMMISSION jTUGINESSj c* Morel’s Wharf, j Lru) r|y occupied by Will’d n :1 in dud Morel, and nopes fiom I his exj)cr;ence in that line of |btiii:;els an 1 his attention thre ! r,> to it.cct \v;:h a liberal p.t i iio'c who i.iay favor hint w ith their custom, may rely up on Ins u! every exertion m his ji twer to'ender them ample Gti’ladion. / advances will be made, if required, on produce (lored, Sav. At’O’ift 22. 404a ■. NO ! ICE A LI, Persons tndih-cd to the- firm of r V. B VL’.V !<. If A A l AX, .ire in fanned, ,nr - I ’ l n. Lewes, eiq. attorney at law, rmjjov.crcd to collect the ilrlos ; tliofe who are riefirous or preventing (tuts, will ..ll on Mr. Lewes, win-, o. Helay. JACOB HARMAN. Sept. 26 ro 4,4 Marffial s Saltjs # On lie f . Tuesday in November next, WILL BE .sOLI>, U the Court-haute in Savannah, ALT. the nghr, title, cl in u intcreit of |a lies Oli ver, Eltj. r > tliofe two Settle -111 iifs or I Lntations on i luich inlnu a lli.tu l, uppoli e to tVa vatii ,h, cunt aim crcs; t he* whole under uoutl dams, and is of die fi.ft quality idc I.VAiTg) 23 N ’ GROKS— levied on as Tie property ol Jm u s Oliver, T-h.j. to J :i: ’ v a judgment ob ta ned l>y William Boyd. ALA), /\ unexpired lease of lot No., to, Wilmington Iy. thing, Darby Ward, with the building thereon, adjoining Mr. John Gardiner ; an 1 iitxpireti lease of Lot No. 3, Hcatlvoate 1 ything, Dei ker Ward, where Mrs. Amithrefidcs j alio two Ni groes. Levied on as the pro peri y of Smith, Sons and Andcrfcn, at the suit of Thomas and Sivords. BEN. WALL, m. and. c. Oflober 14. 419 Notice, IHE fubferiber, fume lime since being,on his return from the Indian /'ai urn tame up w ; ih a JOHN IR VINE (as he called hitnieU) who had in his poffeflion anew ncgio Ici low ; from the countenance and coiu verfation oflivinn, when imeirt.gaied from whence he had come, ihe man uei in which ne made reply, together 1 with other circumfiences of con jduil confirmed/he fulncriber in the be- J * i'T riiat /he negro had been (tolcn. ! U : I’r refore demanded ot i 1 vine in jv.bD svay he had come to the poflel ; lien of the negre \ to which he re lumed an evasive anfwcr. Thefuh rriber told him he had good iealo;i ro believ: the negro had been flolcu and was determided to /:;ke /he ne gro from him and Lava him advertilt.f and in u!e no person Lira within eighteen month* would cither ic'turn or (c l him. This is theieforc to notify s’l per sons whom it doT or may concern. That /be tubferiber has hi his ptdles. Jlion /belaid new negro; lie is about live feet eight inches high, aped be tween twenty five and thitty )cn— no marks oilier than or. his hack, which appear to have fuff red under the Cow (km ; (peaks little or 1.0 Englifli lays he came from Carolina, hut doc.s not kiiivv whether from Ncr/h or iS'vuth,|ic‘ indiltmtCy conununicatek when alkcd in wlia/ way die man came by him) that he took him up in /lie road, when on his svay to iilii on iirnr livci >r creek netrby. Uisown •er or owners are therefore rtqucfled ii prove the property of the negio pay charges and /At: b;:r. a .vay. Win. Bsicely. Cv.rr.den County on Si. Ma'j't River. * dept, 20. ianiliSm 7.