Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, October 24, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. No. in.] CONDITIONS OF THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. The Rf.puhi.ic.lN is publiftied every Tuesday and Friday, on a royal flieet of a good quality. The terms oflubfcription are six uoi. lars per half to be paid at the time of fubfcnbing, and the balance at the expiration of lix months...and all pa 4 ’rs will be continued until ordered to the reveif<£ TER NTS OF ADVERTISING. Advertisements infected at 50 cents per fquart the licit infertton, and 25 for each ontintiation— A liberal allowance made to those v ho wish to advertise by the year. For sale at this Office. A variety of BLANKS among which are, Foreign and Coasting Mainfelts K*erc)<ants Entries Liq.-.v ditto Bills of Exchange Do.of Ending I?of Sale; Rowers of Attorney Checks Apprer. trees Ir.dentures Deeds ol Conveyance Bonds; Notes of Hands Writs for the Superior, Inferior k Mayor’s Courts Mayor’s Court Executions & Subpoenas Notices to creditors of Insolvent debtors MilUtarv Summonses and Executions, See. C? Cardt, Handbills, iyc &c. printed at a jhort notice on rcafonable terms. FOR SALE. , __ 'cf' The new faft failing PILOT BOaT, I” liza. Wuh her Cargo cr.n filling of 50 barrels o! Baltimore FEOUR, lyingj at H. Lord’s wharf. For particuars apply to the mailer on board. Oflober 17 420. For CHARLESTON, . THE Schooner INDUSTRY, JjyiTj. JTunes T rumbull, m after, WILL polttively lad on Sunday next, —For freight or ptillage apply to the mailer on board at Clay’s wharf, or to C/j •? tes 7W‘ K-rrna. Nrvi door to Mr. N. M,Lead's Pen due Store, Market Square. October 9ti For BOSTON. The schooner M I D A S. t Capt. Chafe, Will be dispatched as soon as —For freight or paflage, apply to laid Cap' tun, or Robt, 6c John Bottoa. October 21 21. 421 FOR CHARLE STON, The Sloop roll A, I.athrop Faster, master, \V 11 fail on Thjtrfday next, wind and weath er permitting.—For freight or passage hav ing good accommodations. Apply to the Captain on board at MOREL’S wharf, or to Samuel Williams . O&ober 21 421 Paints, Oils & Brushes. HP HE i'tbftriberhas on sale a quan'ity A cl the above articles, which will fie ft Id low tor cash, or on a snort credit, to thole who are pwiilual in their pavments JOHN HUNTER. Anguft 2i 404 LOAF SUGARS. Robert Sc John Bolton, „'*vc jult received from Philadelphia, a fur ther fuppiy of 2 JKS ARTICLE, „, PP BARRELS. Os diffcre. ; 4E 4H Oftober a. “ ~r y iTq - “and CO M M SIOS tAC ICRS a,. MkRCh.' ,NTS r-t ’ HEfubfalbm ofer I.l''’/"’“"*’ F .CTO RS Sc COMM. MERCHANTS. They have g °°, d > fafe and commodious Stores for t,A reception of produce, and will pay every pofiible attention to the management ol any bufmefs p’aced in their hands. They always keep on hand a general affort mer.t of GROCERIES, warranted of the fird quality, to fuppiy their cuftom ere. at the lowed Cash prices. JOHN T. WHITE 12 Cos. Augutt 16. t\j 4 02 NOTICE. \LL T.erfons having demands against the late James Molfman, Esq. or a rvnll the fubi’enber ir. his own name, or a; txocu or or the estate of Molfman, will p caf’ har.d them in as soon as pclfn e, dti {r arefltd, to Mr. William Mein, that the fame may be put in a train for ietr ement. James Oliver. August 29 * ALMANAC’S For laic at t.v.t OSce. GEORGIA REP U liLICAN. FOR SALE, THE following ARTICLES on board the Schooner MIDAS from BOSTON, lying at Mejf'ts. S. & C. Howard’s wharf. — VIZ : 65 hhds. N. E. Rum too bbls. Mackarel 170 boxes Cod Fish 12 hhds. do. do. 500 keg* Tougus & Sound* 7 2 galls. 337 do. Salmon \ each, tooo lb. Glauber Salts 1300 lb. Butter of a good quality 100 boxes and keg* fmoaked Herrings 5 bbls. Alwtvcs 50 Reams Wrapping Paper 220 lbs. Chcefe of bell quality ioco do. of common do. IO barrels No. t Beef \ ppies, Ooions &c. October 21. 