Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, October 21, 1806, Image 1

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Vo!. IV. No. no] CONDITIONS ov run GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. The Repuelica.a is publi filed every Tuefiay and Friday, on a royal fliect cf a good quality. , The terms of lubfcrlption are Six noi,” per ai.riu.a-. <u:c half to be paid at the time of fubfurtbiag, apd the balance at the expiration in ;i>: m aths...and all papers will he “coi'-taiacii until ordered to the uveri'e. , TETtM 1 OF ADVERTISING. A.lvjr ii . til! •i .ojal 5O ro.ts p 2r tquu. il. ‘. it 1 -ition, and 15 ur each r.u'i .1 ‘.lion -A lib ral allowance m de to thr : .'.Co v. iiu lO aevertife by ihu year. i’ . sale at this Office. j T.iria; -jf BLANKS awon* which arc, i 1 .... n ami Coaitir.g Mamtoits Merchants Entries i. 1 rj ): ditto SB it of Bxch .age 1)0. Os 1.-■ 1; , “ ~f ; TANARUS: .■/crs of Attorney C : si;. .eiivi ‘3 Indentures Dee t /< Cos xo 13 ui ids i Nutes of Hands ‘Writs for the oupeivor, Inferior & Mayor’s C rLI 1 i b Mayor N Court F.x ions Sc .mas NmC ■ t;> cteditori ol” Inlblveut liebtois AliHit-.iy s L |'Ui'o : and £x entice.", &e. , , Carle, Handbill ii id. f.V P. l.,ied at a jMrt notict on rcc.fonaln- 1 FOR SALK. i he is vfjli failing riLoi n >a<\ Wuii iv.-r Ovjoc’infiftinjy of barrels r B'fttiinorc r 4 . UR, lying, at. fi. L d’ Vi. :'. Tor jiarrxn'a-K irpl. i-uiie .ncUt on b<’> S. O-vtob r 7 . l o. F/lCft ‘ ■ . • . -•; ■ • A MERCHANTS O'” Kftihfoihfr* i.Pier then i ‘Wifr a • :'< 1 ■& : C MMtSSIDf 1 M V R'JFT Al\Tf >. T.'.ty hr. *v good, f an) commodious Stores f,r the r ot yrv; i .it produce, and will pay every p. fii ,ie attention to the inm; gement ol any hniinefn placed in their lion Is. The) always keep on in a general auort in t of GROCE R 1 £3, warranted of lir e fit ft quality, to ittppiy their cult .fil ers, at the low ft Cash prices. JOHN I'. IVHITE if Cos. august 16. t; j 402 The Parttierfhip s -tween Eiv 1e 7 an <i I I arma 0, ‘XJhT ILL, hy limitation, expire on V v the fi ll day of September next} ail chums agcUnit the concern, will be acjufled by Jacob Harm-in, at Mr. Mnnimollin’s houff, Gibbon’s building, who is legally au'.honU l. Tfccfc in del)ted, are requ red to fettle their ac counts immediately, otherwise suits will L commenced. Thomas Bay’ey, jun’r. JNcub ! i >rrr,an. /.uguii 26 T homas Eayley, jun r e Cft.'INGE, No. 6, WILL CONTINUE THE Croccry, Wine and Li enor Trade. g < Families, Planters and Ship Store put up of the choicelt articles, and at low prices. ‘ Augull 26 f SUPERFINE RICHMOND FLOUR ~x>o Barrels {lift quality Jib hmoad Flour, just teciived per lehoonrr John, end for Lie, apply to MILLLR 3t MOORHE AD, or THOM.iS LAWRANCE. Sept. 26 4*4- ‘j Ilf. SUBS CHILL ‘V, INTENDING to leave the hate a few v.tthi, Uts Bufinefr, v. hi he conducted b> J.nx L/. .•.•sox, iVm. Davies cr R. li. S riTES Lf'is. JEREMIAH CUYLER. Augiill 19 it 4 a Nu l ICE. VLI. j rf.