41 1 On Consignment , An Assortment ot J ‘ NGLISH garden 8c flower Seeds JL~j Double and single Gloutcftei Chief, in hampers London Mallard in cases. Imported per Ship Mary Jane, via Charleston. — ALSO, per Sc hr. Indujly , Cogniac Brandy 111 Pipes •iluicovado Sugar in Hogsheads Refined Loaf do, in barrels For sale on moderate terms for Cash approved notes or produce by Charles M Ken an, Next door to Mr. N. M'Lead’s Veidu: Store, Market Square. Oclaber 21 42! JSEtV SHOE I STORE, South tide of the Market-Square, oppoliu Thos. Gibbons’ buildings. Jonathan Howe , From BOSTON, has tor Sale, r r- Pair °f Negro Shoes of a gooc 1 3 UU quality, And a quantity of Mens fine fliocs, Womens leather flippers Youths &. Childrens Shoes, A few pair Suarrow Boot3 Five bund es upper leather, ettrried fuitabli for Negro Shoes and Twelve boxes Soap. As he intends to tarry hut a fliort time in the city, will fell at reduced prices for Caili or Exchange fer Rice or Cotton. October it 3t.* KNOX & PUPE,~ (Barrack Gibbon’s Wharf,) Have jufi receiv’d end now opening, a. exte’Jive affot hrient of Wtllh and Yorkshire White and Blu-- Plaint, Rose, Londm & Eriftol Duffle Blankets, Invcraefs and Dundee Cotton Bagging, Fiax and Toiv Oznabiirghs, Oznaburgh, white and col red Threads Cloths and Kcrfeymeres, Pattern Cord, for Veits, Worded and Cotton Hosiery, Caps and Mits, Calicoes, Romal and Pocket Hhdkfa, Bed Cords, Seine and Shop Twine, Bombazets, Durants, and Calimancoes, lrifh l.inens, white & brown Platillas, Gentlemen and I.adic’s flats, assorted, A general assortment of Saddlery, Cutlery and Hardware assorted, Patent St Carolina Hots, Trace Chains, Powder, Shot, and Bar Lead, a few sets Table Crockery, assorted, ALSO, ON HAND, Bar Iron, and Share Mould?, •Salt in sacks or by the bulhei, With 4 Gentral allurement of GROCERIES, * Oftober 3. 416. 7. M. IVoodbridge , 4"J ESPECTFULLY informs his 1\ friends, and the public, that he Hill continues T c if aB or age & Commission Business , at No- 4, in the Exchange, where he has sale aad convenient Aorta for the re ception of any kind of Gooda or Pro duce, that may be intruded to his charge. Liberal advaucea in Cash, v-ill be made on goods being dtpofitcd for public or private file. HE HAS ON HAND. 20 Puncheons old Jamaica RUM 10 ditto ditto lit. Croix ditto 30 Bags and 10 tierces Green Coffee Pipes and qr. cades old French Brandy Sugar in hoglheads and barrels Window Glass, and Soap in boxes Cotton Bagging, lrifh Linens Nankeens, Hurnhum!, See. See. rxil which articles will be fold low. CjT Two convenient HOUSES to Ler. Sept 2 Jaw ts 407 SAVANNAH : PRINTED BY EVERITT fc? M‘LEAN, ON THE BAY. FRIDAY, October 24, 1806. NOW LANDING, From the ship LUCY and ELIZA BETHS, Captain Stokes, direß from London. Hhds. of Meux’s bed brown Stout Por ter Cades of ditto bottled by Dallas. A parcel of filhing Seines, teady fixed An ,'dortment of Paint3,ground in Oil Bell Linfed Oil, in jugs Lines and Twine A case of gentlemen’s Hats, of the fir 11 quality, on retail ; For lale, by Paylor 6c Scarbrough, OSober 27 6t 420 COPA K TNLKMIiP. ANDREW KNOX, INTENDING to close the buiinefs carried on in his own name the lad of this month ; of which all concerned will take due notice. After which time, he designs taking into Copartfierlhip Mr. BENJAMIN S. ROPE, (who has redded for upwards of four years in the lioufe) under the firm of KNOX 6c POPE, Who will continue the FACTORAGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS, and Hatter themselves from their indnflry and pet severance, to meet a lhare ol Public favor. They expeft a general fuppiy ol GOODS, suitable for the season, which, I together with a general and well clmlcn ..ffjitment of GROCERIES, will be lold on as liberal terms as any in the place. September 19. ts. 412. 7 he Sub/criber , AT present occupies the WHARF Sc STORE formerly occupied by Col. Gordon, and Hill continues the Lumber Fail or age, and Commission Business ; He will (lore Produce on moderate terms. HAS FOR SALE, Rum, Brandy, Gin, Mollifies, Sugar, Coffee, Corn and Superfine Flour, of this years crop. Thomas Jones, Gordon’s Wharf, O&ober 10. ts. 418. Notice is Hereby Given, That the Coparnerflnp carried on here by William Dixon, James Dick son and George Penny, Under the firmof James Dickson, &Cos expired, by its own limitation, on the ill iuilant; those who have any demands a gainll the concern will pleafeprefent them, and those indebted, are rtqueiled to ;nake payment to James Dickson, who is aulhorifed to fettle the affairs of the concern. William Dixon, James Dickson, George Penny. In future the bufinefe will be continu ed by William Dixon & James Dickson under the firm of James Dickson, 6c Cos. 3° 83 I HOMAS STHWART 7 IN PLATE WORKER, HAS removed his Store to the house formerly occupied by Mr. Jospeh Davis, two doors tall of the Bud’s Head. 1 . S. returns his moll sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general, for the liberal encouragement he has re ceived from them, and hopes that by un remitting attention he will merit a con tinuance of their favors. HE HAS ON HAND , A complete alfortment of Articles in his Line, which he offers for sale on the moil rea sonable terms. Orders will be thankful ly received and pundtually executed. LATELY IMPORTED, a complete aflortment of the Left and ir.olt faihionable Bell Flanging Materials, which he will fix in the neatdl manner. C TT The highclt price given for old Pewier and Lead. September 30. 415. WII L BL SOLD, ON the fnft Tuesday in November next, atthe Court-house in this city, between the hours of ten and three o’clock, A NEGKO MAN, Named Law yer, a bhck-fmith by trade— diltraiued for house rent due to K. N. Groves survivor of Beggr, h. Groves, I Conditions Cash. H. W. Williams, d.s.c.c. Sav. OftobfP'l4 420 John Jackson, Has Rceded per the Jhip Eliza, at Missisippi, from Liverpool, A large* ad general fuppiy o FALL GOODS. ALSO, An extrnfive and complete af lortment of 1 RON MON GER Y, coniilhng ol every article in tint, line, AL;O, Crates CROCKERY, allurted for retail ins. Boiled Linked Oil in jugs. * . 1 8 hy 10 Whit £ jji f 9hf 1 1 Spanith Brown 2 £ 0 )io by 12 Yellow O lire 20 casks best Brown Stout. ON HAND, Swedes inn, flat and square bars. ‘ ?e l’ r * 30 -1 1 S 1 lie Copertnerfliip of THOMAS y JAMES BEGGS, and R. NICHOLSOfit GROPES, under the firm ot Reggs and Groves, will be continued at heretofore by Janas Beggs & R. Nicholson Gloves. \ LL persons indebted to the late jC\ firms of Tho mas & James Beggs and Beggs Gs Boyd, are rtqiufted tu make immediate payment at the compt ing houfeeof Beggs isf Groves, No. 10 Coffee House Wharf; accounts will be placed in the hands of Midis. Davis & Berrien for collcitlion, if not liquidated hefoie the loth day ot January next ; and thole who have any claims againll either of the said firms or the ellate ti Thomas Beggs, deccafed, are rtqutfted to tender them for payment. James Beggs, Surviving Copartner. Savannah October 14. A X t.K U Ci. EAVE just received per the Selir. HTTI,- UAH & ANN A, from N s w- Y 0 K k , a freflt fuppiy of BOOTS, SHOES and SLIP PI; RS, (or a superior oualitv) Which, together with their former flork makes their alfortment sucoivo to none in this city. All of which they offer at reduced prices at their (tore, nearly oppoftte the Exchange the one lately occup ed by Ogdens’ and iia ker Augult 2‘S \ ax Colletflor’s Salts. ON the firft Tuejdai in No-vr. next, WILL BE SOLD, at the Court-Hou/e in this Ci y between the hours of ten and three o’clock. A trad ol PINE LAND in the county of Bulloch, adjoining 1 homas Dowell, ami vacant ai the time of lurvey, containing one hundred acres more or less, or lo much thereof as will fatisfv an execution for the sum of eigh teen and three quarters cents, tax due theieon by the efiate o Peter Dowell, for the year 1805 pointed out by Thomas Dowell- ALSO, Trust lot No. one in Ewins burgh on the weft fide of wed broad ftreer, and lately known as the property of Wrn. Be!! deed, or io n.uch thereof as will fnisfy an execution for the sum of eight dollars .51; cents 3 1-2 mills., being the amount of the tax due by the estate of William Bril for the year 1805, pointed out by John Harrilon Adm’r. PETER DEVEAUX. 