-.ns having demand? atair.fl t: • I. James ‘ n nan, El:. or a gs.nll thv fu , ’)■ r 111 his own name, o. . Executor ol the eftatt of MtrfTman, will picr.le i..ii:d ihem in a-. ! I*l a* poffih'C, du 1. atteiled, 10 Mr William Mem, that the lime may he put 111 a train ter lett errent. James Oliver. An-id is ’ 406 J O LET. TO let v o CONVENIENT STORES c> Burdens iiaif. AppJ;’ to Mage C M IlOii'S rc[. GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. List of Dkfauliters of Tax returns,in THE COUNTY OF CHATHAM FOR 1806. A. Mackee ■ Alhfon James, M’Guire Chas. Adders John, Merritt Sylvanus Arnold Joleph, Morris J. A. Anone Francis, M’Kay Henry Arkir Fleming, M’Clagan Alford Wm. M’Milieii John Alter Peter, Marshall Uc-njn. filter Benjn. Al’Leod Murdoch B. Morin Peter Butt Thomas, M Dowell A. Beach Adam, Maurice Btnjn. Brant Jonathan, M'lntoih hurtle J. M’Kinnee Jos. P. Birtle N* Moore Robert Btooks Benjn. ‘ Melvin Mis. ! Btooks & Dunning, Marchand l.etvis Bnooks Charles, Marquand u Paulding Bridge Joel, Mein Wm. Butr ugbs G H. Mdier James j Bull Harris. Miller Thomas I Browiijoim Sami. Mills Wm. j Bellinger B. il. McConky David Brant Samuel, Mihedge Philip Box R. M ;rel Bryan Box Wm. Morel Peter H. Beatty Mrs. Mathews L>. vid .Bertoiig John, Mom r Mous. Brown Futrick, Mollet Mullet Belt the ivevd. Milieu CJodlip Bates \\ m. Marlh Henry C. Mailman (as. Eftare Cadet Capt. Montalet Mons. Crofford John, N. Carmont John, Nelfou Wm. Campbell Wm. Nichols G. W. CoCrtney E. Newton Francis Carruthers Janies, Newall Cunningham Carruchtrs Joseph, Nongazer Henry Campbell Joseph, O. Cox John G. Onion S. voit James T. Oliver Janies Clarke Thomas, Ozeal Ifliam Clarke Joseph, Ogleiby Mofcs Coqui iion, la B. Cgiclby Wm. Christie Wm. P. Calay han, Feocock A. Crews James, peck James Cuthbert James, Piquet Alexr. Clay Kr vd. Joseph, Pratt C. D. Port Geo. A. Dotfor. Mathew, Parker Dr. Win. Dotson V. .0. Petit E. D. J- mis M r. : a, Page John Dough >ty l'hos, Page Thomas Dm • Wm. Polock David ijru -’.iner Jacob, l’urdie John Dufistir e*t R. Dechcneaux l'hos. Raymond & Lockwood Delyon iu-ic, Renlhaw Mrs. Delyon Aoram, Robinion Wm. Duffy Pat. Richards Abm. Dagger R, Richardson Richd. Dominic, Richards Silas Dr uiarra Mens. Rofsllugh Doughaity Walter Rupel ‘ ami. E. Rupel IJiaie Ellison James Roberts James Elders James Read Jacob. E. S. Flemming E. T. Stihbins Rebecca Ford Montford Scoflield Mrs. Fabian James Scnvuer A. Frith Jofejdi Shaw John Farmer J*; en.jaii fiorcy Andrew Fifner David Story Berjn. Favard Peter Shade Ford Brautoz Sweet G. D. G. Sawyer Wm. Germour Mont Stackhoufe S. 11, Gofman James Shellman John Gunee Peter SiifLy E. Godfrey Wm. Stark James Gilt J. Stuart Thomas Grimes Sterling Spann Michael Grimes Dr. Strain John Gildon Smith Solomon Gnhbon John Stuart Janies Gala 111 Mrs. Steele Chas Gregory Hardy Stafford Archibald Gardener John P. Scott George H. Small Robert Hills Arthur Sharp John Ii immon Capt. Sheftal Benjn. Huddy Hunlock Thompson Robert R. Howiell Turner I.ewis Hogue Wm. Troppin John Hal! Henry Torpy D. Hoffman Jacob Torpy P. Hills Janies Tippins Auguflus Hubbard Prosper Taylor David Hall Thomas Taylor Philip Haig Ell. of Taylor Thomas Harrison Oath. Thies Jacob. Harper Thomas ‘ V.—Viner Jacob Holcombe Rev PI. W. 1. & J. Woods Daniel Idler Jacob Woodruff Jacobs Ralph Ward Dr. J. Jenny Wm. Wilton E. Jenny E— Waihington James Jeckins Thomas Wylly Richard Jernegan Ezekiel Williams Thos. F. K. Williams Stephen Kirk Thomas Wilson Joseph Kerby Moab Williams Samuel Kein Reuben White Wm. Keller John A. White Steel L. White U Moore J ewis Jane White^dw. Leader Polly Vocdbridge W. L’Homaca Mons. Watt Mrs. Alexr. Lamb B. S. Wcodbridge Thos. M. Lebeau Wm. Woodlide Leroy J. B. Whitley Michael Lcnglond Wm. 11. Whipple Ouey Lamb Wm. Wright Wm. J .cl and li. & Cos. Webb Jas. Lawrence Alexr. Williamson John P. Lane Wm. Wylly Mary Lavender Be..jn. Wl.itefieM Richard Longworth jofeph Webber Ererlerick Longwoith Jabez Y. | Leneue E. Ygonet Monj. M. \ oung F. Mars John B. Yarnel Hezekiah Miller and Moreliead Z. Macky Robert Zachary John S. Thomas Whitefield, October 1.1.1306. R. T. R. C. C. THE abov' 1 defaulter} ere notified, that •heir returns willbe received by me for thirty days from this notification, and that the digelt will be immediately delivered to the Tax Colle&or. J: Bulloch, elk. October li ? 413 SA\ ANNAH: PRINTED BY EVERITT & M‘LEAN, ON THE BAY. T U E S D A Yj (£tober 21, 1806. CO PA R TNi RSHIP. AND R EIVK NOX, IN 1 ENDING to ofu the buGnefs carried on in his o n name the lad of this month ; of wli h all concerned will take due notice. Yfter which time, he designs taking inn Copartnerlhip Mr. BEN J AMI r jy. POPE, (who has redded for Upwards of four yeers in the houfc) uper the firm of KNOX & IN)PE, Who wifi consnuc the FACTORAGE 8c pOMMISSION BUiSINEdd, and flatter thernfelyes fbm’.heir inihiflry and pcrfevcrance, to meet a ihare of L’ubiic favor. 1 hey expeft a general supply of i)S, suitable sot the season, which, together with a gemral nnd w'dl chosen flortment of GROCERIES, will he t, i.i on as liberal ternuas any in the place. Fcpicftiber iy. t s. 41 2. KN JX & POPE, (Barrack Gibbons Wharf,) Have jji recei v'd and row opening, an extenf v.e a[j'ortttau of V/ r effh and Y orklhire Vfhite ar.d Blue P'ains, !-cf ■, L )i drn & BriGol Duffle Blankets, Invernef ■ and Dundee Citton Bagging, l'ir.:: and Fow Oznaburgis, ivzuabnrgh, white and cl ued Threads Cloths ami Ftrfrymeres, Pattern Cord, for V. lte, Worded and Cotton Idol cry, Caps and Mils, Calicoes, Rom HI and Pockrt Hl.dkfs. Bed Cords, Sine and Shoo Twine, Botr.bs7.rts, Durants, and Calimancoes, Irifli I, incus, white & brown Piatillas, Gentlemen and Ladie’s Hits, alTorted, a general sflortment of Saddlery, Cutlery and Hardware aforted, Patent & Carolina Idocs, Trace Chains, Powder, Shot, and Bar Lead, a few lets Table Crockery, aflorted, ALSO, ON HAND, Bar Iron, and Share Moulde, Ea t in Ecks or by the bulhel, Willi <1 Genera! affurtrr.enr. of GROCERIES, OAober 3. 416. THOMAS STEWART TIN PLATE WORKER, HAS removed lik Store to thehoufe formerly occupied by Mr. Jospeh Davis, two doors east of the Buck’s Head. T. S. returns bin moil finccre thaiks to liis friends and the public in general, for the liberal encouragement lie baa re ceived from them, and hopes that by un remitting attention he will merit a con tinuance of their favors. HE HAS ON HAND , A complete aflortment ol Articles in his Line, which he offers for sale on the mofl rca fonable terms. Orders will be thankful ly received and punctually executed. LATELY IMPORTED, a complete afibrtment of the heft and moll fafhionabi: Bell Hanging Materials, which he will fix ir, the neattft manner. \ Co* The highelt price given for old Pewter and Lead. September 30. 