7an C C C Sept. 2 40S 100 Dollars Reward . RANAWAY from the plantation of Mr Ilaac Newfom, near Powrlton, a negro fellow named NEIJ, about twenty four cr twenty five years of age, five feet ten inches high, of a yellow complexion, thin Vila;;, and ipare made. His behavior 18 very plau frble at.d artful, he can read, and write, and very likely may endeavor to pal's about this city as a free man. A reward of fifty dollars will be paid for securing him in any jail of the Hate, or one hundred if carried home to his mailer. Beggs 6c Groves. OftoLer al oawjw. [Whole Number 42 1 factorage. IOHN P. WILLIAMSON, j) EsPectfully informs his friends and the public, ni 1 he ‘• ill continues the 1* AC i OR AGE & C O -M SSJON BUdlis j .SS, on Morel’s Wharf, fjrm.'rly occupied by Wilium ’o(i and M >r’ I, an'l nopcs fiom his experience in that line of funnels an i his ntu ihi .i. tiice m, to meet with a pa. nonage. Iho e who mav favor hiin with their custom, mav relv up on his uSing every ex-rricn 111 Ins p >wcr tu coder them ample fatisfaftion. Liberal At vai tes will be made, if required, un produce stored. Sav. August 22. 404 ri;. TO BE DISPOSED iT I be* valuable Piaiuation, Rrick Yard and appurtcnaucca, kr.uwii licictolore as the Gl.h.Aii, LAND. File whole body of land is within three milts of this city, on hc Augusta load, and fronting Savamt; ii riv. r, and contains, on adual iurvey, better than tluee hundred acres, more or lefs -I'or separate Farms to, <,r as fettle nums of high land, f.,t those, who j-olills rice grounds on Hiitchinfon’s 111 and, and i>l|>.>fi;e to tn G!eoe Land, the above ia certainly a (lelir.ioie purthafe. It is well known, that a valuable bed ot cl.y, is on the land, anr) that I inks have been burnt on the spot, and bruiiyllC Ig ma!;ct to uilvimtapt. /Is this land has again reverted to the church, ail petfons are cautioned from trespsffmg thereon, or committing any depredations on the wood land, and tin ) who are in podeflton of any part He by leafc or otherwise, are run li pay no rent hut to the Wa Chrifl Church. 1( no purchaser off rs, be” we and the find Tuesday in Now properly will he divided in e oflered at public auCllon, ion .h. ot the church. W. STKFIiENfi N. ’l l KNbl Li. (lurch Wattle July 29 96. SHF !< 1 1 i’s SaLF S. On the Jit st iuescuiy in l\ ne l Vv ill he Sold, Between the hoars t/ c and o'clock, at n r oil t k nits/ tee t .wn ol Li 1 urtswick, Gy, County. A Negro iP4n, named Iw kf.nce, leizcd and taken tm execution as the ptupeny t . Pierce Butler, to fatisly his tux for the year 1803. Conditions oj sale cash . Wm . PAY Nh , s g . c. 0£lol)er3 426 IOR .SALE. HOSE two very phafantly fuuat- X ed LU'l'3, 111 the city ot t,,.var,- nah, ir. Broughton flrect, No. 2 and 3, Aiifoti Ward, neatly oppofile to the rcfidence ot Mr. S. H. Stackhoufc. ALSO, Two Lots containing 45 Acres each, in Anion Ward, No. 2 and 3, situate in the neighborhood of the Plantation of George Millen, Esq. and being v iy val uable on account of their being near to the city of Savannah. The mod dear and indisputable titles for laid Lots, deduced from the original grantee, will be executed to the pur. chafer, and a very extensive and liberal credit will be granted for the payment of the conlideration money. For the particular terms and conditions of sale, apply in Savannah, to either of the fulr kribers. GEORGE WOODRUFF JOHN LAWSON. September 6. 3m. j o^. TAKE NOTICE, “T'HAT in nine months from the date hereof, application will be made to thchori. thejudices of the Inferior Court, for the county of Bulloch, f or leave to fell all that tradt of land, con. tPtning 475 acres more or less, |yi ri g j n the counties of Bryan and Bulloch, ;), e fame being part of the edate of Wm Slater dec’d. Wm. Shtcr, aclm’r v May 6. 9m* 72