4*s* ~ RECEIVED, Per the Eliza , Copt. Starks, and tfn MttSutiPft, Capt. Monies, Liverpool, ax assortment or WOOL L li N S , CONSISTING OF Rose and DufHc Blankets, Bine, mixed and brown Ccatirgr, Red and white Flannels Wlcfh Plains, Yorkshire ditto, Olive, Drab and Mixt. For Sale, by JACOB IDLER if Cos. Odfober to. 4.t. 41?. lixecu:ors ‘Stales, WILL BE Sfti.D, m Striven County, on the 19th Oftober, at the bnufe of Javk Hi asox, (the place were Robert Huelion formerly lived. VLL the Cattle, Hr,rfe r ., Hog-, Sheep, Geefe,together with all the Houlehoid and Kitchen Furniture, Plantation and Car penter a Tool;; late the property of Robert Hudson, deceased. The termr will be made known on the day of sale. James Hudton Ex'or. Sept. 19. 2t. 419. ALMANACS For sale at this Ofhce. lie Subscriber, AT prefmt occupies theYVHAR & STORE formerly occupied by Ct Gordon, and Rill continues the Lumber Factorage, and Commiflion Business ; lie will store Produce on moderate terms HAS FOR RALE, Rum, Brandy, Din, Mobiles, Sugar. Coffee, Corn and Supcißnc Flour, ol this years crop. i liomns Tones, Gordon's IVharf. Oftober 10. ts. 418. Miiicr 8c Moorhead, Have Just Received, in aLli ion to their for- mer supply of Dry Goods Groceries, WELSH PLAINS Him.hum*, Men’s line Calf r Hats, in small cases 18 hhds. prime Mulcovado and Loaf Sugars 7 hhds. 3d proof Weft India Rum AllofwbirU will be fold on reaibnuble terms, for calh or approved paper. Sept. 19 412 George Pacha nan S3 Go. (Johnston’s Sqjjark.) Havereceived by the li’e arrivals from Bri tain their FALL SUPPLY, COMPRISING A GENERAL ASSORTMENT) FOR. THE TOWN AND COUNTRY TRADE, which they will dilpole oi oa moderate terms. September 30* 415. Notice is Hereby Given , That the Copariierflnp carried on here by William Dixon, Janus Uicr* foil anti George Penny, Under the finnof Jami s Dickson, &Cos expired, by its own limitation, on the ill inllant; thole who have any demands a gainlt the concern will pleafeprefei t tiicm, and tliofe Indebted, are requtlled to make payment to Janie'. Dieklon, who is authorifed to ftttlc the affairs oi ilie concern. William Dixon, James Dickson, Geoi jre Penny. In future the bufiaefs will he continu ed by William Dixon £c James Lick fun under the firm of James Dickson, 8: Cos. June 30 88 John Jackson, Has Receied per the Jlip E/ir.a, ana Missisippi, from Liverpool, A large aid general iupnly of FALL GOODS. ALSO, , An extern five and complete af- , lorcmenr of!RONMON r - 1 GERY, confiding of 1 every article :n ill it line. ALtO, Crates CROCKERY, aflbited for rt-taiiinjr. Boiled Linleed 0.1 in jtips, G. 1 H by to I Whit ‘ ” g < 9br 11 j Spanifii P.rown if £ ® )10 by 12 J h elkiw Odsrc ) 20 casks Ins* Rrown Stoat. ON HAND, Swedes irof', fiat and square bars. N t. 30 4 T $ i Lr• Copertncrfiiip of THOMAS U ‘JAMES BECGS , I and P NICHOLSON CP ONES, under the firm of Eeprgs and (iroves, v. ill be ccr’ii.ued as Fete* Tore lv !) r j farms lleggs J<. Nicholson Gtales. I A I.L perfom indebted ro the late j / fit mo of Tho’rni f JJcmrt Bt', %’ j and Brgps If lEyd, are nqtn.ftd to ( make immediate payment ct the corr.p.t ing bonfe of Beggs if Grover, No. io Coffee Iloiife Wharf t account* will be placed in the hands ofMtfirs. Davi fc IJerriem for co'drflion, if not liquidated be we the loth day of January n< xt ; and tbofe wf,o have any claims againfl either of the said firms or the t flaie of Thotrat BtZ,i(’, decerfed, arc rtqutiLd to tender them for payment. J Bines Beggs, Surviving Copartner. Savannah October 14. [Whole Number 421. (JesT kKciKyni) nr the shu OCEAN FKOM B ION. Bulbils. SAL'l’ yo Minis. N E. RUM 10 C Iks 1 IN WAKE Jo T>ms affine t IKON 1 Box low priced HATS. FOR SALE BY S. <B>* C. Howard, Oflober 17 at. 420 NOW I.AND! t., From the ship LUCY and ELIZ \- BLI HS, Captain Sroxts, dire(t ft ran London Hhds. of Mcux’s bed brown Stout For - Tt R C. fles of ditto bottled by Dallas, l parcel of fifhing Seine;, icaiiy fixed In afTortment of Paints, ground 111 Oil Belt Linltd Oil. in i i' , s r • , JO I-iiics and 1 wine A case of gentlemen’s Hats, of the firit quality, on retail ; Forfale by Taxlor cx. S< arb*ougb, Oflober 27 6t 420 A, dCKiB FK iN L>. TTAVE just received per the Sthr. IUJE -S A UAH Si. ANNA, from New- You x, a lrvlh supply of BgO i S, SHOES arid SLIP -I'F RS, (Os A SUPERIOR QUALITY) Which, together with their former Hock makes their alloruneiit second to none in this city. All of which they offer at reduced prices at thf'ir Rore, nearly oppolite tiie l.xchai y.c Lie one lately occup ed hy Ogd. n.’ ami Da Vei Auguil Ud ,FAC’IO_RAGE. JOHN P. V\ li „ 1 A i’v.SO A, e..p..c:i FtJi.i.Y 1(1 lor ills li.s Infcuds uiid vc public, in., lit* 1 ill 100(iimi s tlu* 1 AG IO R AGF. & C )■ ?o S -,!t • n BUS! \'F.SS, on Ad ox t'Ft IF barf, f.rm ilv occupifil by VViFul fon and More I, ano hones f,t m his exj.ier.ence m that line of bulinds ari l ins attention tht- r c- to, to meet with a liberal pa tronage. I ho e who may favor h in with their cultom, may rrly up on !■ is uli.ig cverv exeiuoii iti hi* }> Aver to ender the o .oupL fatisfaftion. L.ibenl a vat its will b- made, if reejuiitd, on produce ftoted. S iv. August 2?. 404 t ii. . )BE DisFO t'lD of 1 lie v ilu .bl.j Pfantalien, Brick Yard and appurtenances, known heretofore a3 the (i E>J P. (. A ‘ I) . The whole body of land ni wLLin three mil, bof this city, in il l- A m uffa roaii, and frontiug Savaini. 1, ■iv > , an 1 contains, on afbual finv,y, better than iliree hundred acres, irunc or kftr l’or separate Fauns to, i r ass tih> mc-nts of high land, for tliof., who j><.tu l:* rice grounds on Untchinfon’s ffl ii'd, and opposite to the Glebe Land, the above is certainly a dtfirable purebafe. It is v/ell known, that a valuable beil of dry, is on the land, and that hiicka hav. been burnt on the spot, and brought to ma'ket to advantage. As this land fas again revetted to the iLurch, all pufonaare cautioned from ttv'pafling thereon, or committing any depredations on the wood land, and tin Ic who arc in pofTcffton of arty part thereof, v leale or otherwise, are notified to pay no rent hut to the Warden’s of Christ Church. if no, between (hi# and the firii. Tuesday in November, the property will be divided into lots, aid offered at public suction, for the benefit of the church. W. STEPHENS, N. TURNBULL, Church Wardens J !y a ) ’ 1 1 RlhF’s SALES, i On He fast Tuesday in November ne*l, Will be Sold, | Be!warn tie hours of io ar.d 3 o'duck, at tie Com t house in the town of L unswek, G ynn Cnvnty. A N'T-ro m/.n, named L.avv renc;;, Uw/.rd and taken under {executicn as C.r projeny of I j’irrte Butler, to fatisfy his tax f or ti.e year 1 !dCj. Conditions of sale cash. Wm. PAYNE, s. G. c. G6lober3 416